HomeMy WebLinkAboutPresentation_InfoItem_02L-PFAS_May2024_Shelton15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards PFAS Rulemaking Bridget Shelton Division of Water Resources May 2024 GWWMC Informational Item Types of North Carolina Water Quality Standards 2 Groundwater Standards (protect resource)Surface Water Standards (protect resource) Drinking Water Standards (treatment) Groundwater in NC 3 •Groundwater is the water that fills cracks and other openings in beds of rocks and sand and is stored in underground reservoirs known as aquifers •Groundwater supports approximately 50% of drinking water use in the state •Public Water Supply Sites •80% of approximately 2300 Public Water Systems rely on groundwater as drinking water source •Private Drinking Water Wells •25% of residents rely on groundwater sourced wells •Water quality not regulated by state or federal agencies National Ground Water Association:https://www.ngwa.org/what-is-groundwater/About-groundwater/groundwater-factsNC Environmental Education:https://www.eenorthcarolina.org/resources/your-ecological-address/groundwater NC Groundwater Quality Standards Federal Requirement No North Carolina Rule 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Population Human Adults Target use Ingestion Household use Standard endpoints Noncancer CancerAqueous taste and odor 4 North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards •Maximum allowable concentrations which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwater unsuitable for its intended best usage •Best Usage: existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans •Protect groundwaters of the state as a resource for human consumption •Implemented in various programs including site clean-ups, risk assessments, health evaluations, etc. Groundwater Quality Standards Rule Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L – Groundwater Classifications and Standards Section .0100: General Considerations Section .0200: Classifications and Groundwater Quality Standards .0201 Groundwater Classifications .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards 5 •Substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in concentrations at or above the practical quantitation limit (PQL). •Where the standard for a substance is less than the PQL, the detection of that substance at or above the PQL constitutes a violation of the standard. 6 Groundwater Quality Standards Rule Language 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (b) and (c) Practical quantitation limit or "PQL" means the lowest concentration of a given material that can be reliably achieved by analytical technique during routine laboratory analysis. Established as the least of the following: 1.Systemic/non-cancer threshold concentration 2.Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x 10-6 3.Taste threshold limit value 4.Odor threshold limit value 5.Maximum contaminant level 6.National secondary drinking water standard 7 Developing Groundwater Quality Standards 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (d) Established as the least of the following: 1.Systemic/non-cancer threshold concentration 2.Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x 10-6 3.Taste threshold limit value 4.Odor threshold limit value 5.Maximum contaminant level 6.National secondary drinking water standard 8 Developing Groundwater Quality Standards 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (d) Groundwater Standards Calculation 9 1. Noncancer/systemic 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺=𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅× 𝐵𝐵𝐺𝐺× 𝑅𝑅𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 2. Cancer 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺=𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅× 𝐵𝐵𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶× 𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 Toxicity benchmarks RfD = Chronic Oral Reference Dose CPF = Carcinogen Potency Factor or Cancer Slope Factor (CSF) Exposure estimates RSC = Relative Source Contribution (0.1 for inorganics; 0.2 for organics) BW = Body Weight = 70 kg (adult) WCR = Water Consumption Rate = 2 L/day (adults) RL = Risk Level = 1x10-6 Groundwater Standards Calculation 10 1. Noncancer/systemic 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺=𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅× 𝐵𝐵𝐺𝐺× 𝑅𝑅𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 2. Cancer 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺=𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅× 𝐵𝐵𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶× 𝐺𝐺𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 Toxicity benchmarks RfD = Chronic Oral Reference Dose CPF = Carcinogen Potency Factor or Cancer Slope Factor (CSF) RL = Risk Level = 1x10-6 Definitions RfD = an estimate of a daily exposure to the human population that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious noncancer effects during a lifetime CPF = an upper-bound estimate of the increased human cancer risk from a lifetime exposure to an agent The following references are used, in order of preference: 1.EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) 2.EPA Drinking Water Health Advisories 3.Other EPA health risk assessment data 4.Other relevant, published health risk assessment data and scientifically valid peer-reviewed published toxicological data 11 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (e) Developing Groundwater Quality Standards cont. 12 Groundwater Standards Calculation Example Calculation example from: 2022 Groundwater Triennial Review and Rulemaking, Supporting information (Aldrin) https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-planning/classification-standards/groundwater-standards/groundwater-triennial-review-and-rulemaking *Example of a calculation sheet from a non-PFAS chemical (Aldrin) •Attachment A- Proposed Rule Text Amendment •Attachment B-Calculation Sheets and Summary Documents for Proposed PFAS Groundwater Standards 13 Attachments Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) •Perfluorinated compounds are chemicals of specific concern for North Carolina •Evaluated the available scientific data to develop groundwater standards for a subset of PFAS compounds 14 American Water Works Associationhttps://www.awwa.org/Resources-Tools/Resource-Topics/PFAS 15 Background – NPDWR for Drinking Water •March 2023 – EPA announced the proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) for six PFAS: •PFOA, PFOS, PFNA,HFPO-DA,PFHxS, and PFBS •April 2024 – Finalized NPDWR, establishing legally enforceable levels for drinking water, called Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs), for six PFAS: https://www.epa.gov/sdwa/and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfas Background- Previous GWWMC and EMC Presentations •November 2023 EMC Meeting •Information Item- Proposed PFAS Toxicological Summaries •January 2024 GWWMC Meeting •Information Item- Affected Sources and Anticipated Implementation Requirements; Cost and Benefits Analysis Approach •March 2024 GWWMC Meeting •Information Item- Plan Implementation Timeline; DWM Stakeholder Meetings Overview and Feedback 16 Proposed PFAS Compounds for Groundwater Standards Development 17 PFAS Compound Acronym 1 Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid PFOS 2 Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA 3 Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid HFPO-DA (GenX) 4 Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid PFBS 5 Perfluorobutanoic acid PFBA 6 Perfluorohexanoic acid PFHxA 7 Perfluorononanoic acid PFNA 8 Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid PFHxS 18 PFAS Compound Reference Critical Health Effects Toxicity Benchmarks and Values Available Proposed 02L Standard (ng/L) 1 PFOS 2023 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Developmental and Cardiovascular effects RfD, CSF, MCL 0.7 2 PFOA 2023 EPA Toxicity Assessment+Renal cell carcinomas RfD, CSF, MCL 0.001 3 HFPO-DA (GenX) 2021 EPA Human Health Toxicity Assessment+Liver effects RfD, MCL 10 4 PFBS 2021 EPA Human Health Toxicity Assessment+Thyroid effects RfD 2,000 5 PFBA 2022 EPA IRIS Assessment Liver and Thyroid effects RfD 7,000 6 PFHxA 2023 EPA IRIS Assessment Developmental effects RfD 4,000 7 PFNA 2021 ATSDR* Minimal Risk Level+Developmental effects RfD, MCL 10 8 PFHxS 2021 ATSDR* Minimal Risk Level+Thyroid effects RfD, MCL 10 Proposed Groundwater Standards for PFAS Compounds *ATSDR= Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry +Used as basis for EPA's PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation​ 19 15A NCAC 02L .0202: Practical Quantitation Limit 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (b)(1): Where the standard for a substance is less than the PQL, the detection of that substance at or above the PQL constitutes a violation of the standard. PFAS Compound Proposed 02L .0202(h) Standard (ng/L) EPA PQL (ng/L)* Compliance Level 1 PFOS 0.7 4.0 PQL 2 PFOA 0.001 4.0 PQL 3 HFPO-DA (GenX)10 5.0 10 4 PFBS 2,000 3.0 2,000 5 PFBA 7,000 5.0 7,000 6 PFHxA 4,000 3.0 4,000 7 PFNA 10 4.0 10 8 PFHxS 10 3.0 10 *PQL reported by U.S. EPA as a Limit of Quantitation from national laboratory validation of the wastewater test method (1633) (or for PFBA and PFHxA, set using the same methodology). Stakeholder Meetings January 2024 GWWMC/EMC Info Items November 2023, January 2024, March 2024, May 2024 GWWMC Action Item July 2024 EMC September 2024 Last day to file for NC Register September 24, 2024 Notice of Text/ Public Comment period begins October 15, 2024 Public Hearing October 30, 2024 (earliest) End of Public Comment period December 16, 2024 EMC March 2025 Anticipated Timeline of Groundwater Standards PFAS Rulemaking 20 21 Thank you Bridget Shelton Groundwater Quality Standards Coordinator bridget.shelton@deq.nc.gov (919)-707-9022 DWR, Classifications & Standards Branch: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/classification-standards