HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160032 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20160108,J State of North Carolina VWK Va Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization Division of Water Resources FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Four copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] 1. Owner Information Name: ANDY Mailing Address: PO Bc ATLANTIC BEACH, NC 28512-0579 Telephone Number: 252-342-6244 Fax Number: E-mail Address: 2. Agent/ Contact Person Information 207600 JAN r)8? 32 A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: '�'10c5/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ;r i„s,r_) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: CARISSA PARKER Company Affiliation: BENNICK ENTERPRISES LLC Mailing Address: 7836 HWY 70 E NEBO NC 28761 Telephone Number: 828-659-1000 Fax Number: 828-659-1001 E-mail Address: CARISSAPBENNICKGRADING.COM Person to receive the Certification Approval: CARISSA PARKER II. Project Information [' .' 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 4 and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) County: BURKE Nearest Town: MORGANTON Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): SOUTH POINTE 153 1884 SANDY COVE DR Directions to site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: FROM MORGANTON TAKE HWY 126 / TL ONTO SOUTHPOINTE DR / TR ONTO BEECH BLUFF DR / TL ONTO SANDY COVE DR TO PROPERTY AT END 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): VACANT WOODED LOT AREA 6. Property size (acres): 1.21 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: LAKE JAMES 8. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): 250' OF SHORELINE STABILIZATION BY BARGE, HEIGHT WILL BE 25' 9. Will work be conducted from land? ❑ From water? 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: 12'X 250' = 3000 SQ FT 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: 12' X 20' = 3000 SQ FT 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): 40 TREES TOTALING 120" WILL BE REMOVED (SEE ATTACHED DRAWING BY LEE GRAGG) THEY WILL BE REPLACED INCH FOR INCH, WITH TREES TOTALING THE SAME DIAMETER. ANY REMAINING DISTURBED AREA WILL HAVE MULCH APPLIED TO IT. 6wner/Agent's SiEnatu e� 0A NCAC 02H .0502(f)1 Dat Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSGP 10-2013 �� Y Page 2 of 3 .�dUK' cvvska La ke II Y' At Full Pond/ Normal Water Lev' f) f-' ' s0u�h-+)0iA)bL /5-'S Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft x 100 ft) •: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. S. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 ANDY CH USED LAKE JAMES SOUTH POINTE LOT 153 TO: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY I GIVE CARISSA PARKER, OF BENNICK ENTERPRISES, LLC., PERMISSION TO SIGN AS MY AGENT ON MY APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE STABILIZATION. SIGNATURE (S) J4vc L� DATE I /'a ( 1 ;t1S BEARING um TRF 84ar1n9 ..man ane BEARING TARI Bood' 0at«r. BEARINGTART R l)n. 8•alnl F 041- L661 N 16• t9' S6' W 11.50' L9J3 N 69. 52' 22- W 18.61" L775 5 6]' 42' p' W 10.]2' 2 u 1862 Leto H 46' 19' b' W N 46' 19' 58' Y 11.90' 8276' LOU 5 72' 12' tb' r 39.06' L7J6 H 63. 35' 00- W 12.94' PrapWly LIn. Fobw C.nl.mn. 91 35' E1.orn.n1, L664 N 4C 19' S6• W 25.00' L.35 LOX N OB' 3T 26' W N 11.47 ,.777 S 43' 02' 23' W H09' Dim C®9 L855 L866 5 63' 42' p• W 5 72' SJ' 33' W 10.15' 19.91' L931 LOU 25' W Z6' E N 33' 22' 34• W N 10' S7 !4' W 19.11' 3).31' 23.90' 1-776 5 22' OS' JC Y L779 S 28' 13. 45' W L780 5 42' O4' 15" W 7&41 ' 33.64' 65.93' y INI1Nw .N Ylrw nr.r 1: re nn - WI W 4wn`rin nt vt.r,1 .• r4. w Yrw 11� IININ hw INWwllw Y.w Lb7 Ian S 69' b' 42• W S 74. O6' 28• W 5..20• ]D.10' LOU N 19' OT 10' W 12.76' 1.781 S 44' 0T OJ" Y 2249' L669 N 6T 11' w' W 29.22' L910 LD41 N 37' 28' 02' W vad 9.66' 1-782 N 74' 12 32' Y 6.46' Lboo L 691 S 62' 39' 4r W ]230' LD12 S 27' 13' 33' E 27.54' 1-)8] S Sa 129' 30' W L784 5 15' ST 55• Y I9.%' 24.49' 1-692 5 ]9' 41' 110' r S 46' 19 Sd• E ]9.92' IS00' 1-91] 5 77' ZZ' !}• E 39.91' 1-785 506' S1' M- E 48.26' L894 5 18' I9' S6' E 1230' L9H L945 S 33' 3T 52' E 35.p' 1-786 5 20' 14' S0' C 53.123' L895 Lit" S 46' 19' b' E 41' 40 04' W 17.50' 6}6{' 1-946 N 6]' 30' ST E H ])' 2T b' E 21.73' ]0.21' L)65 S 64' 00. 43• r L766 S 64' w' 43' W 1984' 17.58' 1-896 H M' 0' S6" W ISM' L917 1-946 5 b' 31' b• E N 80. 39' 0.' E 7656' 127.62' L 691 Low N 51' 15' 11' W N sl' 111' 31' W 12.16' 26.Go 1-919 X10' 16' 52• E 1538' llulld4l SWtbodn dm 9 N 6T 16 31' 25.00' 1-950 L951 X JR ]4' 20' E 14.60' dQ �' ^� E� Wilt II, 1900 H 43' b' 0)' E E 120.31' 1-952 N 11' oV 1r E N 38' 01' 19' E 31.63' 28 - LD 01 L902 N 53' 127' 02' F N Ur 3 30- E 5].13' 20 16' L95J N 39' DT b' E T7.H' 15' Fran) Selb.d Irani L 903 N 54' 2" OS' E }374' L9 LOUN N 60' ]0' OD' E 68' 04' 200)• Rood Eo.em411 12' Sldai.. Setback hom L901 1 20 N 4D' 17' 43• E N 61' 06' 2r [ 5733' 4668' LOUb 0]' C N >t' of STC 20.11' 19.14' Int«la Lot Linaa L906 5 45' 30' Or W 53.28' L957 L9b N 65' 15' 126• E N 62' So' 11• E 2179' 16.]3' 30' Pear 511,119 (Not On L19.) 1 L907 1-908 S 41' 32' 12' W SS7T 1-959 H 48' 49' 36' W 2100' 83' W1lahanl $11,104 I. 5 89' OS' 44' W S 14' d' b' It 2119' S]8' L960 H M' 19' 36• W 49' 1100 1910 S !2' 10' ST W 1262' L%1 L%Z N 46' b' W 19.60' LEGEND 1-911 S 122' SS' N' E 11.01' L%J 546' 19' b' E 5 4B' 19' b' E 12]0• 12.30' 1912 5 JT b' Y' E 5093' L%4 5 4a' 19' b' E 56.78' O e Unmarked Point / L913 L914 S i9. 412' 1Z' E S 68' 28 SC C 2250' 17.93' L%3 518' 19' b' E 25.00 0 = Rb., Set 1913 X 76' 36' r E 16.01' 1-%6 L%7 S 412' 2Z' 23' r S IS' IT 04' E ] 49' 2261' m = Concrete Mor-ent C1 1-916 1-017 N 63' t>' ?a' C N 61' Id' 15' E 16.63' 16.11' L968 L%9 S 09. 20' 48' W 2843' (Control Corner) 1-918 5 81. 30' 21' E 22.84' 1-9)0S 5 11•.1' 19' E 13' If OCE 263' 312,'LM TS 1-9195 JT Za' 01' C 213r L9)1 1rOrE22.52'1-973 N 77' 49' T9' E N7)' 29' E 2100' 16.38' 5 IV 13' Sr E 3}91OL921 151 011/ 1912 49' H 7T 49' 29' E 21.6T 1-97] LON S 12' 30' 3T E S 18' 31.19' 1-921 L924 N Id' 19' M. W S b' 19' b' 70.90' L975 38' 25' E S o5' 16' 122" W IS II' 3.22' � / Lake James �'�� E S 11• b' on- W }9.50• 1).50' L97e S Ol' 41' sY C S•.d0' e° N L925 9]] 5 SI' bJ' 01' W 5 i5. p• 1-9)) L9)6 S la 1.- 1C E 5 3P 02' 22• W 3173- 173• 18.67' / s2 L%2 L928 N 2T 13' 33' M 1-019 5 75' b' 25' W 14.06' 1-963 L 929 S 51' 10' ]2' E 6.40' 22.21' Lit. L%1 S 53' 34' J _ It S 61' 11' S3' 27.33' �01 L13o 1-932 5 13' 1T 512' E 5 89' S9' IZ' W ]0.61' 17.38' 1-962 t951 W 9 S} 13' 10' W 8 ZI' a6' 16• V 27.09' 16.x6' ,f ?. S L9M N b' 20' 11' W 37.01' 10.07' 6• , [p� /0 O• • 1P Q•r1 �. ^sC) O` /059 Ac. 152 �f` y� D� IdDC IF ((JJ H81• W 242.42• 1-696 a.1 11 I n� L69 Gey+ 15B 1-91 / 1.21 Ae. 1 153 *' Ny lfs.I9„9,µ'C+eNA'• L921 < <$ I 1.67 77kk CURVETRF 'v 2' E I < 0 It 1 Mw R.diw lTo.1 91 y 1-9 / Sr In1.1=A' .,y Bwrn9 and Dinmu ArG L«pin Torpml DNte 1-94 61pQyyy y,6yy 9 y i� Linn (Yp.) /.+ •r• 1137 2%.00' N 11' 12' 24' E 160.]6' 16291' 51.6>' 32 11 12 �92. 154 0.91 Ac. C136 280.00 C139 290.00' N '-ser 12' E N 127' }4' 14' C 15.22' 41.M' 15.22 7 61' 11.18' 300 23 8 ti O �• < ti q, 9 20.77 8 It ]9 ,Y y� 155 J e 4 4 O i 1-96: 1-935 931 1.30 Ac./ \ 151 f` 4 Lake James 9w LON s N• J2,L65' e a• r f, ¢�V T V• L912 •P .9. G L9a n M19'S0'W d, � 5-1 -W ¢ 5r Map No. 4 of 5 �� .00` �4r /w� SOUTHPOINTE 13.So a 156 PHASE 2 153 ' I CRdSC6NT RlSOUIlCIS, INC. DIYlLOPYLNT ✓� LINVILLE TOWNSHIP, BURKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 100 50 0 100 200 51 SCALES 1" _ +00' INSET 'A' / ss N/ 0. Sandy c. -Orn. Rlgnl 01 In REVISED- / !19 RrvISED- / !19 ;t1S ALinville& Abernathy k Associates, P.C. .L RLS a STA Or Na1M U91ga/4�Cp,111T n 6URq Y .ae.r . „e.•,my -L975 eM,.L mw. a McWt« " p'.l to ✓,la tnir cWefkllim a Lake James NOTES: NC, 66 Ina thi. 44NTWy dw. not c.lify to till. ar 1m.rNlp. o. -y that r ilw I I pr.pQ olionl r Ina pbl ua.d only lne lama tion I <wd 1a 2 u �ti O O v � m � I. Inb r.-ny awlu a Iw41otl4n al ietN W. Ine arm alp < ty O � Lake 121»+411.::.•. �'• � PrapWly LIn. Fobw C.nl.mn. 91 35' E1.orn.n1, Lat. JamWr f1 a5�aoe, aaa ar centen:l) I« M(Fe1a. Eree1. tnjho a m •v wwnwl1- Go : •Map4 of 5 Utlity. DIOMo Eo•anmt Phase 2 All DaVlny. bad m \ NCCS Nortn - NAD 13 Dim C®9 VICINITY VICINITY MAF All DIM- nor HcrlTanld Grwnd Meo uremnt. No ST4¢a QlNunlr man,lty raa Goin, Map 3 of 5 n... ` • b4141WN1-.4 W,.fW, southpointe Phase 2 ""'rr W` Wi. r. Ir..N na. •.w 1.«WN "•"'•nr r W IIrN11w N Y•N1.1 WI W M14 ,1 MNIXw n wlnl•IN \ +n"In y INI1Nw .N Ylrw nr.r 1: re nn - WI W 4wn`rin nt vt.r,1 .• r4. w Yrw 11� IININ hw INWwllw Y.w .n to Yep 3 . 5 e.•+0�(H CAIja� e•• n 11,':, YSE4L �0 WI nn IIn w N h 1w1s, IS G S I7 -b' ,1�„I,l q,w, � itil 14^•Ir4. n41,V411w w44w1 NI /fir E - _ r L-3 37 ALinville& Abernathy k Associates, P.C. .L RLS Wean. V Crescent Resources, Inc. Township, Burke County, North STA Or Na1M U91ga/4�Cp,111T n 6URq Y .ae.r . „e.•,my -L975 eM,.L mw. a McWt« " p'.l to ✓,la tnir cWefkllim a Lake James NOTES: W NC Grid cont'.. thb Wool thi. 44NTWy dw. not c.lify to till. ar 1m.rNlp. o. -y that r ilw I I pr.pQ olionl r Ina pbl ua.d only lne lama tion I <wd 1a nlled nreon F, T,,,ic. Street Seclian., See Wp 5 0l 5 Soufhpo:nte PI,.- 2 I. Inb r.-ny awlu a Iw41otl4n al ietN W. Ine arm alp < ty s �Ilciplil] IMI 9m on W4IrrN. IMI r4qula14. pWe.l1 pl Ion1 �a• PrapWly LIn. Fobw C.nl.mn. 91 35' E1.orn.n1, �'j-As-S}n f1 a5�aoe, aaa ar centen:l) I« M(Fe1a. Eree1. tnjho a m •v wwnwl1- E.0 Lot Sub)ect to o t0' Fro,l and o 5' Sidaine Utlity. DIOMo Eo•anmt H1H 6BDltaE4t S:u"n nl. is a D1r1 of properly 1a No.n Dim C®9 9n @rwl. 4 and S 1-.a- caraina P... Co. Praprly Sunrye 8ddpweler Pro)- Dat.d r.,. 1917 ALinville& Abernathy k Associates, P.C. .a arm oR. a4T_ r9rA,17]I_ m nu: eR. ,o r-Iaol x._INR_ T Y>.33t Wean. V Crescent Resources, Inc. Township, Burke County, North AflERINTHY & ASSOCATE SSCLIATES. P.C. u .a AM y1 � leae ) Y .ae.r . „e.•,my sone>'Ier, + FILE .0 Andy Chused Southpointe lot 153 9 PD lD ARFA IMPACTED AREA -5300 5F. lut>Mo PIAT NORTN M 12-2]5 GRADING * 5HORELINE U,.N 153 50[JTHPOINTF emt Iz3o 3N[9[I9e0 �/ �� •i 1250 1260 SOT 153 `, LEGEND 12w y'+ IXSTING IRON%N7„b's>pXif°, �e ise [IP>'\ '250 NPRO mIJNC byv .ea ief.rm a.G0.?%e 0P I12A0 \ DN[ NOT $URVt1TD ^.sfL 0.\ O UJ[ 5fmy Uw IXISTING 2 INMVµ C Onw I O IMMW& � SILRCHQ IM[ JNAf9 G` Igi10N OP 9[[ 159 CIBPJNG LIMB M SOOK 29 4 299 GMEMe No�ev..MICAL REPLANTING PWJ Nrlsvmrurio moa lw.xrw+wX. LOOKING FROM WATER 9[6Mlfwir.M' w!6 LIOS i1WP.Q• 4r 5 NS nq[f.. rxCYIXp. inb� Aqf r.5 vAry f/Jl9R [WJN[RS WONF6 p0.We1W S:MWUIgN9. in[X M[ /. GWpILH[ IOR µT MLII� IR[TO R IueR:[p N rt[ MG'M[24 _ 3.MILLI.U>IRXI Xflp99lvaLK9J[Cm IPOU Mf r'pM[91R �N?Y[. --t y r\` SrWl61Y'W 91M1iI20.RV A0.MRC9iM'IIM1. _ tl�f sx NfN MUD 3'BVDCNR[i5 } N NTRIN UIIRR OP. 12 QC MIp MNS 12 QC NDN('SNONfIIM NIYOWO[NDRON z01 zo olsrucseo mRauGnan Fq INGH['S TOI/LL nurar>vn ue n. rvm INr -rr. .�n.1.n w6 TOtK 145 TOTN yds iu +p�ai LU Yi_I ♦fp0 ner 0 Q, a eIP-IzzsS �. i �/s 50 CAN5TItN QN fNMLYEI V` ry� L yds 2�2 +p�ai Yi_I ♦fp0 ner a eIP-IzzsS �. i �/s V` 7 rz a % 4 y5 2�2 Yi_I ♦fp0 Chused - SP 153 mD �oil- 410untai 0 qa 126 a��Rd l -e wo, N10 Pisgah Cobb Ave National Forest Lake Andy Chused 1884 Sandy Cove Dr South Pointe lot 153 Latitude: 35.75424 N [Longitude: 81.83750 W iie dG/ s Cts rch Rd o nni 0.5 1 1.5 Copyright ® and (P) 1988-2012 Microsoft Corporation and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved, hdp:IAv microsck.co"streels/ Certain mapping and direction data ® 2012 NAVTEO. All rights reserved, The Data for areas of Canada includes information taken with permission from Canadian authan ties, including' Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, ® Queen's Printer for Ontario. NAVrEO and NAVIEO ON BOARD are trademarks of NAVTEO. ® 2012 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Tele Atlas and Tele Atlas North America are trademarks of Tele Atlas, Inc. ®2012 by Applied Geographic Solutions. All rights reserved. Portions ® Copyright 2012 by Woodall Publications Corp. All rights reserved.