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GW1--03099_Well Construction - GW1_20240522
i' L gllllS'g'Ic Ql@1�iogD : Print Farfr Y ligornal use Chili: — !Olt Y.Well Contractor Informs km t David Belcher ��__..__ __ �._. __ _„m t4olltllet;��Netno —sy— lit WATER Wm _ FROM T® Im$6CRii''8':Ct19 4 94 A troe rt. .i.,, at NC Weil CA Codification Number tf¢o Id, �r�• 1` i IiJ L,r't i>') Mum Da inc. -II Yr t19. �d EAt(CA&I IG Ffcr metiltt onea�H vtaltskOR Ln11ER(Ite GM I T® I DIAMErEst TAte:KNHeB Tlz99Ar,ComP>snyNetna dt. �.Well iraatststtctttnta�ensndC#:� '�I b Ogpo `oOd X) u 86 R19ltldaa CASINO®i8�1B➢AN dp e1ttpter!npJt eioted da ft List all opplloablo well oaistrurtlon;emits(le.WC,County,State,Varia,, ate.) EAnit! R. ' T® Pt t 9TRM1B!E8,dn. dNICKNEQg MATERIAL 3.Well tree Eeteelt well ads tin — Water Supply elpo "'" d oo' 1 Agricaltttral ■ ; woicipaUtublso _ 7 soma � tM1� a nacre >R s�r size a7tiCKNES MAMMAL 1" geothermal(Heating/CoalingSupply) R. 47, . pp p) ..Residential WVater Supply(single) Endlisimal/Connnertual DResidential Water Supply(shared) ¢te. ' Errl atiait He,dB1a�17P �. t Non-Water r - _ nta IIZ aMrewdsnaea�rglartionet�ralumo►er Mtaaitodng �f p� a,,�E ,, estlon eft: rove It. L7 (� -r , �� Aquifer Recharge I Aquifer Stoma and Remeddatdon a �Bliplt�)larrier es ;,., 0: tIffi.ITAd:HSSdrepethuirt) Aquifer Teat 03tconwaterDrainage r _..m.. .erfl �A�Ann. > n MORE l¢,. !t> , Experimental Technology Geotltannal(Cksed Loop) �Btt6stdenee C©uteoi ft Geotlhermal los Conan 2If.1nlNLbQ i Unitr�idition Yelkee&I/meceeea►y] Oliat(cx lein under#21 Remarks) al" DESCvl ire EVRamnmerueetz..waedtiaee uka eo 4.Etete WeLl(s)Complatedo S 1_ ° ' well # _ _.. I Ila Ie • 1 r( Circa-fitvI 4c / SE:gall!mattoct ' ' 2_ ' 6(15ffi' • i,i6 Cr01)14 ra. et. Fa Name &WiIty ID*(if(Iglealole) R. Qt PhyskalAddreas,City,and Zip County - — 28. MOM `,.. Pared idutttifioatttm No.(PIN) 1. di s.latitude and longlbede In d�ees/asitbttterisescls�is or/dlecl mat&gra t .@ Orwell field,ono lattionn is sufficient) Mg esa /� l —�f (7), : ��-fir a or Dissorma sigrimv,Afcatihm Wen Conttactoa 5 ��'�� no • s Oaa rr ,gy a geir.�this fonie,II liereb,wiry that the,well(&)''ties'{vent*aim k rwsin�Wria � itaotr l_�ll�l:0 IvtthISAerva:MC.019Dor111,1fCACII,1C"AIJUOtyelIConsaeArimit�uftlea t�'a1 �iaaara ww Icon end=p hi the oalare of dui copy offhlc esa-a,e,hoc hum provided to grit writ ownar. eria1IMta ,nttfalarkofth►s f6ya7, I.Yea tJsam l'sr E3.,Ste ir=oradttlirlll_Ng Maas QN� cite timed` ✓ellia having She same Irma may on is bat Grab r poi*additional MI details or well drilled• ® AL NUMBERdwells coEsrettctdonttlM atl details. YwsoraafhiaddllIoaalpegp �a secessttry. 4018 R BI de1162 11 n?i"_.� 1I1 2PEBlllfg'd'PltLnse �aall�l♦iaaid fawn tFxampfe-MOD' nti 2(4)10) _" ') $'��' fortmit dda rm with 1♦0 dips ai eotnpletina of Well �WD��t�tl� Mc comesolha In Rgealle e i (e D of testrirtrfareitroalsr ■ `Q"""-" /Irk 634'c' IL We 2e�.� +� Ili MOOR a asks es lid as cadre b 34s p*tea . >' v uy-_�_ above, a*SON di*�sB arY f0 day etsmaiBllaa of volt• l#�.ete; ®att,3rectlealar blowing: lll>ig132 gpw�(Aalma'unixwas oRtss - -- .`� �-----, ll ef — rrlrl a` �ityedia�tlro�r�,UAW'davit: aenitty diem to ,Lf C.�: ._—., Mc.free ®u.1��P1.�l�l��pJa gag In sfWilion to Y3Ye.>Dl e� she adel5sss(aa above, also submit csie copy et t1W rs 111r 30 days tot AliounCI-- G.f..'._;4---.a,____ aanpietion elf welt construction to the;:aunty Wok depoolosa ttt the county