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SW5240104_Supplement-EZ Form_20240522
SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE FORMS LOADED PROJECT INFORMATION 4 r 1 Project Name Green Hill Subdivision 2 ProjectArea(ac) _ 121-37 3 Coastal Wetland Area(ac) _ 4 Surface Water Area(ac) 2.57 5 Is this project High or Low Density? High - 6 Does this project use an off-site SCM? No 1COMPLIANCE WITH 02H.1003(4) 7 Width of vegetated setbacks provided(feet) _ Min.30'from any applicable surface waters _ 8 Will the vegetated setback remain vegetated? Yes 9 �If BUA is proposed in the setback,does it meet NCAC 02H,1p09(4)(c-d)? N/A - - 10 IffIs streambank stabilization proposed on this project? No NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: 11 Infiltration System 12 Bioretention Cell 13 Wet Pond I 14 Stormwater Wetland 6 15 Permeable Pavement 16 Sand Filter 17 Rainwater Harvesting(RWH) 18 Green Roof 19 Level Spreader-Filter Strip(LS-FS) 20 Disconnected Impervious Surface(DIS) 21 Treatment Swale 22 Dry Pond 23 StormFilter _ 24 Silva Cell 25 Bayfilter 26 iFilterra FORMS LOADED DESIGNER CERTIFICATION 27 Name and Title: Jon Frazier,PE/Principal 28 ,Organization: FLM Engineering;Inc. 29 Street address: _ PO Box 91727 30 City,State,Zip: Raleigh,NC 27675 31 Phone numbers)' 919.610.1051 32 Email: 1 jfrazier©flmengineering.com Certification Statement I certify,under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and at supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision:that the information provided in the form is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete;and that the engineering plans, specifications,operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. Designer ttttttt Ill rrrr' PROL � — a Ir+LZ •O Sgeteof e C, 335w115 ' = 'O • N vo'••.EN,,,••• Q NATH ANC,``` S/2Z124 ' Sea/ Date I E Limm 9. s o 2m $ 1 5 el amm m 'm' 2 3 1I S e % U:U It 5 5M33 mps R Is lip... 1 gl CV L- 43 11 11 l . 1 . t , i5 ' .1 2m I *��� 101 m N� f01 Nil Di L _ ill i i i .... b5 ' r of ' . r m t a. i In 'a m I I I . I E rn o v ' av m �' m E no v° o v c o =' n . o c::. m v U m m u n g o c a m al m CO T.. c m n E c aci H j. m 2.'- o o a �- 8 �' E a 'E o Q V m m c q G m a o 2 n o o S n n c >•,t w o W m Z.� tK.=.,,p a p C m m 51 m _v, o_ O N Nz. a C V U N g El G'',N > S m N U _ _ N > 3 0� m o =c13}}I��P i� U m _ N D �p 1nc a < C O O Q. 2 O Lv NIA N C N 3 3 NV1 Oi 4 d W m U a C: n a Y i p O L i y 0 a _ 0, r:44 _ C E tlu cooar E �'m2c,c o �$ t 6m c�S 'a'SSS Et 45 n? Q c S w S ° i 2 i S¢ a a7;'T•r' s t .4; , s 2 m m o.m m m€o o 3 v `° $ Z m m a m, c m o z , � `w ,Z ,Z v m e a.o f c_. ,, a o. 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Hu!fletswrad( Pump(prw.med( 10 f applca e.will the SCM be cleaned out 4ll0 ants.ten• ra Yee Yes Yes Yes Y. II:OM tee menter.ance woeu:amyq won levee'ADO Nit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 17:Doe5 lee drene9e sesenwe,1 omyy ayh Sanwa'MDC 19)' Yen Yes Yen Yea Yes Yes 13:11 Mg 53N is ul a single fends-sir uses I wu,:m.plat-u r,P',v r.in Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vas Grp wAl MOC t try, — 14 1e Mere let 01M)Strsemwit Mat campbea.seer Gene ro MD_ 111' Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yee tJ_ntper:fin OAM Part pet;amp4sa rntn Gwleal Nfh: ':1' Yee Yes Yell Yes Yes Yes 18?see toe 513S1 fens.,Me drove lased-Ma-2e Vet Yee Yes Yes Yes Yes 17 Wee me o.M des ,ed as an'o;:,,,sad pratessy,al' Yes eps It. Yes Yes Yea r1 ,'.,, if-_N•',nl _ 16384 29691 11008 _ 14390 25125 10227 _ IS Are Me mlet(sl and outlet located in a manner that avoids short- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - •.i'na miles i i : .,iris fiawoenY Pp,_ Iw _ Ib 40 No No _ 21 Does the -drawdown ha.rr below the lop s,i4oue of the Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -wetland minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the Vas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 23 Is a(rash roc'[or other des p•dr Y inn auhel wee.,e Yes Yea _ Vas _ _Yes Yes - Yes 54nrveu 24 Elevation peak attenuation above temporary pas.1 aWr-».I r_r 19463 19875 22466 22348 21296 19188 :S,Eier anon tempnrnry pool(top of the temporary lnundabon zone) 194 25 198 25 224 25 22225 212 25 191 25 unlit =t'.El.-idhn ae-maelent any tap 31113e vtrsw wearrs,et lfmd: 19100 14700 22300 211.00 WO _ 19000 3'i EearatSn ocimnr atsnallarr water.ane l hnslll 102-5 196 f5 222.25 23035 210*25 111025 2e:Elevation bottom of forebay deep pool at deepest point(al forebay 18987 19367 21967 21767 20767 I8887 entrance)IIms11 - 29 Elevabon,bottom of torebay deep pool at shallowest point(al torebay 191 00 195 00 221 00 219 00 209 00 188 00 n Ifmyl .10 E'erabw).bdttawt et n,n e#4 deepeq s1 deepb4tt 46 I tell i 190 00 194 00 220 00 218 00 208 00 187 00 'Mar g Zones 31.Area,total surface area of the SW wetland at temporary pool elm, 17,518 00 22,429 00 9,513 00 12,4350D 21,44000 8,884 00 'Ng tit I )2 Atea 18mpor.ey inumdadon zees at eemoaea y pow ter(sell 6 131 00 7,850 15 34 !b - 4 ,25- 7,504 00 3.1041 40 •JJ Aru,Nremr wehr tune et reanPa.y pee M Iw a3 613/00. 7.1350 15 �3 ,ay]5 7,504 00 vas so ]/�Arsa fa M.yMgnmw d.lev ary soot I.qM �t500 178435 1,12%96 1, 331690 1.33260 35 Arw.nendorrbey deep pool at temporary prow row 1141 id, 2332600 3164 35 t,42605 1 .25 3216 0.0 1 33260__. 36 Percent area provided,temporary inundabon zone(should be 30-45%) 35% 36% 35% 36% 35% 35% 37:Peewit area Provided.511a4l8W staler zone lsnaufd be 35-45%) _ 95% }M5 AS—. *11_ — _ SS _ 36% 38iPercenl area provided deep poet t1cr4.ya tslmwdoe 10-15%l W% 1919 ll% WAi lOs 16111 7B)Pe2e8lYea weeded deep peel1n0rrfereha8)fOauld.be S-15%1 111% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% Peons rats wdwe 40,Peak attenuation depth above temporary inundation zone linchesl 24 in 24 in ' 24 in a 2416 — 24 in 24 in 411 ienrpereryreaegllen.prNaeple(temporary pool to permanent pool) 15le 15le 15 in T. 15le IS in 15 In lir>_l,esl_ 42-halow water Wye neon(permanent pool to bottom of wetland) 9m 9in gin gin gin Ste Depth,rorebay at entrance(permanent pool to bottom of forebay 43. e1 lanMes) 44 Depth 40 in 40 in 40 in 40 in 40 in 40 in rforebay at exit(permanent pool to bottom of forebay eel) 24 in 24 in 24 in 24 in 24 in 24 in :finches) _ 45 Depth,non-forebay deep pools(permanent pool to deep pool bottom) 36 ie 381n 38 in 36 in 36 in 36 in 9.11rnere is ana•4.re dl.mpe(lnenw) tin Sin Sell See Ns lie 4%11 marf n a per nnr ne.g81;nesttecl 48NUM*hews.:weir ienedsI eKhal 49:Drawdown time for the temporary pool(days) 3.1 2 33 24 27 3.1 Sao and'Man -.invent,-.. .cnN 12 V1 ti 12= 12in _ +i3 L^ 12 0.% 12in 1 - ralicandn beenwYes pri4e45 Yes Yea _ Yes Ye Yes 52 •,. lands _caping plan that meets .J J2enend NW: 121 nee, Yes Yes Yea Yes Yes Yes 54 the temporary ,,,it,:.:,re0,e,hndsamalyydt„5w Yes Yes Yee Yes Yes Yes •— 'dam structure and•ern(enemy hn u,0es prated,,o, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes is r.iri-ass' • lh'ii.Xry-,oa urged,the watt alai No No No No No No •.ry1 :VLWO' A-,, 57:Please use bus Space to provide any additional information about Me :stormwater welland(s) Storm water Wetland 15 drawdown orifice is 2 5 in(rounded tip tel 3 in in line 48),and SlamsMw Wetland 16 drawdwm orifice is 1 5 in(rounded up to 2 In in line 463