HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071856 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20071205f,...~ `~. ~ jj Jnn ~ N. __~~ ,~r~ ,~~/~i~- ~'~'"t r ~~'4 % ti Wet lC~etenton ~3asi.n Tnspecti.®n an~i M~ixxtenance Agreemeli~~ran~~~;AL~~, ., ~q gRr~;i{;r; I will keep a maintenance record on this T3lVl~F'. This rrZaii:ttenance i•ecaxd will btu kept in a lag iz~ a known set location. i~ny t~eficien:t $M:1?t~lexxtents noted in the irtspectiart will be corrected, repaired. ar. repla.ced i.mrnediately. These dNficienc:ies cart. affect the integrity of strtxrtures, safety of klte public, and the rernaval efficiency af. the l3MP. T'he wet detenfi.,oxt basin system is defined as the wet detention basin., pretreatrxteizt including foreliays ~tnd the vegetated f'iltex if cme is provided. 't'his system (check vne~. does ~ does n.at iaicarparate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (deck aMC~: does ^ does not incorporate pxetreatment other than a fcrrelvay. Important inaintenanr_e pxocedures: - Izximediakely after th:c wet cletentian basin is established, the plants on the vegetated shelf and perimeter of tl~e basin should be watexcd t~~vire weekly if needed, until the plants beca~ne e5tablish.ecl: (cozrtmanly six weeks). - I~lo pc~riion of thc~ wet detentions pared shcrrxltl be fertilized after the first initial ff~rtilizatian fttat is required to establish the plant`s an the vegetated s.lielf. - Stable graundcaver sl~attld be maintained .in thc~ draixzage area to reduce thL sediment laid to th~~ wet detention: basin. - If the basin must be dxained for an emergency car to pE~rfoxn~. rnairtt:enance, thca flushing of sediment through they emergency drain should be nz.iniinized to th.e ntaximuztx extent practical. - Once a year, a darn safety expert should inspect the czxlbankaztent. After tl~e wet detention pond is established, it should be in.spectc~d once a month a.nd within 24 ho~us after. every sform event greater than I.tl inches {or ~..5 inches if iat a C~aastal Cautnty), R.ecards of inspection and. maintenance should be kept in a knawx~ set location. and must be availalil.e upon request. Inspecticart activities slZall lase performed as follows. Arty problems that axe found shall be repaired imrneciiately. iF?MP element: -~ Potential. roblem: .- _ _I~aGV 1 ~vzl.l re~nrediate the~rroblem_- The entixe BMP Trashdebris iv5.pxesent. Retnave the trash ebris. "I"he perimeter of the wet Axeas of Mare sail and j or Regrade the sai..l if necessary to detention basin erosive gullies h.aec formed. rt'.tnave the gully, ajul then ~laitt a grouxxi cover cznci. watex uzltil it is esfablisheti. l'rovi.de lime anal. a _ ___ _ _ one-time €r.rkiliur a~ticatio_n. `VeKetation is tacs shoat csr too Maintain vegekatic~rt at a. height of ___.. T lort~^_~ ~sraxisna~ six irsches_ ~.~ elenaertt: ! I'atentiai The inlet device: pipe or ~ Z'he pipe is cloggE.>d swale The forebay The vegetated shelf Tice main treatment axt~a Tl~e pipe is crad<E~d ar otherwise dain~ed__-•,__ -- Erosion is occurring iat th.e Swale. Sediment has acxurriutakeri to a depth greater than the origi.:na.l design depth fur Sed.irrtP.nt StUrage. Ernsian has occurred. lhreeds are prc:sE:nt Bask professional practices show that pruning is Ilec~dE:d fin rizainta~in optila~al plant health. _ ____ I'l.alri~; are. dead, ci.iseased or dying- V1~'eecis are 1?resent. Sediment 1•ras accunticliated to a depth gxE?afar th.~an the original. design sediment storage depth. t'~lgal growti~ rovers over 5Cl% of the area. Cattr~als, plu•a~;niites ox other invasive plants rover 54°~s of the l,asin surface. Huw I will remed.i.ate theprabl Linclog the: pipe- Dispose of the sedirttrnt off-site. _ _...__ Replace tl~c~ pipe. I<egrade the swale~ if necessary to srr~aath it over allc~i prav.rcle erosion contrral devices such a.s reinforced turf snorting car ripral~ to ~•IVaid future problems with eros.i.un. -- -----i------.__......___._ ... _ .. _ __..___..._ .. Search for the source of the seclinlent anci remedy the pI•ableln if passible. IZerxlove the sedilneitt and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts fi<s strea.nts ur tite I31~11'. 1?ravide additional erosion protection. such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent Future erasion prc~l~leins. PemovE the weeds, prefera4aly vy h<.rnd. It pestic,iEle is Used, rv%pe it an th~artts r<~tlze:r than spat;~in~;. _~ _ 1'run~*. accord.ilzg to test professional p:rartices Determilre the soia.rce of t1rE? problem: soils, h}~drolagv, disease, etc. Panted}' t11e problerrt and replaco plants. Provide a une-tilite fertilizer application to estaUlish tl,e ground caves if a sail tt~st indicates it is necessar~~. __ .. __ Remove the t•~reocis, preferabi}~ by harm. If pesticide is used, wipe iron tk,e Ia.nts rathtzr than s ra in Search far the source of the sediment altd remedy the pral.~lern. if p~:>ssilTle. Fentavc the sediment and riispose of it i.n a location where it will. not rarasc impacts to strearli~5 ur fire BMl:'. _ Consult a professional to remove atari cantro_i the.al~~al growth. R.elrtove the plants 1»~ wiping thetas with pesticide (do flat sprayj. r B1V1E' element: _ ~~-__+- Patentia~srablerrr: _~..____~ ~ i~avr I will rem.ecfiate the pz•oblezrt~ The exz~bankrz~err.t Slir•ubs have st~~rted to grow lteni.ove shrubs i.mrneciiatel~~. on the em,t,an.kzxlent. __ ~^.V~~ f ___ _ __ _ A - Evidence aE zztuskrat or Use trays to reznove• muskrats a.nd beaver activity is present. cozxsul.t a prufessioz~,~.i to remove _ 3seavers. A tree lzas starteci fio l;row ozt _ ~~__ _ Consult a dam safety speci~liist to the en•lbankzYZ,eltt. _ __ _ reulove the txee. . An annual inspectic)n byT an lvla:ke all rreedecl repairs. appra~riate profcssil)nal sltnws that the embankment deeds rE'' 7ail'. __ .~ _ ~ The ocYtlet devICC C111~41I:tl~T ll.a!.i OL'Cttrretl. Clean all.t t11N. QtEtLet C~eV1Ce. 172spaSe of tine sediment off-site. _ 1'he outlet device .is daz}1a 1Gd __ _ lZl' air ar r~lace the autlet device_ The receiving water F~rosion or other signs of. C.:ontart t11e local NC l~ivlsra.n of damage have occlx.rreci at the L'Vater Quality 1Zegialu~l Office, or i outlet. the 401 C)versight Unit at 9:1.9-733- ! _...._ .1~786~__._- __....---~__ __-W The n-teasuring device used to c~etern~ine t11e sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an a.cc:urate depth readixlg and not xeadily penetrate into aceumulatec~. sedilrlc~nts. When. the pern~tanen:fi pool depth reacts _42$ feet in the iriain pond., the: se~c~iment shall I-se removed. When the permar~.ent pool depth reds 424 . feet ixx the .forebay, tl-te seclirnent shall be removed. S.~SIN DIA.txitAMf (fill irl the hlrrnksj Permanent i"ao! Elevat.iorz 428 Sedizncnt Removal h .424 Bottam Elevatio :423 Sediment Sta.rabe rORE)~A~Y Poal ,^ - - ~ ~ ~Sed:imentYRernovai F levatian 424 ^ - y , ~ _ . _ _ _ _ _ Vol'ulzz~ 13otiam Ei.cvation iVrA11W 1'OMI 1-R Storage ~, I acknowledge and agz~ee by zi3y sigzlature below that ] am responsible for the pexforntance of the nl,ainfitz~tance procedures listed above. I agree to notify I7~1JC,~ of az~ty problems whiz the system. or prier to any changes to the system or responsible partq. Print name:,__~ 44 ~- ~. o`f Q ___ ______.__. _~.. Title: Q t~~E~t. ~ ~ ~ Address:_ ~~ ;.. ~" ~v~pT~'tS .~ t ~4% ~r,~%(~5ut ~ C 2. ~''~'-h Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeotivcters association unless more than SO% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has beezt named. the px•esident. ~, -tL•~.v,~.-~~,.=~..,,;~',~:,,it,,,~`~:,.c.~, _, a Notaz-y Pubiie for tl~e State of ~~~,~ ___ _, County of _I ~;_, ?~ , do hereby certify that ~~ ~ i ~ i ~ ,n,, ~ .~;`~A Ar~~-~. ~, personally appeared before me this t _ day of ~~ ~'tti1 ~,,t~, o~...~'~ _, r-~!r~^~!% ,and acknowledge the due executiozl a#'the forgoing wet defiention basin maintenance requirements. ~Iitness my hand and ofk'zcial seal, ~P ~. ~:X ~"~~C~~~Q'9(~ ff ~~g L~~ ~G ~ 'wprgwoa+~ ~'~ ~, ~f? t?t+l'~.;. SEAL '_.~ r,' ~_ ,.. (~,L°, .1;........__......555'''\~~~I Niy eommissiozl expires ~~ ~' ~~ ~ ~~ ~:~Ca ~ ~ ______ I?ate~ (~ - ? ~ o