HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03012_Well Construction - GW1_20240520 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use°NL1' Thus form can be usod for Stn{!k or elu.I' ,..'I, 1.Well Contractor Info nnatloll: II.Witt ft 1.()N7.1 Scott Hunt, Jr r•ko I II) DE_M ItIPIllrei 41 ft, j ft. rock facture 4.561 lo. I` n. 15.OUTER CASING(for multi-cas ed wells)OR LIN FR l i(ap arable NC Well Contractor Certification Number ) PROM TO Dt1Mr7FR Tl cio,rss 1 MlrTI1tAL SAEDACCO ft. ti. ia. 1 Caraway Name IS.INNER CASING OR TIMING I jealbersal soused-fund PROM TO DLIMF TF N MRhsis. ll IIINI II 2.Well Comminution Permit 8: 0 ft. 25 ft. 2 111. SCH-40 PVC Lot oil applicable well permits(Le.County.State Variance.II#Sellin elr.l - rn --- - 3.W'dl L,ic(cheep(well u'e I: 17 „ Water Supply well: PROM TO DISMV1PR SLOT st71 T1114104Vzor Si lrPRIM, OAgncultural L(Munictpal•Public 25 ft. 45 IL2 is .010 SCtf-40 PVC if N. in. OGeothemialIHeatin Coolin Supply) I)Residennal Water StpP b(single)OInchistrialCommeretal I IRcsidenua$Water Supply(shoed) ir1lt.O CROUTM TO ,i‘I I NI NA. EMPUCEMENT METHOD t AMOUNT ❑IrnF:rtion 0 R. 20 ft. portland trimmy Non-Water supph 1101: - — --, R. It. NMonitonnt ORecovery , !ejection Well: ft. R. °Aquifer Recharge °Groundwater Rcmcdiation 19.SAN0+(:RAVEL PACE Of(poi RAW) n1usI 10 `111 0111. ISIPLl1 FMr\T MrTnOn ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Harrier 23 rt. 45 ft. sand 2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stommsaucr Drainage rt. ft ❑Expcnmcntal Teehnologc ❑Subsidence('mum) IA.DRILLING LOG IatlatS additional sheers it occessamI ❑Geothcmial(C'losed Loop i ❑Tracer PROM TO , Dec(-RIP rIu\1.nl.r.11.rd....,..,5nrko pt.grain'+to.ett.l ❑Gcodemlal(Heating/Cooling hewn') ❑Other(*.Nolan%under 1021 Remarks) 27 R. 45 fL rock ft. ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 4-30-24 W co ma PE-6 R. ft. 5a.Well Location: ft. it MAY 2 0 LGZ Toyota/mega Site ft. ft. ) ('.1•r(Gt1(r,.,.;t Nam, Facdm ID*,ifapplicable) `.. -.'. ft. ft. if.rv:::. - • ., 5938 Julian Airport Rd. , Liberty, NC, 27298 R R. PlnsicalAddress.(-it. .ma Ty • ' 21.RCMARICti Randolph Bentonite seal from 20-23' coma:. I'.u:.l I.k :a nnf. 6ua No API\I Sb.Latitude and 1.onginuk in ire ,tes/minutes/seennds or decimal(Wolves: ,2.('ertification: (ifwell field.rme lotior15 is stdlicknil N W _�,� r� 5/11/2024 Sigi.0 Len siTc 'd1 Con Contactor Dam 6.h parr)the ssellls): %Permanent ur ❑Tempuras By signing this font,,!hereby certify that the wrl4ai taus turret ammo-led or mr'or,lanre With/5A NCAC 02C,0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Will Carrtnk'nrn Sa,ndar,lu a,Nl dial e 7.Is this a repair to an cxisting well: °Yea or ENo copy of chit recant hat hero provided to the torll owner. if this n o'epdr,rill curt k,,o,w Well,onAne lion l,forenornm and r%plain the nature of the rrpuir under 021 remark..sr,hoer or an the ha't of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Nemberof wells comarncted• 1 COnSituctio 1 details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple*ilk*or Aral-Water,spph1.'ells ONLY with 01,woe c turria tins •...s<•on submit one form. S UBMITTALINSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth beltns land turfacc 45 (ft.) 24a. For MI Wells: Submit this font, %aphid 111 days of completion of well For multiple Are.lone!!J.r'!..r.1:drroes fr'nrlpfe• (e'(ar and 2*/,oYI consimetion to the following. la.Static water kid helow top of casing: 32 (ri.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing l nit. !Inviter letrl a oho.,,, •; '• 1617 Maid Service Center,Raleigh.NC 27671-1617 II.Borehole diameter:8.25"/4" tit.) 24b.For Inketloe Welts ONLY: In addition to sending the form to hit address in 24a abos e. also submit a copy of this form within t0 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: BSA and air rotary coflalmctioul to the following tic.auger.roan.cable.direct push ele.l Dhision of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Series Center.Raleigh.NC 2i.99-1636 I3a Yield I1CPnn1 Method of tell: 24e.For Water SuP111s .Injection Wells: — Also submit one cop` of this form within t0 day s of completion of IJh.hi,inlct)inu(.pc: Amount: well construction to the county health dep3nrcnt of the counts where COnstnlcled Fore GW-1 Nonh Catalan DT:annrm of Ells non atni and Natural Resources-Disuba of Wale ROOMS Revised Algat 2011