HomeMy WebLinkAboutGaston_Well Abandonment_20240429 (4) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For 64crn 1 Use ONLY:. This form cart be usm f6r.sittele or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: )YELL ARANDONMENT DFTAILS Brian Ewing . 7:i.Number ofivells being ahandonede 1 Wc1CCannrtctorNaoteorticlloen� tsanall tllalelanln;vvcilon5isllcr n For nitrlople. .oyealari er rmmitirerl aup'pdr. wells ONLY with Mv..imle ( p� S"'. t!r0t>c.9) caasfnrc�lrxa/ui6aircdaitna�eaf,}xineiersr+fviUt`�tejbrut, 4240-B NC'tYdl CanlradorCenlf,5tioti Nurit6 r 71r.Arpnizimatc-yolnint gEvra(w remainiiig iii ivtll(s)t (gilt.) sAEDAcco FOR WATER-SUPPLYWRLIS ONLY: i ConpanyNams 7c Ty-)teofilisinfectantused.- 2.W`ell Construction Permit#: L[,Y dell tippll,vLlr arfll<rmiir jL, Cuirnl,Sivie,Marlunre.l rJecr;m;,etc;}Pffinv>nn 7d eltrioutlt of JLcinfectsiut ustvl' 3..Well use(chec well use): ; Water Supply Well: ?G Seating matcrialsmsed(check all drat apnlg) 17Agticnititral MMunicipatMuhlic M Ncat Ccmcnt.Gr= Q B-Cntonitc Chips ormilcts QCkotliclmv (Hc rlincgCoolino Srrppt}'} . pkcsidcMinl lVatcrS�rpP$'(pnglc) ❑Sand Centenl Grant ❑.Dy Ctay 0htdush611ComntctcW ❑Residential W ttcr Suppf}'(sliatid).. ❑Conerele.Grout J3 Drill Ciatings ❑Irti lion 0 SkLjaltyGrout ❑,Gr�rel Non WaterSupplpWell: ❑BentotticeSlutty d Other{erplain under 7gj. I monitoring... ❑Recoven- lojcetion Welt: X For each taaterial selected above,provide amount ofaiuiteriats need; ❑Aquiferitccharge_ ❑GrottnduaterRentedWon Neat Cem.:471b ,Wtr:3gal. Sand Cem.:1b ,Wtr:ga1. ❑AquiferStotage atxl Reeos'ery OSalinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test OStonmvaWrDrainage . I ❑Espelintenital Ttxlmn[ot�n ►]Subsideuct Conbtul 7pr Provide a brief'descriptian of the wind mment pn!&-#ur= DGeolhennal(C1o5ed.Loop) . ❑Tracer I " TREMIE GROUT FROM.BOTTOM TO SURFACE ®Geothemval(ii6lint11C00[inR Retum) QOther('es lain uttder 7 ) j a.Date:wcU(s).alvuniloned: 3 `6�.'�_..•.�.�r t,f ia.Well location: APR .c�� S-2024 Four Points 76 IDb F �— R.CcrllRcadan; F• ^2 -10 Fatilit}•/OivtrrNuatc a.ilitvv (fupplicablc) - 1 lThti,;r„o;s;1 1702 Hickory Grove Rd. Gastonia,-NC 28056 Brian Mi d��`���/2024 Plty'sical Addrua.City,and zip S�ahtrcort enificd;Nell Cotur,astr<,r�'.II(hvtur Date Gaston County 1iy sighing skis farts,1 hemby certify rkat Ilea irell(s)irac(mein)ahandoned in Cauttiv %reel ld.lirilSclko No.(PIN) rrrxvn&rtice ivilh l M.-MCAC.02C.0100.ur 1C.02001['e11'Gari�lracliun Sfrirukr►rts and that a Copy 0fltri5!record has been provided to the trell sillier. Sh.Jztkude and Nngitade In degi+cesrminute0seconds or dccimal'dcgrecu (irwen rvkf,om.IiOF ag iv sitlriexrx) 9.Site diagram or additional iv'ell detalls: You ttitt3'-use.tbe bade of Wis,page t'provide additional well site.def i[Is:tir-vvell N - W ,abaudoiuuentdetails.-You may also attach asldiiiouaf pages if ltecessan'.. .CONSTRIICMON DETAILS OF WFLt�.%BFINC ABANDONED SUBNtTTTAi,mSTRL.CTI.O 1S :[Itatlr v:ell.carytracflcut raivrdlsl rj ava(lwli. Far muloplr ilJrctiwe'ar Tian-uvti7 snEply celleOIYLY'tritflrJrNsvnrecwrsarxnmdrupntlUf;rtMir.ioumn ndinticurelymr 10a.For All Welt,. .Submit thiv form-nithin 30 days of completion of u-cll 6s.Well ID#•TMW-7 'abandonment to'thcfallowing: Divi lion of Alater Resnnrces,Infolmation•Procesiunr,Unit, Gb.Talal well depth: 25 {ft.) .1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,XC 2 G99-1617 10b.Por.Tnleclion Wells: In addition to sewing the fotni to ilia address in l0a above.also'submit one copy of this f rin vAdiiu 30 days of•completion of well Ge.Borehole diameter:l (ID.) abAndonntertt to tine follaysing: fie.Water tev'cl.belan anti surface (ftJ Divis[ott of Witter Resources;Uttilergruund Injeci[on Conlrul•Pragram. 1636 Stail Sciviec Center,ltalei;,h,1\C 23094636 f . Gc.Outcrcasinglcngth(iflmnpn): ( .) Lac For jVjter.&rjriIv A.Infectinoi Welty: In addition to-sending the fomt to the.addre§s(es) abode."also subnut Dire copy of this fotnt Nithin 30 days of completion_of vvcli a6ndoiunent to the county health depannient of the county (of.Inner casin/tubing truktb(if[mown): where alnndoncd.. Gg.Semen length(if known):10 (tY.) Faint MI-30 NaFth Carutim Depsorncol OfFEPvlronnlent aW Mqumt Rcso N-Dlvidon of Water Reso b,si Pevi cdAagusn 20 t3 I I. i