HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002428_Monitoring - 03-2024_20240422Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* WQ0002428 Name of Facility:* Mountaire Farms, Mount Vernon Hatchery Month: * March Year: * 2024 Report Information Type* Upload Document* GW-59 March 2024 GW 59 GW 59A.pdf PDF Only 1.89MB Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * afuquay@mountaire.com Name of Submitter: * Adam Hilton Fuquay Signature: Date of submittal: 4/22/2024 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* W00002428 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes NO Regional Office* Raleigh Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 5/21/2024 GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit #_ N, 60MAIR (Submit vile each mouilorhtg period with GII=i9Jorms.) t Enter date monitoring results were due. Will this monitoring report (GW-69 and GW-S9A) YES N o be submitted after the established due date 2 Was any required information missing an the {;W-59 report rorms? YES IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES" list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the menitorwells in need of repairer maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cop, missing YES `'O,r. identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? Ijtheunstrer is "Yes". contact the Regional Office jorgaidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? E NO if the answer to question 4 is 'NO'. skip to section a If the answer to question A Is "YES" fist the aftded waft individually with constituent(s) and coneentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below:M"! � ,•tiry /aPh 6' S For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES 7 same constituent(s) in the same we His) in the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is "NO'. skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 Is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with constituents) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection dale for each occurrence (tor the last two years). ti Are the monitoring wells listed in section 6 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES ti'O If the answer is "YES" a groundwater quality problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. If the answer is "NO", monitoring wells may be improperly located, contact the Regional Office 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division Involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is -YES", describe those actions in the space provided below If the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Regional Office within 90 days; an evaluation may be regalred to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subtect the permittee to a Notice of Violation, fines. and/or penalties. g The person completing this portion (G W-59A) of the monitoring report shouldsign below and submit this form with GW--59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current GW--59 form. I hereby acknowledge thatthp above iriformatian ; aV i, f,�.d and tide info etiotz btnJtbgdd ih this -Ae report (C fiplienc ko#GW f tasYtr ie ar .. Airq%i[�" . . (tf t ast�of ipy knQwite'dgez. ZIA 4�7-ZY Ign uro of Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Data G1Y-59A 121812003 SUBt i T FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT& NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: mliINPOSS L1lviSIONLBFWATERQUALITY-IN R A'nOUPROCe SIM uMQI I LIARI REPORT FORM113i7 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RAL IGH, Nc 271199=i6IT Pharrli; 019173 1FACILITY INFORMATION n�a � I���r �r�., ry �sr iyp� PER 1IIT Number: WI�tl tti24n Expiration Date: xFacility Name: Mountairethil. Vernon Non -Discharge UICPermit Name (if differeru) Other Facility Address' 175 F€ uSI Road TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Siler City NC 27344 County Chaffinn D Lagoon 0 Remediation� infiltration Gallery X Spray Field Remedlalrom Fwc-e11fD.,'cP,lion1Sife -TsOn: Doug Goad yin Telephone#: 919-5 -5024 � Rotary Distributor t� Land Application of Sludge Name: IvIo ntaife Mi. Vernon No. of wells to be sampled: 4 Water Source Heat Pump Other: SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): Rat mate sample collected: Well Depth. 26.2 ft. Well Diameter: 2 Depth to Water Level e2 r,- 7-5 ft. below Measuring paint Screened Interval: Measufinq Point is fie above land surface Relative M,P_ Elevation: Volume of water pumper bailed before sampling: 5.5 gallons Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: 0 YES RIG and field acidified: Q YES 03 tf202a in. ft. to it. — fl. M NO FIELD ANALYSES. pH eea 6..38 units 'temp, coalo 15.1 1C Spec. Cond. Oao94: pMhos Odor arois Appearance If W LL WAS DRY at time of sampling, check here: LABORATORY INFf3RrVlATIO�! Date sample analyzed: 03r2i.0,1102r2o2d Laboratory Blade: Cameron Testing Services Certification No. #654 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD as 25 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N omis mg/L Pb - Lead clo5i ugPL Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 Nitrate ( O,,) as N 00520 3,83 mg/L Zn - Zinc olow mglL. Coliform: MF Total 215004 I100rril- Phosphorus: Total as P cosss mgiL I -rate use .� IN m a w mar ;vim -S Orthophosphate MsW mgiL Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Issolved Sollds:Total 7rr 357 mg.=L Al-Alummum aiios rngtL pH (Lab) as a3 units Ba - Barium a1007 ug1L TE C amgo 233 rngtL Ga - alcium Gogic rrg;L Chloride Dot? -'a _ 3 rmgtL Cd - Cadmium oIa27 ugtL ---. Arsenic 01002 _-_ -. uglL Chromium -. Total oim- ug1L Grease and Oils a 5s2 _mg/L Cu - Copper ai:r42 mglL ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) Phenol -1223a uglL Fe - Iron 01045 ug1L (Specify test and method #, ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate oa9 s mg1L Hg - Mercury 71 :a7 ug1L Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes (1) N No (0) pacific Conductance arlo�s omhos K _ Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 8732: method8260B - Total Ammonia cosro d.1 mg/L M9 - Magnesium 00927 mgIL method # m.n, a s-,.-_ . ; .. . ; , Mn - Manganese oim!i _ ugfL method TKN as N oasts mg/L NI - Nickel 030e7 ug7L method # Influent Total ` OCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs, mg/L YOC Removal% W-59 Rev. 2!201 SUBMIT FORM Oil YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Ally Name: mou tairelMl, Vr fnon alit Dame (if different): �tiG lrrrr $ruff .)lily Address 175 Foust (toad Siler City NC 27344 County Cha3ham act Pelson: Doug Goodwin Telephonefl: 919-548-5024 LocabuniSile Name: Mountaire left, Vernon Noof wells to be sampled: 4 WELL ID NUMBER (front Permit): fAV-1-2 Date sample collected 3f211Q Well Depth; 10 ft; Well Diameter° 4 in. Depth to Water Level ers4 s: 4.1 it. below measuring point Screened. Interval ff. to tL Measuring Point is 1 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation, ft. Volume of )eater pumpedrbailed before sampling: 12 gallons Samples for metals were collected unfiltered. El YES K NQ and field acld fie& [:1 YES MI NO Expiration!� n-Discharge IDES Other PE OF ■ OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon . i Spray Field El Remediation: Rotary Distributor El Land Application of Sludge Water Souice Heat Pump El Other - FIELD ANALYSES, pH 00401) 0,61 units Spec. Cond. MD94_ Odor cross: Appearance Temp. raisin:. 14.9 lifi<Ihcos ate sample analyzed; O 21-0a1U-u a Laboratory Name: Cameron Testing Services Certification No. #654 ARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. GOD cons mg1L Nitrite (NO2) as N riosis mglL Pb - Lead olost ugtL Coliform: NIF Fecal 3It16 1100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N uu62u <1-00 mg/L Zn - Zinc Musa m+g1L - Coliform, toil' Total 3isN 1100mL Phosphorus: Total as P cow -. -... mglL tl`'tiit! use FA."N nwirz-a la! Wiildy 1W.bid nam piell Orthophosphate 7osu7 mgiL Olher (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ssolved SolidsJotal 7030r, 178 mg1L At - Aluminum ui los 1 g1L pH (Lab) LINN — units Da - Barium eloo7 ug1L TC C Cusm <1 mg1L Ca n Calcium; olisiri ma[L Chlorite uus»o 13.0 mg/L Cd - Cadmium u11327 ug1L utf11 Chromium: Total 0103A ug1L DRY at time of sampling, check here: 11 A,seniC uiez Grease and Oils oou57 mg1L Cu - Copper ci 1042 r11g1L ORGANICS: (by GC. CCIMS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 - ug[L Fe - Iron oin4s ug1L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate DawF' g1L Fig a Mercury 71uuo ug1L Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes (1) ® No (0) specific Conductance oo 5 pl�ho K - Potassium ` _,'= mg1L VCC 78732- method # 826flD - Total Ammonia Gown < 0.10 mglL Mg - Magnesium c€a 27 mg1L . method it ,A m is fbhoaa« NH,as n, r= Na 144i n. Taial) loin - Manganese moss ug1L method T KN as N mom mg1L Ni - nickel olu67 ug1L method For Remet iation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports)' Influent Total VOCs: mgiL Effluent Total VCCs; rng1L VQC Removal% t�vv-n-u rUv 4-iV #MPLIANCE REPORT Rease Pr r:d Clearly ur Trim SUMMIT FGRi``=5 ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Aity Name: I uuntairellvtl. Vernon rail Name (it different)" iilty Address: 175 Forest Road Slier City NC 27344 County Cltatharn act Person: Dug Goodwin LocatioltilSile Nanme:. raurmlaire Mt, Vernon Telephone - 919-548-5074 No. of wells to be sampled: 41 IDES Other PE OF •N BEING MONITORE Lagoon -d DO Spray Field Remediatiom Rotary r Sludge Water a ■ Other; L ICI NUMBER (from Permit). MW-3 Date sample collected 0312112024 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS , Depth; 15 ff. Well Diameter 4 in, pert ow.no 6.70 units Temp. coolo 14.0 CRY at h to Water Level s25"6. 6-8 ft, below measuring point Screened Interval; ft, to � ft. Spec. Cond. 0oagd: pf°��as tlrs.e of sampling. Mring Point is 1 0, above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation. I'L Odor 000m. check ne of water pumpedlballed before sampling: 5.25 gallons Appearance here. Dies for metals were collected utlflttered: 0 YES U NO and field acidified: DYES 01 No pate sample analyzed- OV21-o4rO2r2Oz4 Laboratory Name: Cameron Testing Services Certification No. 9654 PARAMETERS NOTE: Valdes should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. GOD a0335 mg1L Nitrite (NOb) as N rarr l rr1La1L Plo - Least otost ugtL Celiforrn: f0F Fecal aisle 26 1100mL N bale (NO,,) as N 00620 <1,00 mglL Zn - Zinc oso.2 maalL Coliform: MF Total 315t;4 I1OOmL Phosphorus: Total asPorrlms lrlglL (rhv:v use JAPNI nwthad for tilghlytwbis S aITlee) Orthophosphate 70507 IngtL tither (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids:Total 7o a 142 mg1L At - Aluminum a tas mg1L pH (Lab) oo4o3 units Be - Barium 0100€ ugtL TOC ooraso <t mg1L Ca - Calcium C-0916 mglL Chloride onq-,0 10.2 rao,'L C - Cad►tliurn 01027 uglL Arsenic 01002 ug1L Chromiun'l: Total oio34 Isg1L Grease and Oils 1,10552 mglL Cu - Copper 01042 rm91L ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIM S. HPLC) Phenol a273B ug1L Pe E Iran 0ta4s ugiL. (Specify test and method ##. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00546 mg1L Fig - Mercury 71000 uglL Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes (¢) 11-31 No (0) Specific Conductance Ocoee -Whos K € Potassium 0o937 molt. VOC 7 732 method # 82606 Total Ammonia 00610 < .10 rmg1L Mg _ Magnesium 0092?7 mg[L method meWl Mn - Manganese ot05s uglL method T he as N 00625 mg1L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug1L method For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports). Influent Total VOCs mgtL Effluent Total V aC : mrg1L VOC Res o"11% R tr;•ari for nuit r:t dent) lame arai3. Tille - Please print ctr type sign rrf Perm:tlee (or ulharized Ai)enzt (Damb) Gkv-59 Rev, 712010 SUBN11T FORM ON vELLc?W PAPER ONLY FACILITY INFORMATION please PWjr f really or mere Facility Name; hfeuntairewt. Vef non Permit blame (if different); Facility Address: 175 Foust Road silor Cif - NC 7 A County Chwi ham act Person: Doug Goodwin Telephone : 18- §6-5024 Lo t onlSite Name. fAountaire Mi. Vernon No. of wells to be Sampled: 4 rMERT OF EN11tRCItlMENT NATURAL RESOURCES N or:wATER 4U4LrTY• NF0RMA7dON PROCESSING UNIT VERMIT Number.8Expiration Date: If Non -Discharge NPOES Other rYPE OF OPERATION MONITORED Lagoon 4 Spray Field El .. El Rotary Application of Sludge 0 Water Source Heat Pump 0 Other� SAMP.LING INFORMATION if WELL WELL ID NUMBER (front Permit): f.M1-4 Date sample collected 0312112024 FIELD ANALYSES. WAS Well Depth: 17 ft- Deli Diametef 4 in pH 004ou: 6.76 units Temp. oarria 13.7 CDRY at time Depth to Wale. Level VWV 6.6 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval ft. to ff. Speu. Cond- is u4; sampling measurinif Point is t ft, above find surface Relative M.P. Elevation, ft. Odor uoous° check Volume of vrater purnpedlbailed before sampling: 15.75 gallons Appearance here:F1 S amr)[es for metals were collected unfiltered: EJ YES NO and field acidified° 0 YES PWJ NO ate s ple analyzed. o�r2t- 4102! 4 Laboratory Marne: GaCameronostirrg nfs'aces ta ARAM TERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mgfL Nitrite (NO2) as N ourals mg1L Pb - read orosi ColiforF Fecal 31616 1f 00rnL Nitrate (Nth,) as N os52o 2,75 mg/L Zen- Zinc iJa 2, m- h Collforrn: MF Total 315 1=94mL Phosphorus'. Too as P cueeb M911- 114oI uT # E, at i r' =` rt Orthophosphate 7o5or mg1L tither (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units), ssolved Svlids:Tolal arin 216 mg1L Al =Aluminum or toy mg1L pH (Laid UU403 units lea _ Barium otool ug1L - Tr C onFea <1 mg/L Ca - Calcium owe, mg/L Chloride 00940 11.2 mg1L Cd - Cadmium ufn27 ug/L - trsenic r.2 ug1L Chrotriiurrt. Total 0104 ugiL Crease and Mils 00552 rnglL Cu - Copper =42 mg1L ORGANICS; (lay GC. G WS, HPLC) Phenol 3 730 uglL Fe - Iron otc 4s ug1L (Specify test and method 4, ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate uuo 5 riglL Hg - Mercury s Sao ugfL Lab Report Attached? ED Yes(l) No(D) ipecific Conductance oanss pMhos K - Potassium aus 7 mg1L ACC 78732. method # 8260H Total Ammonia our.10 6.to mg!L tlfg - Magnesium oDS27 mtl!L method fl {C-mo­ . Mn - Manganese u7 o:5 5 ti€dIL .. rrftl 3.oii H -- TKN as N o0 2 tm /L Ni - Nickel oio57 uglL. method For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports):. VV-59 Rev 201L Influent Total VOCs: morL Effluent Total OCs: mrr1L VOC f emoval%