HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03010_Well Construction - GW1_20240520 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: — 1.wail Caatratesr bdormatione Ricky COftiher --- . .PROM 11111 Well Contractor Nerve sew, 4 2464-A a. 1 NC wail caoEz,es,r Certification Number Frank A.Corriher&Sons Weil Drilling,inc. FROM 7o e. ft. ta. Compaq Name -713 . 2 we,C...�,m.a Permit$: 6 S 50 --1em-�—y�.y� TO DIAMETER ,ter, a 7- tux all o p&abir.et..va-.ma..per It.tar,c.o.stole.user.•.sat:) 1 R- ) 7_OR- a t ,--ebl. SOR-21NM 3.ovUse(deckarH e ..e) Well _-- -_ ----- wsterSiQsplywelR MOM TO mamma Nor au THICOOMB MlAtf IAL v ■ ::.. .•..i:�. :. R. ft. is. `1 ■ _...-w awn- ( Cooling Spply) l'-..-wawa Water Supply(single) t. ft. C ■�:.... .: DRendential water Supply(shared) - PROia TO MATERIAL DfPLAtaisclrr minas a Armen f krimtionft. tt- — Nan-Water Simply Welk ORec°VezY ft. ft. fk — ,, -• welt ft. ft. ,: DCaounciviater Remadssdon ■ Storage and Recovery eaAit TO MATIMn A� pt[aa AL t rMo a - - Test Dstormwr�s DrainageIt. f r . Ted sulk Control R ft. .. f c_...'... ((loved Loop) QT Mem run ...ddtrsart+e,era ■ e..,.:.:.. (xeatmg/coo5ag`Return) DOflMa(explain tinder#21 Remarks) a i . rI, it. r Date ova() J 'O`"a Ywaa m# `I Oa- 7-1) e. 9,4.\py1 '�,J' - , QD a- ) 2ZIL SJi-f— /(.0c 4-- sa.wean Location f 2?� �y'S� /S j4�t G�.Jd it a��, ,e�,n o/l IL (:::: .readityrOwLake yaao f9tr`Ge Somewat ID*(if spetbasinolt 14.5�1 g mop Adders,Cray.small* ?ia Z 7 ,, N., . , , ...., Paul id.:�6eetiaa No(PDt1 s..Imeinde and ie.eibde ha degreatiminetesisecoods or decimal deg ea:: Mime is � (Y, pC effete)N 80" f i/ .2 w sz /� _ (y 6.Ware)the wells orsafwt ()Temporary Ste°of wen Caaaacroe Dac / By rids far,..1 harbv 0016 thin the wadl(s)*us(swee)eaustrarled it aeaeedeace 7.h this a repair to an a s*ing welt DYes or )`i wilt 151 i 4C 02C.0100 or ISA,vCAC 02C.02001►el Ca stniaioa SYsdash ad for c . e- =2t kr+ee',di c•Ierrnwc! .e iwjrnwation and emlaat the nature of ate DPP of this d has bees Pesuis td i,the well away. repack-ander 121 rsm>!s sea*:or oa the back of this forts. Z3.--diagram or additione well details: g Far or deed-I,eop Geothermal Wells having the saute You may use the hackle well of this pa to provide additional well site details or w -1 is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells constructiondew. You may also attach addition!pages if necessary. drilled SUBM rrAL INSrRUCTIOr'( 9.Total (S-) d ma depth below land aetac 24a.Far All wefls Submit this form within 30 days of oampietioa of well Fo►amblpdr wells list ail depths if dwjffurwit(example-3W200'wsd 240001 construction to the following 10.Stolle water level below tap of casing: ) 0 (R-) Division of water Beseeew,ItstMeaatioa Proeesdl'Unit, tfame r level is above use"+" 1617 Mail Service Cinder,RaL.g.,NC 276994617 1 L Borehole diameter: ' Cm-) 24b.For laiectioa welts: ha addition to treading the form to the address is 24a above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 22.Well eoastreetim method: Air Drill construction to the following (Le_sum teeny,cable,trued peak ask.) Dlvisioe at Water Resources,Underground injection Centre)Prograe, 9'OR WATER SUPPLY ILLS OPILY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 •13a.Yield Wm) V /d- Method of test AS 24c.For Weser Svmoly&l vie ice we& In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dioiabaceta type S6erilmtss Amoot______--•-e - completion of well coustruction to the county health department of the county whereconstructed_ Fain Gov-1 North Cambia Department of Easvaaammta Qwatity-Division of Weser Resouoass Revised 2-22-2016