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NCC240940_Site Plan or Location Map_20240508
-12 USGS U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORS The National Map 7.5-MINUTE TOPO QUADRANGLE uJ U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Custom Extent science fora changing world ��OnDemand Topo 7.5-MINUTE TOPO -77.4636° -77.3386° 35.6154` 277°0°mE 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 35.6154° _ ffi u tFi:°9 8® @ p 44 0' r° a ems® s m yyaa N 1•r asomocgiv .'; wow an7 43 V sr sm @ © y 43 w7 NserrM GA q _ It ' _ MOW m Cam" &xsECfL ©QL'1W � ACC ffi ffi ' x54+ 5 ,m° / B�[y,6 AEI °R3Fm ® 1BBns �{y�_ iFi p�z� °s6ysra50 b b ',LA," q 4 - 'gym """WWvPA 1 % 1 f� Id O 0 m E.W o II 8 0 % 76'1,1098 �0 6, gga 42 42 • * +, ♦ II -F 6 B ° 'q� tg2 F30 ym Q o. 8 " II Ri. pip r, r a. 4 - `N,T. . '`J' 6ii 49.1881Qa .°II x.44„ ,,�S9 i © d, 41 0 4 11 p II 8 411 il. oo RIMED % �4 S 8 .7 A GPE is 1 R°No06' �0 40 54 fM Os61;AN'' ) + �Zb g ,Alt - WJwiuo'�. 1Va'. 40 iF6/{ Mi�Plpond i e I ) z64 �. LD OD • 17 fi { t : -� ._.1• (A \ @ASP @ss ,F�7 m • e4 39 • dm I +m /� - °' a Et 39 iFS. - &st d:`J NP f F� yr CZMNe� g ',A\ zet< E° �m �� * °7 .• ma. 8 4r = - • �gy?g4�' ffimamm m v. 8 6 R P,oya jig' m m __ 8 \,,, cow \ 38 MDR'wood srl2r„qm8 m\ 38 m m. o'9 8 - � � � i 6 m m m 0 WO B ffi 00ffim ' MAN ° . - 0 g L,ROB NSON HEIGHTS : ©�� m .4. m m sjm e Eel m , UMP STATON ANC, . PUMP STATION m ° - 2" FORCE MAIN �t ELECTRICAL e ` ° a .fg37 ,� _ _ o, 0 b 1UPGRADES > „,or, e,SH0P°° ffi y G q qS e.s'"'' 4,, i / 051'9 8 , 000arDt' Q3 36 `°°/� - `��, �..�� WINTDRVILLE CROSSING' - 1 - G47400 t ye a wigoD z.,..'„,,, PUMP STATION AND �e o EaP,°N,, �+-INSTALLATION ON GRAVITY . m4 -SEWER OUTFALL 35 _ lza 35a & 0 0 c�ro�m _ iit A 9Y - , y.,... •y DIZOSIMED IA 4m o r ''� .. l mom, 34 m trxr71cv rs 0' d 34 m B N 1 0,<v-Np� - Fo 4p�r�?'v7. m CHURCH STREET BAKEEpO'0 _� � -PUMP STATON AND Oa' 0000 o 33 33 �� 1 12" FORCE j \,, :,- • n `^ 7 ' N. - . 4'FZ 32 32 D 0G� VA aADDOCKm e 8 m m 31 31 ‘ 1' rs _ i ,r4- �99 T� 015, © 'ressro.ds ®® .30..0 35.4905'. 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 '87°0°'nE 35.4905° .77.4636' 77.3386' ROAD CLASSIFICATION Expressway Local Connector Produced by the United States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24 000 seTDneary Hwy Local Road 83(NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984(WGS81).Projection and 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2 Ramp 4WD 1 000.rneter grieUrlverszl Transverse Mercator,Zone 185 ' ' Data is pmNded by The National Map(TNMh is the best available a[the time of map 1000 600 0 MIT)MILSETERS 1000 2000 •Interstate Route 0 US Route O State Route generation,and includes data content from supporting themes of Elevation, 1 0.5 QUADRANGLE LOCATION Hydrography,Geographic Names,Boundaries,Transportation,Structures,land Cover, za Ials MILES and Orthoimagery.Refer to associated Federal Geographic Data Committee(FGDC) 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Metadata for additional source data information. �—— FEET Tho map is not a legal document.Boundaries may be generalized far this map scale. SW SE Private lands within government reservations may not be shown.Obtain permission DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET before entering private lands.Temporal changes may have occurred since these data CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET were collected and same data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 CONTOUR SMOOTHNESS=Mediu Learn About The National Map:letps://nanonalmap.gov �ao,aoo. ID CONTOUR7.5-MINUTE TOPO, NC TE Ayean Gare,a.nna 2023 ,ea ADJOINING QUADRANGLES