HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230943_Contact Update Request_20240516Holloman, Tevye L
Pam Braxton <iveyapts@bellsouth.net>
Thursday, May 16, 2024 9:01 AM
Holloman, Tevye L
Tom Holderby
[External] Stormwater Permits
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I paid the Notice of Deficiency - unpaid permit fee for NCC230943 of $120.00 confirmation number
24051649831244. Could you please add email and phone number to send the Renewals to.
My name is Pamela Braxton,
my email is: iveyapts@bellsouth.net
my phone is: 336-516-6605
1 am the account manager.
Thank you
Pamela S. Braxton
TSH Development
1176 Thomaswood Drive
Whitsett, NC 27377
Ph: 336-603-6134