HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0086584_Renewal (Application)_20240513ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director Stephen Hall, Director Public Works Town of Belhaven PO Box 220 Belhaven, NC 27810-0220 Subject: Permit Renewal Application No. NCO086584 Belhaven WTP Beaufort County Dear Applicant: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality May 13, 2024 The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges the May 13, 2024 receipt of your permit renewal application and supporting documentation. Your application will be assigned to a permit writer within the Section's NPDES WW permitting branch. Per G.S. 150E-3 your current permit does not expire until permit decision on the application is made. Continuation of the current permit is contingent on timely and sufficient application for renewal of the current permit. The permit writer will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. Please respond in a timely manner to requests for additional information necessary to allow a complete review of the application and renewal of the permit. Information regarding the status of your renewal application can be found online using the Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Application Tracker at: https://www.deq.nc.gov/permits-rules/environmental-application-tracker If you have any additional questions about the permit, please contact the primary reviewer of the application using the links available within the Application Tracker. Sincerely, Cynthia Demery Administrative Assistant Water Quality Permitting Section cc: Central Files w/application ec: WQPS Laserfiche File w/application North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 14. D_EQ Washington Regional Office 1943 Washington square Mall I Washington North Carolina 27889 ��+r►� 252.946.6481 RECEIVED EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name L U L4 Form Approved 03/05119 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 Form U.S. EnvrNPDnr a ;4 DES Application for NPDE a 1 �—.EPA NPDES GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION•NPDES 40 Applicants Mo#:Rt ftf`iit Ft�rrri 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned 1.1.2 Is the facility a new or existing treatment works treatment works? treating domestic sewage? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete No If yes, STOP. Do NOT No Form 1. Complete Form 2A, complete Form 1. Complete Form 2S. 1.2 ;4pticants f?squinerf #o>x:o, 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that is production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 No Yes -* Complete Form No i and Form 26. 1 and Form 2C. 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing, commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, 0 mining, or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 No Yes 4 Complete Form No and Form 2D. 1 and Form 2E. 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose discharge is composed entirely of stormwater associated with industrial activity or whose discharge is composed of both stormwater and non-stormwater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 No and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) or b 15 . SECTIONADDRESS, AND LOCATIONr 2.1.:., ,. ftattl8. Belhaven Water Treatment Facility 2.2 iM411itt iifict ort: f iiffiber. " ,. f 2.3 facility Contact Name (first and last) Title Phone number Stephen Hall ORC Water Treatment Plant (252) 943-1400 CP Email address = water@townofbelhaven.com 2.4 Fa #y M IIIIiI Address Street or P.O. box PO Box 220 City or town State ZIP code Belhaven N.C. 27810 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No.2040-0004 o �;' 2.5 Faell LoCatton Street, route number, or other specific identifier 662 Harbinger St. County name County code (if known) _ Beaufort E City or town State ZIP code z CW. Belhaven N.C. 27810 SECTION• NAICS CODES•1 3.1 SIC is(sj l f on fboo nal,) . to 3.2 WCS Cadejsj Desedpd" (dolonal) cs SECTION OPERATOR •- • Town of Belhaven 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? d`.. Yes ❑ No 4.3 ❑ Public —federal ❑ Public —state ❑'' Other public (specify) Municipality ❑ Private ❑ Other (specify) 4.4 netf ... tator . (252) 943-3055 _ 4.5 :Address Street or P.O. Box cc m PO Box 220 c 7 c w __7 City or town State ZIP code o U Belhaven N.C. 27810 Email address of operator Idavis@townofbelhaven.com SECTION• •1 5.1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? ❑ Yes 0 No EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3.19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL1 W 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits Jcheck all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) d © NPDES (discharges to surface ❑ RCRA (hazardous wastes) ❑ UIC (underground injection of c N water) fluids) '— € NCO086584 ❑ PSD (air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program (CAA) ❑ NESHAPs (CAA) c ElOcean dumping (MPRSA) ElDredge or fill (CWA Section 404) ❑ Other (specify) SECTIONi 7.1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for C specific requirements.) <A 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable (See requirements in Form 2B.) SEC TI ON OF i 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. Provide Potable water to the residences and buisnesses of Belhaven m c is m 0 z SECTION•• i 9.1 Does your facility use cooling water? w - El Yes ❑ No + SKIP to Item 10.1. 3 Z ..2 Identify the source of cooling water. (Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) Y (y _5 C SECTION r VARIANCE ' • 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)? (Check all that w apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and m when.) '� ❑ Fundamentally different factors (CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations (CWA Section Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non -conventional pollutants (CWA ❑ Thermal discharges (CWA Section 316(a)) Section 301(c) and (g)) F-�, Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Faclity Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION• r 11.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ❑ Section 1: Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ w/ attachments ❑✓ Section 2: Name, Mailing Address, and Location ❑ wl attachments ❑ Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ w/ attachments Section 4: Operator Information ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ w/ attachments ❑✓ Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ w/ attachments m m ❑� Section 7: Map w/ topographic ❑ El wl additional attachments ma c 0 Section 8: Nature of Business Elw/ attachments u ;.. ❑ Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/ attachments m ❑ Section 10: Variance Requests ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w/ attachments 11.2 Certification Statement c> 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Stephen A Hall ORC Belhaven Water Treatment facility Signature Date signed ..j4d., �C '" s%/GJao�y EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2C EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING, AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS SECTIONOUTFALL LOCATIONi 1.1 Provide information on each of the facility's outfalls in the table below. flutfait Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude c Number .. 001 Pantego Creek 35° 33' 37.58" N 7C 31 31.36' W 3 Q SECTIONDR 2.1 Have you attached a line drawing to this application that shows the water flow through your facility with a water balance? (See instructions for drawing requirements. See Exhibit 2C-1 at end of instructions for example.) C3 Yes ❑ No SECTION• 3.1 For each outfall identified under Item 1.1, provide average flow and treatment information. Add additional sheets if necessa . `TIAtfait Number'" P.,1 T Operations Contributing Operation - Average flour . Water Purification at 75% recovery 0.033 mgd mgd ►= mgd mgd Treatment Descrtption Units Code from ina1 ftposai of Solid or CD . (include size, flow rate through each:treatment unit, Table , _1 Liquid Wastes Other Than a retent 0r! time ,etc-) by Discharge 3 Inch pipe, 450 GPM in, 100 GPM discharge, 1 min retentior 1-S none EPA Form 3510.2C (Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number NC0086584 Facility Name Belhaven WTP Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No.2040-M 3.1 Cont. ", Operations mgd mgd mgd Treatment mgd Description i* Size, how fete through each treatltlent tgut, g Mention dine, etc. Units Final Di9posal of Solid or. I.i u1 q 1lilat is {'ftt Tt= z5 m: o, c� m "ri?utt ill.NwnbW *..r...... . Operations Contributing or mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment size, Aow rate th rotigh"d'►tie8" Uritl, . retention timejt : Units ;IEilsposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Dischar�te 1. 3.2 Are you applying for an NPDES permit to operate a privately owned treatment works? ❑ Yes No + SKIP to Section 4. . 3.3 T❑ Have you attached a list that identifies each user of the treatment works? Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510.2C (Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION• 41 4.1 Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any discharges described in Sections 1 and 3 intermittent or seasonal? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 5. 4.2 Provide information on intermittent or seasonal flows for each applicable outfall. Attach additional pages, if n cessary. WallEre Qperabon uenc Flow Rate Average Average Long -Term Maximum Number lit} Duration Qa slWeek :.. MonthslYpar Average Dail days/week monthslyear mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days daysweek months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week monthstyear mgd mgd days days/week monthslyear mgd mgd days days/week monthstyear mgd mgd days days/week monthslyear mgd mgd days days/week monthslyear mgd mgd days SECTION'••I • 1 5.1 Do any effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the CWA apply to your facility? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. H 5.2 Provide the following information on applicable ELGs. w ELG Category ELF ub , ` at (moon " v CL a Q . 5.3 Are any of the applicable ELGs expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. 0 a 5.4 Provide an actual measure of daily production expressed in terms and units of applicable ELGs. Operation, Product, or Material QttBe#ity p•r p# r Aft 6f R EPA Form 351D-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION'O 1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, 6.1 upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Item 6.3. 6.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Affected Final Compliance Dates E Brief Identification- and Description of Outfalls Source(s) of o' Project (fist outfalt Discharge Required Projected n number E c R d a. 6.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (optional item) ❑ Yes ❑ No ✓❑ Not applicable SECTION 7. EFFLUENT AND INTAKE CHARACTERISTICS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)) See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. Table A. Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants 7.1 Are you requesting a waiver from your NPDES permitting authority for one or more of the Table A pollutants for any of your outfalls? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.3. 7.2 If yes, indicate the applicable outfalls below. Attach waiver request and other required information to the application. Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number y 7.3 Have you completed monitoring for all Table A pollutants at each of your outfalls for which a waiver has not been requested and attached the results to this application package? No; a waiver has been requested from my NPDES ✓❑ Yes ❑permitting authority for all pollutants at all outfalls. R Table 8. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, Total Phenols, and Organic Toxic Pollutants 7.4 Do any of the facility's processes that contribute wastewater fall into one or more of the primary industry categories z listed in Exhibit 2C-3? (See end of instructions for exhibit.) ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.8. 7.5 Have you checked "Testing Required" for all toxic metals, cyanide, and total phenols in Section 1 of Table B? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.6 List the applicable primary industry categories and check the boxes indicating the required GC/MS fraction(s) identified in Exhibit 2C-3. Primary Industry Category , Required GCtMS Fraction(s) Check a icable.boxes. ❑ Volatile ❑ Acid ❑ Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide ❑ Volatile ❑ Acid ❑ Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide ❑ Volatile ❑ Acid ❑ Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105119 NCO086584 Belhaven VVTP OMB No. 2040-0004 7.7 Have you checked "Testing Required" for all required pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of Table B for each of the GC/MS fractions checked in Item 7.6? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.8 Have you checked `Believed Present' or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Sections 1 through 5 of Table B where testing is not required? El Yes ❑ No 7.9 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants for which you have indicated testing is required or (2) quantitative data or other required information for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants that you have indicated are `Believed Present' in your discharge? r❑ Yes ❑ No 7.10 Does the applicant qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the instructions? ❑ Yes -* Note that you qualify at the top of Table B, ❑ No r s� then SKIP to Item 7.12. S 7.11 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, pollutants for which you have o determined testing is required or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, pollutants you have indicated are "Believed Present' in your discharge? ❑ Yes El No .mom. Table C. Certain Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants in 7.12 Have you indicated whether pollutants are "Believed Present' or "Believed Absent' for all pollutants listed on Table C for all outfalls? Y ❑ Yes ❑ No c 7.13 Have you completed Table C by providing (1) quantitative data for those pollutants that are limited either directly or _ indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants for which you have indicated 'Believed Present'? 3 ❑ Yes ❑ No w Table D. Certain Hazardous Substances and Asbestos 7.14 Have you indicated whether pollutants are `Believed Present' or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Table D for all outfalls? ❑ Yes [E] No 7.15 Have you completed Table D by (1) describing the reasons the applicable pollutants are expected to be discharged and (2) by providing quantitative data, if available? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Table E. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- Dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD 7.16 Does the facility use or manufacture one or more of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD congeners listed in the instructions, or do you know or have reason to believe that TCDD is or may be present in the effluent? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Table E. ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 7.17 Have you completed Table E by reporting qualitative data for TCDD? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION& USEDOR MANUFACTURED TOXICS Is any pollutant listed in Table B a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured at your facility as 8.1 m an intermediate or final product or byproduct? .�, ❑ Yes ❑r No 4 SKIP to Section 9. v w: 8.2 List the pollutants below. C y 1. 4. 7. fm- 0 m 2. 5. 8. 3. 6. 9. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCODS6584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION` BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made 9.1 within the last three years on (1) any of your discharges or (2) on a receiving water in relation to your discharge? ❑� Yes ❑ No SKIP to Section 10. N 9.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Submitted to NPDES Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Permitting Authority? Date Submitted x 0 }' Acute Toxicity Mysidopsis monitor and report ElYes ❑ No 01/23/2024 bahia as c c Acute Toxicity Mysidopsis monitor and report El ❑ m bahia Yes No 10/03/2023 Acute Toxicity Mysidopsis monitor and report El ElNo 07/11/2023 Yes bahia SECTION• Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? 10.1 ❑� Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 11. 10.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Mummer 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm Waypoint Analytical Meritech, Inc U) d M Laboratory address 114 Oakmont Drive 642 Tamco Road to do Greenville, NC 27858 Reidsville, NC 27320 v R L a+ C Phone number (252)756-6208 (336)342-4748 Pollutant(s) analyzed Ammonia nitrogen Acute Toxicity Mysidopsis bahia Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrate+Nitrite Total Phosphorus Total Dissolved residue Copper SECTIONDD • •- • Has the NPDES permitting authority requested additional information? 11.1 _ ❑ Yes ❑✓ No SKIP to Section 12. o. 11.2 List the information requested and attach it to this application. 1. 4. R 0 2. 5. Q 3. 6. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCOUB6584 Belhaven WTP OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION• 12.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2C that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to com lete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ✓❑ Section 1: Outtall Location 0 w/ attachments ❑� Section 2: Line Drawing ❑ w/ line drawing ❑ w/ additional attachments � Section 3: Average Flows and ❑ w/ list of each user of � w/ attachments ❑ ❑ privately owned treatment Treatment works ❑ Section 4: Intermittent Flows ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 5: Production ❑ w/ attachments w/ optional additional ❑ Section 6: Improvements ❑ w/ attachments ❑ sheets describing any additional pollution control tans ❑ w/ request for a waiver and ❑ w/ explanation for identical supporting information outfalls d ❑ w/ small business exemption ❑ w/ other attachments m request ❑ Section 7: Effluent and Intake ❑ w/ Table A ❑ w/ Table B Characteristics 0 ❑✓ w/ Table C ❑ w/ Table D w r w/ analytical results as an ❑ wl Table E ❑ attachment Section 8: Used or Manufactured ❑ ❑ w/ attachments +. Toxics �c m Section 9: Biological Toxicity w/ attachments s Tests Section 10: Contract Analyses ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 11: Additional Information ❑ w/ attachments Section 12: Checklist and ❑ w/ attachments Certification Statement 12.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Stephen Hall ORC Belhaven WTP Signature Date signed GC /71 yIto ,2oa V EPA Form 351MC (Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number Permit Number NCO086584 Facility Name Belhaven WTP Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 • • • • • ' • 1 Effluent Intake Pollutant Waiver Requested Units tional Maximum Maximum Long -Term (f applicable) tspe*) Daily Monthly Average Daily Number of Long -Term Number of Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Value Analyses (required) If available if available ❑ Check here if you have applied to your NPDES permitting authority for a waiver for all of the pollutants listed on this table for the noted outfall. 1' Biochemical oxygen demand ❑ Concentration Mass (BOD5) 2' Chemical oxygen demand El Concentration Mass (COD) Concentration 3. Total organic carbon (TOC) ❑ Mass Concentration 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) ❑ Mass Concentration mg/I 9.04 3.3 12 5. Ammonia (as N) ❑ Mass Ibs 2.6 0.9 12 6. Flow ❑ Rate mgd .061 .033 365 Temperature (winter) ❑ °C �C 17.1 7. Temperature (summer) ❑ °C C 17.5 pH (minimum) ❑ Standard units S.U. 7.0 8. pH (maximum) ❑ Standard units S.U. 7.1 aarnpung snail De conducted accoraing to sutticlently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 9 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Oudall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP D�) OMB No. 2040-0004 Presence of Aibl ionce " check one Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter Testing Units (and CAS Number, if available) Required Believed Believed (sped) Maximum Maximum Long -Term Average Number Long - Number Present Absent Dail y Monthly y �, Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses l ) rf available_L — Value Check here if you qualify as a small business per the instructions to Form 2C and, therefore, do not need to submit quantitative data for any of the organic toxic pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of this table. Note, however, that you must still indicate in the appropriate column of this table if you believe any of the pollutants listed are present in your discharge. Section 1. UXic Metals, Cyanide, and Tot sl Phenols 1.1 Antimony, total El ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass (7440-36-0) 1.2 Arsenic, total ❑ IDConcentration Mass (7440-38-2) 1.3 Beryllium, total ❑ El O Concentration Mass (7440-41-7) 1.4 Cadmium, total r Concentration Mass (7440-43-9) 1.5 Chromium, total ❑ r Concentration Mass (7440-47-3) 16 Copper, total ❑ ElConcentration ug/I < 10 < 10 < 1D 4 Mass (7440-50-8) 1.7 Lead, total r Concentration Mass (7439-92-1) 1.8 Mercury, total Concentration Mass (7439-97-6) 1'9 Nickel, total El 11 r Concentration Mass (7440-02-0) 1.10 Selenium, total El 1:1 r Concentration Mass (7782-49-2) 1.11 Silver, total Concentration Mass (7440-22-4) EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 11 rvPuts Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number NCO086584 Belhaven WTP (DO I Farm Approved 03105/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Patlutarlttt'arameter Nhd:CASNumber, Ifavail4blb) TQsting ufred Presence or Absence check one} __-- —_� Units (SPL*) Effluent.:. Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum .Daily Discharge (requued) Maximum Monthly Discharge Qfavaihabia} t.orr -Term Average Daily Discharge rf availableL Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of Analyses 1.12 Thallium, total (7440-28-0) ❑ El❑ Concentration Mass 1.13 Zinc total (7440-66-6) El ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 1.14 Cyanide, total (57-12-5) ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 1.15 Phenols, total ❑ El 0 Concentration Mass SectMn 2.anlc Tcr�dc Ioitiar+ts fi1S FtaEion-_l�ofcaltleCatrrp+at�dsj 2.1 Acrolein (107-02-8) El ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2.2 Acrylonitrile (107-13-1) ❑ El ElConcentration Mass 2.3 Benzene (71-43-2) ❑ _ _ ❑ ✓ ❑ Concentration Mass 2 4 Bromoform (75-25-2) ❑ ❑ ✓ ❑ Concentration Mass 2.5 Carbon tetrachloride (56-23-5) ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2.6 Chlorobenzene (108-90-7) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2.7 Chlorodibromomethane (124-48-1) ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2'8 Chloroethane (75-00-3) ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 12 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP 00 i OMB No.2040-0004 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required 4u Presence or Absence dheck one Units (specify) Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge if available Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value ..Number, of Analyses 2.9 2-chloroethylvinyl ether (110-75-8) El ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2.10 Chloroform (67-66-3) Concentration Mass 211 Dichlorobromomethane (75-27-4) ❑ © Concentration Mass 2.12 1,1-dichloroethane (75-34-3) ElElConcentration Mass 2.13 1,2-dichloroethane (107-06-2) ElEl✓ Concentration Mass 2.14 1,1-dichloroethylene (75-35-4) El El ❑ Concentration Mass 2.15 1,2-dichloropropane (78-87-5) El Concentration Mass 2.16 13-dichloropropylene (542-75-6) El ❑ Concentration Mass 217 Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) El RConcentration Mass 2.18 Methyl bromide (74-83-9) ❑ El✓ Concentration Mass 2.19 Methyl chloride (74-87-3) El El El Concentration Mass 2.20 Methylene chloride (75-09-2) ✓ Concentration Mass 2.21 1, 1,2,2- tetrachloroethane (79-34-5) El El ✓ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 13 EPA Identification Number NCO086584 Facility Name Belhaven WTP r• Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 ': • 1 PollutantlParameter and CAS Number, if available) ,(. • ' Testing Required q 1 1 •' Presence or Absence.,Intake check one • '• 1 Units (specify) Effluent (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum 'Monthly Discharge (Navailable) tong -Term Average Daily Discharge rf available Number of Analyses tong- Term Average Value Number of Analyses 2.22 Tetrachloroethylene (127-18-4) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 2.23 Toluene (108-88-3) Concentration Mass 2.24 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene (156-60-5) El R1 Concentration Mass 225 1,1,1-trichloroethane (71-55-6) ❑ a Concentration Mass 226 1,1,2-trichloroethane (79-00-5) ❑ ❑ ❑� Concentration Mass 2.27El Trichloroethylene (79-01-6) ❑ Concentration Mass 2.28 Vinyl chloride (75-01-4) El❑ Concentration Mass Section 3. Organic Toxic Pollutants.(GCIMS Fraction —Acid Compounds) 31 2-chlorophenol (95-57-8) El El 0 Concentration Mass 3.2 2,4-dichlorophenol (120-83-2) ✓ Concentration Mass 3.3 2,4-dimethyl phenoI (105-67-9) ✓ Concentration Mass 3.4 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol (534-52-1) El El ✓ Concentration Mass 3.5 2,4-dinitrophenol �(51-28-5) El El 0 Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 14 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP 00 OMB No. 2040.OW `' • ` I • • I •' • • • 1 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake.: , .. , ... . (Op" lscllltarwarameter Testing Units end 6A8 Writer, if available) Required Believed Believed (specify) MB rri MaXlCtttJm Long -Term Average Atumber Long Number Present Absent Datly Monthly Daily , of Term of €lls#targe '; : Dif�eltarle , flischarge . Average Analyses tt1!°d) {if available} if avaNable ,Analyses Value 3.6 2-nitrophenol El El El Concentration Mass (88-75-5) 3.7 4-nitrophenol El ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass (100-02-7) 3.8 p-chloro-m-cresol Concentration Mass (59-%7) 3.9 Pentachlorophenol ❑ ❑ a Concentration Mass (87-86-5) 3.10 Phenol El 21 Concentration Mass (108-95-2) 3.11 2,4,6-tdchlorophenol ✓ Concentration Mass (88 05-2) Siection 4. Q an Toxic Pvllutar 1 C�NlS,l+i %et -Base lNeutr l Co m ounds 4.1 Acenaphthene El IJ a Concentration Mass (83-32-9) 4.2 Acenaphthylene a Concentration Mass (208-96-8) 4.3 Anthracene Concentration Mass (120-12-7) 4.4 Benzidine El ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass (92-87-5) 4.5 Benzo (a) anthracene El 11 ❑ Concentration Mass (56-55-3) 4.6 Benzo (a) pyrene ❑ a a Concentration Mass (50-32-8) EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 15 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number NCO086584 I Belhaven WTP 00% Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 �S • Jta4aftmeh' (andICASNuvilW ife le) • 11t tipg + #tb'ed • •' trwearace or/tbser check one • •• •1 tkB (sPat yi Effluent Intake ~ (optiona4 Believed Present Believed Absent .. Maximum Daily Discharge _ (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge:DOR ((f avathable; Long�Term Ar�xage . � tJuOber ofAVeralgl� Analyses Long- Term' .. 112i1ue Numb rsr % 1til j1�85.. 4.7 3,4-benzofluoranthene (205-99-2) Concentration Mass 4.8 Benzo (ghi) perylene (191-24-2) Concentration Mass 4.9 Benzo (k) fluoranthene (207-08-9) Concentration Mass 4.10 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane (111-91-1) 0 El 21 Concentration Mass 4.11 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether (111-44-4) Concentration Mass 412 Bis (2-chloroisopmpyl) ether (102-80-1) El El Concentration Mass 4.13 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (117-81-7) ❑ ❑� Concentration Mass 4.14 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether (101-55-3) El El ID Concentration Mass 4.15 Butyl benzyl phthalate (85-68-7) ❑ ❑ 0 Concentration Mass 4.16 2-chloronaphthalene (91-58-7) El El 21 Concentration Mass 4.17 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether (7005-72-3) El 21 Concentration Mass 4.18 Chrysene (218-01-9) El ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 4.19 Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene (53-70-3) ElConcentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 16 LVA Ioentiftabon Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number NCO086584 Belhaven WTP Ob / Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence check one Units (specify) Effluent Intake {.optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (If available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge rf available Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number °f Analyses 4.20 1,2-dichlorobenzene (95-50-1) El El ✓ Concentration Mass 4.21 1,3-dichlorobenzene (541-73-1) ❑ El Concentration Mass 4.22 1,4-dichlorobenzene (106-46-7) ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 4.23 3,3-dichlombenzidine (91-94-1) EJ ❑ 0 Concentration Mass 4.24 Diethyl phthalate (84-66-2) El ❑ 0 Concentration Mass 4.25 Dimethyl phthalate (131-11-3) ElConcentration 21 Mass 4.26 Di-n-butyl phthalate (84-74-2) ❑ El❑ Concentration Mass 4.27 2,4-dinitrotoluene (121-14-2) El❑ Concentration Mass 4.28 2,6-dinitrotoluene (606-20-2) © Concentration Mass 4.29 Di-n-octyl phthalate (117-84-0) El ❑ © Concentration Mass 4.30 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (as azobenzene) (122-66-7) Concentration Mass 4.31 Fluoranthene (20644-0) El ❑ 21 Concentration Mass 4.32 Fluorene (86-73-7) El 1 El El 1 Concentration 1Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 17 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OL NC0O86584 Belhaven WTP DO 1 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 • PoliutanVP.arameter ( and CAS Number, Vavai�le) 14.33 • Testing Required • •' , Presence or Absence he one • •• , 1IBM Units (specify) Effluent Intake (optioriai) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge of available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge iFavailable Number of Analyses Long-. Term Average Value Number of Analyses Hexachlorobenzene (118-74-1) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 4.34 Hexachlorobutadiene (87-68-3) r Concentration Mass 4.35 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (77-47-4) ❑ 11 21 Concentration Mass 4.36 Hexachloroethane (67-72-1) El El ❑ Concentration Mass 4.37 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene (193-39-5) El r Concentration Mass 4.38 Isophorone (78-59-1) El El El Concentration Mass 4.39 Naphthalene (91-20-3) El ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 4.40 Nitrobenzene (98-95-3) ❑ Concentration Mass 4.41 N-nitrosodimethylamine (62-75-9) ❑ El 0 Concentration Mass 4.42 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine (621-64-7) r Concentration Mass 4.43 N-nitrosodiphenylamine (86-30-6) ❑ r Concentration Mass 4.44 Phenanthrene (85-01-8) r Concentration Mass 4.45 Pyrene (129 00 0) r ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 18 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP d0 , OMB No.2040.00N ': • ' • • • •' ' • •• 1 Presence bra: check one Efft!>ertt iatEe pothwtart aramel Usting Units ".""(and GAs NoImIWr, �f ev&W*) [te uitred BeHexed $elieued : ( > l�{elkimunt , 1N nul Lon ;Tema Average unr er Long. WrIter Present .. Absent :: L1allr ..iilonthfy : Daily of: Tema of Dis O t .: : blsetiaa (savailab} iC?is abrlge� Attyses . e Average . Vakte ' . Analyses 4.46 1 2,4-thchlorobenzene Concentration (120-82-1) Mass n 5., anic Toxic Pollutants GCIM5r2n,_t'esticrdes 5 Aldrin El Mass (309-00-2) 5.2 a-BHC El El ❑ Concentration Mass (319-84-6) 5.3 R-BHC Concentration Mass (319-85-7) 5.4 y-BHC El Concentration Mass (58-89-9) 5.5 5-BHC ❑ Ely Concentration Mass (319-86-8) 5.6 Chlordane El Concentration Mass (57-74-9) 5.7 4 4'-DDT 0 Concentration Mass (50-29-3) 5.8 14 4'-DDE ✓ Concentration (72-55-9) Mass 5.9 4 4'-DDD Concentration Mass (72-54-8) 5.10 Dieldrin ✓ Concentration Mass (60-57-1) 5.11 a-endosulfan ❑ S Concentration Mass (115-29-7) EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3.19) Page 19 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 Presence or Absence check one Effluent Intake (optional) PollutantlParatneter ; Testing Units (and CAS Number, if avaiW*), Required Believed Believed q �t��l!i Maximum Maximum Long -Term Average Number Long- Plumber Present Absent Dail Y Monthly Y Daily of Term , of Discharge Discharge Discharge. Analyses Average Anab/ses :. (required) yifavailable} litavaiiable V814b 512 Gi-endosuran ❑ ❑ O Concentration Mass (115-29-7) 5.13 Endosulfan sulfate ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass (1031-07-8) 5.14 Endrin ❑ Concentration Mass (72-20-8) 5.15 Endrin aldehyde ❑ El ❑ Concentration Mass (7421-93-4) 5.16 Heptachlor ❑ ❑ O Concentration Mass (76-44-8) 5.17 Heptachlor epoxide ❑ ❑ Concentration (1024-57,3) Mass 5.18 PCB-1242 (53469-21-9) ❑ Concentration Mass 5.19 PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) ❑ ❑ El Concentration Mass 5.20 PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) ❑ ❑ 21 Concentration Mass 5.21 PCB-1232 (11141-16-5) ❑ ❑ El Concentration Mass 5.22 PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) ❑ ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 5.23 PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) ❑ Concentration Mass 5.24 PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) ❑ ❑ El Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 20 EPA Identification Number NPOES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No.2040-0004 • kill 1 •• • •• 1 Presence or Absence c l%* Onqj Effluent 71 Intake . (dp1S PollutanWarameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Believed Units (specify) �' Maximum Maximum Long Term Average Number Long- Number Present Absent Daily Monthly Daily of Term Discharge (required) Discharge (if available) Discharge 'if Analyses Average value Analyses available) Toxaphene Concentration 5.25 (8001-35-2) El El 0 Mass vai nPm iy 0 Ct vv W11 WAVu G to kJlUll ly LU SUingel Illy s MAIVe test proc-eeures (I.e., mernoas) approvea unaer 40 cFK 13b for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 21 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven VVTP 001 OMB No. 2040-0004 • •• 1 +: • • I • • Lei a Presence or Absence L. check ene Effluent Intake (Optional) Units Maximum Long -Tenn Believed Believed (specify) Maximum Daily Long -Term Monthly Average Daily Number of Number of Present Absent Discharge Average (requiredl Discharge Discharge Analyses Analyses 'Value) if available if available ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be present in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be absent in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. 1 Bromide ❑ Concentration - (24959.67-9) Mass 2 Chlorine, total ❑ Concentration Mass residual 3. Color ❑ Q_ Concentration Mass 4. Fecal coliform ❑ 0 Concentration Mass 5 Fluoride ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass (16984-48-8) 6 Nitrate -nitrite � � Concentration mg/l <0.04 < 0.04 <0.04 12 Mass 7. Nitrogen, total a ❑ Concentration mg/l iitor for TN and a 4 Mass organic (as N) 8. Oil and grease ❑ Concentration Mass g Phosphorus (as ❑ ❑ Concentration mg/I 0.86 0.86 0.63 4 Mass P), total (7723-14-0) 10. Sulfate (as SO4) ❑ ✓ ❑ Concentration Mass (14808-79-8) 11. Sulfide (as S) ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 23 --] EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 Presence or Absence Check one Effluent Intake (Optional) Units Pol[utant Maximum Long Tenn Believed Believed {specify) Maximum Daily. Long -Term Monthly Average Daily Number of Number of Present Absent Discharge Discharge Discharge Analyses Average Analyses �) if available if available Value 12 Sulfite (as S03) (14265-45-3) r Concentration Mass 13. Surfactants Concentration Mass 14. Aluminum, total (7429-90-5) Concentration Mass 15. Barium, total (7440-39-3) ❑ Concentration Mass 1 6. Boron, total (7440-42-8) ❑ Concentration Mass 17. Cobalt, total (7440-484) r Concentration Mass 18. Iron, total (7439-89-6) ❑✓ Concentration ug/I 2551 2551 2330 4 Mass 19 Magnesium, total (7439-954) ❑ O Concentration Mass 20. Molybdenum, total 7439-98-7 El 21 Concentration Mass 21 Manganese, total (7439-96-5) El 21 Concentration Mass 22 Tin, total (7440-31-5) ❑r Concentration Mass 23 Titanium, total (7440-32-6) 0 Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 24 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 NCO086584 Belhaven WTP OMB No. 2040-0004 To Lei" Ire my 1 Presence or Abserice check orb 7,u' Effluent Intake (Optional) Pollutant Believed Believed units {spe*)aximum Daily Maximum Long -Tenn Long! -Term Present Absent Discharge Monthly Average belly Number of Number of Average (raquired� Discharge Discharge Analyses Analyses f available ±t available)Value 24. Radioactivity Alpha, total El0 Concentration Mass Beta, total El❑ Concentration Mass Radium, total ❑ � Concentration Mass Radium 226, total ❑ Concentration Mass I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 25 o�dP(Y) r l4ered io P0+c.6 l e L. )CAAAe r -- — — — — — TREATMENT BUILDING — N0M-PoTAett MTFJf I� 1 q3� su.tF�f�C G.C�� •• ,MI vFO � 1'1 •1� li tit G �6�ab le PRE-TREATMENTPs u P CNEMKA WECTM �'-10 ffv-16 u well 6.O ' BF`/-12 ol ffv-le rw-ol QIVOW- P,4 .b _ ePl-n I RfV-02 T-T u yo 0 R P 02 r-ofi AI Bfv-09 CE"0� vN PO Rv-,1 M ssv-,2 WG'iI i PM-02 We�\ 6' By -PASS Nr-02 I { " % eEv-1J BFV-1s n-os sv-Iy ,�Q.J- c u 3' CONCENTRATE TO CS-01 i PERMEATE TO S-01 LS-OT i �y� OC"TANK u JI/`�1�• .' CS-01 To 4' Cs 01 f0 WASTE Nr 1[AOEA gr6o nC (.�u��e' �j'P_ en - �-��ee � L e�c-S is 4-;d4ret -_d 21cAe /,Jell wo-V>°.r t•4 ypodIxt r; +e wJERgN _ � I MU .. I EE ro 6 EfFIE-�Cn+ /6o�q pm 1000 ft tructure Main DIAMETER (blank) Wft 0-5 1 112' 114- 2112- Y'v 2" 3 314 4 A 6 10' 12' Other 2A Unknown OpersI Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail Date 7/3-2,:5 Grab Comp. Duration Collection Date: 7— Collection Time: /(�. 0_,j N7 — jQ'01rl Test Start Date: 7 j Sample Type/Duration 0 0 — x . 0 O =3 �. Salinity (mg/1) Chlorine (mg/1) Sample temp. at receipt (°C) Facility & d&1_e4 NPDES# NC00� Pipe# �W County Bey, _iSr 6, Laboratory. Performing Test Meritech, Inc. (Lob #027) Comments X G/ /� Number, and E-mail Address of Operator in X U/`/ Signature of laboratory Supervisor MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test pH a• Water Sciences%P V CS Aquatic Toxicol'' Divivsion of Water Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Organism Tested Mysidopsis bahia Control 3 Treatment 7 /F.% m v a Control 7O Treatment Mean Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) A B C % %I L./ Is] Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration 90p/O Tested Q (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is considered invalid) Calculate using Arc -Sine Square Root Calculated Student's t Transformed data I Tabular Student's t (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatnment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. PASS FAIL W� Client: f &dhaver iJ NPDES #:NC��� Test Initiated by: Dilution Water: synthetic Saltwater. Batch #76.-t Randomization?: Yes Incubator#: _ Meritech. Inc. (Lab # 027) Data Sheet for 24 Hour Acute P/F Mysid Shrimp No. of Organisms per Chamber: 10 Test Vessel Size: 260 ml Test Solution Volume: 200ml No. of Replicates per Treatment: 4 Temp. of Stock: Al &_°C Reference run on: 7- l f -,;Z3 Start: Date: -IA?� Time: End: Date: o Time: /* Test Organism: Mysidoosis Bahia Age.3-'y days Born: Dater Time: 30 Test Terminated by: ./W Reviewed by. --- Concen- tration Number Exposed p Mortality after 24 Hrs. ty Total No. Dead p H Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Temperature (0C) Salinity (PPT) Residual Chlorine (mg/L) Rep A Rep B Rep C Rep D Rep A Rep B Rep C Rep D 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 Control 10 10 10 10 © t77 Ir 7/Qq -;5-, d,5 `"011 90% 10 10 10 10 b (' d D 1 � I �1 Ft Residual Initial Salinity of Adjusted Salinity Chlorine of 100% pH of 100% 100% (PPT) of 100% (PPT) (mg/L) Itzy I C?� Z_a Conductivities, (umhos/cm) Control: 30,000 umhos/cm Standard: Initial 100% Adjusted 100%: Date and time fed prior to test initiation: 7- f'o� �3 0' 10:00rt A Fed by: L-,-- MERITECH, INC. (Lab # 027) Meech Sample ID #: v �+A� m Bioassay Sample Chain of Custody 642 Tamco Rd, Reidsville, N.C. 27320 Phone: 1-336-3424748 Fax:1-336-342-1522 Laboratory Supervisor E-mail: mike.reed%imeritechlabs.com Web Site: www.meritechlabs.com CLIENT INFORMATION Client: —Tow N or Uf l ksw,- J PO#: Contact Person: 6+e p hE/V Hp, ( j NPDES#: NC 00*46_�­y Physical Address: , j/S zc^>7 M riN 61i PhoneGLR) Qi13 Mailing Address: PC) t3LK -2aO Pipe#:�QD/ City: 13 E I hj1-✓rN State: /1% zip: ?�J & County: A'FN4-r-G PrT E-mail: (,J Perr--Me 7-OLJAI o F ©C (j, lUIr ✓, Ga 01 Grp SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample Site: F r'1uE/✓r Sample Type: ® Grab ❑ Composite # of containers: Sampling Time: Start Date: Ill) /%3 Start Time: 465 ® PM End Date: 21% t) ;3 End Time: /a t /O 419�) PM •" Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling completely with NO AIR SPACE. Pack the sample cooler completely with Ice. The sample must be < 6.00C upon receipt at Meritech"' Collector's Name: Print: SjOSignature:�� TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION Test Required: ❑ Chronic (7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Cer/odephnla dubla (water flea) Acute (24-48 hours) ❑ Plmephales promelas (fathead minnow) ja Mysidopsis bahle (mysid shrimp) (WC: FV % '*' Friday Samples for Chronic Fathead test must be collected after 9:00 a.m, on Friday. Comments/Dilution(s): SHIPPING INFORMATION Relinquished by: Q/d` Date: —/ " ,,? 3 Time: /p') O U AM Received by: - Date: f1f f 1-3 Time: 1 z c7 AM Relinquished by: Date: % At Z/ L -3 Time: Gi to PM Received by: Dale: 24z -2.,7 Time: �'� M PM Relinquished by: Date: '212 23 Time: 2 2 AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM 0 Sample Temperature (°C): ��. 3 Method of Shipment: ❑ UPS []Fed EX ❑ Meritech Pick-up [] Delivered ❑ Other "' Samples shipped on Friday must be Fed Ex and must be clearly labeled for Saturday Delivery, NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED "' SAMPLE RECEIVING (Meritech Use Only) Relinquished by: ` f Received by: Date: , 1 1 d 1 Time: AM PM Sample Temperatures (C00O): Q " ! ) / / Sample Condition: WHITE = Laboratory copy YELLOW = Client copy Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail Date Y-%22 3 Facility �4/66� NPDES# NC001?6 Pipe# LaboratoryPerfgrming Test Meritech, Inc. (Lab #027) F_ x / Signature, Ph ne Number, x Grab Comp. Duration nature of Laboratory in Responsible Charge MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: `-1— —1 3 Collection Time: jQf Test Start Date: Sample Type/Duration 0 0 x o Salinity (mg/1) Chlorine (mg/1) D. Z— 0 ' := Sample temp. at receipt (°C) Q, Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) County Water Sciences Section Aquatic Toxicology Branch Divivsion of Water Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Organism Tested Mysidopsis bahia pH Control Treatment 7, Q Cn m v =3 � Q D.O. Control C� Treatment 6,33 (j, Replicate A B C D L/ % Q % Q % Q Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration Tested 90p/o Q % Q% n% Q% Q (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is considered invalid) Calculate using Calculated Student's t PASS Arc -Sine Square Root Transformed data Tabular Student's t FAIL (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatnment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. Client: & 1 �6 e,411 r�,V NPDES #:NC 06(3 13 E- I Test Initiated by: L✓ Dilution Water: Synthetic Saltwater, Batch # Randomization?: Yes Incubator#: Meritech. Inc. (Lab # 027) Data Sheet for 24 Hour Acute P/F Mysid Shrimp No. of Organisms per Chamber: 10 Test Vessel Size: 250 ml Test Solution Volume: 200ml No. of Replicates per Treatment: 4 Temp. of Stock: �� r7 °C Reference run on: ,_2_5 Start: Date: //�-;Z3Time: I SUP rv� End: Date: �1 ' & I , Time: -� Test Organism: Mysidopsis Bahia Age: days Born: Date: /- '%Z Time: r1- Test Terminated by: Reviewed by: Number Exposed Mortality after 24 Hrs. Total PH Dissolved Temperature Salinity (PPT) Residual Chlorine No. Oxygen (mg/L) (0C) (mg/L) Concen- Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Dead tration A B C D A B C D 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 Control 10 10 10 10 90% 10 10 10 10 �1 -7 Residual Initial Salinity of Adjusted Salinity Chlorine of 100% pH of 100% 100% (PPT) of 100% (PPT) (mg/L) 7. Conductivities, (umhos/cm) Control: 30,000 umhos/cm Standard: Initial 100% Adjusted 100%: Coo 3c) �-O L , � � (� U, (4 Uo Date and time fed prior to test initiation: ".�w_23U J ' %k r" Fed by: t✓ MERITECH, INC. (Lab # 027) Meritech Sample IDM \ Bioassay Sample Chain of Custody 642 Tamco Rd, Reidsville, N.C. 27320 Phone: 1-336-342-4748 Fax:1-336-342-1522 oy 0�y-� -cli Laboratory Supervisor E-mail: mike.reed(c meritechlabs.com Web Site: www.meritechiabs.com CLIENT INFORMATION Client: -rd W n : 5.,j kQ,) c—, PO#: Contact Person: � �C,eke'h It, llrkxOl NPDES#: NC OO tiS�Y Physical Address: 3 1 ` t Phone: C5 Z> 9 3 -/,/Ou Mailing Address: r0 (3 O Pipe #: C)� City: State: NJ - Zip: 7.1g10 County: i ',_:...: , off{ E-mail: mac, ICE C^ %oWna f�d�(n4vL� .G �✓, Sample Site: � ff I ve,h,+ Sample Type: 0 Grab ❑ Composite SAMPLE INFORMATION # of containers: 2- Sampling Time: Start Date:y�2 ? Start Time: /0 Z ° NA,' PM End Date: /yZ 3 End Time: iu Z 5 PM Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling completely with NO AIR SPACE. Pack the sample cooler completely with ice. The sample must be < 6.0 ° C upon receipt at Meritech**' Collector's Name: Print: ✓fin 11 If Signature: TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION Test Required: ❑ Chronic (7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea) ® Acute (24-48 hours) ❑ Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) V1 Mysidopsis Bahia (mysid shrimp) iwc: 9 u % *** Friday Samples for Chronic Fathead test must be collected after 9:00 a.m. on Friday. **' Comments/Di l ution(s): SHIPPING INFORMATION / � r (/ Relinquished by: a-� 6"u-c v" Date: `��r/,� Z 3 Time: / Z O AMJ PM Received by: Date: Time: U U AM M Relinquished by: /Z Date: S 23 Time: '7 : ay A' PM Received by: Date: -3 Time: 2 v AM PM v ell Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Relinquished by: Received by: Date: Date: Date: Sample Temperature (°C): i7 u Time: AM PM Time: AM PM Time: AM PM Method of Shipment: ❑ UPS []Fed EX ❑ Meritech Pick-up ❑ Delivered ❑ Other. *** Samples shipped on Friday must be Fed Ex and must be clearly labeled for Saturday Delivery, NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED **' SAMPLE RECEIVING (Meritech Use Only) Relinquished by: �+ Received by _ Date: Time: e� I� C PM Sample Temperatures (°C): 0 .4 ! — / / Sample Condition: WHITE = Laboratory copy YELLOW = Client copy Cp 0 Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail Date — l3- Facility /BzfNPDES# NC00 Pipe# County ZL, r) ;L Laboratory Performing T x 47,_-, (,... Ci Number, and E-mail Address of Operator in Responsible Charge x said Signature of La omments Water MAIL ORIGINAL TO . Sciences Section Aquatic Toxicology Branch Divivsion of Water Resources 1621 Mail Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Collection Date: [ —/(-,) _a -j Collection Time: AO; GY, ,fyh — lo" ( .4" 1 Test Start Date: Z— 3 Sample Type/Duration 0 0 - x o Salinity (mg/1) Grab Comp. Duration Treatment 1 (Control) Treatment 1 (Control) 3 eplicate Organism Tested Mysidopsis bahia p Fi Control , Treatment 7 D.O. Control A B C D Treatment v t� C� M a Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration 1 O% 90% Tested % 07 p�o (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is considered invalid) % Calculate using Calculated Student's t �, Q PASS Arc -Sine Square Root Transformed data Tabular Student's t 3. 1 FAIL (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatnment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. M a Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration 1 O% 90% Tested % 07 p�o (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is considered invalid) % Calculate using Calculated Student's t �, Q PASS Arc -Sine Square Root Transformed data Tabular Student's t 3. 1 FAIL (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatnment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. Calculate using Calculated Student's t �, Q PASS Arc -Sine Square Root Transformed data Tabular Student's t 3. 1 FAIL (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatnment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. CLIENT: Belhaven RO CONTROL TRANS VALUE Rep 1 1.412 Rep 2 1.412 Rep 3 1.412 Rep 4 1.412 MEAN= 1.412 Std. Dev.= 0 Std. Dev.^2= 0 sp= 0.05763 90% TRANS VALUE Rep 1 1.249 Rep 2 1.412 Rep 3 1.412 rRep4 1.412 MEAN= 1.3713 Std. Dev.= 0.08150 Std. Dev.^2= 0.00664 *** Tabular Student's t = 3.14 Calculated Student's t: 1.0000 Result: PASS NPDES: NC00 86584 MORTALITY TRANS VALUE 0 1.412 1 1.249 2 1.1071 3 0.9912 4 0.8861 5 0.7854 6 0.6847 7 0.5796 8 0.4636 9 0.3218 10 0 Printed: 1 / 13/2023 Cnk)� Client: f',I �6 i/e4 K( NPDES #:NC Test Initiated by: Dilution Water: Synthetic Saltwater. Batch # Randomization?: Yes Incubator#: a_ Meritech. Inc. (Lab # 027) Data Sheet for 24 Hour Acute P/F Mysid Shrimp No. of Organisms per Chamber: 10 Test Vessel Size: 250 ml Test Solution Volume: 200ml No. of Replicates per Treatment: 4 Temp. of Stock: ?5 °C Reference run on: Start: Date: Time: • 3�D� End: Date: %2 - _�IJ Time:�,�� Test Organism: Mysidovsis bania Age: days Born: Date: / 17—%3 Time: )� � Test Terminated by: 6JL Reviewed by: Number Exposed p Mortality after 24 Hrs. ty Total pH Dissolved Temperature Salinity (PPT) Residual Chlorine Concen- No. Dead Oxygen (mg/L) (°C) (mg/L) Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 tration A B C D A B C D Control 10 10 10 10 90% 10 10 10 10 Z_ �1 Residual Initial Salinity of Adjusted Salinity Chlorine of 100% pH of 100% 100% (PPT) of 100% (PPT) (mg/L) 7(2-C 3 :;�s Z C.I Conductivities, (umhos/cm) Control: 30,000 umhos/cm Standard: Initial 100% Adjusted 100%: Date and time fed prior to test initiation: l ` ( (_Y5 !���� i� Fed by: /,✓ MERITECH, INC. (Lab # 027) Meritech SampleID#: Bioassay Sample Chain of Custodv 642 Tamco Rd, Reidsville, N.C. 27320 Phone: 1-336-342-4748 Fax:1-336-342-1522 Laboratory Supervisor E-mail: mike. reed(a'Dmeritechiabs.com Web Site: www.meritechlabs.com CLIENT INFORMATION Client: 10wiv1 PE Be l k AV BAl PO#: Contact Person: 57 i:' pr1CN A )4A11 NPDES#: NC Uy klvso 7 Physical Address: .315 &ASTI !nAl�V Phone:(,2�) 9y3- jii(,'l) Mailing Address: PC) BOA a.;l(7 Pipe #: 00 City: j3e_1 hAV 1= N State: Zip: ,?7VO County: 13 A" F OP—T E-mail: 6J+4TER TCi.iVi�+= tar I A✓tom / CO ►� SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample Site: CFP11,r vT Sample Type: ® Grab ❑ Composite # of containers: Sampling Time: Start Date: i , l•O) .:�3 Start Time: % 0, Otis PM End Date: 1 0 1 1.? 3 End Time: /U,' /d PM "* Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling completely with NO AIR SPACE. Pack the sample cooler completely with ice. � The sample must be < 6.0°C upon receipt at Meritech**' Collector's Name: Print:c��CUki�v q r4/4 11 Signature:_2,.1GW-, TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION Test Required: ❑ Chronic (7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea) Acute (24-48 hours) ❑ Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) ® Mysidopsis bahia (mysid shrimp) IWC: 1/0 % *** Friday Samples for Chronic Fathead test must be collected after 9:00 a.m. on Friday. *** Comments/Dilution(s): 1� SHIPPING INFORMATION Relinquished by:� rV � Date: /lit)).)3 Time: )t)0 0 AM Received by: Date: / J /d'Z3 Time: _ '.. 5S� AM (P'MJ �- Relinquished by: i'� Date: 11 1 2 3 Time: AM PM Received by:-�- Relinquished by: Received by: Relinquished by: Received by: Date: %^ 1 I - Z � Date: / - 11 2 3 Date: Date: Date: 4 Sample Temperature ('C): Y7,0 Time: to L% Time: ` Z 0 Time: Time: Time: Method of Shipment: ❑UPS ❑Fed EX ❑ Meritech Pick-up ❑ Delivered ❑ Other PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM *** Samples shipped on Friday must be Fed Ex and must be clearly labeled for Saturday Delivery, NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED *** Relinquished by: Received by: Date: ( I Time: C �C ��/ PM Sample Temperatures (°C): (j ' `{ 1 C 3 / / Sample Condition: 0111111110- WHITE = Laboratory copy YELLOW = Client copy Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail Date %U- -6- .72 3 Facility RJ l "Zt 2 PO NPDES# NC00 ` b' Pipe# LX) r County &,2�_ Laboratory Performing Test Meritech Inc. (Lab #027) Comments x�{ Signature, Rfione Number, and E-mail ddress of Operator in Responsible Charge x -1 Signature of Laboratory Supe�vi & vvater aciences Decoy MAIL ORIGINAL T O . Aquatic Toxicology Branch Divivsion of Water Resources 1621 Mail Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Collection Date: 3-,�?-5 Organism Tested Collection Time: jy: OL)A±j Mysidopsis bahia Test Start Date: q— i - F -7 Sample Tvve/Duration Grab Comp. Duration Control W. U pH 0_6 Treatment 7. J3 , x c n• o a Salinity (mg/1) Chlorine (mg/1) Sample temp. at receipt (°C) L 0� 3 Control �{j, �� D.O. d Treatment �, I - J I I Mortality Replicate Mean Mortality T+. nt 1 !Control) A B C D % % ] %I TrontmPnt 9 IFxnosure) A B C D I Concentration Tested 90 o % / - % U % % % I(NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is considered invalid) Calculate using Calculated Student's t PASS Arc -Sine Square Root Transformed data Tabular Student's t FAIL C� (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatnment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. lv� Client: I 7--./ V u/P.rl l � 6) e , N P D E S #:NCC�Ci�Q53H Test Initiated by: �/ / i I^-��� Dilution Water: Synthetic Saltwater. Batch #= Randomization?: Yes Incubator#: Meritech. Inc. (Lab # 027) Data Sheet for 24 Hour Acute P/F Mysid Shrimp No. of Organisms per Chamber: 10 Test Vessel Size: 250 ml Test Solution Volume: 200ml No. of Replicates per Treatment: 4 Temp. of Stock: 2 S V °C Reference run on: — Start: Date:" Time: ��� End: Date:10_�-,3Time: l_ PPIN Test Organism: Mysidoosis bahia Age: days Born: Date:9i'3c/`2-,b ffime: F,461+'1 Test Terminated by: Reviewed by: Number Exposed Mortality after 24 Hrs. Total pH Dissolved Temperature Salinity (PPT) Residual Chlorine No. Oxygen (mg/L) (oC) (mg/L) Concen- Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Dead tration A B C D A B C D 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 Control 10 10 10 1 Jf�600 I LLf� t3 �f; ),,�; q 90 /0 10 0 10010 10 10 �- Residual Initial Salinity of Adjusted Salinity Chlorine of 100% pH of 100% 100% (PPT) of 100% (PPT) (mg/L) 7,4 D _�Z2; I-C. . k Conductivities, (umhos/cm) Control: 30,000 umhos/cm Standard: Initial 100% Adjusted 100%: Date and time fed prior to test initiation: lU`41- �Z & � ly CX:A0 Fed by: M MERITECH, INC. (Lab # 027) Meritech Sample ID Bioassay Sample Chain of Custody 642 Tamco Rd, Reidsville, N.C. 27320 Phone: 1-336-342-4748 Fax: 1-336 342-1522 Laboratory Supervisor E-mail: mike reed(&meritechlabs .com Web Site: www.meritechlabs.com CLIENT INFORMATION Client: W N O F PO#. 1 q C- Contact Person: �Qr �NPDES#: NCyO � Gar m �� t54- Phone: C,si�i gY�—/�o0 Physical Address: 3 Pipe #: O(i Mailing Address: PO 130X 1-O af City:Ae I hitl/eV State: flit Zip:276f0 County: 6 eiR d r0IZT- E-mail: LJATEA. 13C 14*Ino, W'n SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample Site: Z-.�14WI6�C A/7 Sample Type: ® Grab ❑ Composite # of containers: Sampling Time: Start Date: 1013/ d 3 Start Time: J ' 00 40 PM End Date: iJ)/3L.)3 End Time: �J.1)5 AC PM •"' Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling completely with NO AIR SPACE. Pack the sample cooler completely with ice. The sample must be < 6.0 ° C upon receipt at Meritec► — Coliector's Name: Print: lg, J-1 al f Signature:��LJ TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION Test Required: ❑ Chronic (7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea) 69 Acute (24-48 hours) ❑ Pimephales prome►as (fathead minnow) ® Mysidopsis bahia (mysid shrimp) JWC; 90 % "'• Friday Samples for Chronic Fathead test must be collected after 9:00 a.m. on Friday. Comments/Dilution (s ): SHIPPING INFORMATION Relinquished by: Date: %Uf 3/ --) 3 Received by: Date: ! 0(3 �Z 3 Relinquished by: Date: f O � j 2--3 _ Received by: Date: 1�-� Z j— Relinquished by: Date: Received by: Date: Relinquished by: Date: Received by: Date: v Sample Temperature (°C): 7 Time: % aZUv AM Time: AM PM Time: //� l0 �G' (:�W` PM Time: ca GA PM Time: j SP PM Time: AM PM Time: AM PM Time: AM PM Method of Shipment: ❑ UPS [-]Fed EX ❑ Meritech Pick-up ❑ Delivered ❑ Other. '•• Samples shipped on Friday must be Fed Ex and must be clearly labeled for Saturday Delivery, NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED "• SAMPLE RECEIVING (Meritech Use Only) Relinquished by: /'� Received by: Date: J Time: C 3 3( AfjA PM Sample TemperatureIm.. ��/ G. 21 / Sample Condition: f a ����� WHITE = Laboratory copy YELLOW = Client copy Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Fora - Acute Pass/Fait Date Facility e 1h6AIP11 t �0 NPDES# NC00fL5E1� Pipe# 001 County aet 1 _ b �_ Laboratory Performing T nature, Fh , e Number, and E•maii Address of Operator in Responsible x Qi7�E - Signature of Laboratory Supervisor vvatc1 owci iwa vcwvn MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Aquatic Toxicology Branch Divivsion of Water Resources 1621 Mail Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Collection Date: Z —2, 3 2 Organism Tested Collection Time: �r�„�( �.�,�1 Mysidopsis bahia Test Start Date: Sample Twe/Duration Grab Comp. Duration pH Control 9, 07 o Treatment 716 X. o U) m a Salinity (mg/I) Chlorine (mg/1) Z-01 tt 1 U. D.O. Control 61 Sample temp. at receipt (°C) U� Treatment 6. Mortali Replicate Mean Mortality r---.�_ ir.,..+.,,t� B C D } Cl r�e�+mono (Fvnnci�rAl A B C D 1 Concentration 90% Tested (NOTE: if mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is considered invalid) Calculate using Calculated Student's t U PASS Arc -Sine Square Root Transformed data Tabular Student's t U FAIL (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatnment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. W � Client: &-JhaVPn / o NPDES #:NC Test Initiated by: t Dilution Water: Synthetic saltwater. Batch #_727 Randomization?: Yes Incubator#:_ Meritech. Inc. (Lab # 027) Data Sheet for 24 Hour Acute P/F Mysid Shrimp No. of Organisms per Chamber: 10 Test Vessel Size: 260 ml Test Solution Volume: 200ml No. of Replicates per Treatment: 4 Temp. of Stock: �yc_°C Reference run on: Start: Date: Time: I "�""\ End: Date: 1 �r� Time:'1 Test Organism: Mvsidoas& bahis Age: days Born: Date: a0-�(a Time: % l_� Test Terminated by: Reviewed by: Concen- tration Number Exposed Mortality after 24 Hrs. Total No. Dead p H Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Temperature (°C) Salinity (PPT) Residual Chlorine (mo/L) Rep A Rep B Rep C Rep D Rep A Rep B Rep C Rep D 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 Control 10 10 10 10 4!Q i 90% [101 10 10 10 -� — } Residual Initial Salinity of Adjusted Salinity Chlorine of 100% pH of 100% 100% (PPT) of 100% (PPT) (mg/L) 6. t-7 �Z 'a I CJ Conductivities, (umhos/cm) Control: 30,000 umhos/cm Standard: Initial 100% Adjusted 100%: Date and time fed prior to test initiation: �"ay��`1 f� 10-, Fed by: L"` / MERITECH, INC. (Lab # 027) MerftechSampt.ID#: v��P •�� - �' �/ Sloassay Sample Chain of Cus ` 642 Tamco Rd. Reidsville, N.C. 27320 Phone: 1-336-3424748 Fax: 1-336-342-1522 Laboratory Supervisor Email: mike reed®meritechlabs•com Web Site. www.merttechlabs.corn CLIENT INFORMATION Client: TO W A! OF 13 E I k M d E/11 contact Person: Physical Address: 3 t S �14s? Yv1 r► i u $ , Mailing Address: 0 City; State: 1J Zip: '?? T5' )D County: J�cgit*oKT Email: W^'rc-M @ TCWAJ-e Sri6we'v ; cc "M SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample Site: FFFIuevf Sample Type: N Grab ❑ Composite PO#: NPDES#: NC DV S-�SSr Phone: 0y) Pipe #: 00 # of containers: v2 Sampling Time: Start Date: I I a3 1 3 4 StartTime: JD•t�fl I PM Ili NO AIR SPACE 111 End Date: ] ZJ' JA End Time: /J, CS PM lit NO AIR SPACE III Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling completely with jNO &tR SPACE. Pack the sample cooler completely with ice. The sample must be < 6.0 °C upon receipt at Merftech• Collector's Name: Print: S f-4 p►►er-' R 14JWII Signature: l• .Gt TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION Test Required: ❑ Chronic (7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Certodaphnia dubla (water flea) ® Acute (2448 ors) ❑ Pimephales promotes (fathead minnow) ® Mysidopsis bahle (mysid shrimp) IWC: 90 % *** Friday Samples for Chronic Fathead test must be collected after 9,00 a.m. on Friday. *" Comments/Dilution(s): SHIPPING INFORMATION Date: .2 3/ � "f Time: / a ` ` AM A Relinquished by: — L) Time: /� OV AM OM Received by: Date: Date: 1' �, 1 �y Time: �7: i . 0 0 PM by: Time: r PM Received by: Date: / 19 N Relinquished by: Date: j 21! a I Time: MA) PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Sample Temperature cc): 170 a Method of Shipment: ❑UPS ❑Fed EX ❑ Meritech Pick-up ❑ Delivered ❑ Other "• Samples shipped on Friday must be Fed Ex and must be clearly labeled for Saturday Delivery, NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED SAMPLE RECEIVING (Meritech Use Only) Relinquished j u Time: a PM Received _ Date: �' 7 I Sample Temper_Sample Condition: ��01111111- WHITE = Laboratory copy YELLOW = Client copy NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP CLASS: PC-1 OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven ORC: Stephen Albert Hall GRADE: PC-1 ORC HAS CHANGED: No J — eDMR PERIOD: 12-2023 (December 2023) VERSION: 1.0 SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort nt.kJ ` 63 E D STATUS: Submitted MAY 13 2024 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) � s e V 8 U' p b y 01 FY _ J ✓ C' Y O � S C i M490 m9s . s :. ... Monthly klnnlhly Monthly (halt Grab Grab SALINITY RES/DI55 TCRBIDII' 24N e—k Itn 240001 k H. vla(N lh MgM nW 1 0640 8 Y 2 0545 6 N 3 0545 6 N 4 0725 8 Y 5 0640 8 Y 1.17 1900 4.4 6 0655 8 Y 7 0650 8 Y 0 0705 8 Y 9 0640 6 N Is 0630 5 N 11 0655 8 Y 1t 0645 8 Y 13 0650 8 Y 14 0700 8 Y 15 0645 8 Y 16 0630 6 N 17 0730 5 N 1s 0730 8 Y 19 0630 8 Y 29 0650 8 Y 21 0740 8 Y 22 0655 8 Y 23 0655 6 Y 24 0700 6 Y 25 0625 6 Y 26 0630 6 Y 27 0615 6 N 28 0605 8 Y 29 0510 8 Y ?e 0530 6 N °j 0515 6 N M,mtky A-mr Limit: Watkly Awragr: I.17 Iwo 4A Dail} 6tm imam: 1,17 1900 4.4 Daily Miaimam: 1.17 11900 4.4 sas• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather•, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0 12_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILTPY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 12-2023 (December 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO q r s V .e O O Z 50050 00-M C0610 00300 C000 COW 000% 01042 01045 Conlinmt- Monthly Alnnthly htnnlhly Qltanerly Qu ly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Recorder 4'mah Crab C'rrab Grab Crab Crab Grab Crab FLOW pH NICI-N-Cone DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Co CNDLrCTW COPPER IRON, 2400 clock H. 2400 clack I H. Y/B/N I mgd I W MWI I mg/I m mgll 1 umhos/sm ugA upA 1 0640 8 Y 0.036 2 0545 6 N 0.032 ? 0545 6 N 0.03 4 0725 8 Y 0.036 5 0640 8 Y 0.032 707 2.76 7.71 2280 6 0655 8 Y 0.031 7 0650 8 Y 0.033 0 0705 8 Y 0.024 9 ow 6 N 0.038 16 0630 5 N 0.033 11 0655 8 Y 0.035 12 0645 8 Y 0.022 13 0650 8 Y 0.033 14 0700 8 Y 0.034 15 0645 8 Y 0.034 16 0630 6 N 0.038 17 0730 5 N 0.029 10 0730 8 Y 0.028 19 06-40 8 Y 0.036 20 1 0650 8 Y 0.032 21 0740 8 Y 0.035 22 0655 8 Y 0.035 23 0655 6 Y 0.03 24 0700 6 Y 0.038 25 0625 6 Y 0.0-79 26 0630 6 Y 0.036 27 0615 6 N 0.031 20 0605 8 Y 0.046 29 0510 0.042 00530 #6:::: 0.033 0515 0.048 Membl. A,—gr Limit: M.athly Av r. 0.0331539 2.76 7.71 2280 Daily Maximum: 0.048 7.07 2.76 7.71 2280 Daily Minimum: 0.022 7.07 2.76 7.71 2280 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Heather; NOFLONV = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record(COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0_12_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NC0086584 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP CLASS: PC-1 COUNTY: Beaufort OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 GRADE: PC-1 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 11-2023 (November 2023) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 1 e' 1 z Ua E ; Y � 06m 7*295 ON70 Monthly Mnnlhly Monlhl Grah SALINITY RESIMS TLRBTD7Y 2909 dwk Bf. 2400 cock H. Ym.% th m 1 ntu 1 0650 8 y 2 0700 8 Y 3 0650 8 Y 0545 6 N 5 0500 6 N 6 0630 8 Y 7 0625 8 Y 1.26 2WO 1 2 S 06SS 8 Y 9 064o 8 Y 19 0630 6 Y 11 0615 6 Y 12 07UU 6 Y 13 0715 8 Y 14 0630 8 Y is 0645 8 Y 16 0630 8 Y 17 0645 8 Y is 0615 6 N 19 0645 6 N 20 0640 8 Y 21 0655 8 Y 22 0655 8 Y 23 0540 5 N 24 0540 5 N 25 0545 5 N 26 0645 5 N 27 0700 8 Y 25 0645 8 Y 29 0620 8 Y 70 0650 8 Y Monihh Avenge Lhnif: Muufhly A—ge: 1.26 2000 11.2 D.a1 M.aimum: 1.26 2000 1.2 D.UI Nlei—: 1.26 12OW 1.2 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR NC0086584_Ver_1.0_l 1_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDNIR PERIOD: 1 1-2023 (November 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-] ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO a $ 2111, O ,�'. O a Z 56m 06400 C0614 DO W C0600 Co66s 00094 01042 01045 Conuntuta5 Monthly Monthly Mnnlhly Quarterly Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Recorder Crrab Grab Grab Ciratf Grab (-crab (imb crab FLOW PR NH3-N-Co DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Cone I CNDUCTVV COPPER IRON 2400 Mori: R. 2400e1aek An YB/N mgd su mg/1 mg/1 mg/I mg umhos/Om ug/1 UFA 1 0650 R Y 0.035 2 0700 8 Y 0.035 3 0650 8 Y 0.037 4 0545 6 N 0.026 5 0500 6 N 0.034 6 0630 A Y 0.033 7 0625 8 Y 0.04 7 2.57 7.m, 2160 8 0655 A Y 0.033 9 0640 A Y 0.034 In 0630 6 Y 0.027 11 0615 6 Y 0.035 12 0700 6 Y 0.034 13 0715 A 1 Y 0.035 14 0630 8 Y 0.033 Is 0645 8 Y 0.036 16 0630 8 Y 0.035 17 0645 8 Y 0.04 Is 0615 6 N 0.034 19 0645 6 N 0.041 29 0640 8 Y 0.033 21 0655 8 Y 0.034 22 0655 8 Y 0.032 23 0540 5 N 0.034 24 0540 5 N 0.027 25 0545 5 N 0.036 26 0645 5 N 0.035 27 0700 8 Y 0.031 26 0645 8 Y 0.037 29 0620 8 Y 0.033 MO 0650 8 Y 0.034 Monthly Ayr V Limit: Monthly Averatto: 0.0341 2.57 7.66 2160 Daily M-imm u: 0.041 7 2.57 7.66 2160 Davy Minimum: 0.026 7 2.57 7.66 2160 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR=No Visitation— Adverse Weather; NOFLOW=No Flow; HOLIDAY =NoVisitation —Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0 11_2023.pdf) NPAES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-] eDMR PERIOD: 10-2023 (October 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active CLASS: PC-1 COUNTY: Beaufort ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) r g5 E$ e a u g _ r E Y c i . f z TGF3F. 00480 70295 80070 Quanaly Monthly Monthly Mnnthly Grah Grab Gsah rrah MYSD24PF SALINITY RE.S/DlSS 72/RBIDIY 2400 d-k Rn 2400 stock Rnpassifail ppth sn8/l1 0700 72 ly 0635 83 0630 8 P 1.19 1900 6 4 0650 8 Y s 0645 8 Y 6 0650 8 Y 7 0530 6 N 0 0550 6 N 0645 8 Y 10 0655 8 Y 11 0650 8 Y 11 0655 8 Y 13 0655 8 N 14 0540 6 Y 15 0530 6 Y 16 0700 8 Y 0630 8 Y 18 0640 8 Y 19 0645 8 Y 20 0700 8 Y 21 0700 6 N 22 0645 6 N 23 0705 8 Y 24 0700 8 Y 25 0735 8 Y 26 0655 8 Y 27 0645 8 Y 28 U845 5 N 29 0810 5 N 30 0650 8 Y .11 0650 8 N 46 Muoshl. A.esage Limit: Munthky Avmge: 1.19 1900 Daa> Mndmum: 1 1.19 1900 6 D.Hy Minimum: 1.19 11900 6 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE =No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR =No Visitation — Adverse IVeather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY =No Visitation— Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record(COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0_10_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NC0086584 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP CLASS: PC-1 COUNTY: Beaufort OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 GRADE: PC-1 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 10-2023 (October 2023) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO 7 S e V '$ b 7� - E A j Y 1 p z` "m 00400 C0610 00300 (10600 C0464 04094 01042 01W.. Contirmane hl-thly Monthlv Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Rxorder Grah Grab Grab Grab Grab Glab Grah Grab FLOIA OR XH3-N-C_ DO TOTAL N- TOTALP-Cm CNDUCTYI' COPPER IRON 24N dock Hn 2400 dock H. Y/B/. mgd 9u mpjl mA,1 -gA mg 'I umhodcm ug/I upA 1 0700 7 N 0.042 2 0635 8 Y 0.035 3 0(130 8 Y 0.036 7.0= 2.63 7.56 4.11 0.57 2350 < 10 2538 4 0650 R Y 0.032 s 0645 A IY 1 0.036 6 0650 9 Y 0.031 0530 6 N 10.029 0 0550 6 N 0.032 9 0645 8 Y 0.035 10 06S5 8 Y 0.036 11 0650 R IY 0.025 12 0655 8 Y 0.034 13 0655 8 N 0.035 14 0540 6 Y 0.028 15 0530 6 Y 0.0.35 1 M1 0700 8 Y 0.0.34 1' 0630 8 Y 0.029 10 0640 8 Y 0.037 1v 0645 8 Y 0.033 20 1 10700 8 Y 0.035 21 0700 6 N 0.03 - 0645 6 IN 1 0.034 23 0705 8 Y 0.033 24 0700 8 Y 0.024 25 0735 8 Y 0.034 21 0655 8 Y 0.035 2't 0645 8 Y 0.037 20 0845 5 N 0.043 29 U81U 5 N 0.028 M 0650 l, I Y 0.034 ?1 11650 N N 0.033 SO Ibl. A.eng. Until: Ot.ulk� A.mg.: 0.033323 2.63 7.56 4.11 0.57 2350 U '538 Daily Olnalmum: 0043 7.02 2.63 7.56 4.11 0.57 2350 0 2538 Daily."Wntum: 0.024 7.02 2.63 17.56 4.11 0.57 12350 10 2538 •ss4 No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WT IR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLANV = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report -Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0 10_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP CLASS: PCA COUNTY: Beaufort OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 GRADE: PC -I ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 09-2023 (September 2023) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) O A e V o - z AL a O Y r a t °� i. Monthly Mnnlhly Monthly Grab Gtat, Grab SALINITY RES/DISS TCRBTD7Y 2490 clock H. 24W clock H. Y/B/- PPth Mgt] nlu 1 0715 8 Y 2 0600 5 N 3 0815 6 N 4 0550 4 N 5 0635 8 Y 11,25 1900 S.A 6 0630 8 Y 7 0655 8 Y s 0625 8 Y 9 0515 6 N 1a 0545 6 N 11 0700 8 Y 12 0635 8 Y 13 0635 8 Y 14 0645 8 Y I5 0700 8 Y 16 0730 6 Y 17 0730 6 Y to 0645 8 Y 19 0650 8 Y 20 0630 8 Y 21 0630 8 Y 22 0645 8 Y 23 0845 6 y 24 0730 6 N 25 0715 8 Y 26 0655 8 Y 27 0655 8 y 28 0705 8 y 29 0630 8 y �11 0630 6 N Munthl� A—g, Limit: H-thly Av. p: 1 25 1900 5.8 D.a7 Meaimum: 125 1900 5.8 Daily NDoimom: 1 25 19W 5.8 •"t6 No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0 9_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2023 (September 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGF,F: NO E s v V z o S yy F. 7 O J G O y 0 t n x Z "m 08400 C0610 0000 CO6m Co665 841" 01"2 01"s Continuo, Monthly Mnnlhly Monthly Quarterly Quaiudy month) a nerly Quarterly Recorder crab fish Crrah (;rah Grab !'crab Grab crab F7Aw PA N'A}N-CaK DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Cnw.e I CNDLICTPY COPPER IRON' 2400 d-k An 2460 <Ia k An Y/W.% nigd w m9/1 mg/1 MO Mgt umhos/em u?A ug/l 1 0715 8 Y 0.038 2 0600 5 N 0.028 3 0815 6 N 0.048 4 0550 4 N 0.025 5 0635 8 Y 0.035 7 9.04 7.35 2420 6 0630 8 Y 0.036 7 0655 8 Y 0.036 n 0625 8 Y 0.031 9 0515 6 N 0.034 In 0545 6 N 0.032 It 0700 8 Y 0.035 12 0635 8 Y 0.035 13 0635 8 Y 0.034 14 0645 8 Y 0.033 1S 0700 8 Y 0.036 16 1 0730 6 1 Y 0.035 17 0730 6 Y 0.035 to 0645 8 Y 0.0: 19 0650 8 Y 0.032 20 0630 8 Y 0.033 21 0630 8 Y 0.033 22 0645 8 Y 0.038 23 0845 6 Y 0.035 24 0730 6 N 0.038 25 0715 8 Y 0.038 26 0635 8 Y 0.034 21 065.5 8 Y 0.034 2k 0705 8 Y 0.035 29 0630 8 Y 0.034 30 0630 6 N 0.032 Montkly A-mgr Limit Monthly A.r VLr 0.0.344 9.04 7.35 242U Dual alu,;mnm: 0048 7 9.04 7.35 2420 Daly Minimum: 0.02$ 7 9.04 7.35 1 1 12420 •"• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_9 2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2023 (August 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active CLASS: PC -I COUNTY: Beaufort ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) q m V 9 Q a E O p 1 O c t oNN 702" oN7o Mnnlhly Mnnlhly Monlhl t;rah C.nh Cirah SALIMTV RES/DISs T'RB2DTY 24N ebrt I R. 2400.1°ck I 2lrs YAV.% 01 MSA nW I 0640 8 Y 1.28 2000 14 2 0635 8 Y 3 0635 8 Y 4 0615 8 Y 5 0715 5 N 6 0715 6 N 7 0355 8 Y a 0345 8 Y 9 0345 8 Y 19 0630 8 Y 11 0645 8 Y 12 0515 8 N 13 0515 8 N 14 0630 8 Y 15 0635 8 Y 16 0700 8 Y 17 0645 8 Y 18 1 0645 8 Y 19 0720 16 Y 20 0620 6 Y 21 0625 8 Y 22 0645 8 Y 23 1 0640 8 Y 24 0635 8 Y 25 0640 8 Y 26 0615 6 N 27 0600 6 N 28 0725 8 Y 29 0645 8 Y 39 0650 8 Y 1 0635 1 8 Y A.engr Limit: Mummy Avenge: 1.28 2000 14 D°7y Maaim°m: 1.28 2000 14 Deily _M imum: 1.28 2000 14 `•*6 No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse \Yeather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_8_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2023 (August 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO z 7 e g e u o v Q O y a S x O t V E L 5"M 00-M C0610 00300 C0600 C0665 00094 01042 01065 Conlin.,. MoMbly Mnnihly Mnnlhly Quarlarly ly Mnnlhly Quarterly Quarter) Recorder Crab r—h C"h Groh Grab Crab Grab Ceah PLOP PH N713-N-Ceae DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Cwc CNDUCTYY COPPER IRO\ 24M d-k H. 2400deck H. Y/en m d so mg/1 MP/1 Monmg'l umhos/cm u u9/1 1 0640 8 Y 0.035 7 2.57 7.11 2480 7 0635 8 Y 0.034 3 0635 8 Y 0.03 6 0615 8 Y 0.04 5 0715 5 N 0.034 6 0715 6 N 0.042 7 0355 R Y 0.06 a 0345 N Y 0.061 0345 8 Y 0.057 to 06M 8 Y 0.034 11 0645 8 Y 0.031 12 0515 8 IN 0.03 11 0�U 8 N 0.034 1+ 0630 8 Y 0.039 1< 0635 8 Y 0.031 16 0700 8 Y 0.041 1] 0645 8 Y 0.03 IN 0645 8 Y 0.031 14 0720 6 Y 0.034 30 0620 6 Y 0.036 21 0625 8 Y 0.035 22 0645 8 Y 0.034 23 0640 8 Y 0.038 2+ 0635 8 Y 0.034 25 0640 8 Y 0.036 2^ 0615 6 N 0.041 0600 6 N 0.032 26 0725 8 Y 0.037 29 0645 8 Y 0.034 30 0650 8 Y 0.036 31 0635 8 Y 1 0.029 M—fld? A• g. Limit: MontKy Av V: 0.037097 2.57 7.11 2480 DaYy Maximum: 0.061 7 2.57 7.11 2480 Daay S/Limam: 0.029 7 2.57 7.11 1 2480 rss« No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0 8_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2023 (July 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) q • m u 3 '� O O t O r MVU 80 M 79295 h0070 uarlerly Monthly Monthly Monthly Grab Grah Grab fish MYSD24FF SALTIOW RESIDISS TORBIDTY 2400 dock R. 2400 dk H. VAV.% a4S fail ppth -FA nlu 1 0600 5 N 2 0530 5 N 3 0655 R Y 4 0600 5 N 3 0530 R Y 6 0605 8 Y 7 0620 R Y A 0900 6 N 0735 5 N If 0645 8 Y 11 0650 R y N 1 i6 141)ll 4.6 12 06SS 8 Y 13 0645 8 Y 11 1 0700 8 Y Is 0650 6 Y 16 0720 6 Y 17 0640 8 Y 18 0645 8 Y 19 0645 8 Y 20 0650 8 Y 22 0645 8 Y 22 0515 6 N 23 051.5 6 N 24 0715 8 Y 25 0610 8 Y 26 0630 8 Y 27 0635 8 Y 28 0615 8 Y 29 0645 6 N 30 0700 6 N 0655 8 Y Mouthl. A.e VLimit: M.mh4 Aver.: 1 76 1900 4.6 Dan, 6a,im.m: 1.26 1900 4.6 D.ay Mialm— 1.26 1900 4.6 •ss• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record(COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0_7_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2023 (July 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO e _ V § e F O y J O L L 50050 06400 COOP 00300 C0600 C0665 00094 01642 01645 Continmms Monthly MnNhl binnthly Quarterly Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Recorder Groh Groh Crab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab FLOW pH NH3-N-Cox DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P - Cone CND RCTW COPPER IRON 2400 clock H. 2400e1xk Hn Y29/N mgd Su m9/1 mg/1 MO mgl umho0/cm uFA upA 1 0600 5 N 0.034 2 0530 5 N 0.042 3 0655 8 Y 0.051 4 06M 5 N 0.039 5 0530 8 Y 0.058 6 0605 8 Y 0.043 7 0620 8 Y 0.034 s 0800 6 N 0.044 9 0735 5 N 0.036 t0 0645 8 Y 0.032 11 0650 8 Y 0.032 17 3.03 17.35 3.06 0.96 2461) < 10 2496 12 0655 8 Y 1 0.036 13 0645 8 Y 0.036 14 0700 8 Y 0.04 15 06.50 6 Y 0.033 16 0720 6 Y 0.0.34 17 0640 8 Y 0.32 18 0645 8 Y 0.031 19 0645 8 Y 0.034 30 0650 8 Y 0.036 21 0645 8 Y 0.032 22 0515 6 IN 0.032 23 0515 6 N 0.036 24 0715 8 Y 0.03 25 0610 8 Y 0.035 26 0630 8 Y 0.039 27 0635 8 Y 0.03 28 0615 8 Y 0.035 29 0645 6 N 0.033 30 0700 6 N 0.034 i1 0655 8 Y 0.041 Munthll A—ge Limit: Mumhw Avmge: 0045839 3.03 7.35 3.06 0.86 2460 0 34% Deily Mo iotum: 0.32 7 3.03 7.35 3.06 0.86 2460 0 _1496 Daily Mialmum: 0.03 7 3.03 7.35 3.06 0.86 2460 0 2496 '•" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse LVeather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_7_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC -I eDMR PERIOD: 06-2023 (June 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) � � � a $ E E Mnnlhly Mnnlhly Mnnlhly Crah Crab Crab SALINITY RESIMS TURHIDTY 24110 dwk Hn 2400 clock Hn WRIN Ih M nlu 1 0645 8 Y 2 0635 8 Y 3 0700 5 N 4 0715 5 N 5 0655 A Y 6 0630 8 N 1.35 20011 6.6 7 0735 A Y a 0645 8 Y 9 0700 8 Y t9 0530 6 N It 0530 6 N 12 070U 8 Y 13 0640 8 Y 14 0650 8 Y 15 06.10 8 Y 16 0640 8 Y 17 0615 6 Y to 0610 6 Y 19 0635 6 Y 28 0630 8 Y 21 0640 8 Y 22 0715 8 Y 23 0650 8 Y 24 0645 5 N 25 0730 5 N 26 0655 8 Y 27 0630 8 Y 29 0635 8 Y 29 0700 8 Y >t 0635 8 Y Monthly A.-r V Limit: Monhly Avenge: 1.35 2000 6.6 D.ay &b imu : 135 2000 6.6 Wily Minimum: 1.33 2000 6.6 '"• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0 6 2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2023 (June 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO a X u � � 1 O 1 0 Z 50M 00400 C0010 00.30D cow C0665 00094 01042 01045 Cnminuous Monthly Mnnlhly Mnnlhly Quartrly Quarterly Mnnlhly Quarter) Quarterly Recorder Grah Grab Grab fish frrab Grab limb ciral7 1 }'2.ON pA \'A3-N-Ghee DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P - Cone CNDIICTVY COPPER 1R0\ 24M d-k R. 2400r1eek An Y/W.% m d Su rags Mgt] mgl Mgt umhoWcin ugn upA 1 0645 8 Y 0.03 2 0635 8 Y 0.031 3 0700 5 N 0.034 4 0715 5 N 0.035 5 0655 8 Y 0.037 6 0630 8 N 0.036 4.68 T15 1_620 7 0735 8 Y 0.034 a 0645 8 Y 0.031 9 0700 8 Y 0.034 1e 0530 6 N 0.021) Ir 0530 6 N 0.04 I2 0700 8 Y 0.036 13 0640 8 Y 0.028 14 0650 8 Y 0.037 I5 0630 8 Y 0.036 16 0640 8 Y 0.043 17 0615 6 Y 0.039 1s 0610 6 Y 0.048 19 0635 6 Y 10.021 20 0630 8 Y 0.04 21 0640 8 Y 0.033 22 0715 8 Y 0.031 23 0650 8 Y 0.038 24 0645 5 N 0.032 25 0730 5 N 0.033 26 0635 8 Y 0.033 27 0630 8 Y 0.034 20 0635 8 Y 0.034 39 07W 8 Y 0.034 3Y 0635 8 Y 0.043 Meerkly A.rregr Li-N: M-tht. A—W: 0.034633 4.68 7.15 2620 D40y &1-imum: 0.048 7 4.68 7.15 2629 F WHY Minimum: 0.021 7 4.68 7.15 1 262U I **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WT 4R = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLTDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_6_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2023 (May 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) x a a V i 6 a r E O C' x 0 ? Z 004t10 702" 0M70 Monthly Monthly Mnnthl Crrah Cirah Grah SALrntn' RESIDISS TLRRtD7Y 24N dwk I H. 2400,1-k I lin I Y/an 01 MFA ntu 1 0645 8 Y 2 0715 8 Y 1.34 21 OD 10 3 0730 8 Y 4 1 0715 8 Y 5 0710 8 Y 6 0700 5 N 0630 5 N 0700 8 Y 0725 8 Y 111 0700 8 Y 0700 8 Y 0715 18 Y 13 0545 5 N 14 08.30 5 N 15 0700 8 Y to 0700 8 Y 1" 0645 8 Y 18 0700 8 Y ty 0630 8 Y 20 0730 5 Y 21 0630 5 Y 0655 8 Y 37 1 10655 8 1 Y 2 0630 8 Y 25 0640 8 Y 24 0700 8 Y 0640 4 N 28 0700 6 N 29 0550 4 N 30 U630 tl Y 2 0635 8 Y M 06b A—V Limb: MautYl� average: 1.34 2100 10 D.uy Miiimum: Lm 2100 to Daay Minimum: 1 1.34 2100 10 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTFiR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0 5 2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2023 (May 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC -I ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: LO PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE. NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO m E E v e fi g j = E F S - Q p ° z 50050 cow (0610 00.M0 (0600 C0665 00094 01012 01045 Cnntinurnu Monthly Mnnlhly Monthly Quarterly Qn.lm ly Monlhly Querlerly Quarterly Reenrder Grah Grab drab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab TLON pH NH3-N-for DO TOTAL N- TOTALP-Cnn< (NDtTCTt-\' COPPER IRON 2400 clock Nn 24W,I-k Fin, "IN mgd "I mg./1 mE+/t mg/l mg1 umhos/em u8/1 u8/l 1 0645 8 Y 0.033 2 0715 8 Y 0.025 7 2.06 7.1 2590 5 0730 8 Y 10.025 + 0715 8 Y 0.033 5 0710 8 Y 0.034 6 0700 5 N 0,029 7 0630 5 N 0.029 x 0700 8 Y 0.035 9 0725 8 Y 0.031 10 0700 8 y 0,032 11 0700 8 y 0.025 12 0715 8 y 0.036 13 0545 5 N 0.026 1+ 0830 1 N 0.043 15 0700 8 Y 10.036 16 0700 8 Y 0.036 17 0649 8 Y 0.035 10 0700 8 Y 0.028 19 0630 8 y 0.034 20 0730 5 Y 0.019 21 0630 5 y 0.034 - 0655 8 y 0.036 25 0655 8 y 0,031 24 0630 8 y 0.045 25 0640 8 y 0.03S 26 0700 8 Y 0.033 29 0640 4 N 0.023 28 0700 6 N 0.039 29 0550 4 N 0.025 30 0630 8 Y 0.033 11 0635 8 Y 0.045 Monthh A.eralr I,imir: Monthly :\rrrrKr: 0.032452 2.06 7.1 1590 Da'0. nla,imnm: 0.045 7 2 06 7.1 1590 Daily Minimum: 0.010 7 2.06 7.1 1 .1590 * * * * No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle: ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY ` No Visitation - Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_5_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2023 (April 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) Y 6 s` E u s 5 ZQuarterly O O z. TGEN 004M M" W070 Monthly Monthly Mnnthly Groh Grah Crah Grab MYSD24PF SALINITY RESMISS TLTRBIDTY 24N dwk I Dn 24W,Imk I Hn Y/B^- 'Call pplh MWI tnu 1 0755 5 N 2 0655 5 N 3 0640 8 Y 4 0630 A Y PASS 1.25 2000 4.1 S 0700 8 Y 6 0645 A Y 7 0700 6 N 8 0715 6 N 9 0935 5 N M 0650 A Y 11 0650 A Y 12 0645 8 Y 13 0640 8 Y 14 1 0645 8 Y t5 05.10 6 N 16 0600 6 N 17 064.5 8 Y 18 0700 8 Y 19 0640 8 Y 20 0635 8 1 Y 21. 0700 8 Y 22 0730 6 Y 23 0715 6 Y 24 0640 8 Y 25 0635 8 Y 26 0650 8 Y 27 0645 8 Y 28 0635 8 Y 29 0620 6 N i0 0630 6 N M-thly A—ge Limit: M.m►ly A—ge: 1 1-5 1000 4.1 D.ily M..im.m: I?S 2000 4.1 My Mi.imum: 1.25 12000 4.1 "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Heather; NOFLOH = No Flow; 14OLTDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record(COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0_4_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP CLASS: PC-1 COUNTY: Beaufort OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 GRADE: PC -I ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 04-2023 (April 2023) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO x 7 e` y° E j E 1 p p x 1 C a Y, 50050 004N C0610 00300 CO600 C0665 08094 01042 01045 cominuntuc Monthly Monthly Mnnlhly quantrly Qtmtterly Monthly Quant ly Iv Recce &, Grah Grab Grah Grah Gr b Grab Grab Grab FLOW pH N-R3-N-Ct DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P-C— CWLICTVY COPPER IRON 2400 Nork R. 2400 clock Nn YB/N rngd su m 1 mg/1 mg/1 nigh umhos/cm upll up/1 1 0755 5 N 0.027 2 0655 5 N 0.31 3 0640 8 Y 0.029 4 0630 8 Y 10.022 7 2.56 7.23 3.89 10.6 2430 1,10 1733 ' 5 0700 8 Y 0.031 6 0645 8 Y 0.024 7 0700 6 N 0.035 0 0715 6 N 0.027 9 0835 5 N 0.025 11 0650 8 Y 0.027 11 0650 8 Y 0.029 12 0645 8 Y 10.029 13 0640 8 Y 0.035 14 0645 8 Y 0.024 15 0510 6 N 0.033 16 060p 6 N 0.027 17 0645 8 Y 0.033 1° 0700 8 Y 0.028 19 0640 8 Y 0.033 20 0635 8 Y 0.024 21 0700 8 Y 0.034 22 0730 6 Y 0.036 23 0715 6 Y 0.027 24 0640 8 Y 0.034 25 0635 8 Y 0.025 26 0650 8 Y 0.031 27 0645 8 Y 0.032 28 0635 8 Y 0.025 29 0620 6 N 0.023 'U 0630 6 N 0.032 Motl6h A—w Limit: MootYly Aver%v: 0.038367 1 2,56 7.23 3.89 10.6 2430 10 11733 D.°y 01.aimum: 0.31 7 2.56 7.23 3.89 0.6 2430 U 1733 D.ay Hiaimum: 0.022 7 2.56 7.23 3.89 0.6 2430 U 1733 ••" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; 14OLTDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record(COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0_4_2023.pdf) - Jgwv ' NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 03-2023 (March 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS:PCA ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) O F e s V � 6 F Z r r O a" i oe4eo 762" owe Monthly hlnnlhly Monthly Utah Grab SALTMTV RESIDISS TVRBTVTV 2448 cork Hn 2480 Nark Hn yfo^- 01 m8/I nw 1 0615 8 v 2 0655 R v 0640 8 v 0705 G N 5 0630 4 N 6 0650 8 y 0640 R y 1.31 20M 4.5 % 0650 R * 0630 R V 0630 R y 0700 6 y 1' 0710 6 y 13 0700 8 y 14 W5 8 V is 0700 8 y 16 0645 8 y 17 0645 R 18 0600 6 N 19 0600 6 N 20 0635 8 y 21 0645 8 y 22 0700 8 23 0700 8 24 0640 8 2s 0645 6 26 0620 G 27 0640 x 29 06R1 x 29 0645 8 N 30 0635 8 0700 8 Y Moathl. A.et.gr Limit: M.athly AwmW: 1.31 2000 4.5 D.ay Maximum: 1.31 2000 4.5 D.Oy Madm— 1.31 2000 4.5 '•** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE =No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR =No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW =No Flow; HOLTDAY =No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0 3_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 03-2023 (March 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PCA ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO qV — fi Uo s E >• C O e 't i Z "m 06w C0610 o0300 Cowo Cows 040% 01002 01045 Gmlinlum. Monthly Monlhly Monthly Quarterly - ly Monthly Quarterly Qtlarteriv Rxnrder ('rrah Cnah Gtah Groh Grah Grab Grah Grah P2.0N PH NH3-N-C— DO I TOTAL N- TOTAL P -Coac CNDOCW COPPER IRON, 2400clock I Hn 2400 clock I Fin Y/92N mgA I w mg/1 mg/I m I m 4 umhos/cm ug/l IugA 1 0615 8 y 0.031 2 0655 8 y 0.028 3 0640 R y 0.032 4 0705 6 N 0.04 5 0630 4 N 0.027 6 10650 8 v 0.031 7 o640 8 y 0.026 7 2.72 G.98 2 .lu 0 0650 8 y 0.02 4 0630 8 y 0.033 1n 0630 8 v 0.024 11 0700 6 y 0.01 12 0710 G 1 y 0.01 13 0700 8 y 0.031 14 0645 8 v 0.024 15 0700 8 y 0.036 16 0645 8 y 0.023 1' 0645 8 y 0.035 1s 0600 6 N 0. 02 1 14 0600 6 N 0.033 20 0635 8 y 0.031 21 0645 8 y 0.029 22 0700 8 y 0.031 2j 0700 8 y 0.023 24 0640 8 y 0.034 - 0645 6 0.034 26 0620 G y 0.028 21 0640 8 y 0.034 20 0630 g y 0.021 2Q 0645 g N 0.024 vt 0635 8y 0.029 32 07W 8 y 0.036 Mo.thl. A..ng. Limil: M..thly Av.r.g.: 0.028032 2.72 6.98 2540 D.0> 66uimum: 0.04 7 2.72 6.98 2540 D.ily.miOico— 0.01 7 2.72 6.98 2540 srr• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLTDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0 3_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 02-2023 (February 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) O e ' E V aS u a S i 0 N F O Co u O L e L owM 702" aM70 Monthly Monthly Monlhiv Grab Grab Gott, SALTNITV REUDI85 TURRIDTY 2488 cbti Ho, 2460 clock I Hn Y/B^- I ppth -gA nw 1 0645 8 Y 2 0640 8 Y . 0705 8 Y 4 0635 5 N 5 0640 5 N 6 0640 8 Y 7 0700 8 Y 1.34 2100 8.9 a 0645 8 Y 9 0700 8 Y 1Y 0645 8 Y 11 0630 6 Y 12 0750 6 Y 17 0700 8 Y 14 0635 a Y Is 0645 8 Y 16 0700 8 Y 17 0640 8 Y IB 0545 6 N 19 0545 6 N 20 0630 8 Y 21 0630 8 Y 22 0615 8 Y 23 0650 8 Y 24 0630 8 Y 25 0700 5 N 26 070U 6 N 27 0630 8 Y 28 0650 8 Y Moat►h Almge Limit: M.mbay A. g.. 1.34 2100 8.9 D.i1Y Mammon: 1.34 2100 8.9 D.ily MWmum: 1.34 2100 8.9 ****No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation —Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_2_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC -I eDMR PERIOD: 02-2023 (February 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE. NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO a a V 1 0 u 7 E � r j y p ,^', p n C L "m nano C0610 om COWO cow 000% 01442 01111,15 Cnnlinmtus Monthly Monthly Monthly Quarterly Qtwncrly Monthly Quarterly erl Recorder Grab l-rab Grab Grab Crtab Ctrab Grab Grab FLOW pH \T13-N-Co.e DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Cwe CNDDCTVY COPPER H<O\ 2400 ckrk Hn 2400 clock I Hn Yfa/N 1 mgd Sn m m I m I I mgI umhoe/cm ug/l ugA 1 0645 8 Y 0.027 2 0640 8 Y 0.029 ' 0705 8 Y 0.023 4 0635 5 IN 0.036 5 0640 5 N 0.033 ^ 0640 8 y 0.027 0700 8 Y 0.03 7.02 2.47 n.98 2590 s 0645 8 Y 0.024 4 0700 18 Y 0.033 11� 0645 R Y 10.027 0630 6 Y 0.026 12 0750 6 Y 0.033 13 0700 8 Y 0.021 14 0635 8 Y 0.038 1 0645 8 Y 0.027 16 0700 8 Y 0.029 17 0640 8 Y 0.029 is 0545 6 N 0.028 19 0545 6 N 0.028 20 0630 8 Y 0.033 21 0630 8 Y 0.021 22 0615 8 Y 0.029 2' 0650 8 Y 0.033 24 0630 8 Y 0.0-79 07011, 5 N 0.027 2ti 070t1 6 N 0.027 2' 0650 8 Y 0.032 2s 0650 8 Y 0.024 M.Wkly A—V, Limit: nmmkly A.enk.. 0.028679 2.47 6.98 2590 D.ay mwumum: 0.038 7.02 2.47 6.98 2590 D.Ov M.Imum: 0.021 7.02 2.47 6.98 1 2590 ****NoReporting Reason: ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR=No Visitation- Adverse Weather; NOFLOW=No Flow; HOLIDAY=NoVisitation- Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_2_2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 01-2023 (January 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PC-1 ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) g 9 g pp 9 I j E - Ei, a 1'C.F3{: e = e Y 00430 70295 M1070 E Vj Q1 erly Monthly Monthly Monthly Groh G.h Gmh Grah MYS024YF SALINITY AES/DISS nmarorY 2400 cork H. 2400 d-k Hn VIM% p&i& fail ppth mgd ntu 1 0550 7 Y 2 0645 7 Y 3 0645 R Y 121 1900 7 4 0645 8 Y z 0700 8 Y n 0645 8 Y 0635 5 N x 0650 6 N 9 0650 8 Y m 0630 8 Y P 0650 8 Y 2 0645 8 Y 064U 8 Y 14 0630 5 N 15 08M 6 N 16 0600 6 N n 0640 8 Y 18 0710 8 Y 19 0610 8 Y 2u 0645 8 Y 21 0500 6 N 22 0530 6 N 23 0700 8 Y 2+ 0635 8 Y 25 0715 8 Y 2n 0700 8 Y 2'1 0625 8 Y 20 0645 6 Y 29 0715 6 Y 0 0645 8 Y 0650 8 Y Mo t►1. A—V U-1r• M-ady A—W: 1.21 1900 7 DOiy Slaiunum: 1.21 1900 7 D.uy Mia mum: 1.21 1900 7 •••'NoReporting Reason: ENFRUSE=NoFlow-Reuse/Recycle;ENVW"I'HR=NOV751tanan-naverseivmLnc iwrw..— ----- --- - Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver_1.0_1 _2023.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO086584 FACILITY NAME: Belhaven WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Belhaven GRADE: PC-1 eDMR PERIOD: 01-2023 (January 2023) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: PCA ORC: Stephen Albert Hall ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Beaufort ORC CERT NUMBER: 988630 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO 7 s` V fi U' a M a 7 o aC °a sa050 00-00 C0610 00300 C0600 C0665 00094 01642 01045 Continuous Monthly Monthly Mnnthly QuarWly Quanel ly MOnlhiv Quanerly Quanerly Rxnrder Grab frah (:rah Ciral> CCrab Grab (Crab !'.rah FLOW pH \TI}N-C'oue DO TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Cn.e CWUCTVl' COPPER IRON 2400r1wi I Hn 2400 clmk I An Y/B/. mgd ISu mg/I I Mgt] Mg/l mg1 umhoslem u ug/I 1 0550 7 y 0.037 2 0645 7 y 0.049 3 0645 8 y 0.028 7 2.56 9.01 3.35 0.49 3360 a10 4 0645 8 y 0.032 5 0700 8 y 0.025 6 0645 8 y 0.033 7 0635 5 N 0.024 % 0650 6 N 0.035 0650 8 y 0.036 11' 0630 8 y 0.024 II 0650 8 y 0.025 1' 0645 8 y 0.033 13 0640 8 y 0.027 14 06.40 3 N 0.035 I5 08M 6 N 0.035 16 0600 6 N 0.027 17 0640 8 y 0.032 IN 0710 8 Y 0.024 14 06I0 8 Y 0.034 20 0645 8 Y 0.024 21 0500 6 N 0.03 22 0530 6 N 0.028 2 ° 0700 8 Y 0.03 24 0635 8 Y 0.025 25 0715 8 Y 0.032 26 0700 8 Y 0.023 2' 0625 8 y 0.032 20 0645 6 Y 0.027 29 0715 6 Y 0.033 M 0645 8 Y 0.024 'I o650 8 y 0.033 Mosthta A-W Limit: M.n1hL Av...V: 0.030194 2.56 8.01 3.35 0.49 2360 0 2551 DWI1 msnimum: 0.049 7 2.56 8.01 3.35 0.49 2360 0 _1551 Way Minimum: 0.023 7 2.56 8.01 3.35 0.49 2360 0 2551 ass* No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV VrM = No Visitation - Adverse Heather; NOFLOAV = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0086584_Ver 1.0_1_2023.pdf) aw