HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240401_Property Deed_20240430 BK 8687 PG 0777 FILED ELECTRONICALLY
FILED Apr 12, 2023
AT 02:43:00 PM
BOOK 08687
EXCISE TAX $6,326.00
Excise Tax 6,326.00 Recording Time, Book and Page
Tax Lot No Parcel Identifier No 05138010; 051388011
Mail after recording to Grantee
This instrument was prepared by Purser& Glenn, PLLC, 11121 Carmel Commons Blvd., #305,
Charlotte,NC 28226
Brief description for the Index
Metes and Bounds
This deed made this 12th day of April , 2023 by and between
Grantor Grantee
Paula Buie Hamilton Queen City Land, LLC,
AKA Paula B. Hamilton, Widow a North Carolina Limited
Liability Company
11535 Cannel Commons Blvd
Suite 101
Charlotte,NC 28226-5314
Grantee Address Property Address:
601 Evans Manor Dr. 4401 Helms Road and
Matthews,.NC 28104 Waxhaw Marvin Road
Waxhaw,NC 28173
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs,
successors, and assigns, and shall include singular,plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as
required by context.
WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged,has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey
unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Union County,
North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
See Exhibit A
All of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor.
The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book
198 at Page 417 and in Book 475 at Page 593 in the Public Registry of Union County.
Submitted electronically by "Purser and Glenn, PLLC"
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the union County Register of Deeds.
BK 8687 PG 0778
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and
appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple.
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title
as Grantor received, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims
of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, other than the following exception:
All such valid and enforceable easements, conditions and restrictions as may appear of record,
and the lien of ad valorem taxes for the current year which the Grantee(s) hereby assume and
agree to pay.
In witness whereof,the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal,the day and year first above
Tnc,• s , aA7 (Seal)
Paula Buie Hamilton, AKA Paula B. Hamilton
tifril on COUNTY
I, a notary public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Paula Buie Hamilton,AKA
Paula B. Hamilton personally appeared before me this day and whom I personally identified by
a current government issued picture identification in the form of ( .Yt ' I'" l ''# ,
and being duly sworn acknowledged the voluntary execution of the foregoing instrument for the
purposes therein stated in his/her/their capacity as Grantor.
Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this 7' 1day of April, 2023.
My commission expires: E Ails( 1 ... fir Notary Public
Date Signature
(4) C tee
Printed/Typed Notary Nam
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BK 8687 PG 0779
Being that certain parcel of land lying and being situate in Jackson Township,Town of Waxhaw, Union
County, North Carolina, having an area of 29.78 acres and being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a#4 rebar found,.located on the northern right of way line of CSX Railroad,said point
being the southeast corner of Gary A. and Diana M.Summerfield, recorded in Book 6588, Page 214;
thence leaving the right-of-way of said CSX and following the eastern line of said Summerfield North
21°43'52" West 211.24 feet to ah iron pipe at the northeast corner of Gary A. and Diana M.Summerfield,
recorded in Book 4673, Page 8;thence along line of Time Warner Cable Southeast, LLC., recorded in Book
5862, Page 115, North 68°19'20" East 15.00 feet to a#5 rebar found;thence North 68°19'20" East 75.04
feet to a#5 rebar found, said point being the southeast corner of Time Warner Cable Southeast, LLC., .
recorded in Book 5862, Page 115;thence North 21°47'00"West 226.53 jeet to a#5 rebar found,said
point being the northeast corner of Time Warner Cable Southeast, LLC., recorded in Book 5862, Page 115
;thence South 68°12'38" West 74,80 feet to a#4 rebar.found,said point being the northwest corner of •
Time Warner Cable Southeast, LLC., recorded in Book 5862, Page 115;thence North 21°40'09"West
217.30 feet to a rebar found;thence North 21°40'09"West 37.12 feet td a.point in the southeasterly line
of Paula Buie Hamilton and shown as a subdivision recorded in Plat Cabinet C, Slide 103;thence along the
line of said Hamilton and within the right-of-way of Helms Road (but notthe centerline)the following
nine(9) calls: (1) North 30°08'46" East 26.75 feet; (2) North 30°08'48" East 100.03 feet; (3) North
30°08'48" East 100.03 feet; (4) North 30°08'48" East 100.03 feet; (5) North 30°08'48" East 100.03 feet;
(6) North 30°08'48" East 100.03 feet; (7) North 30°08'48" East 100.03 feet; (8) North 30°08'48" East
100.03 feet; (9) North 30°08'48" East 103.26 feet to a point, said point being the southern corner of Billy
Joe Bigham, recorded in Book 176.7, Page 607;thence with the line of said Bigham North 29°33'14" East
227.85 feet to a point on the centerline of Waxhaw Marvin Road (SR 1301);thence with said centerline of
Waxhaw Marvin Road the following eleven (11) calls: (1)South 47°21'00" East 27.94 feet; (2)South
53°26'10" East 39.48 feet; (3)South 57°15'19" East 41.64 feet; (4)South 60°53'14" East 48.37 feet; (5)
South 64°40'49" East 54.22 feet; (6)South 67°24'52" East 49.84 feet; (7) South 69°39'44" East 52.29 feet;
(8)South 71°18'47" East 48.25 feet; (9)South 72°32'20" East 48.76 feet; (10)South 73°41'41" East 43.98 •
feet; (11) South 74°30'14" East 16.84 feet to a point on the centerline of said Waxhaw Marvin Road,said
point being the northwest corner of Heirs of Mary Catherine Blythe, recorded in Book 211, Page 251 and
Book 185, Page 690;thence with the western line of said Blythe Heirs South 08°02'20" East 22.68 feet to
a bent rebar;thence South 08°02'20" East 229.47,feet to a point, said point being the southwest corner
of Heirs of Mary Catherine Blythe, recorded in Book 211, Page 251 and Book 185, Page 690;thence South
08°02'20" East 229.91 feet to a 1\4 inch iron pipe at the southwest corner of James R. and Diane B.
Godfrey, recorded in Book'794, Page 56;thence with the southern line of said Godfrey South 79°52'06"
East 100.03 feet to a 1/2 inch iron'pipe at the southwest corner of Michael O. Holliday, recorded in Book
1132, Page 864;thence with the southern line'of said Holliday South 79°53'37"East 163.98 feet to an iron
pipe;thence South 74°44'10 East 1.00 feet to an iron pipe on the western line of Rocco Femia, recorded
in Book 6884, Page 253;thence_South 09°00'11."'East 503.66 feet to an iron pipe,said iron pipe being on
the northern line of Paula Buie.Haimilton recorded in Book 475, Page 593;thence with said northern line,
South 83°03'11"West 381.59 feet to an iron pipe.to a "C" channel marker, said "C" channel marker being
the northwest corner of Paula Buie Hamilton recorded in Book 475, Page 593;thence South 06°48'00"
East 208.68 feet to a "C",channel marker on the northern right-of-way line of CSX Railroad;thence with
said right-of-way,South 82°59'49'.'West 770.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1,297,213
Sauare Feet, 29,78 Acres. •
Being that certain parcel of land lying and being situate in Jackson Township,Town of Waxhaw, Union
County, North Carolina, having an area of 1.85 acres and being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a "C" channel marker found, located on the northern right of way line of CSX Railroad (said
point being North 82°59'49',East 770.36 feet from a#4 rebar found,the southwest corner of Paula Buie
Hamilton recorded in Book 198, Page 417), said point being a southern corner of Paula Buie Hamilton
recorded in Book 198, Page'417;thence along the right-of-way of said CSX North 82°59'49" East 389.60
feet to an iron pipe located on the northern right of way line of CSX Railroad;thence leaving said right-of-
way, North 09°00'11"West 208.44 feet to an iron pipe in the southern Tine of Paula Buie Hamilton
recorded in Book 198, Page 417, thence with said southern line,South 83°03'11"West 381.59 feet to a
"C"channel marker,thence South 06°48'00" East 208.68 feet to a "C"channel marker on the northern
right-of-way line of CSX Railroad,the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 80,394 Square Feet, 1.85 Acres.