HomeMy WebLinkAbout210004_Application_20240401 State of North Carolina gECEIVFI, Department of Environmental Quality APR O Division of Water Resources 3 2024 Animal Waste Management Systems Request for Certification of Coverage Facility Currently covered by an Expiring Sate Non-Discharge General Permit On September 30, 2024, the North Carolina State Non-Discharge General Permits for Animal Waste Management Systems will expire. As required by these permits, facilities that have been issued Certificates of Coverage to operate under these State Non-Discharge General Permits must apply for renewal at least 180 days prior to their expiration date. Therefore,all applications must be received by the Division of Water Resources by no later than April 3,2024. Please do not leave any question unanswered Please verify all information and make any necessary corrections below. Application must be signed and dated by the Permittee, 1. Certificate Of Coverage Number: AWS210004 2. Facility Name: Stallings Family Farm 3. Permittee's Name(same as on the Waste Management Plan): Cheryl F Stallings 4. Permittee's Mailing Address: 2009 Abbe\ Knoll Dr City: Apex State: NC Zip: 27502 Telephone Number: 919-602-8976 Ext. E-mail: cfsphd a bellsouth.net 5. Facility's Physical Address: 18370 City: Belvidere State: NC Zip: 27919 6. County where Facility is located: Chowan 7. Farm Manager's Name(if different from Landowner): Mike Nixon 8. Farm Manager's telephone number(include area code): 252-339-2218 Ext. . e n A �'►�S �►� e' 9. Integrator's Name(if there is not an Integrator,write"None"): Mu aw�1dR' N 10. Operator Name(OIC): Michael D.Nixon Phone No.: 252-339-2218 OIC#: 17741 11. Lessee's Name(if there is not a Lessee,write"None"): Mike Nixon 12. Indicate animal operation type and number: Current Permit: Operations Type Allowable Count Swine-Gilts 462 Oaeration Tvaes: Swine Cattle Dry Poultry Other Types Wean to Finish Dairy Calf Non Laying Chickens Horses-Horses Wean to Feeder Dairy Heifer Laying Chickens Horses-Other Farrow to Finish Milk Cow Pullets Sheep-Sheep Feeder to Finish Dry Cow Turkeys Sheep-Other Farrow to Wean Beef Stocker Calf Turkey Pullet Farrow to Feeder Beef Feeder Boar/Stud Beef Broad Cow Wet Poultry Gilts Other Non Laying Pullet Other Layers 13. Waste Treatment Lagoons,Digesters and Waste Storage Ponds(WSP):(Fill/Verify the following information. Make all necessary corrections and provide missing data.) Structure Type Estimated Liner Type Estimated Design Freeboard Structure (Lagoon/Digester/ Date (Clay,Synthetic, Capacity Surface Area 'Redline" Name WSP) Built Unknown) (Cubic Feet) (Square Feet) (Inches) PRIMARY Lagoon 12/16/1987 145,096.00 13,727.00 19.00 SECONDARY Lagoon 1/l/1992 79,800.00 13,300.00 19.00 Submit one (1) copy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) with this completed and signed application as required by NC General Statutes 143-215.10C(d), either by mailing to the address below or sending it via email to the email address below. The CAWMP must include the following components: 1. The most recent Waste Utilization Plan(WUP),signed by the owner and a certified technical specialist,containing: a. The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields(e.g.irrigation,injection,etc.) b. A map of every field used for land application(for example:irrigation map) c. The soil series present on every land application field d. The crops grown on every land application field e. The Realistic Yield Expectation(RYE)for every crop shown in the WUP f. The maximum PAN to be applied to every land application field g. The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP h. The required NRCS Standard specifications 2.A site map/schematic 3.Emergency Action Plan 4.Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 5.Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 6.Mortality Control Checklist with selected method noted-Use the enclosed updated Mortality Control Checklist 7.Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation(design,calculations,etc.) Please be sure the above table is accurate and complete. Also provide any site evaluations,wetland determinations,or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 8.Operation and Maintenance Plan If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. (e.g.composting,digesters,solids separators,sludge drying system,waste transfers,etc.) I attest that this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application may be subject to civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years,or both for a similar offense.) Print the Name of the Permittee/Landowner/Signing Official and Sign below.(If multiple Landowners exist,all landowners should sign. If Landowner is a corporation,signature should be by a principal executive officer of the corporation): Name(Print): ertr //'S4 4/l(' C S Title: Signature: Date: Name(Print): Title: Signature: Date: Name(Print): Title: Signature: _ Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: E-mail: animal.operations@deq.nc.gov NCDEQ-DWR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636 730 N Granville St Suite B ` Edenton NC 27932 Phone:252.482,4127 ext. 3 Fax: 252.482.3428 Chowan Soil & Water Conservation July 28, 2014 Cheryl Stallings 2009 Abby Knoll Drive Apex NC, 27502 Dear Ms. Stallings; Enclosed is a revised waste utilization plan which you have requested. Your request was to put yourself as the new owner and change the type of operation from feeder to finish to gilt development operation. By changing the type of operation has reduced the amount of nitrogen by about 27%. The engineering data for your waste plan will still be sufficient for your operation and has not been changed. So keep that information and have it available when you are inspected. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance please feel free to call me. Scott L. Alons District Technician Chowan/Perquimans SWCD Curtis Byrum II, Chairman Afark Powell, Vice-Chairman Fenton Eure, 111, SeciTreas WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SWINE OPERATIONS Producer: Cheryl Stallings—owner Operator: C. F Stallings Location: Belvidere Cheryl Stallings address -2009 Abby Knoll Drive, Apex NC. 27502 Physical Address: 249 Whitehouse Road, Belvidere NC, 27919 Telephone: 919-602-8976 Type Operation: gilt development facility Number of animal units: 462 head The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops on the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crops to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1) Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. 2) Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potentials. 3) Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. 4) Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. 5) To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. 6) Wind conditions should be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. The acres needed to apply the animal waste are based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Amount of Nitrogen Produced Per Year 462 hogs X 2_5 lbs.N/animal unit/year= 1,155 lbs. N/year Applying the above amount of waste is a good job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. • WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SWINE OPERATIONS The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop grown and surface application: Table 1: Acres Owned and Operate by Producer Tract Field Soil Crop Realistic Lbs./N Acres Lbs./N Month of No. No. Type Yield/Acre Per Acre Utilized Application 779 4 Ic Fescue 5 tons 2754 3.5 962.5# Sept-March Bermuda 5 tons 3254 1.6 520# Aril -Aug 5.1 1470# WASTE DISPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste, which reaches water, is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste,he/she shall provide a copy of an agreement with a landowner that is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land- for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals,method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied on land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at 5 or more tons but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG, Standard 393 —Filter Strip) 5. Injecting the waste or disking after waste application can reduce odors. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation-tilled crops or grassland,the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina"for guidance.) 7. *Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method, which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor or flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SWINE OPERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to depth that would prohibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Animal waste (other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995) shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to perennial waters. (See Standard 393 —Filter Strips). 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over-spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided a "Technical Specialist" has approved them as a land application site. Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharges directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. *Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. •A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. •If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated; the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a"closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. •Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. .3 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SWINE OPERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. *Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate — determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. Phosphorus shall be adjusted for optimum crop production and maintained. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. Where owners of animal operations do not have adequate amounts of land to apply the waste, the producer must provide a written agreement whereby another landowner has agreed to land apply or allow land application on his or her land. Narrative of Operation: This is a revision to this waste plan since Ms. Cheryl Stallings has become the owner. C.F. Stallings is still the operator of this operation. Also the plan has changed from 1100 head feeder to fmish to a gilt development facility. The plan was developed from the highest number of animal units which was 462 head, but most of the time it is less. With the change in animals the amount of Nitrogen produced has fallen from 1470 pounds to 1155 pounds. The existing spray field will remain and is adequate for this new plan. 4 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SWINE OPERATIONS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN AGREEMENT I agree to carry out this waste management plan according to the terms of the agreement. I know that any changes to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment facility will require an addendum to the utilization plan or possibly a new certification to be submitted to DWR before animals are stocked. I understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state for any reason. Failure to comply with the waste management plan will automatically require any cost share funds to be refunded to their source. Producer( Date: — �( System Designer:. r: �.� .�% �. Date: -2 `r`47 SWCD Representative: fl ,(,-'c �u_.. Date: 5 V TI �J y co � m 3 m 7 3 m C o m n w e n 3 m 3 m p� - � O 0 3 a o m m =� e N OO Om O 0 n C m N a x N^PA CA _m N�C �O J m m w •�� O m m O o a H m C7o O K - n o �m m m� O .A• W N I--� o r J - iiilll//l N a a acn 1 0 V I ' CL a z z z z A STATIONARY AND TRAVELING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Stationary Sprinkler System Calibration and Uniformity Data Sheet(continued) 3. Determine Flow Rate, Q a. Pressure from 1.e. _<Y psi b. Flow rate from manufacturer's chart We:�, gpm c. Flow rate from irrigation design documentation/wettable acreage documentation 1 a23 gpm e. Percent difference= field measured (3.b) 1 c2y gpm x 100= p7 % Documentation (3.c) 1 3 gpm Is 3.e between 90%and 110% ? -yes no (if"no"contact technical irrigation specialist) Assess Uniformity 4. Calculate Percent Overlap and Check Pressure a. Sprinkler Spacing -2 7 ft b. Sprinkler Spacing (%of WD) = Sprinkler Spacing (4.a) 7 7 ft X100= J~�% Wetted Diameter(2.g)f YAP ft Is Sprinkler Spacing (%of WD)(4.b)between 50%and 70%? -yes no c. Nozzle pressure from 1.e. .-4( psi d. Minimum pressure from manufacturer's chart for sprinkler model and nozzle psi e. Maximum pressure from manufacturer's chart for sprinkler model and nozzle 7y psi Is Nozzle pressure(4.c)between the minimum(4.d)and maximum(4.e)chart pressure? yes no If the answer to either question is"no"then uniformity is not acceptable. Contact an irrigation technical specialist. Stationary Sprinkler System Calibration and Uniformity Data Sheet Date:_p f— Land Owner: hePA!� �7a( Ai%^3 Farm No. Manufacturer's Specifications: Gun/Sprinkler Model. a% C` Nozzle Type 70:x S Nozzle Diameter in. 1. Measure Pressure(measured from at least two sprinklers) % b. Pressure(Gun/Sprinkler) 1 psi c. Pressure(Gun/Sprinkler)2 _ psi Wetted d. Pressure(Gun/Sprinkler)3 psi Radius e.Average pressure _�psi 2. Measure Wetted Radius (refer to Figure 6 or figure above) Sprinkler 1 Sprinkler 2 Sprinkler 3 a. Side 1 average distance from sprinkler to wetted radius 7a ft 6 a ft ft b. Side 2 average distance from gun to wetted radius ;Z ft 70 ft ft c Side 3 average distance from sprinkler to wetted radius G 9 ft 70 ft ft d. Side 4 average distance from gun to wetted radius 20 ft 70 ft ft e. Average wetted radius 20 ft F.S—ft ft f. Compare sprinkler radius for 1 and 2 sprinkler 1 (2.e) 70 ft X100 sprinkler 2(2.e)Lyn Is 2.f.between 90%and 110%? dyes no g. If"yes", average the wetted radius for sprinklers 1 and 2 and multiply by 2 to obtain wetted diameter(WD) /qd ft (if"no", repeat for sprinkler 3 and compare against sprinklers 1 or 2 to see if between 90%and 100%) h. Wetted diameter from manufacturer's chart using pressure in 1.e. 1 b ft i. Percent difference= field measured(2.g) 1410 ft X100 % manufacturer's chart(2.h) f 4-0 ft Is 2.i between 85%and 115%? 'dyes no (if"no"contact technical irrigation specialist) 10 DRAFT Swine Lac Animal Live Weight Total Nutrient Anaip Animal/Manure Application Animal NCDACS (lbs) Groups Days Per (Ibslun8 volume) Type Method Subclass Code Initial Final Mean Per .Yr. Group Lagoon Liquid Accumulation N I NH,N P,05 excess surface manure water rain Ibs/ %lot N or Ibs/ and urine usage surplus total acre-inch tkn acre-inch Swine Anaerobic Wean- Lagoon Liquid Irrigated Feeder ALS-IR 10 50 30 6 49 .30 .20 .11 .61 136 82 ' Swine Anaerobic Feeder- Lagoon Liquid Irrigated Fin 50 2201 1351 3 1051 1.4 .9 .5 2.7 136 82 Swine Anaerobic % Lrq-ti7 Gilt Dev50 250 150 2 ^;•FW 1.5 ,. TO_.et fw; ear;04a '";tom:_. -82. Swine Anaerobic Lagoon Liquid Irrigated Boar Stud 250 550 400 1 365, 4.0 2.7 1.4 8.1 68 82 Swine Anaerobic Farrow- _ Lagoon Liquid Irrigated Wean 433 2 11 4.3 2.9 1.6 8.8 91 82 Swine Anaerobic Farrow- _ Lagoon Liquid Irrigated Feeder 522 2 63 51 31 2 11 91 82 Swine Anaerobic Farrow- _ Lagoon Liquid Irrigated Fin 1417 2 160- 14 9 5 29 136 82 excess surface manure water rain Ibs/ %tot N or Ibs/ I and urine usage surplus total 1000 gal tkn 1000 gal Swine Anaerobic Wean- Lagoon Liquid Soil injected Feeder j ALS-IN 10 50 30 6 49 .30 .20 .11 .61 5.0 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Feeder- Lagoon Liquid Soil Injected IFin 501 2201 1351 3 105 1.4 .9 .5 2.7 5.0 821 1 Swine Anaerobic Lagoon Liquid Soil Injected Gilt Dev 50 250 150 2 140 1.5 1.0 .5 3.0 5.0 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Lagoon Liquid Soil Injected Boar Stud 250 550 400 1 365 4.0 2.7 1.4 8.1 2.5 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Farrow- Lagoon Liquid Soil Injected Wean 433 2 11 4.3 2.9 1.6 8.8 3.3 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Farrow- Lagoon Liquid Soil injected Feeder 522 2 63 51 31 2 11 3.3 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Farrow- _ Lagoon Liquid Soil injected Fin 1417 2 168 14 9 5 29 5.0 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Soil Wean- Lagoon Liquid Incorporated Feeder ALSSI 10 50 50 6 49 .30 20 Al .61 5.0 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Soil Feeder- Lagoon Liquid Incorporated Fin 50 220 225 3 105 1A .9 .5 2.7 5.0 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Soil Lagoon Liquid Incorporated Gilt Dev 50 25D 150 2 140 1.5 1.0 .5 3.0 6.0 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Soil Lagoon Liquid Incorporated Boar Stud 250 550 4001 365 4.0 2.7 1.4 8.1 2.5 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Soil Farrow- Lagoon Liquid Incorporated JWean 1 433 2 11 4.3 2.9 1.6 8.8 3.3 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Soil Farrow- Lagoon Liquid Incorporated Feeder 522 2 63 5 3 2 11 3.3 82 1 Swine Anaerobic Soil Farrow- Lagoon Liquid Incorporated Fin J 14171 2 168 14 9 5 291 5.0 82 Swine Anaerobic Wean- Lagoon Liquid Broadcast Feeder I ALS-BR 10 50 50 6 1 49 .30 .20 .11 .61 5.0 82 quid 7/24/2014 Organic Plant Availability NCDACS Lab Total Anaerobic Lagoon PAW PAN Coefficient Manure Testing 9 N Min. Liquid Capacity(ft3lhd Total Lagoon Liquid ,O Rate N P205 K20 N I Pr05. K20 capac.) Surplus N P�05 Kr0 N P205 K20 single 2-stage, 2-stage, galf ac-in/ ich stage first second animal/yr animallyr Ibs/ac-in Ibs/animal unitqear 133 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.50 0.70 0.80 60 45 15 191 0.007 68 37 93 0.48 0,26 0.66 133 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.70 270 2001 70 927 0.034 68 37 93 2.3 1.3 3.2 133 �: .0 20 >r F". "s: -, o- rl r i1 t5; O437:.Em :L9 -ita:4*t m MJ4: :is 3 S 67 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.70 500 375 125 2959 0.11 34 19 47 3.7 2 5.1 89 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.70 650 435 2151 3203 0.12 45 25 62 5.4 2.9 7.3 89 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.70 783 523 260 3861 0.14 45 25 62 6.5 3-51 8.8 I 133 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.701 1 1 2833 2125 708 10478 0.391 68 371 931 26 14 36 single 2-stage, 2-stage, gav ac-in/ gal stage first second animal/yr animal/yr Ibs/1000;al Ibs/animaiunit/year 4.9 0.50 0.87 0.80 0.80 0.86 0.80 0.90 60 45 15 191 0.007 4.4 1.6 3.9 0.83 0.3 0.75 4.9 0.501 0.871 0.80 0.801 270 2001 70 927 0,034 4.4 1.6 3.9 4 1-4 3.6 4.9 0.50 0.87 0.80 0.80 300 225 75 1015 0.037 4.4 1.6 3.9 4.4 1.6 4 2.5 0.50 0.87 0.80 0.80 500 375 125 2959 0.11 2.2 0.78 2.3 5.8 3.3 0.50 0.87 0.80 0.80 650 435 215 3203 0.12 2.9 1 3.3 8.4 3.3 0.50 0.87 0.80 0.80 783 523 260 3861 0.14 2.9 JI 4 10 4.9 0.50 0.87 0.80 0.8D 2833 2125 708 10478 0.39 4.4 1. 16 41 4.9 0.50 0.79 0.75 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.90 60 45 15 191 0.007 3.9 1.5 3.7 0.75 0.28 0.7 4.9 0.50 0.79 0.75 0.75 270 200 70 927 0.034 3.9 1.5 3.7 3.7 1.4 3.4 4.9 0.50 0.79 0.75 0.75 300 225 75 1015 0.037 3.9 1.5 3.7 4 1.5 3.7 2.5 0.50 0.79 0.75 0.75 500 375 125 2959 0.11 21 0.731 1.8 5.81 2.21 5.4 3.3 0.50 0.79 0.75 0.75 650 435 215 3203 0.12 2.6 0.97 2.5 8.4 3.1 7.9 3.3 0.50 0.79 0.75 0.75 783 523 2601 3861 0.141 2.6 0.97 2.5 10 3.8 9.5 4.91 0.50 1 0.79 0.75 0.751 1 1 1 2833 2125 i 708 1 D478 0.39 3.9 1.5 3.7 41 15 39 4.9 0.50 0.46 0.70 0.70 0.50 0.70 0.80 60 45 15 191 0.007 2.3 1.4 3.4 0.44 026 0.66 ,:::�-I L.r S i ic- 5 ema.+ c C• F. 5+a l t ngs SI ll e Fa-rn-} � i SE- rV rie, r -Tr,r, I-SV-I t s f f r SfSAw ! of � Sc' ei EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PHONE NUMBERS DWQ S-2 -7qb - 6V61 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 73 3- 38 67 SWCD `c Z--Ss S NRCS 92-6-sss'`t s This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow-possible solutions are: a. Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. c. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B: Runoff from waste application field-actions include: a. Immediately stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. C. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s)that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. C: Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers-action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all Ieaks prior to restarting pumps. D: Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators-action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Make sure no siphon occurs. d. Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. 1 December 18, 1996 e. Repair all.leaks prior to restarting pumps. E: Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks- possible action: a. Dag a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. b. If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger(either on'or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? 3: Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phone - - . After hours, emergency number: 919-733-3942. Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS Phone number - c. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. d. Contact CES, phone number - - , local SWCD office phone number and local NRCS office for advice/technical assistance phone number - - 4: If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriffs Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. S: Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off-site damage. a. Contractors Name: G v s A v r\I-v-5 b. Contractors Address: 3 ZL 3o,r OV? c. Contractors-Phone: zZ 1 - Li 6 e, / 2 December 18, 1996 6: Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (MRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc.) !- a. Name: f3 /I 131a dcw e�I b. Phone: 7: Implement procedures as advised by DWQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. 3 December 18, 1996 III mCD h r a ° D CND C� `CDD' C p CD o Z CD CL n o as .° En CD CD J r CD < CD d n a CD CD o r CD UQ a � rim CD o 0 0 0 CL co CD CD ct CD 0 CD ty C CD CD ff4 w O as Car ¢ A� o -1 — C7 CD o Q-as = w � 0 G� 0 O. CD v a; r p CD O a4 n C ' pr UP O CAD Q Y CD �. O �.0 cn O � O- CAD O It r a4' m O O p O O .O C CAD ,`� n O A c p CD o o �, o Q- CD 3 0 ao C o ac i ° —' as p p, �' •r as � 0 ° ° �' ° a. rs c'fr cn CD O r* rOn CAD .~3 O aG CD ear CJQ -s r; O CIt D p N. CD O Q < C ."� p _ n CD W v� . CD O n N' L]. 1 aG CD rt -S CD ° CD CAD C CD CD C�/� CD CD ri 00 n � ; CA CD O p' cD e�-f CD �e O CD cn Sy O aQ a4 `< ►r � C CD 21 n ro y r 0 y C7 CD ;D O r�r �C Q r CD Z (D f1 Cr1 p CD CD 'S UQ CD CD 3 p 1j• (D CD p QOQ CD p • • • 0 CD 0 0 . CD CDao w CD CD CD UD CD o CD ¢ o trcno CD o CD P' o r _ cD x o, y `a• CD '`� o < o y vc aD = � o 1 � as w `D �� o w ° �' O NCD CAD c�'D O COO °° AO .� ° rD CD cn o CD CD a o•CD as b CIO 1+ O O CD CD O O AD ¢ O O y Q CD �' CD m rr �, Q_ o o n Sy CD pD 0 CD O CD DD' Q Q Q ��- 3. CAD O CND ¢ v'' CC ^Y O K UQ `G N Q '-z CD P� p' CD CD 6 .� O Q ^s � A AD O p O r~ CO c B �' CDD o n •� CD C`'D oa �' � -v o CD `-° x �' `�' R o Q. w CD W CAD CD UQO v' Q O p CDCD CD W O CD OCL C z N J a1 CJl Qn v CD G1 � w A A b n' A h tt r a: r. V. � l OT CD 1 1 • • s � s • l ... = r I ( �• vI I I I r I UN ZI CD — 'J, t r• — Y, — � �, r• c': � _ — "� c' — �1 � e: � `� = ems rr--` � CD � � < _ •_ � -` r � r r <• — � = < � C � Pam• `' � � - I '� CD _ ct rt I � � 1^i I I T I- I I '= i i I I I i i ' ^• I j i I v • e I • • • s • • • 71 r � � r .. ln'. � C � u: �• r r �.I�� �e CD < 67 77 CD 'C'-S � Z �' � � v V.• I -• I V( CD � v J I � ► I I�j I I � r - _ _ LrL4 - E e e E \ 2 \ { - § K > \ § ' • # Ee � ` � \ ± � 2 ; ; ice ) \ 13 > ; - � k § _ o f 2 @ 2 / \ a / � ; . £ R @ ° O § , e = _ : \ \A / > E ) _ 2 =2 . s - � �\ / /Em 77 |_ \ > - n \ \ \ § Q 2 @ ro ( �¢ -nF / 22zzzzz > f ! / G _ \ \ / / / - . � � I Version—November 26,2018 Mortality Management Methods Indicate which method(s) will be implemented. When selecting multiple methods indicate a primary versus secondary option. Methods other than those listed must be approved by the State Veterinarian. Primary Secondary Routine Mortality I--�j Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours of knowledge of animal death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water (G.S.106-403). The bottom of the burial pit should be at least one foot above the seasonal high water table.Attach burial location map and plan. Landfill at municipal solid waste facility permitted by NC DEQ under GS 15A NCAC 13B .0200. I ! Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7 Complete incineration according to 02 NCAC 52C .0102. aA composting system approved and permitted by the NC Department of Agriculture &Con- sumer Services Veterinary Division (attach copy of permit). If compost is distributed off-farm, additional requirements must be met and a permit is required from NC DEQ. aIn the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the NC Department of Agriculture&Consumer Services (G.S. 106-549.70). aAny method which, in the professional opiniontof the State Veterinarian, would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval by the State Veterinarian must be attached). (' Mass Mortality Plan U Mass mortality plans are required for farms covered by an NPDES permit. These plans are also recommended for all animal operations. This plan outlines farm-specific mortality man- agement methods to be used for mass mortality. The NCDA&CS Veterinary Division sup- ports a variety of emergency mortality disposal options; contact the Division for guidance. • A catastrophic mortality disposal plan is part of the facility's CAWMP and is activated when numbers of dead animals exceed normal mortality rates as specified by the State Veterinarian. • Burial must be.done in accordance with NC General Statutes and NCDA&CS Veterinary Division regulations and guidance. • Mass burial sites are subject to additional permit conditions (refer to facility's animal waste management system permit). • In the event of imminent threat of a disease emergency, the State Veterinarian may enact additional temporary procedures or measures for disposal according to G.S. 106-399.4. CA �� 3 Z lc/ Signa re of Farm Owner/Manager Date 3--Z z-2-ol 1 Signature of Technical Specialist Date L� WOl-KSHEET EDENTON, N, G. 10186 DESIGN DATA FOR SWINE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM rc-���� C/Oxk —tT/f���' FARM r _C )o49G2_c:OuNTY Distance to nearest residence (other- than owner ) 2000 feet 1 . Steady State Live Wei -ht -------Sows ;. ------lbs . _ lbs. -------Boars r lbs . -------lbs . litters x _ _pigs/ litter- x ------- lbs ./pig - ------- lbs. -------sows ( farrow to finish) x 1417 lbs. _ ibs. __—__sows ( farrow to feeder-) x 522 lbs. _ __- _lbs _.Soo head ( finishing only) x 1:35 lbs . Ibs. Total Steady State Live Weight (SSLW) = G71bs. 2. Rem. u i red Liquid Volume of La�aoon Volume = 477 Soo lbs . SSLW x 1 cu. ft ./ lb SSLW x 1 cu, yd. /27 cu. ft . —ice---- Volume = _ aSoo_cu. yds. Normal l LaS oon Liquid Level Maintain normal lagoon I i qu i d level at _ o�S feet (tee-) (-be-1 ov) average ground, _ Lagoon s i ze ( for- norrna I I agoon I i qu i d vo I urne ) ( f rom tab I es or- calculations using prismodial formula) Length _'__ _ft. Width -------ft . Depth -4B-^S'_,ft. s :s 1_: 1 z S y 3-3 Surface area of normal liquid l eve l : t31,72-'7 Length _ft. x Width _..a0-- ft. = "iocro _so . ft . Actual volume at normal lagoon liquid level zsoQ Z6�fS cu. yds. (Actual volume must be greater than required volume) . 4. Vo I.ume of Laaoon to be Excavated. � Length --!a,t51 _ft . Width V----ft . Depth Depth Vo I urne = ----- (Area of top + area bottom + 4 x area of midsection ) 6 Volume = Z-V77_cu, yds . f�'; �9 — . t 5. Dike Place spoil as a continuous dike at least _ 3.0 ft. high around the lagoon (and pump out pond , if needed) . -_-- 6. c, Ternt4rarr Storage Required Drainage Area: Lagoon ( top of sp:o i I ) �8{ �7S Length �3=_ft . x Width 4-: -• ft. = _� 45 _sq. ft. �75 — 6 --- 1lllmpout pond ( top of spo i l ) Length ft. x Width _ft. = --------sq. ft . Buildings ( roof and lot water) Length .......ft. x Width -------ft. _ --------sq . ft . 18, 7s TOTAL DA = `'s q. f t. �o Pump i ng cyc I e is to tee qo days-. 6A. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm. Volume = -- �.Z_in. x 0.0833 ft./ in . x DA _sq. ft. Volume = $�4$ cu. ft . (,so) r rf38s— NOTE: Use 5 'year-Z4hour rainfall for your location from Engineering Field Manual , Chapter- 2. 6B. Volume of rainfall in excess r,f evaporation. Use period of time when r a i nfa 1 l exceeds evaporation by largest amount . sec -c Rainfallv_ i-1,_� -) _ ��r_ _ I n. n �,� Evaporation +{} i �2� ,-,IS Excess rainfall ( difference) -tB Volume = -----_Irr. x 0.0333 ft./ in. x DA �1-�ff9sq. ft . 18r 9 Volume - _�8Z5_cu. ft. C•T$) -75 's NOTE: Above information can be found in "Weather- and Climate in North Carolina" Agricultural Experiment Station Bul - letin 396. Rainfall data is in Table 1 . Evaporation is from Figure 12 or Figure 13 depending on location which is most nearly like yours . J 6C. Volume of Waste Produced Volume = 57� SSLW x 0.01 ga I I or,/ I b SSLW/day x _90 __days i n Pumping cycle x 0. 1337 cu. ft./gallon Volume - �.Zr,,, "oo_ I bs x o.oi x __ a-__days x 0. 1337 Volume = _ /Zz_cu. ft. C•8t) 6,1). Volume of Wash Water- This is the amount of fresh water- used for washing floors or- volume of fresh water used for flush system. Flush systems that recirculate the lagoon water are accounted for in 6C. Volume = o-_ga I I on/day x __ o days i n cyc I e x 0. 13:47 cu. ft ./gallon---- Volume = ---0__cu. ft. TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE *6A. - cu. ft . a 2- -Ye613. _ �$CU. ft fDZIS cu ft . -------cu: f t . TOTAL c u. f t . *Impounded lagoons any that do diverted must include volume scontributed tbya additional ve all sa�r�-eawater 7. Depth of Stora-ge Re-auired ( above normal liquid elevation of lagoon) . Depth required = Volume of Temporary Storage divided by Surface Area Zf,72 Of lagoon and purnpout pond Depth = _ Scu. ft . / o-Sq, ft. Depth = _ $ ft. z. �- Top of spoil elev. ft. Depth required ft. - Norma I I agoon t i qu i d e I ev. �ZSrz�f t. + Freeboard /• a'_ft. Difference 'ft, Tot. Depth req. ft. NOTE: If the depth {� p f storage plus one foot for freeboard does not exceed the difference in elevation of the top of spoil and normal lagoon liquid level , adequate storage has been provided. 4 8. Amount of Nitrogen Produced N = 0.00048 l bs . /day x jwjwD_ l bs SSLW x 365 days/year N = // VI I bs ./year- From AGRICULTURAL WASTE MANAGEMENT FIELD MANUAL (AWMFM) Table 11 Nitrogen losses associated with anaerobic lagoon system and applying on the surface of the land by spraying or liquid spreading ( item 12) . Nitrogen losses = 75% Nitrogen available = 25% N = "jQi_lbs. /year x 0.25 N = __ ffl-lbs. /year From AWMFM Table 11-6 The rate of nitrogen mineralization for effluent from an aerobic or- anerobic lagoon appreciably diluted is 49%. N = -I bs . /year x 0.49 N = —044 _1 bs . /year- to be disposed 9. Land Application of Effluent for Nitrogen Disposal Plant-Nutrient Needs - Technical Guide - Section I-A Agronomy Ref. and AWMFM Table 6-1 Plant Yield/Acre N Reguirements corn ( grain) 100 bu. 90 corn (grain ) 180 bu. 180 Coastal bermudagrass 8 tons 300 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- Rate of Utilization Plant N available/N required = Acres — (Wyr-l--- L�fg _/ _ioo--- ---------- --------/ ------- ---------- --------/-------- 5 i c_�. AGE<< l i c a t i c n b v I r r i •a a t i „n So i IS 1oA!L4ZhA"___ Crops Application Rate ___.S _ inches per hour Application Amount _/•75 _ inches NOTE: Information on application rates and amounts for various so i I s and crops can be found in the Sprinkler Irrigation Guide - Technical Guide - Section II-G. Effluent should tie applied at a rate so that there is absolutely no run-off. Designed:__%� r Approved: 7s- Date 87 ------------------- _________ Date _87 __-___----- 0 14 Op Vi LA /3 \NCP ti- West c.-1.3 :- f• 0+50 r- A. F■3.9 46,4 • C a(..4 4+ao 7-.3.4 - M a c= 4.4 F■4.a !� p o ! K a 4+50 Fs2.g ii r A .NO F-3.9 ax\ST Be.4 Eloos� — m = _ 2+0o Fs 3.3 � G41 i i Q C=b.Z r A.. c. . wnn FLn o ra s � Q {A 2�6c F02.9 ' 63 �\ � 3 ��a fl• f 1 1 f 3 � �CA , . C.aA!)von F 1 WORYSHEET EDENTON, N. C. 10/86 DESIGN! DATA FOR SWINE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM C, ��1�0 �[ FARM _(llaG!�,J_COUNTY Distance to nearest residence (other than owner) L4j2D ¢_feet 1 . Steady State Live Weight -------Sows x ------ibs. - lbs. -------Boars x ------Ibs . _ -------Ibs. litters x ------pigs/ litter x -------_--- Ibs./Pis = Ibs. _______sows (far-row to finish) x 1417 Ibs. - Ibs . __ ____sows ( farrow to feeder) x 522 Ibs . -_ ___^ Ibs _/p Qd __head ( finishing only) x 135 Ibs . _ ��D� IL.s. Total Steady State Live Weight (SSLW) = �� D d Ibs. c Re-au i r-ed Liquid Volume of Lagoon b66 _ Ibs . SSLW x i cu. ft . / it, SSLW x. 1 cu. yd./27 cu. ft . V�� 1ume = Dl Volume = ?aDpcu. yds. 7orted for l/da 5500 ---yd r Normal La,joon Liquid Level Maintain normal lagoon liquid level at j4y_6 L feet (above) (below) average ground . Lagoon size ( for- normal lagoon I i qu i d vo I erne) ( from tables or- callculations using prisrnodial formula) Length _jq& -_ft. Width •_�� ft . Depth ft . s : s -f: 1 Surface area of normal liquid level : Length _ 1qD __ft. x Width _z?�_ ft . _ j3�3 ' 0 sq. ft . Actual volume at normal lagoon liquid level 9 J q cu. yds. (Actual volume roust be greater than required volume) .� -�7rsf 4.,/OOAAAs 3as�C4 yds 4. V:� l urne oaf La,aonrj to be Excavated. ��41 �v� ba7�iR�4y­o *5 ZLyy4j..yd /harc-Iisn adG1�A] Length _�9� ft. Width _76 __ft. Depth � _ft . O Depth 151306 l aroN,.'- 'lG, -ID Vo I urne = ---- (Area of top + area bottorn + 4 ;< area of midsection) C., . 1 Vo I urne = d�_V cu. yds. r Z 5. Dike Place spoil as a continuous dike at least ��// ft . high around the lagoon (and um Out __L-_-- R P pond, if needed) : 6. Temporary Storage Required Drainage Area: Lagoon (tap of spoil ) Length Q(a ft. x Width 74_--f t. _ '2•IL._sq. ft. _ -! : Pumpout pond ( tap of spoil ) Length .......ft'. x Width Liu l.-1 d i ngs (roof and lot water) Length .......ft. x Width -------ft. _ TOTAL DA = 17 716 s' . 'f t; ---- Pumping cycle is to be days. - GSA. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm. Volume = --7, )- -in. x 0.0833 ft,/ in. x DA ����� sq. ft. Volume = 1��(,acu. ft . NOTE: Use i5 year--24hour rainfall for your location from Engineering Field Manual , Chapter 2. 6L. Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation. Use period of time when rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest amount. Rainfall ( 3 to in. Evaporation "---- in. Excess rainfall (difference) _ __]_,�l _in. �le.ff Volume = _2y_- in. x 0.0a33 ft./ in. x DA 1771Gsq ft . Volume = lb.Lgancu. ft. NOTE: Above information can be found in "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" Agricultural Experiment Station Bul - letin 396. Rainfall data is in Table 1 . Evaporation is from Figure 12 or Figure 13 depending on location which is most nearly like yours. 3 GC. Volume of Waste Produced Volume = SSLW x o.01 gall on/ Ib SSLW/day x days in Pumping cycle x 0. 1337 cu. ft./gallon - Y Volume = A 000- lbs x o.01 x _"/n___days x 0. 1337 Volume = -llq(L7 cu. ft. f D. Volume of Wash Water This is the amount of fresh water- used for washing floors or volume of fresh water used for flush system. Flush systems that recirculate the lagoon water are accounted for in CSC. Volume = D gallon/day x o __days in cycle x37 cu. ft./gallon. Volume = a cu. ft. " TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE *d-A. jpd ft . .79 . *6B. IO p 6C. A- ft. .7.3 6D. -------cu. ft . TOTAL '31t 4-2 u. f t. *Impounded lagoons and lagoons that do not have all outside water a diverted must include volume contributed by additional area. 7. Depth of Stora a Re uired (above normaI Ii uid elevation of Ia• non) Depth required = Volume of Temporary Storage divided by Surface Area Of lagoon and pumpout pond Depth = u. ft. / 1, .�06sq. ft. Depth = 3ft. Top of spoil elev. Q1 Z ft . Depth- Normal lagoon liquid elev. _aS, ft. + Freeboard 2� ft. Difference _ ft. Tot. Depth req. ft. NOTE: If the depth of storage plus one foot for freeboard does not exceed the difference in elevation of the top of spoil and normal lagoon liquid level , adequate storage has been provided. 1100 ce, yV 4 S Amount of Nitrogen Produced • N = 4.00048 Ibs./day x ,J_`�±O-l bs SSLW x 365 days/year N = JLOI Ibs./year- From AGRICULTURAL WASTE MANAGEMENT FIELD MANUAL (AWMFM) Table 11-3 Nitrogen losses associated with anaerobic lagoon system and applying on the surface of the land by spraying or liquid spreading ( item 12) . Nitrogen losses = 75% Nitrogen available = 25% N = X;L:Q/Ibs. /year x 0.25 N - (�SD'�-Ibs./year From AWMFM Table 11-6 ` The rate of nitrogen mineralization for effluent from an aerobic or anerobic lagoon appreciably diluted is 49X. N = LSD �_l bs./year x 4.49 N Ibs . / ear to be d1s o s ed".��--- y P 9. Land App11 cat ion of Effluent for Nitrogen Dis +osal Plant Nutrient Needs - Technical Guide - Section I-A Agronomy Ref . and AWMFM Table 6-1 Plant Yield/Acre N Re,.ulrernents corn (grain) 100 bu. 90 corn (grain) 180 bu. 160 Coastal berrnudagrass 3 tons 300 ------------------- ------ ------------------- Rate of Utilization Plant N available/N required = Acres --- ---------- --------/--__-_-- `! 10. Application by Irrigation ' Solis w0&wwL___ Crops lhw�l__-- Application Rate _ - 1 0_inches per hour Application Amount itIf -inches NOTE: Information on application rates and amounts for various soils and craps can be found in the Sprinkler Irrigation Guide - Technical Guide - Section II-G. Effluent should be appliedat a rate so that there is absolutely no run-off. Ijes i gned:_Sk ---------------- Approved : Date _ ------------- ------------- - -`----- Date: x as a 4 �34 f � E � •ice� - - ' - - - �t � s;t: C _IR b. e-K4 P Y uti u p.► !., � +c C r N 11/1/93 IN Producer: Claxton Stallings Farm The purpose of this plan is to provide guidelines for carrying out the routine operation and maintenance work needed to keep this swine waste management system functioning as planned. Routine maintenance is considered to be normal good care of the system. Good maintenance adds to beauty, usefulness, and permanence. A. Maintenance The routine maintenance of the lagoon involves the following: 1. Maintenance of a vegetative cover on the embankment top and side slopes: bermuda and fescue was established on these areas. Beginning in 1990 and each year thereafter, the embankment should be fertilized with 800 pounds of l0-10-10 per acre to maintain a vigorous stand. 2. Control of brush and trees on the embankment. This may be done by mowing, spraying, or chopping, or a combination of all three. This will need to be done at least once each year and possibly twice in years favorable to heavy growth of vegetation. Maintenance inspections of the lagoon should be made during the initial filling of the lagoon and at least annually. Items to be checked should include, as a minimum, the following: 1. Waste Inlet Pipes, Overflow Pipes a. condition of pipes (1) separation of joints (2) cracks or breaks 2. Pool Area a. undesirable vegetative growth b. floating or lodged debris 3 . Embankment a. settlement, cracking or "jug" holes b. side slope stability - slumps or bulges C. erosion and rodent damage 4 . Transfer Pump 1 11J1/93 SWINE WASTE F ANA M � �. :... B. Operation Your animal waste management facility was designed for a total of 1100 animals (feeder to finish) . The lagoon contains both permanent and temporary storage. The permanent storage is not to be pumped in order to ensure that anaerobic action will occur. The design includes permanent storage of one cubic foot per pound of steady state live weight. The temporary storage portion of the lagoon includes capacity for the volume of waste produced over 90 days, the amount of rainfall in a 25 year 24 hour storm event, and rainfall in excess of evaporation. Your facility is designed for 90 days of temporary storage; therefore, it will need to be pumped every six months. Begin pump-out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches elevation 26. 7 as marked by permanent markers. Stop Pump-out when the fluid level reaches elevation 25.2. The attached waste management plan should be followed. This plan recommends sampling and testing of waste (see Attachment B) before land application. The waste material should be analyzed before each application cycle to determine its nutrient content. A soil test of the area of application should be made annually to insure the waste is applied as reasonably and practically possible to recommended rates. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of Pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Animal Waste Management Systems Request for Certification of Coverage Facility Currently covered by an Expiring Sate Non-Discharge General Permit On September 30, 2024, the North Carolina State Non-Discharge General Permits for Animal Waste Management Systems will expire. As required by these permits, facilities that have been issued Certificates of Coverage to operate under these State Non-Discharge General Permits must apply for renewal at least 180 days prior to their expiration date. Therefore,all applications must be received by the Division of Water Resources by no later than April 3,2024. Please do not leave any question unanswered Please verify all information and make any necessary corrections below. Application must be signed and dated by the Permittee. 1. Certificate Of Coverage Number: AWS210004 2. Facility Name: Stallings Family Farrn 3. Permittee's Name(same as on the Waste Management Plan): Cheryl F Stallings 4. Permittee's Mailing Address: 2009 Abbe% Knoll Dr City: Apex State: NC Zip: 27502 Telephone Number: 919-602-8976 Ext. E-mail: cfsphdA�bellsouth.net 5. Facility's Physical Address: 18370 City: Belvidere State: NC Zip: 27919 6. County where Facility is located: Chowan 7. Farm Manager's Name(if different from Landowner): Mike Nixon 8. Farm Manager's telephone number(include area code): 252-339-2218 Ext. 9. Integrator's Name(if there is not an Integrator,write"None"): Murphy-Brown LLC 10. Operator Name(OIC): Michael D.Nixon Phone No.: 252-339-2218 OIC#: 17741 11. Lessee's Name(if there is not a Lessee,write"None"): Mike Nixon 12. Indicate animal operation type and number: Current Permit: Operations Type Allowable Count Swine-Gilts 462 Operation Types: Swine Cattle Dry Poultry Other Types Wean to Finish Dairy Calf Non Laying Chickens Horses-Horses Wean to Feeder Dairy Heifer Laying Chickens Horses-Other Farrow to Finish Milk Cow Pullets Sheep-Sheep Feeder to Finish Dry Cow Turkeys Sheep-Other Farrow to Wean Beef Stocker Calf Turkey Pullet Farrow to Feeder Beef Feeder Boar/Stud Beef Broad Cow Wet Poultry Gilts Other Non Laying Pullet Other Layers 13. Waste Treatment Lagoons,Digesters and Waste Storage Ponds(WSP): (FillNerify the following information. Make all necessary corrections and provide missing data.) Structure Type Estimated Liner Type Estimated Design Freeboard Structure (Lagoon/Digester/ Date (Clay,Synthetic, Capacity Surface Area "Redline" Name WSP) Built Unknown) (Cubic Feet) (Square Feet) (Inches) PRIMARY Lagoon 12/16/1987 145,096.00 13,727.00 19.00 SECONDARY Lagoon 1/1/1992 79,800.00 13,300.00 19.00 Submit one (1) copy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) with this completed and signed application as required by NC General Statutes 143-215.10C(d), either by mailing to the address below or sending it via email to the email address below. The CAWMP must include the following components: 1. The most recent Waste Utilization Plan(WUP),signed by the owner and a certified technical specialist,containing: a. The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields(e.g.irrigation,injection,etc.) b. A map of every field used for land application(for example: irrigation map) c. The soil series present on every land application field d. The crops grown on every land application field e. The Realistic Yield Expectation(RYE)for every crop shown in the WUP f. The maximum PAN to be applied to every land application field g. The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP h. The required NRCS Standard specifications 2.A site map/schematic 3. Emergency Action Plan 4. Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 5. Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 6. Mortality Control Checklist with selected method noted-Use the enclosed updated Mortality Control Checklist 7. Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation(design,calculations,etc.) Please be sure the above table is accurate and complete. Also provide any site evaluations,wetland determinations,or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 8. Operation and Maintenance Plan If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list,please include the additional components with your submittal. (e.g. composting,digesters,solids separators,sludge drying system,waste transfers,etc.) I attest that this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application may be subject to civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years,or both for a similar offense.) Print the Name of the Permittee/Landowner/Signing Official and Sign below. (If multiple Landowners exist,all landowners should sign. If Landowner is a corporation,signature should be by a principal executive officer of the corporation): Name(Print): Title: owry -�r Signature: Date: QCk —a Name(Print): _ Title: Signature: _ Date: Name(Print): Title: Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: E-mail: animal.operations@deq.nc.gov NCDEQ-D WR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636