HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0090247_Fact Sheet (Final)_20240506Fact Sheet NPDES Permit No. NCO09O247 Permit Writer/Email Contact: Siying Chen, siying.chen@deq.nc.gov: Date: May 6, 2024 Division/Branch: NC Division of Water Resources/NPDES Compliance & Expedited Permitting Unit Permitting Action: ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal with Expansion ❑x New Discharge ❑ Modification (Fact Sheet should be tailored to mod request) Note: A complete application should include the following: • For New Dischargers, EPA Form 2A or 2D requirements, Engineering Alternatives Analysis, Fee • For Existing Dischargers (POTW), EPA Form 2A, 3 effluent pollutant scans, 4 2nd species WET tests. • For Existing Dischargers (Non-POTW), EPA Form 2C with correct analytical requirements based on industry category. Complete applicable sections below. If not applicable, enter NA. 1. Basic Facility Information Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Henderson County / Clear Creek WWTP Applicant Address: 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Ste 6, Hendersonville, NC 28792 Facility Address: Near Fruitland Road, Hendersonville, NC 28792 (Outfall location: 35' 22' 32.1" N, 82' 24' 36.3" W) Permitted Flow: 0.2 MGD Facility Type/Waste: Minor Municipal Facility Class: Grade II Treatment Units: Influent pump station Bar screens Flow equalization tank Two (2) activated sludge trains Two (2) secondary clarification tanks Sludge holding tank Chlorine contact basin Tertiary disc filters Pretreatment Program (Y/N) N County: Henderson Region ARO Page 1 of 10 Briefly describe the proposed permitting action and facility background: Henderson County has applied for an NPDES permit for the proposed Clear Creek WWTP in April 2023. The new sanitary sewer collection system will be composed of both gravity and pumped systems to serve existing residential and commercial properties in the unincorporated community of Edneyville as well as connecting three other nearby package plants (Western Justice Academy WWTP, Blacksmith Run WWTP, and Camp Judaea WWTP) in Henderson County, NC. The new WWTP will be constructed on an approximately 15-acre greenfield parcel (parcels to be further subdivided pending discussions with property owner) at the confluence of Clear Creek and Laurel Branch. The WWTP site footprint will be approximately 0.5 acres. The WWTP will be a "package" -type plant and have the capacity to treat 0.2 million gallons per day (MGD) maximum month flow (MMF). Originally, it is conceptually planned to allow for future capacity expansions up to 0.5 MGD via installation of additional packaged treatment units. The WWTP will include an influent pump station and screening, a flow equalization cell, two conventional activated sludge treatment trains, two secondary clarifiers, a sludge holding tank, and effluent disinfection via chlorine. This project is partly funded by $12.7 Million ARPA grant funds, administered by the Division of Water Infrastructure. According to the final ruling for Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF, which is defined by ARPA), all ARPA funds are exempt from NEPA. Since these APRA funds are directed to be administered by the DEQ/Division of Water Infrastructure through the Wastewater Reserve Fund as established under NC General Statute Chapter 195G, these funds are statutorily exempt from SEPA per G.S. 113A-12(2)(h) and do not require preparation of an environmental document. 2. Receiving Waterbody Information Receiving Waterbody Information Outfalls/Receiving Stream(s): Outfall 001 — Clear Creek Stream Segment: 6-55-11-(5) Stream Classification: C Drainage Area (mi2): 34.1 Summer 7Q 10 (cfs) 15.0 Winter 7Q 10 (cfs): 21.5 30Q2 (cfs): 28.3 Average Flow (cfs): 58 IWC (% effluent): 2.02% (summer); 1.42% (winter) 303(d) listed/parameter: Yes — for Benthos Subject to TMDL/parameter: No Basin/Sub-basin/HUC: French Broad River Basin / 04-03-02 / 060101050302 USGS Topo Quad: Fruitland Clear Creek is listed by the Division as impaired for Benthos in the 2022 North Carolina 303 (d) List. Page 2 of 10 Clear Creek 6-55-11-[5Ja 13216 From Lewis Creek to Laurel Branch PARAMETER Benthos (Nar, AL, FW) IRCATEGORY CRITERIASTATUS 1.8 FW Miles REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR 5=Fxceeding Criteria Fair, Poor or Severe Bioclassification 2010 Clear Creek = 6-55-11-15jh C 4.7 FW Miles 13374 From Laurel Branch to Mud Creek PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Benthos (Nar, AL, FW) 0 lxceeding Criteria lFair, Poor or Severe Bioclassification 2020 Past benthos samplings at Clear Creek indicated that the stream likely suffers from a combination of agricultural nonpoint source runoff and point source dischargers. DWR's Biological Assessment Branch also indicated that it is difficult to identify the specific cause of the benthos impairment in Clear Creek due to the limited sampling data available, but the lack of long-lived stoneflies was consistent with the pesticides impacts in the Mills River study. 3. Effluent Data Summary New facility, no effluent data available. 4. Instream Data Summary New facility, no instream data available, and no instream monitoring is required at this point. Is this facility a member of a Monitoring Coalition with waived instream monitoring (YIN): N Name of Monitoring Coalition: N/A 5. Compliance Summary New facility, no compliance history available. 6. Water Quality -Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Dilution and Mixing In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0206, the following streamflows are used for dilution considerations for development of WQBELs: 1 Q 10 streamflow (acute Aquatic Life); 7Q 10 streamflow (chronic Aquatic Life; non -carcinogen HH); 30Q2 streamflow (aesthetics); annual average flow (carcinogen, HH). If applicable, describe any other dilution factors considered (e.g., based on CORMIX model results): N/A If applicable, describe any mixing zones established in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0204(b): N/A Oxygen -Consuming Waste Limitations Limitations for oxygen -consuming waste (e.g., BOD) are generally based on water quality modeling to ensure protection of the instream dissolved oxygen (DO) water quality standard. Secondary TBEL limits (e.g., BOD= 30 mg/1 for Municipals) may be appropriate if deemed more stringent based on dilution and model results. BOD5, TSS, 85% removal, pHLimits: Draft Permit - Applied 40 CFR 133.102 US EPA secondary treatment standards for a domestic treatment facility. Based on modeling results, the BOD limits will protect the instream DO standard. Page 3 of 10 Final Permit after the Public Hearing— Adopted BOD5 limits from the Hendersonville WWTP permit (NC0025534). After further review of permit history for the Hendersonville WWTP permit, it was found that the current limits established in their permit were based on a QUAL2E model ran on Mud Creek and Clear Creek. The limits for BOD5 were Water Quality -Based Effluent Limits, developed based on protection of Dissolved Oxygen standards. In order to protect downstream water quality at both Clear Creek and Mud Creek, Hendersonville's BOD5 limits were adopted in the Clear Creek WWTP permit. The final limits are as follows: Parameter Parameter Code Monthly Average Weekly Average Limits Limits BOD, 5-day, (20°C) 3 (mg/L) (April 1 — October 31) CO310 10.0 mg/L 15.0 mg/L BOD, 5-day, (20°C) 3 (mg/L) CO310 20.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L (November 1 — March 31) Ammonia and Total Residual Chlorine Limitations Limitations for ammonia are based on protection of aquatic life utilizing an ammonia chronic criterion of 1.0 mg/1(summer) and 1.8 mg/1(winter). Acute ammonia limits are derived from chronic criteria, utilizing a multiplication factor of 3 for Municipals and a multiplication factor of 5 for Non -Municipals. Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) are based on the NC water quality standard for protection of aquatic life (17 ug/1) and capped at 28 ug/1(acute impacts). Due to analytical issues, all TRC values reported below 50 ug/1 are considered compliant with their permit limit. Describe any proposed changes to ammonia and/or TRC limits for this permit renewal: NH3 Limits: Draft Permit - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0206, the following streamflows are used for dilution considerations for development of WQBELs: 1 Q 10 streamflow (acute Aquatic Life); 7Q 10 streamflow (chronic Aquatic Life; non -carcinogen HH); 30Q2 streamflow (aesthetics); annual average flow (carcinogen, HH). Limitations for ammonia are based on protection of aquatic life utilizing an Ammonia chronic criterion of 1.0 mg/L (summer) and 1.8 mg/L (winter). Additional information on how the proposed facility would meet these requirements would be expected as part of the design review. This would address instream ammonia aquatic life concerns at the new discharge for 0.5 MGD. Final Permit after the Public Hearing — Adopted NH3 as N limits from the Hendersonville WWTP permit (NC0025534). After further review of permit history for the Hendersonville WWTP permit, it was found that the current limits established in their permit were based on a QUAL2E model ran on Mud Creek and Clear Creek. The limits for Ammonia Nitrogen were Water Quality -Based Effluent Limits, developed based on protection of Dissolved Oxygen standards. In order to protect downstream water quality at both Clear Creek and Mud Creek, Hendersonville's NH3 as N limits were adopted in the Clear Creek WWTP permit. The final limits are as follows: Parameter Parameter Code Monthly Average Weekly Average Limits Limits Ammonia (NH3 as N) (mg/L) C0610 2.0 mg/L 6.0 mg/L (April 1— October 31) Ammonia (NH3 as N) (mg/L) CO610 4.0 mg/L 12.0 mg/L (November 1 — March 31) Page 4 of 10 TRC, Fecal Coliform Limits: Applied 15A NCAC 02B .0211 water quality standards. Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) for Toxicants The need for toxicant limits is based upon a demonstration of reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards, a statistical evaluation that is conducted during every permit renewal utilizing the most recent effluent data for each outfall. The RPA is conducted in accordance with 40 CFR 122.44 (d) (i). The NC RPA procedure utilizes the following: 1) 95% Confidence Level/95% Probability; 2) assumption of zero background; 3) use of/z detection limit for "less than" values; and 4) streamflows used for dilution consideration based on 15A NCAC 2B.0206. Effective April 6, 2016, NC began implementation of dissolved metals criteria in the RPA process in accordance with guidance titled NPDES Implementation of Instream Dissolved Metals Standards, dated June 10, 2016. A reasonable potential analysis was not conducted since there's no effluent data available. Toxicity Testing Limitations Permit limits and monitoring requirements for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) have been established in accordance with Division guidance (per WET Memo, 8/2/1999). Per WET guidance, all NPDES permits issued to Major facilities or any facility discharging "complex" wastewater (contains anything other than domestic waste) will contain appropriate WET limits and monitoring requirements, with several exceptions. The State has received prior EPA approval to use an Alternative WET Test Procedure in NPDES permits, using single concentration screening tests, with multiple dilution follow-up upon a test failure. Describe proposed toxicity test requirement: This is a Minor POTW, a chronic WET pass/fail test on a quarterly frequency is required in the permit. Other TMDL/Nutrient Management Strategy Considerations If applicable, describe any other TMDLs/Nutrient Management Strategies and their implementation within this permit: Semi-annual monitoring for TN and TP according to 15a NCAC 02b .0508. Other WQBEL Considerations If applicable, describe any other parameters of concern evaluated for WQBELs: N/A If applicable, describe any special actions (HQW or ORW) this receiving stream and classification shall comply with in order to protect the designated waterbody: N/A 7. Technology -Based Effluent Limitations (TBELs) Municipals if not applicable, delete and skip to Industrials) Are concentration limits in the permit at least as stringent as secondary treatment requirements (30 mg/l BODS/TSS for Monthly Average, and 45 mg/l for BODS/TSS for Weekly Average). YES If NO, provide a justification for alternative limitations (e.g., waste stabilization pond). N/A Are 85% removal requirements for BOD51TSS included in the permit? YES If NO, provide a justification (e.g., waste stabilization pond). N/A 8. Antidegradation Review (New/Expanding Discharge) The objective of an antidegradation review is to ensure that a new or increased pollutant loading will not degrade water quality. Permitting actions for new or expanding discharges require an antidegradation review in accordance with 15A NCAC 213.0201. Each applicant for a new/expanding NPDES permit must document an effort to consider non -discharge alternatives per 15A NCAC 2H.0105( c)(2). In all Page 5 of 10 cases, existing instream water uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect the existing use is maintained and protected. If applicable, describe the results of the antidegradation review, including the Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) and any water quality modeling results: 1. Determine if the proposed discharge will be allowed Zero flow stream restrictions USGS provided low flow characteristics for Clear Creek (summarized below), it is not subject to zero - flow stream restrictions. Low -Flow Discharge 7Q10 Range (cfs) 5.8-23.9 Average (cfs) 15 Median (cfs) 15.3 30QZ 13.3-44.3 28.3 26.3 W7Q10 8.5-44.3 21.5 19.4 702 10.6-40.9 25.9 24.2 Basinwide Water Quali , Plans Clear Creek is part of the French Broad River Basin, according to the 2011 French Broad Basinwide Water Quality Plan, portions of Clear Creek are listed as Impaired, with other portions listed as Supporting, but it does not preclude the proposed discharge. Impaired waters and TMDLs In the 2022 North Carolina Integrated Report (303(d) list), Clear Creek was given an Assessment Criteria status of "Exceeding Criteria" for benthos. Clear Creek is not subject to any total maximum daily load (TMDL) restrictions other than the statewide Mercury TMDL. Presence of Endangered Species C1earWater Environmental Consultants is preparing the Environmental Assessment (EA) for both the proposed WWTP location and the upstream proposed collection system conveyance improvements. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided a protected species list in the project area, which are summarized below: CommonName eagle Scientific Name HeUaeetos leocacepholus Federal Status BGPA' State Status — Bog turtle Glyptemys muhlenbergii Threatened (5/A) I Threatened Bunched arrowhead Sogittaria fascicolato Endangered — Gray bat Myotis grisescens Endangered Endangered Mountain heartleaf Hexostylis con tracto — Endangered Mountain sweet pitcherplant Sarrocenia rubra ssp. Jonesd Endangered Endangered Northern long-eared bat Myotis septentrionolis Endangered Threatened Small whorled pogonia lsotrio medeoloides Threatened — Swamp pink Helonia bollato Threatened — White irisette Sisyrinchium dichotomum Endangered — No designated critical habitat for any species has been found within the project area. Potentially suitable habitat for bunched arrowhead was observed within the proposed project area, between tributaries along Clear Creek. No suitable habitat for all other listed species was observed within the proposed project area. Page 6 of 10 2. Provide reasonable projections for population and flow Below is the projected population for Henderson County: Edneyville is primarily a rural and agricultural community with scattered suburban developments. Currently, most of the community is unsewered and relies on septic treatment systems for wastewater handling and disposal. There is limited data on current wastewater flows within the entire sewer subbasin that would contribute to the new WWTP. There are also three existing package WWTPs within the service area and they will be abandoned after this new WWTP is established. Based on the likely and possible contributors, the new Edneyville sewer collection system is anticipated to collect up to 65,000 gpd upon initial activation, and the anticipated growth rate for this system is expected to be approximately 2.54 percent (%) per year. Below is the Edneyville Sewer Collection System Flow Projections and Peaking Factors: 3. Evaluate technologically feasible alternatives The EAA explored different alternatives including connection to existing sewer systems and WWTPs, land -based disposal application, wastewater reuse, and combination of different alternatives. Below is a comparison summary of the different alternatives: Page 7 of 10 Option Hendersonville WWTP can accept flows; additional gravity sewer Connection to WWTP Y needed to facilitate connection; higher cost than surface water discharge. Limited available land for purchase and at high cost. Large potential Land -Based Disposal YjN agricultural user base, however, demand is not anticipated to be stable; further coordination on nature of demands and quality requirements is needed. Wastewater Reuse N Not feasible because of cost, low customer base, and distance to cuStOmers. Surface Water discharge Y Preferred option; economically feasible. Combination of land -based disposal and surface water discharge is Combination Y feasible but would incur significant additional cost and include the limitations noted above 4. Evaluate economic feasibility of alternatives Below is the summary cost table for the different alternatives discussed: Alternative A: Connections to Hendersonville WWTP Alternative B, Option 1: County -owned land application Alternative B, Option 2: Agrilcultural land application Alternative C: Wastewater reuse Alternative D: Direct discharge In the EAA review, concerns were raised about the close cost estimates between direct discharge (Alternative D) and connection to Hendersonville WWTP (Alternative A). The concern has been addressed with CEPU management and ARO, and both have agreed to proceed with the direct discharge option. 9. Antibacksliding Review Sections 402(o)(2) and 303(d)(4) of the CWA and federal regulations at 40 CFR 122.44(1) prohibit backsliding of effluent limitations in NPDES permits. These provisions require effluent limitations in a reissued permit to be as stringent as those in the previous permit, with some exceptions where limitations may be relaxed (e.g., based on new information, increases in production may warrant less stringent TBEL limits, or WQBELs may be less stringent based on updated RPA or dilution). Are any effluent limitations less stringent than previous permit (YES/NO): N/A If YES, confirm that antibacksliding provisions are not violated: N/A 10. Monitoring Requirements Monitoring frequencies for NPDES permitting are established in accordance with the following regulations and guidance: 1) State Regulation for Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 213.0500; 2) NPDES Guidance, Monitoring Frequency for Toxic Substances (7/15/2010 Memo); 3) NPDES Guidance, Reduced Monitoring Frequencies for Facilities with Superior Compliance (10/22/2012 Memo); 4) Best Professional Judgement (BPJ). Per US EPA (Interim Guidance, 1996), monitoring requirements are not Page 8 of 10 considered effluent limitations under Section 402(o) of the Clean Water Act, and therefore anti - backsliding prohibitions would not be triggered by reductions in monitoring frequencies. For instream monitoring, refer to Section 4. Semi-annual monitoring for TN and TP according to 15a NCAC 02b .0508. 11. Electronic Reporting Requirements The US EPA NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was finalized on December 21, 2015. Effective December 21, 2016, NPDES regulated facilities are required to submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically. Effective December 21, 2025, NPDES regulated facilities will be required to submit additional NPDES reports electronically. This permit contains the requirements for electronic reporting, consistent with Federal requirements. 12. Summary of Proposed Permitting Actions (Draft) Speculative limits were issued by DWR on August 5, 2022, which includes limits and monitoring requirements for BOD5, ammonia nitrogen, DO, TSS, TRC, pH, fecal coliform TN, TP, and chronic toxicity pass/fail test. Special conditions for annual instream assessment and notification of start-up were also included. 13. Public Notice Schedule Permit to Public Notice: 9/12/2023 Per 15A NCAC 2H .0109 & .0111, The Division will receive comments for a period of 30 days following the publication date of the public notice. Any request for a public hearing shall be submitted to the Director within the 30-days comment period indicating the interest of the party filing such request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. 14. Public Comments, Public Hearing, and Additional Information Substantial public comments were received during the public comment period. After reviewing the public comments received, the Director decided to hold a public hearing, and the public hearing was held on February 5, 2024 Based on the public comments received during the two comment periods, it was determined that more information is needed to make the appropriate permit decision. Consultation with the DWR's Biological Assessment Branch found that although it would be difficult to identify the specific cause of the benthos impairment in Clear Creek due to the limited sampling data available, the lack of long-lived stoneflies was consistent with the pesticides impacts found in the Mills River study. The speculative limits developed for Clear Creek WWTP were based on a Level B model and were developed based on the review of receiving stream conditions in Clear Creek discharge only. Further review of Hendersonville WWTP permit history reveals that the current limits established in the permit are based on a QUAL2E model ran on Mud Creek and Clear Creek. The limits for BOD5 (BOD5 = 10.0 mg/L) and Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3 as N = 2.0 mg/L) were WQBEL developed based on protection of DO standards. In order to ensure that the Clear Creek WWTP discharge would be protective of the downstream water quality at both Clear Creek and Mud Creek, we requested the permittee to submit additional information. The permittee was asked to either 1) perform a QUAL2K model for the proposed discharge that also include downstream of the discharge point of Hendersonville WWTP, or 2) provide a revised Present Value Cost Analysis in Engineering Alternative Analysis for the Direct Discharge option to base effluent limits on BOD5 = 10.0 mg/L and NH3 as N = 2.0 mg/L. These limits were based on the Page 9 of 10 effluent limits in the Hendersonville WWTP permit and would be protective of downstream water quality at both Clear Creek and Mud Creek. The permittee decided to go with option 2 and provided an updated PVCA, the result is summarized as follows: Cost ($M) Direct Discharge Connection to Hendersonville WWTP Capital 9.71 10.95 Recurring 0.13 0.14 Present Value 11.8 13.1 15. Summary of Proposed Permitting Actions (Final) Based on the additional information received, more restrictive limits for BOD5 and Ammonia Nitrogen are adopted to be in line with the effluent limits established in the Hendersonville WWTP permit. The limits for BOD5 and Ammonia Nitrogen has been changed to the following: Parameter Parameter Code Monthly Average Weekly Average Limits Limits BOD, 5-day, (20°C) 3 (mg/L) (April 1 — October 31) CO310 10.0 mg/L 15.0 mg/L BOD, 5-day, (20°C) 3 (mg/L) CO310 20.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L (November 1 — March 31) Ammonia (NH3 as N) (mg/L) CO610 2.0 mg/L 6.0 mg/L (April 1 — October 31) Ammonia (NH3 as N) (mg/L) CO610 4.0 mg/L 12.0 mg/L (November 1 — March 31) After further review of the flow projection provided in the EAA, it is determined that only the 0.2 MGD flow is justified, not the expansion up to 0.5 MGD. As a result, the 0.5 MGD flow phase has been removed in the final permit, and so are any language and special conditions (Chronic Toxicity Pass/Fail Monitoring) that were related to the 0.5 MGD flow phase. Only the 0.2 MGD flow is permitted in this permit issuance. In addition, Special Conditions have been updated in Section A.(4.) Notification of Start -Up to pursue the connections of three other WWTPs: Western Justice Academy WWTP (NPDES Permit NC0086070), Blacksmith Run WWTP (NPDES Permit NC0088056), and Camp Judaea WWTP (NPDES Permit NC0033430). 16. NPDES Division Contact If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Siying Chen via email at siying.chen@deq.nc.gov. Page 10 of 10 LOCAL'1*0 PO Box 631697 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1697 StarNews I The Dispatch Times -News Public Notice PROOF OF PUBLICATION North Carolina Environmen- tal Management Commis- sion/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Wren Thedford Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Deq-Division Of Water Res Notice of Intent to Issue a 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER NPDES Wastewater Permit NCO090247 Clear Creek Raleigh NC 27699 WWTP The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HENDERSON discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. Writ - ten comments regarding the The Hendersonville Times -News, a newspaper printed and F proposed permit will be published in the city of Gastonia, and of general circulation in the accepted until 30 days after County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, and personal the publish date of this knowledge of the facts herein state and that the notice hereto g notice. The Director of the NC Division of Water annexed was Published in said newspapers in the issue dated: Resources (DWR) may hold a public hearing should there 09112/2023 be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or informa- and that the fees charged are legal. tion requests to DWR at the Sworn to and subscribed before on 09/12/2023 above address. Interested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 to review the information on file. Addi- tional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: https://deq.nc.gov/public- notices-hearings,or by call- ing (919) 707-3601. Henderson County has applied for an NPDES permit NCO090247 for its Clear Creek WWTP located near Fruitland Road in Henderson County. This permitted facility discharges Legal Clerk treated municipal waste- water to Clear Creek in the French Board River Basin. Notary,State of I, Coff Brow oun� ^CY y Currently Total Residual Chlorine, Dissolved Oxygen, ^ and Fecal Coliform are water quality limited. This My commision expires discharge may affect future allocations in this segment of Publication Cost: $89.15 Cieur Creek. 9/12/23 9263597 Order No: 9263597 # of Copies: Customer No: 512930 -1 PO #: THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! Please do not use this,ionn for pa{i'ment remittance D ITLYNFELTYotary Publice Of Wisconsin Page 1 of 1 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director Henderson County ATTN: Marcus Jones 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Ste 6 Hendersonville, NC 28792 Dear Mr. Jones: \f QUhMNa j NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 19, 2024 Subject: Request for Additional Information Draft NPDES Permit NCO090247 Clear Creek WWTP Henderson County The Division has reviewed the public comments submitted for the subject draft NPDES permit NCO090247 — Clear Creek WWTP. After looking closer at the modelling done on Mud Creek for Hendersonville WWTP, we would like to request more information to ensure that the proposed discharge would be protective of the downstream water quality. To enable us to complete our review in accordance with N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and 15A NCAC 2H.0105, please provide additional or revised information as following: 1. Perform a QUAL2K model for the proposed discharge that also include downstream of the discharge point of Hendersonville WWTP. The result should ensure that the proposed discharge would be protective of both Clear Creek and Mud Creek downstream. •' 2. Provide a revised Present Value Cost Analysis in Engineering Alternative Analysis for the Direct Discharge option to base effluent limits on BOD5 = 10.0 mg/L and NH3 as N = 2.0 mg/L. These limits are maintained at the same levels as the Hendersonville WWTP to ensure that it would be protective of downstream water quality at Mud Creek as well. Please submit the requested information within 30 calendar days of this letter to ensure the Division has adequate time to review and reach a final decision on the draft permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919-707-3619, or via e-mail at siyin .cg henkdeq.nc.gov. Sincerely, <;fJJ C6.", Siying Chen Environmental Specialist II NPDES Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit ec: NPDES File [Laserfiche] NC DEQ Division of Water Resources — Julie Gryzb NC DEQ Division of Water Resources — Mike Montebello NC DEQ Division of Water Resources — John Hennessy CDM Smith — Anish Luthra [luthraa@cdmsmith.com] CDM Smith — Jonathan Lapsley [lapsleyjs@cdmsmith.com] DEQ ,fJ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NORTH CAROLINA (J1(�.'�O'�.(�OQO Department of Emlmnmenfal Duali� Smith April 151h, 2024 Mr. John Hennessy North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) Division of Water Resources NPDES Permitting Program 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Subject: Request for Additional Information Draft NPDES Permit NC0090247 Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Henderson County Dear Mr. Hennessy: This letter is being provided in response to the letter issued by the Division on March 19th, 2024 to request additional information for the subject Draft NPDES Permit NC0090247 — Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Henderson County has reviewed the request and elected to provide a revised Present Value Cost Analysis from the Engineering Alternatives Analysis for the Direct Discharge option to base effluent limits of BODS = 10.0 mg/L and NH3 as N = 2.0 mg/L. It should be noted that the Clear Creek WWTP was already being designed for full nitrification as presented in the subject permit's Engineering Alternatives Analysis due to the initially prescribed NH3 as N speculative limit for the future flow conditions of 0.5 MGD. In order to meet the effluent limits noted in the above - mentioned letter, the only unit process that would need to be added to the Clear Creek WWTP would be tertiary filtration. No other unit process presented in the Engineering Alternatives Analysis would need to be altered. Attached to this letter is an updated Net Present Value Cost Analysis for the Connection to the City of Hendersonville WWTP alternative and the Direct Surface Discharge alternative. Also attached, is the capital cost buildup for both alternatives for reference. Below are the key assumptions that were made in developing the updated Capital Costs and Net Present Value Cost Analyses. It should be noted that the Capital Costs and Net Present Value Cost Analyses presented in the Engineering Alternatives Analysis dated April 2023 were developed in 2022, for which reason the updated estimates are escalated over two years in order to provide estimates in current 2024 dollars. Connection to the City of Hendersonville WWTP Capital Cost Estimate Assumptions 1) All unit prices that were presented to the Division in the document titled EAA Capital Costs Estimates (CDM Smith, 2022) in August 2023 were escalated 4% annually over two years. Direct Surface Discharge Capital Cost Estimate Assumptions 1) Steel Tank Package WWTP item cost estimate was revised based on the updated cost proposals provided by the package WWTP vendors in April 2024. 4600 Park Road Suite 240, Charlotte, NC 28209 1 tel: 704 342-4546 Smith Mr. Hennessy April 151h, 2024 Page 2 2) Tertiary Disc Filter item cost estimate was developed based on cost proposals provided by disc filter vendors in April 2024. Two disc filters units with associated backwashing pumping equipment and instrumentation are being proposed to be operated in a duty/standby configuration. Each disc filter unit is sized to treat the average day max month flow and hydraulically pass the peak hourly flow. 3) Influent Pump Station item cost estimate that was presented to the Division in the document titled EAA Capital Cost Estimates (CDM Smith, 2022) in August 2023 was escalated 4% annually over two years. 4) Unit prices for Site Grading, Excavation and handling of spoils, Backfill, stone, compaction, and Package Plant Concrete Slab that were presented to the Division in the document titled EAA Capital Cost Estimates (CDM Smith, 2022) in August 2023 were escalated 4% annually over two years. Quantities for these unit prices were increased to add the tertiary disc filter units. Connection to the City of Hendersonville WWTP Net Present Value Cost Analysis Assumptions 1) Capital cost based on revised capital cost buildup for this alternative as described above. As presented in the Engineering Alternatives Analysis, no capital cost assumed for infrastructure improvements at the City of Hendersonville WWTP. 2) Recurring costs for 3rd Party O&M Contract and Maintenance and Repairs escalated two years at 4% annually. Recurring costs for Rate Surcharge remain unchanged. 3) Discount rate updated to 2.75% based on latest guidance from the Federal Register for discount rates for water resource planning projects. Direct Surface Water Discharge Net Present Value Cost Analysis Assumptions 1) Capital cost based on revised capital cost buildup for this alternative. 2) Recurring costs for 3rd Party O&M Contract and Chemicals and Utilities escalated two years at 4% annually. Recurring costs for Maintenance and Repair updated based on updated equipment costs for the package WWTP and disc filter units. 3) Discount rate updated to 2.75% based on latest guidance from the Federal Register for discount rates for water resource planning projects. In conclusion, the updated Net Present Value Cost Analysis for the Connection to the City of Hendersonville WWTP results in a 20-year lifecycle cost of $13.11M. The updated Net Present Value Cost Analysis for the Direct Surface Water Discharge results in a 20-year lifecycle cost of $11.81M. Based on these results, the recommendation of the Engineering Alternatives Analysis remains unchanged and suggests that the Direct Surface Water Discharge alternative is the most financially viable option for Henderson County. 4600 Park Road Suite 240, Charlotte, NC 28209 1 tel: 704 342-4546 Smith Mr. Hennessy April 151h, 2024 Page 3 If you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 342- 4546 or at LapsleyJS@cdmsmith.com. Sincerely, Jonat"I han Lapsley, P.E., P Vice President CDM Smith Inc. cc: Marcus Jones, P.E., Henderson County William Buie, P.E., WGLA Engineering, PLLC Anish Luthra, P.E., PIMP, CDM Smith Inc. Siying Chen, NC DEQ Division of Water Resources Julie Gryzb, NC DEQ Division of Water Resources Mike Montebello, NC DEQ Division of Water Resources 4600 Park Road Suite 240, Charlotte, NC 28209 1 tel: 704 342-4546 EAA Capital Cost Buildup (Updated April 2024) Connection to Hendersonville WWTP Proposed Clear Creek WWTP Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Price Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Price Clearing & Grubbing 10 ac $ 11,816 $ 118,165 Steel Tank Package WWTP 1 LS $ 3,555,240 $ 3,555,240 Erosion Control 1 LS $ 162,240 $ 162,240 Tertiary Disc Filters 1 LS $ 777,775 $ 777,775 24" Gravity Sewer 11000 LF $ 359 $ 3,950,003 Influent Pump Station 1 LS $ 600,288 $ 600,288 Dewatering 1 LS $ 270,400 $ 270,400 Site Grading 331 cu yd $ 55.70 $ 18,426 48" Steel Encasement Bored 80 LF $ 3,245 $ 259,584 Excavation and handling of spoils 2924 cu yd $ 10.82 $ 31,622 5' Diameter Manholes 40 Ea $ 8,653 $ 346,112 Backfill, stone, compaction 1711 cu yd $ 118.98 $ 203,612 Washed Stone Bedding 25000 TN $ 38 $ 946,400 Package Plant Concrete Slab 428 cu yd $ 1,315.23 $ 563,111 Sewer Services 1 LS $ 54,080 $ 54,080 Incidental Stone 4000 TN $ 38 $ 151,424 Stream Crossings 2 Ea $ 21,632 $ 43,264 Seeding and Stabilization 10 ac $ 5,408 $ 54,080 Equipment, Labor, Taxes Subtotal $ 6,355, 752 $ 5,750,074 Mobilization (3%) $ 190,673 $ 172,502 General Conditions (7.5%) $ 476,681 $ 431,256 Bonds, Insurance, and Permitting (5%) $ 317,788 $ 287,504 Contractor's OH&P (10%) $ 635,575 $ 575,007 Project Subtotal $ 7,976,469 $ 7,216,343 Contingency (15%) $ 1,196,470 $ 1,082,451 Engineering (18%) $ 1,435,764 $ 1,298,942 Permitting Costs $ 150,000 $ 40,000 Easement Acquisition Cost $ 190,000 $ 75,000 Total $ 10,948,800 $ 9,712,800 Henderson County Wastewater Treatment Facility Engineering Alternatives Analysis - Appendix C (April 2024 Update) Connect to a Sewer Collection System 1. Capital Costs A. Gravity Connection to City of Hendersonville Sewer See CDM Smith Gravity Sewer for breakdown of capital costs. Capital Cost:j $ 10,948,800.00 B. Upgrades to Hendersonville Wastewater Treatment Plant No anticipated cost for any upgrades to the Hendersonville Wastewater Treatment Plant are expected. See Appendix B. Capital Cost: 1 $ - C. Total Capital Cost Total Capital Cost: 1 $ 10,948,800.00 2. Recurring Costs A. Operations and Maintenance Costs O&M Costs have been calculated on a yearly basis for maintenance of the gravity pipeline. Cost per Year $ 33,746 $ 21,632 $ 80,000 $ 135,378 $ 135,378 3rd Party O&M Contract: Chemicals and Utilities: Maintenance and Repairs: Rate Surcharge: Subtotal: Contingency: Yearly O&M Cost: B. Treatment Costs The City of Hendersonville charges sewer customers based on meter size, customer type, and other various factors. Due to uncertainty regarding individual account meters and type of customer, these costs are not evaluated herein. The County users would be required to pay the "Outside City Limits" rates, which can be set up to 60% above the "Inside City Limits" rate. C. Total Recurring Cost Total Recurring Cost: 1 $ 135,400.00 3. Present Value Cost Analysis (PVCA): - L J Life of facility, n: 20.00 Discount rate, r: 2.750% Capital Cost, Co: $10,948,800 Recurring cost, C: $135,400 P/A = ((1+r)^n - 1)/(r(1+r)^n) 15.23 PV = $10948800 + $135400*((1+2.250%)20 - 1)/(2.250%(1+2.250%)20) PV = $10948800'15.23 = $13,100,000 4. Notes 1. Discount Rate - https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/11/16/2023-25310/change-in-discount-rate-for-water-resources-planning Henderson County Wastewater Treatment Facility Engineering Alternatives Analysis - Appendix F (April 2024 Update) Surface Water Discharge 1. Capital Costs A. New Wastewater Treatment Facility Plant Site and Equipment': 200,000 GPD WWTF: $ 8,695,766 Influent Pump Station: $ 1,016,971 Total Capital Cost: $ 9,712,800 2. Recurring Costs A. Yearly Recurring Costs for Treatment Facility 3rd Party O&M Contract: $ 50,619 Chemicals and Utilities: $ 25,958 Maintenance and Repairl $ 58,248 Rate Surcharge: $ - Subtotal: $ 134,826 Contingency: $ Total Recurring Cost: $ 134,900 3. Present Value Cost Analysis (PVCA): Life of facility, n: 20.00 Discount rate 2, r: 2.750% Capital Cost, Co: $9,712,800 Recurring cost, C: $134,900 P/A = ((1+r)An - 1)/(r(1+r)An) 15.23 PV = $9712800 + $134900`((1+2.250%)20 - 1)/(2.250%(1+2.250%)20) PV = $9712800 + $134900*15.96 $11,800,000 4. Notes 1. Discount Rate https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/11/16/2023-25310/change-in-discount-rate-for-water-resources-planning From: Hennessy. ]oho To: Grzvb. ]ulie; Montebello. Michael ]• Chen. Sivina Subject: Fw: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 11:54:29 AM Info for Mud Creek downstream of confluence with with Clear Creek. More of the same, including no stoneflies (Plecoptera). From: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 11:46 AM To: Hennessy, John <john.hen nessy@deq.nc.gov> Subject: RE: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment We have two sites on Mud below the confluence with Clear: EB 309, EB 123. Both sites are below the Hendersonville WWTP. Specifically, EB309 is the closest to the WWTP, but EB 123 is also downstream (about 6.0 miles). I am sure the Hendersonville (as well as the Mountain View WWTP) are not helping with the impaired conditions, not to mention Mud Creek runs right through Hendersonville proper. If you want something more than this, probably should go to 303d Guru and get up with Cam McNutt. Benthic Communitv Table Stream MUD CR MUD CR MUD CR MUD CR MUD CR MUD CR MUD CR MUD CR MUD CR Site Location US 25 US 25 US 25 US 25 US 25 SR 1508 BE HENDERSON WWTP SR 1508 BE HENDERSON WWTP SR 1508 BE HENDERSON WWTP SR 1508 BE HENDERSON WWTP County Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Site ID EB123 EB123 EB123 EB123 EB123 EB309 EB309 EB309 EB309 Collection date 9/9/1997 7/13/2000 8/15/2007 7/26/2012 8/28/2017 9/12/1985 7/7/1992 9/8/1997 7/12/2000 BAU sample number 7464 8178 10320 11420 12304 3679 5877 7459 8179 Sample method Full Scale Full Scale Full Scale Full Scale Full Scale Full Scale EPT Full Scale Full Scale Criteria Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Summer/ Mountain Richness Ephemeroptera 7 3 6 9 5 2 4 4 8 Plcoptera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trichoptera 5 7 10 12 4 1 3 4 4 Odonata 5 3 5 8 2 5 5 6 Megaloptera 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 Coleoptera 5 4 3 6 3 2 2 5 Chironomidae 16 21 24 7 13 10 16 14 non-Chironomidae Diptera 3 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 Oligochaeta 5 3 4 0 3 6 4 2 Molluscs 3 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 Othertaxa 3 5 7 6 2 1 3 3 Total taxa richness 54 57 67 55 36 31 47 46 Other biological metrics Total EPT 12 10 16 21 9 3 7 8 12 Seasonal EPT Corrected EPT EPT abundance 54 50 80 114 51 5 36 32 65 EPT Biotic Index 5.71 5.77 5.01 4.69 5.57 7.24 6.51 5.78 5.61 NCBI 6.80 7.13 6.21 5.39 6.13 7.81 --- 7.03 6.68 Seasonal Correction Corrected NCBI Bioclassifcation Fair Poor Fair Good -Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Fair E-mail correspondence to and from this address maybe subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and maybe disclosed to third parties. From: Hennessy, John <john.hennessy@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 11:08 AM To: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek@deq.nc.gov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment What about on Mud Creek, below the confluence of Clear Creek & Mud Creek. That was the section Julie was asking about. Do you have any data on that strem reach as to why it is on the 303d list? From: Fleek, Eric <ericfleek(@c1ea.nc.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 202410:31 AM To: Hennessy, John <joh n. hen nessv(a]dea.nceov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment Ok, unfortunately our furthermost downstream location on Clear Creek is the previously mentioned site at SR 1513 ((Site ID: E1373). Sorry I cannot be of more help. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hennessy, John <joh n. hen nessv(@dea.nc.eov> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 2:03 PM To: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(@c1ea.nceov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment Thanks. From: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(andea.nc.eov> Sent: Monday, March 11, 20241:44 PM To: Hennessy, John <john.hennessy(radea.ncTeov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment I will look into it. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hennessy, John <joh n. hen nessvPdea.nc.eov> Sent: Monday, March 11, 202410:26 AM To: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(@c1ea.nc.eov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment It is super critical, but (after talking to Julie), we don't think you need to do any additional instream work. However, Julie has questions about the impairments downstream of the Hendersonville discharge in Hendersonville to Mud Creek (downstream of the clear cleek and mud creek impairment). Do you have any data for that reach of stream? We are on a pretty short timeline and this is politically sensitive. If you could make it a priority to look into that, I would greatly appreciate it. From: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(adea.nceov> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 11:50 AM To: Hennessy, John <joh n. hen nessy(@dea.ncTeov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment If this is super critical I'd be willing to do a small, targeted study but (like the Mills) in order to nail down specific stressors (and their sources) that would require chemical sampling assistance from the ARO. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hennessy, John <joh n. hen nessv(@dea.nc.eov> Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 1:28 PM To: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(ddeo.nceov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment Thanks Eric. I'll cancel our meeting. I really appreciate you help and hope all is going well. Sent from my phone On Feb 29, 2024, at 12:05 PM, Fleek, Eric <eric.fleekPdea.nc.gov> wrote: In this instance, based just off the benthos data, and based off one discreet summer sample, I cannot say with precision what the specific cause of impairment is. As is usually the case in a complicated catchment such as this, there are certainly multiple pollutants responsible. That being said, the 2017 sample at SR 1513 did lack long-lived stonefly taxa and that is very consistent with the pesticide impacts we saw in the Mills study. Speaking of that Mills River study, (which was multi -year, seasonal, and covered multiple sites) we did that in conjunction with the ARO and they did extensive chemical sampling at all of our benthos sites and so we were able to specifically label a culprit (pesticides) in that case. Since we do not have that intensive chemical data here, and there is no AMS site on Clear Creek that I can find, I can't just based on benthos make that call unequivocally (although again, the lack of long-lived stoneflies certainly is highly suggestive of pesticides). Cam McNutt may have access to other physical/chemical data that I do not so perhaps he can help you further. For what it is worth, the ARO has asked us to resample that Clear Creek station (SR 1513) this summer. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hennessy, John <john.hen nessy(adea.ncTeov> Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 11:27 AM To: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(@cIeq.ncTeov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment It was good to a point. The question I have, and you may not know it, is the benthos impairment due to pesticides, sediment, or other discharges up stream. I know your staff know the streams they survey and thought you might be privy to more information than was in the actual report. John E. Hennessy Regional Office Section Chief, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-3615 iohn.hennessyladeo.ncTeov <image001.png> Email carrespandence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(ddea.ncTeov> Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 10:16 AM To: Hennessy, John <john.hennessy(a)deq.nc.aov> Subject: Re: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment I assume my email summary on 2/23 didn't suffice? If that's the case, I will attempt to call in on my cell. However, I have nothing new to add over my previous email. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hennessy, John <john.hen nessyna dea.ncTeov> Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 8:43 AM To: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek(@dea.ncTeov>; Chen, Siying <sjyine.chen0dea.ncTeov> Subject: Discuss Clear Creek Impairment When: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 1:00 PM-1:30 PM. Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting Eric, we need some help (if you have anything) with understanding the basis for the Clear Creek benthos impairment for an NPDES permit we are dealing with. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meetina Meeting ID: 247 455 580 148 Passcode: gMgRCV Download Teams I loin on the web Join with a video conferencing device ncQov(cam webex rum Video Conference ID:118 691 317 2 Alternate VTC instructions Or call in (audio only) +1 984-204-1487..737337620# United States, Raleigh Phone Conference ID: 737 337 620# Find a local number I Reset PIN Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized stale official. From: Hennessy, John To: Chen, Sivina Subject: Fw: Clear Creek Date: Monday, February 26, 2024 1:09:28 PM Attachments: Clear Creek.xlsx Outlook-pez40u2 r. gno John E. Hennessy Regional Office Section Chief, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-3615 john.hennessy@deq.nc.gov NORTH CARULINA Department of EnvimnmeMal Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Fleek, Eric <eric.fleek@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2024 2:12 PM To: Hennessy, John <john.hen nessy@deq.nc.gov> Subject: Clear Creek Here are the details from the most recent sample at the basinsite: NCDEQ-DWR :: Benthos Site Details (ncwater.org) I've also attached all of our benthos data for Clear Creek above (from left to right, arranged downstream to up). Apologies if you've already seen this information.. One point of clarification from the write up: that 690 condo was measured near a pipe we found during our collection and that pipe was associated with a package plant. Here is what we sent to the ARO (Tim Fox) right after that sample and observation: "Hey Tim. Was sampling Clear Creek, SR 1513 in Henderson, CO. Found a discharge pipe about 30' upstream of bridge, on left bank (looking upstream). Specific conductance was 697. That seemed a bit high. We found a small package plant as source. Managed by (1 think) something called James and James Environmental. In any event, given that hot condo, thought y'all might want to know about it". From talking to Tim Fox, he says the ARO issued an NOV, but I have not heard anything more about it than that (i.e., compliance status). In addition to the small dischargers upstream, that catchment has tons of ag (apples and tomatoes) and we have documented severe impacts associated with pesticide applications on tomato farms (that specific study was on the Mills River, but it's a universal problem). Hopefully, this answers your question, if not email me (NOTE: we are in the process of leaving this BLDG, and as part of that process, I have no landline). In other words, email is by far the best way to reach me. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission Roy Cooper W. Corey Basinger Elizabeth Biser Governor Chairman Secretary September 9, 2023 SENT VIA VIA EMAIL: Mr. John Mitchell County Manager Henderson County 1 Historic Courthouse Square Hendersonville, NC 28792 SUBJECT: CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM: WW-II Clear Creek WWTP Permit Number: NCO090247 Henderson County Dear Mr. Mitchell, In accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 90A-37, the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission is required to classify all water pollution control systems. Upon review of the subject draft permit, the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission confirms that the subject facility is classified as follows: Grade II Biological Water Pollution Control Treatment System (WW-II) 15A NCAC 08G .0302(b) Please review the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 8G .0202, and your permit. If you have any questions concerning this classification or the designation of operators, please contact me at 919-707-9038, or via email at maureen.kinney@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, Extension Education & Training Specialist NC Operators Certification Program ec: Natalie J. Berry, Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Marcus Jones, Henderson County Dan Boss, NC DEQ Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Chen Siying, NC DEQ NPDES Permitting 1618 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1618 919 707 9190 1 Fax 919 715 2726 1 http://deq.nc.gov/opcert From: Luthra, Anish To: Chen. Sivina Cc: Hennessy. John Subject: RE: [External] FW: Henderson County, DWI SRP-W-ARP-0085, Clear Creek Sewer System project Date: Thursday, July 27, 2023 7:48:45 AM Attachments: imaoe001.pna imaae005.Dna EAA Capital Cost Estimates.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Siying, Please see responses to your questions below in red and attached capital cost estimate for the City of Hendersonville Connection and Surface Water Discharge alternatives. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Thanks, Anish From: Chen, Siying <siying.chen@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 12:11 PM To: Luthra, Anish <luthraa@cdmsmith.com> Subject: RE: [External] FW: Henderson County, DWI SRP-W-ARP-0085, Clear Creek Sewer System project Hi Anish, The application was submitted to EAA review and we would like to request more information regarding the connection to the Hendersonville WWTP alternative. 1. The cost estimated should only consider the cost of piping/pumps/resources necessary to connect to the existing wastewater treatment plant, just want to double check with you and make sure the cost evaluation provided is not considering other fees. For the purpose of the Engineering Alternatives Analysis, it is assumed that a 24" gravity sewer line will convey flows to the location of the proposed Clear Creek WWTP. The cost of this upstream gravity sewer is considered equal for all alternatives within the Engineering Alternatives Analysis and is not considered in the cost estimate of any alternative. For the alternative to connect to the Hendersonville WWTP, it is assumed that approximately an additional 11,000 LF (-2 miles) of 24" gravity sewer will need to be installed from the location of the proposed Clear Creek WWTP to a tie-in point on an existing 24" gravity interceptor that currently conveys flows to the Hendersonville WWTP. Figure 3 in the Engineering Alternatives Analysis shows the additional—11,000 LF of gravity sewer and tie-in point to the existing gravity interceptor. The attached cost estimate breakdown only considers the cost associated with installation of the—11,000 LF of new 24" gravity sewer. The City of Hendersonville noted that there would be no capital improvements required to accept the Henderson County flows. 2. What's the distance between the proposed Clear Creek WWTP and the existing Hendersonville WWTP? As noted above, Figure 3 shows the additional—11,000 LF of 24" gravity sewer that would need to be installed from the location of the proposed Clear Creek WWTP to the tie-in point on the existing 24" gravity interceptor that conveys flows to the City of Hendersonville WWTP. For reference only, the 'as the crow flies' distance between the proposed Clear Creek WWTP location and the existing City of Hendersonville WWTP is approximately 3.6 miles. 3. A breakdown for the cost analysis for connecting to Hendersonville WWTP and direct discharge would be helpful, we would like to take a closer look and compare the budget for the two different options. Please see attached cost capital cost buildup for the City of Hendersonville Connection and Proposed Clear Creek WWTP alternatives. As described in further detail within Section 4 of the EAA, the capital costs estimates are Class 4 cost estimates that are based on equipment and unit costs. Contractor and other project multipliers are applied at the same percentages on both alternatives. Thank you! Siying (Sylvia) Chen (she/her/hers) Environmental Specialist H, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-3619 siying.chen(@deq.nc.gov E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Luthra, Anish <luthraa(cDcdmsmith.com> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 7:59 AM To: Chen, Siying <ssiying.chen(@deq.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: Henderson County, DWI SRP-W-ARP-0085, Clear Creek Sewer System project CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good morning Siying, Please see attached digital copy of the EAA. Due to file size, I will send a second email with the NPDES Permit Application and associated figures. Thanks, Anish From: Chen, Siying <siying.chen( deq.nc.gov> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 6:48 AM To: Luthra, Anish <luthraa(@cdmsmith.com> Subject: RE: [External] FW: Henderson County, DWI SRP-W-ARP-0085, Clear Creek Sewer System project Hi Anish, I actually have a request for you, do you have a digital copy of the application, orjust the EAA report? I would like to save a copy on our Laserfiche site, but I figure I should check with you first before I try to scan the whole binder, in case you have a digital copy already. Thanks! Connection to Hendersonville WWTP Proposed Clear Creek WWTP Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Price Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Price Clearing & Grubbing 10 ac $ 10,925 $ 109,250 Steel Tank Package WWTP 1 LS $ 3,502,164 $ 3,502,164 Erosion Control 1 LS $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Influent Pump Station 1 LS $ 555,000 $ 555,000 24" Gravity Sewer 11000 LF $ 332 $ 3,652,000 Site Grading 331 cu yd $ 51.50 $ 17,036 Dewatering 1 LS $ 250,000 $ 250,000 Excavation and handling of spoils 2379 cu yd $ 10.00 $ 23,790 48" Steel Encasement Bored l 80 LF $ 3,000 $ 240,000 Backfill, stone, compaction 1322 cu yd $ 110.00 $ 145,383 5' Diameter Manholes 40 Ea $ 8,000 $ 320,000 Package Plant Concrete Slab 344 cu yd $ 1,216.00 $ 418,844 Washed Stone Bedding 25000 to $ 35 $ 875,000 Sewer Services 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Incidental Stone 4000 TN $ 35 $ 140,000 Stream Crossings 2 Ea $ 20,000 $ 40,000 Seeding and Stabilization 10 ac $ 5,000 $ 50,000 Equipment, Labor, Taxes Subtotal $ 5,876,250 $ 4,662,217 Mobilization (3%) $ 176,288 $ 139,867 General Conditions (7.5%) $ 440,719 $ 349,666 Bonds, Insurance, and Permitting (5%) $ 293,813 $ 233,111 Contractor's OH&P (10%) $ 587,625 $ 466,222 Project Subtotal $ 7,374,694 $ 5,851,082 Contingency (15%) $ 1,106,204 $ 877,662 Engineering (18%) $ 1,327,445 $ 1,053,195 Permitting Costs $ 150,000 $ 25,000 Easement Acquisition Cost $ 190,000 $ 75,000 Total $ 10,148,400 $ 7,882,000 From: Pohlig, Ken <ken.pohligna deq.nc.gov> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2023 3:55 PM To: Eric Romaniszyn<eromaniszyn(d)enviroscienceinc.com>; Marcus Jones <mmones(@hendersoncountync.gov>; Clement Riddle <clement(@cwenv.com>; Lapsley, Jonathan <LaosleyJS(@cdmsmith.com>; Luthra, Anish <luthraa(@cdmsmith.com> Cc: Davidson, Landon <landon.davidson(@deq.nc.gov>; Chen, Siying <siying.chen(@deq.nc.gov>; Hennessy, John <iohn.hennessy(@deq.nc.gov>; Wainwright, David <david.wainwright(@deq.nc.gov>; Kluttz, Logan M <Logan.Kluttz(@deq.nc.gov>; Desai, Trupti A <Trupti.Desai(@deq.nc.gov>; Evans, Tony V <tony.evans(@deq.nc.gov>; Risgaard, Jon <ion.risgaardla deq.nc.gov>; Basinger, Corey <corey.basinger(a deq.nc.gov> Subject: Henderson County, DWI SRP-W-ARP-0085, Clear Creek Sewer System project IYou don't often get email from ken.pohlig aQdeq.nc.Qov. Learn why this is im op rtant To: Marcus Jones, Henderson County Eric Romaniszyn, Clement Riddle, ClearWater Clement Riddle Jonathan Lapsley, Anish Luthra, CDM Smith cc: John Hennessy, Siying Chen, Division of Water Resources/NPDES Unit David Wainwright, Division of Water Resources Landon Davidson, Supervisor, Asheville Regional Office This is a follow-up email to the Teams meeting we had this morning, where we discussed the Henderson County, Clear Creek Sewer project. This Henderson County project is partly funded by $12.7 Million ARPA grant funds, administered by the Division of Water Infrastructure. This project consists of a new WWTP in the Edneyville area of the County, and also a sewer collection system. Recently, Henderson County submitted an NPDES Permit Application for this Edneyville area WWTP to the DWR/NPDES Unit for review. Regarding NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act): According to the final ruling for Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF, which is defined by ARPA), all ARPA funds are exempt from NEPA. See page 38 of the attached document. 6.3. Does the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPAA apply to projects funded mith SLFRF funds': NEPA does not apply to Treasury's administration of the funds, including funds expended under the revenue loss, public health and negative economic impacts, and water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure eligible use categories. Projects supported with payments from the funds may still be subject to NEPA review if they are also funded by other federal financial assistance programs or have certain federal licensing or registration requirements. Regarding SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act): Regarding the $12.7 Million ARPA funds directed to this project by SL 2021-180, since these APRA funds are directed to be administered by the DEQ/Division of Water Infrastructure through the Wastewater Reserve Fund as established under NC General Statute Chapter 195G, these funds are statutorily exempt from SEPA per G.S. 113A-12(2)(h) and do not require preparation of an environmental document. With regards to the rest of the funds to be used for this project, these funds may still be subject to the SEPA requirements. From this morning discussions between CDM Smith, Clear Water and the County, it appeared to be the case that these activities would not trigger a SEPA review. We and DWR encourage Henderson County to work with the appropriate funding agency (NC PRO office) to determine whether these funds and/or construction activities still may trigger a SEPA review. Let us know, and also DWR/NPDES Unit, regarding this final determination. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) I NC DEQ When Does SEPA Apply? For any project that meets all three of the following criteria, an environmental document must he prepared: • An expenditure of S10 million in funds provided by the state of North Carolina foras! ngle project or action or related group of projects or action Or land4sturbing activity of equal to or greater than 10 acres of public lands resulting in substantial, permanent changes in the natural cover or topography of those (ands (or waters) • An action by a state agency, and • Has a potential detrimental environmental effect upon natural resources, public health and safety, natural beauty, or historical or cultural elements, of the state's common inheritance. Need help in determiningthe level of environmental impact or detrimental environmental effect? DEQ has developed minimum criteria to identify those projects requiring an environmental document {scroll to page 7). Ken Pohlig, PE, Supervisor Wastewater Projects Unit Division of Water Infrastructure Water Infrastructure I NC DEQ Department of Environmental Quality (919)707-9170 office (919) 614-7781 cellphone ken. Dohlia aancdenr.aov Mailing Address - 1633 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1633 Street Address - 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27604 -��---Nothing Compares -- Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B5AC59D-E985-4C6E-B372-635D77A1C450 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director Mr. Marcus E. Jones, County Engineer Henderson County Engineering 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 6 Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 Dear Mr. Jones: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality August 5, 2022 Subject: Speculative Effluent Limits Edneyville/Clear Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No. N/A Henderson County French Broad Basin This letter provides speculative effluent limits for a new 0.2 MGD or 0.5 MGD WWTP in the Edneyville/Clear Creek areas. The Division received the speculative limits request in a letter dated May 23, 2022, from Marcus A. Jones, PE., of Henderson County Engineering. Please recognize that speculative limits may change based on future water quality initiatives, and it is recommended that the applicant review the speculative limits with the Division's Municipal NPDES Unit when the NPDES permit application is submitted. Receiving Stream. Clear Creek is located within the French Broad River Basin. Clear Creek has a stream classification of C, and waters with this classification have a best usage for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation and agriculture. The three potential WWTP locations along Clear Creek have the following flows: Site DA s7Q10 w7Q10 Average Flow 30Q2 Preferred Location #2 34.1 mil 15 cfs 21.5 cfs 58 cfs 28.3 cfs Alternate Location #1 32.4 mil 14.3 cfs 20.4 cfs 55.1 cfs 26.9 cfs Alternate Location #3 32.3 mil 14.2 cfs 20.3 cfs 54.9 cfs 26.7 cfs This segment of Clear Creek is listed on the 2022 303(d) list as impaired for aquatic life based on `biological integrity'. The sources of these impairments are undetermined, however non -point sources are typically a significant contributing factor for biological impairment. Although the impairment does not preclude a new discharge at this time, the Division would include the following condition in an issued NPDES permit: "The Permittee shall submit a study plan to annually assess biological integrity in the receiving water via benthic macroinvertebrate (benthos) sampling and analysis. The study plan shall include methodologies consistent with DWR-approved assessment methodologies and propose an annual assessment schedule and sampling location(s). Once approved, the studyplan shall be usedfor all subsequent assessments unless a study plan modification is approved by the Division. Instream biological integrity assessments shall be conducted by a laboratory or entity that is NC -certified for the procedure. " Based upon a review of information available from the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Online Map Viewer, there are Federally Listed threatened or endangered species identified within a 5-mile radius of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NORTH CARCLINA 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B5AC59D-E985-4C6E-B372-635D77A1C450 proposed discharge location. If there are any identified threatened/endangered species, it is recommended that the applicant discuss the proposed project with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to determine whether the proposed discharge location might impact such species. Speculative Effluent Limits. Based on Division review of receiving stream conditions and specific proposed discharge locations, speculative limits for the proposed new 0.2MGD or 0.5 MGD WWTP are presented in Tables 1-3. A complete evaluation of these limits and monitoring requirements for metals and other toxicants, as well as potential instream monitoring requirements, will be addressed upon receipt of a complete NPDES permit application. Every applicant shall also submit documentation of any additional pollutants for which there are certified methods with the permit application if their discharge is anticipated. These pollutants may be found in 40 CFR Part 136, if there are additional pollutants with certified methods to be reported, please submit the Chemical Addendum to NPDES Application and, if applicable, list the selected certified analytical method used. Some features of the speculative limit development include the following: NH3 Limits. In accordance with 15A NCAC 213.0206, the following streamflows are used for dilution considerations for development of WQBELs: 1 Q 10 streamflow (acute Aquatic Life); 7Q 10 streamflow (chronic Aquatic Life; non -carcinogen HH); 30Q2 streamflow (aesthetics); annual average flow (carcinogen, HH). Limitations for ammonia are based on protection of aquatic life utilizing an Ammonia chronic criterion of 1.0 mg/1 (summer) and 1.8 mg/1 (winter). Additional information on how the proposed facility would meet these requirements would be expected as part of the design review. This would address instream ammonia aquatic life concerns at the new discharge for 0.5 MGD. BOD5, TSS, 85% removal, pH Limits: Applied 40 CFR 133.102 US EPA secondary treatment standards for a domestic treatment facility. Based on modeling results, the BOD limits will protect the instream DO standard. TRC, Fecal Coliform Limits: Applied 15A NCAC 02B .0211 water quality standards. REQ5 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality I Division ofWater Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NORTH CAROLINA 919.707.9000 onparhnem of EmironmanW 9uallly DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B5AC59D-E985-4C6E-B372-635D77A1C450 TABLE 1. Speculative Limits for the proposed Edneyville/Clear Creek WWTP — Preferred Location #2 (0.2 MGD and 0.5 MGD) Effluent Limitations 0.2 MGD Effluent Limitations 0.5 MGD EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Average Average Maximum Average Average Maximum Flow 0.2 MGD 0.5 MGD BOD51 30.0 mg/L 1 45.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L NH3 as N — Summer Monitor & Report 16.1 mg/L 35.0 mg/L NH3 as N - Winter Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Dissolved Oxygen (minimum) Daily average > 5.0 mg/l Daily average > 5.0 mg/l TSS 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L TRC3 1 28.0 ug/L 1 28.0 ug/L p H Not less than 6.0 S.U. nor greater than Not less than 6.0 S.U. nor greater than 9.0 S.U. 9.0 S.U. Fecal coliform (geometric 200/100 mL 400/100 mL 200/100 mL 400/100 mL 7 mean) Total Phosphorus Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Total Nitrogen Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Chronic Toxicity Pass/Fail 2 0% 4.9% (Quarterly test) Note: 1. The monthly average BOD5 and TSS concentration shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 2. Summer: April 1 — October 31 Winter: November 1 — March 31 3. TRC is only applicable if chlorine or a chlorine derivative is used for disinfection. REQ5 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality I Division ofWater Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NORTH CAROLINA 919.707.9000 onparhnem of EmironmanW 9uallly DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B5AC59D-E985-4C6E-B372-635D77A1C450 TABLE 2. Speculative Limits for the proposed Edneyville/Clear Creek WWTP — Alternate Location #1 (0.2 MGD and 0.5 MGD) Effluent Limitations 0.2 MGD Effluent Limitations 0.5 MGD EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Average Average Maximum Average Average Maximum Flow 0.2 MGD 0.5 MGD BOD51 30.0 mg/L 1 45.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L NH3 as N — Summer Monitor & Report 15.4 mg/L 3 5. 0 mg/L NH3 as N - Winter Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Dissolved Oxygen (minimum) Daily average > 5.0 mg/l Daily average > 5.0 mg/l TSS 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L TRC3 1 28.0 ug/L 1 28.0 ug/L p H Not less than 6.0 S.U. nor greater than Not less than 6.0 S.U. nor greater than 9.0 S.U. 9.0 S.U. Fecal coliform (geometric 200/100 mL 400/100 mL 200/100 mL 400/100 mL mean Total Phosphorus Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Total Nitrogen Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Chronic Toxicity Pass/Fail 2 1 % 5.1 % (Quarterly test) Note: 1. The monthly average BOD5 and TSS concentration shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 2. Summer: April 1 — October 31 Winter: November 1 — March 31 3. TRC is only applicable if chlorine or a chlorine derivative is used for disinfection. REQ5 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality I Division ofWater Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NORTH CAROLINA 919.707.9000 onparhnem of EmironmanW 9uallly DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B5AC59D-E985-4C6E-B372-635D77A1C450 TABLE 3. Speculative Limits for the proposed Edneyville/Clear Creek WWTP - Alternate Location #3 (0.2 MGD and 0.5 MGD) Effluent Limitations 0.2 MGD Effluent Limitations 0.5 MGD EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Average Average Maximum Average Average Maximum Flow 0.2 MGD 0.5 MGD BOD51 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L NH3 as N - Summer Monitor & Report 15.3 mg/L 35.0 mg/L NH3 as N - Winter2 Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Dissolved Oxygen (minimum) Daily average > 5.0 mg/1 Daily average > 5.0 mg/1 TSS 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L TRC3 1 28.0 ug/L 1 28.0 ug/L p H Not less than 6.0 S.U. nor greater than Not less than 6.0 S.U. nor greater than 9.0 S.U. 9.0 S.U. Fecal coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 mL 400/100 mL 200/100 mL 400/100 mL Total Phosphorus Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Total Nitrogen Monitor & Report Monitor & Report Chronic Toxicity Pass/Fail 2 1 % 5.2% (Quarterly test) Note: 1. The monthly average BOD5 and TSS concentration shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 2. Summer: April 1 - October 31 Winter: November 1 - March 31 3. TRC is only applicable if chlorine or a chlorine derivative is used for disinfection. Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA). Please note that the Division cannot guarantee that an NPDES permit for a new or expanding discharge will be issued with these speculative limits for either 0.2 MGD or 0.5 MGD. Final decisions can only be made after the Division receives and evaluates a formal permit application for the expanded discharge. In accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c), the most environmentally sound alternative should be selected from all reasonably cost-effective options. Therefore, as a component of all NPDES permit applications for new and expanding flow includes a detailed engineering alternatives analysis (EAA) that must be prepared. The EAA must justify the requested design flow and provide an analysis of potential wastewater treatment alternatives. A copy of the Division guidance for preparing EAA documents is attached. In addition to the EAA, please review information available from the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Online Map Viewer. Please confirm if there are/are not any Federally Listed threatened or endangered aquatic species identified within a 5-mile radius of the proposed discharge location. If there are any identified threatened/endangered species, the applicant may consider reviewing the proposed project with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to determine whether the proposed expanded discharge might impact such species. State Environmental Polices SEPA) EA/EIS Requirements. A SEPA EA/EIS document may be required for projects that: 1) involve $10 Million or more of state funds; or 2) will significantly and permanently REQ5 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality I Division ofWater Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NORTH CAROLINA 919.707.9000 onparhnem of EmironmanW 9uallly DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B5AC59D-E985-4C6E-B372-635D77A1C450 impact 10 or more acres of public lands. Please check with the DWR SEPA coordinator (David Wainwright, 919-707-9045) as to whether your project requires SEPA review. For projects that are subject to SEPA, the EAA requirements discussed above will need to be folded into the SEPA document. If required, a FONSI must be issued prior to issuance of the NPDES permit for the expansion. We understand this project is moving forward rapidly; however we would expect that any request for NPDES permitting action for the expansion be taken within a five-year period from the date of this letter, or the noted speculative limits in Tables 1-3 would be subject to reassessment and review. Should you have any questions about these speculative limits or NPDES permitting requirements, please feel free to contact Kristin Litzenberger at (919) 707-3699 / kristin.litzenberger@ncdenr.gov or Michael Montebello at Michael.Montebello ci,ncdenr.gov. Respectfully, Do'c'fu,Si-gne'Id by, A A C464531431644FE... Michael Montebello NPDES Program Branch Chief Attachment: Link to EAA Guidance Document, Chemical Addendum Form, and NPDES application information: https:Hdeg.nc. gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-qualiiy_pemiitting/npdes-wastewater/npdes-permitting-process/npdes- individual-permit-applications ec: NPDES Files [Laserfiche] Henderson County / Marcus E. Jones, County Engineer [majones@hendersoncountync.org] CDM Smith / Anish Luthra [luthraa@cdmsmith.com] DWR / Julie Grzyb Uulie.grzyb@ncdenr.gov]; Michael J Montebello [michael.montebello@ncdenr.gov]; Doug Dowden [doug.dowden@ncdenr.gov]; Derek Denard [derek.denard@ncdenr.gov] ARO / Dan Boss [daniel.boss@ncdenr.gov] NC WRC / Maria Dunn [maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org] US Fish and Wildlife Service / Sarah McRae [sarah mcrae@fws.gov] DWR/Basinwide Planning, Michelle Raquel [michelle.raquet@ncdenr.gov] REQ5 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality I Division ofWater Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NORTH CAROLINA 919.707.9000 onparhnem of EmironmanW 9uallly Mot'. - - r U.IJ PP jAt �17 - - _ L rf. �, r Love' ��+ot:,�t.���� I i; � -• � �- R K RoC CHITA IRUrel On r,{ CC -- r, POSL - � O _ '_� •may,. _� , ;c' • .•� 61 `,- - _ ' Tyler -! - � ,, i .- - - " _ ___ �_S%'•b?��yGS R� . � � �l === �! ' ` i l '' 1 �`� � ( �\-� i •. '° i f -'--+-' - � - _-_ _ yam; -_ — ��� -J I 'I ---- _ Cog le. ' 64 I_ Mountoin H� L C� fit,�i'r 5 it ✓;'� USG he National Map: National Boundaries'Dataset, 3DEP Elevation Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography Dataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line data; USFS Fl Road Data; Natural Earth Data; U.S. Department of State Humanitarian Information Unit; and NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, U.S. Coastal ORelief Model. Data refreshed June, 2022. N Legend Clear Creek WWTP Proposed Gravity Sewer Henderson County, NC Topographic Location Map 1 inch = 1,200 feet Figure 1 0 600 1,200 2,400 Feet CDM Smith CLEAR CREEK RD CREEK R� QO 24" GRAVITY 4P SEWER LINE 0 PROPOSED 12" GRAVITY SEWER LINE BLACKSMITH RUN \ / WWTP/PROPOSED PROPOSED PUMP STATION \ ` 12" GRAVITY SEWER LINE PROPOSED V, 8" GRAVITY SEWER LINE N JW . /\ �O �' �erJ PROPOSED 0.2 MGD F PROPOSED 8" CAMP IUDEA PROP ae/S WWTP LOCATION J„a• GRAVITY WWTP 6" FORCE MAIN SEWER LINE tree PROPOSED "dCGi•e/ 12" GRAVITY rj� SEWER LINE "�rfr • r r [1 PUMPED FLOW (TYP) WNC JUSTICE ACADEMY W WTP GRAVITY FLOW 1 (TYP) t r"0r i'1hoti7(:i-• rl S�ources:Esri, HERE, Garmin`Iriferrmap�incr'ernent P Corp., GEBCO, (USG- —,,FAO.) NPS, NRCAN, GeoBasAe, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordna `ce Survey, Esr)Japan, •M'ETI, Esri China -('Hong p Kong), (c) Open StreetMap contributors, and=the GlS_User Community a N Legend Figure 1 Henderson County, NC Pr. Force Main Major Roads Parcel Map of Proposed Collection System Improvements Pr. Gravity Sewer 0 Pr. Wastewater Treatment Plant CDM Streams 0 Pr. Pump Station 0 2,300et Smith MILEYCO is\Mllev\ArcGIS\269598 2Z2510 ClearO \DATA\M F1.0 11 110- 11-30-l—A 1/31/2023 9 10,500 LF of Proposed III Gravity Sewer fV-V Clear Creek Tie-in to Existing 24" Gravitylnterceptor J10. H0 Klondike L i'�rb/I C:t Proposed wwTF �i OR N' 24" Gravity Sewer Line r— ca�4ie HERE, Garmin.l�nterme p, inclement P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, NkKadasterNL—b6aanceSurvey, Esri_Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) ap-coo ntributors—and the G,.IS User.Community N Legend Henderson County, NC Existing Gravity Sewer Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Figure 3 Proposed Gravity Sewer C Parcel o izso CDM. Streams , Feet Smith MILEVCO C\Users\mllevco\OneDrive-CDM SmICF\Deskcoo\Clear Creek Sewer- We'— l.'- Academy\ III 12]251J Clear Creek EAA\Fleure l\Fleure 1.— e/1-22 eAd 0,. 4 T- w N Legend WWTF Parcels 100-Year Floodplain 17) ® Floodway Outfall Location - - - - - - - - WWTP Footprint (with Expansion) �Y Henderson County, NC Figure 7 0 75 150 300 Feet CDM 1 inch = 300 feet Smith w U W N J = Q Z tz O N N N LLJ O U C w d O r mz 0 oQ M N > K O p ck� _ ar v� Q z �z � w w o E o z w �r r r zz:I w p O Inr LJ U N w w =O rcl. Of n w z= w p U Z O Q O K w O O W w �Q w a Of p O w w K J W p S W Z r S p U W J J W Q M Smith Figure No. 2 Clear Creek WWTP - Flow Diagram FEB 2023 0—ET WEIR BOX 4 BE T BLET FEEDER 6-INCH A ow O WIn PUMPS PLAN VIE' ELEVATIOI` „ 2._0" L o 2'-0• FLOW SPUTTER BOX z._°. f J 5'ML L LJ�I ill FLOW CONTROL BOX WITH BAR SCREEN DIMSFF gIOP DAS cocR vuvE mPPusm I—E NR gfFU5ER5 DIFFUSER DROP CONCEPT PLAN FOR ENGINEERING 4'-0 }14'-0•—{ ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS EMERGENCY BY—PASS BY 8" PIPES 4 HOUR RETENTION TIME PLUS 3 DISINFECTION I VOLUME PROVIDED IN TANDEM DOUBLE CLARIFIER CLARIFIER V- TYPE: DIMENSIONS 28' WIDE BY 24' LONG HOPPER STYLE CLARIFIERS CHLORINE CONTACT TANK CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION FIELD ERECT (TEAR DOWN): SLUDGE HOLDING WITH AERATION 27,450 GALLONS STORAGE PROVIDED 30 MINUTE CONTACT TIME AT ,4•-0' PER TRAIN AVERAGE DAILY FLOW, EXCEEDING CONCEPT IS PROVIDE 100,000 GPD 58,000 GALLONS STORAGE WITH 30 TWO TRAINS PROVIDED VOLUME REQUIREMENT 15—MINUTE TREATMENT TRAINS WITH 24—HOUR DAYS OF STORAGE CONTACT TIME AT PEAK FLOW EXTENDED AERATION RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE / WASTE Vj�jj Vj� WITH DECANT SYSTEM ACTIVATED SLUDGE PIPING SYSTEM BY DIMENSIONS 28 FEET WIDE X 2 FEET 77B._5. MINIMUM SCOPE PROVIDE 200,000 AIR-LIFT PUMPS LONG X 12'-4" TALL 7 AA=A GPD TREATMENT WITH ABILITY TO DIMENSIONS 28' X 22' LONG EXPAND TO 500,000 GPD AS NEEDED INLET BAFFLE CONTROL ADDITIONAL FEATURES 24—HOUR HYDRAULIC RETENTION TIME CLARIFIER —SECTION BY CONSTRUCTING 100,000 GPD EXTENDED AERATION CHAMBER WITH SURFACE LOADING RATE 255 GAL/SQ. ACCESS STAIR WITH LANDING HOT TYPICAL TREATMENT TRAINS AERATION PROVIDED FT. AVERAGE DAILY FLOW DIPPED GALVANIZED FLOW EQUALIZATION CHAMBER WITH 100,000 GALLONS PER TRAIN, TWO SURFACE LOADING RATE 447 GAL/SQ. COATING SYSTEM AERATION PROVIDED TRAINS PROVIDED FT. AVERAGE DAILY FLOW FOR A TOTAL OF 200,000 GALLONS SSPC—SP10 ALL INTERIOR SURFACES SEWAGE CONTROL WITH AUTOMATIC OUTLET CONTROL SAW TOOTH WEIR SSPC—SP6 ALL EXTERIOR SURFACES SCREENING, FLOW DISTRIBUTION AND DIMENSIONS PER TRAIN 14' WIDE BY PLATE RECYCLE FLOW CONTROL TO AERATION 76'-6" LONG STRIPE COAT ON UNEVEN SURFACES. CHAMBER DIMENSIONS PER TRAIN 14' WIDE X CLARIFICATION 28' LONG X 16'-6" TALL TWO COAT SYSTEM TNEMEC N 8-12 63,000 GALLONS STORAGE FINAL DFT SOLID PIGMENTED COLORS ONLY ON BOTH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Pro -Water Systems, I nc Process Equipment for Waste Water Treatment Pro -Water Model and Flow: FH-200,000 GPD Date: October 17, 2022 1 Scale: 16" per foot DRAWING: Pro -Water Plant Serves: HENDERSON CO Pro -Water Plant Location: EDNEYVILLE, NC Pro -Water Representative: GARRY HAGER Dimensions: A: AS SHOWN B: C: D: E: H: L: M: Q• S: Plant Length: CONCEPT PLAN FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION PAGE 1 OF 7 OVERALL A 63 000 GALLON FLOW EQUALIZATION 28 0" 14' - 0' a A FLOW EQUALIZATION PUMPS a FLOW CONTROL BOX DUALIZED WITH RECYCLE CT-200 SCREEN 24'-0" 58,000 GALLON SLUDGE HOLDING Pro -Water Systems, I nc Process Equipment for Waste Water Treatment a a a a Pro -Water Model and Flow: FH-200,000 GPD Date: 0 October 17, 2022 Scale: 4" per foot WAS DRAWING: Pro -Water Plant Serves: HENDERSON CO Pro -Water Plant Location: o EDNEYVILLE, NC ___ ___ ___ _____ ________ Pro -Water Representative: CARRY HAGER Dimensions: A: AS SHOWN B: 0 C: D: E: WAS H: L: M: Q: S: Plant Length: CONCEPT PLAN FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION 22'-0" -- PAGE 2 OF 7 PLAN 1 iz00000 GALLON EXTENDED AERATION a WAS WAS RAS RAS RAS 4-INCH RAS 2-INCH SC 4-INCH RAS 11 2-INCH SC Pro -Water Systems, I nc Process Equipment for Waste Water Treatment Pro -Water Model and Flow: FH-200,000 GPD Date: TREATMENT TRAIN #2 October 17, 2022 Scale: 4" per foot a a a 2-INCH SC 4-INCH RAS 2-INCH SCMA TREATMENT TRAIN # a < a 76'-6" DRAWING: Pro -Water Plant Serves: HENDERSON CO Pro -Water Plant Location: EDNEYVILLE, NC Pro -Water Representative: GARRY HAGER Dimensions: A: AS SHOWN B: C: D: E: H: L: M: Q: S: Plant Length: CONCEPT PLAN FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION 152'-6" PAGE 3 OF 7 PLAN 2 a as 54 90 GALLON Pro -Water C Kl F E R S Systems, I nc 6 —INCH process Equipment for Waste OUTLET a PIPE Water Treatment a Pro -Water Model and Flow: BAFFLE FH-200,000 GPD OUTLET WEIR Date: B 0 X October 17, 2022 Scale: 4" per foot DRAWING: Pro -Water Plant Serves: HENDERSON CO Pro -Water Plant Location: EDNEYVILLE, NC ---- ,- - - - - - ------ - - - -- - ---- - - --- FIPI TIN (I milli Pro -Water Representative: -- -- CARRY HAGER Dimensions: A: AS SHOWN B: C: BAFFLES D: E: 0 0 a H: L: M: 4 TUBE Q: TABLET FEEDER S: O O Plant Length: TROUGH 6—INCH CONCEPT PLAN INSET a a a FOR REVIEW ONLY PIPE NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION 289-099 29-099 PAGE 4 OF 7 PLAN 3 8-INCH 8-INCH WAS 14' — 0' Pro -Water Systems, I nc Process Equipment for Waste Water Treatment 8—INCH Pro -Water Model and Flow: FH-200,000 GPD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Date: a a October 17, 2022 :H: H: E :E[BE � I � H � �� � ��: A FLOW CONTROL Scale: BOX DUALIZED 4" per foot WITH RECYCLE DRAWING: FLOW 24 — 0 " 22 — 0 " EQUALIZATION Pro -Water Plant Serves: PUMPS HENDERSON CO Pro -Water Plant Location: I X VE V V EDNEYVILLE, NC PLAN BY-PASS Pro -Water Representative: TURNDOWN ELBOW GARRY HAGER Dimensions: ;SCREEN A: AS SHOWN B: WASTE C: o�RFoww RECE ACL ------ --- D: E: -- 4„ H: 8" DRAIN --- EMERGENC LINE c^e^� Y—PASS WA `_ L: P AS M: Q: 3" DECA I', S: ASSEMBL Plant Length: CONCEPT PLAN --- FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR BIDDING OR __- CONSTRUCTION a azi a a E EEVAT 0 E V EW PAGE 5 OF 7 ELEV 1 Z] 4" RAS /jo, WAS ASSEMBLY W.L. 11 ■ 5i: 2" SCUM LINE TREATMENT TRAIN #1 a ° a 152'-6" A 76'-6" a Pro -Water Systems, I nc -Process Equipment for Waste Water Treatment Pro -Water Model and Flow: FH-200,000 GPD -Date: October 17, 2022 _Scale: 4" per foot DRAWING: Pro -Water Plant Serves: HENDERSON CO Pro -Water Plant Location: EDNEYVILLE, NC Pro -Water Representative: GARRY HAGER Dimensions: A: AS SHOWN B: C: D: -E: -H: L: M: Q: S: Plant Length: CONCEPT PLAN FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION PAGE 6 OF 7 ELEV 2 a a a a a 28'-09 a Pro -Water Systems, I nc Process Equipment for Waste 4 TUBE Water Treatment TABLET FEEDER Pro -Water Model and Flow: FH-200,000 GPD TROUGH 1 45�6—INCH Date: INLET October 17, 2022 PIPE Scale: 4" per foot DRAWING: 9 099 BAFFLE BAFFLE /^\ 1 0 9 0 9 9 z - z zJ z o 9 N 10'-2" 12' — 4" Pro -Water Plant Serves: HENDERSON CO Pro -Water Plant Location: EDNEYVILLE, NC Pro -Water Representative: GARRY HAGER Dimensions: A: AS SHOWN B: C: D: E: H: L: M: Q: S: Plant Length: CONCEPT PLAN FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION PAGE 7 OF 7 ELEV 3 z w w cn Q� V) U mm m m J Q�z <) z w Z : 2 U U = V) w L: m 182'-4" 130'-2" 14'-0" 60'-0" 9'-6" 41'-8" CD cl) cy z_ o w � J J 0 of 111,250 GALLON AERATION o W N z 0 o J w J Q 0 J0 01 Q V)Q 0 111,250 GALLON AERATION 0 rri � M ro 52,352 GAL. 500 SF MECHANICAL CLARIFIER 1000 GPD/SF AT PEAK 52,352 GAL. 500 SF MECHANICAL CLARIFIER 1000 GPD/SF AT PEAK ALKALINITY FEED SYSTEM 14 DAY BULK STORAGE 5'-0" DUTY AND STANDBY PUMPS ALUMINUM HANDRAILING PRECAST POST TENSIONED CAP WALKWAY PUMP SCHEDULE: PRECAST POST TENSIONED WALL PANEL TWO FLOW EQ SUBMERSIBLE RAIL PUMPS, CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE BASE 140 GPM ® 16' TDH, 1.0 HP 0) I o I `0 TWO SLUDGE PUMPS, SUBMERSIBLE RAIL 1'-0" WALL THICKNESS 60 GPM @ 16' TDH, 0.5 HP. j BLOWER SCHEDULE: '1 SECTION VIEW PLANT BLOWERS THREE URAI-56 & 20 HP. (TWO OPERATING, ONE STAND-BY) 322 CFM @ 8.5 PSI FLOW EQ BLOWER TWO URAI-56 & 20 HP. (ONE OPERATING AND ONE STAND-BY) 355 CFM @ 8 PSI SLUDGE HOLDING BLOWERS TWO URAI-45 & 10 HP. (ONE OPERATING AND ONE STAND-BY) 94 CFM © 8 PSI o ro' _ Lu Fzml -ia-Q o=mow OJ H z 0 w cn = Q I o 0 vvcoo< QZoowo 0 0 0 z w V) 0 Q w Y Q 000� m 0 0 V) o = Q o 0 o 1 0.2 MGD WWTP- PRELIMINARY CLEAR CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: ADM SCALE: NTS DRAWING NO.: DATE: 10/18/22 1 REV: 1 1 /1 /22 XXXXX MACK INDUSTRIES, INC. 201 COLUMBIA ROAD, VALLEY CITY, OHIO 44280 (330) 483-3111