HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240101_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240517 PRELIMINARY SOIL AND SITE EVALUATION 12400 Old Camden Road Midland, NC 28107 Prepared For: Jay Eaves CESI P.O. Box 268 Concord, NC 28026 Prepared By: Thompson 91% Environmenta Consulting WATER-WASTEWATER • WETLANDS Thompson Environmental Consulting, Inc. PO Box 541 Midland, NC 28107 February 2, 2021 0.1 H o 4.1A tir dr11Aq sO `� i]sl r�'q•.d - _C1aka•fir!Yi•'r INTRODUCTION & SITE DESCRIPTION This Preliminary Soil and Site Evaluation was performed on a 51.1-acre tract located at 12400 Old Camden Road, Midland, North Carolina(Cabarrus County Parcel Number: 55340702340000). Thompson Environmental Consulting, Inc. (TEC)was retained to determine whether the soils were suitable for the installation of an onsite subsurface wastewater treatment and disposal systems on a proposed eight lot industrial subdivision. The property was evaluated in accordance with North Carolina statutes for waste disposal ("Laws and Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems", amended April 1, 2017). INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY & SITE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Individual soil borings were evaluated, and soil color was determined with a Munsell Soil Color Chart. Observations of the landscape (slope, drainage patterns, etc.) as well as soil properties (depth, texture, structure, seasonal wetness, restrictive horizons, etc.) were recorded. The project study area is primarily vegetated with a mixed deciduous forest with a few previously cleared open areas located more towards Old Camden Road. Several natural drainage features were noted at the time of our field survey and are noted in the attached Figure 1 as "Unsuitable Landscape Features". FINDINGS A field survey was conducted on January 29, 2021 by Michael Wood, LSS, Larry Thompson, LSS, and Ethan Wood, ES. Fifty-four soil borings were advanced with hand-held augers and their locations noted in Figure 1. Borings rated as Provisionally Suitable for Accepted Systems and Low-Profile Chambers are denoted as green points. Surfaces, when present, exhibited a friable sandy clay loam texture to a depth of 4 to 11 inches. Upper subsurface horizons exhibited firm clay textures with moderate, medium, subangular block structure to depths of 22 to 31 inches. A range in long-term acceptance rates (LTAR) of 0.2 to 0.3 gal./day/sq. ft. would typically be recommended for these soils. Borings rated as Provisionally Suitable for the installation of Subsurface Drip Dispersal Systems are denoted as yellow points. Surfaces typically exhibited friable sandy loam to silt loam textures with weak, medium, granular structure 4 to 11 inches in depth. Upper subsurface horizons exhibited firm clay loam to clay textures with moderate, medium, subangular blocky structure 14 to 22 inches in depth before encountering rock, expansive clay, or soil wetness indicators. A range in long-term acceptance rates (LTAR) of 0.1 to 0.15 gal./day/sq. ft. would typically be recommended for these soils. Borings rated as Unsuitable for wastewater treatment and disposal cannot be considered for subsurface septic systems. These borings are noted in the attached Figure as red points. 12400 Old Camden Road 1 February 2, 2021 Preliminary Soil and Site Evaluation DISCUSSION Soil units observed within the project study area have the potential to support the installation of Accepted, Low-Profile Chamber, and Subsurface Drip Dispersal Systems. Required drainfield sizes will be determined by the daily flow rate for the proposed businesses and the recommended LTAR of the soil unit that is being considered for use. A special hydraulic assessment would be required(state requirement) to determine the actual LTAR in areas where the soil depth has been determined Provisionally Suitable for Subsurface Drip Dispersal Systems. Lot 6 may benefit from a more detailed soils investigation utilizing pits in the front right corner of the parcel, adjacent to Lot 7. CONCLUSION The findings presented herein represent TEC's professional opinion based on our Soil and Site Evaluation and knowledge of the current laws and rules governing on-site wastewater systems in North Carolina. Soils naturally change across a landscape and contain many inclusions. As such, attempts to quantify them are not always precise and exact. Due to this inherent variability of soils and the subjectivity when determining limiting factors, there is no guarantee that a regulating authority will agree with the findings of this report. 12400 Old Camden Road 2 February 2, 2021 Preliminary Soil and Site Evaluation \1\\;\\\\ l 1 !�/1 r fl ¢!{+ ty`'lrlcl7 Ij l,11f1'''11114 �1I ' i I i /;:ii'''IJf/iiiii1l!/rl/f Ii/lii I \ \ ~ ' \\ 1 , \\ \ 1 / /"i1'1. 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I , 1 t t : e qq ,�., \11 1,t \ \ / t ill ) 1 t! 1/ \ ill 1 !! ! , \I I� !}1 t11 1 I I l l y,. a_' ;.. i4.,-, ..�,�[\A_x�11 jxk1111,1 o \\ ilt} ,Il', . 1r i l fj lilt,. \\\_-� !�/ /,// l "II 11 lil \\ tll • . . -1`tllr.tri1i1111d1111t , i \ll\11'\ \`•,• \\ r ... it111fti1,,!Nlji,1 :\\•:,•IJ�,J , :..r r~11t i ,1I L 1 \\ \ O Dri De th Soil Boring .'!, f cS?;t`i r I 1 1 _ // 11 , „I ll\t 4\ 14 1 it \ . p p � �"�.t� �1Ct1t1 i,ty111 t � yltl 1v v --�. t /J 111! t!1 r1 1r1 '\vv,- 1J11�l1/`\ kl V11111 i,y 1 ,v�vy,, • 1-:1.1,�t1\ ,,, ;ltiv1 V1 \0\ 111 \\ \\ \ 1 / / 1 11lt1 !1/," - \_/! 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Sheet I oft I PO Box 541 PROPERTY ID#: £S3140;023110000 Midland, NC 28107 COUNTY: C4 G qta i S SOIL/SITE EVALUATION for ON-SITE WASEWATER SYSTEM OWNER: ErZaiiil YIM it a \2 L C_.ADDRESS: 0 $ T 1 r tcv zj�,.pL` a G1'9 DATE EVALUATED: 2 L( PROPOSED FACILITY: PROPOSED DESIGN FLOW(.1949): PROPERTY SIZE: (pt,L_ LOCATION OF SITE: /2y0O D b C461 bCtu t20/0 i n)IM -PJ 67-- 407 PROPERTY RECORDED: WATER SUPPLY: ❑Private Public ❑Well ❑Spring ❑Other EVALUATION METHOD:Private_ Boring I Pit 0 Cut TYPE OF WASTEWATER: ,Sewage 2 Industrial Process 0 Mixed P o SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 E LANDSCAPE HORIZON POSITION/ DEPTH PROFILE M SLOPE 6/6 (IN.) .1942 .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 CLASS STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR &LTAR TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ "1— �3- 6-1 s;L :4/45,%/e0 i ,i-t 93i, / ( , / , t'S7.�Rtp 1 — --- IC) 011242 0 ' I L , -- ‘, L1`ito ' J". Ask/ C VC:- Lit t( 1 t) 2 _ _ G 1 i(\ G — 11 <U, / ( kin /j no 1t 2 S LicL Fc i c _ 3 , L �� - • 0 5 cEJ., IC ur- ' /4/t l s S5: s Si i,/ c F,/s /7,-- P5 �� in — - �% , 25" ` DESCRIPTION INITIAL SYSTEM REPAIR SYSTEM OTHER FACTORS(.1946): SITE CLASSIFICATION(.1948): Available Space(.1945) ,,n '' I L EVALUATED BY: I► I k)001) 6,45 C • l�l_ !^1,� (�� System Type(s) OTHER(S)PRESENT: F..._ w o v�,c 5 `���V ^/ Site LTAR COMMENTS: Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet 'L of I( (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#: Scj VO�U 2 3 Li Do b b DATE OF EVALUATION: /-3 D -2' COUNTY:('A(3, a12 U; • • • • P R o SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 I. E LANDSCAPE HORIZ .1942 POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE a SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS (IN.) TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR SQ k/ CLr /6 ;r; 5 7� Al 1CL f. 1 _ ; .1 - 6 Sk f ' ; L . FrAs've ,thtt. r -' <Q , l C I , 144,4-i7 ), PS(/ !p ( ( ei_u1 5R4, 1 a f i /5�)g/ ,( 1 (' 1!-. • iS -- --Isj.4. Ei.11 i (1-- Fr- kiJel-,-Ar i( i iu _ I," [ ic., ?,sY 6(I 0-1 .\ill , L, C(-,4sd1,44-e L A `F \-1 ill C ' / ( P`, ---4" o l (� �/r 6(1 ` V 154- M-ApkI( if 1 /O , I41 , s COMMENTS: Updated Fcbruary 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet 3 of l (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#: MI O s O 23 4 D 000 DATE OF EVALUATION: J -;0 -21 COUNTY: WI R g_Q VS • ■ P R 0 SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS I .1940 E LANDSCAPE HORIZ .1942 POSITION/ .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE H SLOPE% ON STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS DEPTH TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ & LTAR (IN.) HE S8 'r; Cy I i/ /91y 1 14_�� M - 11 kJ 3 - ,Et,,l5C1 rr, V60% N �,-1r S.R 4,1 / C [ 40/4_,,e �t,) , i, 15•+ nilif L I / If - t6 " i __ r vl i ?II.Ak / 0 i/S;J kgo Ni < /I -, ( L [; / .(4/P ) - U —.. SRV/ S L- (4= )(', ( J ►oyR 6(7. i ) I \.-L\ ' Rk,i6f,)/1- ( fAs' N.K u _ i , .,,,,., / (,,-_. r, 1 ifrAr C&(‘-- \ \ M / I L i, /,S .,P - 1 I - ►._} COMMENTS: -- - Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet ±of I f (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#:5' 3 Li6}0 2 3(I60 _07)DATE OF EVALUATION: J-30'Z I COUNTY: CA A A Qi< U`S r • • r r P R 0 SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS I .1940 E LANDSCAPE .1942 HORIZ POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE # SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS (IN) TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR -`\ . 1L, /6 r;L c(�,s1 P/� (� �—S IV S r r V)4,/r9\ (_ /G o / L .r 6 /y _ I \ A 1,, I < _ (r' r jYS�l,Pr � /I ` �( . I ,W,e,;(;) 1----.`:, \() �lf F1Is , � - " �, 6 ___ /1 . �,E. (L_ I :''. `°,p RAc\z P--', ' .„ ../� C F : / oc ° P> NI < ( L I , / 44P 3 ...."--1 ta\s,1 i C L i r- 1.5‘,64ce- I /j.4( ( i C.:, '' (,- A fv) / ( v(-; iti, xp , 6 /- 7-- 0- qjli-.1 /1)./- IL r(-- Ati57,e'/IiA2 SI�,-i Sg t-, / (ru C L i_<~/ e/5err(- lc . - b /� ito t f 2 , ;J 0 COMMENTS: - Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet of II (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#:55.qOlb 231/DODO DATE OF EVALUATION: !• 10 —Li COUNTY: CABARAILS • is • P R 0 SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 L F LANDSCAPE HORIZ .1942 POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE # SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS (IN) TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR l D -5 .58 ki JCL rfA r'FYr J 6 +- r Akk / '/ ( •/< II-' r .tit LI ci. (.‘ -eye ____ , . . ..", r-,- _ 1,1 c.-i i )1_, \)(--1/1)..w4e/)&e -).l . R4 ( ' r. /e"'f J \ c� alms �`C� �� r5z/' . ' � � �" 3 `f I C L I (/(rz (-4ei -10 AII.CSC L r r/5/ , ' I___< r 5(. P .%- k-ta , ) ,_ ) 0 a . nos r*r/de/t° / PS ' L . . { .� ( /- r. iiV14(2�' ; � 0 . 2 Scn- I 15 ,L�IGr (,a. i 4}/1'4(2 � AA li,, l i ; lV P 1° 0i \ COMMENTS: _ Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet of II (Continuation Sheet-Complete al/field in full) PROPERTY ID#: 55-3 yDi a23 y Mac) DATE OF EVALUATION: I-30 -21 COUNTY: C/ICCAP e u5 • • • • s P R 0 SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 1 LANDSCAPE .1942 E HORIZ POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS TEXTURE TURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR a- \ > i-. l r C L r. f 5r7/ P �►)� t , qkv,1 C r, / P46 P5 TT :‘;i-' 1 ,•:,614, C, vf ; i _Ve,,4_,,,P - 3 I,( - .\-114 40 vg .' � S 0._ ,- / rL eit i i , ( f�):i,lf',oaf•� LS is-r; st �l ( f-, / P., \r ,L--),} rioi 6 v r i / 6 7/-, _ .(_:- sk A -- 6 . 2_ o--C $+b ,/6L '1( I ,,�P, E,P q --I 7 qi,/7,_ ,`(, i r i P/5e< O k 'Tv /VI /61— Cr/ 5hp/, ,,,a— 1 -r—r c (r, . S )-G S13 /� L F/A iii4AP ,L3 , / G U ll rt� __ IQ) _ _ �_ 0 - 7 ���/.�C F r�s!v �,' ,) 1-�3 S,$�-,/ C r /S / I ► .Sg icl _ rr� l .(h e - �� c�fi � 6 . 3 /0 al-- 47) i( L COMMENTS: Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet_l of I I (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#: 55,3ti D}Q 7 314 U OD v DATE OF EVALUATION: 1-30 —2 i __ COUNTY: Cke'VI v 5 . . • P R 0 SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER r (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 L E LANDSCAPE HORIZ .1942 POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE a SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS (IN) TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR C)- < i / C1-- FIT k° '14(' ' t j r i: / 5'// Y\f° P _ r %erg V 5 Sg�,l � IS�, ,_ ✓ I4 U -c Sb [sC1 Fr /S�JAeer r l c&L / ( F ! / /% ,,,t ' i' I } 14 LS -I0 < ,I & CL ( r- s SP,,7‘2 ri IC) 93v;i 6 r--; / '/P, Ae,;-- . . ., .DR / p 33 tc, M 1) J-7,a(P _____ 18" , , , _ o D . '11cc: / - t 4 B i,I- r' i f L (`//2/ .,? L ,.) 4 - IC,+ (� -, j C, rRqi .. e..iyac\6l A - 7, _ _ u 1 ks lcyol ___ -- .;_ vi , COMMENTS: _. __ Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet $ of II (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#: Sc3401023IUo01I DATE OF EVALUATION: 1-36-2 COUNTY: CagPkP U_; • • • • • P R 0 SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 I. E LANDSCAPE HORIZ .1942 POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE # SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS (IN) TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR L S 0- 5 ()* / L lrrA54440 1 . 5 ,I s C i /5i�k!r \ Y;,, 4-- M 6 5i L i rs.5.7( ;' ,, k -,/, ,DYR(. 12 • 0-14 4)811, J$'( L- Cr i % LS b _ _ U 4 �1r 'JLIC1L rr/14/A!rxeP L9-1 -` lk L i /ems P, 1" ‘ i- m i ( L._ I r (-- 91' 4.e' i'e — ) ,, I ,G, ___ • O 7 %ill/ LL cri- .,,.. � L,--- \ 74-I �,K\E./ c i, / e � , i -1 I / ( 1- f ; //'> ' �;,z , (- P D • )-cl gq r-'4-e L f r ,,,,v.:-_,.44748,..-, L____ 1-I6 ski / C 17 / %a/A P \ i''-'1c () s 0‘ l COMMENTS: _ -- Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet t of 11 (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in fill) PROPERTY ID#:5$3L1 D707-31-I 0000 DATE OF EVALUATION: -E O -2 1 COUNTY: C_14g444VS • • ► • • P R SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER O F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 1 LANDSCAPE .1942 F POSITION! ON HORIZ .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE n SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS (IN) TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR S ,le"- G-> -$ i-,J c r; 1 /J ier 06 ��, lr I (. L tr k'/j>, _ 2L, 1 I , . LC 'Ds ~ 4l\� 1 r i- Fr-/v-�� ,% ^ ` - , 5Rli. I ,' ( .;712� 33 P5 0 IG y L 7 0 -a7sgk / L r /4c "-:, (.64,r _ _ b -.- j r i)i f \ i c1 ' oe L C' i;4 L 1, ) ' 4/55 1 J \ c.i / . ✓ '. - v z .-,' 'It i 5 L Filivive4P, L3 . _ , . .,----7 T J \4-. / l ..... , • f t / ,r r 4.r<:i'i ,-- Ll ) ("N 2`i l 42, COMMENTS: Updated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheet )0 of 11 (Continuation Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#:55310 302 3t1U Oa 0 DATE OF EVALUATION: 1-30-21 COUNTY: CA$RRRU.S . . . . • • o SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS .1940 I. LANDSCAPE .1942 E HORIZ POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE # SLOPE% DEPTH STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RESTR CLASS TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR DEPTH CLASS HORIZ &LTAR T S 1). I rp+- B fir(-, L 1 i J ji.)g( c 1 DPP `f7 ')/G 2_ (ply/I f � _Y p�5 ( ., . NS -4 . b .I SC it /=S I p li A <Ri / C R; ( i 4 143" -) c,_ '', 1- XA-SP fr-,/6/, i 1- I - ,,()&,e - 3 + _ __ D .3 / 0 -5 5 8\h I (f L fir lS4(),i! I ( 1 , / a� ,7 r, 1 (9 1-- MIL r r/ALS Ne� 1 Co 1 ,,, (2_3 or ( LS0- � 00 c L rr / ..<7P ia c-9-qto c H I o9/9_,>,,P � h J Ir ,Lf i / --_5-' 31; 11( L Cr 147-. 'ele,-P —)l S w1 C r . I //? , ( .,) ( 2 I pa IP .1 -3-- Ai 1 c, vv, 1 p COMMENTS: liptiated February 2014 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Sheer i I of I IConnnuanon Sheet-Complete all field in full) PROPERTY ID#: 55-3 10 2.;q 0000 DATE OF EVALUATION: L 3 n - Z I COUNTY: CADA Q i_l/5 • s s • • P SOIL MORPHOLOGY OTHER F (.1941) PROFILE FACTORS 1 .1940 E LANDSCAPE HOWZ .1942 POSITION/ ON .1941 .1941 SOIL .1943 .1956 .1944 PROFILE t# SLOPE% STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAPRO RE.STR CLASS DEPTH TEXTURE MINERALOGY COLOR RN) pFpl y CLASS HORIl, &LTAR L, 0-54 _ F-4',,,ioo- if i9ci,e442 5:1 Ir‘, -.51 t a / 2. L) — 3 5E I1 SCL lr I�6 e f )—).1 611) I C \Jr; / //a4-tor (2,...S. , i , �1 5[3k)/ 6 r / P�4f-,sr �^ �� fl •qf M / (' r; / //Xx / J—I 64614 / G c r' /3/07 t, ) i 5-).v 5�1r/( �"�s/gf 4 -r 6-/ /#a/IV' _ _ pk(v 0 o - 1 sek /� /9 I-k *&rP L I I J fJti I l i-1- I $ 4P 5 �I ( 14-71 t` '� I ^9 Fit__ S`a� /Clf II1 2 1 2) ••,- ivi I 6_9 rli/544,e 0 - it e J)r( Ft %nos-ki`A r'7 t b ' 1 COMMENDS Updated February 2014 LEGEND use the following standard abbreviations SOIL CONVENTIONAL LPP MINERALOGY/ LANDSCAPE POSITION GROUP TEXTURE .1955 LIAR* .1957 LTAR* CONSISTENCE STRUCTURE CC(Concave Slope) I S(Sand) I -0,8 0.6-0.4 SEXP(Slightly Expansive) G(Single Grain) CV(Convex Slope) LS(Loamy Sand) EXP(Expansive) M(Massive) D(Drainage Way) CR(Crumb) DS(Debris Slump) II SL(Sandy Loam) 0.8-0.6 0.4-0.3 GR(Granular) FP(Flood Plain) L(Loam) SBK(Subangular Blocky) FS(Foot Slope) ABK(Angular Blocky) H(Head Slope) III Si(Silt) 0.6-0.3 0.3-0.15 PL(Platy) L(Linear Slope) SiCL(Silty Clay Loam) PR(Prismatic) N(Nose Slope) CL(Clay Loam) R(Ridge) SCL(Sandy Clay Loam) MOIST WET S(Shoulder Slope) SiL(Silt Loam) T(Terrace) VFR(Very Friable) NS(Non-sticky) IV SC(Sandy Clay) 0.4-0.1 0.2-0.05 FR(Friable) SS(Slightly Sticky) SiC(Silty Clay) Fl(Finn) S(Sticky) C(Clay) VFI(Very Firm v.Very Sticky) VS(Very Sticky) 0(Organic) None None EFI(Extremely Firm) NP(Non-plastic) SP(Slightly Plastic) *Adjust LTAR due to depth,consistence,structure,soil wetness,landscape,position,wastewater flow and quality. P(Plastic) NOTES VP(Very Plastic) HORIZON DEPTH In inches below natural soil surface DEPTH OF FILL In inches from land surface RESTRICTIVE HORIZON Thickness and depth from land surface SAPROLITE S(suitable)or U(unsuitable) SOIL WETNESS Inches from land surface to free water or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less-record Munsell color chip designation CLASSIFICATION S(Suitable),PS(Provisionally Suitable),or U(Unsuitable) Evaluation of saprolite shall be by pits. Long-term Acceptance Rate(LTAR):gal/day/ft2 Show profile locations and other site features(dimensions,reference or benchmark,and North). 1 i t . l 1TEF-F----1- -- _ , • ■mu ' . . • , . _. , . I1 __. . , . .1 ,_ _ . .. _ , - , - , 4 Updated Pebroar\ 2014 Hydrologic Soil Group—Cabarrus County, North Carolina 0 v m 0 O] OJ 538200 538300 538400 538500 538600 538700 53E800 538900 539000 539100 539200 539300 539400 539500 35°14'49"N _ + 35°14'49"N ,,, : /,:t.:Sg." k..... ._ ''' i" , - 1, --a,. _ ... 4,,, -,.... - .. , Veff0.0.01 DD2C3 tS4.00'°11° ' !ii 1 it, . i ,) - • -14 wa., Kk6"_ I ink 147", • ""' ' .`�.••-. TaB" • _ CMA '>!� �", TaB = meek 4 t TaB Ilk c .w '4r 2x++ '7� 1 � �000 G ap Goa:G1 _ ,eaDer1 7ia imGGo� c�aOQ° - i T w,'r4 r y r 4La. 35°14'20"N I ,' I- - ` '" 35°14'20"N 538200 538300 538400 538500 538600 538700 538800 538900 539000 539100 539200 539300 539400 539500 3 3 Map Scale:1:6,370 if printed on A landscape(11>'x 8.5>')sheet. Meters m N 0 50 100 200 300 m Feet 0 300 600 1200 1800 Map projection:Web Mercator Com co er ordinates:WGS841 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/17/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Cabarrus County, North Carolina MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(AOI) p C The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) 1:24,000. C/D Soils D Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Soil Rating Polygons l A p Not rated or not available Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil n A/D Water Features line placement.The maps do not show the small areas of Streams and Canals contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed n B scale. Transportation BID +-+-+ Rails Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map n C measurements. ,.� Interstate Highways n CID US Routes Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: 0 D Major Roads Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) 1—I Not rated or not available Local Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Soil Rating Lines projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts Background • • A distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the III Aerial Photography Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more • • ND accurate calculations of distance or area are required. o•*.* B This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as B/D of the version date(s)listed below. • • C Soil Survey Area: Cabarrus County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 21,Jan 21,2022 • • C/D Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales • • D 1:50,000 or larger. . • Not rated or not available Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Oct 28,2018—Nov Soil Rating Points 20,2019 D A The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background p ND imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor ▪ B shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. ▪ B/D USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/17/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Cabarrus County, North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BaF Badin channery silt C 1.3 0.7% loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes ChA Chewacla sandy loam,0 B/D 9.9 5.1% to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded HeB Herndon silt loam,2 to 8 B 12.4 6.4% percent slopes KkB Kirksey silt loam, 1 to 6 C 54.0 27.8% percent slopes TaB Tarrus silt loam,2 to 8 B 69.3 35.7% percent slopes TaD Tarrus silt loam,8 to 15 B 47.0 24.2% percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest I 193.9 100.0% t si)\ Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/17/2022 10.0 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Cabarrus County, North Carolina Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential)when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential)when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/17/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4