HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071652 Ver 1_Buffer Determination_20071012O~O~ wAr~9pG \fich:~l F ::Life). Ginrrnor 11 ilham G. Ross !c. Secraan vj r forth Carol,na t)cpart,ncnt of Em,ronmcnt aid \auual Rcs:,urxs 0 ~ :Van 11'. Klimek, P.I~: Dircc;or lln~uxra:~t il~a:rr(lua?ih~ October 12. 2007 ~~j Project ~ 2007-162 p ~~~~ ~'J County Kearney W. Harper, Jr. ~~T ~ ~ 2007 292] IIi,ghway ~5 West Kinston, \C 2804 D~NR-WATERQIJALIIY ylf:'1'UW44 A.~lD ST(1RoA4".'4TE~Ft t;Rl11~lCH Subject Property: Harper Salvage Yard L"I' to Meuse Ri~•er. ~`eu~e Ri1~er Basin On-Site Determination for applicabilih' to the \euse Ri~-cr Riparian Area Protection Rules (15A \CAC 2B .4233) Dear ~-ir. I Iarper: At your request I conducted an on-site determination to ref iew• drainage features located on the subject property for applicability to the Meuse Buffer Rules (l ~A \CAC ZB .0233). The property is located on the south side of stC I-IVJY ~~ «'est, approximately 0.4 miles weft o!'the intersection of~NC Hti~'Y ~~ and ~tC HWY 11, at Jacksons Crossroads, southwest of Kinston. The feature is labeled as `'2007-1652" on the attached map initialed by me on October 12, 2007 The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has detcrminrd that the portion of the feature that is highlighted in pink on the attached map is lxemnt from the reuse Buffer Rules. The portion of the feature that is highlighted in blue and circled on the attached map is Subject to the Meuse Buffer Rules. 'Phis feature should be identified on any future plans for this propem•. The owner (or future owners) should notih~ the D~~'Q (and other relevant agencies) of this decision in any' future correspondences concerning this property. 'this determination pertains to the subject property only . ~fhis on-site determination shall expire five (~) years from the date of this letter. Also, because there i~ c;xcessive material in the riparian buffer alongside the subject portion of the feature, you should call Chris l'ullingcr at (252} 9q8 - 3920 to schedule another site visit to identifi• and determine if any of the material that is in the riparian buffer qualifies as an existing use. jlny material placed in the buffer that does not constitute an existing use must be removed from the riparian buffer. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a det~miination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall he referred to the Director in writing c/o Cvndi Karoh•, DVdQ Vl'etlands.!40l Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., R:reigh. \C 2760-1-2?60. Individuals that dispute a determination by the D~'~%Q or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within (it) dal s of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time doe, not scan until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners} is notified ol'this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to he certain that third party appeals are made in a timel}• manner. ;north Carolina Ui~•ision o1 water Qualit} nte-net r?c e-rs'a:~ -c .s 943 4l'ashin~tnn Square'.Vlall Phanc ?~'•~1G•(.K i One 1b•ash;ngton,'`c27sx9 r,~.x ~>.~~~-~~1~ NOl`ir~'1CS1'Ol1lld An Equai Oppo~:^itylA'F.rrriative ACiicn Empioyer-5Cl'r5 RecyGeci105~'. s' Cons;;,r~• Pa~a~ ~atura!!~ To ask f'or a hearing. send a written petition. which conforms to Chapter 1508 of the tiorth Carolina General Statutes to the Office of :'ldministrativc 1-Icarings. 671-I ~1ai1 Scr<•ice Center. Raleigh, ;\.C. 27699-6714. "Phis determination is final and binding unless ~ eu asl: fur a hearing within 60 days. This letter only addresses the applicability u~ the buffer rules and does not approve an}~ activin~ within the buffers. ~Ior does this letter approve any activity «~ithin \~'aters of the united States or Waters of the State. If ~°ou have any additional questions or require additional information please call me at (252) 948-3920. Sincerel~~. ~..:~ t~-..~~,,.~.~.~ Chris PullingerlEnvironmental Spec. II ll1~'Q;~~%aRO ~l'ctlands ,~ =101 Lnit Enclosures; copy of 1:24,000 scale I;SGS topographic map. Deep Run quadrangle copy of page 9, 1990 version of the Lenoir County Soil Survey cc: DWQ WaRO file 401 Central Office file Central Files R. Van Braxton. Room 403, Legislative Offices Building. Raleigh \C 27603 Elizabeth Self: ]601 Mail Services Center. Raleigh \C 27699 Filenamr: 2007-1 C~2 . A- -..+.. ... -.... _ -. ~' H JW... ~•..... ~ _ _- .aaF ...!'fir -.. --.. .. .. .18.- -.. _ri.. ~ .~. _... • ' - ~ ~- - ... T WY t ,. ~ .:.... - .J4. -1.T 4 [t ate. a4:~.~ -. North Carolina L~nvironmen±a! "-'" ,... 1: r t _ -.,.. _. IL • Mana9emarrt Commrasion ;~~ O# Wete~ ~ Kins,on -" ~- .. 4uel~ly Drab Str,p '` '' `~~ ' ~'':., For ~--_~>::-~.e~' &dtsr ~~ ~ , • \ , ~' ~ .: date C~ c F~~ h:. l a ~ . --j ~i Reviewed by `~= ~-~} (~,.,~,~.,(~ ~i~~~ x •, ~;. ~ ! ',~- • ', ,,~ ~,.~ .. " \.~~ • . Cem •- . J~c:.-~~:: t?rid • (r' , • .. . • i r .. _ _• • = • ,r.w ~ ~~. • • • ... ! 1 • ..eq.- . .. (,..,, wI ') it'h 'ull ... .. f, ~ ~ • _. `~ Cent , • _ t .. .. , , l .~ ~ .. •' ,, r . , J nark ~. • =• ' ~ • ~'~ --C • ', P ~=~ •. , _ . ; ` i Cem ~ • • Tra.ler f ,' ~~~/~ i .~ • '~ • . ~• •~ , ss. o ~' ,•. ~; ti .~, • -' ~,~ . ,,~' • r, r,,, .~, - .. . . .. . . „r". r '\ `` .. O C T 1 5 2007 ~, ~ -q• •%~. _.~....,; per.. { pENR -WATER QUALITY ~LAN0.4gryg STf>ftMW.,gTC.(~ BRANru cpY~3h::C} ?957, hiaatc,,~. Inc _. ~ ~.. -. r ,~ .. ~~ , xr t_, Cn a i ~ ~~ ~ ~ .~'~ .~- r ~ t ~ ~ ~ i \ ~~ ~~ / ! ., ,} _ ~ ji ,~ ~ fir, .. __..... ,~ ,.,- i ''~~`• ! ~ ~ , a f f _., (. ~ ~ _ ~t ,~!.~ c_...'_J YG 1. 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