HomeMy WebLinkAboutGaston_Well Abandonment_20240429 (3) NVELL ABANDONMENT RECORD iUsdONLY; This farm can used for"singte or nlulOpte i ells i 1.Well Contractor information: WELL ABANDONMENTDETAit_S I Brian Ewing 7a.Number of+tells being abandoned: 1 Welt Contmd rMuie orwcltowa� rnanall tlianiritdnewc0onhiseltsr ru n' Fir niglople, r/rferrla)e .o . M114%]ret sop'lxfr xeUs OVLY will) MW .same c . l s u lx.y) !.: • cmtstrrrcowi,'a�bairclanr)a�*r)r,�un cme.a+tNiUe w�aforzn, 4240—H 71t.Aplinii mate colufnc af:tratet•remaining in ivell(s):; NC'�YcgCbnlmaorCcttlfiGllioiiNnrit6cr SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUP1'LlrI1`R LS ONi,.YS Con�aq+frame 7c Tyre I'dilisinfi'ctant used: 2:W&Caustruction Permit#:, 714u11appG�vldeue!lpu,rdar(i�C,n,nlrtSr,)to•1'artarm.L�rruon..re}tjlGmwn 7d:Amount of'disinfectunfuseti: S.Well use(cbF"ell u.+e): Water Supply Well: 7e.Sealing matcri:tlrlrscd(dicett al t ttiat gpply): ❑Agricnitttt tt ph9tinicipa1111"tthlic M Neat Ccmcnt.Grout Cl 13critoaitc Chips or Pellets n0collicrinal.(Beating Coolin g supply) r3kcsidomial WaterStrpply(single) ❑Sand Cement Grout ❑Div Clay ❑buGistriallCnnmurCial ❑RcsidetuLA%Vatcr$)apply';(5h'red) D Con)tetoGrout. Drill Cuuin�s I7ifd' [IOt1 ❑Specialty Ghoul i 13 Gravel ' NORAVater Suppty Wc1h, C1BentouileSluny 0 Other(espiainunder7$) 119motdtoring.. 131tecocety�. Injection Well: 7F.For each uraterial selcded above,provide amount of tnaterials used; ❑Aqutfer.Itecharga OGroundualerltentediition Neat Cem.c471b. ,Wtr:3gal. 1 Sand Cem.:lb ,W,tr:gal. Dtlquifer Storage and lteeovety ❑S:dinity Barrier 47Aguifcr.Tcst OStornmatmDr tuage I OE.gterintenlal Technology 17Subsiden a Cmrtrtil 7g PtutI&n bruf descriptian of thc_ubandonment nrbcedunn t7Geeihennat(Closed Loop) ClTracer TREMIE GROUT FROM.BOTTOM TO SURFACE ©Geathermat(He tlinRlCoolin Retuml C3Olher(explain undef 7gl 4.Datevtell s ahandoned: 4-2-24 5a.Weil'tucations i AP k 2 N 1074 Four Points 76 Faciliryia}n'txr Name Fa illty IDs(ifapplicablc) ti:Cet111lcatiaU: i , ��-f U.eI 1702,Hickory Grove Rd. Gastonia,.NC 28056n_ Evi n °+4/SJ2024 PIt+'Sleal Address;City,and Zip , �Siunrhrn;irl'Ccitil'uti11b'etl C�ntra.tardF U.2te Gaston County y sittttg this frn7n;1 hereby certify t1)itr the tre11(s)u'as(irere}abandoned irr Conuty ouv►dinttre With 1MAU1C.02C.0100;vr,3C.0200111HI.CotisfrvaionSwruk)rxls and drift v crp}r0j11tis reeard h&he'en pravid&fo the nell owner. 5b.I atitude and 16ngitudc in degmeslmimtteslseconds ordednial-degmest (ifd ell rod,one latMis is sriilickt') A.Site diagram or addittouat vt'ell det:t[lsc You rua}-trse the bad:af`this,page to liroiide addiliollai itYll site.derails or'isell N W ,;tbntuloiwterddetails..You tuap also ailath'ndtlitiona(pas if t1CC28586i'.. CONSTRI11.MON DETAILS OF WEL651 BF1NC ABANDONED SUR11ti7TAi.iNSTRQCTiOYS .ttrarh trdl.ciorzxtrtrcticur ri%vrJls?tf a+ralrUla~ ,cru•tntrltiplr iil�crian'ar rr�n-nvtir suEp(r - u e11.s ONLY with tl>a s,rm�c»nstrr)etiolrrzharulatrrnc�)L iia inn n,bnitt_cur)jyrrir 10a:For All Wells: Submit ibis femi within 3o day5;of comolction of.will Gs.Well ID€ISTMW-6 abandonmcut to the following; Diy'ision of WaterRe6urces,Infor nation•ProeL-Ling Unit, 25 1617 Mai ScRiCC Ccntcl;Ralci;,6,XC.27699-1617 6k Tetalivell depth: (ft.) IOb.For inl eel ion WON: Ll addi.ioil'to sending Ilia form tp ilia address lu.10a Gc:Bor�liolc diauteter:i (lu,y above.also submit one cape of this fo ni,within 30 days of completiofi,of hell ubindomind to;dw tollowitt : Digistou;of Water Rssuurces;Undergnmiid bijectiom Contfol Prdgratu, Gd,Water levelbcton grauud surface:. (ftJ 1636 Mail Sen'icc Center,]talci--hi NC 2 7 649-1 63 6 6c.Outer casing length(fflmown): ( .) Me.Far MterSurnilv'&ioicctioei Wetts: 1naddkion'to•s.ndhig the footto the.addres(es) alcove. also subtuit one copy of this form within 30 daj•s of compictiori•of nc11 abmndorunent to the`ebiuuy he6[th department of the county . where abandoned•. GL inner ensingltubing tength(if lmow•n); (ft) f Gg.Screen length(if hnown):10 Fame M,40 Nanit Canothn Depawncm ofEn0mnmmnf:wd Muumt Rcsomes—Dlvisiasrof VAterftcsoiLx s Reviled Augus12013