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GW1--02686_Well Construction - GW1_20240507
• • ..} :?- N . WELLCONSTRUCT1ONRECORD r i . • 7f [Qrr be lScdor6pl;Qnw1&titk }cCl3 • . , _ . .. . - 1 O.V.0iu ttraetdr Inforniatlon Stef an Smith. - ..:. • •.FRO:•t::•• :7(Y. ~:I.flECItter1OX: . • rt1:. ft..: i..... 14c11 Canttaetbrt`�p• • 357 6A ! °l b.• k,'F..L.r it f.. J •R� f 1 ! NC c)i.Cttnimttoc.Canifceatkin�itiiebcr'. r r r. ' 6 OIJTRIYG"A NGa(forwirilii!catoi iiillilORtahER_ttfsrOirubl§} a.5•a Tb D alit tTz TNICKAESS: MATERiAL MAY 0 l 2fi24 0 b>!i tt, 30, t4 225' fu. SCH 4Q PVC. • SAEDACCO Vtut4tdnf Oiri ti tn¢ ,::•a ,Z yr.;...b.vt , ',. a6`fNNirEt• AS1T'11 )N`ta#tIN ,•tkr•rmai•c}nrt.,r ip , . . .'': �r°to t'.:i?JV FROM-- .:110 •DWA.RLTTEfl T1RCANt:SS: MATERIAL .'2. ',Vil1 Conctrpctrnn Pcrltiit#! :70003200 :' ,,. 4:I1 iit-44l71bt.ui!fl p�rn$ 'fze Gomiv;SMMFe`:Vonance '73&.444:ft..'1; -tt .: ce.i. it; ' 3 Well Use(chcrl.rteftuse) a • � :: „ fe a x �,.<`i41 W tcr.Supph Welt YRON TO DiAMETFR SI.OT4171 111tirC'F a •_1.A14TRRIAI ' 30 .ft; 50 fi. 2" Ia 010' SCS 40. PVC'" QA.grtcaltnral :*11 tcipa11Pitbhc • • if Geothzntial:(bleatu gICoohng Sutip1}y t Residential Water 5uppt}(siagie) • Clindu striMi.001uner�lat` - '®Risrdentiat1Va ter•Suppt}fsl•ttrii?;. FRoar :' .- rtATFAtAL I ai iAtEMENT MPTnoe& ►OtNtc l7Trriutiflnn :':(t.; tt.' .... Non„W.ittt Suppb N.Wit li.40 lt4rfn4 [llccow ty=.- - - • tt tt , �InjeCIIOR Wefi :ai. DAgtottt R ei.hnrgir t (aroundtriter•1ienicdiatioA • r't9'�SAN01Git i1JELPACIVaikjiplicnitey ,:_ :k .. .4M. t FR t0 .rA7PitL t. F� L i gwfcrSt rn e:4s$Ro.o ct.. 0S.ahnt1 lamer • - pit 'ft --ft.... 1t?••►4t�tt►�• . rn(tD 28 50 ft.: Sand 2 [7Agttdcr Test DSt iiiiWitcr Di unage Okxp iinleiteitTo.haotoSy:. [JSubsidclica i'.11 t, . 4!(t'DAILLfNOIL 3Glattach4ildtiionat shttilsif necesiiiiir - -x . . t7(n'otheonat{Glosedloott) 'AT'taKLt FROM . .irp. : DESCRtP O'(e*b•Kiiii trii *Irok 1,trr.a nOe: i ;.fl..; •22 • tt. Silt ❑Geolltmtal>FTt'auly�lCaoUn Renitnl•` �Otlier( platitutiiltr t Tttuart;s) 22.. :ft .5•• ... . d Dite Wells)Coaiplcted 4-26-24 • Mtn 11WT •MW-a:. Skye Partners fl ft .. • 'Fatiiln}i:Qtti*14.artrc: ' . • Faaulia ID4(if appbeiblc) R •• ft::- • .. .• .:11855::Mt .Holly-Huntersville:Rd::,.Huntersville.,•`NC., Jr.,. ft.: - . ' • • . 28078 • P.lgsX3ttMdrass:Cit�• mdZtp X f It�+! iRK �3 . .. t' �:7.t.nt':11�111..�-fSi:. �1�:� 1�e'rti�i>., _ .�*.w ,e 4- �. Mecklenburg.: . 'Temp•well.for groundwater:'grab sample •-•01720305 - . COttttty;. .• . . Parcel l. .•. •. , ,{tt••. • ib,Latitude and:I tngitutic is deg Jrntnutestscconds or dct1mat1{biros, ;22 Certir- tiiFa (ir:::.U h eld,Oht ti.ii.4lns is fiii,00 tt) 35:384485` < 80:854172 `r 4/26/2024. . 51gtu Ct tii-4 44cllCoatra tar Date: .' . 6 Is(hut)'thi i'el(c) ;tiPe'rniatient oY : TenIporat•t :.:4-!: 1•;;; ihs fiinn;•I hiilll tCill/s hlit Ilti*uriE3j i :1.*lwieiti can x7nildc'tf h rtxv`404-tcc ttiih 15ANC4CO2G: ?U0 or i5ti Note t?2G,4d1Yp.Dill COiuirutrlarr Skrnfertlstr+ulOAr t 7 ii tins,t rrpdirtn aneaisttnitii.O. O 'c.S or . 0 :00.'Afillkkrcu'onllil4'lfO(i:4?:' 01P1'I NIl usrrCr•. 1 iki fr cr,e tr ll�srr ii4it._ df evjartiucdvn! arunodan iwI ..a f �i{i ,,1� 'tf. a�tavi rJrv.rrarrae of ifit rtlttrlririrr!er ii arL e&i ni nr iui ih b rL oftliis fpnir':' 23 Site dtatgrauttor additional tall.depths:, .. You ma};uae the tbtie1 of ttiis page to pro►ldc addtoonat iced sire dea nis ar i>li i cottsterrrtiottdet t113 Y8u-rita also dtwt h ad_iiitional it o .essa6, • 8 I1�IIDtbCi"of ttelts constrnercd ? 1�b Fo•r ma►rlp1*irk.laic er•r•rrout iiu.i r, frl aelt.OTV6• t tit►li;rh a amr caitsfructlorr jir cnri. A�MST6C1100,7 rabmi/.a re form,•. . .. .. 1"C ' 9 Total well depths be torn lanai£uifac .50 .:.. (ft) ;24A Pt}r Atl WcIKK} Sub�nit this,forth Within 3t►des of ear nplction•of well Forurn#1¢rle.ii,:4Sl1►nitikis ff;:i. 'rteaiu(e rrniJik 30?00'iirxt20.43T) ;:Constnietion t4 t tollotcini ` ' 10 Statte ttatct.lprel iieltitr mp of caslug:40 .••.•• •• - (ft,) 1)1 !darn of Water etc Sources,Ynf�trmatroa:Pr+occessrng Unit, ljitsifrTr act a is ali i�o casiirg;ire +" • _ '1617 Mail Ses•t 1c4 C enter,Ri11Cijtit sNC:2.7600 1617. : 11 Borelsolc diainetcr 8:25' • (in.) 24b Tor in jettlt Weft ONLY in addition to senduig ifie form to the addrs in. . 24a above.also submit :caps of this fomi;tt�06..;30 date f.o cotupletion of►tali • 12.Weil constrnt ttou t:tbtid al HSA cOttstiit ki-ii tti tM folio►sung° (i a sager rotary.cable.duvet p c1c is • DEcision ofWaterResonrces Uhderground injection ControlPmdram, • Olt WA R 1JI'PPL WELIS©NL•Y . I636 1i Settler CutterR. aleigh,\'"C 2.149:0.ib36 Alit 13u,lticld(�pnij av'"-':•d a••-•: : :3,Ic For Water.Snnn11&Injection`Wells Also.anti t one eop}, of;this ibrnr ttnhni 30 daysofi.o mplelton of 13h Dislnfeetron tttpc .Ainpunf,. q cli consttuetson:to the county health department of.the CcuuityY 1 heir .• • conslrticted ' •PortnOW i. ron i4:00t,Cai.:00.101104-0t.010ntnc nt�'.anirilltcmnrees.'..i?1 imn_ot`'l'iicrRtoitcw;_•; •':06iscd47 ia'00: