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20071039 Ver 3_401 Application_20071207
SINCE 0R p FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL 310 HUBERT STREET, RALEIGH, NC 276031 USA T 919.828.3441 1 F 919.582.0304 1881 i A Attn: Amy Chapman To: North Carolina Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1650 We are sending you The following items: ?Engineering Reports ?Test Reports L i:: I B1 C,I_C 2001 OFNIK - WAT F_R QUALITY VVkTlANDB.AND 3TO!?i4!&A!%P BRANCH o`)-tD3c? v3 Date: December 3 2007 F&R No.: H66-5104E Reference:: Resubmittal Pre-Construction Notification for Nationwide Permit No. 12/NCDWQ General Certification 3699 ? Attached ? Under separate cover via ? Prints ? Copy of Letter ? Plans ? Samples ? Contract ? Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 5 Full Size Plans 1 Dec 3 07 PCN 1 Agent Authorization Letter 1 Figures (Site Location, USGS Topo, and Soil Survey Maps) 1 List of all features at or near the site 1 List of Lat/Lomg Coordinates 1 $540 Application Fee Remarks: Distribution: Digitally signed by Tom Colson DN: cn=Tom Colson, -US, o=Froehling and Robertson, f! /( Date: 2= email=TColson@FandR.com 03:00 -05'00' 200707.1 .12.04 14 03:00 Date: 05'00' Signed Form No. 1027 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL 310 HUBERT STREET, RALEIGH, NC 276031 USA 0 T 919.828.3441 1 F 919.582.0304 1881 December 3, 2007 Mr. Thomas Brown Raleigh Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 Re: Resubmittal East Clayton and Wilson's Mills Sewer Line (Phase 1) Nationwide Permit No. 12/NCDWQ General Certification 3699 F&R Project No. H66-5104E Johnston County, North Carolina Mr. Brown: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) is resubmitting the previously approved East Clayton Willson's Mills (ECWM) PCN (attached) due to unforeseen additional wetland impacts. F&R has been contracted by McKim and Creed PA to perform wetland consulting services on behalf of Johnston County for the above-referenced project site. Johnston County is proposing to expand a sewer line to improve municipal wastewater services for existing residential and commercial properties, as well as reduce system operation and maintenance costs. The expansion project will also provide safe and reliable wastewater system capacity in surrounding areas. F&R is resubmitting Preconstruction Notifications (PCN) to obtain Nationwide Permit No. 12 for Phase I East Clayton and Wilson's Mills Sewer Line. Transportation right of way restrictions and unforeseen existence of larger than anticipated culvert installations has forced a realignment of the proposed sewer line, resulting in additional impacts to streams and wetlands. We have clarified the below listed changes to the impacts to the maximum extent practical, and we call your attention to them in the enclosed Preconstruction Notification with bold font. ? The only additional wetland impact is a 0.130 acre impact to a wetland previously not included on the original Preconstruction Notification. (C50B) ? An impact to a stream previously proposed as "Avoidance Installation above existing culvert" is now proposed as "Excavation, Fill (riprap)" (Z/Sheet C38). ? A single impact to a stream proposed as "Excavate, Fill (riprap)" is now impacting the same stream twice with the additional impact proposed as "Avoidance - location within existing roadway" (D2 D3/ Sheet C58). Project Site HQ: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD RICHMOND, VA 23228 USA T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.FandR.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA • EASTERN EUROPE f&R Phase I will consist of three separate segments. The first of these, Phase I-A, will install a new sewer line that begins at the existing force main on the north side of NC Highway 42 at the Neuse River; the line continues south to Gully Mill Creek; southwest to Glen Laurel Drive; east/southeast to Powhatan Road; west/southwest to a railroad crossing; southeast/south to North Tech Park Drive; and west/southwest to US Highway 70 Business (70-BUS). After crossing to the west side of 70-BUS, the sewer line will connect to an existing force main. Site vicinity maps (Figure 1), USGS topographic maps (Figures 2a & 2b), and NRCS Soil Survey maps (Figures 3a & 3b) are included with the PCN. Phase I-B begins at the existing Wilson's Mills Elementary School Pump Station; continues south to an unnamed tributary of Poplar Creek; south across US Highway 70 Bypass (70-BYP) to Twin Creek Road; west to the existing Wilson's Mills Pump Station, east to Swift Creek Road; and southwest to 70-BUS. After crossing to the west side of 70-BUS, the sewer line will connect to an existing force main, as well as to a new force main that comprises Phase I-C (see below). Wastewater from Phase I-B will be able to be directed to either the existing force main or the new force main (Phase I-C). Site vicinity maps (Figure 4), USGS topographic maps (Figures 5a & 5b), and NRCS Soil Survey maps (Figures 6a & 6b) are included with the PCN. Phase I-C begins at the terminus of Phase I-B at 70-BUS and continues southeast along 70-BUS to the east side of the Neuse River in Smithfield. The new sewer line will parallel the existing force main along 70-BUS, thereby minimizing impacts to wetlands, streams, and open waters. Site vicinity maps (Figure 7), USGS topographic maps (Figures 8a & 8b), and NRCS Soil Survey maps (Figures 9a & 9b) are included with the PCN. Respectfully Submitted, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. DigUly signed by Tom Colson DIN -Tom Colson, c=US, o=Froehling and Robertson, Inc., ou=66E, email=TColson@FandR. com `,• r?- - - Date: 2007.12.0408: 41: 19-0500' Thomas P. Colson, CFM, GISP, PhD Water Resources and GIS Coordinator Christopher J. Burkhardt Land Planning Group Manager Digitally signed by Tom Colson DN: cn=Tom Colson, c=US, o=Froehiing and Robertson, Inc., ou=66E, email=TColson@FandR.com Date: 2007.12.04 08:42:13 -05,00, TPC/CJB:tpc Attachments: PreConstruction Notification cc: North Carolina Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1650 Johnston County c/o Carl Trautman McKim & Creed, PA 200 MacKenan Court Cary, NC 27511 McKim & Creed ECWM PCNResubmitta1 December 4 2007 2 F&R Project H66-5104E. Office Use Only: Form Version March 05 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ® Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ® Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ? 401 Water Quality Certification ? Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP No. 12 & WQC #3699 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? IL Applicant Information Owner/Applicant Information Name: Johnston County Mailing Address: c/o Carl Trautman 200 MacKenan Court Telephone Number: (919) 233-8091 Fax Number: (919) 233-8031 E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Thomas Colson Company Affiliation: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) Mailing Address: 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone Number: (919) 828-3441 Fax Number: (919) 828-5751 E-mail Address: tycolson(cifandr.com Page 1 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Phase I of East Clayton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): The project as proposed will place a 20-foot utility easement in parcels 167900-81-4071, 16700-68-9928 and 167800-88-6893 (Johnston County GIS). The project will also place a utility easement on a parcel recorded in Deed Book 1829, Page 503 (Johnston County Register of Deeds). The remaining portions of the project will be placed in existing utility easements or DOT Right of Ways. 4. Location County: Johnston Nearest Town: Smithfield Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): Phase I, Part A (I-A): bin at existing force main on north side of NC Highway 42 at Neuse River: follow south to Gully Mill Creek; follow southwest to Glen Laurel Drive; follow east/southeast to Powhatan Road: follow west/southwest to railroad crossing: follow southeast/south to North Tech Park Drive: follow west/southwest to US Highway 70 Bus. (see Figures 1, 2a & 2b, and 3a & 3b). Phase I, Part B (I-B): begin at Wilson Mills Elementary School Pump Station: follow south to unnamed tributary, of f Poplar Creek: follow south across US Highway 70 Bypass to Twin Creek Road; follow west to Wilson Mills Pump Station and east to Swift Creek Road; follow southwest to US Highway 70 Bus. (see res 4, 5a & 5b, 6a & 6b). Phase I, Part C (I-C): begin at terminus of I-B at US Highway 70 Bypass; follow southeast to Neuse River Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Page 2 of 12 Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): Please see Attachment 2. 6. Property size (acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: 8. River Basin: Neuse - 03020201 (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http:/,`h2o.enr.state.ne.us/admin,"mgps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Predominant existing conditions on the proiect site are rights-of-way for state, county, and local roadways that were previously impacted during road construction or utility installation. Other conditions encountered at or near the project site include undeveloped agTicultural and forested lands; private commercial, recreational, and residential properties; and cemeteries and churches. The condition of wetlands, streams, and/or open waters within or adiacent to the project site, as identified by F&R and verified by USACE and DWQ, are described for each Phase of the project in Attachment 1. Wetlands within the project site include herbaceous and/or forested areas, riparian buffers, and roadside swales. Streams within the project site include Neuse River, Gulley Mill Creek and unnamed tributary, Reedy Branch and unnamed tributaries, Little Poplar Creek and unnamed tributary, Poplar Creek, and unnamed tributaries, and unnamed tributaries of Swift Creek. Open waters were also observed within the project site area and consist of mostly man-made ponds in uplands present in areas adiacent to the proiect site. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The proposed project will involve the installation of sanitary sewer force main and pump station appurtenances to provide better sanitary sewer service to the residents of Johnston County. The project will require extensive linear excavation and backfilling using a backhoe, dump trucks in select cases and traffic control equipment. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The proposed sewer line will improve municipal wastewater services for existing residential and commercial properties and reduce system operation and maintenance costs. The project will also provide additional safe and reliable wastewater system capacity for future growth in areas surrounding the project site. Please see the attached cover letter for additional proiect information. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and Page 3 of 12 buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. 401 Water Quality Certification previously issued October 1, 2007 as DWQ Project # 07-1039. This application is submitted as a modification to the previously approved certification. Additional impacts are hiahliahted with bold font. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. F&R is not aware of future permit requests that may be needed for this project. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: The only permanent impact proposed to wetlands is excavation and filling with riprap of two forested wetlands and one herbaceous wetland. The project also includes permanent impacts to 11 perennial streams. The impacts consist of excavation and fill (riprap) to place the force main under Gulley Mill Creek (at three crossings), an unnamed tributary (UT) of Gulley Mill Creek, a UT of Little Poplar Creek, Poplar Creek (at two crossings), a UT of Reedy Branch, and two UTs of Swift Creek. Details of each impact are presented in the attached plans and specifications. Construction activities will be in accordance with conditions of WQC #3699 and appropriate best management practices for sedimentation and erosion control and protection of downstream natural resources including fish, shellfish, and vegetation. Excavated areas will be stabilized with stone or riD-ran and eeotextile fabric. 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Page 4 of 12 Located within Distance to Area of Wetland Impact Type of Wetland 100-year Nearest Impact Site Number (e.g., forested, marsh, Floodplain Stream (acres) ndicate on ma Type of Impact herbaceous, bog, etc. es/no linear feet PHASE I-A AB / Sheet C4 Excavation, Fill (riprap) Forested Yes 44 0.006 I / Sheet C16 Avoidance-installation Herbaceous & forested No 0 0 below existing culvert (within roadside swale) PHASE I-B B2 /Sheet C53 Avoidance - directional Herbaceous & forested No 0 0 drilling (within roadside swale) PHASE I-C Z / Sheet C38 Excavation, Fill (riprap) Forested (adjacent to No 20 0.009 channel) DD / Sheets C43 Avoidance - location within existing roadway Forested Yes >1,000 It 0 & C44 right-of-way EE / Sheet C44 Excavation, Fill (riprap) Herbaceous Yes 50 It 0.041 C50B Excavation, Fill Forested No 150 0.130 Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0.186 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property 1.5 acre 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Perennial or Average Impact Area of Number Stream Name Type of Impact Intermittent? Stream Width Length Impact (indicate on map) Before Impact (linear feet) (acres) PHASE I -A Avoidance - location Al /Sheet CI/C2 Neuse River within existing Perennial 17 0 0 roadway right-of-way A2 / Sheet C2 Neuse River Avoidance - Perennial 190 0 0 Directional Drilling B 1 a / Sheet C2/C3 Gulley Mill Excavate, Perennial 32 15 0 011 Creek Fill (riprap) . Blb / Sheet C3 Gulley Mill Excavate, Perennial 28 15 0 010 Creek Fill (riprap) . Page 5 of 12 Stream Impact Average Impact Area of Number Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Stream Width Length Impact (indicate on map) Intermittent? Before Impact (linear feet) (acres) B / Sheet C4/C7 Gulley Mill Excavate, Perennial 41 15 0 014 Creek Fill (riprap) . C / Sheet C4 UT Gulley Mill Excavate, Perennial 15 15 0 005 Creek Fill (riprap) . Avoidance - I / Sheet C16 Reedy Branch Installation below Perennial 10 0 0 existing culvert PHASE I -B D3 / Sheet C58 UT Little Poplar Excavate, Perennial 26 10 0 006 Creek Fill (riprap) . Avoidance - D2 / Sheet C58 UT Little location within Perennial 10 0 0 Poplar Creek existing roadway C2 / Sheet C57 Poplar Creek Excavate, Perennial 10 10 0.002 Fill (riprap) C3 / Sheet C57 Poplar Creek Excavate, Perennial 10 10 0.002 Fill (riprap) B2 / Sheet C53 UT Poplar Creek Avoidance - Perennial 24 0 0 Directional Drilling A2 / Sheet C51 A Little Poplar Avoidance - Perennial 36 0 0 Creek Directional Drilling PHASE I -C X / Sheet C36 UT Reedy Excavate, Perennial 25 15 0 009 Branch Fill (riprap) . UT Reedy Avoidance - Non- Y / Sheet C37 Installation above important 15 0 0 existing culvert Z / Sheet C38 UT Swift Creek Excavate, Perennial 15 12 0.004 Fill (riprap) AA / Sheet C39 UT Swift Creek Excavation, Perennial 15 15 0 005 Fill (riprap) . BB / Sheet C40 UT Swift Creek Excavation, Perennial 6 15 0 002 Fill (riprap) . Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 147 0.070 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. Page 6 of 12 Open Water Impact Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Area of Site Number (if applicable) T e of Im act yp p lake, ond, estuary ( P , sound, bay, Impact (indicate on map) ocean, etc.) (acres) PHASE I-B Avoidance - location Open Water 12 N/A outside of riparian Pond in Upland 0 buffer Avoidance - location Open Water H2 N/A outside of riparian Pond in Upland 0 buffer Total Open Water Impact (acres) 0 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): 0.070 Wetland Impact (acres): 0.186 Open Water Impact (acres): 0 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.256 Total Stream Impact (linear feet):' 147 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ? Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. No impacts are proposed to isolated waters. 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction Page 7 of 12 techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Avoidance and minimization of direct impacts was a primary concern recognized throughout project plannjn& resulting in development and consideration of numerous alternative designs. Specific measures incorporated to avoid proposed impacts in the proposed design include a) locating the sewer line in existing roadway easements to the extent practical; b, locating ewer line parallel to existing streams and outside of 50' riparian buffers; c) directional drilling where not cost-prohibitive (Neuse River, Little Poplar Creek, and unnamed tributary of Poplar Creek) d) installation below existing culverts (Reedy Branch, Poplar Creek); and e) installation above existing culverts (unnamed tributary of Swift Creek). Streams and wetlands avoided on the project site are listed in the streams and wetlands impact tables respectively in Section IV Specific measures taken to minimize impacts in the proposed design include 1) near- perpendicular crossings of channels where avoidance was not practical (e.g., directional drilling cost prohibitive, use of previously impacted existing easement not possible; installation of sewer line above or below existing culverts not practical); reduced stabilization of excavated areas with stone or rip-rap and geotextile fabric; compliance with conditions of WQC #3374 and appropriate best management practices. Due to factors not previously evaluated for the June 2007 401/404 PCN Submittal for Phase I of the East Clayton/Wilson's Mills Wastewater Transmission Improvements, portions of the proposed force main alignment have been adjusted. Some of these adjustments result in changes to previously stated wetland and stream impacts. There were no changes in the amount of impacts to Zones 1 and 2 of Neuse River Buffers. The adjustments that are associated with changes in impacts are summarized as follows: Sheet C38 - The original alignment on this sheet showed the proposed force main passing below an existing storm drainage box culvert at station 329+00. Existing utilities that also pass under and above the existing storm drainage culvert provide too many conflicts with the previous alignment. As a result, the proposed alignment is now shown going around the existing box culvert and through the existing stream and wetland area. This crossing is proposed as perpendicular to the existing stream. Sheet C50B - The original alignment in this area involved installing the proposed 10" sanitary sewer force main in the Swift Creek Road right of way. Due to existing Ly conflicts within the same right of way, this alignment is no longer feasible. The current alignment shown on sheet C50B instead will turn off of Swift Creek Road through an existing Johnston County Public Utilities Department gravity sewer easement. This permanent, maintained easement is located in an area that is flagged as a wetland area. The proposed force main will pass through this wetland area in the existing easement. Previously, this wetland area was unaffected by the proposed construction activity. Please note that sheet C50B and C5 1A replace C50 and C51, respectively The changes listed above resulted in additional wetland and stream impacts. These impacts are included on the revised PCN application. In addition, the total estimated existing wetlands on the property increased due to the inclusion of the wetlands on C50B. This increase is shown on the Page 8 of 12 revised PCN application as well. The cumulative impacts are revised as a result of the above changes in addition to impacts listed in the individual wetland and stream impact tables. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http:/,,"h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/stnngide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Payment in to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Proaam is proposed. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http:;`/h2o.enr.stite.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): N/A Page 9 of 12 Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N/A Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): 0.186 Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ? 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ® No ? 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ® No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 213.0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 0213.0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify)? Yes? 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse) No ? 2 If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. See Attachment 3. 3. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 21772.13 3 (2.5 for Catawba) None 2 35914.17 1.5 None Total 57686.3 None * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 10 of 12 4. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 213.0242 or.0244, or.0260. Buffer Mitigation is not Required XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. Introduction of additional impervious surfaces are not anticipated for the XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. The proposed project is a municipal wastewater force main, designed to increase available capacity for current and future development within the area of the project site. Wastewater carried by the proposed force main would be treated in a local wastewater treatment facility according to state and local regulations prior to being discharged into the Neuse River. XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ® No ? If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http:hh2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: The proposed force main is intended to provide a safe and reliable sewer system for future growth in the project service area as well as for existing residential and commercial land uses in the area. The proposed project will also reduce overall system operation and maintenance costs. The project will provide additional safe and reliable wastewater system capacity for future growth in areas surrounding the project site. The project service area is an area of heavy growth within Johnston County. The rate of growth in the project planning area is anticipated to impact current land use with planned developments. This development trend is likely to continue with or with out this project, however, this project may hasten this trend. The majority of new development within this area is anticipated to be residential. Indirect and cumulative water quality impacts may accrue from future development. It is presumed that future development will be in accordance with Johnston County Land Use Page 11 of 12 Ordinances, NCDENR Sediment and Erosion Control Plans, as well as the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Rules. However, loss of riparian forests and increased impervious surface area reduces rainfall infiltration, increases soil erosion, and concentrates pollutants. Urban stormwater pollutants include motor vehicle fluids, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers, solvents, detergents, eroded soil, and animal waste. Peak stream flows are typically increased, causing stream bank erosion, channel destabilization, deuadation of in-stream habitat, and increased magnitude and frequency of flooding. Conversely, the increase in impervious surface area and soil compaction that occurs with development can reduce infiltration rates, which may in turn reduce base stream flows during dry weather, adversely affecting aquatic habitat. Sediment, nutrients, and other forms of pollution from agricultural sources will likely decline as the area develops, but urban stormwater impacts will likely increase. The installation of the sewer line will allow for future sewer network expansion within the protect service area. Such an expansion would permit the abandonment of individual septic systems within the basin, which could have a direct, positive impact on basin-wide water quality. YV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). No constraints are anticipated. Digitally signed by Tom Colson DN: cn=Tom Colson, c=US, o=Froehling and Robertson, Inc., an, 12/04/2007 email=TColsan@FandRdR.com Date: 2007.12.04 08:43:01 -05'00' Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 SINCE V` 1881 October 10, 2006 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 310 HUBERT STREET • RALEIGH, NC 27603 PHONE: (919) 828-3441 • FAX: (919) 828-5751 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Rd., Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 Re: Agent Authorization Proposed East Clayton / Wilson Mills Sewer Improvement F&R Project H66-5104E Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina The undersigned hereby authorizes Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) to proceed on behalf of the property owner(s) as the technical agent for wetland and stream identification, delineation, and permitting for the above referenced project site. All site visits by regulatory personnel must be coordinated in advance with F&R. This letter supersedes any previous agent authorizations. Sincerely, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Digitally signed by Tom Colson DN: cn=Tom Colson, c=US, Ca?3y I o=Froehling and Robertson, Inc., ou=66E, email=TColson@FandR.com Date: 2007.12.04 084432 -05'00' Stephen R. Colbert, Ph.D., LSS Natural Resources Specialist Signature: G ?r Signature: Printed Name: i iv a .? G • BK>- n-L,-Pa Printed Name: Organization: Jo I,S??+. Cocr--?t .? Organization: Mailing Address: ? 2z c.73 l? G 2-74=>-77 Mailing Address: Phone Number: of X33 3 Phone Number: HEADQUARTERS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • RICHMOND, VA 23261-7524 TELEPHONE: (804) 264-2701 • FAX: (804) 264-1202 BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, INC • BALTIMORE, MD • CHARLOTTE, NC • CHESAPEAKE, VA CROZET, VA • FAYETTEVILLE, INC • FREDERICKSBURG, VA GREENVILLE, SC • HICKORY, NC • RALEIGH, NC • ROANOKE, VA • STERLING, VA /f Nliv ?- c,c? Michael F. Easley. Governor 1 William G. Ross Jr., Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Mr. Rick J. Hester, County Manager Johnston County Courthouse Post Office Box 1049 Smithfield, North Carolina 27577 Dear Mr. Hester: April 2, 2007 I? r-/ 1 SUBJECT: Johnston County Engineering Report Project No. CS370560-09 This is to inform you that the Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) and the Environmental Assessment have been submitted to the State Clearinghouse. The documents will be advertised for thirty (30) calendar days in the N.C. Environmental Bulletin. Advertising the FNSI is required prior to a local unit of government receiving financial support from the State Revolving Loan program. You will be informed of any significant comment or public objection when the advertisement period is completed. A copy of the documents is transmitted for your record. The documents should be made available to the public. If there are any questions, please contact me at (919) 715-6211. JMH/sd Sincerely, Daniel M. Blaisdell, P.E., Assistant Chief Engineering Branch Cc: Hazen & Sawyer - Bob Berndt, P.E. (w/attachment) Jennifer Haynie DWQ - Raleigh Regional Office PMB/DMU/FEU/SRF Construction Grants and Loans Section 1633 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1633 Phone: 919-733-6900 / FAX: 919-715-6229 / Internet: www.nccgl.net NorthCarolina 'Naturalltl FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT JOHNSTON COUNTY WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAI, RESOURCES CONTACT: JOHN R. BLOWE, P.E., CHIEF CONSTRUCTION GRANTS AND LOANS SECTION DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1633 MAIL, SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1633 (919) 715-6212 April 2, 2007 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FNSI) Article 1, Chapter I I3A of the North Carolina General Statutes requires an action to be subject to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NCEPA) if it involves the expenditure of public funds and a potential impact is anticipated to the environment. The project has been evaluated for compliance with the NCEPA and determined to be a major agency action which will affect the environment. Project Applicant: Johnston County Project Description: The proposed Johnston County, North Carolina wastewater treatment and transmission facilities improvements project includes the phased upgrade and expansion of an existing 7.00 MGD wastewater treatment plant to 13.5 MGD, the construction of new wastewater transmission facilities, and the expansion of the County's existing reclaimed water system. This project will serve portions of Johnston County, North Carolina and the Towns of Smithfield, Selma, Four Oaks, and Pine Level. Project Number: CS370560-09 Project Cost: $15,805,000 State R&olving Fund Loan: $15,000,000 Local Funding: $805,000 The review process indicated that significant adverse environmental impacts should not occur if mitigative measures are implemented, and an environmental impact statement will not be required. The decision was based on information in the engineering report and reviews by governmental agencies. An environmental assessment supporting this action is attached. This FNSI completes the environmental review record, which is available for inspection at the State Clearinghouse. No administrative action will be taken on the proposed project for at least thirty days after notification that the FNSI has been published in the North Carolina Environmental Bulletin. ?Sinc imek, P. E. it c or Water Quality mAPQvE4mtion Begin - - Wisteria - a?40Wisteria Dr ?? ? a 4 4 Ff c ?? - G ? 'th Cfr Of a, a +Ay O fc Meuse Golf Club s ?f Vista C, v? ?S. -c r } i- nQat11 ae f?T? 3 ? v T:- Section End SITE LOCATION MAP: Phase I Section A I-A North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC a ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E www.mapgL1est.com D it `'(i(i Approximate Scale: 1"=2,180' Fi -lure 1., USGS TOPO MAP (10 ft contours) : I -A North Client: Town of Cla on FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Clayton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line GEOTECHNICAL e ENVIRONMENTAL e MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC vv?? ENGINEERING a LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: USGS, Clayton Quad (1993) Date: May 2007 A roximateScale:1"=970' Figure 2a USGS TOPO MAP 10 ft contours : I A cont. North Client: Town of Cla on FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla on and Wilson Mills Sewer Line GEOTECHNICAL e ENVIRONMENTAL e MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC vv?? ENGINEERING a LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: USGS, Clayton & Powhatan Quads (1993) Date: May 2007 A roximateScale:1"=970' Figure 2b NRCS SOIL SURVEY: I-A North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC O? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: NRCS, 1994 Date: May 2007 A roximate Scale: 1" = 960' Fi ure 3a NRCS SOIL SURVEY: I-A cont. North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC O? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: NRCS, 1994 Date: May 2007 A roximate Scale: 1" = 960' Fi ure 3b SYMBOL NAME AaA Altavista fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes. oc :uanalty flooded Ante Apphng -Marlboro Complex. I to 6 percent slopes AsA Augusta sandy loam. 0 to 2 percent slopes. occasWMlly, flooded AuA Autryville sand. 0 to 2 percent slopes Bb Bibb sandy loam, frequently flooded BnA Blanton sand. 0 to 3 percent slopes BoA Bonneau sand. 0 to 3 percent slopes Cos Cecil loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes COC Cecil loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes Ch Cnewacta loam, frequently flooded COB Cowans loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes Coc Cowans loamy sand. 6 to 10 percent slopes DOA Dogue fine sandy loam. 0 to 2 percent slopes FaA Facevrtle sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes File Facevlne sandy loam. 2 to 6 percent slopes FuA Fuquay sand. 0 to 3 percent slopes Gee Gilead sandy team, 2 to 8 percent slopes GeD Gilead sandy loam. 8 to 15 percent slopes GoA Goldsboro sandy roam, 0 to 2 percent Mopes Gr Grantham silt loam LaB Lakeland sand, 0 to 6 percent slopes Le Leaf sdt loam Ly Lynchburg sandy loam MaA Marlboro sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Mae Marlboro sandy loam. 2 to 8 percent slopes Mce Marlbaro-CoO Complex, 2 to a porcont alcpoa Na Nahunta silt loam NkB Nankin fine sandy loam. 2 to 6 percent slopes NnB Nason sift loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes NnD Nason sin loam. 810 15 percent slopes NnE Nason sin loam. IS to 25 percent slopes NoA Norfolk loamy sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes Note Norfolk loamy sand. 2 to 6 percent Mopes NuA Norfolk Urban land complex. 0 to 3 percent slopes PaD Pacolet loam. 10 to 15 percent slopes PaE Parblet loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes Pn Pantego team, occasionally flooded Ra Rains sandy roam RbA Rains-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 Percent slopes RnF Ran sandy loam. 15 to 40 percent slopes Ro Roanoke loam, occasionally flooded StA State sandy seam, 0 to 3 percent slopes. occasionally flooded Ta Tarboro loamy sand, rarely flooded Tit Tasnot loam To Tomotley sandy Loam, rarely flooded Lice lichee loamy coarse sand. 2 so 6 percent slopes Ucc Uchoo loamy coarse sand. 6 to 12 percent slopes Ud Udonhents. loamy. Vas Vance coarse sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes VrA Vanna loamy sand. 0 to 2 percent slopes Vr8 Vanna loamy sand. 2 to 6 percent Mopes Wise W agram loamy sand, 0 to 6 percent Mopes Wh Weheo loam, occasionally flooded WOO Wedowee sandy loam. 2 to a percent slopes woo Wedowee sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes WI Wehadree loam, frequently flooded W. Wehadkee-Chastain association. frequently flooded Each delineated area is dentihed by the symbol Lid and furlrW KlOnli led with one of lour labels on the map These Labels are Borrow Pit or BP Landfill or LF. Cut and Fill or CAF. and Airfield SOIL SURVEY LEGEND- JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC Client: Town of Cla on FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Protect: East Clayton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line GEOTECHNICAL a ENVIRONMENTAL a MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC v? ENGINEERING a LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: NRCS, 1994 Date: May 2007 Figure 3c 800m 0?2400ft Wilsons Mills Section 70 fry . 1 .? M r, 2007 P,1apQueSt, llic 1k. 2007 Tole Atlas r SITE LOCATION MAP: Phase I Section B I-B North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC a ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: www.mapquest.com Date: May 7007 Approximate Scale: 1"=3,840' Figure 4 USGS TOPO MAP 10 ft contours : I-B North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC a ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: USGS Selma Quad (1988) Date: May 2007 Approximate Scale: 1" = 970' Figure 5a USGS TO PO MAP 10 ft contours : I-B cont. North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC O? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: USGS Powhatan (1993) & Selma (1988) Quads Date: May 2007 Approximate Scale: 1"=970' 1 Figure 5b NRCS SOIL SURVEY: I-B NOrtn Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line Cp GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC fa ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: NRCS, 1994 Date: May 2007 Approximate Scale: 1" = 950' Figure 6a NRCS SOIL SURVEY: I-B cont. North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC O? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: NRCS, 1994 Date: May 2007 Approximate Scale: 1" = 950' Figure 6b Continued CL A A x m? ?DlFF1StO1Y 3 County ?f C 2007 MapQues#, Inc C 2007 Tele Atlas reCK Section End Ntuse River soom Fi{ SITE LOCATION MAP: Phase I Section C I-C North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC O? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: www.mapquest.com Date: May 2007 Approximate Scale: 1" = 3,840' Figure 7 USGS TOPO MAP (10 ft contours) : I-C With Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla on and Wilson Mills Sewer Line GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC vv?? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: USGS Powhatan (1993) & Selma (1988) Quads Date: May 2007 A roximate Scale: 1" =1,070' Figure 8a USGS TO PO MAP (10 ft contours): I-C (cont.) North Client: Town of Cla on FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Clayton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC vv?? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: USGS, Selma Quad (1988) Date: May 2007 A roximate Scale: 1" =1,070' Figure 8b NRCS SOIL SURVEY: I-C NOrtn Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC a ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: NRCS, 1994 Date: May 2007 Approximate Scale: V= 1,120' Figure 9a Section End NRCS SOIL SURVEY: I-C cont. North Client: Town of Clayton FROEH LING & ROBERTSON, INC. Pro ect: East Cla ton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line ?O GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Location: Clayton & Smithfield, Johnston County, NC O? ENGINEERING • LABORATORIES F&R Project No: H66-5104E "Over one hundred years of service" Source: NRCS, 1994 Date: May 2007 Approximate Scale: 1" =1,120' Figure 9b Attachment 1. List of wetland & stream features located on or near the project site and verified by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) with Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) for Phase I of East Clayton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line Project, Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina. F&R Project # H66-5104; Client: Town of Clayton; Date: 05/14/07. Please note that impacts to wetland AB resulted from a design change after field verification with the DWQ and USACE and therefore have not been verified. PRESENT ON: PCN FIGURE MCKIM & F&R FIELD NRCS USGS VERIFIED FEATURE PHYSICAL CREED FLAG SOIL TOPO FEATURE TYPE REGULATORY LABEL LOCATION SHEET ID SEQUENCE SURVEY SURVEY (USACE / DWQ) JURISDICTION PHASE I-A Channel Al Not Flagged Important / USACE / DWQ / (Meuse River) North of Hwy 42 C2 (top-of-bank Yes Yes erennal Perennial NRRB by surveyor) No Impact Channel A2 Not Flagged Important/ USACE /DWQ/ (Neuse River) South of Hwy 42 C2 (top-of-bank Yes Yes Perennial NRRB b surveyor) Channel 131a South & west of Neuse Not Flagged Important / USACE / DWQ / (Gulley Mill River between Hwy 42 C2 (top-of-bank Yes Yes Perennial NRRB Creek) & Glen Laurel Rd by surveyor) Channel Blb South & west of Neuse Not Flagged (Gulley Mill River between Hwy 42 C3 (top-of--bank Yes Yes Important / USACE / DWQ / Creek) & Glen Laurel Rd. by surveyor) Perennial NRRB (south of Bla) Channel C West of Gulley Mill Not Flagged Important/ USACE / DWQ / (UT Gulley Creek between Hwy 42 C4 (top-of-bank Yes Yes Perennial NRRB Mill Creek) & Glen Laurel Rd by surveyor) West of Gulley Mill Wetland AB Creek between Hwy 42 C4 ABl-AB12 N/A N/A Forested NOT VERIFIED & Glen Laurel Rd Channel B (Gulley Mill North of Glen Laurel C7 Al - A18 Yes Yes Important / USACE / DWQ / Creek) Rd Perennial NRRB Attachment 1. (Continued). Verified wetland & stream features for Phase I of East Clayton and Wilsons Mill Sewer Line Project, Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina F&R Project # H66-5104; Client: Johnston County. PRESENT ON: PCN FIGURE MCKIM & F&R FIELD NRCS USGS VERIFIED FEATURE PHYSICAL CREED FLAG SOIL TOPO FEATURE TYPE REGULATORY LABEL LOCATION SHEET ID SEQUENCE SURVEY SURVEY (USACE / DWQ) JURISDICTION Wetland D East of Glen Laurel Rd C9 C1 - C6 N/A N/A Herbaceous USACE No Impact Channel D East of Glen Laurel Rd C9 131-1311 Yes No Ephemeral None Channel E East of Glen Laurel Rd C9 Not Flagged Yes No Not Observed None Open Water F East of Glen Laurel Rd, CI L Not Flagged Yes Yes Upland Pond None north of Powhatan Rd Wetland G South of Powhatan Rd, C12 001 - 007 N/A N/A Herbaceous/ None west of Glen Laurel Rd Agricultural Channel H South of Powhatan Rd C14 Not Flagged No No Agricultural None Ditch North of North Tech Wetland I Park Dr east of C16 EEL - EE9 N/A N/A Roadside Swale USACE , Bestwood Dr. (not surveyed) Channel I North of North Tech DD 1 - DD6 Unimportant / USACE / DWQ / (Reedy Park Dr, west of C16 (not surveyed) Yes No Intermittent NRRB Branch) Bestwood Dr. North of North Tech Wetland J Park Dr. west of US C16 PP 1 - PP4 N/A N/A Roadside Swale None , Highway 70 (not surveyed) PHASE I- B South of US Hwy 70 Not Flagged Open Water 12 Bus, east of Bucket C59 (top-of-bank No No Pond in Upland USACE Jones Rd by surveyor) No Impact South of US Hwy 70 Not Flagged Open 2 Water Bus, east of Bucket C59 (top-of-bank No No Pond in Upland Jones Rd by surveyor) No Impact Channel G2 (UT of UT of East of Bucket Jones C59 Al - A7 No No Unimportant USACE Poplar Creek) Rd, west of D3 No Impact Attachment 1. (Continued). Verified wetland & stream features for Phase I of East Clayton and Wilsons Mill Sewer Line Project, Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina F&R Project # H66-5104; Client: Johnston County. PRESENT ON: PCN FIGURE MCKIM & F&R FIELD NRCS USGS VERIFIED FEATURE PHYSICAL CREED FLAG SOIL TOPO FEATURE TYPE REGULATORY LABEL LOCATION SHEET ID SEQUENCE SURVEY SURVEY (USACE / DWQ) JURISDICTION Channel D2 East of Swift Creek Rd, Not Flagged Important / USACE /DWQ / (UT Poplar north of US Hwy 70 C58 (top-of-bank Yes Yes Perennial NRRB Creek) by surveyor) North of US Hwy 70, Not Flagged DWQ Open Water F2 east of D3 C58 (top-of-bank No No Pond in Upland No Impact by surveyor) Not Flagged Open Water E2 North of US Hwy 70, C58 (top-of-bank No No Pond in Upland DWQ east of D4 by surveyor) No Impact South of Twin Creek Wetland C2 Rd, east of Swift Creek C57 4000 -4028 N/A N/A Roadside Swale None Rd Channel C2 South of Twin Creek top-of--bank Important/ USACE /DWQ/ (Poplar Creek) Rd, east of S wift Creek C57 by surveyor Yes Yes Perennial NRRB R d Channel C3 South of Twin Creek top-of-bank Important / USACE / DWQ / (Poplar Creek) Rd, east of Swift Creek C57 by surveyor Yes Yes Perennial NRRB Water Line Rd Northwest of Swift Wetland B2 Creek Rd, north of Lee C53 WW 1 - WW4 N/A N/A Forested USACE Farm Rd Channel B2 Northwest of Swift Important / USACE / DWQ / (UT Little Creek Rd, north of Lee C53 XX1 -XX13 Yes Yes Perennial NRRB Poplar Creek) Farm Rd. Channel A2 Southeast of Swift Important / USACE / DWQ / (Little Poplar Creek Rd, west of C51 V V 1 - V V6 Yes Yes Perennial NRRB Creek) Homestead Ln Attachment 1. (Continued). Verified wetland & stream features for Phase I of East Clayton and Wilsons Mill Sewer Line Project, Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina F&R Project # H66-5104; Client: Johnston County. PRESENT ON: PCN FIGURE MCKIM & F&R FIELD NRCS USGS VERIFIED FEATURE PHYSICAL CREED FLAG SOIL TOPO FEATURE TYPE REGULATORY LABEL LOCATION SHEET ID SEQUENCE SURVEY SURVEY (USACE / DWQ) JURISDICTION PHASE I-C West of US Hwy 70, USACE / DWQ / Open Water W southeast of Swift C33 Not Flagged Yes Yes Pond in Upland NRRB Creek Road No Impact Channel X West of US Hwy 70, Important/ USACE / DWQ / (UT of Reedy northwest of Rogers Dr C36 P 1 - P7 Yes Yes Perennial NRRB Branch) Channel Y West of US Hwy 70, (UT of Reedy C37 UU 1 - UU6 No No Unimportant USACE Branch) northwest of Rogers Dr West of US Hwy 70, Wetland Z southeast of Roderick C38 QQ1 - QQ3 N/A N/A Herbaceous USACE Dr Channel Z West of US Hwy 70, Important/ USACE / DWQ / (UT of Swift southeast of Roderick C38 Q1 - Q7 Yes Yes Creek) Dr Perennial NRRB Channel AA (UT of Reedy West of US Hwy 70, C39 R1 - R6 Yes Yes Unimportant/ USACE / DWQ / Branch) southeast of Park Ave Perennial NRRB Channel BB West of US Hwy 70, Unimportant/ USACE / DWQ / (UT of Reedy southeast of Channel C40 S 1 - S4 Yes No Perennial NRRB Branch AA Channel CC West of US Hwy 70 Unimportant USACE / DWQ / (UT of Reedy southeast of Channel C41 Not Flagged No Yes Perennial NRRB Branch) BB No Impact South of US Hwy 70, Forested Wetland DD east of Sunset C44 RR1 - SS3 N/A N/A , Herbaceous USACE Memorial Park Wetland EE South of Hwy 70, east C44 TT1 - TT6 N/A N/A Forested USACE of Wetland DD Attachment 1. (Continued). Verified wetland & stream features for Phase I of East Clayton and Wilsons Mill Sewer Line Project, Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina F&R Project # H66-5104; Client: Johnston County. PRESENT ON: PCN FIGURE MCKIM & F&R FIELD NRCS USGS VERIFIED FEATURE PHYSICAL CREED FLAG SOIL TOPO FEATURE TYPE REGULATORY LABEL LOCATION SHEET ID SEQUENCE SURVEY SURVEY (USACE / DWQ) JURISDICTION USACE / DWQ / Channel EE South of Hwy 70, east Important/ C44 Not Flagged Yes Yes NRRB (Meuse River) of Wetland DD Perennial No Impact NOTE: UT = unnamed tributary USACE = United States Army Corps of Engineers DWQ = North Carolina Division of Water Quality NRRB = Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules Attachment 2. PCN Item Ill. 5. Site Coordinates for Phase I of East Clayton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line Project, Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina. F&R Project # H66-5104; Client: Town of Clayton; Date: 05/14/07. COORDINATES MCKIM & F&R FIELD PCN FIGURE FEATURE (DECIMAL CREED FLAG FEATURE TYPE LABEL DEGREES:WGS 84) SHEET ID SEQUENCE (USACE / DWQ) PHAS E I-A 35.6421° N Not Flagged Channel A2 (Neuse River) 78.4034°W C2 (top-of-bank Important / Perennial by surveyor) Channel 131a 35.6409° N Not Flagged ° C2 (top-of-bank Important/ Perennial (Gulley Mill Creek) W 78.4043 by surveyor) Channel Blb 35.6390° N Not Flagged (Gulley Mill Creek) 78.4070°W C3 (top-of-bank Important / Perennial by surveyor) Channel C 35.6388° N Not Flagged Important/ Perennial (UT Gulley Mill Creek) 78.4079°W C4 (top-of-bank (to be permitted by by surveyor) others) Wetland AB 35.6388° N C4 ABl-AB12 Forested 78.4079°W ChannelB 35.6370°N ° C7 Al-A18 Important/Perennial (Gulley Mill Creek) 78.4083 W Wetland I 35.6127° N C16 EE1 -EE9 Herbaceous (roadside 78.4122'W (not surveyed) swale) ChannelI 35.6127°N DD1-DD6 Unimportant/ (Reedy Branch) 78.4122°W C16 (not surveyed) Intermittent PHAS E I-B Channel D2 35.5784°N Not Flagged (UT Poplar Creek) 78.3606°W C58 (top-of-bank Important / Perennial by surveyor) Channel C2 35.5760°N ° C57 Y1-Y7 Important/ Perennial (Poplar Creek) 78.3610 W Channel C3 35.5760°N (Poplar Creek) 78.3610° W C57 Y1 - Y7 Important / Perennial Water Line 35.5656° N Wetland B2 78.3734°W C53 WW 1 - W W4 Forested Channel B2 35.5656° N ° C53 XX1 -XX13 Important/ Perennial (UT Little Poplar Creek) 78.3734 W Channel A2 35.5586°N ° C51 VV1-VV6 Important/ Perennial (Little Poplar Creek) 78.3802 W Attachment 2. (Continued) PCN Item II1.5. Site Coordinates for Phase I of East Clayton and Wilsons Mill Sewer Line Project, Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina. F&R Project # H66-5104; Client: Johnston County. COORDINATES MCKIM & F&R FIELD PCN FIGURE FEATURE (DECIMAL CREED FLAG FEATURE TYPE LABEL DEGREES:WGS 84) SHEET ID SEQUENCE (USACE / DWQ) PHAS E I-C Channel X 35.5402°N ° C36 P1 -P7 Important/ Perennial (UT of Reedy Branch) 78.3783 W Channel Y 35.5362°N (UT of Reedy Branch) 78.3749°W C37 UU1 -UU6 Unimportant Channel Z 35.5334°N ° C38 Q1 - Q7 Important/ Perennial (UT of Swift Creek) 78.3713 W Channel AA 35.5295°N Unimportant/ (UT of Reedy Branch) 78.3661'W C39 Rl - R6 Perennial Channel BB 35.5272°N Unimportant/ (UT of Reedy Branch) 78.3640°W C40 S 1 - S4 Perennial 35.5131°N Wetland DD C44 RR1 - SS3 Forested 78.3506°W 35.5131°N Wetland EE C44 TT1 -TT6 Forested 78.3506°W NOTE: UT = unnamed tributary USACE = United States Army Corps of Engineers DWQ = North Carolina Division of Water Quality 2 Dec 03 2007 11:54PM JC#PUBLIC#UTILITIES 12103/2007 NON 1L•57 FAX Johnston[co.Hanagers September 4, 2007 Cindy Karoly, Supervisor 401 Oversight/13xpress Review Division of Water Quality Dcpartment of Environmental 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 P057 OFFICE BOX 1049 SMITHFIELD, N. C. 27577 Unit Natura; Resources Ride 1 Nosh County Ylan.ue' 1919) 9895100 FAX (919) 90?5179 RE: Last Clayton ant. Wilson's Mills Sewer - Phase 1 and Phase 2 Johnston Count North Carolina DWQ Project N 7-1039, Vcr. 2 Dear Ms. KaioIy, Please find enclosed our Storm Nutrient Management Strategy county currently operates under covers all new commercial dev to the public via our website (yi Utilities office in Smithfield. Please accept this as an affidavi Ordinance are fully implemente application and review process. cet ly, Ri ?k IiesEelCounty Manager Enclosures Ordinance approved by DWQ under the'Neuse and our revised Stonnwater Design Manual. 171c very aggressive ordinance and design criteria which lent and subdivisions, This information is available ohnstonne.coi ) or in person at the Department of ;that the provisions of the Johnston County Stormwater i and enforced under our Stormwater management permit 9199347174 p.2 ®002/002 cc: Timothy G. Broome, P. 1. Carl Trautman, P. 1;. - MI, Kim & Creed Chandra C. Coats, P.L. 4 v Mcl? &CR EED July 27, 2007 P L A N N E R S Mr. Timothy G. Broome, PE Johnston County Utilities 309 E. Market Street Smithfield, NC 27577 RE: East Clayton/Wilson's Mills Sewer - Phase I/II Dear Mr. Broome: ENGINEERS SURVEYoP.S M&C 00358-0116 (10) McKim & Creed, with the assistance of Froehling & Robertson, Inc., prepared and submitted the Preconstruction Notifications (PCNs) for the referenced project on June 12, 2007. The County received a letter on June 21, 2007 from Cyndi Karoly, DWQ - 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit, requesting additional information (copy attached). Additional information was requested to address cumulative impacts to downstream water quality due to additional development. It was requested to provide qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis or provide a letter from Johnston County explaining how the County's ordinances address this issue. The County had previously submitted the Environmental Assessment (EA) document for this project to the State for review. * We understood that the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) had been issued to the State Clearinghouse. We obtained a copy of the May 15, 2007 letter from Chrys Baggett, State Clearinghouse (copy attached), stating that the EA had been reviewed and that no further environmental review action was required. We provided this information along with the May 151h letter to the 401 200 MacKenan tovrt Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit on July 17, 2007 expecting that this 27511 issue had been addressed and accepted as part of the EA review process. We were told that the County must still respond to the concerns raised in their June 2151 letter in order to continue processing the PCNs. 919-233.8097 After you have had a chance to review this information, please advise how you Fax 91 9.2 3 3 8 0 31 would like McKim & Creed to proceed. www.mckimcreed cr. S: \0358\0116\ 10-Comm \07277BTw-e.do Timothy G. Broome, PE July 27, 2007 Page 2 If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, MCK.IM & CREED, P.A. J Br ?F.Blake, PE S nior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Carl Trautman, PE Christopher Burkhardt (F&R) S.10358\01 16N 0-Comm\07277Broome.doc v! McKW &CREED W ATF9 P Michael F. Easley, Governor 'VVillianr G, Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen 11. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality October 1, 2007 DWQ Project # 07-1039 O V E Johnston County Johnston County c/o Mr. Carl Trautman McKim & Creed 200 MacKenan Court Cary, NC 27511 Subject Property: Ul, 1 0 111 CIJU/ East Clayton and Wilson Mills Sewer Line - Phase I and Phase II Ut to Cooper Branch [030402, 27-43-13, C, NSW] Ut to Reedy Branch [030402, 27-43-14, C, NSW] Approval of 401 Water Quality Certification and Authorization Certificate per the Neuse River Buffer Protection Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233) with Additional Conditions Dear Mr. Trautman: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill within or otherwise temporarily impact 0.144 acres of 404/wetland (0.066 acres Phase I and 0.078 acres Phase II), 155 linear feet perennial stream impact (135 linear feet Phase I and 20 linear feet Phase Il), of perennial stream (temporary impact), 20 linear feet of intermittent stream (Phase II), and 44,074 square feet (ft) of protected Zone 1 Neuse River basin riparian buffer (21,772 square feet Phase I and 22,302 square feet Phase 11) and 43,069 square feet (ft2) of protected Zone 2 Neuse River basin riparian buffer (35,914 square feet Phase I and 7,155 square feet Phase II), as described in your applications dated June 12, 2007, and received by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on June 13, 2007, with additional information received from you on September 6, 2007, to construct the proposed sewer line improvements. After reviewing your application, we have decided that the impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number(s) 3625 (GC3625). The Certification(s) allows you to use Nationwide Permit(s) NW12 when issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Also, this letter shall also act as your approved Authorization Certificate for impacts to the protected riparian buffers per 15A NCAC 213 .0233. In addition, you should obtain or otherwise comply with any other required federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment Control, and Non-discharge regulations. Also, this approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre of wetland or 150 linear feet of stream, compensatory mitigation m, aye 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit r•JI Lt EN 1t 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786 / FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet: htto://112o.enr.state.no.us!ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/Aftinnative Action Employer- 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Johnston County Page 2 of 4 October 1, 2007 be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. The Additional Conditions of the Certification are: 1. Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general conditions of this Certification (or Isolated Wetland Permit) are met. No other impacts are approved including incidental impacts: -Type of Impact Amount Approved Units Plan Location or Reference 404/Wetland 0.144 [(acres) temporary (0.066 acres Phase I PCN Application and 0.078 acres Phase 11)] Stream - perennial 155 [(linear feet) temporary (135 linear feet PCN Application Phase I and 20 linear feet Phase II)] Stream - intermittent 20 (linear feet) temporary PCN Application Buffer - Zone 1 44,074 [(square feet) 21,772 square feet Phase I PCN Application and 22,302 square feet Phase 11] Buffer - Zone 2 43,069 [(square feet) 35,914 square feet Phase I PCN Application and 7,155 square feet Phase II] 2. No Waste, Spoil, Solids, or Fill of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre-Construction Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. 3. Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters standards: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. b. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. c. Sufficient materials required for stabilization and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater routing and treatment shall be on site at all times. Johnston County Page 3 of 4 October L 2007 4. Sediment and Erosion Control Measures Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters to the maximum extent practicable. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, they shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six months of the date that the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 5. Protective Fencing The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary and along the construction corridor within these boundaries approved under this authorization shall be clearly marked with orange warning fencing (or similar high visibility material) for the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland or water prior to any land disturbing activities to ensure compliance with 15A NCAC 2B .0233 and GC 3625; 6. Diffuse Flow (No Further Review) All constructed stormwater conveyance outlets shall be directed and maintained as diffuse flow at non-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers such that it will not re-concentrate before discharging into a stream as identified within 15A NCAC 213 .0233 (5). If this is not possible, it may be necessary to provide stormwater• facilities that are considered to remove nitrogen. This may require additional approval from this Office. 7. Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return the attached certificate of completion to the 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The authorization to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application and as authorized by this Certification, shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this Certification (associated with the approved wetland or stream impacts), you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. Any disputes over determinations regarding this Authorization Certificate (associated with the approved buffer impacts) shall be referred in writing to the Director for a decision. The Director's decision is subject to review as provided in Articles 3 and 4 of G.S. 150B. Johnston County Page 4 of 4 October 1. 2007 This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, and the Neuse riparian buffer protection rule as described within 15A NCAC 2B .0233. If you have any questions, please telephone Cyndi Karoly or Ian McMillan at 919-733- 1786. H. Sullins, Director CHSlijni Enclosures: GC 3625 Certificate of Completion cc: Christopher Burkhardt, F&R, Inc., 310 Hubert Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 Lauren Cobb, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office File Copy Central Files Filename: 071039 Ver2EastClaytonAndWilsonMillsSc%%,crLittePhasel(Johnston)401 _NBR i JOHNSTON COUN JNTY & AT A A00" E/~XbT k...*LAYtUN WILOU1 co 0 WASTEWATER TRANS M N I vilLL 0 N U) co O O F,ACILITIES IMPROVEP E M ~E N lFb""'k RE-SUBMITTAL H NOVEMBER 2007 Z W MC PROJECT NO° 00356-0116 16 INDEX PLAN AND PROFILE COVER-------------------------------G1 LOCATION MAP, LEGEND AND GENERAL NOTES_ _ _ _ _ _ _G2 US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 342+00 TO STA. 358+00 PHASE I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C39 a' EXISTING UTILITY VICINITY MAP- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -G3 US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 358+00 TO STA. 374+00 PHASE I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C40 2 olf DELETED------------------------------C42 PLAN AND PROFILE 2 US HIGHWAY 70 TO NC 210 STA. 390+00 TO STA. 404+00 PHASE I- - - - - - - - - _C41A Q NC 210 STA. 404+00 TO STA. 416+00 PHASE I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C42A > STA.0+00 TOSTA. 16+00 PHASE I_____________________C1 US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 416+00 TO STA. 432+00 PHASE I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C43 W STA.16+00 TOSTA. 3I+00 PHASE I_____________C2 `US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 432+00 TO STA. 442+47t PHASE I - - - - - - - - - - - - -C44 STA. 31+00 TOSTA. 4I+00 PHASE I______________C3 N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q STA. 40+14t TO STA. 51+83t PHASE I, SUMMERLYN SUBDIVISION- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -C4 NOT USED-----------------------------C46 NOT USED-----------------------------C5 NOT USED-----------------------------C47 NOT USED-----------------------------C6 NOT USED-----------------------------C48 U) GLEN LAUREL RD. STA. 45+30 TO STA. 60+00 PHASE I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C7 JOHNSTON CAUNTY O - J - - J GLEN LAUREL RD. STA. 60+00 TO STA. 75+00 PHASE I_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C8 A CITATION LN. STA. 1+04 TO STA. 16+00 PHASE I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C50A GLEN LAUREL RD. STA. 75+00 TO STA. 90+00 PHASE I _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C9 CITATION LN. STA. 16+00 TO STA. 27+73t PHASE I - _ -C50B GLEN LAUREL RD. STA. 90+00 TO STA. 105+00 PHASE I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C10 SWIFT CREEK RD. STA. 22+30 TO STA. 31+00 PHASE I_ - - - - - - - - - - - - _C51A , GLEN LAUREL RD. STA. 105+00 TO STA. 120+00 PHASE I _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _C11 IF R R TA. 1+ O 0 S_ C o POWHATAN RD. STA. 120+00 TO STA. 134+00 PHASE I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _C12 SWIFT CREEK RD. STA. 47+00 TO STA. 63+00 PHASE I _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C53 POWHATAN RD. STA. 134+00 TO STA. 146+00 PHASE I_ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C13 SWIFT CREEK RD. STA. 63+00 TO STA. 79+00 PHASE I_ - - - - - - - - - - - - _C54 J POWHATAN RD. STA. 146+00 TO STA. 160+00 PHASE I _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C14 OWNER: SWIFT CREEK RD. STA. 79+00 TO STA. 95+00 PHASE I_ - - - - - - - - - - - - _C55 RAILROAD CROSSING STA. 160+00 TO STA. 176+00 PHASE I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _C15 ° NORTH TECH PARK DR. STA. 176+00 TO STA. 190+00 PHASE I _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _C16 N NORTH TECH PARK DR. STA. 190+00 TO STA. 204+26 PHASE I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C17 J 0 H N N COUNTY SWIFT CREEK RD. STA. 95+00 TO STA. 110+00 PHASE I - - - - - - - - - - -C56 TWIN CREEK RD. STA. 110+00 TO STA. 115+80, TRALEE DR. STA 1+00 TO STA. 3+89 t - -C57 z US HIGHWAY 70STA. 5+22 TOSTA. 21+00 PHASE II_______________C18 12" GRAVITY SEWER STA. 1+00 TO STA. 17+00 PHASE 1- - - - - - - - - - - - -C58 O E US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 21+00 TO STA. 34+70t PHASE 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C19 12" GRAVITY SEWER STA. 17+00 TO STA. 33+50 PHASE I _ - - - - - - - - - - - -C59 N NOT USED-----------------------------C20 12" GRAVITY SEWER STA. 33+50 TO STA. 35+01 PHASE I, > NOT USED-----------------------------C21 WILSON'S MILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PUMP STATION ABANDONMENT PLAN- - - -C60 J o US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 71+15 TO STA. 86+00 PHASE II_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C22 WILSON'S MILLS WASTEWATER PUMP STATION PLAN AND SECTIONS, PHASE I- - - -C61 U US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 86+00 TO STA. 1 02+00 PHASE 11_ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _C23 DETAILS US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 102+00 TO STA. 118+00 PHASE 11- _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ -C24 SEWER DETAILS _--------------------------_D1 Q m US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 118+00 TO STA. 134+00 PHASE 11- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -C25 US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 134+00 TO STA. 150+00 PHASE 11- _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ -C26 PIPE LAYING DETAILS-------------------------D2 W US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 150+00 TO STA.166+00 PHASE 11- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ -C27 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS _-----------------------D3 US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 166+00 TO STA. 182+00 PHASE 11- _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ -C28 EROSION CONTROL AND MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS- - - - - - - - - - - - - -D4 N ' US HIGHWAY 70 STA.182+00 TO STA.198+00 PHASE II-____--_____-C29 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WATER MAIN DETAILS-------------------------D5 z a US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 198+00 TO STA. 214+00 PHASE 11- _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -C3D Zs- 0 US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 214+00 TO STA. 230+00 PHASE 11- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -C31 ELECTRICAL US HIGHWAY 70 STA.230+00 TO STA.246+00 PHASE IL________--___C32 COOKIE POPE, CHAIRMAN GENERAL NOTES AND LEGENDS _ - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z - .E1 O ' US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 246+00 TO STA. 262+00 PHASE I & 11_ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _C33 WILSON'S MILLS PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN - - - - - _ - - _ -E2 x US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 262+00 TO STA. 278+00 PHASE I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _C34 A 1~1 ELECTRICAL DETAILS _-------------------------E3 U) US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 278+OOTO STA. 294+OOPHASE I______________C35 WADE M. STEWART, VICE-CHAIRMAN AAA ELECTRICAL DETAILS _-------------------------E4 Z US HIGHWAY 70 STA.294+00 TO STA.310+00 PHASE I__________-__-C36 ALLEN L. MIMS, JR. US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 310+00 TO STA. 326+00 PHASE I_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _C37 O US HIGHWAY 70 STA. 326+00 TO STA. 342+00 PHASE I_ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _C38 ~ i JEFFREY CARVER ri W. RAY WOODALL v DeVAN BARBOUR 0 TONY BRASWELL n 0 2 T m N COUNTY MANAGER w ~N€ssRRICK J. HESTER Q~o~ dp9(ti SEAL g ~g 032293 t NFIQM&CREED k 00 t~iP \,e ~Wilt 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 FINAL DRAWINGS Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 w AA0002667 EBOD06691 NOT RELEASED FOR rn 3 O CONSTRUCTION YY YY YY.IIIV III I I VI GGV. V VI I I b REV. NO1- SWIFT CREEK RD. REALIGNMENT PER JOHNSTON COUNTY 8/10/107 REV. NO 2 - US 70 REALIGNMENT PER JOHNSTON COUNTY 10/22/107 n 0 vi n 2 N ~G s GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, LOCATION AND MATERIAL OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 'N.C. ONE CALL CENTER' MIN. 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION (1-800-632-4949). 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE ~m NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN AND GRAVITY SEWER CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR BIRKDALE DR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. V 3. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT RODNEY JOHNSON, TOWN OF SMITHFIELD UTILITIES DEPARTMENT (919) 934-2798 48 HOURS ° EXISTING WILSON'S MILLS ELEMENTARY PRIOR TO DIGGING IN THIS AREA. SCHOOL PUMP STATION TO BE ABANDONED J~ C3 (SEE SHEET C60) P O ~ P ~1 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RR c: zs~ NORFOLK, SOUTHERN RR BEST WOOD DR ®mmu NORTH TECH DR { I TWIN CREEK RD WILSON'S MILLS roh / WILSON'S MIL y2 PUMP STATIC PUMP STATION (SEE SHEET (SEE SHEET C61) 16" PVC SR 1501 q FORCEMAIN SWIFT CREEK RD INSTALLED UNDER DOT CONTRACT o y COLE RD SR 2020 POWELL RD 9 O US-70 BUS SR 1907 STRICKLAND RD a O C SR 1596 CLOVERDALERD SR 1918 (Y 0 BARBOUR RD [1~ v1]] vy ° a a LEGEND: SR 1913 C3 3 WILSON'S MILLS RD. SYMBOLS pF NEW FORCE MAIN 'I PF RODERICK ST EXISTING W ILMES: ® AT&T - AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH - TELEPHONE ® BELLSOUTH - TELEPHONE EMBARQ- TELEPHONE Q BTI - COMMUNICATIONS © PEIDMONT NATURAL GAS PROGRESS ENERGY - POWER LINES E. MARKET ST ® COLONIAL PIPELINE COMPANY - PETROLEUM LINES ® TWC - TIME WARNER CABLE - FIBER OPTIC ROGERS DR ® TWC - TIME WARNER CABLE - TV STOWN EE NOF SMITHFIELD UNDERGROUND POWER LINES ® CT&T - CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH - TELEPHONE 1500' 0 0 150' 3 0' QW ® CT&T - CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH - FIBER OPTIC SCALE; SCALE: 1"=1500' ~ a SEAL d SEAL DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE ® JOHNSTON CO 1'w`I Mk/C~FILE NUMBER / 1 V COUNTY MCE PROJ. # 00358-0116 VOO~ PPP •.••••~V~ ~o ~,•`ao ,ofessroy iti EAST CLAYTON PHASE I & II DRAWN AM'' HORIZONTAL: ORAYANC NUMBER &CMED F4 EAST CLAYTON _ • PPAI • w LAYTON/ W11 q0N] AA II I g P N A CF I DESIGNED CAT 1"= 1500' ^ ••Ia.~vvI v 9vII VERTICAL: 032293 200 MocKenon Court, Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILLS Al MILLS AREA CHECKED DMH PROD. MGR. BFB NA Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 2 FORCE MAIN REAUGNMENT O WASTEWATER TRANSD I REVISED DUE TO SPoFi CREEK REALIGNMENT REVISIONS ~8~10~07~ ~4. TR ~$AA00026e7 EB0006691 TRANSMISSION n EXISTING UTILITY VICINITY MAP REV.RU. DESCRIPTIONS DATE FACILITIES IMPROVED TATUS: WAS GN 1 P ROVEM E NTS S 2 REMSIONS www.mckimcreed.com GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: ti 1. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, LOCATION AND MATERIAL OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL P CONTACT 'N.C. ONE CALL CENTER' MIN. 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION (1-800-632-4949). 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE FROM G THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE \ G7 NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN AND GRAVITY SEWER CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR m B ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. FX 0 R 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH APPROVED N.C.D.O.T. AND NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY/NORFOLK SOUTHERN ENROACHMENT AGREEMENTS WHILE WORKING WITHIN THE AGENCIES RIGHT-OF-WAYS. ° EXISTING WILSON'S MILLS ELEMENTARY 4. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 9~~9 r7 Q SCHOOL PUMP STATION TO BE ABANDONED (SEE SHEET C60) N 5. ACCESS TO EACH RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 0 J 6. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESEEDED WITH LIKE GRASSES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. DISTURBED AREAS LEFT INACTIVE BETWEEN ANY PHASE OF GRADING SHALL BE TEMPORARY PAL R DR SEEDED WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 30 CALENDAR DAYS, WHICHEVER IS SHORTER. SR 20 PROVISIONS FOR PERMANENT GROUND COVER MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED ON EXPOSED SLOPES WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS, AND IN REMAINING AREAS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90 P O > CALENDAR DAYS, WHICHEVER IS SHORTER. P ~ 7. TRAFFIC FLOW SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. D 8. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF HEADWALLS, MAILBOXES, DRIVEWAY CULVERTS, DRAIN PIPES, ROOF LEADERS AND DRAINS, RETAINING 0 WK I P D WALLS NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED IN THE BID FORM, SIGNS, LANDSCAPING ETC. REQUIRED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF THE PIPE. 9, CONTRACTOR SHALL REWORK ALL GRAVEL, CONCRETE AND PAVED DRIVEWAYS WITH LIKE MATERIAL ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RR 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH JOHNSTON COUNTY FOR ANY DISRUPTIONS OF THE NORMAL OPERATION OF WATER AND SEWER SERVICES. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RR B 00 R 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY APPROPRIATE PERSON AND AGENCIES TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. 1. DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE, JOHNSTON COUNTY. TIMOTHY G. NORTH TEC BROOME, PE, TELEPHONE NO. 919-989-5075. C5 12. CONTRACTOR TO PLACE ALL SPOIL MATERIAL ON THE UPHILL SIDE AWAY FROM ALL ROAD SIDE DITCHES, CREEKS AND q WATER COURSES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITHIN THE SAME DAY. TWIN CREEK RD ~ tih Q~ WILSON'S MII WILSON'S MILLS 13. ALL DISTURBED DITCH LINES SHALL BE RESHAPED, RESEEDED, MULCHED AND TACK COAT APPLIED. CHECK DAMS PUMP STATION y~ PUMP STATII a (SEE SHEET (SEE SHEET C61) TO BE PLACED IN DITCHES AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY, JONES CT f 14. INSTALL SILT FENCE PERPENDICULAR TO FORCE MAIN AT CULVERTS UNTIL RIP-RAP IS INSTALLED OR GRASS STABILIZED. 16" PVC SR 15 1 o FORCEMAIN SWIFT EE D INSTALLED UNDER 15. INSTALL 10 LINEAR FEET OF STRAW W/ NET AT OUTLET OF ALL DRIVEWAY PIPES AT AREAS WHERE DITCH IS DOT CONTRACT o g. TRALEEDR 'RALEEDR DENUDED UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 16. ALL VALVES AND REDUCERS SHALL BE SUPPORTED AND RODDED TO ADJACENT FITTINGS OR THRUST COLLAR. COL D - SR 2020 POWELL RD 17, STATION LABELS SHOWN ON THE PLAN ARE MEASURED ALONG THE EDGE OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT, NOT THE PIPELINE'S HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT. IT IS THEREFORE POSSIBLE THAT THE ACTUAL LAYING LENGTH OF PRESSURE PIPE MAY DIFFER GREATLY FROM THE STATION RANGES WEA WEATHERSPOONLN SHOWN PLAN AND PROFILE. US-7 BUS SR 19) 7 STRICKLAND 18. SEE SHEET D4 FOR DETAILED SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 19. ALL IMPACTED STREAMS AND RIVERS ARE CLASSIFIED AS WS IV, NSW WATERS. THE PORTION OF NEUSE RIVER SHOWN ON SHEET C44 IS CLASSIFIED AS WS IV, NSW A AND C. NO IMPACT IS PROPOSED TO THIS PORTION OF THE NEUSE RIVER. 20. THE LOCATION OF ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL BENDS IS APPROXIMATE. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS MEET THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S ALLOWABLE JOINT DEFLECTIONS. ANY ADDITIONAL FITTINGS REQUIRED WILL BE PAID UNDER THE APPLICABLE UNIT PRICE ON THE BID FORM. SR 1 8 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE FORCE MAIN, GRAVITY SEWER AND WATER LINE WITHIN NCDOT ROW OR THE EASEMENTS SHOWN. RDAL RD i A B U RD i Q a LEGEND: I ON'S I D. LM FORCE MAIN LOCATION SIGN -°ii H H- SILT FENCE COMP TER DR TEL p TELEPHONE PEDESTAL NEW FORCE MAIN PH P pp ITTLE CREE POWER POLE EXISTING FORCE MAIN CHURCH RD. ODERICK DR a a Q SR 1563 ® FIBER OPTIC JUNCTION BOX EXISTING WATER LINE SWIFTC EKR IFT C EK IR / N 2ND ST SR 1501 D4 EXISTING GATE VALVE - - - - - - - - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE 1501 N NEW GATE VALVE FIBER OPTIC LINE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY I I - - - - RIGHT-OF-WAY a ~ A~p~ l RO RS DR CHECK DAM - - - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE 1500' 0 0 1500 3000' P R RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENT ZONE 1 - RIPARIAN BUFFER ~7T 6 6 MAILBOX 7. ZONE 2 - RIPARIAN BUFFER SCALE: 1"=l! SCALE: 1"=1500' riz.) NC 210 US_ a~ ~~~nn ~S SIGN N T ~u SEAL SEAL DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE M&C FILE NUMBER ,eel ! 46 )N COUNTY EAST CLAYTON PHASE I & II MCE PROJ. N 00358-0116 coot DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: oRnvnNC NUMBER 0x es la° o FCC E JOHNSTON CO r- -.mwmMcl<]IN4 S qq%ki-wr IF 1"'A Al AXlT/ & .Xl-.& wii gntnl AdII I C PWACP DESIGNED CAT i"= 1500' ^ SEAL E 200 MocKenan Court, Suite 200 CHJ I ULHY I UIN ,LAY I UIN/ •v~wv~ • 14111~I~V r I If 1 CHECKED DMH VERTICAL: n 03M3 Cary, North Carolina 27511 : MILLS A MILLS, AREA PROJ. MGR. BFB NA N. I L 2 FORCE MAIN REALIGNMENT AND EASEMENT AENSlONS 10/22/07 h Q1NEp :r Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WILSON'S i AENSEO DUE TO SPoFf CREEK REALIGNMENT 8/10/07 E° q~ r... AA0002667 EB0006691 WASTEWATER TRANSI I ~ TRANSMISSION LOCATION MAP, LEGEND STATUS, REVISION REVNO. DESCRIPTIONS DATE y./I is 6 FACILITIES IMPROVEI S 5 www.mckimcreed.com 4PROVEMENTS AND GENERAL NOTES 2 EXISTING 48" CMP AND 60° C TON ACTOR TO LOCATE VENT Q 380' NW TO TRANSMISSI TRANSMISSION TOWER #673 ° FO IN 'CM (SEE SH T,C57 STACK OUT OF DOT ROW. NO 1S0JFE SHEET C57 I / m PORTION OF VENT STACK MAY BE / 198' NW TO TRWN/St~ISSION TOWI="l14 ABOVE GROUND INSIDE ROW AND VENT MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN \ / JONES, KENNETH R 0 PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER 12' GRAVITY SEWER y BONES, Nr\H R \ EASEMENT ; ~MIN, ~ S ~A i~ P fc CE A O t ~~\V 0 . ~ ~ ~0 MARt~AR 100 YR FLOODPLAIN + 1 Cn CONTRACTOR T LOCATE VENT 0 C / - In STACK OUT TWIN CREEK DRIVE (C Se WA R 100 YR FLOODWAY 5 OFF fs + + + DOT R/W { U FENCE A JON KENN H~T~~ t T i 9S o q y~ + + ~Ld 3 VN AC?TU IU LIMI DISTR BA CE~~ A~E ;x t 4 + V) W / ~ 12E AND JACK 206 LF H9 c b"60<-46" I a' z 10" FORCE MAIN DIAMETER STEEL Z(n EN APEM~NT PIPE / , ~ A\\ 69' US ' FFE / BED a TRANSM S+NSMI 12 GRAVITY SEWER RANSMI I l ~ 2 W TOWER 7 TOWE1 OWER #11 L) V) END UNIT PRICE CONTRACT BEGIN LUMP SUM CONTRACT /BORE PIT Q 54. 1+72.55 O 'PERMANENT 10" FORCE MAIN UTILITY EASEMENT }x _ PLACE 10 LF LONG APRON 9 1WATER SER~ICE + A OF 6" DIAMETER STONE 18" DEEP A, g k~'~k x zoo M FROM TOP OF BANK TO TOP OF / TEMPORARY CON RUCTION BANK EASEMENT/ k~ / MANHOLE TABLE 20' PERMANENT UTILITY EASEM NT MH # COORDINATES (N.E) 4 RECOVERY PIT REMOVE AND REPLACE 7 (IRS) N=666034.2362 E=2190093.2040 ,f~ \ / FENCE AS REQUIRED Q / 8 (IRS) N=665904.9797 E=2190193.8429 ES, KENNETH R 0 k/ WILSON'S MILLS r do / 9 (IRS) N=665668,6753 E=2190078.4801 PUMP STATION P7 (SEE SHEET C61) !i~ J ROSR41 10 (IRS) N=665447.4886 E=2189962.3320 EMOVE AND REPLACE S / 11 (IRS) N=665302.2971 E=2190145.0803 FENCE AS REQUIRED FNFRS 1 / 11-1 (SEALED) (IRS) N=665129.5578 E=2190012.2073 Z INSTALL 20 LF 18" RCP. H13 COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND NOTES: 12-B (SEALED) (IRS) N=665080.1974 E=2189974.3245 EXCAVATE EX. DITCH AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD 13B (IRS) N=664884.3922 E=2190210.7781 ENSURE ±50' BOTH DIRECTIONS DRAINAGE LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) / 1. WARNING: OVERHEAD TR IVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES PRESENT A SPECIAL SAFETY HAZARD. PUMP STATION (CALCULATED) N=664846.8050 E=2190181.8684 CONTRACTOR CONTA( MUST CONTACT GEORGE HALL WITH PROGRESS ENERGY (919-329-5853) BEFORE t WORK IN OR NEAR PROGRESS ENERGY RIGHT-OF-WAY * COORDINATES ARE GROUND COORDINATES LOCALIZED AROUND NCGS MONUMENT 6" GATE VALVE / YDRANT BEGINNING ANY WORK N 0 "STRICK". R SHALL NOT PLACE SPOIL IN PROGRESS ENERGY TRANSMISSION RIGHT-OF-WAY * HORIZONTAL CONTROL SHALL BE BASED ON CONTROL POINTS PROVIDED BY D W/ MJ PLUG MBLY 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL NO' 0 50' 100' ~ ENGINEER. 3. BURIED GROUNDING LINE )UNDING LINES OR OTHER SUBSURFACE UTILITIES NOW SHOWN ON THE PLANS 210 SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) OUL E AT BET :AT BET EN NS SIO TOW C TRA OR FIE VER 210 - - - - 4. THE COMBINATION AIR/~ IATION AIR/VACUUM VALVE AT THIS LOCATION SHALL BE THE 2" MODEL RGX BY EE: OR APPROVED EQUAL. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE THE DEPTH OF THE PIPE AT -18"! EOTE~Ci1 _VENT-O-MAT OR APPROVE THE HIGH POINT TO ENSUR IT TO ENSURE ADEQUATE CLEARANCES FOR THE COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM -UN E-RL-INER IRE-20~-- VALVE IN THE MANHOLE. MANH OLE. EMEhLT-N1 PAC - SEE SHEET C57 - - - 205 - - FOR CONTINUATION - - - - 205 - - - OF 10" FORCE MAIN- - STA 4+85.07 SHEET C58= STA 115+60.37 SHEET C57 - PROPOSED - - - - - - - - 200 - GRADE ! ~!1 _ ~1_ US HWY 0 - _ - EXISTING--Gi DE - z>>z 200 +"j?O -COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM - - - .-AFB ° -AND AIR RELEASE VALVE ---Q -(FIELD LOCATE AT HI H POINT)- 3 a'?3 EXISTING (SEE NOTE 4) 195 GRADE - - - - - _ - - gd- - - 195 E -Li ly-p " I ~~gzz 3 m -0 "m N 190 3 ln. un. O:K N On- I N~ZD - _ 190 D m z - - 100-YR FLOODPLAIN + _ - - - - - - - - - - + IM _Q MA 9IL _ 00 m z - - _ - - - - - - FLOOD ST DY a - - - - a - li _ 163.82' _ - 262 96'- 0.227. _ ._.__0• J 0 Z 12" DIP 185 PI 12" VC /SPECIA INCLU DIN - - - 6 f a PUMP S TIN SOM - - - TWIN CREEK DR " - Y - - ? J.-- - RIOR-C© NG-_-- 185 5 IN, F- U z P CING - - - - - ° - ° - a - 21 ,40' 12 Pv - - -XIS-T TR -AM- 17 - - - - E-0 tYJ fDj- 180 K Ki 0.5X ' 12" PVC 8 MIN, !E -0 - ' - = t 180 0.50% - - re' so D- - - - - - - - - - D' - - 56 82' ~STE SERVI L1N 175 _ EXISTING TREA BED _ ° z ° _ (PROJECTED) - o 6 12" C - - - - - - - - 175 Q OR $ 00 24° ~JII 30 a0' - - 6" WATER LIE 5' D ET€ TE{L (MIN:- . 5" AL - - - - = 170 - - - - 0, 2% _ - ~H KNEES -EN S€ME -PIP - - z' PVC - F-12_- kRRIF-R JP _ - - - - - - - - 170 02, 2' - - - - - - - -W/_S ACA N . LORD- ADN-G- _ - - 0.3 X 0 _ 12" IP - - - - - 165 - - - - 165 do~ 5' 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) SEAL SEAL DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE M&C FILE N MBER e~~~~ q Ar H nH JOHNSTON CO( N COUNTY PHASE I MCA PROJ. # 0358-0116 CU150 DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: DRAWING NUMBER D ' f~C'RF1 `O.Q ~y9~e 9 e ~ r r 1/r ~ a ar va .,wwr 6 OCREeEICNS J6/08/07 5 REASIONSBASEDONSURGEANALYSISRESULTS SEAL 200 MaaKenon Court, Salte 200 EAST CLAYTON ) AYTON / 12" GRAVITY SEWER DESIGNED CAT ' °'U C58 CHECKED DMH VERTICAL: A RESPONSE TO J01NS70N COUNTY COMMENTS DATED 6/21/07 032293 S Cary, North Carolina 27511 T 3 RESPONSE TOCONSwucnONGRANTS@LOASCOMMENTSDATED7/3/07 Phone: (919233-8091, Fax; (919233-8031 WILSONS MILLSAF 2 REASN 70 COLIPLY IMIN NCDOi ENLROACHDENT ACBEELIENT LONDIRgYS NCINEtir1 WELLANDPERNITDNGRENSIONS ' q AAOOD2667 E60006691 WASTEWATER TRANS[t RILLS AREA PROJ. MGR. BFB °=5 TRANSMISSION STA 1+00 TO STA 17+00 STATUS: REV510N Rev.NO. RDESCRIPTIONS EVISIONS q'~'0'~ www.mckimcreed.com FACILITIES IMPROVER PROVEMENTS 6 e n l m , p .w i ay. i 7>fl (?'A.G' i ;yri,wtFkPtS~T 31 ,I,;+S+ ~+qrE~G+f s t r 7 + ~'+T++1 k, T,ilAri itLS~f~(7 T~iL r Al `'3 t 3 # ~4 d ( ,s C .'1 l3 a I ~a J h~tr f"i 3 trmv s 3to a&p ^5 i W err ~:.pr . u ar , a' NOTES: "tf hr+k u'THrf TT"r'"~tr`~ A(,ttlhi i~Gr,T*xkaL7 ':J`' j~,i ~A{i t,A `~",yp 1 j, l .x ,3, 4 ,ru ti 1, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR xx r ^z- aa, ,rt~r3 ¢ ~ # (e T~ ^ " )CATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN r~ S?5 s r, y u..i ~ ~ ~,r~Pw w?~s Jf~~:?1 > HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS, THIS INFORMATION FORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES,,. "Y AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLI E PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FO WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE i To" OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE N s'ysta, CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITION/ THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE J ' } lF t pis K~a~ „ ,;,,n3 t A 6 , r„ W L &F,,, 6' ~2) 6n 90' MJ BENDS OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON TI 3R ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 10° PVC FORCE AIN x ,'111114 '7 1 (SEE SHtETCS 1p m. xH ax+ reawm tom' .wamuxH r~ a.~ ,ma ne,xwre,wwr wrow ra+gANV§~w~wNwni wlad~ nx~w 3S'G PIPE + OD +to 0~ 9y 4t -1th.~ 7 ~53~ A l . y W ~Cd+ g A S tt 'r i i ',~+d 10°C DUe 10" 1Cr" EE,v/10" GATE , rn 0 T 010 a nA4hXYM"St5 ;ew: Yw+3~Y+FY^~ vp~t;r x 1 F1riu u?iY i r hi"Y`4'~{ r"'T5'`'RCT~" 'A 'r%sw i s a drtiAr f Ywx4 ..w,. -~.v ~".dP+W.,' ~x -•t-«a +"t, LLI + 4y v)w r ,r 00 rs a, ern{n {1r1#r<4 ~,rEF^,iC,~ u p "rti7 E" M~ ~Y t4~ 2 re ¢r r t~ 11 bko1 : w'.;~r 4rYt@Y t+'g' FF: Yn`yfi `Y }FTi °ryr rs-"vS rCerY Sn"F 03 Y rr a ~r i~pcv~.oA VI 1 Ct h, F~ }ht f Y h ,}t ' s z na~! - Ja w ' e t rrv i 1 .~'r+ 3 01 .{:3.{~~ t(( INSTALL CL I RIP RAP (MIN rl. A Y1. . (C 1 , • c A ~!nk"~~>: 18" DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE 3+89~24"0 F- r+ UNDERLINER 10' WIDTH STA. 75+66 (C54) ~r + 22 r l r~ ; M iENt s u t 5 ~ 1 s"' . CG Y 10„ 45. J i v ARA.I tfl! Y~~1 f 3;m' a j I F 1 C,~l u ra ,F, ' "Y Ilgah"y 4 r,E 1;4Yp rt 1F 'e"'AF z0 " 2z~ar p.'rL) ' a'1,x `4,r'a CONTRACTOR TO LIMIT DISTRUBANCE Al, Y r~. IF1 / ° Lay[ 11'' x t Y I~ CORRIDOR TO 10' WIDE (MEASURED I F't rY ' i k S.1 yyz~ y- i r f p yq kE +~A~i6 r .W.rl Oil' NT UTILITY ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE) WITHIN yF~ AW~ tr rc,vr Y yn v Y yyy` G.RM1'yywu~Aj "1UCV~aIL~ 1r~3"-;FORCI V, "W ~T NEUSE BUFFER AND STREAM BED VAy I~rtV r M1 j S 4i~u5IVI~A Y ASE T !1~ A, wr 1*1 Y F s d d ` ~ ~ ' ~ypy~~pp, a ~1r F^~tt rr,rFSY ~r"F Y 4 ~V1~8GCi r e t ?Xt"k'$,~/f»~ A LIJ W" F?A.,A~ ~t~ , Y3 1 r ~Y F r Y 3i~ r ri ' r ~y ~ ~y V q0~{ t~ 50' 0 50' too, ` MJj4~wV Tuft i a 1. S EW"~ t sz x ; SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) G7~~aR1`+e~, O ,G- k3 x 3 to 5+s#Y.2" kCE0U, I 200 200 225 ! 225 I 1 195 195 220 220 EXISTING GRADE - - ALL D.I. RE TRAINED EXISTING WATERLINE - JOINT ~IPE EXISTING NATURAL - 1 10PVC FORGE MAIN I EXISTING GRADE - GAS LINE _ j- 10"X 6" 190 _€XISTING 190 215 2~5REDUCER _ m 6.. 45' - W 48" CMP EXISTING 1`7 MJ BEND - FORCEMAIN 6" 11.25' CUT-IN 6"X 6" TEE MJ_BEND 10"X 10" TEE W/ 3-6" GATE VALVES 210 210 185 185 60" CM _ INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP 6" 90' _ (2) 6" 22.5' MJ BEND MJ BENDS - (MIN. 18" DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER 6" 45 MJ BEND AIP! 180 S-6" MIN. 180 S„ 90' MJ iBEND 6 PVC F+JFtCE M 205 205 W COVER _ 60 LF 6" (ROTATED), 6" 90' MJ DI PIPE BEND (ROTATED) 125 j _.i 175 200 200 1+00 2+00 3+00 I 4' MIN. 170 - 10" 5' 170 WOMEN RJ BE DS _ 0` 10' 45' _ I RJ BENDS 165 165 - 5' 160 _ 60 - - - 0 - I I I 110+00 111+00 112+00 113+00 114+00 115+00 1159.80 5' SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) SEAL SEAL ffi$4 CAS J HN TON + PHASE I DATE: MAY 2007 SCALE M&C FILE NUMBER MCE PROD. # 00358-0116 CUl 2 10" TWIN FORCE MAIN DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: DRAWNG NUMBER SEAS 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 EAST CLAY' /~p~ T9tlIN CREEK RD DESIGNED CAT/CCG 1"=50' )T CLAYTON ON / CHECKED DMH VERTICAL: z M~asr~~~A' Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILL 41 Phone: (919)233-8097, Fax: (919)233-8031 p pN'S DILLS AREA STA 110+00 TO STA 115+80 PROJ. MGR. BFB I 2 -AS[MEN1 R@SIONS MDATE AA0002667 EB0006691 WASTEWATER TR) I WETLAND PERMITTING RENSIONS TER TRANSMISSION TRALEE DR. STATUS: RE\nSON FE4,N0, DESCRIPTIONS www,mcl<i mcreed.com FACILITIES IMPR( R VI ION :S IMPROVEMENTS STA. 1+00 TO STA. 3+89± 2 i z 4 7 l ~ ~ to it ~ ~ So t, ~ °i 11"tY+r'u ! shx 1.£p' yvaxa r t£y. ~r Yl'~f~. ~ ,a. + x s r,A i tJTr' Xt;a x a p "Y +xk n °QA%`fi 3 ,p n it :i t. } 45° d 9Lr uSedr 1+~ $i £''UJ, r3 r Ya i7 ~P t Tt' k, 'M t~ r t 4~p~iuJtt ; + 7t' Aa: p aA ht s - 3jY rv t x xt+likAy' ,E,~fik"itdf p~`+ it 9ja„' f,. :r'm.;pytE,,SoU + m ° y gri mttE ' a tarn, «,""'A Y< ; 4?'9tsv 3, p r: r r~tpySTl~ r t s nf'•' :~+n3 , +P s f»T, j r"'~~'F"9 + " T ,~t. ` t c atA .z l,j~t~k~r wrs+rzknYt pq,, `tt"nPfi~;"~ ,t i Al A r~yyT6~z aa.1~A£~ ~r.Li{'A' 2j 9r ~6SiEwi4~~~lV ~NP)9£rr t'Cbfr~skpL~"r j ~ ~1~ti~.1 f 4 A u 4„+ a~ s s'}n131 ~FA~~p my y J rt,";+ry F..- r HAVi l,,+'~ i, S ht~ W'o o- } it ik' $1 v ~ ~;E: ~A tm k~a;~•'yY., A " r' r ' , A "i a dw~?s~trxN'„L` £'df~%; r4 j is i' " a _ P s a ;rtpva fS, t 3 1° y~ yw{?« yF~ '"z'^ d rt, f 7f f;:'l" r i A ytnA 6 a'~Pr!`k + `1 Ai.7 ~`+I'1~1'„' 11Y) .,`hS( p^q Arl :y ~{k t , ?~t ,:ia + i ~ li r d A l 'kSf y ~.f yr { \WpIY, I, i L `A'' f`v Ft. Y ,C F''"t a : rfi ''y ) y: 2n`}ti ,l S r lJ T y „ r !2 Y 'Y r E Ser4y 1 a { a M, r t1 Y F- e t, sl,s ;,.r tct' it{tyfi~~f ti+'ftr Yte:m Ji4' c tr Y x ;"f ~i ^ > t W } ; t " „n +'i A ,Y `,y'a tv ~Hts ,~a n'e r k J`f f ryTr TA E (o to § '';t°- ~~(~Tat:~~;~~>s ~~~'?c( ~ it rPrTa~ ti.f ~°,7 ' ~ ~ f7 7? &t~Kn! tktTS 7Ur ~r sits i ,#w "1 rEa xJ 7AkL ~'d s{ ~ ~~4' Q Ar r L~~ ~ G d ~T s1f A P 35 rw a' ° r Y n~ i 1 E z fL C 'AS T w1~a'. ~5 ~,mt`t t t q~ti ~z mt`Ak ~ ~tL, rx, ittM{rv lt~ ~tFi iG1 ~yy;y f V ' } bb* _ +§y n4 § to xt s:ta ~~t r~'"" t ? R j'1>4A;g ~1"Cw1Y y' r d'E... ~ q Yr'~ asst , 3 A i tyT tt - x ~St' § ai , t ~ ";1~ s uU~bajr it S ti t t` + y+? s' ,„,~..r-~ „w.'~"•. ~ 3 it s a '1 *cw.?rr 4E s fia ~y,£ £ r , 7i£~ , ter £ JF 3 i f .T~rL f '<is 'b" 1~~+3 s ~ w + Cr ea,~ r +r er d A+ r~ * r ~''s ~ a r a i£ , ,4 s s EXISTNGi6" WATER r r rt r$ F , rpf t t9 „ > 4 tku,t "4trt~ x 'W r4,dsJ ti? + `+,'ytp,w ..w+ irv,°". kr r'e4 f A Lj R t rp s'r r .r s A :w- tF t a rn.,t " Vi 3 ry ±?,j c " w, s § A,SI t n~ ¢ ! ;,>'t ~a a ` `SP-Y"t. U r > " ; o ,5 }b to : a + ,,,;5 .w 'u'. ,'dry vt r UJ ~X m Po r S ' $ ? { e A p i G a d~ tLL Lr . LINE r ~ s ~ 4 s'a 7 r a y~ 4 V CJ's ~ ~gk~xr~ r7 +~1'~£'4~ rT i~ 7~ IV i, srj Rv~~s. t a4 ~ ~ irtr ~iy . S~ s r,( ttiH,r r .x.`t ; , i r ".ab'teAi` .way 5 T $HrTi~'7.wra r ~ ~ YY~ c ' ° ,t t x tt „ tyA: rn 4 .,>.+z ,rte iTn' 'PY r Nt „ tA?j ,'~,'r"r r1~3'nL Ld 0 ~W `:u 't 5' i x. z f; r a s L Y i~t'H}Ir~± J£ i.. rZ i s91 ~'n fUi~~'it R *rv `m't a 1 A afi 3 tt~ fii cr i ?~P. l °tALfX,,,.r~u r Y 4 L .,nwr wmY" + to r„it{ k?rmy' tl ML v t a'i, . V l kr t m ° t. ,5s srs t ,a.;,,,zii w+w "Sw""S tkmr `at 5?u'?+. h t2'',a i`b'Yn+n w $%g m{ r'rw+ fsY•" z n i £ ,7 J" ES t a s Ax P,' ` r z • f i' 3 a Ym 'o- r., i ~~r `t i { i JY ,pryfi' < r r. { tr yy,,4, "5' r r ,f4i„ A u, a , £ £ 4d~+ 3 £s n,S £r3. tLs~}s 1 r7""'3m'i! x~W U d IF n >-'ti'"i' E d-~ 7 is 7 1.~ 1L{La {t w i M k"(T~ t 1v w K, ,nm5,`x ,.d31~F °+-E' /~a,..v1 ""'•">w.r wpw sr n ' ~tt;JJ}}y s .I ,CyT&~' ~F:('e"aaFaT+~`t „u^ ;r~~¢;U s s,i~t'~4~k' 1~t,„ _,._.--.,w,: 9 Y', E ,w-,t r,'., a..~2 'u„arw'! si:`~ aV J rY r,y, .,r. rs:r.,'i` ~`Y r '?t ;;u<,f s~d~ ,r4 M,,~'''' {~y5 ""A ",4"E3+ttt,~ ,F'tS n:,x,M,e' 1vart n f~'! 't,q ?rt Y S!Y , `t?yt r ":G n r*P„ s ,G „ ,i, tLt,"€""• ^r,l. 4:,r . t-""' q t.: " err t"y U to 1 I#£ a °F."'£ t <i,: Ef X !.4 s £3~taw~ r art 7 1 Ott }t r, h 'z~5~>fa,~,. :t I~I~''G' ,,sA+ 'm m r , v~§ tr Y'to i*r:,t~t'~t~r~ul',",~a , 3:: ruw•.w,,:.:aanha r`m~ryrc ?,ti T, ~~yy G1~y tT t,; ~ ,,5 ~msri amts., A G. t A ,;'`;tn.. a +J n , ~,nf ,n<tu'. wavm' f' r ? 13,~?'~'s~S a T"Wt ! s , t't,,. its t x S +r bS, :.x" r+ § f,?'+r s€y~ +vF` -M2 ~'Y{`"'A t`Xr ,.:1"rkY„t,. ,i P'iNa. 4 „r Y, ,:.f,k,r'm..,, t`''~p'!'I'•'fSi ~tf}Yt is p, as .y' .r r~,r-`,„{ .54,t,, t. h+. .tip an ,N:.., ~'nNYthn YJ t~,. n,,, os, ,u;;M x.~~,~,„ • . A x,•.,y ,ztt , tn. n3t~,"i !>J~Prr~ ut r u s r v r ,Y u r ' td ? . , o-.asr f~y,aF~'w± J" + 4't'r r ~n 1 ? t.: t r v: r , t ;4' Y ' ,4" ' rev„?;=•x v <~aY''``+ 4F~` ilk. dd+a tz",+ r~rlw•.` " w i ryo.,^ ~~~;+,Y 2 t ty Vt ..;?k- '~~~Inz~A1AU ,~r;S iT,sY i Ldazs r 4i v., 1~i ,.fi. ~ ~ < I -„-"at^ }~r ~ .r ~ rr 4~ }3r«Y§'' t '`'y~ tP, FS „i W am x + ¢5 1 tom'„ d~ , + r r + ,4;1; t~v<:, f 1 z n xtn s!sf,, M vY jY firij{YS ~k2v£ySi P~~~4 4,:;; tttr rti ' tm "~kr,t`+fi Yy`,k '4fiafa t"`, . sxaz ~ 1 sn",..,t y~ ':y' ,t r is»". ,r '}~r, t 'µ,~'n dx r.+;~:, ur Y.l s}~t,`~veb t~f`s ~!2nr Jv t Nl. +q vjtjj t hh i" FN Nt hY; Y "'3 { ` i(u rr y«Ta}ap r.,' i'4.d e° L" A ~`•P;"'' : r - E' ,,irk°^ „1`~t'.Sa~ 'r "kxl td,.a,.'b`+iv9.£ t,#£6i, £ i. _ `'r+~air++X~~'t £J it+y~YA£i3"`";~5+'Xt £[+ictu,y }a,~i.§ 9 r t 411 apa Ar ~ C r f 4^5~..•'t t CuuiSti't~''Yt irw cn&C{,i2 r , t2 > r~1: r 4 y s fit' y~b v°rA F+Ir,'r s y 4ttF'rt'ar,.a R mfrS~Ft .d at +'rt'x aip 'ry jr, r.i 7t a 9oft', m+.~ xi, 5 r r rn rte s~ Y'7 , rd x4 4 +$M ltnr i}ryt, a{ +i a g tft JrM j, ? le t a+' ?,rt' n t yw, 4`' a ~ ~ P rr ant {1,"AY'~ ~t ~it{°S x3 ',r`{ ~T~'?+r tpJ~2r ' ~ + , s x x~ 3y{a+Y~+,11~'ri,y ~£~'~~"tr~' $t>?;* ~.I. or"~+s>i ~ a I 4 YN`E:,.nS fall ?,aAEa zt +i «y° v, rt e Yy 'rC t i~~?+{, vi3'aPtt r 'nf ,ay,iJ,s" 4 f s s Fr Jlt! L a Tarr ` , +;n ~t ,rk"r Xw 't 7 all ! + ( +A'y +,*~mJ, v a,t n,it 4 a I,yt,. { { 4Y r yy 5 Y ! fiY% r ~ tA'v it r :i" v s 4 < gg ~m j;h k z €Jk~i t {t ttf t }t1y} 'v~ Y,gm'Ik t, ~ +^t 3' Fi tJl,e S,. tr ~ c` 2 i f, ~$~N L + 4£ W 'a ,`,!~`L+'~y.„~}r rT 2 aEVF! rr ,iEikk `X, 10,+rM" .`7A 4~ 1+£t7Jy ifl)27s r (i 3u s tfa.,v" J£+ r 1 az to a'r ~ A L1J Pr +1ns^, 5 ,A`td9 tt,'a rv n.;' k 3S"!C"~'~ ~:e~ S2 ttltt 1~it ai5 . ?7kt NVtiiv Ia ueGI{ Ivy ~ ErY,.' x4 r '+~i" y.~d P~ Yr rSa~atls k s'4r'r~'tyywr ' { I ir'";... )r 5 , r r 4 ~ r to t tt s k n t o :t z a"`tp' aJg. rf'"v4?'X'f~ s s 31, ~4! ~N qY is ~i ii?~ be. ~tk 6 YI'7S~ £ iF l l, 8a~ }i'X ~k_" i @nv1F t~}j"s+"~kreX~ Ix*> s a y , ~iM r ( i {,S az+?i" ~i S 4 frt ~ 7?a w ~ £ s r "'xA~y MI6 yY: r t~ Y r rf r : Nt '{`Fr„'+ 1'i2 f t > r r a+ ) m s 7i, , v t n 4 .a: E A ~L~• r~5 vc ' t s h4 tJA'tv`'ra^.? yK.ami~. ~o{tA J i' 3m ~S y r r a)ti• Ys t%i. v rtrP tS r / 7 u ~ ¢k' rn*' ;r2°L,t~ ^s~YS.'r?% 9eB"J r 't4* t~a?,rR,np+ 4 5t?S ylatro '~t~},} xz,t m n~ 'mf ~T "b: 4 Sit t' `ni h: r A t t k +"Y ~ 21t r V t. N ur z Rar + ~ ~~c~ t~ i2°" grt;{t~ 'vt~ s + ~ •r{ t SA.. ~ t7 r~+d7s+j'Y Sri +F'` $ r' tr'z «vh z>? ''d''p ,x 'tvj ~:yFr'. yt~a d; r + p,.. sSrr~r + q s rz r F a. tAlrN '.+.it'"3£r 3h1Y 4r ~r £~»~,fd'AV~" ti7 rr£ uA as ry' r 19f s ,a f7~ ~r r £y f r S 1'1 t r r £ R¢ 1', # x r 1 a~t s ~ ~ 4 zr # r ~ v1 ~ y i'. 1 ~x ! V 7f 1 t a t'y t a! i~ ~ z n is ~ ~:dvr , '9v ~ +'s>'s. r n& yj, .a s C , + 1e r F p,tfiyae Ar a~~4m ' e ' „u:-..""` r f t ~I~~v , M ck A, rsr. rJ (kn i t£ 5 +(t7 £ >t; s sl 1 }i £ur } £ r f,.. qT. i "4 hs}a ?1Syv i ir' r rv e~.t tp r~Lt t£ :`xeti' , 713 a t~ ~i~f!~ zdt< J + v; h s~ r;"}`rv xtx+ r, "a (5'sY, I F a~T~ ' ~ ~a5 xra t fire t ,"a I "WY fi 4''yi 'Y~ta, 4} AW 1 j t ;k', `"h{ ~f, Y~ a`Ya`=$1u ty f, yr lea r fr"p r i r^' fi r s s yt+ r x r"t p o s~' 4' k a x c f Y 'a,*, d a 50 D 50' loo, lWR # r a+a ~'u~~r 2,~ts~tr,r m r2 `~Y r' r + 4 J„3, n"~`,fl 7 A' £~Y' ~ ;.nA. £y Al sk~ ~L r ~T # of £ t ;'''rt4 u s tl Af Ytt y L 4 4 StY a' Vf n NN ' 1''1«„ k £ z ~G 'Y 4 F e } f3 "tY4+ Wy u s Cs k.?~7 r ; £ ' ~ 7 ~'4~ x ;MTga1 fi r1s A+ A SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) r i~4 }r s rt sY ty n firYShr C ~sdnTi4 3r qM m w~ t a`Y s' t ~{4tixgl t. ripra~y ys I' a #}'ut','r~'t,F 'i ifl.. Y t fr it r ,"t £vk 's5 ~r ..~i~vafif~rt~f ~t Y~r~'i iY!3s Y"r! ~rt uvr ~ Arr r 1 r' 3 ry.i. r~,~h i~~ 3 v, ,r grr a,r "r „a ,.if'7 rrrs3 }lt`;'' n (3 3 1r a£ *e,' irr 7 "t7y 7 ~;x„ ''°,5 rx r d k'.. ls~ ;yy!° £ rt r a! "A£ h L c .i , "~}rb tit v~'I 4 t Erv,~~ N ~SSt £'x A { r a.F M r J r3 r i A"t ,t ' , .t? ,r : f°~i h xrj9S~L d~~34t fe r r r ,S r'3 S i~ @ t; x ,r y~~tst~t~'. Eat :a at} a it~rY n'rau4r CkSnxr`j;td~>str k•j?..,. ' I ` 'a,'t 4 '°7,arq k s#~1P'2,s i"L'{c%'u` a<` 1'T .r Lar,'~'rt "r',:x'L t Atr p,r ; r"rd s v t k+~;'yi. tx.L~'{ sa'iJr i3r S «t ~'E~s y+. P ~a~~ ryt r<rk~ t•^, r CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO vE v ' rt rg k, '~4 a~~ T}y~'rSa`S~'a'~ ~'~tr mr ~ Aa L, r'~t~ a ~ 'r1Ys~Y r 'r )'r'r' "M ' skt . {e ~~f L K r , "7 y ~ s!¢ t~s T f £ux ,eo r N _ + fr. ~ tana;"x ~.~rx THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. r':;b '!t rttt£~ ~2' i F Yi,rcY 3. £ ~ ft ~ k ..e {r yy~ S~*, ~s' rl,. r tar r 43 ~ $1'3;'7 r2Air rtl Y ~ ~ 3Sr A7 x Y<s r £ i:£v 4" 34 , , `4i s~f r ) 5 z~,u f{ 7Et& 4 r L S7"i r P L.. of £j A„'~`-'' £ s UP', ' r y S sFr £ s 3 3 Tirrr)xt ki'bk { L £ r`, £rg ~4j x 11r P i1 rAryS z£ NA i m4 b , r " .£i iY , £r~:, ~1 4, ~ 1r Sgt is 41.3s33hrMY trw f$ 1'fit4f r1 L , r;3 e3i~?385 r~3j^ £r. A t 'zt H+4 %l""ap,. g y1 3 A1r sa3 K7J .,a tr £Y£y =tyFJG itiA- x 'tEf1y„v { } "Jr'~ A t 5'P.P r!{J 4i o D ~i~y ,VK{S t Y Tr;B >C in ;'K 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS, THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING ."s r? r a3T r73 AAi 4£,,rr6 1e ~G+7r£ 3 `Ff '1' i `'t3m~n§"', uh rr <d i' ; rrls 3el S3 ,Y r'~^rM s' ,v 1 ;n 5 r t~£ tit £ risk i1 ~k~ £ f 1 k~~jr t k :!5 rts 9 s ~~r+i r a ~~s ~"~;.T xA~ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES t 1 z i + S{ 4£ r sir &'S r i?1{v i ~ p { €~Cr £t'Ya. t t R 7 1 6k 1 L ( z t n i nr - it 7 4 l6, r Y$ ~ l Y r:r p t! 75i -'r2 {Y f t r ~-jryt '~E £W M k £ J' l r c r 7 S r r r st ~c 7£x r j jx F'k Aka sY k r3 v. AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE > '7 ~ z JS d r ~ ,5 M +3 'r <si r~,r i~'"3, m3 5~'acS~f#,y>~}t7 J 3s r £3 a "a r'~ £ ° 1 da. £ ~ r~ i ~ rr 1 r';.3s 3i. ~f wd i "~~+R Islas {t r z Tp, a S7 a£ is s7, r UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE { t, ~ o,. Ai~t 7dJ r3il~"-r~~ nr arr5 t{ 2 ttk~s ~ fry i OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE 00 CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE 220 OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 220 - - - WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION WW, XX J Ww, Xx COORDINATES (N El FLAG DESCRIPTION I DESCRIPTION EXISTING GRADE - j _ N=661276.1743 E=2186368.9168 WF WW1 WF WW1 215 N=661309.9821 E=2186377.5959 WF WW2 - wF WW2 215 N=661328.8259 E=2186365.6962 WF WW3 WF WW3 - - - - - - - - N=661362.9542 E=2186339.8181 WF WW4 WF WW4 L i 3 -6' MIN. _ N=661260,9935 E=2186406.9475 WF XX1 WF XXi COVER zIO 10 VC FpfiC MAfN J - N=661288.6522 E=2186423.2251 WF XX2 WF XX2 - - , r 210 - + 149661322.5284 E=2186453.3264 WF XX3 WE XX3 j WF XX4 ( EXISTING - ( N=661339.4452 E=2186464.6519 WF XX4 20 5 N=661366.6761 E=2186463,9153 WF XX5 WF XX5 FIBER OPTIC u~~ _ _ - j - N=661393.3261 E=2186468.0761 WF XX6 WF XX6 - - - - 205 N=661388.8556 E=2186454.1220 WF XX7 WE XX7 N=661358.6077 E=2186450.1676 WF XX8 WF XX8 I WE XX9 , f zoo COMBINATION AIR/ VACUUM AND N=861341.1713 E=2186438.1646 WF XX9 NF XX10 t - { 200 AIR RELEASE VALVE W/ 20 LF N=661324.0461 E=2186412,8828 WF XX10 ti - 10' DIP CENTERED IN MANHOLE - ti N=681299.2810 E=2186404,4116 WF XX11 NF XX11 ( i i I 1 1 I ~ f - - (FIELD LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) N=661268.6619 E=2186376.2799 WF XX12 NF XX12 NF XX13- „ 10" ~45' MJ BENDI 195 195 _ _ ~ ~~i._ _ _ I - ~ (.I- ~ _ N-661241.6056 E=2186382.2752 WF XX13 -NOTE, CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE 18 VERTICAL t SEPARATION 15 MAINTAINED BETWEEN EXISTING 16" CROSSING °C" WATERLINE AND FORCEMAIN IN AREAS WHERE 10 ( i 1 f JI 100 HORIZONTAL SEPARATION CANNOT BE MAINTAINED. (SEE BID FORM) 190 EXISTING 54" - - - - - - CMP (2 EA) r cf'- 1 Ili L_ ? 1f 180 10, i ~ 1 I I I _ ~ r 10" GATE VALVE - t - - ? J - - - - - 10" GATE VALVE ~S%"~ ~ I y,,IJrJJr 12"x10" FLANGED rr r ~ E J 175--_ _ . i . _ , REDUCER (TYP, ' I 1 JOINT 10" FLANGE BOTH SIDES 5 X P.E. DIP (TYP. - 75 ) MIN. rJ JJ ~ BOTH SIDES) 12" S-9 - I } THRUST COLLAR i SEE DETAIL - E - 1 - 18" IMiN 179 SHEET n - - - - BOTH SIDES) - 1 - - ; GED 170 0 BUTT DFUSEDCFLAN 0 i - j - 12" SDR-9 CL-200 ADAPTER W/ SSTL I LAP JOINT FLANGE (TYP, BOTH SIDES) i _ BUTT FUSED HDPE PIPE i_ E 47+00 413-F00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54F00 55+017 56+00 57+00 I 5, I 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 61+00 62+00 63+00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert. Y~•^'~~-_q~~~ I SEAL ,q SEAL DATE: MAY 2007 M&C FILE NUMBER _ ®Q~SSrpa Vie` MCE SCALE Cu1J7 F& W10M e, PHASE I DRAWN PROD. N 00358-0116 DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: ORAINNG NuueER I nft M% r-^ M /"N(® ® A A i A i rw~imrn (.ATlrrr. 1"=50' 1% 3 SEAL -11w 200 MocKenan Court, suite zoo EAST CLAYTON l CYg< Cary, North Carolina 27511 4Y TON / (t1 I- V It + r y m k.+G (VI m I IN [LR.TICJAL }'.~yGlN Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax; (919)233-8031 WILSON'S MILLS ARI IILLS AREA rRANSMISSlorv SWIFT GREEK RD STATUS REVISION I AC415N10SHOW NEUSEBUFFER 5/14/07 +8p REUISIOIQNS RP S%%%" AA0002667 EB0006691 WASTEWATER TRANSM REY.NO. EIESCRiNS DATE q`~V$? -zl www,rnckimcreed, com FA ILITIE IMPR VEM 'R VEME T STA. 47+00 TO STA. 63+00 'L1,9T NOTES; sti` 1, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO .F I THE START OF CONSTRUCTION, ~ a I y~_~'N.~ tiF~q m I I 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE I I a \ I AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING la I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES, THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES I I m T , f__ f, + \ C~ X y o IX I AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE I w UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE 3 ~ z OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE + + + a m I x R S R~W I CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE w 16 wp OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. I o + + 0 1S N I ~ I I I + EAST CLAYTO / r~ cr) I ELEMENTARY OOL / ° 3" - + + COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND m D? t PUM~T I ° O~ NAP . I AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD - n (gipTHE S) 0 0 NI Q I HEATER UTILITLES, NC LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) % r+( 1 ERRS R w p Z o m DB 1829, PG. 503 Z I i CAS~~~ 11~`' a QM PB 54, PG. 144 Sk a C) hc(~O D N ~F fl + ~y~\P F Q0 m wo 0) I REBECCA D. FLOWERS ~,,.~f' Q~o~ F' DB 1398, PG. 773 1-10 + + O s' s 1 0 INSTALL 40 LF 16" Dlt + + ~X N N I PIPE CENTERED UNJC1FfF/~ / +t+ Qo EXISTING 15" DI U z DITCH r' % + L I WWTP OUTFALL o L16" ORCE MAIN 6" PVC FORCE MAIN j ~Y 8" PVC FORCE MAIN IY s pd , SILT FENCE (TYP.) 1T'bl 8p o u- I + ? + + + 1 11 + WSTING 1 j50 45 y 20' PERMANENT UTILITY iY M BEND i'' r~ r+ WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION 1000 WATER LINE _ rN EASEMENT FUTURE GRAVITY SEWER I _ + + + COORDINATES (N.E) FLAG DESCRIPTION ITI 8" X 16" R.J. 10' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION INCREASER EASEMENT FOE MAIN 30' P NET UTILITY N. r+ +r + t+ N=689710.5577 E=2176934.4580 WF 1001 + + + + - -_:~'"N = + + + + 10~ N=689734.1497 E=2176933.5698 WF 1002 r + + + + + 16 45' N=689747,2605 E=2176919.0343 WF 1003 TOE OF SLOPE TOE OF SLOPE NT-IN 6"x6" R.J- l + _ MJ BENDS W/ 6"x 8" ^ p_+_ + N=689750.0587 E=2176912,9610 WF 1004 INCREASER - °°-=Y + + + N=689744.7601 E=2176929.5244 WF 1005 BORE AND JACK - + + + * + * s s +n+++ + + ++fi + + + u~+ + id + + + + $ _ v~ + + + + 5 N=689727.4054 E=2176944.0827 WF 1006 20'x10' EXIT PIT + + + # _ + a } 6 + NSF PROPERTY OF _ INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP (MIN 18" N=689708.3636 E=2176944.7801 WF 1007 JOHNSTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION BORE AND JACK - DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER N=689681.1551 E=2176936.0676 WF 1008 + r 24' 40'x20' ENTRY PIT - EXISTING 6" - xiSTING TOP BANK EXISTING 50' RIVE- ~6 NEV ~F THE SA ENTIRE 20' EASEMENT WIDTH N=689667.7671 E=2176932.2524 WF 1009 VALVE WITH MANHOLE - - - TRAIL EASEMENT WATER 0 N=689653,4007 E=2176935,8716 WF 1010 FRAME & COVER NEUSE RIVER M RESERVED N=689633.0849 E=2176944.5011 WF 1011 fi 8" GATE VALVE BORE AND JACK 140 LF 16" WATER OF THE USA w (PLOTTED FROM P654, PG. 144) N=689618.1209 E=2176946.8016 WF 1012 STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE (MIN 3 5 ' 0 50' 100' w 0,25" WALL THICKNESS) W/ N=689631.1979 E=2176935.5218 WF 1013 ° 140 LF 8" DI CARRIER PIPE 5' N=689650.1200 E=2176923.8708 WF 1014 S = D onz. SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) N=689681.7539 E=2176926.8527 WF 1015 155 155 EXISTING BRIDGE DECK - - - _ " - - - - - . _ - - - - - - - INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP (MIN 18" DEPTH) INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP (MIN 18" DEPTH) - W/ GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER EXISTING BRIDGE ABUTMENT ______yy/ GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER ENTIRE 20' EASEMENT WIDTH IN BACKGROUND - - . - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - _..._ENTIRE 20' EASEMENT WIDTH 15 150 _IB,.I----- - TOE OF FILL EXISTING1 - - _ _ - _ . - - - - - - - - l . WnrER tw 8" PVC FORCE MAIN I.- - EXISTING GRADE - CONTRACT R TO.--- -I - 1- - - 16" PVC FORCE MAIN . _ _ _ 145 14 FIELD V RI Y - - _----~-__..2 ----EXISTING _ LOCATION F 15" D.I,P LINE BYTEST - SANITARY SEWER -PIT 1 _.f BORE AND END BENT FILL SLOPE - - ~ - - - - - - _ 5' MIN. ~ I JACK: EXIT PIT - PQV R - I - - - PROJECTED TO BORE AND 14 / JACK DEPTH 140 - . - - - - 3'-6" MIN... - 31- 6MIN. - COVER _ - - - _ - - _ COVER 2 18' MIN, c 13 CUT IN 6"x6" MJ - - - - - TEE W/ 6x8 135 --MJ INCREASER - 16" 45' _ . _ AND 8" GATE _ _ - _ M,J, BENDS - IN 3' 6° M ---VALVE _ _ COVER 3 8" 45' „ _ M.J. BENDS MJ BENDS 16" 11 130 M J BEN DS . _ - - - _ - - - COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND - - - - BORE AND JACK "x16" R,J _ AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD- 16" 45' EXISTING ENTRY PIT CONTRACTOR INSTALL FORCE CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FORCE _ LOCATE AT HIGH POINT)..._.. M.J. BENDS__..___ _ - - - MAIN AT ELEVATION REQUIRED -INCREASER MAIN AT ELEVATION REQUIRED 12 6" FORCE MAIN TO AVOID HIGH SPOT TO AVOID HIGH SPOT END BENT FILL SLOPE -PROJECTED TO BORE AND - - - - _ - - - 25 INSTALL 40 LF 16" D.I. _ _ JACK DEPTH PIPE CENTERED UNDER _ _ BORE AND JACK 140 LF 16" . _______.DITCFi - _ INSTALL 60 LF 16" D- IPE _ 12 STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE (MIN ''--CONCRETE THRUST COLLAR _-0.25" WALL THICKNESS) W/ 120 RESTRAIN TEE, 8" GATE VALVE, ______140 LF 8" DI CARRIER PIPE - _-(2) 8" 90' MJ BENDS TO %4" --THRUST COLLAR W/ (2)EA - BB DD - 11 STAINLESS STEEL RI LE RODS 115 (2) 8" 90 MJ BENDS - - 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 Uu SEAL R, 44 044* DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE MkC FLE NU ABER N CO I N MCE PROD. # 00358-0116 CU101 °~~~QOEEssIpN90l;,, &C E JOHNSTON CO( V , v p P H A^SEr^I n ^r DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: DRAWNG NUMBER 4e~ 8FAL 1°A ATM A%/T/ K I I A \/T/ K 1 / R» / 1 C]» P Vl , f 1 Rl .F' MAIN DESIGNED CAT i~~ = 50' ^ CHECKED DMH V 1 C) 032293 za o 200 MacKenon Court, Suite 200 CHJ I UL/AT I VIVI Q Cary, North Carolina 27511 Q /VCAL: 3 RESPONSE TO DOT COMMENTS DATED 10-24-07 11-5-07 GA Phone: (919233-8091, Fax: (919233-$031 WILSONTS MILLS AF BFB = 5- 1 PRDJ. MGR. MILLS AREA L 2 RESPONSE TO DOT COMMENTS DATED 8-20-07 9_13-07 ~QpV~O AA0002ee7 EB000e691 WASTEWATER TRANSN TR ANSMISSION STA 0+00 TO STA 16+00 STATES: REVISION REV.NO, RESPONSE TO CONSTRUCTION GRANTS @ LOAN COMMENTS DATED 7-3-07 DESCRIPTIONS RDATE 7 T 1~, 1 sTI s Y~ www.mckimcreed.com FACILITIES IMPROVEN PROVEMENTS 3 i NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. STA. 45+_3_0.00= ~cY\/ " 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM Ci STA. 51+83.40 INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS, THIS INFORMATION ° x x x x x k Ij( ~ x xU x x x x x / rr, x x + 1 x x x x x I L x x x x ~ \ r~ r ~C# IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE / X \ CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES MAY \ EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE + WOODS6 E x _ I~~ I.x x x x x x x x x x x ~1 / r/ 15 PERMANENT UilllT RMANENT UTILITY. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN x x x x X x x x \ j EASEMENT ~ x x x x Al ~ x x x 10" FORAIN~ EASEMENT x I CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN .x THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT + + + y x x / \ / / BY OTF CARS ~x a P OF BANK T _ x/ x \ _ or CREEK k k / \ \ I CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. x / \ 1~\ I COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND / SS r \ \~Z 11~\ 1 AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD \ MJ NDyG 1 LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) 30' qqR ~Nf v / 0 30qRM( NEN? UTILITY = THIS SE I~ ( 0\~0 \ \ \ A EN _ -APEMENT BE/CONST LLG~ ,Q \ `16216 45 MJ-BEND - ~9 f ( 7 ) 16" GATE VALVEI I / A y /IA\ 164 -891- ' I x Ix x x >1A ~ ^k- 1 I (f r r ~ I l( ~ ~1 r rr r,~ r r x x x x Ax x \`A, I /I I / r- 1 1391 °7fr r x x x. x.x x x- ti\ y~ / 7/ /r ---166 \\\~~__-pg1-,,.'-r ,I~~°rr;,'r r q,4, 00 x k x x \ x //S~ /rr _991- r r / //\I h WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION A - I ~1 r r j~ r-------168---- ---___16"Pv -FOR Pyc-ii ORCE (MAIN / / / \ \ I i J COORDINATES (N^El FLAG DESCRIPTION 1 6 5~, \ 20' PERMANE UTILIT x x / / / f r A1,+,11T. EASEM T N=667986.79 E=2175775.17 FR AB2001 \ N=687972.49 E=2175794.37 FR AB2002 J CJO \ \ \ \-\1521- 1' \ r x V1T SEWER / / r / / o \ \1 N=687955.22 E=2175823.20 FR A82003 THIS SECTION TO v `v v '154-ItdSTALL CL 1-RIP RA~ (MI % B OT~~S` - - - - - r N=687942.44 E=2175843.07 FR AB2004 BE CONSTRUCTED \ \ \is6- - t8" _W GEOTEXTI E r" BY OTHERS \V vv `vv UNDERL~NER ENTIRE~15'7v r / , / r r / / \ \ \ \ \ N=687929.93 E=2175863.33 FR AB2005 0 \ \ EASEMENT-W1 H \x { / / / I v \-160--~ 1 ° \ I \ \ \ N=687912.34 E=2175861.41 FR AB2006 t6' 90 v v y V A x N v ob~l/~~~~ N=687897.52 E=2175876.71 FR AB2007 [ v \ \ \ x 6 /0~ ~ MJ'B N / / \ j" r / / \ ( ~1 \ \ \ N=687871.78 E=2175891.45 FR AB2008 \I 162, \ V / 06 Illl l ~l 1111 / / / rr° ~r A I II vv v v AN X> 11111 fill Illl lW / / / / / i \ \ \ \ N=687857.19 E=2175893.66 FR AB2009 1 I Il v \ \ \x- ~ x 1 111 II 1111 / l / / r r / / / / / r r / ` / \ N=687832.94 E=2175908.18 FR AB1001 Il CONTRACTOR TO LIB DISTRUBANCE d>_ 116 40'f III II I }I1 011 N=687830.63 E=2175905.70 FR AB1002 CORRIDOR T 15' WIDE EA'SRED V I_ x p MIJ B (p V I I I I ! 111 I / r r r r -ALONG STRE M CENTERL E) WIQHIN\\ X 1~ I 1 I 1111111 I I 1111 / xe //r r / / r \ \ / / / / / \ II N=687820.03 E=2175883.94 FR AB1003 NE F< BUFF AND STRE BED \ V I ~1 ~I I I I I III I I ° m I) I I ~o~ / r ° N=687817.34 E=2175866.36 FR AB1004 N=687837.66 E=2175862.01 FR AB1005 i\i. \i, 1 I I III INII 0 I / v r rr 50' 0 50' J10 ' j ~ E N=687850.40 E=2175878.62 FR AB1006 SCALE; 1"=50' (Horiz.) N=687875.07 E=2175876.81 FR AB1007 175 175 N=687893.56 E=2175865.61 FR A81008 - - - N=687905.96 E=2175849.13 FR AB1009 00 0 N=687934.16 E=2175833.49 FR AB1010 COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND O N=687949.03 E=2175814,45 FR AB1011 170 AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD +170 N=687956.52 E=2175794.90 FR AB1012 LOCATE AT HIGH POINT, INSTALL MANHOLE RIM 12 N=687828.76 E=2175954.46 FR AB1 ABOVE EXISTING GRADE) N=687821.42 E=2175951.74 FR AB2 N=687813.50 E=2175930,98 FR AB3 165 - - - - - THIS SECT ON TO BE ~ N165 N=687823.90 E=2175920.71 FR AB4 ONSTRUCTE BY OTHERS -E-A STING-G D 160 - - 160 RESTRAINED PLUG / 16° GATE VALVE 155 P1 A(-.F 10 F 10 f,__APF ON - ~ - - 155 QFFJ_K IAMETFR ST N 28" DEEP FROM TOP OF / % - BANK TO TOP OF BANK 150 i 16" 22 ' MJ btNu 1 16" 90' 150 - MJ BEND - 10' - - 24" MIN: 145 MJ BEP 16 45' - - ---MJ BEND---- 145 EXISTING - " 16" 45* -EXISTING - MJ BEND - 8" D.I,P,1 MJ - - 12„ PVC SANITARY- _ SANITAR 5' SEWER - - - - SEWER 140 16" 90' - MJ;BEND - "-PVC-FO RCE-MAI - 140 -T- LLA. _ 1fi" 90' EE_DEIA HEEL03)_ -CONfiR OR-TO-If t - - - - - 0 MJ BEND -FORCE-" VAS - - - 135 -I R UMU1RED_T0~ _H1GH_SP 1_ 11011. MJ BED E~ 135 SEE-CROSSI - - ETAt ..,RCS 5 - - - SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 45+00 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 )+00 50+00 51+00 REVISION INFORMATION DRAWING INFORMATION EAST CL) T CLAYTON/ JOHNSTON COUNTY e. o:72~\ ~ SHEET 0 CAI? Num Description Date Init Inlt Date ,,~aF. .ss pun~~ i ,A 111 n^A..n w I I n w A I I I P1 A r% r° A Aom~ Drawn B : BJG 02/01 v IVI LLJ HMH Department of Public Utilities 6114 16" FORCE MAIN Checked B DMH 02/01 4~ STA 40+14± TO STA 51+83± WASTEWATER I F ER TRANSMISSON P.O. Box 2263 G4 A rov6d B : TGB 02/07 OF. 2! (o 1 401/404 REVISIONS 6/8/01 BJG SCALE: Hor,1 = 50 FACILITIES MP 31 IMPROVEMENTS Smithfield, NC 27577 U~* of CONTRACTOR TO LIMIT DISTURBANCE CORRIDOR TO 15' WIDE (MEASURED ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE) WITHIN M NEUSE BUFFER AND STREAM BED F,~' rR OSED{10' TEMPORARY a * OOK TRUCTION EASEMENT ro4 , `16" 90 MJ BEND omt,. vvtin 6., ;1 25' NSF - GLUBCORP GOLF OF NC; LLC 't + ~O7ES: + • SS1V,N W-155,16- ` d6 1$13, PG. 364 r+ r~'.+ + + I _1{905 > 'RACTOR TO VERIrY"SIZE, DEPTH;"MATERIAL' AND LOCATION FOR A -L UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO STALL CL I R IP RAP + * PROPOSED y20' PERMANENT- 1 CONTRACTOR TO (MIN 8"p SANITARY THE"START OF CC START :OF CONSTRUCTION. 18 DEPTHW GEOTEXTILE /'SEWER . EASEMENT UNDERLINER 15' WIDTH t paA N + } 'THE UNDER' PROPOSED 10 TEMPORARY AVAILABLE FROM UNDERGROUND- UTILITIES` INDICATED ON THE PLANS'HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE M + yb exISTINGTOwN of CONSTRUCTION.`EASEMENT -ABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS.,'THISINFORMATION` IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING f~ '3' 4a• CLAYTON SANITARY UNDERGROUND UT y SEE , a ?6,. 4~ ra AND CABLES MAY RGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES: THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED-THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MEET (,''~r M J ' 8E` n' tFt:5ma UNDERGROUND UT CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE. NOT SHOWN' ON .THE PLANS, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE RGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES'. COULD:CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE a v . 0 se or " ' OWNER WILL WORN Lam, 'k SSl ~H TOP-'I 65 :R WILL :WORK WITH THE `CONTRACTOR TO "REALIGN THE FORCE MAN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE 17 n" ~ r • ++r ' ' ~ firs ! "'y } ~ I X5059 " -CONPLIC7u..THE C LICTS.."THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER 'REQUEST; FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE A Avo OF CONFLICTING L ONFLICTING UTILITIES "ANb CABLES THAT,ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ~E rr p ° tU~~ `js.'L , .+.f., 4 } + ~ f + i' qp a COMBINATION AIR/VACULN- N * + + 1. ROPOSED 20 PERMANENT AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD=i"~~ + S NNI~TARY. LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) ` y, ' SEWBRAEASEMENT ? ^r. Tpp" INSTALL CLLI RIP.RAP ~I r e['. f"s~zv g ~q, 1 -;`I RIP.RAP (MIN" 2),lb't 1 18' DEPTH). W/ GEOTE) W/ GEOTEXTILE x' t a ' e~ J'EN S • , .1 sre~: k+ P'" r,r t UNDERLINER 15 WIDTH r: i _ d a n,: yf zs 1 , x1, R 15' WIDTH x' s SILT FENCE TYP k~ A~ „tr l 16,~e>~+t t j \ x, Fr je' Sy da y 4 / IV{+PV~FOI~C~MAIN )BUFFER rf + " ; ZONE 1E' fE ,1 r r .{f e r Pr y f ~r =e F r, ' x I , 11 fi A j K' + it NEUSE RIVEi ff r X x i1+ 'dY . } :P 1 ^I',,p ~ y,: , i rrt } r { rye 7,4 r `.eY d',IX 1 4' t / wAOOCC' OOD~ ~ 4' x x x u v 4;'rt'Nl,.,, .Ir - r y s`.:, { d ..h1 "v St , ,t4 yz,f 1 r t. i ,1 .1;, tf ~(t r ,t c. M1^ AOF6,RD' AND WIFE BUFFER r ZONE 2t,, kADFQR,O 4 { r { , t y r.,, r f t y 7 ti + ",`.4 ; ' d' k, ,.irj 1 53 f r~k@Et k • µ .fi+' } k a 7 ktE H' 6,974 PG .123 y, 0 a p n , / .,,ttp yk,;, + x9 s " p S t r s x s. 1 t " f ~ ? ~ d 1,r „4 SL r a`2}, 3~U ~5' '1`.1 y.^ h + ~ ~ X f: d t f Y^' ;y : x F ,r ~ V ~I y (1 ~t p arr 5 PG`.109 + ,!h P s / f + r, f r; t 'r,r I, r e 14 k , i 41'aJ ck e.', PB 17r k $ t 4 A. Z+ ,t, H k + R ¢f tt { M yENDh,' k Y k ~i k vK r b i F .a °y F F e a 'i ai,! r r , t i >Y y r., r• rM1 / d a { 9 ,r r r ' J >s 4h. f u +M1 4~ S'.'Ah „ + 4 y t Ar r , 1 1 ' {F" n:;f y\ ~t Ty: 4S( y~{ INSTALL 20 LF OF 16° D rxt G y x f: v 7 l v - 11 f I k i, h C RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE Iy t 44 MIN 4' BELOW CREEK 31 p: , c 1 d t" L. P, s I r t i ,dr / fi, ~ ~ • ` ~ 'cif Y ? ' r J ~ s , ~ u r t f e I APPROXIMATES { 1 0 O y 50' 0 50' 00' f 3; 4 , LOCATION OF 1~r STREAM 1, r t eti CQR~ r ;T i ' e r a , rnr E 1 1 , f 1N ~ 4. , s ~ r rei 'd a ~ ~'~a.7 , 1 ~ " f 1 } Yte , + s f COR~tI~tQ Y a x`15 ERi I _ K xF x , SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) to ~ fr tr ,s~ i~ e r i`X 1 t + 1 ? b a' 1 h, t. 4Hb f ~`zr i +R' to , S ,@ ) i F + E}'Y~ ~ }~I ~ < fs, k . M'IBl 4 ^sF t r t Y ,d 1 i SE( -v' ~?t `V x 'x'{ `g " e k, PROPOSED SUMMERLYN x, C4 C,Q "SUBDIVISION F+ k t f }f ~E d. ~j i`st t 4 eG~!yr 16" GATE VALVE 165 165 160 160 TRJ&-8' - - SANITARY G_GRADE-- 155 PVC FORCE MAIN 155 _ ) 1E" 22.5- i COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND M.J, BENDS - \ AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD, 5+ MIN, 50 LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) 150 S-6" MIN. COVER ---16--GA E--VAL-V' - 145 3'-6° MIN. --M EN - - - COVER 145 140 0140 16" 11,25' MJ BEND 16 T~Xt CL I RIP RAP (MIN (3 16" 11.25' - M.J. BEND- - 16'-tL S-- - - M.J. ENDS M.J. BENDS - - 1$ TH) W/ GEOTEXTILE - ----UN INER 15' WIDTH CONTRACTOR INSTALL FORCE- - f D' 135 16° 90' MJ BEND MAIN AT ELEVATION REQUIRED 135 - - TO AVOID HIGH SPOT------- 20 LF OF 16" DI PIPE CEN ER D UNDER DITCH SEE CR SSING DETAIL "B" 2 5' 130 - - 130 0 125 125 5' 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 39+00 40+00 - 00 414-00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) srA~ ` e JOHNSTON CO DATE: MAY 2007 SCALE M&C FI E NUMBER 3 )N COUNTY PHASE I MCE PROD. # 00358-0116 CU10 DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: oRnw~NC NUMBER AN;Ado i r 11 Z- fQ SEAL tA5 I(;LAY I UN LAY I UN/ 1(5-' 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 V H VU FORCE MAIN CDESIGNED CAT HECKED DMH C~ C% 032293 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILLS Al MILLS AREA LERTICAL: PROD. MGR. BFB = 5 Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WASTEWATER TRANSI TRANSMISSION STA 31 +00 TO STA 41+13± 1 P ROV E M E N TS STATUS: eewsio 1 NETLANO PERMITTING REMSIO.NS 6/8/07 AA0002667 EB0006691 REV.RO. DESCRIPTIONS oA'ff P g1 %0, ' FACILITIES IMPROVEI 1 REVISIONS ~0 ( ? www,mckimcreed.com AM,q sNC/Ne k k HDPE.TRANSITION COUPLING - - - - - - 2 O/V RPORgR sHE r4. HDPE TRANSITION CO~PLING 20'x16" REDUCER r.i 1 r INSTALL CL I RIP RAP (MIN -1iATE VALVE 16 GATE VALVE 18" DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE J 90' MJ BEND ` I - 100' 16NDS 4 UNDERLINER 15' WIDTH JJ 16°x20° INCREASER x 10 k x x x x\x / k x x x x x k - \ k k k GO Mx x k 16" 11 11 ` x k kxx x x x x x x x x x x x! o x x x x MJ BENDS MJ BENDS - x k x x k x x x x x k x k x x x cn x' x k x x k x x kxx CONTTFAGTOR ~0 LIMI DISTRUBANCE x x x x k CORRIDOR TO-45' WIDE (MEASURED L k k - '25+0q x= k " k x x k x x k x x k x x xx x x x ctj ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE) WITHIN x _ NEUSE BUFFER AND STREAM BED x 16 BEND _ 16'I 1 Y4' MJ BENDS x DIRECTIONAL DRILL COIC. - TEMPORARY APPROX. 360 LF LU N CONSTRUCTION x x ~~R{MEU IT 90'MJ BEND (ROTATED) EASEMENT 20" HDPE SDR 9 ~L i 00 x N SANITARY SEWER 10 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT O ja: COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND EASEMENTS , AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD x x x CROSSING 8' ABOVE x k c Y NATURAL GROUND SILT FENCE (TYO.) vii J LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) 16" PVC FORCE MAIN TEMPORARY BORE k k x10 ,0' PIT AREA ORE a k O a k h _ ti Lwtj COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND W 18,72 ti0 3 0 N /F 18.72' / MICHAEL L. RADFORD AND WIFE, AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD ' k ~ I 3 Q LEE H. RADFORD LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) , 181.45' I w DB 974, PG. 123 in w Z PB 17, PG. 109 x x k f Iz' x x N/E !r co /yJ W J z-, x k I W k x JENNIFER P. GILBERT l 0w DB 3109, PG. 441 k k k x PB 17, PG, 109 Z N l~ I k x ' x k k k k I h 0 Y rn I x ~ k x 20' PERMANENT UTILITY x x x x M EASEMENT f N/F NSF 10' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION--/I DA DI REBECCA D. FLOWERS EASEMENT I DAVID A. & KATHLEEN T. STARK 90 0 / DB 2012, PG. 754 I DB 1398, PG, 773 x k Q k i Lu xx o 16" 45• a x x VERTICAL I x / MJ BENDS 2COD 0 'ES: ~ I / NOTES: 'ONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO INSTALL CL I RIP RAP (MIN x Q \ 1. CONTRACTOR HE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 18" DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE THE START Of 50' 0 50' 100' UNDERLINER ENTIRE 20 2. THE UNDERGF FHE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE EASEMENT WIDTH / x k I AVAILABLE FR x ,VAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING SCALE 1"=50' (Horiz.) UNDERGROUNE x x INDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES M AND CABLES AF~y, x x N/F UNDERGROUNE AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE INDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE U/v / BILLY C. & SHEILA C. HONEYCUTT OWNER WILL U IWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE See s DB 1927, PG. 0689 CONFLICTS. TF ;ONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE HEeT 1600 OF CONFLICTSP IF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 155 155 - - PROGRESS 16 90' INSTALL CL I RIP RAP (MIN - - i - -----I ENERGY MJ BEND 18" DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE - ----ROW MM (ROTATED) UNDERLINER 15' WIDTH - - CROSSING „A„ - - 150 COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND (SEE BID FORM) 150 AIR RELEASE VALVE W/ 20 LF - - - PATURAL-GRO EW -GRASSING---ABOVE- STALL P-RAP{ 1N- 16" DIP CENTERED IN MANHOLE ND____ 18 A€P~+) G€OT€X- Lf (FIELD LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) I lINDERLiN R - - - - - - 145 EASEM NT - - - - - COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM-AND _ EXISTIN GRADE AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD` / 145 - - _ _ LOCATE AT HIGH POINT, INSTALL= - - - - 16" PVC FORCE MAIN A IN - OUTSIDE PROGRESS ENERGY / ROW) -r - - - - 140 _ - - 140 100 -y W. - - - -L - - - - -16' 11 Y4' 1000, MJ BENDS 135 1 135 T--- - - - - 16" GATE VALVE - _ - - INSTALL 20LF OF 16" DI- PIPE CENTERED UNDER in, DITCH SEE CROSSING 130 " 20x16 MJ - M L BEI DS - REDUCER (TYP, - DETAIL "B" SHEET D2___ 130 - BOTH SIDES) - - - y 16" GATE VALVE - - 16" 11 Y4' - 60LF DIP CENTERED THRUST- - - - - --I - - - - - MJ BEND UNDER DITCHES COLLAR SEE _ --1 JOINT 20" FLANGE 125 (WITH SPECIAL - X P.E. DIP (TYP; - _ DETAIL SHEET -BOTH SIDES) 125 16 22 Y' - - _ INSTALL 40 LF 16" D.I. PIP INTERIOR COATING) D3 (TYP. BOTH 6' MIN. / - - 16" 111- - CENTERED UNDER DITCH SIDES) - - 7- - - - MJ BENDS - MJ BEND - 20" SDR-9 CL-200 120 BUTT FUSED FLANGED _ 120 ADAPTER W/ SSTL --LAP JOINT FLANGE - - - - - - ----(TYP. BOTH SIDES) - - 115 - DIRECTIONAL: DRILL APPROX. 115 SCALE: 1" 5' Vertu 360 LF 20''HDPE SDR 9 - - 110 - 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 2E 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 SEAL ~ DATE: MAY 2007 SCALE MkC FILE NUMBnER • j[^. JOHNSTON C01 i N COUNTY PHASE I MCE PROJ. # 00358-0116 CU 102 A y's # CI DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: DRAWING NUMBER : StAL CA51 ULAY I UN LAY I UN/ lb-' NVU F UHUE MAIN CHECKED CAT m a 032293 0 ~ c 200 MocKenon Court, Suite 200 LERTCA DMH TRANSMISSION STA 16+00 TO STA 31+00 • ,F 2 Cary, North Carolino 27511 WILSONES MILLS AF ®•y........ Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WASTEWATER TRANSR MI LLS AREA OJ. MGR. BFB L: PR 1 WETLAND PERNiTNG RENSID9S 6/6/07 j E' ~ njR0 AA0002667 EB0006691 REV.NO. DESCRIP11ONS DATE akimareea.aam FACILITIES IMPROVER REVISIONS www,m P ROV E M E NTS STATUS: REV SIGN 1 i NOTES T z q L J n 3a ' u t' a e }i rexn 3~pt.tCy Y°+y{. `k ,s r cvnl ',EI y ~'¢,iS { yY' ki3z xe4 yi s5b 3isa ;3 {+ta ~3m es 3,p1~ r'd`isr5 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO :CONTRA SHALL C ~THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. McPElU0'L,[1 WITH t?dP>µLf xr ^ 5 3 i ya av YS q§ s h ~ s m ci 3 a ? `~'iv 5 f YU, 1 } .F q,d ASx~sk }13amisEi Y..++,,Q{vvu. rs v U ;Y.i' f e+ t } " 9 'y ~ ^ ~ 9 ~Y rvr p f.i'9t*A,,.a3, ~ A`m} s ' {tlR~'x'~~s J '.sa 'r"' x a: '8' S p iC55~,^x87 tYirn Y k+{ti ~ y~X< ms. y aFrF I Y f m ^ 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE ( ,n AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS, THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING 'stt{y3 quap ,,k}. v~;«k~ k u'u' " 6 r. „t{~5 ~.s {,CY ` y " UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ~r r„03"~ 1,reJry#~ AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE omY A4Yw`£ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE t x ?n ~ u~; 5! y , m"usx to a i^u t ro ffi Es a r d 1 r}. 5° ~ ~ "OF, Y~ya t` ;'Y~ o ar A~d~ "k s+I~~ OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE F~1 95 ti~ . r yl iA R, 0 ' S t ,H 4 ~ Y'rk J ~W~ 1 r f, P Y.id, CONFLICTS, THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ~rFr T l re ~}sk F k' Yrk k4f"f1 YF ' s s !N d 5 ry d y ~~m 'A e5 ! "1{s"ii' y Ysyz F a" s sk,g4x's j K) to d+ ~,1 , 1 ~~,Y c V x{ ? ~rv'Yxr t3Eis dY 7 ~ i „1 h6. 4 ~ 4 ~ d ' n y, y x ~r x 4 i a $ <t { 'y{ y » xs y .xt ! s., r•'{` . ^ yi w,-~." Y wti x 1kY r7 ;EF SI,^ii.3, ~~isf~+ m } r, @ 4 a v1 Ih x Ay1 v N s* "•r'rbr' r- , , s s n 1tt~ 7 Yyyt V) tAi r ui L.LJ AXII i y N { s i\t1{ 4 4,"A414't bd~i56?`1~ IYNnik fY r 1: 31i r vc' N "5 °IN}b'`7wiw ..J (.w`'a^ AF i f ° { 1 5;, y5 dl N t , > . i 3 4~ ~ V lrw+ N+"'.Y '}+r1#/tN F A u++.NMf' , } 1 h ? t ~ + i^ 1 '1 LLI v , , a t,~ *tX~ x` 4d r t^d,sit~.=.3~ J y s IL yi i vt`i „!+r 5 si t y +lr 3 mar } s ?t~Afnk r's>"i{.: J OFF,EUP {MIN) w~+ u~wy m {tom; .y'u-.,~ 3 { ..1 y S y Yy 3 i5{ts r ~'4Yi {{^}{!3 kiz ^m"s3" /_y Lu yx " 9,FGY i^ m) 1 c r r f u ^ ;Fi s i~} A 1 y l sua A . r.' F.{jY'k, V) Q ~7t7~11W~8~ u~Yip~r+ J r't, ',~t' 27 4":7 } xE y f~3n1y 4 ^ 1J yi a t s 1 3`', f 5 zN rv'38s s im d{ yy^„31, .x"n ti ~ ~*`,.+r y dl ~ >s } .r`m?Ur-~ ~ 5a! " s 2t m.u ~ ru+~; r 1 ris r 1 y „v Y""sf"5`~4 C r C „r ~ A 9 ~ L~=4s~y r T'~k ?r.. r fr ~ ~ ail',I'rE?y~ll~~"F ,ra~a,fd a5'~iuh(4kHr~a ~cx rr 4 3 „l y /3~5 xrv r;:'<~ br+w y ,'}ytn N f' ^ t t F r s ~ r- y Y F f y < ~ 0 tF qq ^ 4 ,r ~ r1 hr.s I} t a 1 ,I ' ONT 7Y "'o a.r ,4 f, ' y'~~ yy. 1151, r' ClNT t kW`b,~ t 45 uk a ' C~. d 3 ; kN },d srv 2 s ~ u i d ,,y'a Y` ¢ rY sF \u yyi 'JF'aF k, by4y {mt s{ t r RAL 100 r F113 t P 1h"~k,}'~tyt~"j~ i r 4 7 v t:> n tyHiW nn ~ 3 h`~, °t t N5~ ~~x~3~,F(EA y `tl x 3 ~ 4~ ~ ~ t, § p I 2 Y frf .k z t'~i, ~{drr~ S 3 GY r-?~«dr f9 ` /b ~ S~ m4h~ w A 41 I"35'^`F,t^ i° `ra ! r m a %vi bt .d e "',~>Y C 8'~ , rEfr~~~~"1N ~ T' r t} ~ t ~t& r s~f; ~f(~zTMfi ^Ey mi=° s xr r"~ir s ~YY Y, ~p 5 t~'~~?~, n kr s~ 1 t rvl"4YusG1VIMitl r n3~ st ti mm s AM" 100' R 3 ¢r a y { { - i r A q s y ,n 7 1 1 r ' ~I.NTA1 L aCf # I RAW WJ NET s d krl 9 r ^'+J4 s ~p cr e'( r hwe y r rta. f i'~ , {f t S Yilm a r 'VN 2 ib`'~,:` 'Y4 G " 3 rl *1) tr r A 9} a±903 fk'' Z -"U rvt tUytI t 'Sjy_ Lf A kE CSITH~ 1 (ENUCED "k v; " b 4 7 ~ 1 (1 4~1 y 4 ( l iI j' Y`d5~ t sr ~ 17 ~y l f fl 1;.P t i~ ~r f mn~l mimii} *a 'r , r ,z ~y*r 1l F4N t.t' y dye's ^ v r~;Am WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION VV 5 t "rr { 0 s, t i t r r oe 1Jr 1 i ~15s r 4J f d l e } ~'f ( a , rv ~ Npai~ t)'3 i I x ` u r„xs' ' COORDINATES (NEE) FLAG DESCRIPTION X q t 4e t~'' N~ a 1, Y, 1 d ~I p 4 / A ~ qW3 10 tr Jti'{l rW ~a xxlyff0.~ r N=658757.33 E=2184306.99 WF VV1 d } Ii~ AY I I k hr ~ _ x„ y ri~t P sly 1 "''1~=x! t~ Ie} Oh q~~~ ~Ita ~ 1i F, N=658739.64 E=2184316.20 WF VV2 _ ilz " ~'{~r! G' l'a'rl r1p 41 s. S E 'U ale r, d? rat , ~ { h a. k 7 N=658719.20 E=2184344.42 WE VV3 r z aeE nh r" t ilh~yy r - e h rE tY t, u 5 a I ~ (t t l n S N=658700.98 E=2184327.59 WF VV4 50' 0 50' 100' N=658709.43 E=2184305.79 WF VV5 N=658726.40 E=2184277.51 WF VV6 SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) 190 1eo ~ I 1 185 i - - - 1 185 EXISTING GRADE CROSSING °B° (SEE BID FORM) _ 1d" PVC FORCE MAIN 180 180 I ' 175 I . . _ 175 i 170 I ~ y _ . 170 EXISTING 8" EQUALITY STATION PETROLEUM LINES INSTALL 10" D.I. AHEAD STA. 22+30 (C51A)= - - PIPE WITHIN 100' BACK STA. 27+73t (C50B) EXISTING 16" EXISTING 8'x7 RADIUS OF WELL PETROLEUM LINE 65 CMP (3 EA) - ._N--' i- 165 10 EXISTING 10" HP NATURAL r GAS LINE 10" GATE VALVE _ { - - _ 160 3'-6° MIN 3" MIN. J-_ COVER ER t 10" 90' MJ BEND - - 10' \ MIN. - } 155 10" GATE VALVE E 1 JOINT 10"~ FLANGE - 12%10" FLANGED X P.E. DIP (TYP REDUCER (TYP. - - BOTH SIDES) 150 5' BOTH SIDES) 150 12" SDR-9 CL-200 :BUTT FUSED FLANGED ED THRUST COLLAR SEE 4' MIN ADAPTER W/ SSTL I i DETAIL SHEET D3 (TYP. LAP JOINT FLANGE 0 BOTH SIDES) (TYP. BOTH SIDES) 12 SDR-9 CL-200 - 145 BUTT FUSED HDPE PIPE - 5' 140 I _ ' _ ~ ~ 23+00 24+00 25+00 26-I-00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) i SEAL SEA DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE M&c Fi E Nur9 ['&Mja4&CREED uu JOH T N "UN PI IA1J~ ' MCE PROJ. N 00358-0116 ulw DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: DRAIWNG NUMBER PAd+-VtI AV"Pf1AI 7 rr-~ne i 1 t'1pp D\lr C-OD C7 kA Alf\l DESIGNED CAT1MG 1°=50' 0-t r- A A 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 r-/-XO I UL/AT I VIN f SEAL t ~~+AREA ~ I v ~ 1 ~1 x~L- lvi^l11 CHECKED DMH Ll ICAL: Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILLS AREA aFryB,BCx Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax (919)233-8031 WASTEWATER TRA~MIJw .S AREA PROD. MGR. BFB =5 1 SWIFT CREEK RfAllglMfNi PER JOHNSTON CCUNtt 6/10/07 a 4 ° \N SMiSSiOrv SWIFT CREEK RD STATUS: R:IoN 1 RENSEO TO SHOW NEUSE PUFFER 5/14/07 IqTy „~t,~~gae+°~ AA0002667 EB0006691 REVAO R;ilnNS DATE Gfp'7 °1,y0 www.mckimcreed.corn FACILITIES IMPROVEMEN DVEMENTS STA 22+30 TO STA 31+00 L ,Yy t <'atf rti r e Y+ 50' 0 50' 100' a T +ntwtgAIR'~`L 1: r' 7} m 7 v i x k i f ar> t a t; v h45 q r' rf ! r Z 1 `A .a, ?3 t ! t r" ` is v 1 k 5 r r a u' t' ~t• td MEMO= , Nd~t C'g`}zrm Y n7 Jk` 'rl , ai L ('",z + ~ z t' r , , E ~ EQUALITY STATION „n„:r 5 ~ nt } E7t1Tt >y9+~ b5~g r ` i~ f r, 'rl f^y W=gr ^ ,d "Ii 9 f U tE,rty ;6 ' vz b t 1+rt t, ' rt r L g fk i if A 1 `'t xk,.F it.y4`''J,' t sz N7 3srk sly~}~ 4~*~',e~~ti' lf` ",i"'i A 1 srk ?r r cr d & 4 n ~ r l~ i` >s! t i'I ur 'i is ' A v 5 art tin r " .r v s d,3 q. f ,,5~. .i 5) Ii's'':4 is f~ du R.; TM. # att x- y 's rrSF1`{~S >'k '~sig ,t.`5 rr ~?r.. 4 "r. ry, ~iti'bh (:N$?, ;,a ,rc,4G~f rt ~'I'rr"a ,ral''"'`L,+~tM 52!rbf 13a p,3r if 'zb uitl! i'vl ~ANP7r~`~ 1W' 1^'' ~ ,~s; f,~ f' I , AHEAD STA. 22+30 C51 A M , ° ~ I r z J rig r, ',;y, y'~P gy, !('J1. s rfa~t~i r:;f {biz`" \ ) u f tdr na, I'~v gt r s € SCALE: 1°=50' (Horiz.) m; 4 1 r~ azvr , t 4 alt, n c ! t s.. s a Nllr T f awr~1~ 1+ i'T 'ff. y S s ~ :r'tvt f {7 ¢ •e'N"F`N" ~zG s x ~~,dpi"if :rrkl3s' i+"'6 sd~,: rM ~ 3 Ni~'tr ~ 44t 11 q!"U~r'~YY i7kt r!", ~ ~fi~E~'~~Y,' kJ~r~, } rrt~r id,- n,' ,,2.,7xt~;; ax~~r{ BACK STA. 27+73f (C506) r~ }{{tom kt~,1~~ ^ ~,h~~n~'t z z.., 4£ t w r ~t' ~ ru, b t3"S"'~art,,.,44,YV v ~x ~u u.. Gri a h 4E,'Ls. ! t e< 3rr ,n f r r1 is t ; tt'r'dr }i r t Isv 5 i a St ,t ,3rs t n`'iii taLrr~€I ??:'S{ft :f tl7 cx 1 r Y eSf at 14's~< i r',) ,.f t~~t n F sy'3r. 3Y.` { d,^+fl v" x ref rtYi t fl h. 4 a 7 ~ r, y 1 b3,~, ZY S t d 4 ~+fil' k..r qq71 d~ +ttitf' Y i'c'y L r' < f?r4yi'~e u, 5 r ? vF )n rS4E4 " i tf. a.t vf' } fyTt{y+ti'Wk S tv k rid"X r' ki ( ~ t Yr' F ~ "w*K i*Fn ~ '.7:. k+ a w ' . 3 V As r r n o t~ s Y+4 a n3g~ z r 1:,'~''ry itt 1 .`Y` aad7' r+x f;t3 4 ig nLdi'~y fl~r } h?~ifs 5^G.,~'(.af7 }xi~~ N '~{tii" r53 ' % r i t„9~r ('Y V f LY 9t fY,x: r r-a r t', tf + nab = t f ar 'r++ i ,~~4{ ssY k',} ~ 4... Yr ~ fa a 'Y ir`t 'r 1 Jaf y:A Jt 3 yt a r y suf ~r nF 1fµ y3µ1 1 n at~l ~i}~. 1W rx'. ^ y "t ~ .~Arf , j „Jt i4 ~ W $.L^ " i ~FF3 }t.; S ^~,Y YS V v +ti4A; ri 7 x'v s ?ahr L eft ~~,yy j i tl rd do- Urrt 1t !^t'i"9t s r~ +,aiitvutr+n}:,ar~"yu~p {~'3tq, ~y*. to9 tklV { u£ Ski ~,,,y t ~yz.,' (i~ r h 4 ult s.: ~ ~t 4 a5 I v !V , (kk... r sirV M {an7 a K. 2 t;;'t i; f S 3+(a( 3jd<;Y Sa 'r'z v C%'"' {VY, ~ w a o' ~wi y :'t : } u. . 4 M A rAvt itx S > Pu a~ is ~ y: to A bf a;k >r i rt (xa r_Ufivs ye}a try I'j. "Ltd iai ~4 if r yG a t 4 ~ x .r t t 's ~ z .:~u hN £ t! . _,EXISTING SEME,~T vi y ~f }4'Ap }s~ AVS!'SY 5Aµ sst Hn ,r 4(,x I ya'. 2# rY: ua r.?>, x s }4 Jr4 ~G r~ :4„ hxr t,~;.,i rv. ,u #~4 ~ f v v. ~ : yr$,. ` ,4 t ,ug„~}r, o~. rr ,^'d~le is t r~"n ci5; Y' n "i "wJ; f .,:~9:'", ;~.'Yn z`u~' }d .~tF ti~ 1l,"~`,: ~ ""n:y<r<," 9 ntitw, 5°4 nw(.~..~^. a 1 r"~>;tttpy, .r. 'xdaR,n th F{ #s,' y/V011\ 4+ ! r r $7 { it try t. Ms'at 5r ,rig: vhf ri EvG'ahy"?sfi f - it { r; t i;if ` ' r £l 1 snag l 1 ~ Y u , ,n a +.v...,.'{i. M°w ltl v}.. ~MC.."-r„ n ~k } i ~t : F m t's,~r t, k y"•yY ~,i:+ 7 } s ~ r ,k`ry"'~^w. a 4 t• r w ~ ;a Y s w } k" },dyft4,, ~'n~ , }~{s J ~ ~t f - ".COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND AIR f ~ ~t ~ ~ Pn ,~"J yp~ , ~ r`< \~~~Vr fl ri > ygx .i t J A ,f a ~v Sir ; NY ~l M S,t§ n vl v. `~yibrv :n„swd{ t it r< yt:' 4 i t ~t xaf~ 'rr A~~3 i3 §i rrt t ° n ~f Jt'f~`i~+l ic1 ~1 ff7 ~'Y't1 m¢ai{ 4 d,' , `;r, {h Ri ~3 Y 1 R4Pk f `4~ti '^y > 4 tl , r r gf4D~p q~ tj2 1nt~trbsy,{ nL l~`v xSY~~K~t ~i,t r ~(y d~`#Lk rc{fy}trrr ~„e..: ~,"87- WATER x ,sa §trg r ry E'v ,rn~ t~n(A n tax x~~'~"?i Ja"`;i't~Nt, + Y}~f"vP,. .~t"~ tr - ` ~J~, ~ b~ ~i ° *5 ~ ' £ ~ CENTERED IN MANHOLE (FIELD LOCATE AT { ~ ~ ~`~T t s ' r r t { s t ! Yt~ N~~'xs r f 'stay t ct~ r s m'i4 ar ~~'3 9~~ jf3 ry` a; dfKt { v'r't R t js. r e6 r r ~ ~ t r L sf v Yn , t ~ ~ ,r~ a S f N H r f 3 ,'t 3. rc ",rcdt}v=4~'~4t { rx~.PY{.a ^.a Xt i}L't i'S~ t ~Nd4~+.. ~;.u i t +V } Y ~r .~fw kr{,•' 7 vs-'~GS'f3~4a 171~rr'tl r{k kt~ yxr „ } r . Y ~ v N' , ter; 4 uv 1 1fi 1 Yy k1 4 " 4 xis + a fi d s e A3Y{{+~~'i ~b~" 3t`~k ik~t 't' 4 r '~"rttr t c~ ~ Y v} 4~yt'yUt try iaiS'h'ft,~'kfy{~I)5 ~9a" ~9u+skki !.Y t• J' e e? r~'v 1' 'dY"tU "'°urs~ ts"F d'Ui v~r n: e, r r ..g (,ie 3.: k" CU*a S,~sf' t)`sNt~b~}^. ,d aW +u w ro„ tf9e { r£Va^ „ 'r, ,U,~ ':`,.`suc?w''f-%." ""~,,;v,,,. dv" '$tr Td ai `~°1 ,..~Y,a'7 d} ~ 0.(r 'a ~',-rt~g iu' a4r{ ~ > c r •t~ r ntr vS:# tgfa Ix' P +1 rt r,a r iY ~A " +p . rr r~ y vsSriz Yr 1'tz jf xt a"M r~ ts~ ~''f~ ard~ rs"{° p, $,Y;a'" ' i' sv . . ~~a~„'~ ~'.t•`~y'~.,»±`.^"+~ , r sa 'u ,s NS', r T < a` {J^ } :N, t -,r ySI~+1r ru;. 4p`t ttr t"'~?+''xsx a r y~~ t 5 { J&S31 fi 1~$i k~,{ r i?} 1 n ;~y ^p 4 a ! .J ^ 1 k$''~'~ tCk'~, k 'rrx x. J 4 4; J ' j av'a,~ 'a sda^uJ r (`2" a,'i`.{ ~ lint, . ...""~,'.4,-`Y;Y a ~V"=} h ^r r n 5 2~ J'`;G„ ~~n r;, rr ~3",d'4ttu ttga~ f r s '(b.r } vYw v~ d r"? ~;r ,Y ik ~'~n' rr tr ra ~~i,°,'ir a~r`k 2 -r H 3 Au x rn"t"r'~ ~ t+3t'`~`r ma rtl r p 4 r; ~.s y s N u t't' dr't +K i3 tz r t i4 g_ ~ t f S~ 'i"V t r r~.r?l 4N ~~troth d r-tia CA(u ! "hI[`"`'+. 4 pyH t t t'iE"1 ~ iY y~,,,.. H ,i 't } S d ,f`~i, ru"u{~ ~ { s ~""~'G+°-.ar""a!U~ t s 5? J(+ i} ~n sM1 yy ;'P f iYj °a 1, b b` v ; ty ny ft s ? n.~ttt Sy~rFV xiL~L'spr..nr)lfrix"ta Ur crt'ftL:l+ft~, ~N}~iL1`?.~7Lfr ,~t~4x~,.' i3,. : g, ry¢ y i ~ } vtt . x: ~ s 'E ~s Da ilk c'^~ ;y ~ d ' k r r r h Y`ra i ~ ~ y'Ltih 3,i ~7 p1Li' f ui(fp~t5 G)[" ~rarh~'E ' v l~t~g lini~~ ~ T'. Yr f : tt ; 1r ' Si3 r a 7 ~~=u,+a5'y ~ a v ''r rya{ to i~$'t4a7~a~ z~ 4 > t a ~'r'' a r ~ to ~t ~ 5x r dt , z f fY,na jr ~~':t ` ry '4a+ t! t. Wyi.1~E~O~ ~a~~+$. r s °W2 iu, : e r iaS' . 'i n ,xt,S.v t?`ter o- u VEF Ai`7Np,~O~yyJw r•'i ~y rty~ }}1R a 3x '^rL, ".x'"njli'Y5? Y 'trr+ ' uh + +.µ`"5h , N+"y~' e{tV3r d3 d~~ ar4 <f ~ s 4~ w ...,.,y P X r i d Y 'g>vF ~i~v y~.5 . n fR R~~ A I'SG~C1 twna„ iL',x ' ~ < ~4ry` "~+,KS~zti v ~~%J ti~t~ r~ioYn ~i 14 iyr,+ifn Y2 i^vr 4 rH'ii rk r~1L~~6'~Yfrt z~rh~ tvr xl z ~ 1 rr 6f{ N-)~!.a ~'FN r .Fv .~Irr( rt r. n~ 'sJ3~n~J£`' ~~`"r : t;~(#;a 3£d5 s " b ~ x r m >y + : r, r. kF; ,t ~ 4 ak y ?'a A e rI $ ?'~'""S is. % ~ Y Rv„~~~ y>~ t r ,;k ~td,. , £aat va;;rl,u F; as f Y < Yd' ^ ~41 ~ { C Su h nri„tix tY ^aS r e~+,du'v ro t 5 ;t 'Y JiY'( Jf ,F rel rfu ~ r~y ~ u . t s ~b,{` fix. 4 ytF ~'~a`~ 'Sas} S s i ~ It 41, taat ¢TF th,., r aa. yi R t k ^ +'y}'1~" 4d f( ~ ~X y ~ ~~~r a bk r Nf n t N r{ f3 x tc ak~ 1'~ 414 ~"J ~ i H S' ~s tr ai+ r~~ r~ 4J~`•6 r. ,r ~ r } a r" v ki „x t~. , t n d an n'~ . Jrt , a?1 tt , ~ rfi.'ra'.°~ 7 " SS ( 1^h N~h~' n 41 Lrt1G`~} Nt , '"4 ~ ~"f.~ rf s r r{`e n rz~ d, s S f < x dN;r n }J'Y n m' ~iffw~~l ch'tslr i^r ~af~} r r r r ~.,,t is ix Ss f ~ tt ftt t d 1 tit ? Ar r tr h e ; ~i 1 t J , a ~ t 5,j r y u 3{ A { ~ ~ gM1 , tl , t r e? fc. 4 S N 4,* la fr y r,.yfs - ,r $g a r,r 4af A t Y t} 4 h t }.Yr v rt i~ ~ a gyi yy~~55 a 4GE v. ~ ~ v i +,x p i t~ d s'y'' r ~T'" ~{Cx k r z~ gr § t s„~4 *~irl t ~ Yr 4v i t i 4 f rc3 h~. N +i1i~ d.. r6mt tstrr e" ''t a? taf ~ +M r~;ir ~~{1 ILv~~~l, ~4~ i a , a 4Yt y At t ~ N. r t d o- t± cy ~ i ~ i kY,r rc a ~4' ~h 1'';~"z31~ r'Y a,,c r A41`fh tsr" rc tta a .4, ° ai~1~t,, rcCu: aitZ s"r:'n„,~ i« i {,t a. w}N 3? ~ }J a t if f i' as R 3*~t t n a4 4 Y r I ~ 8~ t yt, ~N w s { rf ;r. d i ~ y.t i ? J. ht t r: ~R u r Y1 r, ~ fF'C2 nr 4t i a ~5:.. v r{ iM''a bt rh~i4f r"izi tr r s y r s~ trt ay r 5 y ( S~ 1 5 } t5 )5 4 f ~ Y rf ~ i l; r ~ t ~ a ~J z , ~ ~ z ~S gt fr d v f ~ #;i, ppy"y('r'+n Am r,;.,; i9'q i I~ ?S k~'r S'~~' s s~ ss r, r Y ~ .x.,,° t Itk ; (4 ~n dyf,~y,~m+~i' f 4 '°rts x" "sr 5 i£" ,Y'"?r I+~3',tt, vX~t r t x 4 3+ r r r 5a~ 7 ,,}g y, " „ up+'`*t{y 1 4` y 5' tl vYd z5~ s,S~„; S`xk. }W ^ ^ a n4r va~w m~ti ' 9f1^ f ri,f,: Uy s stR Y t s.+,@j ?,xz f s r" }arytS+J' Y~ka> SQL J' 'Sm7r° r fi dttw ^ m~~~ i<;~ Pz Y~ q - Ct cei,"."dg~r f kt~ ~~rsi~ s:r ry ~ ^ , ~;.t z t Qh„~ i~ tt t kA I 4 -0t` ANkb~ Yr t f~'. ''"'4 ~ dAPy ,?r,'r r V. >z.' ':Mlj~ z' ! w. r ~t J e I ~)u t } 1. r w ti r c n ' ~r~f~r'.ak +~~f:J~L ~ ,,"r ~ ~t ,~y3~~i;•.w '~'rx}~i~}3 , f f .r ~1 t ;tt yd„ y S{{ t' '~a. ~ r ii t4 t*yr 4 a ,t rr .i,, ,,t~vfr,t ~t r. {i.. n' 3P 5,Je J r ra~ Y 6~ 4 t f ~ ; ~n i ; ~ t~ 10" PYC P RCE MAIN t + d zis 2 Ay vu`, a ;C "r. C } r ?s l1y ,v "`tY J r)r `n ' tjt zSK f `~g. r 5t r0. N + 'SS x t< s > d Ali ~ ~ ~~t~'o;~; t, 1 10"PYCFORCEMi41N~ { tk ',r~T`~a f tt 'y ^ 4 p of < , W yr3Ji ut r + r y 9tSn7uPiyYka"tY„'^ ^ry t ' J'' t{~, u., ~,'`Ui; r 3 z 4 a bi ; t Y rSr kFt Vir t. ~ °ti r i ~P+~ n :i' t `:r 7 ze £ I vY PJ a i^ , r Ni d+,v,1~ +'va'r,ry} .t„rv5~di d, t a'~t 4 ki art 5'r:t `'t :,x wfd * e i k{y r{ r""e~, ifsn a to F a'$sf { CX~" ".t'' `r ! Nt ^ A a„t S .h+ ,'ry x ~ y ~ s n~ ,nf l yr ' ~k >ik f _ ) r~~sii t3:fv i `ith A n ehF~+£i -0 ~n ~I S v, a P6n ' dK"1tl1'}rV ~ roa 2 4 J t S J 4 ,{V { ~ r t r 5~14`vAr~~' d y ,P s~ c h z+r~f','71( r CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO { ~ ~ t ty rc t THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. R.~ ftr ~i°y;` 4 Sr z< ,i.. Et a r o 'f x n U d i ~sa' a k rt e ~ 2 ! t f ~r 1z„ 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE Lea ~ A~ ~t } ~ t'sv frv ~ N. + Aar " f u b V rr r s a e ~ - f r'~ .I ~ ~i -2 t i n a' z ii rn tfj } p" AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES S~` r' a 4 ~ c v a i 4 ' Sb K?~ ar,, ~L ~ sLUizrai' t t "$i d t ft p C:? AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE t E t' }ta N+ r + } r~ t. r (T~ tt'r";L~"}tr UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE t Yy~ OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE }u '%J'?;t,. r :zrMtrxtiwws;£"" , r rs gyp` ' n`„' £Z, ; CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. I _ _ I WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING a_ I I I - NORTHING EASTING WETLAND FLAG ' WFFR1028 j 65 18' 2184561 FR1025 - - 190 _ - 190 658275,93' ' FR-1027 ' FR-1026 658277,94' -2-1 BA519,9J'- FR-1024 658311,50' 2184493,98' 2184512,46' FR-1020 4.51. 8451 FR-1022 185 - ' FR-1021 185 658351,26' 2184488,29' FR-1019 658370,75' 2184472.33' FR-1018 2184465,01' FR-1017 2184335.05' FR-1001 6586,39,86' 2184284,29' 658661,43' 218429702' FR-1003 - - EXI TING 8" - - - - - - - WA ER LINE 80._.__._-... 180 658618,03' 218429t9l' FR-1004 6 2184313,18' FR-1005 _ EXISTING GRADE ' FR-1006 558553 45' 658537.01' 2184316.11' FR-1007 6 2184326,84' FR-1008 175 175 658485 55' 2184337,74' FR-1009 ' FR-1010 -k 18' MIN. 658469,49' 2184371,85' FR-1011 ' FR-1012 _ 658494,55' 44 FR-1013 658474,137' 1 218 FR-1014 - 170 _ _ 44460 658457,77' 21844 7' FR-1015 - - 170 4 4.17' 21844 FR-1016 I I I i COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD LOCATE AT HIGH 165 - - 10" PVC FORCE MAIN - - r 16 POINT) I ~ t , I 160 - 160 f j 3'-6" MIN. I b . 55 - ( - - - - : i - - - 155 I (2) (2) 10" 22 5' - MJ BENS - CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL PIPE AT 0 150 - - - . - 1 ELEVATION REQUIRED TO AVOID A - - ANTI--SEEP COLLAR (TYP--OF 3) HIGH SPOT 150 SEE DE {AIL SHEET D _ I 1 ^ 7+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+0 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) 25+00 26+00 27+00 SEAL SEAL DATE: AUGUST 2007 SCALE ^&c vf~ eu+eeR 46 8 Ofd ~ M~ ~ A fzeFp APIA MqMM&CREED 4&~ PHASE I MCE PROJ. 0358-0116 C(~ I ~G DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: oanvrlNC euMt3eR I F JHSTON C( ' L~ e E! AQ'P f+l AVTl1 f*1 fl VYf1R I/ IF 1 r)" 0 \ It E-n0 E- A A A I P I DESIGNED CCG 1"=50' E 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 ' ~'Li11 uLm r I viv/ I u r vu r yr\tat® We~101 CHECKED JBFE3 LJICAL: 032293 j Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILLS Phone; (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WASTEWATER TRAM, MILLS AREA RTRANSMISSION CITATION LN. 2 EASEMENT RENSIONS 10/22/07 ryesee(''~q`* 6MFi CHEEK RD REALIGNMENT PER JOHNSTON COUNTY EMSION 8/10/07 ,~~ag!!a~yTRN\SS~ AA0002667 EB0006891 etv.NOE DESCRIPnONS oar 47/c/ 0 www.mckimcreed,com FACILITIES IMPROVE R N MP/ R®VEM ENTS STATUS: REVISION STA. 16+00 TO STA. 27+731: 2 A NOTE i `4'wxtt 4n rti ! r Is. t .a ut r 4' a ms4~f' rh`N w 31'7X:xra i r a w.s , > ~w dd" P 4 .,.4 z x t+y, i • x1 # }v r t r.. nI 3 mn e K.x "rr 'u ~YS', •y "v~'as'W t , • + r ,x tk knz t k ` r, , " r,~s1 r? t 9 ,+T. t }w , , r Wi a d,, f r rti~~ 4 J "nNr r v k , .S , t„,e z s §x,ck;; u t ny„ 4£ s v:: r,r pr". t +SL iy rr; UM1, s.,i+tr,,+,r +a ,?o .5 p'$`,rr 15 Ye a `,ti',. t„` ,t.t tut Fm,.. N a 3 •m, a#` yX, 1 r,:lxdl rt, M rX~* m4f~H„Y X°dva;, tv .mr#flw,,, , uN .:xr+rv ;f` mYx a t x w'' i > ;4 41 " 4S i Y £ dl § "r µ!r,+ .q.p r# a r , 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO a w' s ~~fr•kp~rgrar axier r ~j b rr} rX, „ tst ",V;"ak 'r$yy,,. S4r 3,,. rkir3y 1 t r rc" ,tx" y Y' r`b rrs 4i:{t, +r tt`'Sir,m ys,+"r r''4fi„`~ y. J +~a ~r kroixw"'@ #t 3kY ..X l st; '.;J t" v;""{#:" t m.,. iSt L. THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. f rJ < 9 ~ iv r Jt T'„wews4fW s#+aJ' x { xya # ? x~k s p S r m, rt Y F Yi j m ~ ss 1`5. x to r,. y 3, r q'`:#'t rgy,rvr„ 4Y ..iv'.„ "i ,4. ,:,i ~f ..xr. .li T 3 ~c.~: >rr >rari ra ~Y£l '.~{fit r o„' it Nti. ,Y'u ,~.ir S~ M l n,• , t,' ,.d ",ki r.;,.,;, tmgr "•$.S f r, ,al• aaa4, S a tix"{ ;nlY e n.h., Z$'r'S5 !u tint,.., tx m! R 4r r,.<S XFa,;zr „4,; , 1; , rss ,.rftrti r X P" 7I .4; S; r .y ))fi }j'~ k3"~ J„'r', ~ {z~,~ ? ft } t 4 i 1 h 4 '_:a„ ~ ,•-.ri .,:.;t, ,.x' , u + Y, „'3„t t ,,.e :ti,'4Y. Y, 4 d5, Sw e "ff xi i,y, nu... fztit~xm .!k ky,. .5 f ! 'r~~l 4 s"Yt ! k' 1,,. ~:4. e. i rkr~ 'rt "a, a : ;9 m Yrd b{ i 4~ t `?r"X .X'"ii #~y st rv tt, ~,raa ,,4 r"r ! ~ ~ 3. Jr , f ;era , / (x'n, xt,X„ ' b .r." .l v f1r) r ",s.o-+°'' t F 'st,.'3 k i,*;rr,"sm a;rjk r s z 5 r:.` z} ;R'.:., r:{ ~5r ',"t,t .Sa t, '++wv~+'rr' t . Y. J e n s e;r•.°:X . ,e t{i ; >f h4 tie ;.4 ,:?i. h ~ra wv rmv "x+ yrrs~ . ,S a ' r m EXISTING 16 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE WATER LINE AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING' m r' ` w'„ t $r „rS S ,r 3S , d<,s§?k,` .X a a Ya'r i. ¢ r,:.,r' aFt ,58A'ke 1k m r ea x 4J,'' UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES •x.C:~`~"` m`Y+ "'*r•+r,~, to rr '~$I>txr a 4 6.. A4 3 ! r r ~ i~ rP .k.,a~,~: t ",i§ r x 9 ~ z 3 ,r rv r 4 M 4~ t r 3';I,R{ m+f ¢ 5, 1 r r , ,ri 2 AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE s {$sry s~qx"''`` raS m„;4. a:S;~'~ YY'"xla #S:' tt ~uJ{r.. !'r r3r'm r ~r,<vr'x#ri. 1wr "''r .FY ti?rr,' `Al 4, S. "'1 °,•tti~'tY. ,"ta k s'i~Y,. ;y'ARxS'Y^~i4ifi kfr "Xsts % J;a,(tS F,:`s's... s ff~c` ?i':. ;iY+"„l i" t '^tf ri ~`+d^ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE n ~JS,3 {f ;yl 1: r ~ Y, x: r tiI Ft `3`ytiinY r r S 3„' ;~'r't {rPS, ~ 3. ~Saa# , ~s ' s$ u~~~rAx„ x,t f ,N,ti , ~ ' y,t ,4"r~r 4J $r xtxkri E ra :,aa x ra& k kr,Y> , 5;. a, ~ tr i l r r s r I 5J,; ~ ",,,~5' i'k;i t ~,t > ew S X'y ~k J d 1 c 8'k wv A s~ OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE? ~x"ATaL F„~~ `a t''a ;a > g r t r "R'"".4) ~ $ s +k n f"'. + r ~ ~ s» ? K ~rm6~ 4 5~r~ r ~ r :at ld~# 3 `i\ S,~t,Y ~R.,F "a i 5• 'Yr S s, 9Y+ t v:: i r,sA'" ~',?.~.rYw x tlt "'r wxrrk' ; ^,k~i it ru~~ n% ~ rrk}9Sw'4 r , r: rk 4 r.: r ,o {d+'~"~ "Y"9 ;a•~;. i `rb: +w" , r ~ " Lr, , 5~ EXISTING 15" CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE 110 m ~ r k•,kyy~~rv~~A rry ~1":.:'u,<S ~,,j ,U?& r t"a'',~w t&t'a'si iFl~k ~i~,rcm ~zS'1< i~ y, m,crt ~ F rr dyiF.s y„ ,"c~`~' xY> X r"^;q~3'4 y`~,Y~,, Ya>A~"at 4„ £ $ ' -0 Y Y ~ k f ~.,f #I r, ~ N d Wr~ar !a '~fr'9 ~ n ~;r SANITARY, OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SEWER ~(a Y" Tt ykf c4. ~ '~,J . g:„) Y~ fe(.' N, l 43'k5, rr o-lt~;+ ~c~: F vFY 's 5t k' "t'r3 i tk i t 'i 3 a2 k of » aY ' r 3k h Y r i {a to + v J "t~ 3r, y'Y"rP in a^>.r t 7 `i" ait 4t '1 yw~. ks, ,.Y rz •RtNSt 1,~w ' .Y. . Y ~h ,p d•,,i " M,tl v $r vw:t sdr , t i 1x'".. "•Y s a kYn' xa J, sIdi , 4 a ~r IF a ~w1 n, it 9. r rYt~"tt~' : ~S~y ?'It~yrr , Ll` 4 Ss S4Y~ ai + t°~4 { r ~ } @{tyy"~'i t ti: 4 ~ur y 9.r'~9" i~ s (i , A ' ' k tv >X, yy . a„ SY n 4 # y"r rs t Sri id r "'wA , f>t J a , x T t u 4 s i1 `rf w,~ f >u ijt a' r"',,~' ;bJ' Rim ,i s•: h a 'efY"# .rv tk'E r ft s d r S sx e'n ~*qk. .Y v 4 rrr rr a , i u k 1 s rx># J"s"";""{~ h" +ti "t.E t a .*.,,a„ Z,+ a i..'S3 TT j 2s ;,;x=,.,'. y x..aJ46rxtk4J1 rin s;" J .4r',, N4`s~'~ , rtf n r a~par.Yt lw i x., ,;#s +m'S~%r~4r,Y •4 ar#k k ~X ~s'I ~i~nikL s~ Fr`xr ri ,#i X",;''x~iH~n"•t a~+'.. ~r :rtm rrr " S n h rt kz~,t~~Xt"'iwr'S#;! t ) ;?'4 tax r'~ .:k~i, xrt { n 'tir74f rrt#y~~ # s rR tt .x; C y x4 v I' V `3 :Y 'r3 sd 'NMh„ u r 3 # , v . [ 3 r 4`J 36r ?t:v rw1 'tl Y J P ~'t s, r ,s r t a ss f r'!~:' r 4~~k,it'•7.`mL""'t 5''r1 uG',:t,~5} 6r a Nf',{v J`j r W w\ rr Sri kr h i, ~A14 ,et ,"'<s '1011 ,5' +"uWk: b, "..r t Xr. 1 ~ry " s"'+x~r %xror l"d 'f 3 r~' .r„a ;i'~r;+ YyiF r t i. `,w„.y ,fit h ^ ~f, pis, ' R uA: t b d. a ~ rya t~ ius a s", ~qs . 3xz7r [ n tixX.,is v~4~ xJ 3, Xti 3x 4`4v„,~yt'; isF rtrkf'$ I ~4'rir v ,Yr s, 3r, srx d r. x>.':a 'r5~ y+ r •,r 'a,; vr9, '•4 s+;; sh: rr a+'^ u,.c ,3~ sr ar`'Xi+w,vi5 u;kSis2 g'kx:; ~i h'„.,Xt fr X 54!"r1d r;a, kkf. ,S`. 'rrrt $ 1hdn.},.; OFF EDP (MIN)" TLii~ F ) H T,. r 'wrv' ! a xa w a :.v ,wmsnream,l~iw w+nnw,wm..amaai~m„m sr z raJ ~,3,~ a,'" F! y+Nr 2wr4 ,:i1,r`krY'''?.4 t +,t" ~N 4k' 4' '?.'.r sra'~•r a is~ t,k 4 'iii' E,: rna ;y, tY 2 nyn 'ir' yr sh rs:'ar' 4t r~a `#"tsrp y' ~r'iS rrt ,rt, 2``rt' ""o-.'e s r u`~ ~St st r EXISTING 12' m ¢ ker f JtTB"a y,4i d 1 xd kz1 r ,rJ 1, 1" #f Y.r Srr; #t{,,4$;~ # t at°x~ r Jxx~yu{ ) S.# t r r s r' h~ FORCE AIN VALVE 4 h t }ix m 0 r ~ $T} 0°~1 r r h„ ax' l ~?S~n~~~ t~~ r, fy,. r ,~>fd i • ~ „ y„3l..ry i4ti#t 411 -ran 4u~drl`um ysYDq~jd~~,i`r?N Srs rh, e. d ~"O rv~ ~r f ~~1 ,z ~ ~y~"'i p,. COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND " 4>T'1T+r ~f ACC ,k t?k3 4 m s fiS r /rx r{ rak3 4 J r ~ru, t~. t £ a s a r t~yr r: r 1~z T EXISTING"CREPE MYRTLES ~T01 t AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD DO NOT DIS"U01(FXPr}, . x, ux x F u t113ry~'x+'„~' mJr' :irr aaf J~s#* '3 r/Sa#v s.SaL :-.S 4,, < t ` Y mfr as„~s; LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) h s 4XNrhs, ~ b #r `C~i t < v xRq b~Ix t r ~ Y i5 t~~'~rf FS ~~s r Jr r .";y z x{ ~z'~'" ti ~r £"i z, t, N r t f N.nr b X r a Ej 4 ' r n'rra 5 ~t .r- u#~tlfrtm ~ : k:.M1r <~r ~~z.,; "~IXrtw ""a~w fol 20` OFF EDP (MINAIYMPVFCRCEIAIN a a ~ t?C; y {Po 4 fJ ,x 1+ yAJ° r , 3, 34 tul-l smt k Yt +r a 2 fi XY"e.~ tx, ro 7 r~r zh k „„U '{Ati " »"s s f h ; 4.,, .1~ ° k,'JS wr 41! v •ii:, sf rl ; s r i r1 s',FCe>,pr, , rh?, \r r st Jw5 'f~ rr~ nF CT31 PI ~x~z , e `S ya ~i .,25t ,w„ e y I w hr BRIDGE " ° EXISTING 1 A T'F FORCE 'M' IN 7 I ~ ~~a LI f ' "r ,+,n r (ems Y t Sx: tG / x "Srz ls,,, rvkA r, ~n? COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM '~4 yl'^ rfid" to a m , ' c, `Cl~'a ~ ,x r r NF v n ~ tti r AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD ?.1 r fir. a,',' 7 PH arr ~rr ' u 7A~,T~ON A// rfA r r v T AT HIGH POINT) NLAI f ~ r ' U' r m x v y mr y,,;,,, x ON P l . " ~ lx 4 4fi ~~~~y u D~ ar @~ k ~ ~ ~:~f~, sw s, s 3 rwi{~N x p 3 'l ly 5' + ,f v q rX, ) N~ L Y S rS( `S' t~t Y( rv * e ' v f L7€' i ~ r e t5~ m, s t 4 'm t x nY b" , , r , rrr' 'KK F ' t s s 1xJr# ~r + Y i" t "sF,x a r'e¢ a i, } `5 22~ ,:r°+' y}pri fir. ~'S , f+° ~r ~1 Y i E mtt n~AvSL° 4 art s# x{ , a4 4~5 #9~ #4<' X„Y^A a 4 a k, y t g4Ys , r a xt ?'xc F sr>.It \1) 2O' 22 cr,.:. ( - " ` s t t' yyr a Js 1 ' ~A MJ BEND ,Try y 2„4. ~ T ~ I xr ~ ~ (1) s- 4 ~ d ?x 7>i' a r rJ, « '+q rr 4(' 'r Y',.; 30 MJ BEND r7J+ , „ ,i' s rai r) ~J5,7iY 3 PfPti s a..., rt ws r fF sa~A rr a ^a: BEND ",y, V ' •.:t > r Yr .'i ~jl~~stE <k~ m 45 < 3#~r rP~s ~fl, n ~x, Ax ~ 'a ~'ggr r ' ~Yr rr rv,t'~ s s: t ,y ~ 1 tfr 'fi ;5; wi , AlMl i` z ,J', ~„Y, v iY- ,r' " ',<r ' 1 t 4rY.; t,. §wa9},uk 'X }Y: F4tc ^fi , X, 1141 kr4... £a'rr<`: r xt.Y ` r { s P"' J o 1 4 tJ Ktm, ' k{ ~Ltl "Y. rx , aA 4 v Irv 5~1A, (1) 201 {i ,n' it S r rmv (1) 20„ 46' fin,, 't,. T.ta,.. ~.r MJ BEI MJ BEND 50' 0 50' 100' immoommomm EXISTING 12" FORCE MAIN SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) 10' SEPARATION EXISTING 8" FORCE MAIN } sm S5'ps' / l k 140 40 4 a ~'!i t9k a 'k " 5 X c, .-I 1' rk L#t 'PE, 4AW J 4 r ~ it ~ ~ r00Y ,411 W11 r 5 r x f k S r,: r 135 - { - - _ I ' W, ?I t 35 20" 4S' - MJ BEND EXISTING 8" GATE VALVE AND _ 20" 6 VC FO E MAIN + r, p~v , ` u4 { J COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND - AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) 30 MAIR/VACUUM AND x ~xr~~tt r d r = , U J , , " r 3 5 ~ Y AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD - CONTRACTOR INSTALL FORCE INSTALL NCDOT CLA EXISTING 12 nt+"r~xf x _ NCDOT CLASS11 LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) - - - - - - - - SIP RAP (SIN, i$"_-1 MAIN AT ELEVATION REQUIRED (MIN, 18" DEPTH 4F`r„t GATE VALVE TO"-AVOID HIGH SPOT - - W/FABRIC); ENTIRE 1 t , kr ~ ?IC) ENTIRE WID~H " rc i g" OF DISTURBED AREA 125 104' SPECIA _ (URGED AREA, 25 20" 45' k Sx , ti 5' MIN. INTERIOR EXISTIP EXISTING GRADE MJ BENDEXISTING 12" EXISTING GRADE ATIN tt tr GATE VALVE - - - , - 20' 45' ~ I MJ _BEND -I CUT IN 24 x 20" TEE W/ 20" VALVE " 120 _ 20 + ;r EXISTING 12"x24" INCREASER 3' 6' MIN _ r?J4 SCALE= 1:20 EXISTING 24" 11.25' BEND AND COVER 20 221' 24" 22.5' BEND _ RJ BEND PERMANENT UTILITY EXISTING 24" 20" 11.25' 115 \ EASEMENT FORCE MAIN WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION RR 15 COORDINATES (NNE) FLAG DESCRIPTION RJ BEND N=642764,02 E=2192491.79 WF RR1 I NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO TEST PIT EX. 24" FORCE MAIN TO - - 20" 224' DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION, ALIGNMENT AND DEPTH PRIOR TO 110 204' 45' - j _ 2A" PVC FARCE FAIN _ C I _ 10 INSTALLING 20" FORCE MAIN. NOTIFY ENGINEER IF CHANGES WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION SS dD I ARE REQUIRED IN ALIGNMENT, FITTINGS OR DEPTH OF MJ BEND - - - RJ BEND PROPOSED 20" FORCE MAIN. COORDINATES (NEE) FLAG DESCRIPTION 10' _ N=642399.77 E=2192938.02 WE SSi (2) 20" 45- 45' ' RJ BENDS :NDS N=642373.61 E=2192933.90 WE SS2 105 CUT IN 24" x 20" TI 05 N=642336.15 E=2192911.56 WE SS3 24" x 20" TEE W/ 20" VAL' W/ 20" VALVE 5 - P FORCE MAIN 20"1 D.I RCE MAIN WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION TT 00 RESTRAINED JOINT JOINT i 00 COORDINATES (N.E) FLAG DESCRIPTION N=642223.76 E=2193285.05 WF TTi 0 N=642220.33 E=2193245.87 WF TT2 if N=642234.32 E=2193231.21 WF TT3 I N=642251.66 E=2193186.96 WF TT4 432+00 433+00 434+00 435+00 436+00 437+00 438+00 439+00 440+00 441+00 442+00 N=642259.72 E=2193177.34 WF TT5 N=642228.27 E=2193171.90 WF TT6 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert u SEAL SEAL DATE: MAY 2007 SCALE R 6 I MCE PROD. # 00358-0116 ~L1, DRAWN AMH tiORIZONTA~: 0 01 ygBy,~~r ~~e/Op e~ q~ ! 1 r ~1 e m F m IF 0r) 91 o It% cnonc AA A1KI DESIGNED CCG/CAT 1"=50' SEAL ; 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 EA+~T~~YT ~ L! F V I WI \ \-f L- IVI Y%I I \4 CHECKED DMH VERTICAL: U44 I Cs03283 Cary, North Carolina 27511 t a «a a roxeEMaNRAUaMErvrrROEASEMENT REwsions a/~~/R~ < Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WILSON'S MILL JAS MILLS AREA PROD. MGR. BFB 1°=5' "ER TRANSMISSION HIGHWAY 70 STATUS: REVISION 1 AEMSE0EiOT5N0N' NNff~BUF(YUNiS & LOANS COMMENTS DATED 7/3/07. 8/10/07 I P91n~ AA0002667 EB0006691 WASTEWATER T1 AA RE4,140, DESCRIPTIONS RATE p p~^y R I N www.mcl<imcreed.com FACILITIES IMPRV IMPROVEMENTS STA. 432+00 TO STA. 442+47:± 3 r a " ` t Er i n s x w v E Y t 1 t a Stl ~ 4a 3= EXISTING 16 WATER LINE x 127', a" x , s k Y° ~~tayt>4w' ~ i~ rt J T t' ' m k 4 s " tw"#A Y 4 t y 2 kM1' it s . wrf r tr xw ,z?ft 2s S4 ~Zr~ ~~r^St j Mme' 11+, s~ ' Y; x+r Yl j * wy T r z r t L y z x r S x# , xI < ;fiw F w a r & x r' z v 14 {u 2 4,» t~ ~ol,. -04 (1si S l µ b I, 1€t a`i, rat ' E`?gXl ' `a : , ; , Tt !i„ ' fr i s 1 t n x ill"ll ~"L rx riz akq,~t a$~ x„ hs , r ,2., f '1E1 Yi .?a Nztv..,N r x ? k 3N ; n '(K r J y r2R t q rR Mb i~ vbi?~w: Y f s Y ctt M1 1 1t t r ¶{x e ti rz; z c , a r f P i °ttw' 1;1.9 a2. as a s.t 4>; Aft t J i J t § ,+r# - S r rY1 ! ! ~ e) A^si w§$ ?Y (r:,, 4w §1 t3%s ,+~s f&" <:f 4~, z. r t 7fY'4 S'";1,2§ 2 , r £ f ^'"3Nt#rt i T > r +S;r ~ 3s v'r, r t2'~v z) rJ k i "'.!a>, H+ „asz. 1, r7iid ,a, zt` r.. ~uttt x s .tit. f "14 t t ,+'wl .g . Qt , x s 'sr n a t .,v it rod}Lz§d~C 1N~4}F( f t fk t%i, r ~ lr v>,f r ,y,:. LJI{Y #jY}°;v`1;'~; , r,„7a `t i ) w:t 23J rx ~ u > i t { N etgt J ; ~,i '1 ri ~J k mti'+~ f +t. ,4I 94~'"~~~°a fY at 3: a ,..{y b_a TF, it ~1aSnd fir, .J~1 .a.. :t 7 55MH yy„ ,,~x{{ F,r r13.F ( fi h"''l Sx I'M Sb , 5 S4 q:j f 1 33' .I jk ? III F 1 zY~4r l''wst t;s ew 3+~ r~. t, "t:!lt,,;~,f ~a1 ;is,.. l7' TLES TOP=123.33rw7twC.M" IY t ttt)..s Y! r,', ~{ra Ai; {R. d i t.r sr 4. IS S TURB ISTURB lN~!'IN1w'Mt9I`°"' 19 EQP r (C{,: / T # Y ,y 5 k k$ s t'a 4 ''t"-, 11 tJ x„rht!s+a',,y,tu e % ti i, ';t P S_?, u` }¢c';'` ~y .y ,v ~~ii .w~~ E~; iY 5 ''t~ ,S h~,rt,xdr?~~r,? r. . k.~ . fr",~" +f o d 1. 4b,#1v, 1.,.. , { d 1 S $ ,S 4 v T....r NV" IhI JG 11 7 "y YY yl~l .r ) .,1,v J1 k tY, Y $3Y2~J t{' fti?rL4 ,•~.YhY ~),j 7"P `t3 h3 b r~' x??}E 14'fY' 'A'ytW,w'~( ua> 3 a A rv. S9"~;S ss i . ..k a`Y~ {1 t ;°3t ~r:r . ~iA 'a 'aa6 fish !)a ,r 1 a',. g~f.~`.i W. h i YC; 4',r fii ,4v t ! f kv7 n. d. vih 3 t'", . s ; srw+ a VMS eiiy{,51 # f)4~ 4*:*k'i^rxt~Y".t7fi ` 3 ~*'F# 4 RrY J~ ~ ~ ' v, of fly} a t.. s ,P ? t T 2 i 121.1 #k +i (s t 1 . s ! ix dr a v '.+e•, x' ~i d- h4f ng pit ' L..... qt! ~ U 1++W~pl+i 13~ s e ,l.:v ~ n it i~ si .4:, tF r d.. ~ 4t rya:.£ s v ,„Sg .a S ; +Y c.~FS~ 3 str A.b . Y 3 ~ ragd , t a Y, n alas s. Y :~»F$a` he aa. imw F,n.a r d v J~S)4#~. S,x s • a ''`~~"'1''~'`~ > ; ~ ~ Y ~ ?t ~ 'y t4 ~,i~+~'~ } x1" r a K 1 A aitF~ 'a AIV, x ~ i [iv d >'a ry 3 k" i tfr r S >4`a 4'- y r a a y s s. ~5 aY1 4 y}y!"i( }t? , j.. 'M Nn:: " 4 r $3 4 J Y 1.a A S i" A, l S Y.a~` ~y zz ANUMXI' i." ; . fa!, aO; ~k,~r4;. >,•a.; ? } (£i :'e, e k~ ; ,i „b, mill ,.3+,ar Y.. ~?ai J a ~f a , } N tt s~+„:i ag is s d'x+tr. . WERE < n 3 x C>RA 6 x. 4.,ys. + tx r +''~3tt Sr ra a rv' +;„s4}` POINT FM 9Ow, ~vOGt aL VrsP,,,, r:, f 3 A '}5 ,tl 2 . ~ F °~flttygzi tt i. sf t r .FaAra . , `4i,~fl'`rr ...:a«, a 3 tl,, ,tx;.. S141 r fat r: a1s}£,y?a r+:. POINTFM 5,:. okotl, a,a,6Y*.<t ,a,r w~tu re 1~rs Paz .r t!,.,',t,i u"s", y;, 'f& s.' ,,°t r^. FM 2 YiA~{•>a t> v'+±' r J, k .i A, F s.; 4 Yt? flv".. .i is £14 ,ex, l f E ',t a , d k a %`ve ; ~ ><?~v'MFI , ~ l~ d ~ 1 Th ~ ) s e ~ ~.1""" 4 wa #3}, uF,{ 2 L. y'~x, ,#,;,r(4 y ,.1 4: J'Oz _ P < w ifi t), Y JyywWyr # ~'."Yrt #f Y"" tr t' L. s'-,. .i !tf;!bf,F , s a3,,. 3 r > yl... rr 3 x nX 1 t#z i."r i'r w" r , f ~ yy~~~[9C~lJ {{;;~~y~~MM~ NO 20" 45 r . M ~ Ott 1 .:<t i i .,:a3 r. Ott s nG , s 1 ~_..r r r iY1 .'..•a. rc at , ~e 75. },1~~t) P, ,1 sa ~ < i 79 x 3> 'A'(v rd vt `lF4 " ° 16.45` c4f ~r,<, .k' 4` 'iW' 1 j Y, t2 :fir 3'>t } z ^t s.:,, Y L i r, ~k ; 'f"h~:. S tJ 1'. { , a, a r r.,... r s } ~ t ' S° P" f r, ~y S~J°BEN 1540 E'7iS w 'G11RF MAIN i»~+;•,11." ta a I~ fiY h. sty N o-r r ? ±d~ }C 9~p`s';'1'° »^rv'Y J(F s~ w S s r12 r., r 2 4wsw c s5 '.SANIT V ~`R~ r1r 2 r r N',1: 2 ~ r ~7 iL~sd HyS1 Y v`m# z3 r v~ ~ w+,~ 5 p ° r rs t, s, x~ f t s ~ ~dn',~:dr~. s { +#;~)l s }#M1O ;tr rd r# r fie+~'si9 Y r r z ,a, x, t ? ti r. ~ap i si sii3r;' r " „ ' e, hf~.~~x ~ s~' E"~'t nti., r S~ 4,1{ 11 a>4r~: AI»~ kY9,7.~'1"(~ ~ LAJ g+ ~ J '~ti ~r4~5~~ r I h +w s z; 6 ,P ,3 r iaf'g,l t,r A.. =5 4. ~..N a"1(~b m"az{+..„d~y ` ~ ' t{- $t .,`ss i z ,J ! fyr ~r tv~"'721;J' t vT2,. , ~~~~i ~i+ ~ ry..~ 1 r Sr„„ I, d'., s k j» ° a r s s y rt q3. y7~F$1Tt ,zra i x, a i at +d.. 1 2 N # ` v r uip tiv ~ N. n(,9 y , t + Yln, t-5 3 to Ty~'Lr afh'i,',~fir°.pyatr, t` t%41n`i~ h+4"' a i J ; b r 1 r i { 1 x44 J ,r r'," i , v 2§7 r J .r 2 " xr' Y~+g; l "ry. t ~ 'ss r:59y s~ ~ir dr z x t r', t2 ff + FY ,j3z t rL z j<y,, s rv i + d43 q ,1 y"f~ ,u''i s3 3.- .e, v yr nP. t o<° x £ . ,v,", 3 S 0 ~tJ f. *t1F r{iy P 1.yxt , 11 Yh dj'< 7 f~6t'' §f '"«i ~ r ~ k ~ h" r ~z'y L is t rv :gx' n s NO Tk ` t Y v ;2##y~ ~ a y'..r r~ s z Y 4v p~afi ~ n d f!z it r s " Y 4l " e ,?fhnr~~U,~~ 7r ga.. 1, '1 s:., .--.5tp i ?r-~`"'„ t, . .w,~,*". v. .a.. it! `lr,=. ,h'~ =lug 4;# f~t'.t s"+, {<4v t, t ~ is ?t~, r,~Y ~.~~.v~ L 1"~.~~.ap~ e `,rw#"14 ) ¢ ft T+ l ,T t YStL a~ Y, z,, y. f' .21JYd •t ,T ',r r, ` ~•vi { ! t, dnS; ,,w r .vt `~1sF 3 to } 4. .rJ s,tY~w„w Y tt C)Yr';"z''1k d)i x;5r F Pt rira }vya. Y ,br r ~a t }a,Y, 3 ,,:.ti 1 r,?, / L i'oL~''~ •:L' u w N71 i x,rrq v f 6 r ,';e tvw`)'widi' fi'^`tt#y t r t # , it..r.., t v x t s~ ; , x fl s r Kv nu2yFn r ; ~ }q 1 ~.,q rw ::k r „t,~ 3 s e s, ,.u, u~`)r, rA~ v `v~~}yw rn4 kr r a 2 r r,t sx2 {.J`i,h ,n:~v r ,ii;Y) xryz~ is.)d*f xr?`,' (U rtYar! hg Ysi YL P ~w a> „rr' r ` , e" 1d a , s x,;. 3M e r?:; b~ r"t"44 j1?iY 14x i' l~nsk P d s..:' d 2 ~M1 t a ,3 lzt, t Y ujil x,,w+#,y ~ 3r { r ~~7srxiL~`"kt iTt hI~#',,ir v S ~ t, } ~„t,, Y~r(.`S~}F, ~ 3rF3'..i 2 ~j K~~ tY .f, 5f} i JrY'~ 2 < j t ~ ..~d ~~la (5 w"' 2S r J ~ rF'3 ) 'i~r ;b , itj4'rt erYk tY 4h,} 23t~3 }"k, iy ~ 'is~ n P 1. b~ L 1 tPtrr f fz y t irf~";~ a„s it ~i}' r r,x', , , y ~ , x, o"f ~~x ~#p'$f^{y~:xY'i u' Y~`,t .,.4, .,.q `t Y f 1 § wX3yr,L.i~7Xx'Ytstp tg.~ "w t~`2 n~ Yr, sft ,ry ~wri nu {F .'st>4j{!"' ifi),:;,,?r, Te "x, .2;".> Y r7 dizx Yhy MS tLn,, Y k'i,p ylx"., ! Yl,t r L t~~ a,h~r #s1ST ~q 'f'r 4 vJ ?n r .w '{'i.::. ;4 ti ef, tt„3,~1 to 7A.i. r{tt F'~„w".," LI/ P tri a~:3aV , a3 t "'S§ r i 2 .:'s vt eY :j 1sy .T., r bx Ii xF, x b' st NT,vp 2~xt qtr., s v xr.,:.. +`y~,r~ r r1YL'r ty 2 i r)'Yq, r s{(.+ y?ty i, !t. to X ~ k S) 1 { ~ t "~~,r-:^S ayLF a vt e~x 1, rt 7.. rxX', .qi J 'srvt, T~ ~.3, s > /Y 2 sh xl;.'} payt1Ei ry 4"z „ ,~Ww i i „nr rt„' is_ :'i :'YS ,{a utfalA c a aEi ,ryt<:. tilt sE,{ rr ti, , 1'+ °4 `tafa.. r q , E ;*:a~, aE. i i,. >3 {y r r u a}a#fl~ +s"va('}', , fin'*. MYai} sE' F at{~ a~ % a 1'x^aI 4 lo- ate 1 S 1 9 1;t Fk f' , f1 R k`S 1'"' ' g Ss; 4 f tp+ sr2 rr`xuu`.: t tC a% r wY Y 9 ~s ) Y z ,3, f s ru w'iy; ;vCssk + ~dyd>l o, (ft ~"x i w w ~;s "Yt ~°t4 n ~r , IT aS Ord T tYk TT Y"jx7 '"',4 8+wr~ x# t,1.v r1T+fy si j ;.,{;h f 1 r fl 1 Nv ~K b fP, 1 JR m S s x vs i 2 ~ ; Noll" do 1 r_..ah e r+ 4; it r Jp _ . § i ; d -n ti 1ti' ~ - . ~ r,.`~ 5.', 17'"~ ~ e aVt 5~~ t ~`'„srtro iz t .r~ a ~ 114 skv', X,~y,r a {j7 3 ,y 1#+y tL~,2~ a d e J .r{u e i Ft 7 i 1 r z} F u2 ;±.ywr. r+L ~r w T t ~h F T t t t ~ r Ss>"~ t d e ~ e i y M ~in8 ~ tN ~91~n Sy- r ^."3. r iY 2 <t, k k} v. u ci 3 n ~ 7„ a Lr hsk ! ;L2 , npr11„tk i~ v~" sCi f~' ~r i, xS~w i.. x..,3 I .k.a ;t, , Jz iNi YARD INLET „ OPEN ~.,~Np iY o CU 3 ; , : ,.I,,~t+r +.3te 1t ,a. :+BMMEN, y}~ alt S t , e' 1 sf G }to- r - yt, F3S~'e yt b s 3s stF. . r 2r' 7 id>iLt`4 ,{ap {x MDU Ta d rj i.., ' w t, TEGTON (SEE XM y, "trl., k.`ra "st v: POINT FM 3 f' pd s< 'tt r W's.. 4 a$af 4a r.f u. b h F~. rr y,#L"*w lg, rt $YYU aye rv rdw ~ s ti# x~~ N ~y DETAIL SHEET D4) u~ 33 , , .POINT FM 4 400 LF OF 20" DUCTILEIRON PIPE ro T~a~! ,r l IS x a+ " ~,.d " "-4, U' WITH NBR GASKETS (SEE NOTE 3) c EXISTING 4 L en W I 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO FORCE MAIN POINT TABLE 50' 0 50' '100' THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. COOF COORDINATES (N El POINT DESCRIPTION 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE N=64351 SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING N=643514,16, E=2191118.74 FM i N=64345 N=643454.79, E=2191221.52 FM 2 WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION RR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE N=643381 N=643388.94, E=2191311.62 FM 3 COORDINATES (N,EI FLAG DESCRIPTIO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE N=64333( N=642741.97, E=2192458.30 WF RR2 OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE N=643330.55, E=2191437.20 FM 4 N N=643311,94, E=2191491.64 FM 5 / CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILLLNOQTpRC~O~NCSI~D~EaR~REQUEST ~FONR~ADDITIION7ANLF COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE N=643311 2'~%l'° `'"ri'y ! ~E'1~ eW~ .0'~ ~P"`' y ~^v ~^e ` 1^e~ N=64326; N=643262.39, E=2191636.06 FM 6 3. POTENTIAL SOIL CONTAMINATION WITH PETROLEUM PRODUCTS IS SUSPECTED BETWEEN STATIONS 418+50 AND 422+50. THE ENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE OR THE COUNTY'S FIELD REPRESENTATIVE WILL MAKE THE 45 DETERMINATION DURING CONSTRUCTION IF DUCTILE IRON PIPE WITH NBR GASKETS 1S REQUIRED IN THIS AREA 145 i 140 140 I - I I~ 1 135 . , _ 135 I I - 130 EXISTING 4" - - - - - - - -4 - WATER LINE - - 30 CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FORCE MAIN AT ELEVATION REQUIRED TO 20" PVC FORCE MAIN CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FORCE MAIN AT EXISTING l i AVOID HIGH SPOT j 36° RCP EXISTING r-- ELEVATION REQUIRED TO AVOID HIGH EXISTING GROUND SPOT 125':°h--_°"1'"'S i _ I 125 L - ~ - - ~ ~ ~ EXISTlNO 3 -6' - 15' RCP - MIN, 24" MIN, COVER - L. 120 - _ _ _ I - - - - 120 - i 24" MIN. -i - a - - - 24" MIN 24" MIN. 20" 11 MJ' BEND 115 MJ BEND 10 2D BENDS 45' BENDS - I. - MJBEND I 0" - 115 20 11' 400 LF ITH NBRFGASKEDTSCTSEEI OTEPIPE _ 20" 41 20" 45' MJ BENDS W BENDS 110 I -A -A 110 5 ~ t I I I } ~ I Q 105 . 1 _ . _ r l _ 105 I- I I j ! I i _ I 5 416+00 417+00 418+00 419+00 420+00 421+00 422+00 423+00 424+00 425+00 42 426+00 4274-00 428+00 429+00 430+00 431+00 432+00 SCALE; 1"=5' (Vert.) SEAL SEAL DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE M&C FILE NUMBER - GAS A~aa DRAWING NUMBER • s ; ° p P uREED PHASE I DRAPROD. 0035$-0116 CU74 DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: , F444kA.-~~ I F JOHNSTO'N t [=A~OZT ri AVTn ('_i AVTr Nl/ e)n" InxI % i'n ! rNr- kAAIAI NFSI(;NFn CCC/CAT 1-50 <"4' `~'>6Y i va aw o wvi a ~ e w SEAL 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 WILSON'S MILLS CHECKED OMH LVERTICAIJ 3 MILLS AREA 032293 e Cary, North Carolina 27511 ° tifi ~a ;.JA Phone: (919)233-809L Fax: (919)233-8031 PROD. MGR. =5' 2 FORCENAIN REALIGNMENT AND EASEMENT RENSION 10/22/07 "P y~G~Nb WASTEWATER TRANS .R TRANSMISSION IG-IWAY 70 i RESPONSE 70 CONSTRUCTION GRANTS N LOANS COMMENTS DATED 7/3/07 8/10/07 ~Bp- R a}..... AA0002667 E80006691 IMPROVEMENTS I- STATUS: REVISION REV,NO. DESCRIPTIONS DATE P liB<~ FACILITIES IMPROVI a,9 I N ~ ~ www.mckimcreed.com STA. 416+00 TO STA. 432+00 2 NOTES: WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION S 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILIT 20UND UTILITIES PRIOR TO - COORDINATES (N E1 FLAG DESCRIPTIO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. N N=647349.592 E=2189205.621 WF S1 TT fr 5T4u wA. 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION INFORMATION MADE „ 11,r 29 „TMTY # T' T AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION 15 NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL iIVE OF ALL EXISTING m. k 'y" J a 4s 4 x N=647355.532 E=2189212.022 WF S2 w'T"af` r, r 3 xld i „ ys UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERL )NAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES aw,a•.. 5 'a „ ' N=647330:407 E=2189221.352 WF S3 TP } t ~L a T a f AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT TI- SED THAT THEY Y t ±,~qt g+ {s 4 i r L iO~ I'I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION N=647313.542 E=2189208.652 WF 54 r OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES AIR, JSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE " CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO 'URTENANCES TO MINIMIZES FF.. OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS x V LION DUE TO THE PRESENCE Zwl 4 .fi d'i. 'i:;: J° ?.I ; }k 3 t u , +k >p ?r+uiH, 4 x6e Y 7r N'"S' t 4 x, tiU'+F"~`t#ljt..Ax ~?"f t A'a>2~Y s lrwe } .N,1aI, r ,a > d, ' 4i', i, hroKt' . 1{ ,u ;;a. t~„ttrJr yf t', 1y `+ixrt ri rE+SSi~"~a'.i",r„ ;i ? is S. f;'. i`, t d r r ~ YflM Y } ~ Y G ~5 4 17 ~ .i ESL z} qkA'„';. } ,A e, I)1R>irs ~f~ 1!! t L,v,L! a y ~ to=' v,", ~ ,.k t,., it , r~7`!"r,ko- rflr, A r:,t 3 l+,r~ Y;~, 1tvr`a{5 tt a,+~Y;!§ r} .s*,v t`~~}. 04 .,;;r, :.i - 1mrs+d{ ws:u,~s'nar>«+rc'ra~ka,asmzcsernat;rxts;,~uanh, axasu •m.• iwu u! " ° .C ~ ~ ,~i,,, 7y :;o-'~ }+~t 'rn{~~,Llr i'! .u y~+r t• "F~u,} ~v„ ink. ~~t~l`~A~', ~?s. ' Lr '!,>,t' e Iss 1F f " } ~ ~~t~~ ~ i., u,y~ i~ . ! ° ,..r,F zt~h lx~;?~~i,4 ~+ie ,~:,ki~; tr, "kpN , z{!t u f a utdf #.5;: ~t'u''s,'', > x R '~.~!Wa4SM4taCiF,b£»kxiS IIk t 5 S>>,~ i~ ,P~., vRd 1 ,C~`£k7 t~i syu 411 r 0 4~1 t yp 4 e)~ 1 t' 74 ;R'v':~'+i' OF ',k f s?. i"- ' ,a ~y lsy,, r.>nz 7 tt~? Sr' Aaa.3}517xstie, ni5~?YX p:'y'~`l„~. k'l, drts.J,. ,r , Ia ,fl' a.x,ta rcr }:t rd6 b? ! V; ' 6 x ,.:.>i.n., ~ q"c :9 h: tt, 6 .~'"^?.¢a5 Ff,' . Y ,.t r,. >q~n.,.,'.t i!, t~ 1~ i e i'Ltt fu, ,n w;~ °(fN3 ,r, 4 1 ~~.~aS a.. ~ a. ti 1 x. !k e,,.. l~wy, n tq T~, b IT gU1`t..~ a3 v£ :.t i ,,y v ~ qt, J Y 1 T f ~r ~ Y M~F3 } 1 ,G",,. a' n C;.n..... k, „iv ~ i'"@fi . > , :r i x AJ L7~ ~~@^<s, ~sr a, xtl~_.+n~. s?r"u „i t,i~ ~c tt x ~~c rEr -4 srf , i , ar t ,kn,,.;>s~f~,' ,>u ; al. :.a, .v.ln t Y;. p,4 N1 !r sa >f, ;L, dr> it` ci;}et, ~v n I <,."t n.. r'`'! ,frf ~}~}'~j ; _..u~ .t4>.;~ ~ r ,.ro 4 .ap,f'^YN1. ti ~J~~r%Si~£~2i~4 }+ig tlf'rr rrrrfi~ J~, 1s d1i,r 7Rftr'¢!4_~, ~v1~ r~,, t ;,..r.. ! J,~ j¢h(> v, Anr n !o''i s r, }'S ar ;.t ,ii:,,:., f,,P"i. 3., !}t kek.~ . _ x ,fr k ni! ~'"'k W i }i ! t.> s { s i e zr 4ti sir r "xp"Y'j+ 4'25 rt. f `?A r 1;1 _ PC f 1 } . s a r 4?tl. Y $ 4IDl i`4} , w , d f t Yf,J{,,,>^~` ti'r; },:,i ? i Ar ,1 s h i'&.. n .x.. 3, r „ i s,7t . t, u o ,s:.. 9fl s5 MY,; ~ ~ ...a , ~ , .,t i a .,7 tt , fi}n <,.i,r,€lxtsa tf„ ak n :N~I tiF i ' .v , r Y It~ fi L s ;kj'YarKa`'r", ih1 n I. 1 111 $ .._'E ,s'^,, ,.Y. .,a a$.:,.} ,6 )!r rt rt,l 1 b td}."~?, 9 nf9-.i. v .,,u .:<>,i ~ i1 clf »r, ag i ~ r,v 1,>: J ?,i r' ~llrta "?Str J 1 A--Cet ~ , t't 4t 4 i t;S > , Yik .mrik i>, r ;;f f ?s n ' t u. il SN n' >t ka ,r,u,..,wsi, :>r t~, -"k' "s+ f -;•k., aA: ,nm~ aa` N' w ,r„ ~L .x,„x kti ,Yr :-F , b'A.M.;,Y 3'I'lan~(lu'r 4P/r• , ~ 5? e1 ~ ,c. 'o y Ys y ~ .v+ro5 .fk i l! ~12 dC?"Fi,~ d 'c"_ ~ N'. § , r' t ~~e ~A v tU~' 'ori . 'x~ y',. , ~ ht Ir +ls 1f~, r, ;iF t ? t.,., ? } m PA`.f; + ,v,{ ~~''~~y, r a r I ! } A. A4 w~ ,s b, K~'~" r F£h L rtih sf{tl,{NSwiaaq~y r ' O s 1 k~ ~ ~ q}e y. 4V' fF ~ > } t},; : ? ~ ! ~ S.i 1 ~ Y ~ E ( ,i 'rv~" , t±;j~SJ ~~i', P i' ;ar t: t ;I s ! a}, a! Nt'~: l.::r ! ss; p,. i, A v~,rk3,,..lyt n i , i, 7 , Y s£lS 4 r. Nq id rp r ,Ji` .r S'f ¢ Y I`u ,'1~}rw~~ '4 YU( hYt a f ~q ty. y m} 7 ,41~N1. 1..5.x} P ,4 rr, f.l.: x}! e}oi f l 'ja~V ! e a! 1 4 P 1, 'i; l 4 C i t e6 s, £ fi~h''fr gr' f > ~S,"ya7'k!,H4 Ma}f ,i>;,,:#~N'~, r~`a')aS4t..,>~?,f k att ~ A.nY ~,:a;, u . ~Aet +vr,+..vrt fr tt,, ush,pm u55 ~v~1a~gta? A t1kMk 1 9,!„,, I . Y t1'~'6, EXISTING f3s4~, ~t „ , . 1},L 41 30 ~ ~h` yy k ? .Y.,`' , s~`'.'. !1';`i w~;,b~ !!u} fi`"}~~(~' } ~,t lin ttt-0 ~ in ,~>Y5i N' kf 4,_ it ' nY,n' ~k'}.{ f w, EXISri w)=1 SAi~ARY SEWER IN OUT(N41 88' WATER LINE- EXIS'T(IO~,,., CONTRACTOR ,`>;tr , c > - 1 .co.`t,;v a1 z F 4h !a a. a } f n Yf, } F 1 ' TO LIMIT ~11STUR$ANCE ATER, t w CORRIDOR TO 15" WIDE (MEASURED ~ ~ SsMN 1~ FtC ( IDATB pD ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE) WITHIN IV,(-`T 999 ,,'n: J YY y ~ f ..1 V1 ~'$13:,7r i{ y Y..enVis ,.<3l .,'mot, 5.1 $ fv~N,. its 9(Y. 44 h4i ik4I`Y1Mi~ LO NEUSE BUFFER>AN ,,ST, A a ~f =1 k r,:. ~rnu"}., rtit .,t.a, ! = rf!! aoUY(NW) 7 d$J t D ...o-E,t.M B p Io' a;. >9' ;,.o t 9 S.UM'Fk=.t nvt ri , :Vr,.+r,.,xrc +Nu t~ a SS, x2 I CC}MBINATION AIR/VAC#JU AEI 4 . , , , t~ (SL}-146 57 r ~£8m .m at?+Aer. Aaxrcla!N'W3' NS4!!+a?`'fifi'kNi 2k. rp' ,'5t EOP"~t' s- lAf,?"'r"i ,{t, ;'r ;a': 1l~,`„> .,LISTING` ht, 1 j~.jq~py IN OUT(N,W) 146,84';, ~ ; r W WAIt'I< LIN11i zx 1 4 WpktF'i1W A,T 1'A!?OIITt arc? Ysw!M rP i. r: rlta , 2V PVC . , EXISTING 8" WA1EwlOk tin,"k )s ~ </'4 n U -0k+Y yr yy ;FO E MAIN ARV . +s * k 3 WATER LINE i p Z 360400 * k>~`. + 2T'R !13 EO 365+C10 W + e rt} v~ e i a 13' EOP T, w70+Clt~Y ~S, If 4-- 15 FCP_6 8'RCP+ ~,llv.... { G~J 1- E _ w r , t - - m, I + , - ,-o N~» x&an 6'~~~r waw • ~ K mws a", dm ; ~ {'~iA ~ wa v6y .yau . iixw , { +w4>r ~ ~,g ~ ) ~ , { y s In, ~v D/W " .;w I CANC O~W + t v! , S x # ut L-'}gs 4, 5„ S}nt ! Y 3' Ljj ~C (2) 20 224' MJ BENDS N N r I?A ' T U a D 4 ,4} ,'l~1T*JU{~z1t gf~ r ,L V- f rt4 ln, D t k s 1Y;, f (4)` 45 MU, BS= +~;=s of ' ! , . fit L >A } t 1 F c E 1 9 t t z h r r ~"i'M }~;~~r'y~ sn~~` r , £ r.' C% p 0 ~ e Q ~ ~ 7 ~ £ it ~ x n £,a@,~ ~ 3 a• `stn+~' k'~ ~Y r"'`'~„~.+ ~ 1 i, V g,'ve a ~ u~ k N CUT ,h, ! ?Yt ! r, r , M1 J , +=}rs tJ iw~ , a $4 H 'IN e*,.",, s: 1+d , ! ! 4i } rrr l~.r + dGp4,a; rr' +<v , { u e ` + >f s to rvt s sc ,,2 , , & r !'s r S r4k + ~~N CUT 1a, a t ?r k`. W VI ~ 5 . t, SU} lA t i 'n ,.rV V f {7 tt ~ t ~4 # . { ~ ~ Sn i ?a ~a Vg's t„2; O x'r } ,r r= r„? N C t (2) 20" 22 f" p1u ,u,r r V?s v u r~h1 J I" e tt ,i at+d 1 t l r " 'kx , i? a 4s",xt f k,r tI „i;'' N !A l~~5ti rrlT ' a,A COMBINATION AI M A NSTALL 40 LF` 20" D.I. S 1 t~l a.. ,w {'v,1"„4 $5'r}, >.;,r Y'k 4` i^ ~p(fx AIR RE (FIFE i : 1. + PIPE CENTERED UNDER t :t :i .eT0.RD INLET' ) + tt GA IEA 7s $x~qz ~drv m,Y 1t i 3k. ' r i at SSMH ur,? a s } fi 4iz C'r' u" , i , Ii 1 'N lrt t~)rzm,kl LOG G 'POINTS EXISTING DITC AI (t f!` ' " , ,IS RIP t. ap t . 4 ( i1,,k? f St t Ct 4 , h~ ~ .E f S k f PW2+.' + k~ ~ W!, k )s',. l~bkitl, t ~~'fS' `gyp rf+Yi ~$ar~ii~"a S d„' w , 1 ors TECTION (Tl) TOP 156;99' SEE CROSSIN L ,W 2 ,r ii t~ n v - ' r r? E DET, L 5~~- .011?. +y y ; 1 £}ry wt Ir"?~f x. t n, ..v > C J„ IN SHEET D2 L IN E)-146 64E . B ~t s'}r, ,tu , .,x ` f ut Ea '7: ,'rd.Ay> a Y~ "'r~;: Qi , } 1~'~I „[h x 3~PY'}Y %N~a (db ~tj NE A', h MA t t: i.. Y i ShN ,~`~y`~}" F r Await ',z* It,r 5 . ''k.' ' ;fr , £ i ' n} ' fi ''4~q v ;a'. c1'}' ~At}k }'`kk k " at F ! 3 x d 'i k ! t1 f 1 x rp1 b~ At`y' { 4 apn ii' r,.,' s. rt+~y~nr+," uta~0 RC 'MA! U'+ ~'~o'itr~"Yra~; 'G^" g~3 t •y„" /t ~'ti f 4~ Fa' 5: i~ < .e e~Y 4 e~i'3iJ xra tf Ei Nr iN ! " 9 } s n?ir , FY. k t:: tt sA1)!f>tP $}Ytf:ej (ii r H Fv r 7„ £ 2 ~ rr rki+~i{{dr ~ d r ~ r ~s H'ver rs ~ r MMRY i, ~ #r 'Y ' s XJ7 E:~. r f n(t i' 'A r A .w rA !Y > ~ S ~ R ".'7 ,n , „ t~ t t t.>!i i; ^ rC, so S V' y„^(. V?, + f fir' 3 ' Ak , `t n x 5 fi g[ ~ x fi ~e" t , ,xh ! r 1t., "rx1 kk "+hg,,y` e a a idl £~a~~ ~t Y, r rp~ ~r s a"'i j h y n { £ ~S t 3 S ~g N ~ :r., .f. e.r.n sy, , Yt.}, { . aaIX , „u, •5 r . 'b 50' 0 50' 100' SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) 170 170 I 165 . _ - - - t - . - - - 1 I _ 165 COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND ; AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) 166 G GRADE j j 20" PV FORCE MAIN 160 COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND EXISTIN - - - - ~ I I I AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD - I I LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) - I I i j 5' MIN. 155 I - - ~ j i I - 155 INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP (MIN (2) 20" 45' MJ BENDS - - i 18" DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE 1 EXISTING 3'-6° MIN. MIN UNDERLINER - 6" WATER COVER --OVER . ; j i ( so LINE ...I 5' MIN. - 18" MIN - . _...I , 150 _ _ 145 12" MIN - ( - - 20" GATE VALVE 145 (2) 20" 221' 1 MJ BENDS 2 20' 224' MJ BENDS - s ~ EXISTING 8 ~ I 140 3-6 - SANITARY SEWER - - - - MIN (2) 20° 45 MJ BENDS - 140 10' - - - - 2) 20" 45' MJ BENDS _ 1 I I ~ _ I i I { 35 j . _ INSTALL 40 LF OF 20" D.I. PIPE ^.'"'.:!'"'`a^a:"^'^s'.'"V''"`S%"`!..!^a'"_"1^.~""a~^a." 1l^."<.,,"`"ti:"`1~"^'"`s•.'1,'".~~"'1^u.~'"!•'"^\.^e~""s__ _..I 135 5' - I CENTERED UNDER EXISTING DITCH NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERTICALLY LOCATE EXISTING WATER LINE. WHERE 10' HORIZONTAL - - _ ( _SEE CROSSING DETAIL "B" SHEET D2 SEPARATION CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FORCE MAIN 18" LOW WATER LINE. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE NO INTERMEDIATE HIGH POINTS ARE CREATED I 130 ~ - _ i- _ 130 0 I I I 5' 358+00 359+00 360+00 361+00 362+00 363+00 364+00 365+00 366+00 367+00 368-t 00 369+00 370+00 371+00 372+-00 373+00 374+00 SCALE: I"=5' (Vert.) SEAL EAE 46 DATE: MAY 2007 SCALE M/&C PI Eq NUgMBER 464~A AC y "i 4A mcvfcm JOH STUN CC &CUED PHASE I MCE PROJ, # 00358-0116 IF DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: oenvnNG NuMeER m ;a: r"1 P"1" rm % /n I In ^r- \ 1 A 1 A I nccirnicn rrn 1n 0 r i"=50' L ar 200 MacKenon Court, Suite 200 EAS 1 `+LAYTOI SEA 1: 1 S 032293 ~ p Cary, North Carolina 27511 ^y + 3LAYTON/ zv r vu r umk,t mmm ll, CHECKED DMH VERTICAL: J meet: MAIN REAUGNMENTANDEASEMENT RE.VISIONS 10/22/07 Phone: (919233--8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 V(p~) ~wy.~~LSONS ~~LLS~ -5 MILLS AREA PROD. MGR. BFB 1"=5' 2 RESPONSE TO CONSTRUCTION GRANT N LOANS COMMENTS DATED 7/3/07 6/10/07 ° a ~ `~Ny¢ AA0002667 E80006691 I 'ETLANO PERMITTING REVSIONS 6/06/07 ej ® 6 ~1~A4?TE ATEI A TI AAN~ Rte," DESCRIPTIONS DATE ~%+"°FACILITIES IMPROVE R TRANSMISSION HIGHWAY 70 STATUS: REVIStON R VI I N www.mckimcreed.com MPROVEMENTS STA. 355+00 TO STA. 374+00 3 WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION R COORDINATES KEI FLAG DESCRIPTION NOTES: x qy U niybti aA(NN~~ o /~a N=648168.8538 E=2188539.9202 WF R7 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO {6r'~ LHP l , i < f~ tai h Sa r THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. afr rrE sv N=648195.1874 E=2188568.3561 WF R2 Y4 x )M4n r N=648219.6254 E=2188601.3419 WF R3 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING fx ` ~~fUl 1 N=648197.6000 E=2188605.1441 WF R4 1. 'low Atvl "'a UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES L ~7 N=648175.6295 E=2188559.8256 WF R5 AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE f, ~tuf, T. N=6481544716 E=2188544,1820 WF R6 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE t ' Lr, W wta L'zk4%+; (:~iA k '1+}`.It. CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE If ~ ~rs4k>x xm,.. "R~k f d a"k ~n'r aw +,a OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ; ~n~ r' ~rM1~ d f Fyn! f~4,., { $ T~,b}(4~ik T~ ,x " ady~~r-~QS,i ~s° %a d' .AtS ` > s azVN d.! a r s6+? rx f ' r if k;cAS f.. ez,. • f~ ~ , k" ~>T' m ky ~ `ti, raw, "fix , s i „ % . rx7vlbR` f r f e r v . } , f tip f. ioKS e, d i A rs ?r"y ,aa?"A •;,r „s ~w ldit fL'IF 15=1 ~'M..,xM 'A r 'a" sf wA a4"k~Ml W ~i+ "3 HYV~9 Pf~ M >5 N } , 6,tu~ S. F p{.+..,"ty~k~ ti~"~ ?i!L?YM1 (t t. .Y rv,. 13b4 k Yf.... yr~ 9 ,l al 1, 1 "'kY"ia'rva r~~ 91 ~n~+i n .f f yPf. $ rk;$ y9xn;yygqr~.3¢''+ q, purrs 'i n/.'1"1 ~V'r~XN Y'~Rt3 't?4 SNf ~yY `,Sd,lf l.. JI 51 S ..l f~~',%!{ a }f l1 rf})"":, 'All ' ~ T•"' '"Yw 4 ~f~1 5 ~ AX 4l+ ~ .af ~.w `A`.q :n AtiM .,r sY"~, ~r sxq ~sM~°~ ~r t s~ f yr; f i)l i~~ t '•~f~~~t f~Y i fe~utT M,"~, g~, ,m,ip uA e, r.u ;lf Ea , I ~f ~`flz;~TX~,J r ? f ty~y 1~ts y W' s' ae kt n ,rS @ j,,, k > 2: wF u" „ ;r a"S''"{r~4"!` _ raP v} tl :;x , ° '.6t s". r ^ar ~Afr,,f f Ir a~f, f:~'~wwrip,a.,=111,.. , t~ ,a4},;,1',Wrxf~;z f7 v , tf a Par.;,s nr f 'zm $ ilyx"t7{{'I i ~+wdi r •f r, ;,l o , rf,d i r '41e 14 vt„ `•7 `~d w4 n, "N syy sotiu su,>str~air l;i f ~~f r :l t,° rt .s 33ihB « rgi`~f,x°~'~t irrv"~`., •ll n ry.. ,k i AYrw&AXp wrw.fxnYf'i , 4 n Am r s„fit. '~'qa tip Qh 1y E ~r Ep f" ~s s ~ 4ks f x\f t sri ~ f~S~ .b a t ~ t f,~14 ~ ~i'~4 J • pf""~e,, T CONTRACTOR TO LIMIT DISTURBAP T IT DISTURBANCE 4 ''if fr~,~ 1t~ ~t1rif , Al" g I "~e f s a..° x f r f kt s stYS,p'M~w Vie" NODOT TRAFFIC LOOP GALLCORRIDOR TO 15' WIDE (MEASURE DE (MEASURED ~rf ~~1w x~~; maw pi~ q, gy ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE WI ~,N,~~~,h. ",na.ia 237=6164 24 NRS BEFORE - TERLINE WI IN 'raSk'~ SSA``k T 5xx yt v., 4L+~s 0 a 3i tggast1f f"N~ni ,om 4); r' d YY M R y n' EXCAVATION OF THIS AREA. SSMN NFUSBbFFEFA)t9~S C 0 R D ' M2~ =',',d to it r ess by ' •I r r,e ,n . `rwi , x ,a 1 , y. x q"S;; ,°~°fPk^',+N~d'{~" rA Y "~k'~},Nr.~k9,~~~Ma~{ Wig tfiI 4,7 p ~nu,wu rvr e ,SStt it t TOP 144,36' 25 OFF't lN „why w m+ v,) 1 , ( FISTING 12 ssMw _Rw +a ij~ Ej 1 i4;t3 , 1 FORCE. MAIN ;1,N IN ~ T u " i F ±s.4 T'9wAmwrttieF TOP=144 50" rf MR' ° Tx~ fc A N(swr33s3` INVIN(ST)=13732' OPEN CUT Iuv our x ~r.Aw , x f A 1* 00 345+0' b U e , k ~T of n INV OU 13572 J 27' LOP MIN. oil '5` .w„yt, ~n l,,e v! , u. .,,,ku., w 1".m x, e. tot s "nrsU'sla4,vt , Apb t U"•fi'NNf,Au A , , WA t# 5( a[ 40' Lb s.•„„,~,,~ 30 EOP r': "Ia,aity Y. n,,lk 41 ENS'r.XVN.4 to till ~5p w e st r d $ x ""~r W av, ~lwo 011 I 0" ` HIGH y ~ I t FVC FORCE~MAI l wVa _j W a m S 4 i a. , " CU f 5 s 3 2!. e r .mlr?tu *f <k x ~T s#a usta A;E ~ 1n .'IY ~`J~T e'i" s;< y T,` 1 r, l 4~4 UJ, . ~3 r 4 %.rhP=1r s eh. Y ~ h 25' OFF Eye (MIN) ,.~.,,r- ~ ,let ~ s; 4....., ,,?m.~e}.. 1." . ,U t.: r. .."rk :.rt .o-_S a~•d es fill "I p e ! .•n~f i i, u. ? .?...,r, kt, h, 9.~„I4 d a*~..tta 'A~ Y 71. t! e ,..4 ~ . Y t zd4 t. MIN;,.,3 ) 4 t ARA7.. 2:u... ;f eat r . ,.a >u. .A T2 t .:,r u u."„F 5 i. '=',,g „"t `3 Y y.. o .i. i•. °`r".. BW~~r~,",u m g;. mm r 2 ~e I ~ - ~ ~ fir ~ as . ANTI-SEEP n w~ A 70 7YP (t jt s Y Iw s~ J ..'~W . ~ U azwkw_+s.» RCP . i x: w~", r , p, e ~'x 'ItUi $'d , t h1 / ~ d,,. ~`i'~. •ts , t ~t e: ( s„3~ a' w r,#~k n a 4T`t~+ ~ ~ st Vie,. t Y` h~, DETAIL r ma , Am 00 A 4 { r tyr • PAM , ~Jf ~ ~ 3' k f y"' ~ +wm,ddrws~ltiX S` „agy~a y~.,~ a T i' D3 n< J a 1 1lA. Y f i t, it c w`f• `c~, s { U I yti L , a,~aua4,.awuv{w A rti ~ i , 10 r o r v ` Y $w u ~1a~ Es L C-) { "160 VA, y gsaly.5',g I , ! ..1 xe t r . fo t~f'`:(sn, rc . vlr JnT:r R", } ils.C P'f h'•',: If b 44 DRY BORE 40 LF OPEN >r,~ i p y•. r 44 ` ~p LARGE JUNIPER zFA,r°~ 5~ f k' TT ~Tf L.# ST(NG GU ( ~r 40 PERMANENT , }ah "T rr * t UuTs' ' 4' v ; = r "S n,'; T , e 'k; UT 7 5 >o k k At ~ ; w Leo ASPHA r -~1 IAJ 0~ lo, EASEMENT , l4, a +n NTH ~f (R t# f~ y L, arr ~t a 4 ;e "s'i."Sel'r~ Y. +>.::e" 3 I rf in o"y'.,;., a`1.,.'.r 1"*.,_. x3 ,a.,ir"? ; . y; ' t i ',~n ; g,'t., S u N,S; m, ~ S a ..~e'~` d'' ~ # Y ~'.r M $ t ,R #m s r ,..Yr!sl 2 50' 0 50' 100' nommommommomm a3u SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) wad 0. 7ir4 r~;.. 170 - - 170 i i i 165 - _ - - - ? - - - - - - - - - - _(I ' j 165 160 - i 160 20" PVC FOFCE MAIN j EXISTING GRADE _ 155 i... . ' i 155 I I EXISTING - j INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP I RIP RAP 36" RCP (MIN. 18" DEPTH) W/ PTH) W/ _ 150 EXISTING 6" GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER JNDERLINER 150 I I WATER LINE i I 3'-6° MIN. f I I i 24„ MIN. „ COVER 145 45' 1 145 BENDS 18 MIN. i 10' 140 - - - - 1 - - - - - I I 140 ' - - DRY BORE 40 LF I ' @ LARGE JUNIPER BEND(1) 45' RJ (2) 20' 45' MJ BENDS 35 5' ab (2) 20" 45' CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FORCE MAIN 4' MIN. - AT ELEVATION REQUIRED TO AVOID HIGH ' I t ^e-^e~-w~--•e--~~I--~^,--~.~-..;--..~„---ter-r.f~,--e--~e,-..~-~e; -..%-w~-~w~.--~. EXISTING - - - - -SPOT STING SANITARY 12" SEWER " (2) 20 45' (2) 2d' 45' RJ BENDS NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERTICALLY LOCATE EXISTING WATER LINE. - WHERE 10' HORIZONTAL SEPARATION CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, 20" 45' RJ BENDS - - CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FORCE MAIN 18° BELOW WATER LINE. - G 130 - - - _ 1 CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE NO INTERMEDIATE HIGH POINTS ARE CREATED. 130 _ ANTI-SEEP COLLAR (TYP) ANTI-SEEP COLLAR DEEP COLLAR (TYP) CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL SEWER LATERALS TO ENSURE THEY ARE SEE DETAIL SHEET D3 90 L.F. D.I. SEE DETAIL SHEET =TAIL SHEET D3 NOT DISTURBED. ' I 'RESTRAINED ' JOINT PIPE 5 I I l 343+00 344+00 345+00 346+00 347+00 348+00 349-1-00 350+00 351+00 352+00 353+00 354+00 355+00 356+00 3574-00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert,) SEAL SEAL &O~EED I F DATE: MAY 2007 SCALE FD c File NuMeER JOHNSTON G UN Cue'UNTY A MCE PROD. # 00358-0116 U7 ,rOf a4a~". PHASE ( DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL nw~NCNUM8ER r1nOl m%/^ r-r%mf,r- @ AIAI nrglr.NFn rrr./reT 1-50 ® _ _ `R 8 SEA( a 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 EAST CLAYTC CLAYTON/ zv r v t., r vmvG ivi mi iv CHECKED DMH VERTICAL: p ~y,p 032293 a Cary, North Carolina 27511 y d FORCE UNNREAUGNMENTANDEASEMENT REVISIONS _ 10/n/07 ,.q, a'. Phone; (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WILSON MILD S MILLS AREA PROD. MGR. BFB 1°=5 2 RESPONSE TO CONSTRUCTION GRANTS @ LOANS COMMENTS DATED 7/7/07 9/10/07 %i~'VOINryP N;e'',n,p, ' WASTEWATER pAIV A I I NfTLANDPERMITTING RENSICNS 6/09/07.. ~eeg 1~ 4,°....?'``" na~1 AAQaQ26(/ E8000669i TR :-R TRANSMISSION HIGHWAY 70 STATUS: REVISION REVN° r3Ew'i¶NS DATE ,59F°7 WWW.makimareEeaam FACILITIES IMPROV IMPROVEMENTS STA. 342+00 TO STA. 35$+00 s WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION Q, QQ y COORDINATES (N E1 FLAG DESCRIPTION r,x fi ,q r"'tf m're &st,,r1t,,C 1`i.? t",r 5s4Y ~rm` t t t i 3 F! kq a t ° '"n s mr f ' $ ''.a t xXri irlt; J 3 `a L,+t r #r s ItI"", a , tj nt a s s}, t r rT N=649585.5842 E=2187004.0617 WF Qi ~2 A rH' r, r, xv', I ~ r'T~~~ 19 x( „ ~f r4 ~ > ,a.. ty+~( ~y, y!F ~f yrvv r xY}.•, # ^t.. :rt ,q1 f $ Fs ;r 4 W t ;<1'Y E,,~~..yy ° at ak.t Irst S fi;rr 6#.1 r~ ~t,, im M t$,'pty :~It. 1 `x as i dr m} yt 21d i""E'4t ,t s xnefi ,,3"'f t Sr ' I,'x , +x 4u s# , ra ,j is , %5fks lf3' ,J1.1 t NOTES, 4 ~ fy ~ ~tx , t kµ45'k Fx's aa ' ly~b«sy , ~r>r n ~ S, ~ t„.E ~ 1U ~ ur)r 37Sd N=649612.3305 E=2187041.6608 t4 ft 'x' *Yt`R K~"t r WF Q2a €tasltt I 4 r R 1Q.> lltr , 1 y,4 ir't$tn .Un. i S ! F.' t F fr:', if _ N=649650.4915 E=2187067.5341 WF Q3 h Nt slat 't x'sa F ~ ks r li t Sx+R!ar rx~ii~'`;5 ~ stt k f ,f a 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE DEPTH MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO wy3Ss~s1 a3F'Yti;;,Ux gaskf~b~'.'°"=fs'tz,z .vhg THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. t Yn „tfy ,.~d 31 ik 4 0, t )'S 1 t J Lq1 °t~ xS " rci~.,' N=649633.8870 E=2187081,8832 WF 04 a ~ ` ?"txrr'€ Y t Y t ~ ~s+ ~ ~L 1, ~ hx;t ~ s K ,3 s ~ ~ *EvY ra ax'~~~+Y9 y~Y~~lYta r};,v~ti? a,^x ~>rt~sH~ <a xa3t Y r t r,a x # tr rc t t 2±Q t .*1#! fi5 zr? " gTi= n „ N=649613.0448 E=2187065.9620 WE Q5 µ,`r,`9,y4Y rL y Aa*zk i? 1 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE ii, 1, *p x r ,yt t aaT rYa T ker rc 7Tr rc 13 ar'. a io i m a~ a!t ~•r # +bt P t trl n t`` i~~ 3 r^u ate r l +tit t,; AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING N=649597:5804 E=2187041,2058 WE Q6 )'k r „ Ai, 4 "'g R" -uy.^laY 3 dtrr t iy•?t id IYt 4, "r'`f,-Y$k'~kf<i'i ,sf ,{rvb NCsl EmS''z31 A~,C',r ,<t"4 t - i h 11 N=649581.7789 E=2187015,8092 WF 07 l t r+ Y t; t, Lf T, , M,", ~3 "rr ,s • ' r t15 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES tFf qfY 4a'ixi w. rxxi'4p's',~f`§t},`k~'x,"tirksT~. iSgrrt F url. AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE i, x e 'yd ma 'C`$ e Y,d P X 3 Id 9 p y r + t r iir• ri S, f I•" i N/ t tP.• I* A S ,Y ` 4 t I r 1 F i l 4 N I vtP Y, t + r£ ' x : i' s ~ s ; q? r Y ! 1 x+ r4' ~ , UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE N=649614.9889 E=2187038.1746 WF Yr- j t t;t, - i 3 a k" r., < a :s e ?t z u "s,4} s, e t. „ i ,9` S rc. ` _ ? Fa ~rX OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE ,r ,N 31 Y, 45 1 I Yf t aYi mt.Ys K'¢<.mny ih>a r,.., e' d,Yy y.. N=64 1 r 4' ,t a )t k 1 + $Y, s e>},`f' tt 4'c~*, ,r",t,~, e tY ivk Fiv. 96 43024 E-2187019.4047 WF QQ2 : Tt I! 4r, „;,R ar'm . , w Y 1I L,p fiWx.H Wd .,{{ash t3 ~r ¢xn y,~'S~+y, ki ag4 CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ~[+Ykd,, awN 1 s !r.;tt ^ r #>it cr 81 w ,~y ~g`,,, k' ;fib aj~ sst'1fr,„a t~~p„x ( 5 1 ~TYd;t ,sl; Y" ^tlx1, i Y?,i .~.y5 .E C'. `I;f.' >Y1 'k.r",Ir R i. it a ry~0( 4t'rl X11 93 ,t d,r. ,s N=649599 42 E=2187006.8033 WF QQ8 ~ ~L T, - tt~ m if t 4n4k t A t°t~ h~ tYi t •~'.(fN ax I "t~3} t ~?6 1~ ~R4DzkYidO Tt;4 ;1`:", t n a ral #3 1 tw': "•nra ~ ~~kr{,'tY3q +,1st; sa tx s V`~~',tta"'4SVaS, xt, t, Y~ t§+~~Jz,x'~;~}W'":"a~ psr "5 v} r¢ .b v>,,,.., .5.,. ±,;,.v. nS rit- vx tx`Y tC`"rtl k'u c aPP `2 i. . vau vg. aca .m x iXt `R i' n.c*.. . t S' ..3t. , ,.~:w¢^ flJ' , ~~~~d r} , v^e. .4':1 { Yc. ((~~4 e, . ,J... w .•;n: Sl.,.,+t..,J .y°i e { it t':+°,k• .}.r. , ..i, v %`"...Pa, i~,' ~ R,d ',!":~i2 N"$Afv ,Y ri+i .lr A, 3 ngX p ~pR,"q p. pp y q y f vl I ki"~'M ~ Y ~p ,x '9 p Y{ L ~(y$ {99~i'.' ~ ff '•r Y x t < N:^yF 'J' n Y~y 9 IJ Y~ „s a i i i' t a t i a„ 3£ J}1 t r +vr $ a0./;< v' .i x„ a ,t t, i'vs r`pst' 4 vwu n a LMe as x , s n 4 Yt ,v t w,, 'x'~si .ne axs,. ~"`s!'k wwdrsur vwi uY4s^i `Y3x'r°k,', ,ls d A k+s*'+k §#kw s a . ~a I r ~ t4 k$Nkl . rl ~±"~,r=~ x, 4 3 ? ~ h +~~@Ykr'r' 3~.iB' k7 ~ }'$dnq~N~kuSmn sSh t r~1# ?s r I T x e a . a4 ,r ,s`f. .vdr~i R v Nr, { f,f:.', 't~ aY ~ ~,rc•cc mf d d`,- Yx 'r><.;r;" $ e , t, "r 1+$,?3S, . <r5 s D.hv rvwyRGr# 1 r,i s`ei:: 3"~j't Y ~ a , t„ , flM1#~,!rx> i ,r i;,'.:=4 ,a t m +,pr r. u' t ~ a r3 a 3x -'n wx f £ t rt v .,•5 Y .{i ' -w 'v« s.,' „ I -F Y. eq.. .x x, vs^ , 4..^.t, ..v x d . v m + a F , ` t a 4 N 1 a.. , , I, a ,.Ut Jk ei. > e • ,.F .4. r. ^ Y i.n.'a'. YP E t . C... • > r A f .a 54, Y f } , A. . < 5`4 , , -u. t. F_ro t,{21 w t .s ~ V f. ?1 I ~ r Y. dr. .3 ~ s, 3 ° § « ~ r ( 4„u; s s , . t z „a v v s , r `r' i A2, t Sax 4 t x t x n ° , is ,Y 2 r r „ t c ? si , :.r ,r , hY r n•; t f t a ~J i ,r I T t,<~ t t a. ~ kx{t U'HIHUU'l 7fl yt r~ k 4 fY '"'r N $S ,4 I> l t t< •f a ^ ud?,t''t"u rr; dl v, 6 ~ , '`,X t•~ t.^: ` A`f'1ERB ~f1'~C ~3 ENUDE(7` EXISTING 12" aw+ ace " P VC,.FOB CF MAY ,t. . s ra a w.wrxu, r+,t t, Iru ' f r i ,ka nee t+ ,.,,tr:. R x. e^ Y;t ,.n,,r?d ,+y>y , ~ v v >?ti 'JC"Ip9,'tidM1#nY ,W,X P c Y; r, ur c ,4", t+ 'iti's3Fn3 p ~"~"i'~+ trc,'@~M,$;?IN>tida~Ytua u4 #Ldrt't ;,rv:, is a ' r,•, t, 1'101 S,EPAI A; I.ON I~^ MA ss 1 { a k y xy<enr i ,f^., :#fii.9 J;tfe. tws a.."'S auP,dd u r r 5, ,.kt, ,rrt; i st, Y •nx,.:v . r ro4 ad.4,€Y3r# t 4 xY 5(t: t rFJ t ~Rd y 'W kr €J t•'•.$;r<q 1A f,."£ ixf,.'S•,s}~' ri'^k'^ Rti'9i6Y i'=s Fr § m, !~'•,rryl ti°"iy.$,,, {j+', ..b .B 3r:Er,.•;' ,.t .W. S. 'a4'4UA`s'+, s, rnx?xx*r bwr+slgPfi;> ~a v,nv or,,+tti'e, xxao, r ik,§ 1s~3''': h e mi u a air.:ra. la'^`sa>a.?: . a *s e>4, ra *+na 0 X rc}'",e+4N~)Ni^ ijpm sr., xu fia ix J ro >'k a`a` o-, wva bv' , s+ t , t • ,in '9„ 3t'm r? f R t, r.n ,i; ,t:+r• t `xtiA. 1;i3 t s. , t '1=`, 1 t (sB A1E1TJLiTY 7 .I+ qq ~y ~ p Sr ar J' I r -F a I r i, < w+ N t t EXISTING 12 E1SIfNti'" 1 !9 FOP, ..r < , „ ° , I F a. ,,,1 t • ~ Y` .1.._.. a , w.,.-. < , " { r i ° c=.~. { , , ! , ,;kr ; N. a y l C y yyy ~ ' 3354- " 00 M Q HJH UU O E MAIN f1FtU WAIM <'LtNE r 25 EOP, N 00 0) .s „ d 1 a v, t, e ,Y.xr } Yi t„i^t, f> 3,N Y v ,.t fu,?;..ixf{?EiF1iu. Y'{ Yi';S ,r FeA''.# .S<,.: 3dY$r,}f ,J'. r J, { '1 „ y fg; J5 Ei~P y' 41 tY # r~ HIT 4; OPB UT Y s Ix a I I I 7 t r® f i Mae E 19" 11_P "t.ttw r : . ,b x : r 1 B° CP;# RBeArL- WC~W`~ rG" r , s , ,a s#r,'X r a- + 01, „a , k s ABPHALT: V J ~ .b. a id s fk"p ariY `rt i~?•r'Fl ' $ rfi s 1s ~~t'r''. zM Y, , r isCr"k,$ts tt ry .u~ Ic -Z : 1 - yh W V yr E 1 ®p u~ V! rk x' ~W 7 3 a : x * n~ :vV',. .s s... s4, r.NA. W a r, , N t Y, - li t~r6%1 r,` `'w i~tt1 x: r t : ~r s r k,• r s~,S"r ,.t k a ' r Yr',IYS +in ~ <5 { ~j t Y~ bnN{ vw' yg. ,Sl ! ~ #z,i), k Yfi~) 1 ~ a ~ a t S r i .A v ,v, N^,e l,., °r 1) t t?S(3'.5 tr 1 i}j4~?xJ ri k J ~1 ka~l f ~i kS ffy tl ah ; Y . A9 r( ~a'+L i' '.lfr J2~ 't'4 .Y. /'r t a!j) 11 Y t 3 T' I) { 7'x'.3£ t V ~i}~ x t i3y 4r .4:? k) 'F~.i'vt J~' 1~', X T ~ 5 t r r~ f t: EX. 2 WATER LINE J W :rw r}•i r „ dY:`;" zC Tyl`YA„A, fr lxr'.1'';Y s t( + e : "`Y " a at ~u''y~y~r tir r t e. r az g r,-' k , 11 'i y~ Yt : k!( ~r,} ~'W' , Y , f, > . -t C itl s: q f: r t ~ u #1? 1~ s 4? R t° r YiF~3xbk ifr 2D ATE VA ..,x^ s t ?`1*L`IY CUT a 1. '~t~ .,x @ r...:. is LL ? ,,,a,s . ".us 1. .r tuts. :a bl ua , >'t Xax,. /tts> k3'i ,r ,:f Y s 1 aa... kt<f Lf F',GS~$;°>v # kk7 . nac, z .,?i;f, ath ,,t x. `-'Sv, 43., Nfa £g1'?,} xt; "pY 9h 3,ti? K Y. ;..q ,t:a5 1; ..2 „A.. 9 N!4<= 'ai'f155`F~Pt?#}l~Y* it Y'3+ai"'~ 4'.',~a r, Js~k w 20n ~ 1,. x syt t } J'%1.'it I t(~4:tSY Sr• ~M1p.}A {~0 ,~~xr?~f $£~v. ,.D, , ~ .,.Y^1 1J ~ YY Yr. Y ~ 1 :Y, )4.t' 4 1~ GATE VALV i4 ~ E s x t t r u ~ 2 -lUT t.t 'v7,aG 4Y :I '{a P ,5 t n 2r ,:1 ' "r3,; v1k sfr ay. YmJ"Ut,,G tip a,'. 1! i U nna„ , ' , ?„a,y,4 u? >Lsr xjss J, sztx , la fas.3~ §%s, se ,a .r ''11"4' " yv ,rs„ r ! acv a ;,,:;es3^xu u , sx"`r . 1 1 T : , t. •j Y.;' ~,r i.". £ } § s'YS,... 1 H Y h 5 'S u't Y f f~ 4V.53 H., > ~ V,tiry ~af~ 11.. "+YY,),+U. e..a (:Y at if 't#> :44 .t xe.- x _4 .x: ,lx f, hwu $~av>S} ut:as"itlC~ ~rs~ tilt a~.: s. f, v3„, a,.,.~ r t# ° Y r1 ,t 1 s jJ~ 'ar ' t : CONTRACTOR TO ENSUREI b 51 J ti' 4 S '4 ? `YV" 9eY T v> . .,x 3"J Fxa q, „n'., ~??i.j`~tr m t rr srl g,:; 4 3 i'4r ? s° ~ ` n,'. , ask }ig,~t f~~ 45}d 54s, r .,r.:i !i?r, .at, a~lSB~~', V,: 2'' x> vd.. ,45, a,si.4 tC~'tYwYi(S+ N,a„" Ah v4Fh;b tN. xll { f{~hk aPh ti''f t Yi < WtL+$ rorc'u+ 3- Nv. „Yt, z , s I+ , s u E Z h xS' , r ff ' fT,,EZR 1Tr ,TYy{ s aj~ qyr € H THAT THE FORCE MAIN IS dY~ n txs, ~L,'~1 c I r: ~ Y y 7 , 3 ~;u a~fi , n. . x „f?'4~s,... . tt x,, ,n,; ar ,N w r. s r tti=~:'~$ i~.`;.. s INSTALLED WITHIN THE US a u ..;xS f t ~ . 1~1,,~a.;x ar ,4~ a,4n 'v'~ 5 ?nD„ t,. t5t 4.. ,,a ,""UFA. ft"`E x +y~ p ~'l:kkt x: 1 .}~"3,/:~~. 4~~'~., ~Y ~ ~5.. 2 t e° .;i'"~rY x :~ts,.~~ 'OiH fh i s N, a v t g n.:,Y~ o- ti'k - `v Y 4r 3Xro f T r to 5'` W t I. +sY N# TWA, N 70 RIGHT-OF-WAY +LsiYaQ rt i.":,,, x 1~ Nti ,lPfc 4,:lYrYrc,+!'a .,..z s'M ~"'Yt xo>x,.}.. '$44 ,dh,&,rv, ai';'.' t' i 5rp~rrn. x. 1,Yja(t§r4f 1k.42~tS,4t r ~fT$53,, a97. n r rr^6! rA ; 7 - , ' £ hj t tt , < dtgIF? L d ur ^t F ,"so- ika P E E ~~.N 1 IY •n{'r~ I' t ,tiWC VI, x ~1 ~ ^f ~ - 01 ,,pq ~a s,,+2 N~~}:.:,,3r xJ x , 4n.,.s,att,5~~$s" s".`t a~cs"~isf ''',a ,:U •e st~a:. M,?Ntr sv'X` `•v-rS ~'t 'rE ,•'fi<y~y~ fs "7 „1 ,1~, ;..,,,t~Y~ ke~'x" ~ i'4....a ,,fi.,4.. t ask ti:'r txm w.., :vx' + ffi , ?"a $ a `+t~ zzp~,$~:, 5 f'g ekr ';i?# .+x. g kf st i"Y~ is: • f • ,+a~,;' s`;~Ls .(~i5s~3 a , y }7a „f1f x$. ~°~ar s i ~i-. d3?Sa ,F=LSSxnt A~ a; xs~) „3~,~,x Me 4 k ssp,, ga it~rax'4, fyt+~ `'I$`Nrs 2#) nrr d1~~srr 's4-..d~r~ , tv~ 0 y i ~4 yy t W I S 3r i i H r 1 A t Y v.r ~ ~eN ~ Lv, L Six. ttr 55fa a4i ;6,,Fa,~`S,s;Y "M.ua."r„ :s,@ "/$e 4..t j ~141k. s $ ..,q, a , tt {,,4. YAP s kd"iL:. x4?2~ MY v 1~ , ~i:ttast,B a~t fh~{. }La >t° 'C. ¢ ".Se , > a. . H"dr~xYt s~ t~s r> MLt%sEt,Y, , z s.; # x"`.,, r+F rY dx e%t a 4 pixg"1 Eg3ifls , xns,.. .,a i" s ak•„ r"{ xa~~n, , ~s : i r} ~v~ r, 9lJ a<,a ~ ~r: Ir x r£fv is , € r ,,,t.,.+r& ' ~ t ~xa ids'; ` t ' y„r¢3., a's „v,=.+!^;, `.x?. Jn,t r, da:~li.v w,., $i4.-Yt '?tk g, ,st is ~`a>41a, ' k r+?3 k, s7Y;,S:.. t<J >4sL s4{,' 3 A.~ ; x " a, Rttr s~"f nYa., 9 :pyka,.a~.esytx 1 rye/aW4 } n 4 ?t k~ti r k ~ ; ,i e',rs k kL r ? .Lt,, ~s ~ a ~9"kc., ke1 s N lrtAt 44s, r~ e uH4+;~ ts4;, r fp Yh>, f ~x ask""L'' e 1 ' n 4 aM ~°/I7#"` s ? YM~kh~ r +g4~";n 3*aLfF+~i~~„ a.~4~ryi akf.c,i: ~,;,Zs4rsrtxad*~~::Nurux>ltss^'J~~~ t!{li.iiss}'sit ~x"'cr q~q'Y1p°,,.,rf} a ~.it~k'~ Diu `'"x`i~<ka "4~?$. u r 1 ^.z, ,r a d'';, Br'~. a nrs d msY' _ k t?"' rtro ~7 t rv- +r ~~I "~R tY xT rx sr ' tt> ,r #2~'N Y Ett Str r r if W N$ rNd ' 't x "Ya'sstroy c 7ei,=X,y 'etN{{~:vae. bis1 + sv 7: c 1 Z m $ 4 z` ,s x.,,.r Ji t;i>s= ss` 5 ~i ~ k .4~„31k;'d ~kti "++~xvkt£Y 4b is s 4 ~ x ,57rk, ix.a, . swxi,.; r 'j ra y y { 6', i.:w i ~ xk v 4~~xx'S `"f ~ K R~ti~ 9~'i Sy~i„ ~xi`M1~I~r~ ~r) vx Ff Ed ,F a tssr iS~"~ ?'7sk v Y. a tr rt I a~ t 3/ rFa v.. >s;+4t7 ur T~'. '''V w?t ,1r his H S rv,xiU. K,+ti. t / tK fa,v,4rr~'S s ixi{,r` ~~r z )~s~ Y{j iY">i Axa ~ ?:5 q4 N, ~"h .b ~~~~~}}~v l~". t'NJ ! .x~f 1k~ r~ ~ 4.~(~A, "5 42 ~aYA51 ( vaJ i jmL T ~ ) t f ~x t i vi Va slyp ,eda ~'t #di.rf ,feu rat a,'k^ Fs x ~2,r,sx ,,y,. ^x 4'£kIf> y s e -.r i r v ' ..r. 4 G } R?It t"'as, vs%' rtr: rE"Jt~t, ,kgr4s " s ,s 'ii .,,xrgE? a :k ~4 3as'1s.'sf~s3t'hta`'x" '3',ds,~r,~ftiz`'` +s's~,ase"s+;t;+7£$,?;y",s# r .n - xixx,4... 50' 0 50' 100' SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) 165 165 I -E- COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND - EXISTING GRADE AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) 160 160 : 1 20" PVC FO RCE MAIN - 3 - ,ss A 155 I - - 3'-6" MIN L ( EX. 2a WATER LINE EXISTING 6" _ COVER WATER LINE - 150 18 MIN. _ t 150 ~ I 145 - - 20" GATE VAl 0" GATE VALVE 145 N, (2) 20" 45- - 1 - (2) 20" 22.5' 120 LF DI BENDS RESTRAINED - I - - BENDS _ JOINT & PIPE 140 140 EXISTING 8" INS: ALL CL 1 R P SANITARY RAC' (MIN. 18 DEOTH) Wj SEWER GEOTEXTILE , DERLINER i 135 2 20" 45' 135 10' - BENDS NOTE: CONTRACTOR ITO VERTICALLY LOCATE EXISTING WATER LINE. WHERE 10` HORIZONTAL ORIZONTAL SEPARATION CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL FORCE MAIN 18 BELOW WATER _OW WATER i I LINE CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE NO INTERMEDIATE HIGH POINTS ARE CREATED. - - 130 5' , (2) 20" 45' BENDS - JIN i EXISTING 12" z5 ANITARY.SEWER - 125 0 4 MI- (2) 20" 45' RJ BENDS (2 20° 4--' RJ B NDS I 5' 328+00 327+00 328+00 329+00 330+00 331+00 332+QO 333+00 334+00 335+00 336+00 337+00 338+00 339+00 340+00 341+00 342+00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) SEAL SEAL 1t° DATE: MAY 2007 SCALE M&C Fi E "uMOppeR - ti JQHNSTUN C F PHASE MCE PROD. 00358-0116 CU13v DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL; oRavnNG NUMBER R'~s~~°~Y FART C;I AYT( 7 CI AYTON/ IF 00" 01/!"` Cll®(`C KA A I KI DESIGNED CCG/CAT 1"=50 ~ SEAL. 2 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 LL! i YV I VI\Vl_ IVI/~IIV VERTICAL a % 032293 ° Cary, North Carolina 27591 WILSON'S MILSp M~~L~.7 AREA LP~R CKED DMH IV1"=5' a FORCE MANRenuoxueeTnNDEASEMENT REVisions 0/22/02 Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919233-8031A+T~A'TER'~RAI' 2 RESPONSE TO CONSTRUCTION GRANTS k LOANS COMMENTS DATED 7/3/07 8/10/07 ER TRANSMISSION ANSMISSION HIGHWAY J. M GR. BFB 70 IMPROVEMENTS STATUS: REVISION I MTLANO PERMITTING REVISIONS 6/8/07 T AA0902667 F80698691 ? aav.NO. DESCRIPnONS DATE 'fE 4rwww.mckimcreed,com FACILITIES IMPRO\ R N STA. 326+00 TO STA. 342+00 3 NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. x rr b r fr r' vY: r t y 4 , „ e,y 'spa yrt S „ r i nY" <7 w , , xivz "fY3 x t S ";a .mot ri,'. a xFj 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE 1 Sri'3 >~vklg~e nr ~ of p`~ ` it (,'.w~u'A ys`s~tt v '"Xi • t` r kv Hyc, s rx r zr "re" # ;yv4`: z ~IxSY+,ySf ("J~z r y ~ ~ ,1{ s ?x r w1a AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING a r #il r 7 F r' r 3,At aiyt Y r a v Y t r P ,y srY ft, Al a r ryx," Sp ts~ t„`"a »httl » }r tY,\f ?t't,.#o-~ r,,y~Y"'#,,t iv, r`"iY,y, ""3 " UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR 15 ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE r4+'1 E a r + r ar ut, r ;{t 7 x f u rYl~ # r +'K 7 ~ V~ t r'FY c t »xv A~,S f a~.#> , g+a sN•~ .~>r 7i fi~, k., 3 kr' ~ r` t v fw 3f,,gJYy it 'G ;j~M1~ rt°,ti.5 ~Y I}h ~tJ# ,si q,~~ dv~ + d~v .;m},i s r } i £h A Y%sr`~ t°~i x 1 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE Yp 'n#> ,^nrty$:#t »'t1^'`, :'r1 r ~`t ~t> r14. r~t wk"«°" i~ Jt ie g»tv ;q k$yy' 3 r i Y n ~'s" s~,» 2 -~f. 1o- Ar i ft u v f' 'i' t ~S~•~.r , r k',. ~ a OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE s2 ¢~•Y ,SI:.. 7k rf n`.(e$ #d'Y'`a+e't 5°^1r „'k', r;'? r' »'k Y r.a9l Yr r, r` m,.}' aF ter y CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE r r Yf sx ~~i ! c n 7rz'».yr}, f dT ; T x r > ~W rt u, r~"T#t " nl #A 7 tv~ s r tv ,j4$ } » ` ?~y 'YP' OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, ~a s t, a !a i t t ~n y t f` #.5 #t } 7^i keY~Lr"`^ 4 a n r a a can f ysne : §5 S r7».,it...: t » ."r" r p #i' at kt.Yk P 1Y' t~ a k Y t1r» ht+',Y`T`uK ;:nsw~?,w,r`YrfX4E rti k' ,r3 Ydh, "u=' y, v. X *!f§i yY { Aif t Y ~y~I4S~YW fill" 4.t t is ,4 ,J ';J t s r t,; ! • r xa tY rYF? k S s sa Z t u u£~ a' t i WATER LINE £ra~ £ 4 s y#d 1 %'S,, ny9 av 3r ` ?»j, s 'X t,u p.; j`z e,A, C Yn > r " s ''vi s^^ HIV k Y i r ~ t t Y'" YH Y, F. r ~+t t: ~ ~ G4+.. r £~fr N x J, '1" `?°&t5s~`t£~~as¢ w p~a'G` n f £ v£ @ ` is , r i t 4h'~!£ r,: Y1 I AI£ fil aA ,;k u l~$f E'It ~ iw h£x: tr h'W7 t t Y ~ 4 ~ 4,~~'k`I s 4~ r r~i£ds r »»}1vA ~4 ` r sr 4: ^w sy:~k,r x;,a r x'~~,, Y s V" J,. a" Y J b 4A~; ~k~`r5~ is°r Sk,;#, i ,r,# wr r 'rv oe, Ba7rrc a ~ ra ti s 11 m 13~ 3n 3,~F, isy.,c t cL K.,u ..<k,i '£w 71 YY l S'Vl i T r{ :k,r 31e TO m ,»f 1 I u i+ri rr C1NT1/tOR , A111f11 Y 4 . i. d ® S v s4 3a._ ..gg. 1,101 t, t t ziut br #r @hr r v+1 r > br h s# r r r„ ;"r ( e { F;p'~ ,dS ,r i a£et;: ~ zak+~7!.L+a~'C'~~1E~'UU~;c a~ra ~~~.64a~ G4 e,r;;. ''v~„.. c t, a., vk, +k a(~"~f',~ n yr{ If+'.: F`~ ~3tU' ~t'r.£'i£?k?1 ~ ~au k. ~•£:r,: r,,a, 1,P t" ":r £ 1 ?'.,irk.'MitY kd~ ,r2.. P,~ f4+'i.'I{d L., 4 vk a '~3~ Ss t~ t } 'u' £ r,r s 9 £ y Frs wln a 5f u n " EXISTING WELD A$ OU,INED IN lYTLE 1'5A" CHAPTER 2 ~ ` x` J L. '~d.rswr,'.t&«~ r.,, aalt„ gl% "i;f. o-# CSEGTIO,N 42 F T ORt~'~ 4Y'i , ' 'r`.+ , Apt , =A~t 4,,,, "•rf{ r J i , s #,rm`wY U v=£mt.£„ £ ~A if'E'~13tE,1 ,a ~j£;,1Je.E atq'fi°'.. E :a r n ix %x, a V" i uo ` £(7 is iKd x. r ey6r I1 r a £ E£ ..,r tr+8 ar u r £ t s 3aiyl 1sr £ s"F £ x!., S" OL'INAD~"RA~~~SI~E r ~ ' : k r• a , ~ "A ~ ,R v"~`~....~`*;.._ > rv. x5 ic}ryq'~"}W S+gu a,a n„j Fl .t' /Y. 4kta11."> (.,a,,M J 4 rr~+•X`i t)tn <Sv.! s R § t t mn a ~ `r... v Y r ~ s' T , U {{yy{a ntA£ art' AF `Y i;, f t' t S 1: „i, ,.i . 1, ,,~Y%Ehe IrC plat f r" IFP3'~Nrr sSrH £!fi lirbta ,Pn ~%Yt mLi JtSh Y 1 J i, i. i ~p¢ .c r.i £(t d ..yt1, F .'j G tY,Y ! pt £ ye., !k t NL "e t,i S M=lel r, a £ e }P7 *,x::j sxn}> , i,.r7tE ,r' C ' ..A1VI.; t ,YV' 1 IS,. r 1. h, t } l t"~ \ rt y 'G~^e, I 1 ELF. VALVC WEST, Jr, I- a.S~ ay a 3 ..kr h tAw s s t x ~~yyyW~ y n "AEirii§kRd^~~Ninrtd~; ,y£~ i a ,.avh t, n ~ a°' VbA ~H T UALUE" (FIELD' ~ ~ , ~ Cl (,ff ~ IkM1 )fit '""6'~..C £ a£ i h N f H H P I~fT~`~ Lry.. ^Et't+bmWzN""r11£f4~.Mwati~nfy7AAiu. 'iY 'r, s L , Jr, ~i , )rSk Pr t >w-a £3£BZa rtaP :,ltt=utt£ z; ' r,. per, r r r,;{ tu'u"+u rxf.~S~f aif}{¢sv *f" a y~) 4c 4 b v * „ s c § 1,t+i tA'#T p z 1 ""it tY, , r" V u ap st v tiatr w p^ t4.m'.4+k -J 11~ft 8" WATER LL IE r v: { " str , „ a4"..,u , sr rv 00 ~d• ` "411 VW 'SV.F'~ V/ r r ahw f` 1 ' t x a~ rs 15 fa, ' 41. t s'.1 k .I e t . xwaJ," # aG?ty" s rr, v r t{. v, ?F1 ~ry (000 s k 3 i£ i 1, y r1 r "F 320 v\ 10' MIN SEPARATION „ 20' EbE \ y c%4n l no vtu a,,:,~ r i QPE o tk ~~D~f Er1Rl EN U C 1 I T1' w L~ 1t T , r T- r T r 6' (Rec) w w e}w - I w c ~w r ,+,~.rp+(we,a 'rT:?a w,w ~7 ~..w1 a~xs++f+"+++w a+yu.ve a„wk..y}„ „ x$' a p 01 A, E s £ i .er i., ,a n f £ y #o.vlMl"i"V x+n £p t £:p U r L4 g 111V ) a;t t ~ £ 7ro ~q~t?, ---------i+ 'S f i r kH M1s~ < ,t ' e t f{ i my ,k''k A Y r f5 st .r ZW y F ainW, x 3 sry,r a' a 5 t t'rd b r s xU u tv;rv P ;yy ~;q~+tt ~ ~p #4 ~ A` 7r ~ k rYr *'H f v 4 ( t st# ;d tsh "vs. _Jw di• h erli~''N k#A 't~5' ~ ~ ,ts ~:r h 5.,+£it.~3/i3 F'"- s.e'3 .,~',~y~«~i'~ t~„, "i?~ ~s~ 'aS. £ , `y tD , s ,~~tviT v"6"tis3 N W ( S n } ' 3' ~,%'iaf a,#"a ,if3 ,Y.•" 4"!t md,u {~9Ptl. ti {ll u. `.}<{z ~ ...v~h .+i hti J fi ~r ~7 ~'~M;£b t'G 'i~r Y£ ISa,y;S,b u, v, t. i t17,:)I £S X r.!b £ .aP ;t et a ls' ah-0iSiz.Rf` G~ i:' 'y, a r ,ttci, } ~££~1, f..u t, lv~g,. tt ",p. ;Fk; ^£t a£ h V£;C~ Pr 4E yxr.. s~ r~. s d~+ 7,.i7 au 5'F~.. R~, 'SSMH TOP=157M' a ,v „ r 1 no-Sr T P47 r Y, fit, t q5.1. I ~ , Y 'pp$"Y t~', ~2 l+"£ ~V.) N y~kT~;r~ yt`. (2) GD 45 '1 it U f i£Wr ,rs~, i6 ~ 4.1 arv~t 1, ~ .A£. P''tsLi?±4.f"o, ~ ! it *PkD'fil g f f BENDS {£c~ i G " Y u rg'f r`te' ay§ naw~ xe, rt 4F ° a s; INV IN(SW)=143,53' U s, r E t iE'3'» f'nk r tt <1 uy e1 Vfir t s v" 1», z yEg " ~ ~~t a ANTI-SEEP COLLAR (TYP) ,fir t *~t £ AAt?tD 1 t~ o ~T"1SEE DETAIL SHEET D3 7rj ~ I la )NOD ~1" iruv IN(NS)-152.33' EX1S~(NO' ,#"fER ~ ` Y ~x ~r a r»~~~ ~1e a r` ~ 'x¢` ~ p# k,~ .k , , " N i Ntnf$+ r ° <Y • t m: 4 , `a A U y Y3»er Y Yt t a t i £ ~i. t Y ?st .tt 4(i -'t ~ Ri H` r C F t f~> £ tr e+. r ,t£~ . NV OUT(SE)=142.96' LINE ~yI , SS,Mr~l y,r, T 1 at N SH +r S t 1 + pt i p ` 46w a 55 (3 iaA »k "v,~'dv YT a<r,Y A. 51 vt'ty „.K kk„'C V%"T } ; `r3; a~ ,i~„'!54, fir Y !w 7= : ~ L:'+ ~ i. ,.ti e 'Nt,at 1 ~ of=:= ~Y G. .i ' £ a i d ~ J•+ft1° 3i Y~t ~y,"'~'a£ylf' 0,:f ~,t `1,,,~. > E d ~ 41 7~ ,,,/ut ' r , 1' f ' p k . ^ ,r r;,( ` r(#,~ w# Y r t+ r r ~ } x { 5 )A ~ 1 t ~ : ; z rT~ HTSaTgE ~t~"~ T ~1r . " Ogl, s£ t 1 ~#al`'P I rust 1 ~ ~ 41.54" r~ t 1' a w E ri"s r c:m t ,~f~ t;C ~ §.1':w Ia' ,4 ~Iti cs, P9~~,„• ~~++'r't a ~ 5 `4,' a-' j£, 4 F sp ; w.q r v, kf rv Sir fii 7 'L~ ,i _,.x a tr~ L v a. £,.A Lr4 r bi.N h 31 5 F L t" 4 9ht. i i tLa r R b y?$r t 4 ri 't , k S ~ k ! r o-1 r r 7 b# iJr .v rH •,p14 NU I p h txe "5 tv '}k "ar # ps »5 'YN a r i T( t y11 ( `p'^ y IY Itt k"A S d ~y 'k n 1. , + - , v4„~ , t tt t ra(x Yh e , £t 1 £ z s i, ga„s WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION UU t£~££r tYb 3w £i~~?It r Fyk, h aVHaS,,,.,„ i.£~ 115,0000, a ~~r! a% i,.n rn r,. I r ;5, aS p d (u t t a' v»,H Wa 5a ',S'+'pS` t P ki3't 1 Wa1 1 ~ai d, t IY. ts" {y "'Sr . P If1E~ras a.1 £ 1 ° 73fiv~ # r:';'i .,u. .r i.t;,. c..t r l I} G l C£~ £'sF, S sz x r s,A a + ~V rfif , . iTa fa„~ c sr~i~t~ ` j 1zI5'YrY`tY#$y,r i .k's~xT."lu~~,t" ri 1 ~ 7 of { ;`y~ w}7 t) ff S wr . y r 4 t: ,vk u,tu kr v I W r @i ' z H+t` xr ' COORDINATES (WE l FLAG DESCRIPTION 50' 0 50' 100 v P M1 tj e ?l W y 4 Jf 4 y N=650622.37 E=2185960.83 WF UU1 SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) N=65063523 E=2185998,49 WF UU2 N=650645.96 E=2186033.13 WF UU3 N=650634.91 E=2186044.29 WF UU4 N=650626.35 E=2186012.58 WF UU5 N=650606.69 E=2185964.93 WF UU6 175 175 ` I I t _ 170 I ' - f - i I~ COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND 165 _ AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD UM AND I E (FIELD 165 LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) i POINT) o C V) ` 160 - EXISTING GRADE 777\ _ -155 MIN L 0 _ I - I - - - - - - ( - - I - - - 160 i I INSTALL 20 D .I. PIPE - EXISTII£G B" 3'-6 iTING 8' EX. 6" WATER LINE i_ W/ SPECIAL INTERIOR 155 SANITARY SEWER -i COVER _ £ Y SEWER COATING WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF WELLS I I { - { - _ 50 EXISTING 150 - - - 24" RCP - 18" MIN. {2) 20 45' 2' FORCE MAIN 145 DONED _ s 24" MIN MJ BENDS EX; ABANDONED t~AiN I 12" MIN. (2) 20" 22'- MJ BENDS._ 145 10' I I I.. b" PVC FORCE MAIN I 140 5' 140 I - ANTI-SEEP COLLAR (TYP) SEE DETAIL SHEET D3 135 0 _ 135 1 ' 1 ~ 5' 310+00 311+06 312+00 313+00 314+00 315+00 316+00 317+00 318+00 319+00 320+00 3214-00 322+00 3231-00 324+00 325+00 326+00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert.) SEAL SEAL DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE My&rc ei~ NuneeR J HNSTC N 0 pt C y~~ a MCE PROD. 00358-0116 ` U1 37 UUNTY ~Ay4~4yVJ e~~'F3tll~v%,__v1 "C i W IF H ?RAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: oRAWNC NUMBER in in Pt r-%% j^ r e% r-% ^ t® a A A I ? 1 "=50' m ° a SEAL 200 MacKenon Court, Suite 200 EAST CLAYTC LA (T N/ zv r V u r um u r- m /1i rq '°'S MILD AREA( PRDJ. MGR. BFB 1°=5 VERTICAL: CHECKED DMH ®Ctg 032293 Cary, North Carolina 27511 •..g q,•A Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WILSONES MILLS 2 FORCE MAIN REALIGNMENT AND EASEMENT REVISIONS 10/22/07 ~w '{'y 'a•~ ~N •o b0~ WASTEWATER TRAn~ I RESPONSE TO CONSTRUCTION GRANTS k LOANS COMMENTS DATED 7/3/07 8/10/07 +pgt `~'9 AA0002667 EB0006691 1 Y RE".Na. DES IQL45 0"~ 107 www,mckirricreed.com FACILITIES IMPROV :R TRANSMISSION HIGHWAY 70 STATUS: REVISION N IMPROVEMENTS STA. 310+00 TO STA. 326+00 2 NOTES; 1, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO . V 1, THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. ( i ``fiyP { r 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING fr°Y N3L~ \ f UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ^r ~ rt&} AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THEr UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE ~H 1„ ~A 3 r - ul (9 t m C 1 "'6" CONFLICTS, THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. a a E b n1'¢ h'/ U ~~r dry' EXITIIVC 12 e~ A~'IC 1~4 z r!r t ~+r 9 q ; a , ri t r i E~E M~ 2ki4$iWJad b 4 N ~T1F 9r' M 000 6a~FORCE MAIN, ARV C7 Cts ..;6.' r it{trt:{~~(}, y r 1.:i i; +4 i s °iL^` < F' a; ° 36ptrc' 6t ' sw T - , i „Nf 1t`: 4 . t r rto- dr t 9 f v •e. s, ^.,n Ai ~ „ ~ ~r, .,,.rrl „c~ °2t i", UY ' :'.t ¢n .l,qC 4'' i t. 'Y•'' fin, I ,EL t!db^ ea+ ~U:^~h5 t k~y1W4?~fl`k' rr =i F , . a w +,.m/; 3 o rynNF+T' Yw µ"l ' n s x y r M' 3. 41 u r ~ '6 1 it EN@=,+~+t~+, t 2.., ;+d) A' ;ir;? s ra r'3>~ r :.ax ".,m fl 3t, z 'RR 1 Y ,n 1C! a 1V, s ~ P y M UNDER C E 1~ 4 ry( '1Fka„~i~k 1 ~(iy ; LOCATE i'. rooct MAl IN ~`R 'Us EXISTiNO`~~°AINING- WALL-AND 12" 9 C,e N s11 t w'ra+~ Y's G { F;";i r~ KcF # " rv "ri<' z. t «,wb <r ~s F 7 RQ 1; ~{I TING 12° FORCE MAIN, 06 y ' SH e w , mj Uv"Y1.r w 'LF~c ,z 4~. TP N>R EXIS NO~,., f hf~l'E v5~l~~k.rr :,'nle ti rr~~ a (SIN) (PHONE : LE4 ETC), AS o I i 9f AN TI-SEE (TYP) f F f t C ;fs s` SEE DETAI `SHEET 03 + , r, U .xra wu EXISTING .41, tf : NI „ rv+,re v ,~y F 3 r Ta 5 t sky ~ I > fc ri;Ei~$~" F }f TTTT wy , .~.,rFGR ~idlNv ° 1 i r ~q~.'9yiµ'~U rF Mi~ µ ~6 MM1, !+!sL~, µE. fiat (fi,E~4 ^.y '.E~x ~'hJFi'l~p ,+,,1 i £'i'. ui~~ s.<.,µ ,v?a s ua a cV'7;1 ^ . } ya., x;it Pl, a"~ Y ` e6 ua F ? ` Ete w , ~ ..,YS)i" s, L Ez~,: ~2 f~ ~a 51i u{ iE a r aka zf~ `h` C~ .u.». i e {u vt lh ' V%~? '4b; a N 6'+ S ~36 ~.ry . r t , f # P :r z a'E (aµ fit{ 46 c x v''t&- f n 1 , ,x> F %2 i ,k K{ sffLj Y ~.E ` dJ 3 fi k s J tII S 13Y G i ~`1"'"vY"..rv s q,t~,r Er7 of >a.. V1 Y iw=x r' + rx J ;:5 / N, ;ea s 1Yh '+~~3 ~u - , "0!. + ? tt= ;,l vy' ' ' e~ a ~4:y* ~--a. :Lx }Et:y "t rx > r swn?. +4k"p~ a 5°{~~,wq},,? f~. k .~7 r .h t4y~'G ~a Xl 'Y5 r£ t ' µa G ~ + ~ r ,h ?p,,. . 4"^~~ h ;1 (2} 20„ X45' MJ BENDS tva v.~h S s , 3 ~ << ~ v" 5, ~ ? ~ s. ~ ~p,,, a a § r:,> it r rt t r ~ , ~ , 'L;: t i,~x ~ ~f`?' ist s e,nr ;M Yr~s r'tu,.: 3J x , a r t.lyirj $r.` ~ut'~,Y'~"e'`} ,~i r i1 aw~ ir, sl ~(2) 20 45 x+ >t,, r ss, s, a~', ~ 3 B w v + :at s rn ¢ it ¢ vL n r w2il'N'~ qip' ' t~+t "^6 L r k i 7- F ( 'wr k ' i zt " s t +1' ' b.~;.{~'~ r s~ Irk v ~r'AL: 'e rvg ,d'`I ,1s yr 1(t1<@«e Y~';, r 4 ,ts~s (>ti a ~.te w~` t ~`1 .xr e""o:n of, z x6'$ 'FM, r ~ ~"w6,~n M r•'~W F ~;j ~ stt 1 t c ~ i Rn ~ t~ t~ w t, r~:. s IfTALL ~~1 D~ ~~r i~ f Yh S v5 ~ a ~ i .V., 's ~+flh~ l 'S ?,rv~ ,~ryy`n~ Y ~ S l~~?rt ~'{f'~ ~ d 7.,, '~r. L, as y r a; r IJ r~~+^`' k" T 3a f z r i, ,y trYiLr,,: PE. t E x~A,' tv; I: 7~ gyp"., -3~3£ t s =Sy tll i'"' Y i u r tt ~ 1 ~ t r°<t ) v t ~ x~' fs a t M 0,; N AIW, Ya~lum ANt r., IV, ' Y'R ~71r AIR`,)A LEASt Al VE (I D "Y{41i T~M"WRI'S~~yy~ x E x ~l>F: "..M i' i rir - R m.,".. I? 1 4! i pg N~lf ,2~ 4IA ~>ft ( tii~.y 3"~. UIn~A~N .T~ i~•A"ii ) iLJsf'+. STA. 296+80 B ,;r CONTRACTOR TO LIMIT (4) 20b 45' MJ BENDS AT WHERE DillI DISTURBANCE CORRIDOR TO 15 ~~y7 A. try e7 " L ATE A {SIGH { ) WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION 00 i ~"y F'f, J s ;1 F e w F ,~7 n WIDE (MEASURED ALONG STREAM `~s,~ ~ r~ a ,r r,:, c ~ , , z,3 1 w ~ r~ ~ ~A, r:. COORDINATES (N.E) FLAG DESCRIPTION t r ~iyL'q l.,f ~1T5 A~~"« ~ f y ° u /n {s t, d ~ 7YtI t s1'e?yi' s ; n{ xx CENTERLINE) WITHIN NEUSE N=652056.3600 E=2184934.5598 WF P1 BUFFER AND STREAM BED T L L' z Y~` 1' d r rs aX N=652084.5418 E=2184949.5610 WF P2 J, r o f \1, E~kr a + „>^b srE.. N=652100.7451 E=2184953.6223 WF P3 N=652117.0136 E=2184956.4366 WF P4 50 0 50 100 N=652076.5075 E=2184963.6499 WF P5 SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) N=652074,2577 E=2184951.8964 WF P6 N=652054.0729 E=2184939.3881 WF P8 175 175 i I E _ 170 170 I i COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND AIR RELEASE VALVE (FIELD - - 165 - - LOCATE AT HIGH POINT) I ; . 165 ALL (?,I -PIPE W --.MEGA-LUGS' EXISTING GRADE - MIN, ~4 UNDER CREEK BOTTOM. i 160 , . i - IN _ _ INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP ~ 20 PVGIFQRCEMA _ I - 160 (MIN. 18 DEPTH) W/ G GEOTEX _ LE - _ " - EXISTING 12° - ~ - i _ 24 RCP - - UNDERLI NER - FORCE MAIN 1 20" GATE 155 - - - 2 VALVE 155 4" MIN. - I- _ . MEMENE 150 19" MI 150 3'-6' MIN. 20' COVER _ i i ~'20' l _ I - VV (4) 20" 45' MJ BENDS j INSTALL 20 D.1. PIPE I W/ SPECIAL INTERIOR 145 ) 160 LF 20DJ. PIPE - - - -j - - - - - COATING WITHIN 100' 0' CONTRACTOR TO _ INSTALL FORCE MAIN I RADIUS OF WELL 145 AT ELEVATION REQUIRED TO AVOID Il HIGH SPOT 140 ._1 " , _ _ _ 140 5' ) SEEIDETAL SCOLLAR HEET D3YP 20'f 45' MJ BEND 1 4' MIN. - - - - - - - - - 135 0 ANTI-SEEP COLLAR (TYP) 135 (2) 20° 45' MJ BENDS _SEE DETAIL SHEET D3 { j ! 20" 45' MJ BEND i 5' 294+00 295+00 296+00 297+00 298+00 299+00 ,300+00 301+00 302+00 303+00 304+00 305+00 306+00 307+00 308+00 309+00 310+00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vert,) SEAL SEAL KIM&CREED 44 A DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE M&C flLE NUMBER ' m®®rr4 ep1., ( MCE PROJ. # 00358-0116 yy~y q g,g yq tla~®%i`ad oe °Gp~.DmJ/°y+d ppppp PHASE L} MA0-r ri Av°rn IF DRAWN AMH HORIZONTAL: ORpvnNG NUMBER !"~1 AVT/"1A1/ ryr.H rA, 1n r...,-..- e e q~' g";~ w LY5~7 I V L/"1 11 lJ vL/~ I I.?IV/ ZU I-' VU F UNUt MAIN ULNUNLL) GGG,CA A~ 200 MaeKenon Court, Suite 200 /ry ~/7~ 4 FORCEMAIN REAOONMENT ANDEASEMENT REVISIONS 1022/07 a S 032293 Cary, Noah Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILLS J RESPONSE TO CONSTRUCTION GRANT h LOANS COMMENTS DATED 7/3/07 8/10/D7 3 MILLS AREA CHECKED DMH LR, ICA L: ~°s,~+ PROJ. MGR. BFB 5' 'o- F Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 WASTEWATER TRAN% 2 FORCE MAIN REAIGNMENT 8/10/07 m®~ pN(31~ Pv R B RAIp~V~.7M1r7+J10N HIGHWAY ~t? I NBLAND PERMITTING REVISION 6/8/07 AMA ° uaMp9 °@6"'gV AAeee~"oe7 EE~dlle6fjO1 FACILITIES IMPROVI REV,NO. DESCRIPTIONS GATE T+ WWW, YY1 Ck IfI1Cf G2i~, COYYI RNIN °7(f (C,4 MPROVEMENTS STATUS: aEwsoN STA. 294+00 TO STA 310+00 ~ k o„}' ;F k~~i~ftw v;. £ sf~~'tx{'v,;4". b'7yy } Hi'i~(s~'lu f3{ 'fr rsR ~'irs'ss2yi''~! y`t~' c~. ,~ti,x V"'r: !i , ti's. j, Y 1itr r~kx'1)~'dki t it r p .d{;`q{`jE .~S`` ~r V`w ~7"`r i t'4'' efi ~~i,i~ y F'R 1 rat 1 'Mnnt"+js m,EW, ~n t pmt ~3 ~ ~Y Nd ( i x{ y" s ;t "Y~i1~413+ `'T £ r' s 'r tip" ~ Y~;^*.~?I~ '1„9 ~ ~;~p'A'~ 9 r °r~t}~ ,r Y'~iA ;il {~hfi aj ' h C R k E t t 'a sL'E} ` ` ry `aYt c 1 k1 a`ii;i'"'ns G ji trli..~( v k rV 1 i~V €r a ~Y`Eyaiw + If ' , "urx~ e*+'k'•s r Yid $ e ;£A t £ 7£ r~ ti°u J""3`7~ 3 rk lr'rt r ,re x9asnu n is 56i } k a Iai Vr}a L`.. Y d i 'Ci 1 1 e + r ~4 w ~ry' i 4 YY~tf t , d r fi S w sQ +v r x ~ k ~ } i ~ t. ak~ x 7 ~ ~ ~ IY rqa h ~ to ~~5 Y{ - , e ^~w r ~.~$x~i {a 4`+M1£'r sYi,~,n+ tt jv' x ~ 'k ~ r~ ~ i £ , a u a 1C1 r f, » v ..,i £ s } s r } 4 E' 4 - 7~~ it ` ! k £ r : r } w + vi of uir.ItG Fl~~~ r~~~ r r t ; ~d~ } Ht r~f { ~F~r E i dN;r~cz8~x A, s~`~' " 5~ g : #T "4 5.tie "",kt ya t s ?d .ts{ IN 1 j2yi = ( r P £ ~t"~ `i+ t! ` 36` as r Skx 1(~ v a r 5 S £ g` `~o,a. i <'(,s ii h t {s µ { Sfi~i t~ 9 is >f ~R4' 4 '"~r1!i>~ +k ~ ~ Z Lr S r n n, p ,r i` h ii ~1k Jtjj'~t t `;tr wjx1 e ,5+ t§ eG k~ri t tp $ , , t l $ 4P }Y'XF F dl E at Li t t + 4 d 1 yyH p ( y 4+ `i Y{'#,y i nWU M+a $ r' d + 1 11.' '.q. ,u . $ ) ~1~ y'S v ? ~4 ~3 ~ m 1? x x a saq E I. L Y zr' yftL t~ tr NSTALL 1000 LF STRAW W/NET Y , O 16 PUC FC1R E MRIN ,^,ai.= ~t is,U.G, " 1 v1' '4` ,',kr ; kf ,,'i AS TEMPORARY LINER FROM A''" r * 3'n0 ''°iL~Lr, 4z 5TA. 185+25 TO 5TA. 195+25 Yt ".4 p~ j ) S 25 ,~v' 4 Fe r t rr Rt axe; L _ ' 'r}'r .l ,t of ` AT WHERE DITCH IS DENUDED ~sA V! s" a{k}kt ifs s, b E i + xxa t rL c >~a, e s { i~it rhj gr st y 4~i~,i4~ r a r ~ NOTES: yk2 ~i?tit/f1,'.rYr~ pi ~ ~ y Y J 1 (~q) qe ~ a it st4 d ~Yk " Y+ G r' d r r ; L~ ?4 , G~' L'G't ra { } { r ax ` £rkG'eYt ag a . 4 ~I4~,t dd 5" '.+Y.•71S( , t i S byy 'W l i Y wlrE rr r £ r; e 3~ o xy - D F ~i d t tk~'" r 4< ys x n b r 5 f } r `w i Gtk`d+-x, 1i~"s1s t " I ,j YR t{ a tf j s L r`.,,~ y . m x t '~y r y„£ ii s i. e }txt t£ , 9 t ?r'1 :V l 1 1"~ ,u. n i { t1~m ;S ,v> ' kn 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND DS , s a 1 tr nY; x ~ tip , v ,1,'?1 £r rs i ~#a ; r .u. ~ t ,x{ r~~~i * , , fiYA tf LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. i te, L'a1'f SFi J% r ttr + S+ ` o ~h F:.;< au U;, Y" 5" a vsf t r 5~ ' VILV ,t eU.,,.., ~ }t.,2. .,.a. ~.',1£c}~ „2.. n,^,g „~,k' rr,xr. ~ r, =,t;,;+~,~".u:w. , ~ £ v „ r i .,n,.,, , , x z v.,, v a , . ..'&n+ fv r. k-<., tr%n£V r, t t a Ef~ h .v6 ,y . w s .,.:,V 1. a," ~,..'x Gt s., v,. 4x ~I Y ( } j ,'S? .1. o-r{r`!a5 i,a ,A., r a rrvf.{. .,e,. ,L*.i'., t S ,.r v ,dx ,v I r.::, q^q~~ s' rr a b~,c +u ? i J t dl.. .,.r' , ,.z #i~f.k r'^4 s, i4~ r~k~ir "';'a'.,~i'ii:^ G}.., er ] yVj eE. r t: .v a„ ,v, . a ~ > G' r i~P,x+ , ....x. 4 nrvaro ;la r'"I~G-- n GGe ~ r«4. iru .~iv ail ~ ~ r. .,,i~4 e. ~ai~ ~ r }1: n A.,;i r.i~~ k`t, Aui i4v,i=,. b+~1 s ~.r n, .,nx a i..t r a.'. ~'N ..x ~ a .z . :~tisY ~T3 ~ s ~ G ' } . ,t: 7, ',Yyr d 3:. . ,€k ~ a,4kr%i;i e e,,r ,tra i.~r i. ~.._r3. i, ~i„e'. 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS , ~ ..,u,..,.. k.. .u. t. ' ^k ¢ i u....x f . r4 .m.. r w Y 9,, F~ S~.s ~ R: 1:., ;d tW, v, P.n ,nzr.s„ r. r. r.,. a ,.t. i. y .7,.. s c. m.~i ~~t ~;r. .,~„r<. ,4L 5. , =v ub n,} 'S cV•. a r ri t,. ,S :.3 x y ~ a r..£ .ci 2 a , x, ~ `i=. y..t s,r, iv' a'}' t .'^a u,?.,. 1. t~+ t, + <; e}.i n:. f.d.,s rk ,-f. ~tfi s .t ii i M.w"ti` sr. ax it-. ,r , ~k+t ~g =:.,t i.t,.. , . . . i. ,t~,: ri'k +s.. pr u,,jd ( s .,£~x. y s ~f `'v „ ~ xai ar" » v . } , .YX~, 1°Rt a.,,.. Y e d 5s i r iris s~~ ,.;iY~ + ;,~u V ! HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE #r° a~GG " s`!G d °`h~" 11 i~ n,.,bt t ,~`7> r ~ t4{ z } a a , "'1' t Z] UJI t Eil + v . ~t t ,tk~ ..:.J M"" " . r.: . ~ r ;Y,;. } L '}r .1 s ~Gr .r} . ' . tn; 4s r ic„r lx . C TANK i 'Q' 5 3,a,,, ~i} o a {r t t r FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS. THIS INFORMATION ~~Fi s rx x. rr k,`+ at': }}.rt + x :;r rv iy "''~a txS ~'t.-£ r~r ,v.'r;t~ tr r ! tt iS IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND f 1 V J 1"~., ,Y:f r: I kit , dWT'.~ f r 's "3 `as. ` .,-Y i~ r x, r Y fib' S 4k ik' f}. `i+Y ; r rj r „s!". y b? `"v'. 1 "v, "r 't n s s "R, ysx n4@ bsrkt i x ,.a t, >.t 4 } ?,L,, .+„c v Ri,C xs tx "}f t r'~ ;t 3 @. " s ,~£ti a ;.:i,'r; 3x a) 5'', 0.. , i UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES G : ri' s u, ! °t `tom ~rnk ``"v. £ U, 7 t£,ti' 1 Ga 1 i 3+ rY{.` n. t :}r ~r ,hrt . '.7a rho+,:.G k~ n ki s..r.. it !Y. 'gsr'ir p'~ "y.: ,ry, r { wv %;1p2 x ! 4 4 £ 4',.. s .~u*" .a . t,k~ t ~i ¢ s i s G ir,. ,q r r =r r n "'6 5 r rra z f:; i7 }~3 txm r""= r~, ,ata,- ct .,>{njy. t .n 9 s tf: a;'4~'k' MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ~kd V.;'. ""4 .k W ,.-0.Ita ) J'~,.; }v ~t ,~b ,'~pr, f G., `y=4:~ .G + I. v 2 rev. 4+ r' r vx" a rv t r r rat; k a „f r + .e., . Jv` ::~d : i `v; t t.. stu t ~ "v ryy; ak tr nk yG.,4 s t... , s~ GrA, AkrrrA`i ~ u:, „x { c i r ~ ' ' Af .,y{. ~1`i y n , s'd~. a%N :A 'LNu 's1 ..,,t Y-0t .flr a.3 I.:. y~{y~. tF 3v ~ jiJ }Fj} f,r f. k `•L*;~~.i §}3 M .^vf.,+ ~'""w .y r%' ` m=„ I ~ "~',y,. 1~~, d{ x N~ 6 a !°J .u. k1 f ~d: y v ~3vV <e1 in, I i ~ ~ t. 2: & PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES M~ F° . N , ii p 1 t ik,. r. ck'? i,. s , 1r. b ka ; ' 1fi,.. s z, N' > .4'.s +s, 9 u '4 :'~4t e. ~"v; 1~ ir.+ , 41t Y..gs "IF > J sc i , y i!: r: . 5,t v 9: f A~,.H4y rruval, . ~ r., t ~1 ~n t`,~ r V b : } ~ rr .,L ~ ~ r. _'a fxi ~i fi~N,a 2kax'rki. 1S i , r ~G; -,t N* 't ~ $ ~ ~k ~Y, ry,~~e ! A in i„'". S~' x •r. liM1 ,rl "x,. }r a d c r'~ Yk.31tt r 'fi e1~~"~' i., >'1}.. - ~~.u. di'k,, . '"p ett, 4l ,YYy 5 vas(. { q4G r,.. ~ f,r q._~ JS'iA'r r'n ~ 4!'' G. AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN zL Gt:. s ,Y,yi s 3, } ~r.,, ry +~a~~ , F: i ~ ~ 1 L t~i .S°r .T ~ .J is is -4 ~ d1 a r~kr ~f EN WT r"w wk ) 'ti,: ) Yx „}.x~, r "i} 3 € i>I ,.3~~ } i `"~N rYd£a~tf kt° Y51 °~+""a t!£~?v .,x u. "4: v... G. G.}~, ~l t" +r r~v v+ rt~;' xc+~ r t {rc4 :3 ) k. i~"~_t~ i .rf"- ~w,,..'r 1r ~rc'(• rfxN` ` r''= CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE OWNER WILL WORK WITH 'Cr .m y.'i iG 'V"~ ' 5 £ A iE -t f, s ,r::; # vi 1rxG.a rki «r3 Ls s a' ri .s:=' k kl. r~ ~r na ~4'Y r 1 \ f,,.... t .,?u,- ~ i£''. , J` ~ H~ y..k.'.a^.r ~F a' r £;'w !"ii ~ v{ R S, k rt} V' .+rJ,J, e r r„a:, A. r ,,,,.wr,;.. yr~ 'y4 Y£rre 5r rr t h~~MNUT~°; i , THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND Sb p~6r fm 'x~t f Iz # t , rd n, Y y32 t ti 5.,. z r „"u 1 r iuy... xr~ o rr%+,„it?t:t :Y L"?l tt x£ tr w , r a ti„3 " i k ixN"ir" ~a.: I4 t ,vf circ ir„ ir"p., mF fG.v~.. iW, ~...}}=i 4 ryG~.::nv .G+~#<„ f' t' ~L..is ~rP -,~t y~ 1, £~r ~H,x dY.'rurk r i,. N, ~~Gr£~~ W'tr. G •c „ w. 'Lx: x.~i : n e l+r''. , r ~ 4 . A, . " $ ~ , k+ i b .H.G 'A; . t e u> `Ar ' t H(r 1 !£t r£ ,i r zx lkti, Gin v 'E f n E !r`•r,3a ,,r', ~Cr E , ~2nt APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL I ,.4r ~r s lt',,. ,rttr vtr ro- r... 3y.id k,vd?~T ; d,.f,,1 ..og i' .a ms, _,_-0' 55 ~ £u,'r:' t 's G.. ~ s ri,s , ~ n.. ~ r a, F; py } t r.>} t u ;££rs. a ~ s a 111 1 k.. I j 1 A t x~., ) 2 II >1 x r.. `ir ((f x t , , . . rs va +ny"~?~k i i a- a s£ 5 .t N` ; 1 ~ ~ v"' m>Y. ,t ~ ;'s.' K~t ~,-Y- ~ s :3 £ ~..y ,f,~„GicY 6, Ik "aG sa, ,~ra*F 4 ~?~{OX „r, .yv 7,. 4 ,.a.,,~ r. .y„3 ,.,},.t Jase 1, 6s@. rnu:r :..e s,~`~ Yw r: s.,: ry !y i. .n }xs h~ :=s, 11 {tN i`9"9{ t ~Y y Yl:.r4 r, C,[~'' COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CONFLICTING . L{1' . 1 e. ,i , rt, _ '1. s, 1 t *rV I ..Y:? , z " 5k ,1 ,,,.t £ r r t'~f r ri'f't"tpN""~ i i p rY h.' o~ ~y 1, t t ,w A~~?~,t iA ?n...0, ,".5 ,r~.~ t7 I t:, iN U ~ytA w S.:,ir t}., a''a'k k~'i: r.7 G~f~L1v~ i i yr ; i= £ :4b r ,h Y~i s4 r~? s ka r€vhJ 3k1 Xk?Fe ix . vwis f i'Glft~sG(s t ~'j C S z r 'tii,`! `n' "~t,~. 1 ..S 1 Yv'3E.d ./i k~- ,S' it s u+ UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE ar:, .+a wa t "*ti.. ~ a} S S i 2: xt i.h ~ ,r'.` i, ~ i ;'S ~5µ~ v" .`G4u r t W. G 'SSi. Nbt t ~ G, v ,$nl.r tb rd kn t ,y"..rs t i, ~•r3,. u~'t' t $n~Ea y ! -*1' x; ~ f,,.r'' e ,r a C Li yss' dk d Y `g° r '.t` ~ u I :b' 4".. 1. tr ,i".~ .el,r A} .5+ 5 Y,~ i v~, E .'4 t,. .t Cf x?" . FF3' ; ina k"*Y f ,"s f, S ~ra rlr k, y.~ v...,'tx 3, is u? a ~ i,. 11 t„ Y iG+~"`~r., e : } ~fvi .J + G'Y~}rv 3<C f ihn+Y,+t ,..lip l 3 } g, S`lif ,x rV , c„ , 9 1'# N ,a v J PLANS. ',"t i e£. y3 s :(r ! .'.ar ~F £ 7-..,t'.A1„, 3r. £ }i. t^.{ ~`Sns,Y, aa'~x5 ~.h;~`~PMiI~w`~.r } s,=, n r; G* n(ca k u „t~ts~ s} Gir~,G%r~~ ~.r. i~ r'"ts .,ryr V `';fj,, v s".. t w r'ny`21!isua~ GG`r; i zrt,Pui} a t i l+ ili si .u r>r£, ~ t n a n t tY } r, y rp E£; 'S,~ aM ` flGm xk. `~u t . +i H r t 18. ..;i .,i it~~`.t I r "4, ~5, ,~7. }.i~0,ir ,:~~4HOq,~J+~~,. r~ ~ { :alt GF ip~ a,. ,r7. ,#.;,r}.'t, r r.: „a~ si }r}rr. a~S: n~ v+I .N i ,i',r u, ~ n=xf , r- ?3'',t" y ,ar." A »s33,Cx ,yHv u Y t x is a=:, rue r mG f£" ?G k +s ,Co' =3 +n1..4, s~" a ",u1G ,.}.x G{u .Ysi'~:, ,r . ~,-e, t sy .7rr, " r r a tt,.. s G ,`9:; 3. IN AREAS WHERE THE NEW 16" FORCE MAIN CLOSELY ,1z~, HTr xr y m ssr , t1, A : ` s,. `"3 z 3 , 'CO BINATION~ AIR VACUUM AND .i„.,. ~ ~ } , ^wz l ~,.I" 1 F{k , . ~'4 ,~5~ ,p } r r ti / e~ J ".`t {x,tGz§vr t.,1" \ n 3 1}~,1,;;r'~}t~ A Y 1 t 7~~1.ES r}i s'T, i~ ~ t. 1~nr5# ":ry ,¢~`Sit '3 t~ J~},, G 'hu:} x. tit t Yd Yt k U..s i + t s ,l..w,:, f, s' 1rsa~'C~ d'¢± [ J > t'•, V ,i; 'rw4 hu ,7 <iz +n ,c t A £r ',H vt t u.. r r1i ,r",. PARALLELS THE EXISTING 4" FROCEMAIN, CONTRACTOR n ;AIR RELEASE VALVE FIELD + ik "~~;<qI.` R2 r~$~i OxuJ~Y lmz }r.: n rrr€ek ~~~r a ~ r 't. I c:. +wrf r, ,;kit,. rV tt fxbx.~ v u , ~x ~s if}v. ~~t'v`r are,.,, vz 1VGf+> £`l'n~ P s'$i iD r4H ~ ta. ~ } ;+f~s,. a >:prf+a, 1 ~ Via. @ ~'tii `,k A yu„r,, a a+, S;:NI Y` G Y da #ji9 '.a ~iW3s r~" 'ir s~IFP+ V,'' „aa i9" E SHALL CAREFULY EXCAVATE AROUND THE EXISTING 4 LO A A aqe st J-{ k „i C TE T HIGH POINT) r.,.,. L3 t~ i, TT. s1x a T.i a ...W ` ,,y+ P. ` iI.{ r rid x>#p kn"" } kA,i.' ,$"`r+'~ir~t {:r 1.. A rly;r£.ye'aI+} +}v;,, .a .sp~ q r" 'MW 1a. '~ki1... ,"*'i..zh., Nt, }at nv}G",".`.it>~ ''*2t rri' P t. 'te is. ,ap„t 3 + ("f, S ~~r~'n~4i {~yY'. Yn`kv ~.,..A~ `n ri } e3a _~t.; .S1e. `c'~ xi: .G; ~a1 , FORGE MAIN, LAY THE 16" FORCE MAIN WITH 12 "1h° . Yy, C SEPARATION FROM THE 4" FORCE MAIN AND INSTALL < ,v"14v 4 y S stt .its k,{M 3 ij a4, „f. ;i3'u. 3 fk`, ni*: rN t Gx G GGt`G >i gu d A f 7 ri ut! 3' 3 Y t 11!lGA1NC ;i ! w ~e ate1< 0 4 lif, s z1 t Y k Y 1 n F ! L~(a , n s r v` x a it .A;, Sv: el z .ss., } r.,4 ;Li;EC'Y1~IC :at } {y,L"S *"'~X',~' ;'tt ..L~aa Vt.,w.w Ext, s,iA ~:`r. r ~":,rr'. vt ~,fL` :ik,. F p t, ~i~' : , t r a yrG ,'3u ) }~ra,r sn rc ~ ,i " s ' r L`n.;. '.2 a„ r!!v. ){~p~a r 0' .,;,'i' t'~+7 +iu„ t .,:rug %'6 u a a. x,` s'•,' ? G At (y`p~ywq~ }v tti, ds .rx„xf r ~ r ~ t , } V~ ° Y t r~kX~.:.. STONE BETWEEN THE TWO PIPES, d$ 'h^ WY ,5 R Y h ~ f rv "Y s =;r , re Y~rvll G v - f,. t , ~ ..,;{a. 9'1. rt. `i ; r X` . 3 $,a (V el sf3 r. k k, bl c F„et~r r* _ '~k ~ +.kt ~ t, ,'i N:+, , £ l~, 4 ',3 ...3V;.. „ 1{ a Z S J~ N" N d ~ ".,~:Gi k£ sG r' , ~ ,.i '#r o.,~ i x s~ i.. v . ~ se,~,° ~`~'Yr P ,E~`~,,~v GYdi ttL an,. .t M1': y+G,(.h ar, r:, Z ,1~1 s( ~1 tl, ~,t It~.:?x~ {,:nttia ~}ai77.ts. t: ,;P: L$`4. v~1,S a ' t ` + ' r. } r;~L tr.,v'1 ;~.G ¢ ,`.Et•.: i - +i, 9~i(~t t t~~ ~ ~ +i",:: sal ~ ,;?2 •.;i ,9 k,: hxt, ~q 4~':. A:7;h kk a a, sJ~4. ^a+ s ..4., iz. it w a; E` a, .F M~ ~{yµ~+~~U },u ~ 7° .,t> Xa M1t h3 +,,,~~~BY gsa#,n tb S::Gi~~~ to fs r„Y } 9"Y"., ii;. r xty~ vw? ~ G. y, {7r' sY}k 9.x i~>q, y} > a y S~ , f , > ~t ~t ~y ra u IP~`i, , t V 1r'Y , os .,i 1{ t~ t? ~:u d, ifk , lY~°rYryF£1'tfCGi A"y+.5elA k'tn . F{ 1}`»£' 1lve;, ar,; s":, t s ski 1fi ~r{~" ~ r ~ i t,.f r~+ k~1+a r';r `~rrt ~'rams."-. ~ 'r`u k,~d"»!ury "u x` ;,.ro.". r +..;e v,:„(Fr; lt~s~ h'£.. ~ ?r V''ta 't7~k=CAL x£flG;if.^sr "s'~,t''~t i u t G`£" ` d i 1',,. , `s y,£ ,4s~'br ~ G £i..rG wa Sv;`Xan.,9,..: (.f't i z~va~ £ s~,3 P!Y :9'` ,x e hG$ t , 3r„:. r r~it, r ~ 's'V'~( i ~ C~ } tV G} .`+2"':. ,i } +?LG 'k`k'~,~u£tvR . k iJ~ Nnl~ v. kz sS . u Nl'urs, s. a c ac f h!iJ"' ~r r $ y < ~M'r S k j k t z x t ~ kx ~ Gr F1 r gg ':`%,i 'u'et ( i"~ i ~i a: xo- 9 r Gn~ a. ^ ~C'''~ G',r 7 a' t{ r" 4~ i e k ,Gi ~ r v p>" i ~t " u 1 4:'`r`~i£kE t wl+6k~"'.,'j.*(sG G}`n 4 rw.A a ,e r r { ' b in 3r v : l l , L' wG 3 M, n} ,arc £~I k Y rtitii+ypr7(,'I#~Pj~l„rdl (d' .x1 d+ ` f y'd+ ;Ti+~ r ki~1~2 p!} y s Y `wik"~"~'xy(,3Y? sfr s s s t. 50' 0 50' 100' }G'r," „is' rte., ' 2 rtE i4+ s `(nvh a r? . ",kT ¢G5 "x'q„„t`}kF `i ,x ,r.+Sa? G~' ;Ya'~ rv';i'~rci }}r 9A >1`} =N." .vW` GF a+ t:f if <1 y t', } "t. 1£si . ._.._9.+_. c.... .f. tG.e ~ t a~}T; vx` ^ b ,a£ , r { x. Vy ,i s,`V",y t>18kn~,"w s7r x , as~ r,,, , 6 stlk . , . .}art ,w e f h s -t'' { ' }U.....t SAa " SCALE: 1"=50' (Horiz.) 310 I 310 305 - . i.. . , I. COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM AND - - 305 AIR RELEASE VALVE {FIELD { i - - LOCATE AT H 1GH POINT) - - - . - _ I _ I 300 . - 1 - - 1 - 300 C _ 295 295 EXISTING GRADE 16" PVC FORCE MAIN F i ` - m I- CONTRACTOR INSTALL FORCE MAIN AT ELEVATION REQUIRED 290 - _ : 1 TO AVOID HIGH SPOT 290 3 . EXISTING 24" _ MIN, ~ - r _ % RCP COVER _ _ 285 . t _`a_. 285 12" MIN. i 18" MIN. i - 16" 90' MJ BENDS _ 24" MIN 280 i 280 10' EXISTING 8" - - EXISTING 8" - SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER 16" 45' I _ _ - MJ BENDS 16" 45' MJ 16" 45' MJ BENDS 275 5' _ INSTALL 40 LF OF 16" D.I. PIPE CENTERED UNDER 24° RCP - - - - ~ SEE CROSSING DETAIL "'B" SHEET D2 _ _ I 270 - - 270 0 176+OD 177+d0 178+00 779+00 780+00 181+00 182+00 183+DO iBh+DO 185+00 186+ 5' 1864-00 187+00 188+00 189+00 189+00 SCALE: 1"=5' (Vest.) SEAL m.~...w.dm...,rm®e~ ,~~~~~s~~..~ DATE: APRIL 2007 n+ec v,~e NuMeea SCALE CiU l qp JOHNTON COUI °¢Eau/. 0 PHASE 1 MCA PROD. k 0358-0116 DRAWN TJJ HORIZONTAL: oanvnrvc Nu~eEa 1 COUNTY I F 1 023 200 MacKenon Court, Suite 200 EAST CLAYTON/ T©N/ bt H \ FUN ( L MAIN DESIGNED CAT Y TON/ I lJ I V V V' e V!® CHECKED DMH [:R TICAL: Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILLS ARE Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 p LLS AREA PROJ. MGR. BFB i"-5' 1 ALIGNMENT ADJUSTED TO STAY VATOIN ROAD R/M 8/10/07 ~Ae0, f ~y46d~ AA0e02667 EBeaa(>69, WASTEWATER TRANSMI4 ;ANSMISSION NORTH TECH PARK DR. STATUS: RE~S~ M----- REMSIONS "r www.mckimcreed.com FACILITIES IMPROVEME ROVEMENTS STA. 176+00 TO STA. 190+00 -1;-,77 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50' 0 50' 100' ~ 1 ot1;- ~ j r a ~ SCALE: 1'=50' (Horiz.) i TALL CL,t RIPS (MIN. S' x18" DEPTH} W/'GEOTE E„ < = WETLAND IMPACT FLAGGING IDENTIFICATION A " UND LINER ENTIRE 15' ( r kSE N7 WItlTH 1 ~ N/~ ~ ~ ~L c s ~ COORDINATES (N.E) FLAG DESCRIPTION GOLF OF r 4 ~ P h 88., TALL .200LF STRAW W NET INS NJF YTie1.; x "'';x PIN ib78 I / AS'TEMPURARY LINER FROM N=687340.2826 E=2175797.9236 WF Al ROR' Y<,CONSTRU TION STAB 51+20"T0. STA,, 53't20 AT CLUBCORP ,GOLF.OF NG,LCC " N=687315.8457 E=2175798.0443 WF A2 :OB 1813, PG 364 a A di ` T „ 1 WHERE. DITCH IS DENUDED ,j t i ' ,t r n~'s~r iA" T °"4 N=687298.7087 E=2175808.5731 WF A3 EDIT illtRStMtN Wt JI~T FEND„ 1~ 1 t.+aI 1 Y~ , N=687278.8225 E=2175813.4510 WF A4 (TYP) 16h PVC FORCEMAIN ` - N=687266.9287 E=2175817.1699 WF A5 I r 1_ s~ . k 4 66 " N=687264.8039 E=2175825.2725 WF A6 ' ~ ~ ~ t , ~ ~ ``?GHT - if 101 OFF" a N=687259.0686 E=2175819.2904 WF A7 EOP (MIN) shot RJ'"PIPE 71 qF N=687259.8350 E=2175810.5874 WF A8 EXI5TIN4`,... , . UREL~RD~ tt GLEN LA a aoRtE MAIN N=687252.7077 E=2175802.7337 WF A9 %•,%,E~9 X. N k r ,we, to x v.; F~li i a S v y ,r T+'w ~y~ i. .i) R 3 Cu ,1,w ~x r - 97+,': - I ?l1~~ s 1 to i f y~,',: Sp ati:p r t. h -+...4 s<:,$ a 16 1 45 Y n a Lt?,r. ii i t r' 731 7 t 7 /H + e 1 f n Y, CUT N=687247.4842 E=2175794.5528 WF A10 j r r 1F:;ba%. c ~7' a ..i a I' q > t le , A t V STINGi N=687231.7167 E=2175786.7014 WF All TEPo LINE n , f p ANTI sEE~ E~LLAR1( N=687234.0709 E=2175768.8328 WF A12 5 ~P C C I E ,.fir , x 4• . X91 . JEE DE,TAIL `JHEETp `r~ erg:] ' V~/; ! „r•> N=687249.9537 E=2175759.8620 WF A13 ct ' i W .C• , h.'. .p.~'ti .111 ,a? ~ r.3 ~ ~ ~ a; 1 x !~4-. 4 , h~',:,;. ! ~ t „ p = FNTRY SIGH(, c,`a k N=687266.7021 E=2175757.8658 WF A14 'i , " 4 , nF;, t 4 Sw+P'-•. t q*: x i~ ~1 r.. y„ n i i.; 1 e , .t ~..y N=687277.9343 E=2175758.6314 WF A15 a ' d 1ri 1af i i - ~ ~K c 1 ~ G ti, P r Y a' `r 7 ( r +y ~ t , r : , 1 r y , ~ '1 r1 a ;1 t? ~ ~-`1 1 i1 S L'~4, rk., 5 "f ,L F, t ,"+x A 1 1 y" ( tY 1 { '4 1 1 ! ~f N=687304.0819 E=2175768.9834 WF A16 L E%ISTIR L r f ' tip I 3 1 u 1 f ( , ° 9 , 1 v YIA TE EXISTING 12 S- , WATER LINE ,F N=687322.3418 E=2175776.9551 WF A17 1 t , C ! f 4 f r a v r ? ` / N=687345.3720 E=2175781.6772 WF A18 U),' 6~ , 'r t a v 11 , s r } U) U) NOTES, 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, MATERIAL AND LOCATION FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO ( , i r i r it le 1:t d THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. nt ~ , X u ~r Yr ,fi r ~ ~ O , r f ! ? t , , is ro 1.4s ~Y.} ( [ 1 s V ~ I U U 2 i~ 1 ~7? ~s }k v ~ M < 1 , f r~l ! .f i a 1 - Vt 11 S1 s a 1 2. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM INFORMATION MADE ~r `VV AVAILABLE FROM THE VARIOUS UTILITY OWNERS, THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUSIVE OF ALL EXISTING -r UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES r y Air e r r r/ k z z ry, 4 r 4 xe'"}4 . V I-, r r ~ r V AND CABLES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES COULD CONFLICT WITH THE FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN. THE T ,y r m w11e G. "tF-g' xrp I i r S` t >ri ti t' c 'i rJ' 2 ' J v \ v OWNER WILL WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO REALIGN THE FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO THE PRESENCE . f v r l ~ 1`~ 7 m r r r"} 4 F e.~ )v h , , i rti M + h t r V 3'ti F 4f ~ r r ; xT 2 4"( "uy~ a OF CONFLICTING UTILITIES AND CABLES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ~ e. ~ s ~ ~,k , y 1 ut Y a J'1 ak( , r h1 ,a 1 R t 'J 4 t- , i k k t1 j~ ? q - f 4P ~~G~ , + r S y, A yd t tn ' f R, T V ps ~r 1 ' ~ t ti 311 ~ r a ~ + T , a 1 , p c, , i ~ { Y` t f k + r 1 1" a y ~ ~u , c ~ r 1 `x d y ~ i 195 ! 235 . ---I i - 1 i I - I 190 - - - - - - _L_- _ -180 230 ' - - - 230 i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING GRADE EXISTING WATER LINE - 225 II - - - - - rs° VC-FORCE MAItV 2 - - - - _ I vo 16" PVC FORCE MAIN_ - - - - - - - - --I - 18" MIN. - _L- -i - - - { - - 220 + + -22 a - 175 i - I - _ _ - - -r - I I i - _ - ~ - EXISTING GRADE.---- to tn- ~ i , - - -1z5- rig--- - - - - - - I I 215 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U U EXISTING FORCE MAIN G FORCE MAIN I 170 - - - - ____-_.a- lz0 310---- 210 - _ _L___ - ALL D.I. R STRAINED - - - JOINT PIPE - - - - - i _ - - -__i - - - - - - s5 - INSTALL CL 1 RIP RAP (MIN. 205 i i 18" DEPTH) W/ GEOTEXTILE j ANTI EEP _ I _ } _ ~ ) -UNDERLINER ENTIRE 15 1 - - _ _ SEELD TAILY SHEET - - EASEMENT WIDTH ! I I 160 - - - ! 7 00 J I - - - - - -zoo ANTI SEEP COLLA S-6° MIN, ! - _ SEE ETAIL SHEET D3 COVER - - - 1 155 - P - - -__-4 -5- 95•---- - - 195 - - - - - - - - - - - - -_i - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I i ! - - - - - - - - - - - 150 _ I 190 j -R.-J-BEN I EXISTING 45 - - 60 RCP - - - - i- - - - - ! - 155- - - i I - i 185 ! MIN, 16" 5 R,J BEND 451,50 + 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 5h+00 55+00 i5+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 i SEAT. SEAL DATE: APRIL 2007 SCALE " FlrE "uueeR JOHNSTON C( MCE PROD. # 0358-0116 CU1 ON COUNTY PHASE 1 HORIZONTAL r q: 4&CREED I F IF DRAWN TJJ ~RA4FNG NUMBER -0 ~)f m% /n 1-ern^r A I A IA 1 ncc1r_h1m rAT 1"=50' _ 3 i SEAL st = 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 EAST CLAYTO CLAYTON/ i o r v u r u m V t Ni m w CHECKED VERTICAL: VERTICAL: C7 t 032293 ?.a Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILSON'S MILLS 1 s REVISED PEeEUEHEerACa vnoe 8/10/07 ? n Phone, (919233-8091, Fax: (919233-8031 3 MILLS AREA PROJ. MGR. BFB 1 =5 2 MATCHUNE UPDATE a/io/oi , p .,,GIN., Q,. i 'AETLAND PERMITTING AENSIDNS 6/9/07 1~` °l( AA0002667 E80006691 WASTEWATER TRAN Rev.NO. DESCRIPTIONS DATE R TRANSMISSION GLEN LAUREL ROAD STATUS: REVISION www.mcklmcreed.com FACILITIES IMPROVI REVISIONS l(l 07 IMPROVEMENTS STA. 45+30 TO STA. 60+00 2