HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC241544_Site Plan or Location Map_20240520 54. I SWAW - - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE DATE: PAGE: PO' h h / 2 Obtain I porn.and plan approvals.Erosion and Sediment Control(E&SC)permit and a Certilicme of Coverage ® / -- I.Obtain all necessary / I (COC)tmstbe obmineo��rencany land disturbing activities occur.A copy of the FBeSC permit the COC and eM1erd copy of the plan be kept on site,preferably in H box,and accessible dun Inspection�) a Puml gravel:ann.; siltfwa Mined sihfenoa e rti w ea .rein tl<6 end wenles pp 3.FiniaM1 clearing and grubbing any necessary areas on the lens esMry are stanM. p � 4.B<gin lotgmding and excavation acGvitles � ti u �� P 1 �'� ¢9, 3.Beg'or continue with house cons...activitlea. ¶' €- �/ �• �F b ,,,AAA �' �>> Sx 6.Finish all rough grading end house contuction.All areas not disturbed forTdeys needs to have temporary or perm an. fx { 4a° / grom,a<°v<r installed. p Ilous 1f JL ll �� �� HOUSE Hou a HOUSE]t Mil do Ike open J HOUSE bQ ¢� g.Be in finegrading of lot a 9.F ;g g -g d b g Il:if tieinstallation of sod on the lot The'If 11 ` J J -.0 L� 1 '1 h I rid d stabilized d tee � Ir L., U L,�I L. .� J �x �3J r I / 10 TM1 c M1 11" J If - f h J W' control measures and comPleteN full B CRAM 1 8 SROrAY ROADWAY SHO AY MHO AY AY AY 'S5 / b JIf' f f d M1 DEMLR bs' 1r9>2 • hops//www.deq nc go abour/div nergymineral d-I rid resoumes/str/smtmweter progreMnpdes co arena ion program. GL UR6 NLEf�EoceofcUaeNotes:a Twelve monMs ofcomplete inspectiw forma sM1ell be kept for site andle for inspection at all times.lt u recommended a 1.If needetl.Tree Protection fencing shouts be installetl along the buffer zone,wetlantl ®, copybekept in ammimbox.Ref:G 5.113A-34.1 thrmrgM1 G.S.113ctions 15ANCAC 04A 0101 tlumrgh ISA LEGEND boundary andlor around protected trees,providing a radius of at least 1.25 feet for each NCAC04E.0304 Genttm PttmitNCGOIIg00 NPDESfor ConeWctivitid. inch of trunk tliameter. OFFS ITE 1.sir-insceetions Mr ems on and sedimentation control measures are to be perr rmea at 1<ast once every ary<n nal<ndm aria 2.Install 51II Fence on the low elevation sides of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown on y Within 24 boors ofevery ra,n event of greater Man l inch.Any needed repairs shallb<mad<,mmeatately ran amm,n metres'sas schematiclde dfald ed'usted.ftneca558 for lacement et low 7.....3ROAD SEPTIC FOR ` 1 deargned.AIIESC mesames Mall be mmnmined as epeci6ed in Me consmuction details on Mrs plan.Amin gauge sM1allbe rmmlled FLOW DIRECTIONp gram en 1 ry, p points.If lots are S lzts �O"rxo 31 LOT66 I nesM1epOJil site for dE alacc rtonngl<krs.whenMe 1<t,the hallcontaclDBMLRtoclos<outtheF&ScSILT FENCE Fanti�SousantlhavetlRaentlantlownaeorbuiltlere.eachlotshoultlhaveintlivitlualBitt_ qa ' pection an epMnce project is comp permitteeas SILT FENCE OUTLET Si-/i/y Plan.After DEIVILR informs Me of lose out,via inspection Me shall visit CURB INLET 3.Install required Silt Fence within l0 feet of property line to ensure there is no conflict with / / permrnee o project c p report, permiaee CONSTRUCTION ENTRANENE CE septic stem.It Is the responsibility f the builder to ensure the installation of sediment "deq.ne.BovMCG01"to submit an electronic Notice of termination(e-NOT).A S120 annual general permit fee will be charged s p y ports Ityo until Me a-NOT has been filled out, m control measures does not impact the septic system and repair area(s). OFFSITE 4.At leas[one Construction Entrance/Exit is to be installed per lot. 3B6 / 5.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at �� SEPTIC least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets or drainage ditches unless it can be shown that i SITE \ / o no other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must be -,8�A Dr ae FOR LOT65 ASELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY contained behind Silt Fence. S \ i.�"=+ NCGS 113A-54.11S AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR NInlets downstream of disturbances should be protected:streets should be swept when �"� ♦ TS 1` COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. yis present.eiT 1F,ei setimentlSmtencensWcence Outlets, t. V�a AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED NC-Environmental. 0 5� \ jpeg ].Details for Silt Fence,Silt Fence Outlets,Construction Entrances end other measures are ,s ,,I{, EROSION AND -- - - provided on addltlonal sheets.Erosion and sedimentcontroldetalls are notdrzwn to wale. .CK 388 397 SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A TYPICAL LOT LAVOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER a 7 / \ NCAC INO ND DATING THAT MEASURE ....DOCUMENTATION SHALL N ACCOMPLISHED BY \ INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE OPEN APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, a ° EN MAIL 40 /' °t SPACE DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, DATE: PAGE: z PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION o 48' I �p�, KIOSK 67 \ CONTROL PLAN." :tit I S ICE Fs\ ,a a gaDAD sx-txa o / k 4i, Jifi 4 VICINITY MAP' / / 66 as /v///444 N.T.S. / 42 65 . 30 Q��4' / : A �°M`' t./) j DATE: PAGE / ///// 64 � , n+ mod';. S' S /Watt 51 Sock/wattle NOTE: / • / -Tr- � FLOw�� •I FL II M ," / 111110,„/„:0,, 101*9) PIP - _ 4�3+0pass2 x 2 ...ill 21,2" to the desired length such that logs do.deform. 1 / I,. -,.11-allgiti 2, Fill silt sockAvattle netting La.... Consimchon M tStokes Stakes 3. ef1 llo t• 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,roots and other objectionable 1.Per NCGA1' pet t k tl after each 1 inch or a.a minimum of 10 feet beyond ihe toe of aSECTION SECTIONgraope. trend located /, 4111°4° material and properly grade t g t rr f Il k yr q tl p ediately- dal areas modicum / 2.Place the gravel to the speufic grade anddmensons shown on the plans antl 2 Mantain the gravel pad inaon..to prevent mud or sedment mooth it. from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic FO �O of the wwamel IsM1wia betuamea"d mlyapopem // 45 ,• 3.Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. topdressing with 2 inch stone. ° 8 prevent runoff amelslm going fie eerie the / vi et 4.Use geotextile fabrics in order to improve stability of the foundation in locations 3.Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed or subject to seepage or high water table. tracketl onto public roatlweys. ,,I ,11 4. Oak or oilier durable hard..stakes with a 2 inch x 2 inch cross section should be driven ,. ligiiiii/plillooL1111111: U) W vertically plumb,through the center of the silt socidwatde,Stakes should be placed at a46 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT meaata«k,watne:', ma4md, or Com : o o1 NSThePeight o log t g ntl 4 Min. s. ae lle.we: UNTRENCHED ION _ __ °VBn1BmaIM"eB X THSAINGIIM ISOMETRIC ` reY m ALrLDWa ,, t.MAINTENInspANCE: w W a)«>�weekly a .� LG 60� SODDING ch or greater ra1.11.Remove accumulated sediment and any debris as LAV 600 INA STAGGERED Mulch or Compost m,UndentliedSocks Pretecoa D„GnDMmetar :rip (lit,Alt,A.m) a^as,,, 2. mlemust6 allow for p d clogged or ��1` �� DO NO sneMRna� �snosoekm�c�°n i °^i iarmi S ° 59 \ o Work Areaf wattle /a (doe m) ' m) (aoo;a) 4 � FnoaµoralMMmo Pd. Hys,ak n„ zs ,L3 s.D zzs I ,a=il°n aem;eau aritti�a;;eaam ss. rh„ugh acts ,pram i,.a aD ,ze" °i5" S. Sins Nm/,ames snail.inspect.until Iona ---0 it mM srom dMeareaa are...the aaaaa.rHaAa,a. rn/m) On/. /m/m) Inn/,n) r/`m/m) mean°.hasbeenpeimv'..*.Nbnd. 1A6> 49 5 lox � SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION \, `,, "`r DATE: Wire Fenc Filter Fabric PAGE: \ 50 �§7 \4100 \ fk Max.Standard Strength fa.vidh wire fence - Steel Post 6Max Emes g arc autwre ten .re Fence Aire Backfll trench \ \ \\\ and Steel Post _ thoroughly Upslope } , wrtHrFrier Y ors Fa 1 1 \ 51 56 �»its� ill y Plastic or - } / d CONLMITSTIOFI� I .21 I / ae LV Ta uin°EaxsAswxEsowEL HCHz s1. sMow Wire ties �/''�'?aI STABILIZATION ta4 g�I°, GROUND STABILIZATION \ CON IMITSTIO � I (EN APPE^ARANCE OF GOOD SOD t20 ,�i :aoagmeo-eren SITE AREA STABILIZATIONLO5P2n ? g/ / ii4111 Mppp III, I'I�I eDESCRIPTION TIME FRAME EXCEPTIONS o 7� I�IIIIIILFBer Fab.a 1 / PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE 53 55 ' $PACEVNu �ro 1. annarn the sediment strength or strength syrdber<fi CROSS SELTONvEW SWALES,DITCHES Lot Plan\ / 20 /2. '_-;,v am Le &SLOPES gr0 "A" Construction: volumes of fwate sediment cane fatureo me strunath of the re�m above die (Higher fences HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE \ // 6c � � �� °r" nuraammwr ints are securely fasten Mefi ter clmh on3.Constnict Ili..fable from a cont..ly atasupporl p to the ost with 4 feet minimum er to aovene to the ea post WATER ZONES CONSTRUCTION /-J \ / I 4.Support mstrength finerfabric byl wire mesh fastened securetymmeupslope side of.posts.Exrend fiance: (HOW) LIMITS 11 na"g a;;;enfalleM:eerrea°edre;an°nmeda;;, /LotPlan Lo54\ I}• 62 V / General Erosion Control Notes the wire rnesh side of Me support bottom of the trench. fabric o a�n.eupslope inch It r Ira SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE �� coal should Me fehdc of a sediment fence collapse,rt.r,decompose, THAN 3:1 ( Ito.grsupped und am�mm used.Inches.maa maNmemamamnda�rl.sapwdss should manren relace'it promptly. 10'OR LESS IN I oq1 Extra sedouretrength finerfa.dc wit.foot post spacing does not require a wire mesh supportfen<0.sarurely or become ineffective, deosits as necessary to LENGTH AND ARE ` Nq1 1,Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. 6.foram me finer..dire.,foposts.Wire or plastic rip lies should have a minimum of 50 pound tensile Remove forma next rain sod reduce rim>urrea e NOT STEEPER / CONSTRUCTION 2.All disturbed° shall be grassed and ].Excavate me trench asmoxlmately 4 Inches Wilde and.inches deep along the propasearne of me posts and a cies...Take rarebavoid undermining the fence during al" 1 LIfyTS� qI m it ed as s cover os possible d maintained THAN 2:1, 14 / 36a until pemas so co established. 6.Plce12pe l�nesor�eenaalnnghebottomandsieemuetrench. ,sea ttnea`reatos de andStae ali� Maoame&Ing DAYS ALLOW DARE 1'/ 18 �2 ,Mefilter fabncandcompact.TM1 a compaction of Me backfill is 4 drainage area has been properly smbilised. ..4" Y 2 SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR / / _,36e,\ \ 1g.wfwi n.cneg:!!WI ma.,entrees. FLATTER SLOPES GREATER I CONSTRUCTION THAN 50'IN CON TRUCTION l LIMITS ..\NC-Envirc•rrcenlal.jpeg LENGTH IMITS \1 17 \ FFFFcm.Fu F 1 D,,.D SILT FENCE ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE(EXCEPT Lo13n Lot Plan WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS D" FLATTER THAN 4:1 AND HOW ZONES) / 15 16 \ o Ian \ G 1\ DATE: PAGE: COf49TRUCTION \ 4MIN. FENCE ` LIMITS CONSTRUCTION O v J , PAGE 1 of 2 / TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 3.60 ACRES LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN TOP OF SILT FENCE ' LOTS 11, 13, 14, 17 & 52-54 MUST BE AT TABOVE THE HE / WALTERS STEEL BEN / �- MEADOW HARDWAREWIRE FENCE NOTH FRONT VIEW SPA(3 ''. BURY WIRE FENCE,FILTER FABRIC, MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION FOR AND FILTER WASHED STONE _ a CLOTH IN TRENCH DREAM FINDERS 3"FILTER FABRIC NOTES: INTO SOLID GROUNDGeneral-All measures will be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls,or at least once per week minimum.The builder will insure that the construction activities on any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures.If lot construction dictates,measures will be z6T ON GROUND 1.Hardware cloth andgreveI hoPART MuIdoverlaythesiltrenve leastAi2E relocated on the lot to insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. HOMES, LLC Illsinches. Gravel Construction Entrance-The ravel ad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic to dressin with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect an structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediate) remove all °a � g p p g y q ° top dressing p y p ry' y QUEWHIFFLE TOWNSHIP HOKE COUNTY a 2.Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of silt fence objectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. and based on field conditions. Silt Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to insure SCALE: 1"=100' APRIL 2024 MAINTENANCE: that the removed sediment does not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. of 1.Per tCG-01,inspect outlet at Complete t any re a week and immefter diately. sir Sodding The sod should bemaintained to insure that the take holds in the areas beingsecured.The sod should be watered as necessary to maintain adequate moisturethe root zone andprevent dormancyof the sod.The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate growth GRAPHIC SCALE HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRIC IN TRENCH greater rainfall event Complete any required repairs immediately. q- root properlyd. grasslotionry quae in quae tiro too 0 50 100 200 400 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds 6 inches. and stabilization of the bed.The sod should be limed and fertilized as per soil type recommendations and type of grass recommendations when and if possible. 3.Keep mesh free of debris to provide adequate flow. Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed as necessary as an initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly.Any bare areas should be = MMI SECTION view 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. repaired,and reseeded as soon as possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grassing should be used until the growing season permits the use of a permanent grass. 5.Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering. ..\NC-Snub entatipeg Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or gullies upslope of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height.Removed ( IN FEET ) SILT FENCE OUTLET sediment shall be deposited within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. 1 inch = 100 ft Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout.Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC.115 BROADFOOT AVE.FAYETTEVILLE,N.C.28305 fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE gF-0106 LAST SAVED:4/10/2024 1:27 PM LAST PLOTTED:4/25/2024 10:36 AM PLOTTED BY.Dennis Gilbert FILENAME:G\CURRENT JOBS\H 22 H CONSTRUCTORS\23-1367-02 WALTERS MEADOW-EC\PLANS\WALTERSMEADOWEC-LOTS11.13.14.1)--.DWG