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NCC241523_Site Plan or Location Map_20240520
USGSU.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR i- The National Map 7.5-MINUTE TOPO QUADRANGLE JUJ U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 'j�OnDemand Topo Custom Extent sumce fora changing world 7.5.MINUTE TOPO 79.0571 -78.9321' 35.2046 '77IX`"'E 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 35.2046` -/ sxo ��� - _ L. . I ,EFS _ er a r— "`i Moriches[ - U J ( 'It-. l x _ \ �l \ ) �� rpr - LAKE - G 5 - SPRING_ '" r "' __ _. m T n • ,Pf 95 ''''''''''',,, 1 0, 1 1--- .....fil,` , \., 1 / \�T'. - -+.\ / , fi'' ' ' ,d \ ( orJ �" I // 6IU t t ,pr. / - 9 0 ��=r tr _ /z\ .,., ran _. _—_ NG Distribution =�1 �y .,-111 � 92. Iln,' 2 9`I _ n r�� 1 e�zT Project t �. -°�^a99\J \ ,� A -- xl 3 `pet - nIo° ., rA e RD oolpN st U Ceme¢Y� ®� V FAYETTEVILLE dOnEY�Onr ��� , i'h�, - - TRD ,,, LONGaT 3aa aD A � -- 91- ©.. ytA ,j '`` I111111101, I \ �7 Ii� _ �J'. o I111:I'BRA.. , rA i . fi I EAe De I - _ I 91 . - �� � _ �.. �DDABriRmasr os< � '7=_ I C _ C z 'I I. liiii, 9_ / 9 - ry \\I _ \\ ! OBI -90 9p a - F Arfield EgR n, r \ I - ' uolny n tlru Go - II ' ��� m W , �� s8 Hm m A® — �� ��N , I D ae - ...Ridge — maxi 'o v 'm J14 ak _ n 87 I_�_ _-' ® / I u -1‘ .\ s7 - ' � �;����. _ rA mar �� � re Fom l .mom f n r `p e � i_ RS � ,, , _ ,.. aby —i_ p5 c opa a a . MNoo c -- % V I f \ ,pI __ - y OM - ' £ -S \aonxieD000n _Cr 85 ,,,,,„ __ �I Ir ,l rrNv - i!„. -s r s A --- - J D pzv 2 0 n C�� ighY I DNORN 2/9. p9 r , _ J Q�oxF RFx%,d F r�s`^NII„E r„ \�-_ \ noa 8°0 , m\ 3e84000mN 35.079e' 78 79 80 81 B2 83 84 85 86 87 t88.'°E .78.9321'35.794' ROAD CLASSIFICATION 43. Produced by the United States Geological Survey a SCALE 1:24 000 SewExprnsary Nwy lain Road sway t . Lead nctur 1983North Amerman Datum or INAoe3I eel world tam d 1984(WOW)FraMctlouand 1 0.5 Ramp 4WD mu•grid:Unlversal Transverse Mercator,Zane IFSint 1000 500 0 pMETERSRS 1000 2000 Po b/Thetime NW Is ....at etep ITNMI.Is Me best available at the al met, r 1 0.5 Wwauscss �[ •Interstate RouteIA Route O seta Routegeneratian.4a.includes date content from supporting themes..Elevation, hirdrography.Geogrepbic Names,Boundaries,Transportation,Structure>,land Cover, MAID MILES end Imagery.Refer to associated Federal Geographic Data Committee I(MCI3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8. 9000 10030 dendare la addltlanel source den information. FEET ovmlus aMrcienw IeWIdaumentr BeuMerles may m besho n.Obtain thismapscold. POrate lands withinto lands T mperachan may rota shown.Obtaine...lda o¢Llxanox AT CENTER of exEET entering and lands.Temporal changesmay naveoccurred sincethecadata CONTOUR INTERVAL 10FELT were collected and some data may no Monger represent actual suia<e<oMltlonz. US NM Odd NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM Of 1988 100000 Me ream eaoat the nabaaai p:nttp.:77aatroaalmap.gav CONTOUR SMOOTHNESS-Medium 7.5-MINUTE TOPO, NC ru °tee USER DEFINED CONTENT "`°`n°e 2023 a0,.... BMDRe,GL,,