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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231194 Ver 1_More Info Received_20240524 (7)Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 & 401 Application Runway 5L/23R Replacement Project Raleigh -Durham International Airport, Wake and Durham Counties, NC MITIGATION PLAN Updated April 2024 Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 & 401 Application — MITIGATION PLAN Updated April 2024 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Project Page 1 of 8 Raleigh -Durham International Airport, Wake and Durham Counties, NC 1. INTRODUCTION The applicant proposes compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable adverse impacts to wetlands, streams and other aquatic resources authorized by Clean Water Act section 404 permit and section 401 water quality certification. This proposed mitigation is consistent with 40 CFR part 230, Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources, Final Rule (aka "2008 Mitigation Rule") and will satisfy the national goal of "no net loss" of wetland acreage and function. 2. METHOD TO PROVIDE COMPENSATORY MITIGATION The 2008 Mitigation Rule allows for three mechanisms for providing compensatory mitigation. These include in order of preference as established by the regulations: (1) mitigation banks, (2) in -lieu fee programs, and (3) permittee-responsible mitigation. Mitigation banks with available credits do exist within the watershed, but do not have sufficient credits to cover all the required mitigation for the project. The N.C. Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) in -lieu fee program has sufficient credits to meet all the required mitigation for the project. As such, permittee-responsible mitigation is not the preferred option under the regulations to satisfy the required mitigation. The applicant therefore proposes to purchase mitigation credits from mitigation banks that have available credits. The applicant proposes to purchase mitigation credits from the DMS in -lieu fee program to cover the balance of any required mitigation in which the mitigation banks do not have available credits. Statement of Availability (SOA) letters are attached for mitigation banks that currently have mitigation credits available and from the DMS in -lieu fee program. 3. SECTION 404/401 COMPENSATORY MITIGTION a. MITIGATION RATIOS The applicant will provide compensatory mitigation for the loss of all jurisdictional wetlands and streams as listed in the tables provided in sections 3.b. and 3.c below. The applicant proposes to provide compensatory mitigation at a 2:1 ratio for the loss of all jurisdictional streams and wetlands except for those streams and wetlands that were specifically classified using the N.C. Stream Assessment Method (NCSAM) and N.C. Wetlands Assessment Method (NCWAM) in the jurisdictional determination request package as either "MEDIUM" or "LOW" quality. The applicant proposes to provide a 1.5:1 mitigation ratio for the loss of jurisdictional streams and wetlands classified as "MEDIUM", and a 1:1 ratio for those classified as "LOW". The applicant does not propose mitigation for temporary stream and wetland impacts that would not result in a permanent loss. The applicant also does not propose compensatory mitigation for impacts (temporary or permanent) to jurisdictional open waters (ponds). Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 & 401 Application — MITIGATION PLAN Updated April 2024 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Project Page 2 of 8 Raleigh -Durham International Airport, Wake and Durham Counties, NC b. JURISDICTIONAL STREAM MITIGATION 3 Number 3 Name S20 (LF) 279.08 * Ratio 2:1 (LF) 558.17 3 6 S45 83.56 * 2:1 167.11 3 8 S21 326.22 * 2:1 652.43 3 11 S22 95.23 * 2:1 190.46 3,4 13 S23 195.86 * 2:1 391.71 4 16c S25 429.91 LOW 1:1 429.91 4,5 19b S26 474.93 * 2:1 949.85 4,5 19c S26 392.34 LOW 1:1 392.34 5,6 26c S34 741.90 * 2:1 1,483.79 6 28c S39 1,352.80 * 2:1 2,705.61 6 29 S35 200.94 * 2:1 401.87 6 30b S37 418.37 LOW 1:1 418.37 7 33a S41 47.13 * 2:1 94.26 7 33b S41 53.30 * 2:1 106.60 7 33c S41 554.09 LOW 1:1 217.51 7 34 S40 168.76 * 2:1 337.53 7 36a S42 378.16 * 2:1 756.32 7 36b S42 452.21 * 2:1 904.41 8 38 S43a 287.12 * 2:1 574.23 6 39 S46 23.60 LOW 1:1 23.60 Total Impact / Loss = 6,955.49 Total Mitigation = 11,756.10 Note: Streams exhibiting characteristics conducive to them receiving medium to high functional rating and/or mitigation values did not have a NCSAM form completed for them and are represented by an asterisk (*). Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 & 401 Application - MITIGATION PLAN Updated April 2024 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Project Page 3 of 8 Raleigh -Durham International Airport, Wake and Durham Counties, NC c. JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND MITIGATION rpac' um berl Impact (Ac) Ratio (Ac) 3 2 W37 0.01 * 2:1 0.02 3 4 W36 0.21 * 2:1 0.42 3 7 W40 0.01 * 2:1 0.03 3 10 W39 0.20 * 2:1 0.41 3 12 W38 0.03 MEDIUM 1.5:1 0.04 3,4 14 W41 0.20 * 2:1 0.39 4 18 W59 0.10 MEDIUM 1.5:1 0.15 4 20b W43 0.08 * 2:1 0.15 4 21 W42 0.12 MEDIUM 1.5:1 0.18 5,6 27 W49 0.05 * 2:1 0.09 718 37 W57 0.28 LOW 1:1 0.28 Total Impacts/Loss = 1.28 Total Mitigation = 2.16 Note: Wetlands exhibiting characteristics conducive to them receiving medium to high functional rating and/or mitigation values did not have a NCSAM form completed for them and are represented by an asterisk (*). 4. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED MITIGATION The following mitigation is required by regulations other than CWA Section 404 & 401. a. NEUSE BUFFERS [SL2023-137 (H600)] All Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer (Neuse Buffer) impacts depicted in the application are covered under section 21.(c)(2) of Session Law 2023-137 House Bill 600 as "work in connection with an Airport Impacted Property" and as such no Authorization Certificate is required from the N.C. Division of Water Resources. Mitigation will be provided as listed in the table below for all "uses" that otherwise would be designated as "Allowable with Mitigation Upon Authorization" in conformance with 15A NCAC 02B .0714 as required by the Session Law. Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 & 401 Application — MITIGATION PLAN Updated April 2024 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Project Page 4 of 8 Raleigh -Durham International Airport, Wake and Durham Counties, NC =Sheet 7Number FN a Mme ImpactImpac IrMnel (sq.ft.) Zone 2 ..ctj (sq.ft.) 4VV "MitigaV Required ne 1 F IV (sq.ft.) Zone 2 (sq.ft.) iga ig f (lSqf 2 1a Brier Creek Reservoir 3,937.88 2,617.63 6,555.52 (a)(iii) Yes 11,813.65 3,926.45 15,740.10 2,3 1b Brier Creek Reservoir 10,336.74 5,019.64 15,356.38 (a)(iii) Yes 31,010.21 7,529.47 38,539.67 3 1C Brier Creek Reservoir 1,500.91 1,000.34 2,501.25 (a)(iii) Yes 4,502.73 1,500.51 6,003.24 3 3 S20 18,456.53 8,509.35 26,965.87 (a)(iii) Yes 55,369.58 12,764.02 68,133.60 3 5 P4 43,566.11 30,923.47 74,489.57 (a)(iii) Yes 130,698.32 46,385.20 177,083.52 3 6 S45 8,770.47 9,002.26 17,772.73 (a)(iii) Yes 26,311.40 13,503.39 39,814.79 3 8 S21 17,034.35 10,503.23 27,537.23 (a)(iii) Yes 51,103.05 15,754.85 66,857.9 3 9 P5 15,001.72 9,426.29 24,428.01 (a)(iii) Yes 45,005.15 14,139.44 59,144.59 3,4 13 S23 9,472.96 5,639.73 15,112.69 (a)(iii) Yes 28,418.88 8,459.59 36,878.48 3,4 14 W41 14,199.98 10,223.80 24,423.77 (a)(iii) Yes 42,599.93 15,335.69 57,935.62 4 15 P6 1,545.42 1,029.07 2,574.49 (a)(iii) Yes 4,636.27 1,543.60 6,179.88 4 16a S25 4,480.62 2,432.04 6,912.66 (a)(iii) Yes 13,441.86 3,648.06 17,089.92 4 16b S25 29,726.44 22,972.31 52,698.76 (a)(iii) Yes 89,179.33 34,458.47 123,637.80 4 17 P7 29,814.90 19,578.34 49,393.24 (a)(iii) Yes 89,444.70 29,367.50 118,812.20 4 19d S26 460.68 2,051.60 2,512.27 (a)(iii) Yes 1,382.03 3,077.39 4,459.43 4,5 19b S26 29,810.17 19,495.65 49,305.82 (a)(iii) Yes 89,430.51 29,243.47 118,673.99 Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Projec Raleigh -Durham International Airport. & 401 Application — MITIGATION PLAN Wake and Durham Counties, NC Updated April 2024 Page 5 of 8 Sheet 4,5 Numbe 19c Name S26 ImpactImpac Zone 1 27,138.09 Zone 2 ..ct 20,675.53 Total Impact 47,813.61 Table of (a)(iii) Mitigation Required Yes Zone 1 Mitigation.Mitigation 81,414.26 Zone 2 31,013.29 Total 112,427.55 4,5 22 B6/W61 28,936.22 20,886.79 49,823.01 (a)(iii) Yes 86,808.67 31,330.18 118,138.85 5 23a S30 3,337.53 2,217.02 5,554.55 (pp)(i) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 23b S30 2,525.22 1,674.53 4,199.75 (kk)(i) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 24a SS30 3,522.40 2,287.44 5,809.85 (qq)(ii) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 24b SS30 2,635.29 1,810.46 4,445.75 (II)(i) / (II)(iii) Yes - Zone 1 No - Zone 2 7,905.87 0.00 7,905.87 5,6 26a S34 4,153.87 3,423.68 7,577.54 (qq)(ii) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,6 26b S34 5,490.52 2,674.11 8,164.64 (II)(i) / (II)(iii) Yes - Zone 1 No - Zone 2 16,471.57 0.00 16,471.57 5,6 26c S34 47,173.94 31,997.76 79,171.70 (a)(iii) Yes 141,521.81 47,996.64 189,518.45 6 28a S39 3,479.32 2,483.73 5,963.05 (qq)(ii) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 28b S39 3,531.56 1,855.51 5,387.08 (II)(i) / (II)(iii) Yes - Zone 1 No - Zone 2 10,594.68 0.00 10,594.68 6 28c S39 82,350.86 51,070.20 133,421.06 (a)(iii) Yes 247,052.59 76,605.30 323,657.89 6 30a S37 0.00 236.88 236.88 (a)(iii) Yes 0.00 355.32 355.32 6 30b S37 28,741.23 20,943.38 49,684.61 (a)(iii) Yes 86,223.69 31,415.07 117,638.76 6 SCM B8/W62 49,652.71 33,840.08 83,492.79 (a)(iii) Yes 148,958.14 50,760.12 199,718.26 7 31a SS45 3,774.57 2,277.66 6,052.22 (pp)(i) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 31b SS45 2,562.02 1,890.34 4,452.37 (kk)(i) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 33a S41 3,381.96 2,371.42 5,753.38 (y)0i) No 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 33b S41 2,370.85 834.90 3,205.75 (a)(iii) Yes 7,112.55 1,252.35 8,364.90 7 33c S41 30,631.63 14,969.89 45,601.51 (a)(iii) Yes 91,894.89 22,454.84 114,349.73 7,8 33d S41 5,897.10 4,335.17 10,232.27 (a)(iii) Yes 17,691.30 6,502.76 24,194.06 7 34 S40 9,006.00 6,626.05 15,632.05 (a)(iii) Yes 27,018.00 9,939.07 36,957.08 7 35 SS49 2,081.19 2,439.27 4,520.47 (a)(iii) Yes 6,243.58 3,658.91 91902.49 7 36a S42 22,434.68 13,970.15 36,404.83 (x) Yes 67,304.04 20,955.23 88,259.27 Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Projec Raleigh -Durham International Airport. & 401 Application - MITIGATION PLAN Wake and Durham Counties, NC Updated April 2024 Page 6 of 8 Table of Uses 15A NCAC 02B .0714(11): (a)(iii) Airport facilities that impact greater than one-third of an acre of riparian buffer. (Allowable with Mitigation Upon Authorization) (x) Road, driveway or railroad — impacts other than perpendicular crossings of streams and other surface waters subject to this Rule. (Allowable with Mitigation Upon Authorization) (y)(ii) Road, driveway or railroad — perpendicular crossings of streams and other surface waters subject to this Rule. (ii) Impact greater than one-third of a acre but equal to or less than one-third of an acres of riparian buffer. (Allowable Upon Authorization) (kk)(i) Utility — Sewer Lines — New Line Construction/Installation Activities — Perpendicular crossings of streams and other surface waters subject to this Rule or perpendicular entry into the riparian buffer that does not cross a stream or other surface water subject to this Rule provided that vegetation is allowed to regenerate in disturbed areas outside of the permanent maintenance corridor: (i) Construction corridor of less than or equal to 40 linear feet wide and a permanent maintenance corridor that is equal to or less than 30 feet wide. (Deemed Allowable) (II)(i) & (II)(iii) Utility — Sewer Lines — New Line Construction/Installation Activities — Impacts other than perpendicular crossings provided that vegetation is allowed to regenerate in disturbed areas outside of the permanent maintenance corridor: (i) Zone 2 impacts (Deemed Allowable) / (iii) Zone 1 impacts other than those listed above. (Allowable with Mitigation Upon Authorization) (pp)(i) Utilities — Non -sewer aerial lines — Perpendicular crossings of streams and other surface waters subject to this Rule or perpendicular entry into the riparian buffer that does not cross a stream or other surface water subject to this Rule: (i) Disturb equal to or less than 150 linear feet wide of riparian buffer provided that a minimum zone of 10 feet wide immediately adjacent to the waterbody is managed such that only vegetation that poses a hazard or has the potential to grow tall enough to interfere with the line is removed, that no land grubbing or grading is conducted in Zone 1, and that poles or aerial infrastructure are not installed within 10 feet of a waterbody. (Deemed Allowable) (qq)(ii) Utilities — Non -sewer aerial lines — Impacts other than perpendicular crossings of streams and other surface waters subject to this Rule or perpendicular entry into the riparian buffer that does not cross a stream or other surface water subject to this Rule: (ii) Impacts in Zone 1 provided that a minimum zone of 10 feet wide immediately adjacent to the waterbody is managed such that only vegetation that poses a hazard or has the potential to grow tall enough to interfere with the line is removed, that no land grubbing or grading is conducted in Zone 1, and that poles or aerial infrastructure are not installed within 10 feet of a waterbody. (Allowable Upon Authorization) April 2024 Updates = Impact 8 / S21; also Impact 16a/16b/16c were combined into the new 16a & 16b; no changes to streams, wetlands or FAA EO 11990 Wetlands. Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 & 401 Application — MITIGATION PLAN Updated April 2024 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Project Page 7 of 8 Raleigh -Durham International Airport, Wake and Durham Counties, NC b. FAA EO 11990 WETLANDS The United States Executive Order 11990 concerns the protection of wetlands and states as follows. Federal agencies are required to "avoid to the extent possible the long- and short-term adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetlands and to avoid direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands wherever there is a practicable alternative." The stated purpose of this Executive Order is to "minimize the destruction, loss, or degradation of wetlands, and to preserve and enhance the natural and beneficial values of wetlands." (USEPA, 1977) The FAA applies these protections to all wetlands regardless of jurisdiction under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act or not. As such, the applicant will provide mitigation for the loss of non -jurisdictional wetlands protected under EO 11990 as listed in the table below. Sheet Impact umber etland Impact Mitigation RaE(i Name (Ac) tion ) Impacts/LossTotal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 & 401 Application — MITIGATION PLAN Updated April 2024 Runway 5L/23R Replacement Project Page 8 of 8 Raleigh -Durham International Airport, Wake and Durham Counties, NC