HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02765_Well Construction - GW1_20240506 WELL CONSI'aRUCT ON RECORD f GW-1) •
For Internal Use Only: •
1.Well Contractor.informationo
Chris King . .
. .
Well Contractor Name R
... FROM . '. TO _":. . . _.DESCRIPTION ' '
2U80-A '
NC WellContractor Certification Number •
1 ft 1 tt, I
. :lout if,..
Aqua.Drill, Inc: • •
- 1S.-OUTERCASING'(formilli-caged wells)OR LINER(if all licable)': -
�Company Name ': � . ..
fit fit.' !/q in. Z P
2..Well Construction Permit#. 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed-loop) '
. 3'-Q-•� •wC�!iv I C. Ov t))c3 FROM- - TO'- •DIAMETER• .-- THICKNESS- . . MATERIAL . ' .
List'allappltaahle ire(!eintsInIction pennrts(l e:UIL Count, State;Variance,etc:) R.. - R. '' is "
3:Well Use(check we11 use):.
_..- ft:: fit. 1a
Water Supply Well: • •
17.SCREEN. - _. ' .. . _ -
Agricultural • OMuaicipalll?ublic . - FROM.t ' To .,-. • :.T In—
Geothermal Hcatin Coolin Su l esidential WatcrSu 1 it. . :tt. to.
� � g PP y) PP y(single) - .
Industrial/Commercial DRcsidentia1 Water Supply.(shared)
• : ., . . FROM. TO '
fiftt (fitt..-(G'w1 Yht'
�"� /�
�Monitoring. . Recodc
!Injection.Wel •l; •
Aquifer Recharge Graundwafer.Remediation
Aquifer Storage and RecoveSAND/GRAVEL
D ft •
ry • .Salinity Barrier -. TO.' . • (i AT RIAL.
Aquifer Test •DStormwater Drainage fit
Experimental Technology Subsidence Control '
R. fit ,
Geothermal(Closed Loop)" Tracer .20:DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets If necessa Geothermal(Heating/coolingReturii) iOther(explainunder#2IiRemarks) FRUaf To..` ' ' DESCniPT1oN(color,hardn y). .-: - ess,sa Wrock type;Morn she,Me.)
Weil ID# . . _ :i ft.' d •ft.: c�
4.Date Wel(s)Completed "I 5�, 1� � _i oh •
Sa..Wei1 Location: d�`o c K � 'i"�'u ."
CO .
t. � L. 13i � lta) }
tt:_ ... . . . tt:
Facility/Owns;Namc Facility ID#(ifapplienbie) 4 • fit. -- -� -
f'ii$ l t9K_"IZid'i-e. - zd S�, , ft .
�. ca►v�Fzl'iclt'�. tI. `
PPhysical Addreycs:Ciii.and Zip•' . lea c C.-p' 73 s ( ..ft. it._ 1 ' . wi AY . ..
6LI h 1 F0:2c1 : • 21.REIVIAR cS _
County r
Parcel identification No(PIN) D h.C..
Sb.Latitude and.longitude In d g •egrees/minufes/seconds or decimal degrees'
(if well field,one laiilong is sufficient)
32.Ceriitie ion: ..
' .. N W
6.Is(are)the wcll(s t►. Permanent or OTemporary . Sianaturc 01Ccnificd Well Contractor ' - Uatc./ram Z
7,Is this a repair it to an existingwell: By shining this,trrrnt.I.herehr eerih•that the nv/I(s)was,(were)c•anstnicted In accordance-
DYes• or %'No arch 15A'NGAC 02C.0100 or IS4 NCAC 02C 0200 Well.Can!,sa.ilon Standards and that a
. (phis Is a rdtair,flit oat£noi,n well rcinStru rims m ini niatinn and opiate the nalari•of the 'eaj?i r flh%r rxrrird has(wen proridcd to Nre;ne!!mi ner.
sepal,antler 1121 rc marks sertlon it,.an the hack ofthisflaw; .
23 Site-diagram or additional hell details:'
8.For.Geoprobe/DPT or.Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to•provide additional well.site-details or well
constructign,.only 1 OW-1 is needed, Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells ' constructuin details,•You may also attach•additional a t''
drilled: page if necessary.
9.Total well depth beloand surface:
tV.l � (R:) 24a.For multiple:rolls list ell depths'fdperent(example-3@- 00'and 2(p1100') cons rFOrust All theWe following
10.Static water level below top of casing: tJ (ft.)• 1
Ifuwmrlevel is irhae casing."Sc"� Division of Water Resources,information Processing Unit,
1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994617
i 1.Borehole diameter: (in.)
24b.For Infection Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address•in 24a
12.Weil construction method: j . above;also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well
(i.e.auger,cola,) cable,direct Push.etc,) , . construction to the following:
FOR CJIsTB12 SITPPh`e'•WELtiS ONLY: Division of Water•Resources;Underground Injection Control Program,
1636 Mail:Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
13a.Yield(gpm) '. )57 Method of test: 5 , 24c.For Water Supph &-ingestion Wells: In addition to Sending.the form to
the address(es) above, also submit one;copy of this form within 30 days of
.13b.Disinfection type 1-I rig- Amount: 1 4. . ;el�' r
�,.; completion of well construction to the county health department of the county
Where constructed.
Form GW-I North Carnlinn rlannw...:...,-.c....:�___-_._.et-_.. ... .. ...... -
Division of Environmeiital Health, Water Quality Unit
40.0 W.Market St.;Saute 300,Greensboro,NC 27401
Address -f Well:9/ l� . �`ll��� 0 � Wen
�' �'' i� /� 9• �.°'f or l6 LATITUDE 5----
Well Pei it Number: �3 -t?• ,vi4 -
Well Con�actor Company; � --- ^ :
Completion Date:- .j$-- !.-�.
Tota Well Depth:
ft• Well Yield: s
-�-_gpm Static Water Level: 30
Putter fat.nxs Material:51)..1.12 ---- ft:
i � Forhaation Log
Casing Di titer /�-
-.L in. Casing Depth: ft. . Depth
�n'�ex'has{r;�g From: 0` ft.To: 6. . ft: .
Material a:�
Casing Diameter: From: _ft;To..
in. .Casing Depth: ft. From 3Z ft 5�
fin•®tat Froth: ft.To:. ft. _
From: ft.To: _ ft;
From: 0
pepth Material Method From: ft,To: ft.
From: ft:To: ft. , Froni: ft.To• ft.
From:Tft. To: fft. From;. . . ft.'Toi $,
From: ft. To - .
Depth: 5"� Water Produed$oU Zunis.
p ) S-ft. ft. ft. ft•
Yield: ��gpm . . �.
gpm gpm gpm ft: ft.
J' gpm gpm gpm
Method of Repair:
Method of 4bandoinnent
I Hereby certify that this well was constructed,repaired,or abandoned Rules in. eff ct on thus date and that a copyofthis record has been provided tot a well o Guilfordr County Well
: p
Well Contractor: .
State Number: 0 ( 1 Date: c- - 9
Pump Installation Company: �yw; I.\ _
Completion Date: _d A
Pump Deptli: ft. Static Water Level: 5b
Puna B ft'
p ran - ni, 1 C� fl�'�
Pump Size and Rating: hp
I hereby cert� that this =----�gpm
fy pump was installed and wellhead completed according to the Guilford County Well
Rules in effect on this date an that a copy f this record has been provided to the well owner.
Well Contractor: .
State Number.'-.Date:_147.WZy..