HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071367 Ver 1_More Info Received_20071001 (2).~~ dam` 13~~ ~~~,Er~~,, fa ;~~., ,, ~. i I ~~_.~ 1, .. ~ Iii ~ ~~ li~~~l li; l ~_.. ~ ~i '~~t,f ~ _~ .,. I'~ ~ li. ~.~ ~ ~ . fV11C~l~f,~ f-. ~a;~2'y~, UOVF?IflUr vii CSYFf," 1'r. ~af%i,~aUrl~ l.jl~ef.c}i, ~,~'d'I~ilufll ~ . ~ ~CJ5 ~I". :,CCIGIaIy 1vY~IV>LO>ttAI°~DYJM TO: Joanne Steenhuis -DWQ -Wilmington R.F(~°~° ~~V Ian McMillan -DWQ --Raleigh Dave Timpy - USACE -Wilmington OCI' ~1 ,~ ~'~j(~C~ `I'rish Murphey - NCDMP -- Morehead Cit}~ ~,~. ~~~ --- , FROM: Richard S. Weaver - DCM, Morehead City SUBJECT: modifications to Mariners Point/ Nature's Own Land Company in Carteret County Date: September 26, 2007 Please find attached the modifications to Mariners Point that were made to address the concerns of the reviewing agencies. Could you please provide your comments for this project to me via email (rich.weaverC~ncmail.net), fax (252-247-3330) or mail (400 Commerce Ave, Morehead City, NC 28557). If you have any questions please give me a call at 252-808-2808. If you could please provide your comm(~nts to me as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone. Q~c~r~oa~~ OCT 2 3 200) DENR -WATER Q11AL17'Y VVETtANaS AND STORl~k!iAT6R 9RANCH 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper (f~`/i:~ ~f'..F. 1-~f :, ~41 ( ~.~_'~C'l f.r `. `C ~`r.~! /f s.; iE+Pf" f~rlr September 1 ~, 2007 Rich Weaver Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Aue. Morehead City, l~d. C. 2F3557 f)e~r Rich: .. 3 _ ., ... Attached are the revisions to the Mariner's Point application based on agency comments and our recent meeting. These include revised Narrative showing revisions in italics, revised plats, and revised DCM MP-5, Bridges and Culverts. The following revisions have been included: 1. No fill of wetlands below Normal High Water at Ditches A and H. 2. Replacement of the culvert and fill for road crossinc; at Ditch H with bridge. 3, Revised C)CM A/!P-5 4. Deletion of proposed 10-slip Community Dock and DCM MP-4 from application. 5. Notarize Restrictive Covenants to notify property owners of restrictions on wetlands and docks and piers (included with Narrative}. DCM forms MP-1, MP-2, MP-3 previously submitted as revised and dated August 2, 2007 are not resubmitted. Form MP-4 should be deleted from the current package. Form MP-5 is revised and submitted with this package. A full set of revised plats (Sheets) is included with this package (10 copies as requested). I trust this responds to agency comments and that the revised package can be resubmitted to the respective agencies for final review as soon as possible. i . ~. ~ .i ,f: }'._'f ~n'4 i ~..'i. l'~ ~f ?„~. e...E l,1 e~;."~ ~~{,.. i•. r,.r 'f~,~' _)~ (ii r ~'r ;~" ~: Li ~.~. .. '~~~,.. !-,; ~` `r.~t. `Since !y, v Roge N. checter cc: Ran Cullipl~er, Stroud Engineering Vic Rizzuto. ARRlS 206 Margo Court, New Bern, N. C. 28562 252-638-4277 schecter_cros~a Ipmonline.net t:, , ~ ~ r• ..rr Project Narrafive - .luly 30, 2007 (Revised September 98, 2007, Revisions in Italics) SITS Mariner's Point Subdivision is located in the Town of Morehead City, N. C. at the 1500 block of Oglesby Road (S. R. 1180) and adjacent to the wafers of Newport River and Crab Point Bay. The waters are classified as SA (closed) and High Quality Waters by the Division of Water Quality and as a Primary Nursery Area by the Division of Marine Fisheries- The 64 acre tract has been under agricultural operations, most recently for soybeans, for more than 30 years. A fringe of pine forest and scrub exists along the eastern shoreline. The developed site will consist of 149 single family residential lots, a clubhouse with pool and tennis courts, roads and infrastructure, and 4.33 acres of dedicated open space. As annexed by Morehead City, the area is Zoned R-10 CU and the Town is providing public water and sewer. Zoning provides for minimum lots size of 10,000 square feet. ~~1Rt~DICTIUNS A series upland agricultural ditches drain the field. A total of 7,159 linear feet of ditches averaging 18" in width exists on site draining predominately to the east and north. Wetland delineations and jurisdictions have been defined by the Division of Coastal Management and Corps of Engineers. Of the total, approximately 3,986 linear feet are delineated as coastal wetlands with Spartina and predominantly Typha. Included in this area is approximately 9,400 linear feet is designated as 404 wetlands. Additionally, areas of jurisdiction regarding Normal Hig_ h Water (NHW) have been delineated. While most these areas are at the mouth of the drainaq_ a ditches, a main ditch traversing the site from west to east has been delineated in full as NHW with the associated 75-foot Shoreline AEC and 30-foot Coastal Buffer. DEVELf~PMENT Initial plans for development called for filling all upland agricultural ditches, with the exception of those at the sites northern area (high quality Spartina) to provide for r-n ~ -,fh { . +~r ~r !. r- ~ c: t' ~' " ~f'eY `i. ~ 4 ~" ~ 1,';?~ At ~~ ~. , ~ I ~_7.- ..t ~r~ .`r-'~r{; l~ st~~ viil~ _.,. ~ . ~..~ _ .. ..C~,_. I _.. I(`=., .... ,~ ~_, ~~~E v'V'~' ;liil IC., r ~ liiE~efla(' f'.i'?f I°<1-1PV~ (dE~kC!} ~r~~~,`'~' ~ ~1ij~;~ 1i7"_; ~?. ~,.';#~iy . ~~Pf. L.,;°,;i1 ,"..~ P'_) l~.r'~;".',(F{ 1`..?~~f, s; '~~~s`:~E ~.~~' ~,~_ .. ,.f;l~4d t~ f., },~,}11{€~R i~~.)~i ..~, c~d1,v C~`4 ~} 1. ~t{i ~-. ~~~~~'t ~ :~~~. ~iE' ,...~ ~5.~- ..~ f_~,, .n;.~~ .~ .. ir. ar~:a, ~~~~veloprneni was c~i:letr:c;l or~ r~~lc~cat~d f~or~7 %r~c: ;:sU-o~ai u~r:~~tai E3~.~~~,r. _!:<<~ee lofs have been deleted fr~r a fiotal r-c~rc~r~~led 149 lr~ts All areas of the 75-foot Shoreline AEC have been located and are protected by silt fences. Land disturbance for stormwater basins, roads, infrastructure has been underway outside the AEC jurisdictional boundaries. No land disturbing activities leave taken or will be taken in jurisdictional areas. The stormwater Permit was received dated July 12, 2006 (# SW80GOG25) and Sedimentation and Erosion Control was received dated June 9, 2006 (#CARTE 2006-440). The revised development plan includes the filling in of most of the upland agricultural ditches. Of the total 7,159 linear feet of ditches, 3,986 linear feet are delineated as coastal wetlands. Included in this extent is approximately 1,400 linear feet of 404 wetlands. The ditches proposed or filling include 3,040 linear feet of non- jurisdictional ditch, 2,376 linear feet of coastal wetlands which includes the 896 linear feet of 404 wetlands. The 1,610 linear feet of coastal wetlands not to be filled include the main ditch traversing the property and the high quality Spartina areas to the north. Total volumes of fill, based on average width of 1.5 feet and depth of 2 feet, are shown on Table 2. (See revised Tables 1 and 2, and revised plats). The only coastal fill along Ditch D is for two culverts for road crossings. It should be noted that the total volume of 404 fill is 0 032. acres. Response to Agency Comments The proposed development has been further revised to delefe the fill at the road crossing of Ditch H and fill at the MHW location at Ditch A, based on comments from the Division of Marine Fi.~heries and Wilr1life Resot!rr_e Commission. The redi~cerl wetland fill is reflected in revised Tables 1 and 2, and the revised plats. The proposed culvert at Ditch H has also been deleted and the wetland area will be bridged. DCM Form MP-5, Bridges and Culverts has been modified accordingly as have the respective plats. Additionally, riparian property owners will be notified via Restrictive Covenants that a General Permit is not available for piers and docks and that a CAMA Major Application is required-(see attached Restrictive Covenants). Based on comments from the Divisions of Coastal Management and Marine Fisheries the proposed 10-slip Community Dock has been deleted from the proposed development. Accordingly, DCM Form MP-4, Structures is deleted from the application package. In response to the comments of the Division of Water Quality, Restrictive Covenants have approved notifying all lot owners adjacent to 404 wetlands of several 1 t v..~.f, i_, ~~} 1~ ~r i_2~ {~: ~~ , ~. P~~' ,~ .~(: e. ti :r n ~e~ ,., ~ ri,[i ,/~> f.. ,. ~. .. .~ , The ditches have drained the site and agricultural operations fc~r mare than 30 years.. R~ in overt direct discharge of fertilizers and pesticide runoff enters the receiving waters fo Calica Creek and Crab Point F3ay. Sediment also reaches these waters and sediment "plugs' are visible waterward of most of the ditches with culverfis. The permitted Stormwater Management Plan (as modified based on agency comments) will effectively eliminate discharges from the site far the first inch and a half of rain. 1-his volume of 117,790 cubic feet of water which will be infiltrafed 4vith no discharge to receiving waters. Under current conditions, this volume would be disch~rrged directly to the receiving waters. Storms greater that the design storm will result in overflow through 50-foot vegetated filter in accordance with permit conditions which recognize that removal of the first one and a half inch flush effectively removes pollutants of concern. FILLING C~ITCHES As described above, the revised development seeks to fill in 2,376 linear feet of agricultural ditches on site delineated as coastal wetlands. Coastal Resource Rules provide an opportunity to do so under five conditions (07H .0208(b}(11) "(A) The area to be filled eras not created by excavating lands which were below the normal high water or normal water level; and"... The agricultural ditches were not created by excavating lands below NHW. "B) If the area was created from wetlands, the elevation of the proposed filling does not exceed the elevation of said wetlands...; and..." The agricultural ditches were not created from ~~~etlands. "(C) The filling will not adversely impact ant designated primary nursery area, shellfish bed, bed of submerged aquatic vegetation, coastal wetlands other than a narrow fringe around the shoreline, recognized public trust right or established trust usage; and..." The waters adjacent to the proposed development are designated as Primary Nursery Area as well as High Quality Waters. Waters are SA, but closed to shell fishing. A design storm of one and one half inches of storm water flushes 117,790 cubic feet of water directly into these areas under present ditch ~~~"i, ~1C°il ~ti~t 'i,t .I! ~ 't` .. ._ f~V I ~f~'fi~ 1~~'`~~ ~i .i,4~ ~i~~c~~f( ~~ ~_~,:_ e I~k~,' ~~~ ~1t:~'.i',P. .. ,.. .. I,l;~.t~`.E' ~7(~,!.F..~L~. ~. ~~r_d' €~.._catt`-E !;, IUfb)°'•~1. c~.`s° Ct: li'=`. 1r G~tf.itll~F~4~t ~Je_= (.~~~'~.:i 4}1...c'E~ ,. ~ ~'~ ~ C p ~ i ~ F; r,, ~ rr '' ,'` ~t. r:,n, t~ L>. ,: ~L..a~ re, ( .. 4,~,, ~ ~ ki_ ~ ~. ._ ,=~ S .:.fir E ~t`-I~ _ OvE'r" ~~)!~ i ;~ fiu~l"r vulurr'E~ c~i"t-, utll€3vJ~3 `t,l"tuy rrt~t i'JE',- IfJ[.flf'i~ S.iTii?t,Pe~ii u .~~-~f~(1' vegetated filfer. "(D} The filling will not adversely affect the value and enjoyment of property of any riparian owner; and The reduction in thy: volume of stormwater and pollutants sr~ould result in an improvement aver current conditions. "(E) The filling will furthE .r some policy of the Commission such as retreating from erasion or avoiding water quality degradation." As described above, with the application of approved stormwater management measures it is expected to result in a significant reduction in the volume and level of pollutants reaching the SA/HQW receiving waters. CQMI111l1NITY UQ~KI~C F~4C1l.~ITY The proposed 1 U-slip Community Dock has been deleted from the proposed development. 1^~. /~r ~_~Y PG ~ '~. ~C•~:I c ~~~~. .. ~~ ~ ~.~!_''4;;~!. .~~ ~Yi 4ftr,.~~..,f 5. ,-i F~~ C, -.Er f"' t~ i:c`:.A) < 'i!... •..~ ~~ f r,~ ~,,~.., ~ _ . Total Drainage Non-.lurisdic. Ditch LF Ditch Fill LF Ditch A 5$7 299 C}itc:h ~ 57ft 57ft Dirrl~ t 24:~ 243 Ditch D 756 0 !]itch F 177 6 f~rtrh F-1 $6 {? f}itrh F 1?5 fl f7itr_.h (? 940 Q40 Hitch I-t $$2 n f}itr_h ! r fib 16$ !)itch _t 759 ~ f~itTh K fi74 5f~(} Total Category 7,159 3, 040 Total Coastal Total Coastal Total 404 Ditch LF Ditch Fill LF(1) Fill LF(3) 2$€i 1.58 0 n n 6 Ci 17 756 ?20 (4) 0 ~ n ~ 177 E} (} $6 f3 0 (? (} {? ? ~ 5 9 {} n n n 61 A 56$ Cl ~, 759 7n1 $$~ ~ :~, f r, V u `~~ ?94 ?6a 37 ~ v~ ,~ w ~. ,~~'~ ~ ~ .' ,:..~ 3, 9$6 2, 376 896--°' , , ~~"" J.J (1) See Sheet 1, 1-A and 2 (linear distance rounded). (2j No filling of coastal wetlands below NHW. (3) 404 Linear footage not additive, part of Coastal Wetland Fill. No filling of 404 wPtlanrfs hP/ntM N.H. W (4) Fill for 2 culverts and road crossings along Ditch D at 60 feet each.. ~~ F~,~ `~ ~, t , ~.., p ~'~:~..: ~~f ail:.i~ j c%F.?i~;i [_.. 6~ I ~f~..>'t~ .! ... - ~t'" ~..ti `i1r! ~, i. i E_~.i _ ~ ~ I'... i I~lon-Juisdic. Coastal Coastal 40~ Ahc~ve fUll-IW Below 1~1-IAN ~1hn~~ 111t~W (2) (3) Ditch A 33.2 cy 17.6 cy 0 0 Ditch B 64.2 cy 0 0 0 Ditch C 27 c_y U U 0 Ditch D 0 0 10 cv D Ditch D-1 26.3 cy 0 0 0 Ditch G 104.4 cy 0 0 0 Ditch H 0 69.4 cy 0 58.1 cy Ditch I 18.1 cy 56.4 cy 0 0 Ditch J 0 77.9 cy 0 34 cy Ditch K 64.4 cy 23.9 cy 0 4.1 cy Total Category 337.6 cy 250.6 cy 10 cy 96.2 cy (1) See Skeet 1, 't-A, and 2 (Linear Feet x 18" wide x 2' deep divided by 27). No fill for rltr__hP~ not lictPri. (2) Fill for 2 culverts and road crossings alon_q Ditch D (2 x 60' x 18" wide x 18" deep divided by 27 cy/ft) (2) No filling of 404 wetlands below NHW. MARINERS POINTE SUBDIVISION ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ~ i ~ r 5 1, .~, ~., ' il1E? till ;~^l'. i~; t,,~,e; s iC!li I";P af_~:,~1; _I IU tll~_' C:;; ; 't''~~ ~.It'.`;IC I I. Ei,.:i ~ f„ i .. 1( ie'(. ( (,' If ( > '~i'F (.~C~Vi ~,C'rlt'. iC;( MC~rIriC:'r, f'. `II-i'l~, ~,7i I:? I (iY, (~'JU~I i~> iv:ri i _!~~~, -01"1'' _.:~.i' ~~~, ~...~ _.i'::fli .:~)l.,;C; ~iflt,_ . I I . _ C).l~V~~ il~i ~l;:il:.;_;I L.;~_l.,il'f: Add under Article 1 1 -Use Guidelines c~nd Restrictions: "Artir_le 1 i .9 State and Federal Wetland Area Protection. a) Lots 8 through 1,5, 44 tl~~rough 48 and 51 through 84, depicted on the recorded plat for Mariners Pointe Subdivision (recorded on October 19, 2006, in Carteret County, NC, Book 31, Pages 1 U4 & 105), contain areas designated as either Coastal or 404 Wetland Areas. These areas shall be maintained in perpetuity in tL~eir natural or mitigated condition. No person or entity, without specific permission, as applicable, from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Quality or NC Division of Coastal Management, shall perform any of the following activities on or within the buffers of such wetland areas: i. fill, grade, excavate or perform any other land disturbing activities; ii. burn, remove, or harm any vegetation; iii. construct or place any roads, buildings, mobile hames, signs, utility poles or towers, or any other permanent or temporary structures; iv. drain or otherwise disrupt or alter the hydrology or drainage ways of the wetland area; v. dump or store soil, trash, or other waste; or vi. graze or water animals, or use for any agricultural or horticultural purpose. b) This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the Clean Water P,ct authorization issued by the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the ~J. C. Coastal Area Management Act, and therefore may be enforced by the United States of America and/or the State of North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land, and shall be binding on the Owner, and all parties claiming under it." Add under Articles 15__Duration, Amendment1 and Termination: "Article 15.5 Amendments to State and Federal Wetlands Protection. Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary, DECLARANT shall not be entitled to unilaterally amend these Protective Covenants as provided in Article 1 1.9 herein, without the express consent of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or NC Division of Coastal Management." Add under Article 1 1 -Use Guidelines and Restrictions: "Article 1 1.10 Improvements within Coastal Buffers and Wetlands. Those lot owners who have riparian rights and who desire to construct a pier or dock within the Coastal Buffers or Wetlands must first submit a Major Development Permit Application to the NC Division of Coastal Management. Construction of a pier or dock is not eligible for a General Permit from the Town of Morehead City. The Major Permit Application and other required governmental permits must be approved before submitting for HOA Board re~~~iew under these Prctective Covenants." Page 1 of 2 MARINERS POINTS SUBDIVISION ADDI~(IONAL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS I (.~ 1',{li. I~i"_i111~".; ii) . , (_=III~C' C)i~l'~f ,'C10`i~, V f~?.. ~~'r~~,~~~. ''C~ ~^ll..l 1 ~-. ~_.Crl!"ilC> ~,C`l.!`l~`~ i~C''1;1~.-'i" r~{ r)t;~;' i~"l;'s Ci~l)CjVt;' r1C)t<<t, Ca~_i 5~111~~ii~ ~ I~;c~Illll'V'C' ('~iA/C- Cl~li.~. I~1C: ,.1 , I'~ ~II.I~~C `i U,I ('~ UI~_ - l~~l(' ~.IlhiS C>1 i~ C rC:Sii~'_:I / ~,~ J~:I"i!.?r~i_~ C11"iC~, (~)I~_11 In conveyanco of the pr~~periy, shall take no action on if~ie property descrii~ed in the covenants inconsistent with tf~e terms thereof. The Permiitee shall provide a copy of the recorded restrictive covenants to the Corps of Engineers and NC Coastal Management within 15 days of recording. Committed to and agree: ~~ Permittee Parrish Sasser, Natures Own Land Company, Inc. STATE OF NORTH CAR ~LINA COUNTY OF B I15 0 t,~l I, ~ Ane _ ~ ~~ a Notary Public in and for said County and Stale, do hereby e tify that Parrish Sasser personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he/she is President of Natures Own Land Compan~_Inc., a corporation, and that he/she, as President bei~ authorized to do so, executed trhe foregoing on behalf of theme r oration. Date: ~'~ Ix' D ( ~ Notary Public 6u~ecm~aeooarECO J°~ 3 ' ~ Z ,~d~~p~€ic~E~/>~.U My commission expires: ~aW ~ ~ '°i o~ O• ° ° a ~OP ~ ~ s a ~~OTA~y. ,~ r `:~, ~~'_° •° ~ Fez ~ °°~ ~ `~N~'y~l,~ COUN~~ Q0~4ti Jn~,~O"! f e ~ kSN~4~eGaro Page 2 of 2 ~Ck~~~ ~~~ ~~-~ ~~ ~,~ E' t~'..,a~ 'Esr~.. ~~s~~ l+~d!! f ~ ~.~, ~.. i ~ ~ r< ~7} `~ .:e f l ~"a f .. .. 't ~~- / ~:~ ~, f k. > ~ ~ ~ ~` Attach this form ;o Joint P~~plic~a;ion for C-i,~.vA r,~faor f'r,;~niit, Form UGlvi Iv1i'-' L'•e ~.i~ e to con;f;lets all other ueclions of th.. 5~i,;t ~ Application that relate t~ ibis proposed project. Please include all sunplementai information. QR~n~~s a. Is the proposed bridge: b ^Commercial ^PubliclGovernmen( ~ rivate/Commur,ily c Type of bridge (construction material): d w;. CotiC~~C - --------- -------- e (i) Will proposed bridge replace an exisliny bridgev ^Yes if yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge. (iii) Width of existing bridge: (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: (v) NJill all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed (Explain) 1 ,~, 9 Length c. proposed bridge: ~ h i WdI the proposed bridge affect existing wafer flow? ^Yes .Jo j I. yes, explain: k. Navigation clearari;e underneaih proposed bridge. ~~ m Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing non gable waters? es ^No If yes, explain ~~1-~ ~ -/. ~ ', nis section not applicable Wa~te~r/~bo~dy to be crossed by bridge. Water depth at (he proposed crossing a NL r NVJL< ~~ (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvertv ^Yes If yes. (ii) Length of ezisling culvert. __ (iii) Width of existing culvert: (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL (v) Will all, or a part of, the exisliny culvert be removed? (Er,plain) / //~y I Width of proposed bridge: (QV ~~ 4"vlll the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducing or increasny the exisl~ng nav,gable opernng? ^Yes ~~ If yes. explau•~ I. Have you contacted the U S. Coast Guard concerning their approvals ^Yes o If yes, explain , ],.r _ _,, ,~~~, n Height of proposed bridge above wetlands __ ~~~-. 2. CULVERTS ^This section not applicable a. Number of culverts proposed: ~~ b 'dJater body in which the culvert is to be placed. 61,E ,C ~;'~ ~..~4 .. Fc~r~~~ meta€r[.~c~s r~rt ~ ~sele`° ~~ _-,-r~ ~ ~ ! }l'~^ C1°~j r -. .,n.,~,'J S tel. - ~ i c T tc r r c v_~u' ~~~~Lr lug i r~a~ r c~) j ., r , h F- _ ,~ --- _ .,.. ~ ~j:t:;.,. ~< tY ~''~.:ens r / t-~xt~ ~ .. F•`u~xf. ~' r ~' d. (i) Will proposed culvert replr:ce an existing bridge? ~ e. (i) Will propcsed culvert replace an existing cuiverty ~,d`~ [JYes (~1'3~0 ^Yes ~,~Jo I(yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: __ (iii) Width of existing bridge: __ (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: ___ (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? . (Explain) If yes, (il) Length of existing culvert(s): (iii) Width of existing culvert(s): (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above Uie NHW or NVJL (v) Will all, or a part o(, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) f Lenylh of proposed culvert: ~'~~ g Width of proposed culvert ~w 1a, h. Height of the !op of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. i. De th of culvert to be buried below existing bottom contour. ~~'~` ~~~ j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or k. Will the proposed culvert af(ecI existing wafer flow? increasing the existing navigable opening? ^Yes ^Yes [~ o If yes, explain: If yes, explain: 3. EXCAVATION and FILL ^This section not applicable a (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert re any b (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? es ^No excavation within coastal wellpnds/marsh (CW), submerged If yes, aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (S8), or other wetlands ~ (V!L)7 II any h-~cP~ are checked, provide the number of square n Av .ten th of area to be excavated: ~ ~ (~~) 9 9 ~ feet acted (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: t S~°ff [~~W ~_)SAV ^SB (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated1~` ~~ ^WL _ ^None (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards-. ~(~'~ ~2 (~~~ ~N ~, ~(~~ ~ "' ~ ~~" (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in Lhese areas. J~'v? i~ `-Y~ c. (i) WIII the placement of the proposed bridge or culveR require an . high-ground excavation? ^Yes o If yes. (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated. (v) Amount of material to be excavated In cubic yards d If :he pl r.a~,wit u!!Ire brirlgc or ~ iwrrrl it rol:~;s ~~rr~ ezcar~r+:,nn, pln?sc compl~,:le't~~e h~'lowing: ~ ~=_ ~~~ ^li1 ~~li'~"L~' ~ r ~. -~~_ ~. (i) tn., lion (~I tl u. df;0il Sri -.n~,_i ~ l rr I (::. ~ :_. ,,. ~. r it .' _ ~ e~ ~~1~ar'j ./j .i rr ~/ f ~~,_ __. ._ __ .._~ 1.. ._ _ ` - ~ i ~ ~_ I,'I) t)i~ i ~Sirn". Of ~~. .. r~r,ll ft, t,~:q; ,_.:.. 4\ i ~' (iii) Do yrr~ clan i ti11i', to tt~ie dis.;wsal ~,eu"' (~f ; -~ .`_.,No (Il nn „t~,y,i; a le.f:r _r3+~,~ng r:,e>;nii;:,.v~ I-~,rn a, o~.i-r~erj (iv) 1Nill Use disposal aroa be available for future maintenance? (~}'~es ^No (v) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlandslrnarsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs), other wetlands (VdL), or shell bottom (SB)? ^CW ^SAV ^WL ^SB one If any boxes are checked, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. (vi) Does the disposal area include any area below the NHW or NWL? ? ^Yes ~lo If yes, give dimensions if different from (ii) above.' e. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result In any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed below NHW or NWL? ^Yes If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be filled. (iii) Avg. width of area to be filled: (iv) Purpose of fill: (i) Will the placement of tyre proposed bridge or culvert result in any 711 (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any box s are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ^CW ^SAV ^SB ^WL ^None (iO Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas. g. (i) Wdl the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert resu m anv fill (other Phan excavated material described in Item e~~el;' i, be placed rm high-ground? es .(~;r;o I( yes, a~ (ii) Avg. length of area tc be filled- ~~ /~ ~ ~~~~ `/ ~~ ~~~ (iii) Avg. width of area to be filled- _~~ ~ (iv) Purpose of fill, 47Qti ~a T>r~•[ ~~-fG~ won Cu.l~ E~-'tS a Will the proposed project require the relocation of any existin~ b. Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporar utility lines? ^Yes No detour strictures? ^Yes o If yes, explain. If yes, explain. If (his portion of the proposed project has already received approval Irom local authorities, please attach a copy o(the approval or certilication. < Form continues on back> r;. Wi!I ;`re~ p«uposE.l prCje~t rc.tuire. ar~y ovork ch.rnncls? ~., ~ 1/; ,, ccrr pl ~'c- 1 o,s~7 i~,~'N-lvfi'-~. N /v C RR/I ,~. ~, ~ ~,.~ ~/ Iic',v hill errz;L'.r~rtor~t~i;i mat~ria tc- : ;~t~cri si'.e n•~.~r~ e. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, t. Will we{lands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site drpgl~ne, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? - ^Yes [~~40 r~J .- ~ I If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize -- environmental impacts. g. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require an shoreline stabilization? ^Yes o !1 yes, complete loan MP-2, Section 3 Ior Shoreline Stabilization only. ~~= ~~ ~ ~ -~~ Dale n ~~/ I~(12i1~~ r'~ l>'f9' i ~