HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC241371_ESC Approval Submitted_20240515 4/18/24,8:41 AM I nterface Environm eital Consulting, LLC M -FW:NC DEM LR-FRO FApplication Approval with M cdifications Needed CRM 022...
Gma i I Carrie Caviness<carrie@interfaceenv.com>
FW: NC DEM LR - FRO FApplication Approval w th M odifications Needed CRM D225024
2 messages
Landers,Stephanie<stephanie.landers@deq.nc.gov> T hu,Apr 11,2024 at 12:12 PM
To:Carrie Caviness<carrie@interfaceenv.com>
Cc:Sarah Kilby<sarah@interfaceenv.com>
Just FYI,your approval with m cds was just sent to the city.
Thank you,
From:SVC_DoNotReply-DEQPerm is<DoNotReply-DEQ Fbrm is@deq.nc.gov>
Sent:Thursday,April 11,2024 12:11 PM
Subject:NC DEM LR-FROF Application Approval with M odifications Needed CRM 0225024
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Energy, Mineral &Land Resources
Land Quality Section
Roy Cooper
Elizabeth S.Biser
William Vinson Jr.(Acting)
April 11,2024
City of Shelby
PO Box 207
Shelby,NC 28150
RE: Project Name Depot Park Shelby
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4/18/24,8:41 AM I nterface Environm e,tal Consulting,LLC M -FW:NC DEM LR-FRO FApplication Approval with M cdifications Needed CRM D22...
Acres Approved:4.7
Application ID: PA-004059
P ermit Num:er:CLEVE-2024-0112
Address: G sham Street
River Basin:Broad
Stream Classification:C:Aquatic Life,Secondary Contact Recreation,Fresh water
Plan Type:New Plan
Dear City of Shelby,
This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to be acceptable with modifications and hereby issue
this Letter of Approval with M odifications. The M odifications Required for Approval are listed on the attached page.The Certificate of Approval m ist
be posted at the job site. This plan approval shall expire three(3)years following the date of approval,if no land-disturbing activity has been
undertaken,as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B.0129.
As of April 1, 2019, all new construction activities are required to complete and submit an electronic Notice of Intent (eNO) form requesting a
Certificate of Coverage (CO C) under the NCG010000 Construction General Permit.After the form is reviewed and found to be complete, you will
receive a link with paym ent instructions for the$120 annual perm it fee.After the fee is processed,you will receive the CO Cvia em al.As the Financially
Responsible Party shown on the FRO form submitted for this project,you M UST obtain the CO C prior to com m eicem ait of any land disturbing
activity.TheeNO Dorm may be accessed atdeq.nc.gov/NCG01.Please directquestions about the eNOlform totheStorrmneter Program staff in the
Raleigh central office.If the owner/operator of this project changes in the future,the new responsible party m ust obtain a new CO C
Title 15A NCAC 4B.0118(a)and the NCG01 perm it require that the following documentation be kept on file at the job site:
1.The approved E&9 plan as well as any approved deviation.
2.The NCG01 perm it and the CO C once it is received.
3.Records of inspections m ade during the previous 12 m onths.
Also,this letter gives the notice required by G.S.113A-61.1(a)of our right of periodic inspection to ensure corn pliance with the approved plan.
North Carolina's Sedimentation Pollution Control Act is perform ance-oriented,requiring protection of existing natural resources and adjoining
properties. If,following the corn m eicem ant of this project,the erosion and sedim entation control plan is inadequate to m eet the requirem ants of the
Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973(North Carolina General Statute 113A-51 through 66),this office may require revisions to the plan and
im plem entation of the revisions to insure corn pliance with the Act.
Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your corn pliance with Federal and State water quality laws,regulations,and rules.In
addition,local city or county ordinances or rules may also apply to this land-disturbing activity. This approval does not supersede any other perm it or
Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the inform ation provided in the Financial Responsibility/0 wiership Form,which you
provided. You are requested to file an am aided form if there is any change in the inform ation included on the form. This permit allows for a land-
disturbance,as called for on the application and plan,not to exceed the approved acres. Exceeding the acreage can be a violation of this perm it and
m ay require a revised plan and additional application fee. In addition,please notify this office of the proposed starting date for this project.
Modifications Required for Approval:
1.Sheet X1 has a note stating Basin Top is 856.6 and the Table on Sheet X9 has it as 858.1. Please update Sheet X1 to m a.ch table on
Sheet X9.
2. Indicate the em agency spillway location and width for the proposed sedim sit basin on the erosion and sedim sit control plan. is
preferred that the em agency spillway be located in undisturbed soil, if possible. [G S. 113A-57(3)] In addition,the em agency spillway
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4/18/24,8:41 AM I nterface Environm ental Consulting, LLC M -FW:NC DEM LR-FRO FApplication Approval with M cdifications Needed CRM 022...
elevation is 857.1 feet and top of dam is 858.1. The em agency spillway elevation for a skim m e basin is required to be 1.5 feet below
the top of dam. Please update accordingly.
3.The current skim m e size is 4 inches and could result in dewatering too fast. Please reevaluate the skim m e size using the NCDEQ
skim m e calculations spreadsheet,which can be found on our website and appropriately size the skim m e, skim m e orifice and head on
skim m e.
4.Additional measures m ay be required-The applicant is responsible for the control of sedim alt on-site. If the approved erosion and
sedim altation control m easures prove insufficient,the applicant m Let take those additional steps necessary to stop sedim alt from
leaving this site. [15A NCAC 4B .0115]
Your cooperation is appreciated.
Stephanie Landers
North Carolina Departm ent of Environm ental Q uwlity
Division of Energy,Mineral&Land Resources
Land Q wlity Section
Enclosures:Certificate of Approval,NCGO 1 Fact Sheet
M odifications Required for Approval
�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Q u�lity I Division of Energy,
E �S Mineral and Land Resources
l� Mooresville Regional 0 fice 1610 East Center Avenue,Suite 301 M mresville
Department a t n.eoawta OrYO`\� 704-663-1699
Em al correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and m ay be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.
3 attachments
wj Certificate of Approval-Thursday,April 11,2024 1158 AM docx
1 -NCG 01-Fact-Sheet.pdf
i� Application Report-Thursday,April 11,2024 1158 AM pdf
Carrie Caviness<carrie@interfaceenv.com> Thu,Apr 11,2024 at 12:39 PM
Cc:Sarah Kilby<sarah@interfaceenv.com>,Ed M cLean<ed@dbdplanning.com>
Thanks!A quick note on the two m ods required for approval.
2. Indicate the em agency spillway location and width for the proposed sedim aft basin on the erosion and sedim aft control plan. is
preferred that the em agency spillway be located in undisturbed soil, if possible. [G S. 113A-57(3)] In addition,the em agency spillway
elevation is 857.1 feet and top of dam is 858.1. The em agency spillway elevation for a skim m e basin is required to be 1.5 feet below
the top of dam. Please update accordingly.
The graphic exam pie for the skim m a sediment basin on page 6.64.7(Figure 6.64c)show sa 6" invert elevation of emergency
spillw air and then 1'of freeboard specified above it. This conflicts w th the em bankm ent specification on page 6.64.6. We'll
drop the basin a half foot, but I felt like I should point this out.
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4/18/24,8:41 AM I nterface Environm eital Consulting, LLC M -FW:NC DEM LR-FRO FApplication Approval with M cdifications Needed CRM 022...
3.The current skim m e size is 4 inches and could result in dewatering too fast. Please reevaluate the skim m e size using the NCDEQ
skim m e calculations spreadsheet,which can be found on our website and appropriately size the skim m e, skim m e orifice and head on
skim m e.
The skimmer size is 4", but the orifice size that regulates the inflow of water is specified as 1.5" in the table w eprovided per
the calculations spreadsheet.
We'll m ace the changes as required.
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