HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041246 Ver 1_Public Notice_20040831 ov Zy~ SET ~N~S~4pt ~R DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY O(Jp Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers A(/G 3 Raleigh Regulatory Field Office wAT~R ~ 2004 R l0e ghalNorth Carol naa 2~7615e68 4 QUAC1~'ys~CTI% (Web page - http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands/index.html) Action ID. 200421367 August 26, 2004 PUBLIC NOTICE The North Carolina Department Of Transportation, Division Of Highways, 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548, has applied for a DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (DA) PERMIT pursuant to SECTION 404 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT to authorize the proposed discharge of dredged and fill material impacting approximately 0.16 acre of wetlands, 0.13 acre of open waters, and 1,6801inear feet of stream channel for the widening of US 321 from SR 1370 (Kirby Mountain Road) north to SR 1500 (Blackberry Road) in Caldwell County, North Carolina. (TIP R-2237B). The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant. Plans submitted with the application show the placement of fill material impacting approximately 889 linear feet of stream channel, 0.08 acre of open water, and 0.16 acre of wetlands, in the jurisdictional waters of the Yadkin Pee-Dee River basin and approximately 791 linear feet of stream channel, 0.05 acre of open waters, and no wetland impacts in the jurisdictional waters of the Catawba River Basin. These impacts are necessary for the construction of Section B of the US 321 widening (T.I.P. No. 2273B). The proposed highway widening will extend approximately 6.5 miles, from SR 1370 (Kirby Mountain Road) to SR 1500 (Blackberry Road). The proposed road construction will provide four 12-foot lanes with a 4-foot painted median and 10-foot shoulders (13 feet with guardrail). The proposed right-away varies throughout the project, ranging from approximately 110 to 885 feet. The proposed work is the middle section of three sections of the US 321 improvements (T.I.P. No. R-2237B), extending from NC 268, in Caldwell County, to US 221 in Watauga County. NCDOT is currently in planning for the westernmost section (section C), which is proposed for construction in the years following construction of Section B. NCDOT states that the B section of the US 321 improvements, which is included in this application, has independent utility because it can stand alone as a functioning project, and thus can be permitted and constructed independently of the other unpermitted sections. The project will involve fill impacts to approximately 16801inear feet of stream channel at 7 locations. All of the stream location impact sites are less than 3001inear feet except at impact site 8, where a dangerous s-curve is being removed resulting in approximately 6001inear feet of stream channel impact. The proposed construction will also impact a total of approximately 0.16 acre of vegetated wetlands and 0.13 acre of open waters impacts by filling, excavation, and mechanized clearing. NCDOT is proposing to provide the necessary compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to 0.16 acre of non-riverine wetlands and 1,6801inear feet of stream channel impacts associated with the construction of the project through credits provided by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). The purpose of the work is to increase traffic carrying capacity and to improve safety, for this portion of the US 321 corridor. The applicant has considered several alternatives to the proposed project. In addition, the applicant has committed to investigating measures to avoid and minimize wetland and stream impacts, including not using heavy equipment in stream channels, using retaining walls to reduce slopes, and existing culverts to be extended will be cleaned out and the invert adjusted as necessary in order to allow for the unimpeded flow of water including measures for making culverts more attractive to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife passage. Overall plans showing the location of the proposed construction and impact sites are included with this public notice. Additional detailed plans maybe reviewed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office at 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 120, Raleigh, North Carolina 27615-6846, or at the offices of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality at the address shown below. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a Department of the Army permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and the project does not impact any registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer. NCDOT has conducted surveys for architectural and archaeological resources, and has coordinated with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). SHPO has concurred that the project will not have any effect on architectural or archaeological resource properties eligible for inclusion in the Register. The District Engineer is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistoric, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. 2 The District Engineer is not aware, based on available information, that the activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes, and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition, or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects, and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this DA permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDWQ considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the DA permit serves as application to the NCDWQ for certification. 3 .+ Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Wetlands /401 Unit, North Carolina DENR, Division of Water Quality, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650, on or before September 20, 2004, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: John Thomas, unti14:15 p.m., September 27, 2004, or telephone 919-876- 8441, extension 25. 4 1' ~.. ~ 321 ~~~ 221 221 ___----0 CALDWEII COUNTY ~ ~.:~~~~ '~ tsoo ^~ ~~ t- ^~~~ ~ -~ ,. Sq :` t- ~ ~ CJ O U T ~2t to SEE INSET BELGN EN c - ail \- ,. . ` ~ o --. ~,.- ey • ~ PROJEC w ~ ~ mp '~° ~° `- t . SITE 8 . ~c°~~ . ~ \~; . ~. ` ~' `~ .. ~ ' SITE. 7 \- -,::a ~ raw ~ I .1421 - ~~ ~ ~ CALDWELL =~. s :... •~* ~. ~ . 1422 ~. COUNTY - .._ . \ , .~ \ i~ ~ ~~ ~ / ' i ~~ ` Finley. ,\ ~ 1 ~ , .321. ~. ~~ 1372 ~ ~~~ ` I ~...\ Bethany Ch.'`. .I ~ . ^ ~ - - i ~ ~ ~ 1372 ~ ~ ~~ SITES 6A ~.8c 6B `~ , ~ :, ` ~ _.., MF I ~ ~ ~ \ R \ `~. 1! r-. .., i rj SITE t. 7 5 ~ 0 ~ \ l SITE ~Q ~ ..~. ~. ~' i ~ \ o t371 3 ~ ~ .~ ~ \ ." ~ i :SITE 3 ~°; ! SITE 2 1369 ~. ~ ..~ tr! ,~ ~ ^ \ ~ ., _ M pFp K R UN ~ _ ~~,~ ~ ~ _ .~ Tq IN ~ Mulberr / 130 .. ~ C~ ~ ~ SITE. 1 ' y : 5 / J ~k. ~ ~ 1369 . ~ :1 Ch. .., ~ =~ ~ ~ - 'BEGIN .. =.-~ 130; ~ ~~° .~. ~~ ~ 21 ~~ ~~~PROaECT '~.~~....~~ ~ Y ~ ~y. ~ , °,. ~ ~ . . 9 I ~OLo SCALE .5 0 1 Mile ~~ \ll ~. ~os~ ak ~ ~'. '321 ... ~~` _ ~ o - ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ , ~~~~~~ ~~ \ J •i ~~ x2386) ~. ~ 'd - ~ L' ~' ~ ~- l') ~. ~~~~.~/L"' t)I~ ~ ~~ ,/ iy - _x7096.._ -._ 1i ~\~--- 1 ! - 6~/~,~ _"%r1 :~ ~ ~ i ';tip-----1_l, %i,~ ~~~~_ ~tz~GB~ j~ (~(~(-lam h~ L ~ \ =;1~~r - ' SITES 6A b 66 ~ ~ -~ . i- -,' ~, ` _ ...,--- ~ , '' ~1~ \•< i I ~l lQzia 1 ~~..~~ >i SITE 5 I s-. ~ ~ ~~. f _ ~ ~ ~ f ~C ~ ~ ~, /a j SITE 4 , ~ ~/ ~ ~~ 7 ; ter'' SITE 3 - \~y~~ SITE 2 ~ 'v ~~.. ,---`~ . SITE 1 `-~~~'~~z'6 ~L>i rr((~~ ,f~~tt~ L ..~ ti -, __ ~..~ , ~~\ _ -p°°,^ BEGIN ,~ ~ ..,\~~,, ~~ _ b^, ~ ~~ ' ~~~, ` , 1 r~~1 PROJECT „(`~,`'''~ ~ `'yU~--'. ~~~ ~. / 1 J ~ 11 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION • DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CALDWELL COUNTY PROJECT: 8.T731303 (R-2237B) 1000 0 2000. vs.3s1 FROM SR 1370 (KIRBY MOUNTAIN RDJ TO SR 1600 (BLACgBERRY RDJ SHEET ~ OF a ~ 08 / 41 / 03 LEGEND --•WLB---- WETLAND BOUNDARY PROPOSED BRIDGE W~ B~-' PR P - . i O OSED BOX CULVERT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WETLAND- • DENOTES FILL IN ~'~~ PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT ® WETLAND (DASHED LINES DENOTE 'EXISTNG STRUCTURES) • j S~ ~~~!~ DENOTES FILL IN ///~I .SURFACE WATER- ~ F ! P~ DENOTES FILL. IN .SINGLE TREE . GGIL<e1LJ SURFACE WATER- . (POND) F,T~li~ DENOTES TEMPORARY • • .. .. • • .. WOODS LINE GG111LLL111111~J FILL IN WETLAND ^ DRAINAGE INLET e~~~~ DENOTES• EXCAVATION • ee %%////7~/~,l IN WETLAND- Roo7wAD g .. ~ ® DENOTES TEMPORARY • FILL IN SURFACE WATER • - RIP- RAP ' • • QENOTES MECHANIZED ~ - • •• • • • CLEARING ADJ OR NER O ER A IF AVAILABLE - BZ - RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE f= -f- FLOW DIRECTION TB ~- TOP OF BANK •-••WE-••- EDGE OF WATER ~ - PROP. LIMIT. OF CUT - F -PROP. LIMIT OF FILL ~-- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY -- NG-- NATURAL GROUND --~-- PROPERTY LINE - TDE - TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT -POE- PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT - EAB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED • .ANIMAL BOUNDARY - EPB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED • PLAN7~ BOUNDARY - -••-~ ••-••--• • WATER SURFACE XXXXX. LIVE STAKES - O BOULDER --- . COIR FIBER ROLLS RIP RAP ENERGY o DISSIPATOR BASIN N.C. DEPT.OF TRANS~'ORTATION DIVISIO.AI 'OF HIGHWAYS CALDWELL COUNTY PROJECT: 8.T731303 (R-2237B) • ~ U.S. 3Y1 FROM S.R 1370 BIhBY MOUNTAIN' RDJ TO S:R 1600 BLACKBERRY RDJ . SKEET OF ~~ 8/21/03 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. ' Station (From/To) ~ Structure Size /Type Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavatlon~ In Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing (Method III) (ac F111 In SW (Natural) ac). FIII In SW (?ond) (ac) Temp. Fill In SW ac) Existing Channel Impacted ~ ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1 -L- 66+40 / 66+83 1 ~ 42" RCP 0.0148 •128.7 2 -L- 77+05 / 78+18 1 ~ 8' x 6' RCBC 0.0123 11.6.5 -L- 78+80 / 80+i5 1 ®8' x 6' RCBC 0.0161 ~ 147.1 3 -L- 82+15•% 82+70 •1 @ 8' x 5' RCBC 0.0101 102.2 • -L~ 83+00 L 83+63 '1 ~ 8' x 5' RCBC 0.0060. 65.1 4 -L- 91+12'/ 91+40 1 ®72" RCP 0.0027 39.9 -L- 91+85 % 93+10 1 ~ 72" RCP 0.0105 178.1 5 -L- 121+92! 122+64 1 ~ 36" RCP 0.0049 108.6 6A -L-136+16 / 136+70 1 ~ 36" CSP 0.0480 0.0260 0.0043 68 -L- 137+96 / 139+46 1 ~ 24" CSP 0.0538 0.0216 0.0059 7 -L- 293+83 / 294+90 1 ®24" CSP 0.0088 191.4 8 -L- 324+96 / 325+82 1 ~ 60" SPP / -0.OA12 600.4 1 x.60" CSP TOTALS: 0.1018 0.0000 0.0476 0.0102 .0.1274 0.0000 0.0000 1660.0 0.0 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION pIVISION OF HIGHWAYS • CALDWELL COUNTY PROJECT 8.T731303 (R-22378) U.S. 321 FROM SR 1370 (KIRBY MOUNTAIN RD.) TO SR 1600 (BLACKBERRY RD.) Form Revised 1/21/03 SHEET ;S OF• a 8/21/03 Project No. 8.T731303 (R-22376.) Property Owner List Site Number Name Address Jessie Ford And Wife, 5725 Waterfall Rd~. 1 June Ford Lenoir, NC 28645 Gene D. Jensen And Wife, P.O. Box 1134 Olga D. Jensen Blowing Rock, NC -28605 2 Johnny J. Bishop And Wife, 14895 W NC-Hwy 268 Lillian S. Bishop Ferguson, NC 28624 Wayne W. Price And Wife, 4184 Blowing Rock Blvd. Dianna R. Price Lenoir, NC 28645 James. S. Story And 2222 Bob Money Lane. Robert Money Lenoir, NC 28645 ~ 3 . Harold D. Patrick And Wifie, 4233 Blowing Rack Blvd.. ,HOpe.M. Patrick Lenoir, NC 28645 Harold D. Patrick And Wife, 4233 Blowing Rock Blvd. Hope M. Patrick Lenoir, NC 28645 4 _ -, Donald Wade Bentley .. 221 Driver Ave. Murphy, NC 28905 Gerald T. Brookshire And Wife, RT 8 Box .233 5 Irene Brookshire Lenoir, NC 28645 Troy P. Bolick And Wife, RT 8 Box 231 6A Marlene Bolick Lenoir, NC 28645 Troy P. Bolick And Wife, RT 8 Box 231 ~~ 66 Marlene Bolick Lenoir, NC 28645 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CALDWELL COUNTY PROJECT: 8.T731303 (R-22376) . U.S.321 FROM S.R.1370 (KIRBY MOUNTAIN RDJ TO S.R 1600 (BLACKBERRY RDJ SHEET _~ OF ~ ~ 8 / 21 / 03 Project No. 8.T731303 Property Owner (R-2237B) List Site Number Name Address 7 Alan Bormuth 3127 Port Street Morganton, NC 28655 8 J.-Earl Tindel P.O. Box 746 Fancaster,~SC 29720 ' ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CALDWELL COUNTY PROJECT: 8.T731303 (R-R237B) ~ U.S.321 FROM S.R. 1370 QCIRBY MOUNTAIN RDJ TO S.R. 1600. (BLACgBERRY RDJ • SHEET 7 OF ~ i S/ 21 /.03 March 31., 2003 Subject: Draft Minutes Interagency Hydraulic Design 4C Review Meeting on March . ~ 2~7, 2003 for R-2237B, Caldwell County. Team Members:. Participants: John Thomas - vSACE (Absent) David Chang = l~TCDOT 1-I;~draulics Cynthia Van Der Wiele -NCDWQ (Present) Beth Barnes- NCDWQ Marla Chambers - NC WRC (Present) Greg Kempf = HDR Marella Buncick = IISFWS (Absent) Jamie Byrd -Transite Engineering Chris Militschei = EPA~(Absent) Tony Davis = NCDOT Structures Heather 1Vlontague - NCDOT PDEA (Present) Anne Gamber - NCDOT Hydraulics . This project consists of the widening and realigning of US-321 in Caldwell County. A recent natural system survey of streams was completed and provided to Transite. Jamie Byrd began the meeting by describingthe project and stating that due to the topography the use of swales-was limited: 1. Trout Streams: Cynthia Van Der Viliele stated that all streams were trout waters, this was not indicated in the environmental documents previously submitted to Transite. Retaining walls were used to avoid impacts to the streams. Transite would review all streams.to reduce, impacts to the trout stream buffer. 2. Construction in Stream: NCDWQ expressed concern over the method of construction in the trout streams. They requested that no wet concrete is allowed in stream and that machinery be well maintained and kept out of live stream. Transite and NCDOT Hydraulics agreed to this. 3. Culvert #1 Rocky Cove Creek: Baffles are use to hold silt. The baffles are buried in natural material to allow for aquatic.life movement. An extended wing wall is used as retaining wall. The Division Construction Engineer will be consulted as to type of wall required. 4. Culvert #2 Greenfield Branch: A discussion over the practicability of directly outletting into culvert and reduce impact to trout stream buffer was debated. It was determined that since the rip rap at the end of the culvert was needed the reduction in buffer impact was insignificant. 5. Drop Structure/Energy Dissipater: It was agreed that an energy dissipater would be used at the outlet of the pipe at station 115+50. A drop structure would be used in the system on sheet 13 to reduce the outlet velocity. 6. Pocket Wetlands: The two pocket wetlands on Sheet 14 were reviewed to determine if the impacts would. be "grandfathered". The dateline had been. past. by the date of 30% completion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15. November 3-l, 2(-U3 SnbjrcL Dratt Minutes htttr,i`,c:::;~ Permit Ura~~iiig l~evie~~ ~•leetin~~ on No~•emher ?U, ?Opt. for f;-_376 in Calch~ell Couitt~. - - Team. Members: John Thomas - USAGE Cynthia Van Der Wier-NC D~1~'Q Marla Chambers - NC WRC Marella Buncick- USFWS Christopher Militscher- USEPA Elizabeth Lusk-NCDUTONE: Participants: (Absent) Marshall C lawson - NC DOT Flydratilics (Present) James A. B~'rd - Transite. Consulting (Present) Petc Colwell -Stantec Consulting . (Present). Dou; Taylor =N000T Desiai~ Services /hoad~~'aV (Present) Alan Kay - NCDOT Design Services /Roadway (Present) Dan Duffield - NCDOT Hydraulics John Frye - NCDOT Structures Unit Brian Hanks - NCDOT Structures Unit Site ?Sheet I 0 .... ~ .. . Marella- Does the culverf have sill in it'? ~ - ' -DDT's respo~ise: - The e~ist:ig cut~`ert may be bottomless: -Until this is'ccinfirttied the'current desi~,n is the have a culvert extension at the. inlet end with sills and more than likely _a bottomless extension at the ixEttet end. General Comments at the end of the n~eetin~, . Marla -Has the alignment he adjust t~ less the impacts to the streams? DO"f's response: -Yes, the alignment has been revised (from the original design) to minimize impacts. The s -curves have been replaced with longer Flatter curves instead of straight tangent sections. Also, a large amount of retaining walls have been utilized to less impacts that ~~ould ha~-e been caused from long, till slopes. `" Chris -Have the large cut slope; heen minimized? - DOT's response: -YES. all cuts ~~ere mi~iimized to the extent practicable. steepening slopes where allowed b~ [he C~COIE;Ch Unlt C2lll~ln~, rock ~atchnicnt arras to he adelecl and thus caused a decrease in the tv~>tprint. Copies of.lohn Thomas' entire e-mail were handed out to all the -team Nlembers stating that he contirrnecl the jurisdictional determinations conducted by [he consultants Stantec and also,that he had concerns ahout the 600 +/-linear feet of jurisdictional strum channel impacts that are in the areas where thus-curves are located. E)O'f's i-esponse:.lufit to reiterate_ yes. the alignment ha; heen revised (ti-om the original design) to minimize impacts. The s - cw-ves.have been repta~~d ~~ ith lony~cr Hatter cures in,tead..of straight tan~,eni sections. r~l-;o. alarge amount oFretainin~,..<tlls have heen utilised t~~ IesS impacts that would have heen ;~use:l tiim~ ~lan~, till slopes. The mecain~; was ~idjourncd. .,)y .f SWZ'o ~•T d M-~ ~-a.a a'~ . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTI~~I' OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY ~ LYNDO TIPPETT GQYERNOR SECRET.AFP July 1'4, 2004 Mr. Brian Cole US Fish and Wildlife Service- - ~ 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 Dear Mr. Cole: This letter is in reference to NCDOT's proposed US 321 widening project from SR 1370 (Kirby Mountain Road) to SR 15U0 (Blackberry Road). in Bailey Camp in Caldwell ..County, TIP No. R-2237B. The purpose of this letter is to request concurrence from the t7.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (ESA). Please see the attached document concerning the latest survey report for R-2237B. Based on the information in the attached survey reports, NCDOT concludes that the proposed project's Biological Conclusions for the dwarf-flowered heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora) is "May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect". The Biological Conclusion for the spruce-fir moss spider (Microhexura montivaga) and Heller's blazing star (Liatris helleri) is "No Effect". We believe that the requirements of Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied and hereby request your concurrence. If you have any questions, please contact Rachelle Beauregard at rbeaureaard~dot.state.nc.us or (919) 715-1383. S' cer ~~Philhg .Harris, III, P.E., Manager " P cc: ~ Steve Lund; USACE ~ ~ _ . Stacy Baldwin, PE, Consultant Engineering Unit Head "File: R-2237B MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT~DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSI7E: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 EA -Office of Natural Environment . .N STA7[ a~ ..,,,, .~ ~ ~. . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR July 14, 2004 :.Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E. EEP Transition Manager Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Ceriter ' .. ..Raleigh, N~ 27699-1652 ~, .. . . LYNDO TIPPETT .SECRETARY Subject: US 321' Widening From SR 1370 (Kirby Mountain Road) to SR 1500 (Blackberry Road) in Bailey .Camp. Caldwell County. TIP No. R-2237B. Dear Sir: ... ... The purpose of this letter is to request that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) provide confirmation that you are willing . to provide compensatory mitigation for the project in accordance with the .Memorandum of Agreement (IvIOA) signed July 22, 2003 by the USACE, the NCDENR and the NCDOT. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Division of Highways, in consultation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) proposes to widen US 321 in Caldwell County, from SR 1370 (Kirby Mountain Road) just north of Patterson to SR 1500 (Blackberry Road) in Bailey Camp. The location of the two additional lanes varies from .the east to the west. side of the existing roadway depending upon the location of .existing development, natural and historic resources, severity of terrain, and design objectives. The proposed project is approximately 6.S~miles in length, and will provide four 12-foot lanes with afour-foot painted median grid 10-foot shoulders (13 feet with guardrail). The proposed right-of--way varies throughout the project, ranging from just over approximately 11.0 to 885 feet. RESOURCES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF SECTION 404 AND 401 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT. We have avoided and minimized the impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible as described in the permit application. A copy of the permit application can be found at http://www.ncdot.org/planning//pe/naturalunibA,pplications html. The remaining impacts to jurisdictional. resources will be compensated for by mitigation provided by the EEP program. We estimate that 1,080 linear feet of jurisdictional perennial streams, '600' lineal feet of intermittent streams, 0.16 acre of wetlands, and 0:13 acre of surface water will be impacted.. The project is located in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province in Caldwell County in the Yadkin- Pee~ Dee River basin in Hydrological Cataloguing Uriit 03040101and the Catawba .River Basin in Hydrologic Cataloguing Unit 03050101. The following impacts occur in Hydrologic Cataloguing Unit 03040101: • Stream impacts in Hydrologic Cataloguing Unit 03040101 total 889 linear feet. Impacts will occur to Rocky Cove Creek [DWQ Index No. 12-12-1], a first order perennial stream; Greenfield Branch (DWQ Index No. 12-12-1-1), a second order perennial stream; and a first order perennial stream that is a tributary to Puncheon Camp Creek (DWQ Index No. 12=12-1): • Wetland impacts will occur to 0.16 acre of .non-riverine Palustrine, Unconsolidated Bottom, Semi- PermanentlyFlooded, Diked/Impounded (PUBAh) wetlands as classified by Cowaidin et al. (1979).. The wetlands are located within a powerline corridor surrounded by a Mesic Mixed Forest community. The following impacts occur in Hydrological Cataloguing Unit 03050101: • Stream impacts in Hydrologic Cataloguing Unit 03050101 total 791 linear feet. Impacts will occur to a-first order perennial stream that is ~ tributary to the Right Foik of Mulberry. Creek_(DWQ .Index No. 11-38-32-3) and a first order intermittent stream that is a tributary to the Left Fork of Mulberry Creek (DWQIndex No: 11-3832-2). Stream and wetland impacts are summarized in Table 1 with the amount of need mitigation. We propose to use the"EEP to mitigate for all impacts at a 2:1 ratio. Needed mitigation in Ijadkin Pee-Dee River Basin, HU 03040101 are 1778 ft of streams and 0.32 ac of non-riverine wetlands. Needed mitigation in the Catawba River Basin, HU 03050101 are 1582 ft of streams. Table 1 ~ Summary of ]urisdicti~nal Tmnacts and Needed Mitiuatinn Hydrologic Catalo in Unit Permanent Non-Riverine Wetland Im acts Needed Miti ation Streams Im acts Needed Miti ation 03040101 0.16 ac 0.32 ac 889 ft 1778 ft 03050101 0.0 0.0 791 ft 1582 ft - Please send the letter. of confirmation to John Thomas (USAGE Coordinator) at U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Regulatory~Field Office, 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 120, Raleigh, NC 27615). Mr. Thomas's FAX number is (919) 876-5823. The current let date for the project is December 21, 2004 for which the let review date is November 2, 2004. if you have any questions or need additional information please call Ms. Rachelle Beauregard at 919-715-1383. Sin ly ~" ""~regory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. ~`~ 'Environmental Management Director cc: ~" Mr. John Thomas, USAGE " .. Mr. John Hennessy; NCDWQ Ms. Marla Chambers NCWRC 1VIs. Becky Fox; USEPA -Whittier, NC . Ms. Marella Buncick USFWS ~ : ~ $ ~W =W ~? ~> z° t z co ~W. o'',e aE _ w ~ o Z ~ ~. ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ G N ~ ~ ~ U~ zg W a g ~~ o o . ...t ' ~ i , M~., ..,; a /'~ I ~•--- ^. i1Y~-_ ~ .~~ c l~Ci,.\, ~,\ t ,, ,,r ~ ~~ ~ ~~s~ ~ ~, ~ ... ~, ~\ ~ ,~ ~.``~,,. '~• a 0 ~Ol 'ON. 133~NS Sac nn•nr, ~ , ..... . Did i; ;, , -~ ~ / l/ / ~ V ~ // / ~ I 00'00±99 'y1S -1- 3NIlH~lb'W . . ~~ o _ m ~ ~ Cta voa ` 4 o 0 ~"' a J~-H ~o. '~ ~ Quo W a f $ _~ G ~ i~l O N O p~ V y ~ ti' s ~. N D o l ( •. ~ : . ~~` \1 ~ i sssssssssss}ssssNpQssisitiitiiiisssii tsts3~ sss ~ sss ~...~ ~,~ `;iii'/,% . ~;; ~i %; ~//ice ' ,.~~' ;,.~ ~ ,: ~; w ~ ~ `,~ O W ~ ~ " /: J V' „~' ' ~ ~ a ; d ~~ ~: a ~ i , rte`'::-....:, :.::: z vi . ~ r ~ ~' ~. .w w ~~ _ _ >- o z ~j a in w ~~ ~~`~ J, w w w ,. ..•j, ~ Z ~W \~J.~. ../i \ ..~ ~ . ~~~, i N N W . ~~ ~` ' U ' 43 ~'~ NW NN ~Q WOK ~_ {{ZyyC Z-~~ ' pN O4; y~ .. .. . \ / ..~. a y>A~, A R ~' ~~t. •uin `.Y a; 8 ~~ ro T ~ ~' ~~ a c'.. .. 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Y] , ~, C I !A ut ga ~ ;• ~ . fng ~ ~ r ~• i t . ~ t ~ 85 ,'' ~ ~2 I n r r I ~. r ~ , ' a ~ V .r1 art Ivy n ~ 1 I '' W ~~ . 4 ~ 11 III •~ , • ~ ° p ~ ~, c F ~ .. i I I t t, t. ~ i 1 111 '~, ~ ~ = z+ r In Y N o ~ °. 'l.n •.:. ? ~ III ii i rq 1! N ,s k.. h\ qcC~ mm(~ '` ~t~ ~ ...~. . _ ~•~. ~~ :i~, b: ~ r 1~ I ry a i1. 4'1 -ruj .n,.f"\tAti.+^,lr! ~./ , .r1. ,~ I y ~ ~;-_ f^~ N ~ 1S 1 nl \.. t.t. .. ' ., ,F i I ~ t+, ~; ~:j I ,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cif ~ is ~, f , .. ~` ', • y~Zm Cm ~ I / i ~ i I`~ 1 m O r~ xj' / ~ ^~~`I I:S / ' N v., m to ~ n I ~ ~ l :., I Mi ' .. r....r^, y~ r \ a `ice ~ f ~; ii ~ / / F!. ~ ti m ~ l i I~'~ `~ f l l a ~~ }y ,om~a9 `I .~ gym= A t i I j){{itM.b7 -,f • NpZpti alp to ~ ( ~ ~ I 1~ F~ ~ Sig '97'N w N~lm'I ~: ~ ~ i Y 1t I I - ~ .~ . tl / C ~ I n 51 / ..~ ~ ~ r 4 ~ / T7 f i H 1 ° '~• ~ • Z N D ~ ~ ~ , ',~ y[ .. .. may)` ~ •: ~~~ ~~~ i.1~~ 1 :r-E ~Ayr'j ~~ . ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ o I' ~ jl 0 , ~ X131 "Ns' ~ ! f ~ ~ . _. D ~ um+Hr°r "Op " m: ar~n f ~ ~~ a i V71 O Z D~ ...... ue~. 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