HomeMy WebLinkAbout790001_Response to Notice_20240506 [External] Re: DWR Correspondence Wes Walker <rklwylsw@gmail.com > Mon 5/6/2024 6:10 PM To:Potwora, Kristen C <kristen.potwora@deq.nc.gov> Cc:bradrakestraw@yahoo.com <bradrakestraw@yahoo.com>,Chandler, Rebecca D <rebecca.chandler@deq.nc.gov> CAUTION: External em al. Do not click links or open attachm efts unless verified. Report suspicious em als with the Report M essage button located on your Outlook m eiu bar on the Horn etab. Kristen, Thanks so much for the photographs and additional information, as well as walking me through the situation on the phone earlier today. I spoke with Rodney Wright in Jason Byrd's office shortly after you and I spoke today. M r Byrd is currently out of the office, but Rodney has com mtted to speaking with him and M att Wells regarding the issues in the im poundm ent and we plan to re-engage in one week to discuss possible options for their assistance in the m itigation of the m ost urgent issues. I'll also work with M r Rakestraw to see if he is able to assist with any of the m itigations as well. I will follow up with a separate em ail confirm ing this to M r Rodney with you CC'd to ensure we're all on the same page going forward. As discussed previously, please be sure to include me on any com m Lnications with M r Rakestraw regarding the m anagem ent of the lagoons or violations to ensure I can work to m itigate them as quickly as possible. Mycell phone num ber (703-283-1557) is the best way to contact m e I will follow up with you by the end of next week (5/17/24) with an update on any updates or progress that has been made. Best Regards, Wesley O nMon, May 6, 2024 at 2:21 PM Potwora, Kristen C <kristen.potwora@deq.nc.gov> wrote: Hey W esley, I have attached the photos we took at your facility on April 22, 2024, plus one from Decem ber (large hole with a persons shadow in em bankm ant) and one from what it use to look like in 2020 (looking good). As exam dies of what we are looking for, the photo "Double E lagoon" shows there is a gradual slope on the inside on the lagoon, which is typically what we want to see and what the lagoon use to look like in 2020. The "Lagoon Dam "photo shows the ideal look of an em bankm ant/dam with a few larger shrubs that are easy to m o�v down and then the last photo is m owed to perfection! I hope this helps paint a clearer picture for you, if not I can definitely find som eother photos or we can talk it through on the phone whenever you have tim e I suggest calling Jason Byrd (336-342-8260) at the Rockingham County Soil and Water Conservation Offi ce for Technical Assistance on how to com bat these erosion issues. Thanks for your tim etoday, Xristen Potwora Environm ental Specialist 1, Division of Water Resources Winston Salem Regional O fice North Carolina Department of Environmental Q uality O fice: (336) 776-9697 1 Cell: (336) 403-7544 kristen.potwora@deq.nc.gov D-E :> NORTH CAROLINA .1 Q Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From :Potwora, Kristen C Sent: M onday, M air 6, 2024 9:43 AM To: Wesley walker995@ gm alcom <W esleywalker995@g al.com>m Cc: rklwylsw@gm al.com <rklwylsw@gm al.com>; bradrakestraw@yahoo.com <bradrakestraw@\'ghoo.com>; Chandler, Rebecca D<rebecca.chandler@ deq.nc.gov> Subject: DW R Correspondence Good M orning M r. W alker, I have attached NOV-2023-PC-0598 and the continuing NOV-2023-PC-0598 to this em al. I will also be sending a hard copy to the address in the letter. Please let me know if you have any questions or issues. Thank You, .7Cristen Potwora Environm entol Specialist 1, Division of Water Resources Winston Salem Regional O fice North Carolina Department of Environmental Q uality O fice: (336) 776-9697 1 Cell: (336) 403-7544 kristen.potwora P deq.nc.gov D7,..E Q NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address m ay be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and m ay be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.