HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3231101_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240514 November 23, 2022 Ms. Hayden Frieslaar S U M M I T Shea Homes r`inrP.rrRINc . ATnP' •Tr:Tir�r A Universal E•ua1nee-lncl COrnppny 8008 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, North Carolina 28226 Email: Hayden.Frieslaar@sheahomes.com Subject: Estimated Seasonal High Water Table (ESHWT) Determinations Underwood Road Weddington Road Wesley Chapel, North Carolina SUMMIT Project No. 0109.G0046 Dear Ms. Frieslaar: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory and Testing, Inc. (SUMMIT) is pleased to submit this letter summarizing our observations of the soil test borings as related to Estimated Seasonal High Water Table Elevation (ESHWT) determinations in the proposed stormwater BMP ponds to be constructed for the proposed project listed above. This report contains a brief description of the project information provided to us, general site and subsurface conditions revealed during this exploration. PURPOSE OF EXPLORATION The primary purpose of this exploration was to obtain information regarding the subsurface conditions in the proposed stormwater BMP ponds, assess the engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials, and determination of the estimated seasonal high water table mark (if evident). 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Summary of ESHWT Determinations SUMMIT Project No. 0109.G0046 Underwood Road November 23, 2022 This report contains the following items: • Site Vicinity Map and Boring Location Plan, • Summary of Test Boring Observations, visual soil classifications and descriptions, • A general review of the subsurface soils and estimated seasonal high water table depth from existing ground surface (if evident), • Groundwater level measurements. EXPLORATION PROCEDURES SUMMIT visited the site on November 10th and 14th of 2022 and performed two (2) soil test borings (identified as SW-16 and SW-17) in the proposed stormwater BMP ponds. The approximate location of the borings is shown on Figure 2 — "ESHWT Boring Location Plan" provided in Appendix 2. The client (Shea Homes) provided SUMMIT a plan sheet titled "Underwood Road" prepared by BGE Inc., dated July 13, 2022 that indicated the approximate locations of the proposed stormwater BMP ponds. The borings were located by professionals from our office using the provided plan, recreation-grade handheld GPS, existing topography, and aerial maps as reference. Since the boring locations were not surveyed, the location of the borings should be considered approximate. We recommend the actual boring locations be surveyed to determine the actual boring locations and existing ground elevations. The soil test borings were performed using an ATV-mounted CME 550X drill rig. Borings SW-16 and SW-17 were extended to an approximate depth of 8.2 and 12.6 feet below the existing ground surface, respectively. Hollow-stem, continuous flight auger drilling techniques were used to advance the borings into the ground. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)were performed within the mechanical borings continuously to the termination depth in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. When properly evaluated, the SPT results can be used as an index for estimating soil strength and density. In conjunction with the penetration testing, representative soil samples were obtained from the test locations and returned to our laboratory for visual classification and potential laboratory testing. The soil samples collected were visually examined and classified in general accordance with ASTM D-2488. The Munsell Soil Color Charts (2009 Revision) were used to identify the hue, value, and chroma of soil samples. Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling. The classification symbols are depicted on the "Boring 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Summary of ESHWT Determinations SUMMIT Project No. 0109.G0046 Underwood Road November 23, 2022 Logs" provided in Appendix 2. GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE STRATIGRAPHY General subsurface conditions observed during our geotechnical exploration are described herein. For more detailed soil descriptions and stratifications at the test locations,the respective "Boring Logs" provided in Appendix 2 should be reviewed. The horizontal stratification lines designating the interface between various strata represents approximate boundaries. Transitions between different strata in the field may be gradual in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Beginning from the ground surface, a layer of topsoil (surficial organic soils) was observed with a thickness of approximately 3 inches. Beneath the topsoil layer, residual (undisturbed) soils were encountered that consisted of elastic silts (MH) and sandy silts (ML). Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) materials were encountered in Borings SW-16 and SW-17 at approximate depths of 6 and 12 feet below the existing ground surface, respectively. Auger refusal conditions were encountered in SW-16 and SW-17 at approximate depths of 8.2 and 12.6 feet below the existing ground surface, respectively. GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS At the time of drilling and after waiting more than 24 hours, groundwater was not observed in the borings. It should also be noted that groundwater levels tend to fluctuate with seasonal and climatic variations, as well as with some types of construction operations. Therefore, water may be encountered during construction at depths not indicated in the borings performed for this exploration. ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE ESHWT is defined as the shallowest depth to a wet soil layer as a result of"true" or "permanent" groundwater at any time during the year. The ESHWT is typically identified with a change in the color of the soil layer due to water staining (typically, gray redoximorphic depletions and 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Summary of ESHWT Determinations SUMMIT Project No. 0109.G0046 Underwood Road November 23, 2022 mottling). Spots or blotches of different color or shades of color interspersed with a dominant color in soil, commonly referred to as mottling. Mottling is a historic indication for the presence of groundwater caused by intermittent periods of saturation and drying, and may be indicative of poor aeration and impeded drainage. Mottling is a "general indication of groundwater" flow through this layer, but it is not known whether the groundwater flow was recent. CONCLUSIONS Based on our observations, ESHWT indicators were not evident in the boring locations. Please note that even though ESHWT indicators were not evident in the borings, perched water conditions can develop above a low permeable material. Perched water conditions differ from the "true" or "permanent" water table. A perched water table is water standing above an unsaturated zone and is often influenced by soil conditions, and occurrence of less permeable soils. Where the ESHWT is defined as the shallowest depth to a wet soil layer as a result of"true" or "permanent" groundwater at any time during the year. The BMP designer should take into consideration that perched water conditions may exist above the low permeable PWR stratum. The following table summarizes the results of the borings and our observations. Summary Table of the Boring Results and Our Observations Approx. GW Depth Approx. Auger Boring ESHWT GW Depth After PWR Refusal Test Depth Depth ATD 24 Hours Depth Depth Location (Feet)1 (Feet)1 (Feet)1 (Feet)1 (Feet)1 (Feet)1 SW-16 8.2 NE NE NE 6 8.2 SW-17 12.6 NE NE NE 12 12.6 1 Depths from existing ground surface. NE — Not Encountered in boring 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Summary of ESHWT Determinations SUMMIT Project No.0109.G0046 Underwood Road November 23, 2022 The analyses submitted in this report were based, in part, on data obtained from this exploration. If the above-described project conditions are incorrect or changed after the issuing of this report, or subsurface conditions encountered during construction are different from those reported, SUMMIT should be notified and these recommendations should be re-evaluated based on the changed conditions to make appropriate revisions. We have prepared this report according to generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this report. 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Summary of ESHWT Determinations SUMMIT Project No. 0109.G0046 Underwood Road November 23, 2022 CLOSING SUMMIT appreciates the opportunity to provide our professional services for you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the information in this proposal or if we may be of further service, please contact us at 704.504.1717. Sincerely, SUMMIT ENGINEERING, LABORATORY&TESTING, INC. .`` —0 C ARO tit SUMMIT m : Engineonrig.Laboratory : oz 3•• $Using. No.F•145/ %II •• le(6L Brian Cantrell, P.E. Adam Jordan Geotechnical Department Manager Assistant Project Manager LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Figure No. 1—Site Vicinity Map Figure No. 2— ESHWT Boring Location Plan Appendix 2 Boring Logs 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Summary of ESHWT Determinations SUMMIT Project No. 0109.G0046 Underwood Road November 23, 2022 SUMMIT ENGINEERING • LABORATORY • TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company APPENDIX 1 Figures 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com G• ► � 1162 1 1 1 r► c SITE to H � c cn �o 1346 CD 3 cp a Wesley Chapel TrueF 1162 Creeks L; t � Cavesson by John 9 11162 Wieland Homes and... Cresswind Wesley Chapel I Kolter Homes Underwood Road / — Figure 1 Weddington Road Site Location Plan Wesley Chapel, North Carolina SUMMIT R uN.«.al Myrmp fn«..•.Co.�u.ry 3575 Centre Circle SUMMIT Project No.: 0109.G0046 FortMill, ina2971s SCALE: NTS (803)504-1717 .= ise-VI ' /Fp _— ` '•Cl ai. 1 o i. • • ,. - ` .'Y♦ .J{ J ,fir tL. _ nfi� f , 1r } +Io, • �` -fir' •J .-• �_ rr `� ��� yti' \��_ • fog" r +..I ` i"` ti•.•` _ .—, J', ;ter-J '. _1i,, rt eel( rr r,. r r MI// r• r�,� S _Fs' __ E. '. z. r C� fir �o t o( xis; ?leather Q P*62„ �`�`` Q..�!J a �� 41.- '.P/oo ather�1 r, S. tJ G!s'� „C; ",r -- .. ``- .. fr ITT Q�4 1`r rr� }. 7� .r u • % ice, .. M,q yoIliiit. --�l�`. aY( 1 i 4,1 • Pil i L z=eiewiliCa • • .-- , aigigigillkIIII S- -ibrgeih• , 4 • 4 i Iv ,,, cs ___ . . .. _... .../ . at.,„1 •. P % (4. 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A AV .•d a qt..'l sc.-c..wm 3575 Centre Circle SUMMIT Project No.: 0109.G0046 Fort Mill,South 171Carolina 29715 SCALE: NTS (803)s04o4-1717 Summary of ESHWT Determinations SUMMIT Project No. 0109.G0046 Underwood Road November 23, 2022 /AMa SUMMIT ENGINEERING • LABORATORY • TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company APPENDIX 2 Boring Logs 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com SUMMIT ENGINEERING, LABORATORY 8c TESTING,INC. BORING NUMBER SW-16 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE Milk FORT MILL,SOUTH CAROLINA PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT TELEPHONE: 704.504.1717 ►_ �-• SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Shea Homes PROJECT NAME Underwood Road PROJECT NUMBER 0109.G0046 PROJECT LOCATION Wesley Chapel, North Carolina DATE STARTED 11/10/22 COMPLETED 11/10/22 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING ---GW NE ATD/Caved in Depth @ 6'bgs LOGGED BY D.Smith CHECKED BY N.Sacks AT END OF DRILLING ---GW NE>24 hrs NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U o >- ci w 0 20 40 60 80 100 _ �w H� Q 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION J 2 >0 9,n Q J a O. m O> 0 20 40 60 80 100 (3 2z (.) oz w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 —'"• • • Approx.3"of TOPSOIL (ML)RESIDUUM: Soft Moist Yellowish Red(5YR,5/8)Sandy SILT SPT 1-1-2-2 A 1 (3) • (ML)Very Soft Moist Strong Brown(7.5YR,4/6)Sandy SILT 2.5 SPT 2-1-1-1 2 (2) 5.o SPT 0-1-1-2 3 (2) • (SM)Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Light'it - Brownish Gray(2.5Y,6/2)Silty SAND with Rock Fragments SPT 15-50 1 4 (50/4") 7.5 SPT 50 >>A Bottom of Boring at 8.2 feet bgs,Auger Refusal 5 (50/2") io.o SUMMIT ENGINEERING, LABORATORY 8c TESTING,INC. BORING NUMBER SW-17 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE — FORT MILL,SOUTH CAROLINA PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT TELEPHONE: 704-504-1717 -►_ ---—. SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Shea Homes PROJECT NAME Underwood Road PROJECT NUMBER 0109.G0046 PROJECT LOCATION Wesley Chapel, North Carolina DATE STARTED 11/14/22 COMPLETED 11/14/22 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING ---GW NE ATD/Caved in Depth @ 9.5'bgs LOGGED BY D.Smith CHECKED BY N.Sacks AT END OF DRILLING ---GW NE>24 hrs NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U >-ct >- cow 0 20 40 60 80 100 _ I—w EC^ Hn It Q ,..,1- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION J 2 >0 9O n Q 1 M " J o O. m O> 0 20 40 60 80 100 (3 2z () oz w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ co 0 20 40 60 80 100 --'" ``, Approx.3"of TOPSOIL (MH)RESIDUUM: Firm Yellowish Red(5YR,5/8)Sandy Elastic SILT SPT 3-3-5-6 1 (8) (MH)Very Stiff Yellowish Red(5YR,5/8)and Yellow(10YR,7/8) 2.5 Sandy Elastic SILT with Rock Fragments SPT 6-9-9-8 2 (18) (MH)Very Stiff Yellowish Red(5YR,5/8)and Yellow(10YR,7/8) Sandy Elastic SILT 5.0 SPT 5-8-8-8 3 (16) (ML)Very Stiff Brownish Yellow(10YR,6/8),Light Red(2.5YR, 6/8),and Light Gray(2.5Y,7/1)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 6-7-11-20 4 (18) 7.5 (ML)Hard Brown(10YR,5/3)and Light Gray(2.5Y, 7/1)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 8-18-18-19 5 (36) 9.5ft 11 10.0 (ML)Hard Brown(10YR,5/3)and Light Gray(2.5Y, 7/1)Sandy SILT with Clay Seams and Manganese Stains SPT 6-23-27-50 6 (50) '••• •• ': (ML)Partially Weathered Rock When Sampled Becomes Brown SPT 38-50 z.s ,', (10YR,5/3)and Light Gray(2.5Y,7/1)Sandy SILT with Rock 7 (50/1") \ Fragments and Manganese Stains Bottom of Boring at 12.6 feet bgs,Auger Refusal 15.0