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SW6231101_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240428
- ' . r Id ,�s ,\\ ...A.. , , \.. w i ► I ' '1' ( A ,74 . 1 y 7nI i I� .... , ,„ _1- M• ice♦ ECS Southeast, LLC Geotechnical Engineering Report Forest Bridge Commons — Wet Ponds 57 Melody Lane Cameron, NC ECS Project No. 33:6813 April 25, 2024 LTs ECS SOUTHEAST, LLC NC Engineering License Ala F-1519 Geotechnical • Construction Materials• Environmental • Facilities April 25,2024 Mr. Kenneth Smith,Sr. Forest Ridge Subdivision, Inc. 400 Odell Road Spring Lake, NC 28390 ECS Project No.33:6813 Reference: Geotechnical Engineering Report Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability 57 Melody Lane Cameron, Harnett County, NC Dear Mr.Smith: ECS Southeast, LLC(ECS) has completed the subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above-referenced project. Our services were performed in general accordance with our agreed to scope of work. This report presents our understanding of the geotechnical aspects of the project along with the results of the field exploration and laboratory testing conducted,and our design and construction recommendations. It has been our pleasure to be of service to Forest Ridge Subdivision, Inc. during the design phase of this project. We would appreciate the opportunity to remain involved during the continuation of the design phase,and also provide our services during construction phase operations to verify subsurface conditions identified for this report. Should you have questions concerning the information contained in this report, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, ECS Southeast,LLC \`�q���ICA1N',p"*/ lei iimr)W." 114)4-12— %,41 ** .1**.•• 4' Victor McDuffee,P.E. John Kent,P.E5 l O�M7 Senior Project Engineer Principal Engineerit VMcDuffeePecslimited.com JKent@ecslimite con,. A.A. ��, .�:•'Inn III'IMO 6151 RAEFORD ROAD,SUITE A,FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28304 ' T:910-401-3288 ECS Florida,LLC • ECS Mid-Atlantic,LLC • ECS Midwest,LLC • ECS Pacific,Inc. • ECS Southeast,LLC • ECS Southwest,LIP ECS New York Engineering,PIIC An Associate of ECS Group of Companies • www.ecslimited.com "ONE FIRM.ONE MISSION." Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 General 2 1.2 Scope of Services 2 1.3 Authorization 2 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 3 2.1 Site Information 3 2.2 Proposed Construction 4 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 4 3.1 Subsurface Characterization 5 3.1.1 Regional Geology 5 3.1.2 Soil Conditions 5 3.2 Groundwater Observations 5 3.3 Laboratory Testing 6 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 6 4.1 Slope Stability 6 5.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 7 5.1 Subgrade Preparation 7 5.1.1 Stripping and Grubbing 7 5.1.2 Removal of Utilities 8 5.1.3 Proofrolling 8 5.1.4 Site Temporary Dewatering 8 5.1.5 Slope Construction 8 5.2 Earthwork Operations 9 5.2.1 Excavation Considerations 9 5.2.2 Suitability of On-Site Soils for Reuse as Engineered Fill 9 5.3 Utility Installations 10 5.4 Additional Considerations 10 6.0 CLOSING 11 Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page ii APPENDICES Appendix A—Drawings& Reports • Site Location Diagram • Boring Location Diagram • Generalized Subsurface Profiles Appendix B—Field Operations • Reference Notes for Boring Logs • Subsurface Exploration Procedure: Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) • Boring Logs Appendix C—Laboratory Testing • Laboratory Testing Summary • Plasticity Chart • Triaxial Compression Test Results Appendix D—Supplemental Report Documents and Calculations • The evaluation letter titled "Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation for Potential Stormwater Retention Areas" by Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. dated May 31, 2023 • Slope Stability Analysis Results for Wet Ponds#1 and#2 Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Executive Summary is intended as a very brief overview of the primary geotechnical conditions that are expected to affect design and construction. Information gleaned from this Executive Summary should not be utilized in lieu of reading the entire geotechnical report. • The results of the slope stability analyses performed for the wet ponds indicate that the minimum factor of safety requirements per NCDEQ are met for the downstream and upstream slopes which include 2H:1V slopes as part of the wet pond embankment design. A detailed summary of the results is included in Section 4.1 Slope Stability in this report. • Slope Stability Analysis results with slope cross-sections are included in Appendix D of this report. • Geotechnical recommendations for design and construction of proposed clay liners or clay cores, retaining walls, pavements, and structures such as buildings, walls, and slabs are not included in the scope of work of this report. Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL The purpose of this study was to provide geotechnical information for the design of the proposed stormwater ponds. According to information provided to ECS, the proposed project consists of the construction of two stormwater control measures consisting of wet ponds. The recommendations developed for this report are based on the results of our subsurface exploration and project information provided by Forest Ridge Subdivision, Inc. This report contains the results of our subsurface exploration and laboratory testing programs, site characterization, engineering evaluation, slope stability analyses, and recommendations for earthwork construction, including fill type, placement, and compaction criteria. 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purposes of this exploration were to explore the soil and groundwater conditions at the site and to develop engineering recommendations to guide design and construction of the proposed project. We accomplished the purposes of the study by: • Reviewing the available publications concerning local geology of the site and performing a general site reconnaissance. • Drilling borings to explore the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. • Performing laboratory tests on selected representative soil samples from the borings to evaluate pertinent engineering properties. • Evaluating the field and laboratory data to develop appropriate engineering recommendations. 1.3 AUTHORIZATION Our services were provided in accordance with our Proposal No. 33:6200, dated March 14, 2024, as authorized by Kenneth Smith, Sr. of Forest Ridge Subdivision, Inc. on March 17, 2024, which includes our Terms and Conditions of Service. Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 3 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION This report is based on the following sources of information: • Emails between Ken Smith Jr. with Smith Site Consultants, PLLC and Jack Cowsert and Victor McDuffee with ECS between February 26, 2024 and March 14, 2024. • "Preliminary Site Plan" prepared by Smith Site Consultants, PLLC dated February 26, 2024. • "Wet Pond #1 Plan," Sheet C-09, prepared by Smith Site Consultants, PLLC dated February 20, 2024. • "Wet Pond #2 Plan," Sheet C-10, prepared by Smith Site Consultants, PLLC dated February 20, 2024. • Google Earth aerial photos dated between February 1993 and April 2023. • Site and topographic information obtained from "Grading and Drainage Plan" prepared by Smith Site Consultants, PLLC dated January 18, 2024. • Geologic Map of North Carolina. • Web Soil Survey Soil Map and soils data. 2.1 SITE INFORMATION The site is located on the south side of Melody Lane and the west side of NC Highway 24 in Cameron, North Carolina. A Site Location Diagram is provided in Appendix A(Figure 1). Based on aerial photographs,the site has been cleared of trees and undergone initial grading as far as back as April 2022. Adjacent to the site are wooded areas and residential properties. The existing grade is slightly to moderately sloping with elevations ranging between 280 and 250 feet. The ESRI imagery below shows the general existing conditions of the site. Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 4 .? * r_ t.---3: y Si y • s ?F .1,� * j .4444 Current Site Condition 2.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed project consists of the construction of two stormwater control measures consisting of wet ponds. The proposed wet ponds will consist of fill embankments having 2H:1V slopes on the downstream side of ponds and various benched slopes on the upstream side of ponds. The heights of the ponds vary from 11 to 13 feet measured above the downstream embankment toes. 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING To explore the subsurface conditions at this site,five (5) soil test borings were performed in the proposed wet pond areas to depths below existing grades as shown below. Boring No. Proposed Structure/Site Boring Depth (feet) Feature ECS-01 to ECS-05 Wet Ponds#1 and#2 20 The borings were located by an ECS representative using a handheld GPS unit and their approximate locations are shown on the Boring Location Diagram (Figure 2) in Appendix A. Our exploration procedures are explained in greater detail in Appendix B including the insert titled Subsurface Exploration Procedure: Standard Penetration Testing (SPT). Please note that the ground surface elevations shown on the boring logs and cross sections were not surveyed by a licensed surveyor. These elevations were interpolated using topographic information obtained from the civil drawings provided to us. They should be considered approximate. Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 5 3.1 SUBSURFACE CHARACTERIZATION 3.1.1 Regional Geology The site is located within the Coastal Plain physiographic province. The Coastal Plain is typically characterized by marine,alluvial,and aeolian sediments that were deposited during periods of fluctuating sea levels and moving shorelines. Basal formations are typical of those laid down in a shallow sloping sea bottom; dense sand, consolidated clay, limestone, chalk, marl, claystone, and sandstone. Overburden soils include marine interbedded gravel,sand,silt,and clay. Many of the clays have been preconsolidated by desiccation from frequent rising and lowering of the sea level and groundwater table. Alluvial gravel, sand, silt, and clay are typically present near rivers and creeks. The top of the coastal formations on the geologic map are typically on the order of 30 to 100 feet below the ground surface, but can be less in the upper Coastal Plain near the fall line between the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. They represent basal, relatively hard formations with consistency over large areas. According to the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina, the site is underlain by the Middendorf of Cretaceous age (Km). This formation consists of sand, sandstone, and mudstone; gray to pale gray with an orange cast; clay balls and iron concretions common; beds laterally discontinuous, cross-bedding common. 3.1.2 Soil Conditions Data from the soil test borings is included on the logs in the Appendix B. The subsurface conditions summarized below and those shown on the boring logs represent an estimate of the subsurface conditions based on interpretation of the boring data using normally accepted geotechnical engineering judgments. We note that the transition between different soil strata is usually less distinct than those shown on the boring logs. Please refer to individual boring logs that are contained in Appendix B. Stratum Description Ranges of SPT(l)N-values (bpf(2)) Topsoil — An approximate thickness of 6 to 7 inches of topsoil was encountered in the N/A borings. Thicknesses are expected to be variable across the project site. Observed topsoil N/A depths do not include root balls which could be significantly deeper. Natural Soils— Beneath the topsoil are natural soils described as very loose to dense silty II Sand/clayey Sand (SM/SC)and stiff to very stiff sandy lean Clay/fat Clay(CL/CH). 2 to 47 Notes: (1) Standard Penetration Testing. (2) bpf—Blows per foot. 3.2 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS Groundwater seepage into the borings was not observed during the exploration at the depths explored. Borehole caving was observed at approximate depths of 6 to 15 feet which may be an indicator of groundwater presence. Variations in the long-term water table may occur as a result of changes in precipitation, evaporation, surface water runoff, construction activities, and other factors. Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 6 Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. performed a seasonal high groundwater table evaluation at the site in 2023. The results of that study indicated the seasonal high groundwater level was encountered at approximate depths ranging from 0 to 44 inches below existing ground surface, or at approximate elevations ranging from EL 255.16 to 273.63 feet. For additional information, please refer to the Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) evaluation letter prepared by Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc., dated May 31, 2023 contained in Appendix D. 3.3 LABORATORY TESTING The samples recovered from the borings were visually classified on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with ASTM D2488 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures) and including USCS classification symbols, and ASTM D2487 Standard Practice for Classification for Engineering Purposes(Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)). After classification,the samples were grouped in the major zones noted on the boring logs in Appendix B.The group symbols for each soil type are indicated in parentheses along with the soil descriptions. The stratification lines between strata on the logs are approximate; in situ,the transitions may be gradual. Classification and index property tests were performed by ECS on representative soil samples obtained from the test borings to aid in classifying soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System and to quantify and correlate engineering properties. This testing included moisture content, Atterberg limits, and percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve. Triaxial compression tests were also performed on undisturbed Shelby tube samples to provide the soil shear strength parameters used to evaluate the stability of the wet pond embankments. The results of the laboratory testing program are included in Appendix C. 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 SLOPE STABILITY Slope Design Parameters: Based on proposed grades of the wet ponds and the results of the borings, it appears that the soils located in proposed cut areas are being considered for potential use as fill to construct the proposed wet pond fill slopes.These soils include both cohesive and granular materials.To characterize these soils as well as the existing soils that underly the proposed wet ponds, we have evaluated the results of the Atterberg limits,triaxial compression, moisture content,and unit weight tests to model the wet pond slopes using the shear strength parameters shown below. SOIL PARAMETERS FOR SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES—WET PONDS 1&2 Unit Undrained—Total Stress— Drained—Effective Stress— Weight Short Term Long Term Material Description (pcf) Cohesion (p ) Friction Angle CO(psf)n Friction Angle sf 1—New Fill (Clay) 120 600 0 150 30° 2—Silty Sand/Clayey Sand 125 0 32° 0 32° Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 7 Slope Stability Analyses: The global stability analyses were performed using the commercially produced two-dimensional computer slope stability program SLIDE. The factors of safety were calculated and evaluated based on potential circular failure surfaces using the Modified Bishop Method. The cross-sections of the wet ponds were provided on "Wet Pond #1 Plan" and "Wet Pond #2 Plan," prepared by Smith Site Consultants, PLLC dated February 20, 2024. A summary of the slope stability analyses are presented below. SUMMARY OF SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES—WET POND 1 Lowest Minimum Factor of Loading Condition Description Factor of Safety as Required Safety** by NCDEQ* End of Construction 11-ft tall,fill slope,2H:1V(downstream) 2.12 1.25 Steady State Seepage 11-ft tall,fill slope,2H:1V(downstream) 1.55 1.5 *NCDEQ Subchapter 2K—Dam Safety,Section.0100—General Provisions, 15A NCAC 02K.0208—Structural Stability and Slope Protection,Item(b) **Sudden Drawdown Lowest Factor of Safety=1.33 which is greater than minimum factor of safety as required by NCDEQ of 1.25. SUMMARY OF SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES—WET POND 2 Lowest Minimum Factor of Loading Condition Description Factor of Safety as Required Safety by NCDEQ* End of Construction 13-ft tall,fill slope, 2H:1V(downstream) 2.03 1.25 Steady State Seepage 13-ft tall,fill slope,2H:1V(downstream) 1.58 1.5 *NCDEQ Subchapter 2K—Dam Safety,Section.0100—General Provisions, 15A NCAC 02K.0208—Structural Stability and Slope Protection,Item(b) **Sudden Drawdown Lowest Factor of Safety=2.05 which is greater than minimum factor of safety as required by NCDEQ of 1.25. Based on the above results, the proposed slopes at the design grades indicated all exhibited factors of safety exceeding the minimum factors of safety for global stability as required by NCDEQ. The slope stability analyses sections are included in Appendix D. 5.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 5.1.1 Stripping and Grubbing The subgrade preparation should consist of stripping vegetation, rootmat, topsoil, existing fill, and soft, loose, or unsuitable materials from the proposed areas of construction, and 5 feet beyond the toe of Engineered Fills. Borings performed in "undisturbed"areas of the site contained an observed 6 to 7 inches of topsoil. Deeper topsoil or organic laden soils may be present in wet, low-lying,and poorly drained areas. In wooded areas, the root balls may extend as deep as about 2 feet and will require additional localized stripping depth to completely remove the organics. ECS should be retained to verify that topsoil and Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 8 unsuitable surficial materials have been removed prior to the placement of Engineered Fill or construction of structures. 5.1.2 Removal of Utilities Below ground construction/utilities in the vicinity of the proposed wet ponds should be removed prior to the initiation of new construction. We suggest that available information regarding the existing utilities at the site be reviewed prior to construction. Excavations resulting from the removal of the above items should be backfilled with new Engineered Fill as discussed in the following section of this report. This should be observed on a full-time basis by a representative of ECS to document that the unsuitable materials have been removed and that the subgrade is suitable for support of the proposed construction and/or fills. 5.1.3 Proofrolling Prior to fill placement or other construction on subgrades,the subgrades should be evaluated by ECS. The exposed subgrade should be thoroughly proofrolled with construction equipment having a minimum axle load of 10 tons [e.g. fully loaded tandem-axle dump truck]. Proofrolling should be traversed in two perpendicular directions with overlapping passes of the vehicle under the observation of ECS. This procedure is intended to assist in identifying localized yielding materials. Where proofrolling identifies areas that are yielding or "pumping," those areas should be repaired prior to the placement of subsequent Engineered Fill or other construction materials. Methods of stabilization include undercutting, moisture conditioning, or chemical stabilization. The situation should be discussed with ECS to determine the appropriate procedure. Test pits may be excavated to explore the shallow subsurface materials to help in determining the cause of the observed yielding materials, and to assist in the evaluation of appropriate remedial actions to create a firm and unyielding subgrade. 5.1.4 Site Temporary Dewatering The contractor should make their own assessment of temporary dewatering needs based upon the limited subsurface groundwater information presented in this report. Soil sampling is not continuous, and thus soil and groundwater conditions may vary between sampling intervals (typically 5 feet). If the contractor believes additional subsurface information is needed to assess dewatering needs,they should obtain such information at their own expense. ECS makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the adequacy of the provided information to determine dewatering requirements; such recommendations are beyond our scope of services. 5.1.5 Slope Construction Within construction areas, we recommend temporary cut slopes without seepage be constructed no steeper than 1.5H:1V. Permanent fill or cut slopes in the existing site soils without seepage should be designed no steeper than 2H:1V for slopes heights of 20 feet or less. During construction, slopes should be regularly evaluated for signs of movement, seepage, or an unsafe condition. Soil slopes should be covered for protection from rain, and surface runoff condition. Stormwater runoff should be diverted away from the slopes. For erosion protection, a protective cover Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 9 of grass or other vegetation should be established on permanent soil slopes as soon as possible. We recommend using erosion blankets on slopes greater than 20 feet in height for erosion protection. 5.2 EARTHWORK OPERATIONS 5.2.1 Excavation Considerations Excavation Safety: Excavations and slopes should be made and maintained in accordance with OSHA excavation safety standards. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and slopes and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations and slopes as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's responsible person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. ECS is providing this information solely as a service to our client. ECS is not assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. Excavatability: Based on the assumed design grades, we anticipate that most of the natural soils encountered in the test borings can be removed with conventional earth excavation equipment such as track-mounted backhoes, loaders, or bulldozers. 5.2.2 Suitability of On-Site Soils for Reuse as Engineered Fill On-Site Borrow Suitability:The on-site soils meeting the classifications for recommended Engineered Fill, plus meeting the restrictions on separation distances, organic content, and debris, may be used as Engineered Fill. We anticipate that most of the soils encountered in the borings within the anticipated excavation depths to be suitable for use as Engineered Fill. Engineered Fill Materials: Materials for use as Engineered Fill should consist of inorganic soils with the following engineering properties and compaction requirements. ENGINEERED FILL SOIL INDEX PROPERTIES Subject Property* Soil Classification CL, ML,SM,SC,SW,SP, GW,GM or GC Max. Particle Size 3 inches LL and PI for Fill in Building and Pavement Areas LL<40, PI<20 Minimum dry unit weight(in place) >95 pcf Max. organic content 4%by dry weight *Highly plastic soils such as fat clays(CH)and elastic silts(MH)may only be used for earthen embankment construction.CH and MH soils are not suitable for backfill of structures such as slabs,pavements, walls, buildings and utilities. Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 10 ENGINEERED FILL COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS Subject Requirement Compaction Standard Standard Proctor,ASTM D698 Required Compaction 95%of Max. Dry Density (98%in the top 1 foot) +3%points of the soil's optimum Moisture Content value Loose Thickness 8 inches prior to compaction Poor Quality Fill Materials: Poor quality fill materials include materials which do not satisfy the requirements for Engineered Fill materials, such as topsoil, organic materials, debris,and debris-laden fill. Highly plastic soils such as ELASTIC SILT (MH) and FAT CLAY (CH) should not be used for backfill for structures such as buildings, slabs, walls, pavements, and utilities. Fill Placement Considerations: Fill materials should not be placed on frozen soils, on frost-heaved soils, and/or on excessively wet soils. Borrow fill materials should not contain frozen materials at the time of placement, and frozen or frost-heaved soils should be removed prior to placement of Engineered Fill or other fill soils and aggregates. Excessively wet soils or aggregates should be scarified, aerated, and moisture conditioned. Fill material should be placed in horizontal lifts. Proper drainage should be maintained during the earthwork phases of construction to avoid ponding of water which can lead to degradation of the subgrade soils. Subgrade Benching: In fill areas, new soil embankments should be constructed from the bottom up. End dumping from the top of the slope should not be permitted. Fill should not be placed on ground with a slope steeper than 5H:1V. Where steeper slopes exist, the ground should be benched to allow for fill placement on a horizontal surface. Each fill layer should be benched into the existing slope for stability. 5.3 UTILITY INSTALLATIONS Utility Subgrades: The soils encountered in our exploration are expected to be generally suitable for support of utility pipes. The pipe subgrades should be observed and probed for stability by ECS. Loose or unsuitable materials encountered should be removed and replaced with suitable compacted Engineered Fill, or pipe stone bedding material. Utility Backfilling: The granular bedding material should be at least 4 inches thick, but not less than that specified by the civil engineer's project drawings and specifications. We recommend that the bedding materials be placed up to the springline of the pipe. Fill placed for support of the utilities, as well as backfill over the utilities, should satisfy the requirements for Engineered Fill and Fill Placement. 5.4 ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS During the cooler and wetter periods of the year, delays and additional earthwork costs should be anticipated. At these times, reduction of soil moisture may need to be accomplished by a combination of mechanical manipulation and the use of chemical additives, such as lime or cement, to lower moisture contents to levels appropriate for compaction. Alternatively, during the drier times of the year, such as the summer months, moisture may need to be added to the soil to provide adequate moisture for successful compaction according to the project requirements. Forest Bridge Commons—Wet Ponds April25,2024 ECS Project No.33:6813 Page 11 Measures should also be taken to limit site disturbance, especially from rubber-tired heavy construction equipment, and to control and remove surface water from development areas, including structural and pavement areas. Positive site drainage should be maintained during earthwork operations,which should help maintain the integrity of the soil. Placement of fill on the near surface soils, which have become saturated, could be very difficult. When wet,these soils will degrade quickly with disturbance from contractor operations and will be extremely difficult to stabilize for fill placement. Where unacceptable materials are encountered, they must be evaluated and may need to be undercut and replaced or improved by re-compaction. The surface of the site should be kept properly graded to enhance drainage of the surface water away from the proposed development areas during the construction phase. We recommend that an attempt be made to enhance the natural drainage without interrupting its pattern. 6.0 CLOSING ECS has prepared this report to guide the geotechnical-related design and construction aspects of the project. We performed these services in accordance with the standard of care expected of professionals in the industry performing similar services on projects of like size and complexity at this time in the region. No other representation, express or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this report. ECS is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions, or recommendations of others based on the data in this report. The description of the proposed project is based on information provided to ECS by Forest Ridge Subdivision, Inc. If any of this information is inaccurate or changes, either because of our interpretation of the documents provided or site or design changes that may occur later, ECS should be contacted so we can review our recommendations and provide additional or alternate recommendations that reflect the proposed construction. We recommend that ECS review the final project plans and specifications so we can confirm that those plans/specifications are in accordance with the recommendations of this geotechnical report. Field observations, monitoring, and quality assurance testing during earthwork and foundation installation are an extension of and integral to the geotechnical design recommendation.We recommend that the owner retain these quality assurance services and that ECS be allowed to continue our involvement throughout these critical phases of construction to provide general consultation as issues arise. We would be pleased to provide an estimated cost for these services at the appropriate time. This report is provided for the exclusive use of Forest Ridge Subdivision, Inc. and their project specific design team. This report is not intended to be used or relied upon in connection with other projects or by other third parties. ECS disclaims liability for any such third-party use or reliance without express written permission. APPENDIX A— Diagrams & Reports Site Location Diagram Boring Location Plan Generalized Subsurface Profiles .�$ � � _�.. wt', H� •i •' A. .\c}.,,'♦ ' ' - , _ t /a' • vi n•._•1S.t• .,: /r'"KP •d - .Yl rlr;:Y. 21 : • 'r ` (: ' .� ' s /.AO: 4,6 II » ,3 ^4 r_y�1.• •'bgptrr •tOr s �•. :�• +. , •r N �3 • • p . * . - AO: _ o/.• .mow ,� r a, w, ' .a .,,.Y • ♦ ) 1 ;.� u _y{^ .y �� r (•b` �'!, ry' �•,.4' tin- o • i' •., • .r Y. ,, ,w)PK .tok -4b.A • 1 • • ,�'► �t .IrRo�.�'� •� '%Y ^•,.ei r p♦.�•`•� f''`R r /"���' !►- ' �' '� "j �� yap°" t 'a <J+ �. r w R • /� / uaac°vr• ",< ;.r t �t• ab, tr..ni a S t / •rr ; fa. A e"�/ t W E i y • -VP �.P+. ,� 'V . ' 1 r yt 'r bbnit,* ' l •V \ `4"..:.;:, .i• . 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A •• oil ,.. ..., _._ . , RIM mace SSW 1 RAI 2138-.17 4,44 0.0/44,4„.„,,,,,,.„,au ;Mk P.32 81!ERODE ST-0 0 8'All A OE,25522 e 67,031033691902112#46.1.-02 ---y----92.-.g-0.1I--"--- SSW 2 Mt 272 46 STA 8.34.23 EIFROFME S,AO R NA 0 - / CONTROL coftea / r I 35.:2•. 2'121 .1 1 - . Legend '' ' '''''40:02F1 I's, . 21:'''.1:14?..:2...0 0 0 Boring Locations Feet.-.4,-. 's .. ". " '•-a:-.• . , , .. . , BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM ENGINEERJKO1 FOREST BRIDGE COMMONS - WET PONDS - SLOPE STABILITY SCALEAS NOTED PROJECT NO. 33:6813 57 MELODY LANE, CAMERON, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE1 OF 1 DATE FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION, INC. 4/24/2024 259 `a 259 C.) w 258 * �' Topsoil 258 cm 257 y' I.? 257 V M w 9 r, 256 �. Topsoil //! :`; 256 f� • �`•�:�: � / 255 ` 255 4 : CL 254 rara F 13 • 254 253 1//, 253 9.° CH r a,a,a r 4 i j, 252 12 /,a;aia 252 251 o /B'333 22 c.>� r'33•a CL 251 49.1 250 ` Topsoil ' 250 249 22 25 249 2 248 248 247 25 247 246 18 246 j' . 245 245 : . ... 244 18 sc 244 19 243 sc •= se 243 242 18 242 241 27 ' :- -: 241 j.. 240 240 239 • 29 239 238 EOB @ 20 238 Legend Key 237 / 16 237 Topsoil j:_ • 236 39 !! !/ EOB @ 20 236 CL 235 �,'%f 235 234 j.%% et 234 i°•r'SI S, CH s,a S 3 3 233 / I ! 233 SC 232 !/%%'� 232 231 :t• `:i: 47 f.r.r:t sc 231 229.00 230 E'ag�20 230 II co 0 .— co Notes: Plastic Limit Water Content Liquid Limit S7 WL(First Encountered) - Fill 1-EOB:END OF BORING AR:AUGER REFUSAL SR:SAMPLER REFUSAL. X GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE A-A' 2-THE NUMBER BELOW THE STRIPS IS THE DISTANCE ALONG THE BASELINE. [FINES CONTENT°!°] Y WL(Completion) - Possible Fill 3-SEE INDIVIDUAL BORING LOG AND GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION. TS Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability 4-STANDARD PENETRATION TEST RESISTANCE(LEFT OF BORING)IN BLOWS t BOTTOM OF CASING 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) Probable Fill Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. PER FOOT(ASTM D1586). CX LOSS OF CIRCULATION Q WL(Stabilized) El Rock 57 Melody Lane,Cameron,North Carolina,28326 Project No: 33:6813 I Date: 04/24/2024 281 D 281 U W 280 c? 280 U a Topsoil 279 a 279 Topsoil • 2 278 • se 278 3 277 277 • 1' r 276 sM 18 .j j 276 i 1!, / 1 ` ` CL 275 275 2 j/ 1 ijj j j i 1 274 1-''- = 274 9 273 273 6 272 272 271 4 271 1 270 270 11 269 269 268 !'f • 268 1}F - 267 1:F : • SC 267 .}:/. }y. 266 /-A-,• ----sc -i:; 11 266 1.1.4.-,•:: - .}:1 265 ' 265 Legend Key 14 Topsoil 264 264 SC 263 263 262 262 SM 261 261 CL 10 1 1 1 1 - 260 14 EoB @ 20 260 258.00 f ::, 259 EoB�@ za 259 1.0 o co In M co W N Notes: Plastic Limit Water Content Liquid Limit S7 WL(First Encountered) - Fill 1-EOB:END OF BORING AR:AUGER REFUSAL SR:SAMPLER REFUSAL. X GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE B-B' 2-THE NUMBER BELOW THE STRIPS IS THE DISTANCE ALONG THE BASELINE. [FINES CONTENT%] Y WL(Completion) - Possible Fill 3-SEE INDIVIDUAL BORING LOG AND GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION. TS Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability 4-STANDARD PENETRATION TEST RESISTANCE(LEFT OF BORING)IN BLOWS t BOTTOM OF CASING 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) Probable Fill Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. PER FOOT(ASTM D1586). CM LOSS OF CIRCULATION Q WL(Stabilized) - Rock 57 Melody Lane,Cameron,North Carolina,28326 Project No: 33:6813 I Date: 04/24/2024 APPENDIX B — Field Operations Reference Notes for Boring Logs Subsurface Exploration Procedure: Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) Boring Logs TS REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS MATERIAL12 I DRILLING SAMPLING SYMBOLS&ABBREVIATIONS SS Split Spoon Sampler PM Pressuremeter Test ASPHALT ST Shelby Tube Sampler RD Rock Bit Drilling WS Wash Sample RC Rock Core, NX,BX,AX CONCRETE BS Bulk Sample of Cuttings REC Rock Sample Recovery% (' o PA Power Auger(no sample) RQD Rock Quality Designation% ;o;Pe; GRAVEL HSA Hollow Stem Auger TOPSOIL PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION VOID DESIGNATION PARTICLE SIZES Boulders 12 inches(300 mm)or larger I BRICK Cobbles 3 inches to 12 inches(75 mm to 300 mm) 0 o Gravel: Coarse 3/4 inch to 3 inches(19 mm to 75 mm) p oo o` AGGREGATE BASE COURSE Fine 4.75 mm to 19 mm(No.4 sieve to inch) i Sand: Coarse It � 2.00 mm to 4.75 mm(No. 10 to No.4 sieve) GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL Medium 0.425 mm to 2.00 mm(No.40 to No. 10 sieve) w + gravel-sand mixtures,little or no fines Q�o '� ("Fines") <0.074 mm(smaller than a No.Fine 0.074 mm to 0.425 mm(No.200 to No.40 sieve) 0 GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL Silt&Clay200 sieve) I 0 c gravel-sand mixtures,little or no fines � a C � GM SILTY GRAVEL o 0 „„ gravel-sand-silt mixtures COHESIVE SILTS&CLAYS COARSE FINE P 1,A RELATIVE GRAINED GRAINED GC CLAYEY GRAVEL UNCONFINED ems (%)8 , AMOUNT gravel-sand-clay mixtures COMPRESSIVE SPT5 CONSISTENCY ■ o SW WELL-GRADED SAND STRENGTH• ,OP4 (BPF) (COHESIVE)• Trace <5 <5 o • x gravelly sand,little or no fines <0.25 <2 Very Soft SP POORLY-GRADED SAND 0.25-<0.50 2-4 Soft With 10-20 10-25 : : . gravelly sand,little or no fines 0.50-<1.00 5-8 Firm Adjective 25-45 30-45 1 .• SM SILTY SAND 1.00-<2.00 9-15 Stiff (ex:"Silty") • sand-silt mixtures 2.00-<4.00 16-30 Very Stiff SC CLAYEY SAND 4.00-8.00 31 -50 Hard :• : X sand-clay mixtures >8.00 >50 Very Hard WATER LEVELS6 ML SILT non-plastic to medium plasticity GRAVELS,SANDS&NON-COHESIVE SILTS V WL(First Encountered) MH ELASTIC SILT high plasticity SPT6 DENSITY V WL(Completion) rI/' i CL LEAN CLAY <5 Very Loose J low to medium plasticity 5-10 Loose _v_ WL(Seasonal High Water) 11 -30 Medium Dense // /// CH highFAT plastiCLAYcity 31 -50 Dense I V WL(Stabilized) ///5 OL ORGANIC SILT or CLAY >50 Very Dense non-plastic to low plasticity 5 $ $ OH ORGANIC SILT or CLAY high plasticity FILL AND ROCK a r PT PEAT - .. r, .L highly organic soils FILL POSSIBLE FILL PROBABLE FILL ROCK 'Classifications and symbols per ASTM D 2488-17(Visual-Manual Procedure)unless noted otherwise. 2To be consistent with general practice,"POORLY GRADED"has been removed from GP,GP-GM,GP-GC,SP,SP-SM,SP-SC soil types on the boring logs. 3Non-ASTM designations are included in soil descriptions and symbols along with ASTM symbol[Ex:(SM-FILL)]. 4Typically estimated via pocket penetrometer or Torvane shear test and expressed in tons per square foot(tsf). 6Standard Penetration Test(SPT)refers to the number of hammer blows(blow count)of a 140 lb.hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch OD split spoon sampler required to drive the sampler 12 inches(ASTM D 1586)."N-value"is another term for"blow count"and is expressed in blows per foot(bpf).SPT correlations per 7.4.2 Method B and need to be corrected if using an auto hammer. 6The water levels are those levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol.The measurements are relatively reliable when augering,without adding fluids,in granular soils.In clay and cohesive silts,the determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases,additional methods of measurement are generally employed. 'Minor deviation from ASTM D 2488-17 Note 14. $Percentages are estimated to the nearest 5%per ASTM D 2488-17. Reference Notes for Boring Logs(09-02-2021).doc ©2021 ECS Corporate Services,LLC.All Rights Reserved SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROCEDURE: STANDARD PENETRATION TESTING (SPT) ASTM D 1586 Split-Barrel Sampling Standard Penetration Testing, or SPT, is the most frequently used subsurface exploration test performed worldwide. This test provides samples for identification purposes, as well as a measure of penetration resistance, or N-value. The N-Value, or blow counts, when corrected and correlated, can approximate engineering properties of soils used for geotechnical design and engineering purposes. SPT Procedure: • Involves driving a hollow tube (split-spoon) into the ground by dropping a 140-lb hammer a height of 30-inches at desired depth • Recording the number of hammer blows required IL ,., to drive split-spoon a distance of 18-24 inches (in 3: • p:: .� ' mac- • - � or 4 Increments of 6 inches each) I -A • • Auger is advanced* and an additional SPT is per- formed • One SPT typically performed for every two to five feet. An approximate 1.5 inch diameter soil sam- 7 a ple is recovered. *Drilling Methods May Vary— The predominant drilling �' - methods used for SPT are open hole fluid rotary drilling and "1— hollow-stem auger drilling. CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. 33:6813 ECS-01 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: FiSi Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Bridger Drilling Inc. SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION MD 57 Melody Lane,Cameron,North Carolina,28326 LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: 1.35.247943 -79.028834 250.0 BOTTOM OF CASING A LIQUID LIMIT CC 2 ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT X PLASTIC LIMIT m it Z J LL * 10 20 30 40 50 I 2 } r = LU 'CD N 20 40 60 80 100 I— v1 > LU Z ? 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION&RECOVERY CALIBRATED PENETROMETER a Z Lu d o CC DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL w o > — RQD nF 2 3 4 5 O J w Q w m Z REC •WATER CONTENT% O Q N Q K LJL, V MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER [FINES CONTENT]% V) LO BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Topsoil Thickness[6.001 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,gray,moist to dry, 1-2-WOH _ S-1 SS 18 18 very loose to medium dense — (2) c� a9 �i,;- _ [49.7%] i...- — 7-7-11 _ S-2 SS 18 18 - (18) 8 5 245— _ 6-8-11 _ S-3 SS 18 18 n. — (19) 9 • 6-11-16 S-4 SS 18 18 - (27) • '7 10 240— S 5 SS 18 18 (CL)LEAN CLAY,trace sand,brown-gray, , — 10-19-20 �, / 15 - dry,hard 235— (39) 9 _ r' - S-6 SS 18 18 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,brown-gray,moist, — 13-23-24 ON dense (47) 47 20 END OF BORING AT 20 FT 230 25— 225— 30— 220— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Mar 29 2024 CAVE IN DEPTH: 11.20 Y WL(Completion) DRY BORING 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: Mar 29 2024 HAMMER TYPE: Auto EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY:2Z WL(Stabilized) ATV Rig VM2 DRILLING METHOD:2-1/4"Hollow stem auger GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. 33:6813 ECS-02 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: FiSi Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Bridger Drilling Inc. SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION MD 57 Melody Lane,Cameron,North Carolina,28326 LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: 1.35.248698 -79.028726 258.0 BOTTOM OF CASING A LIQUID LIMIT CC 2 ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT X PLASTIC LIMIT LU CO itZ Z J LL * 10 20 30 40 50 I 2 }I— 1,1 r >= LU 'CD N 20 40 60 80 100 LU Z ? 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION&RECOVERY CALIBRATED PENETROMETER a Z Lu d o L, DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL w o > — RQD nF 2 3 4 5 O J w Q w m Z REC •WATER CONTENT% O Q N Q K LJL, V MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER [FINES CONTENT]% V) V) BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Topsoil Thickness[7.001 - (CL)LEAN CLAY,orange-tan,moist,stiff _ 3-4-5 _ S-1 SS 18 18 — (9) k. r' S-2 SS 18 18 ..: —- -6-7 - (13)3)11 c. 5 /, 253— 3 /!. - S 3 SS 18 18 (CL)SANDY LEAN CLAY,trace silt,brown- /1 - 8-10-12 f/. (22) 47 gray,dry,very stiff — '2 _- S-4 SS 18 18 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,gray,dry,medium — 8-12-13- (25) e. 10 dense 248— 25 • - 5-8-10 _ S-5 SS 18 18 • - (18) c„ a 15 243— - 8-11-18 _ S-6 SS 18 18 - (29) 0 29 20 END OF BORING AT 20 FT 238 25— 233— 30— 228— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Mar 29 2024 CAVE IN DEPTH: 11.20 Y WL(Completion) DRY BORING 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: Mar 29 2024 HAMMER TYPE: Auto EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY:2Z WL(Stabilized) ATV Rig VM2 DRILLING METHOD:2-1/4"Hollow stem auger GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. 33:6813 ECS-03 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: FiSi Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Bridger Drilling Inc. SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION MD 57 Melody Lane,Cameron,North Carolina,28326 LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: 1.35.248204 -79.028652 256.0 BOTTOM OF CASING A LIQUID LIMIT CC 2 ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT X PLASTIC LIMIT m it Z-- _i LL * 10 20 30 40 50 I 2 } r = Lu 'CD N 20 40 60 80 100 I— U1 > Lu Z ? 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION&RECOVERY CALIBRATED PENETROMETER a Z Lu d o L, DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL w o > — RQD nF 2 3 4 5 O w Q w m Z REC •WATER CONTENT% O Q N Q K LJL, V MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER [FINES CONTENT]% V) LO BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Topsoil Thickness[7.001 ' C (CH)FAT CLAY WITH SAND,tan-orange '•°; — _ S-1 SS 18 18 to gray,moist,stiff +,' — 2 9 s '. F's s - 18 t.,'' 3-6-6 18 S-2 SS (12) o• 5 //, 251 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,tan-gray,dry to •t - 6-8-14 - S-3 SS 18 18 moist,medium dense — (22) %2 — — 6-11-14 S-4 SS 18 18 - (25) 0 • 25 10 246— - 6-8-10 _ S-5 SS 18 18 • - (18) e. 18 15 241— - 6-8-8 - S-6 55 18 18 (16) `- 16 20 END OF BORING AT 20 FT 236— 25— 231- 30— 226— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Mar 29 2024 CAVE IN DEPTH: Y WL(Completion) DRY BORING 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: Mar 29 2024 HAMMER TYPE: Auto EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY:2Z WL(Stabilized) ATV Rig VM2 DRILLING METHOD:2-1/4"Hollow stem auger GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. 33:6813 ECS-04 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: FE Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Bridger Drilling Inc. SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION MD 57 Melody Lane,Cameron,North Carolina,28326 LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: 1.35.249884 -79.027762 279.0 BOTTOM OF CASING A LIQUID LIMIT cc 2 ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT X PLASTIC LIMIT m it Z _i LL * 10 20 30 40 50 I 2 } r — w 'co N 20 40 60 80 100 I— v1 > LL, Z 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION&RECOVERY 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER a Z Lu d o CC DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL w o > — RQD TSF 2 3 4 5 Q J w Q w m Z REC •WATER CONTENT% O Q N Q LJL, V MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER [FINES CONTENT]% LO BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Topsoil Thickness[6.001 /`' - (SM)SILTY SAND,brown,moist,very — 2-2-1 _ S-1 SS 18 18 loose — (3) 'e 1-1-1 _ S-2 SS 18 18 - (2) 5 274— - S 3 SS 18 18 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,gray and orange, _ 1-2-4 moist,loose to medium dense — (6) * • — — 3-5-6 S-4 SS 18 18 - (11) • 1 10 269- - — 4-6-8 _ S-5 SS 18 18 • - (14) e: 14 15 264— — 4-6-8 _ S-6 55 18 18 - (14) A 14 20 END OF BORING AT 20 FT 259 25— 254— 30— 249— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Mar 29 2024 CAVE IN DEPTH: 15.00 Y WL(Completion) DRY BORING Mar 29 2024 HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY:2Z WL(Stabilized) ATV Rig VM2 DRILLING METHOD:2-1/4"Hollow stem auger GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. 33:6813 ECS-05 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: FE Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Bridger Drilling Inc. SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION MD 57 Melody Lane,Cameron,North Carolina,28326 LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: 1.35.250241 -79.027931 280.0 BOTTOM OF CASING A LIQUID LIMIT CC ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT X PLASTIC LIMIT L. it Z Z _, LL * 10 20 30 40 50 I 2 } r — L. 'co N 20 40 60 80 100 F- U1 > LU Z 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION&RECOVERY LJ CALIBRATED PENETROMETER a Z d o DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL w o > — RQD TSF 2 3 4 5 Q J w d < LU Q w O N m Z REC •WATER CONTENT% Q Q K LJL, V MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER [FINES CONTENT]% uo LO BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Topsoil Thickness[7.00'] - (SC)CLAYEY SAND,brown,moist,very 1-1-1 _ S-1 SS 18 18 loose — (2) . /:- . - (CL)SANDY LEAN CLAY,brown,moist, — 8-10-8 - S-2 SS 18 18 ` - (18) i;• 5 very stiff 275— 18 r - S 3 SS 18 18 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,gray,moist to dry, _ 3-3-6 2z,< 3$ e,. loose to medium dense _- (9) 9 19.4 [44.8%] — — 3-2-2 S-4 SS 18 18 - (4) es 10 • 270- - — 2-5-6 _ S-5 SS 18 18 • - Ill) $: 11 15 265- - — 3-5-5 _ S-6 55 18 18 - 110) ••.- 10 20 END OF BORING AT 20 FT 260— 25— 255— 30— 250— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) BORING STARTED: Mar 29 2024 CAVE IN DEPTH: 6.80 Y WL(Completion) DRY BORING Mar 29 2024 HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY:2Z WL(Stabilized) ATV Rig VM2 DRILLING METHOD:2-1/4"Hollow stem auger GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG APPENDIX C — Laboratory Testing Laboratory Test Results Summary Plasticity Chart Triaxial Compression Test Results Laboratory Testing Summary Page 1 of 1 Atterberg Limits3 Percent Sample Sample Start End Sample MC Soil Passing , Wet Dry Density CBR Organic Depth Depth Distance 2 Density 5 Content ype Source Number (%) T No. 200 (pcf) Value (feet) (feet) (feet) LL PL PI 4 (pcf) (%) Sieve ECS-01 S-1 1.0 2.5 1.5 18.9 , SC 42 19 23 49.7 1 ECS-03A D3S-31 2.0 4.0 2.0 22.6 CH 51 20 31 84.8 128.9 106.7 _ ECS-04A D3S-32 2.0 4.0 2.0 21.6 , SM 23 20 3 26.9 128.9 107.8 ECS-05 S-3 6.0 7.5 1.5 19.4 SC 38 22 16 44.8 Notes: 1.ASTM D 2216, 2.ASTM D 2487, 3.ASTM D 4318, 4.ASTM D 1140, 5.See test reports for test method, 6.See test reports for test method Definitions: MC:Moisture Content, Soil Type:USCS(Unified Soil Classification System), LL:Liquid Limit, PL:Plastic Limit, PI:Plasticity Index,CBR:California Bearing Ration, OC:Organic Content(ASTM D 2974) Project No.: 33:6813 _ ECS Southeast, LLC - Fayetteville Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability 6151 Raeford Road,Suite A PM: Victor McDuffee Fayetteville,NC 28304 PE: John Kent Phone: 910-401-3288 Printed On: April 22,2024 Fax: 910-323-0539 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT 60 Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 50 A o�0 T 40 T 30 Y N D � E 20 X `• O r 0, • ,/ 10 ,/ CL Mi. ML or OL MH or OH 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT TEST RESULTS(ASTM D4318-10(MULTIPOINT TEST)) Sample Sample Sample LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 AASHTO USCS Material Description Location Number Depth(ft) ECS-01 S-1 1.00-2.50 42 19 23 49.7 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,Light Grey • ECS-05 S-3 6.00-7.50 38 22 16 44.8 (SC)CLAYEY SAND,Yellowish Brown Project: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Project No.: 33:6813 Client: Forest Ridge Subdivision,Inc. Date Reported:4/10/2024 a Office/Lab Address Office Number/Fax SETS 6151 Raeford Road (910)401-3288 ECS Southeast LLC-Fayetteville Suite A Fayetteville, NC 28304 (910)323-0539 Tested by Checked by Approved by Date Received screech acreech acreech 4/4/2024 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. ASTM D4767-11 ECS Southeast, LIP Raleigh, NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone: (919)861-9910 -'1 .. Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax: (919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons -Wet Ponds- Slope Stability Date: 4/8/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-03A Sample No.: D3S-31 Depth: 2-4' Description: (CH) FAT CLAY WITH SAND, Yellowish Grey Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC 50 45 40 35 d 30 uJ w N 25 0 I w 20 0 15 10 L� • 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 STRAIN% 5 PSI ■ 10 PSI —A—20 PSI --4-- AU1(psi) --■-- AU2(psi) --A-- AU3(psi) 25 a = 1.06 a= 29 1' 20 1.27 psi rg= 33.8 15 _o '� 10 SIN G=TAN a a I C= — 5 COS 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. ASTM D4767-11 ECS Southeast, LLP Raleigh, NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone: (919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax: (919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons -Wet Ponds- Slope Stability Date: 4/8/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-03A Sample No.: D3S-31 Depth: 2 -4' Description: (CH) FAT CLAY WITH SAND, Yellowish Grey _ Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC 30 — 25 = Mohr Total C = 0.52 psi 20 - = 26.0 ° 0-15 r 10 . -4K 5 .4'" 0 0 10 20 30 40 0(psi) 50 60 70 80 90 100 +5 PSI --10 PSI f20 PSI Mohr Total 30 - 25 Mohr Effec. C' = 1.27 psi 20 0' = 33.8° • 8-15 N 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 0(psi) 50 60 70 80 90 100 —6—5 PSI f 10 PSI —A—20 PSI —Mohr Effective 5 PSI 10 PSI 20 PSI • - is. ,.,/ ECS Southeast, LLP 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. ASTM D4767-11 Raleigh, NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone: (919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax: (919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons -Wet Ponds - Slope Stability Date: 4/8/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-03A Sample No.: D3S-31 Depth: 2 -4' Description: (CH) FAT CLAY WITH SAND, Yellowish Grey Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC LL: 51 PI: 31 % -#200: 84.8 USCS: CH Sample Information: Specimen A Specimen B Specimen C Sample Condition: Undisturbed Undisturbed Undisturbed Average Height (in): 6.020 6.127 5.986 Average Diameter (in): 2.832 2.831 2.828 Initial Wet Weight Soil + Ring(g): 1275.58 1304.35 1275.03 Weight of Ring (g): 0.00 Final 0.00 Final 0.00 Final Wet Weight of Soil (g): 1275.58 1265.33 1304.35 1285.77 1275.03 1249.76 Specific Gravity: 2.70 Assumed 2.70 Assumed 2.70 Assumed Moisture Content: Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Wet Weight Soil +Tare (g): 349.00 1672.12 322.50 1739.01 298.40 1681.44 Dry Weight Soil +Tare (g): 303.20 1447.05 281.00 1507.77 260.80 1460.68 Tare Weight (g): 80.80 396.94 80.81 399.38 80.77 391.88 Moisture Content (%): 20.6 21.4 20.7 20.9 20.9 20.7 Area (in2): 6.299 6.299 6.295 6.295 6.281 6.281 Volume (ft3): 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.021 Wet Density(pcf): 128.1 128.9 128.8 128.9 129.2 129.2 Dry Density(pcf): 106.3 106.2 106.7 106.7 106.9 107.1 Weight of Solids (g): 1042.0 1063.8 1035.8 Volume of Solids (cc): 385.9 394.0 383.6 Volume of Voids (cc): 235.5 226.7 238.0 228.6 232.5 220.1 Saturation (%): 91.1 98.5 92.7 97.1 93.0 97.2 Void Ratio: 0.61 0.59 0.60 0.58 0.61 0.57 Consolidation Data: Pore Pressure Response (%): 97 97 97 Vertical Dial Readings Initial Dial Reading (mil): 205 264 225 After Saturation (mil): 262 313 259 After Consolidation (mil): 290 355 346 Burrette Readings Initial (mil): 10.00 10.00 20.00 Final (mil): 3.78 0.57 2.32 Testing Parameters: Cell Pressure (psi) 55 60 70 Back Pressure (psi) 50 50 50 Eff. Confining Pressure (psi) 5 10 20 Height After Consolidation (in) 5.935 6.036 5.865 ECS Southeast, LLP C Gregh, Dairy d. 16 ASTM D4767-11 5260 Raleigh,NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone:(919)861-9910 n Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax:(919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Date: 4/8/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-03A Sample No.: D3S-31 Depth: 2-4' Description: (CH)FAT CLAY WITH SAND,Yellowish Grey Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC Shear Data: Specimen A _ Displacement(in.) Load(lb.) Pore Pressure(psi) %Strain Aa(psi) AU (psi) a7 a3 ai/a3 A P Q 0 0 50.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 17.6 50.0 0.00 2.8 0.00 7.83 5.04 1.55 0.00 6.44 1.40 0.000 17.6 50.0 0.00 2.8 0.00 7.83 5.04 1.55 0.00 6.44 1.40 0.005 42.5 51.1 0.09 6.7 1.12 10.66 3.92 2.72 0.17 7.29 3.37 0.017 48.4 52.0 0.29 7.7 2.00 10.70 3.04 3.52 0.27 6.87 3.83 0.023 50.1 52.2 0.38 7.9 2.24 10.72 2.80 3.83 0.29 6.76 3.96 0.028 51.2 52.4 0.48 8.1 2.48 10.64 2.56 4.16 0.32 6.60 4.04 0.034 52.0 52.6 0.58 8.2 2.64 10.60 2.40 4.43 0.33 6.50 4.10 0.046 53.1 52.8 0.78 8.4 2.88 10.52 2.16 4.88 0.36 6.34 4.18 0.070 55.1 53.0 1.18 8.6 3.04 10.64 2.00 5.34 0.36 6.32 4.32 0.094 56.7 53.1 1.59 8.9 3.13 10.77 1.92 5.63 0.36 6.34 4.43 0.124 59.2 53.1 2.10 9.2 3.17 11.07 1.88 5.90 0.35 6.47 4.60 0.148 61.6 53.0 2.49 9.5 3.08 11.49 1.96 5.88 0.33 6.72 4.77 0.195 66.9 53.0 3.29 10.3 3.00 12.30 2.04 6.05 0.30 7.17 5.13 0.249 71.8 52.9 4.20 10.9 2.92 13.04 2.12 6.16 0.28 7.58 5.46 0.297 77.3 52.6 5.00 11.7 2.68 14.02 2.36 5.95 0.24 8.19 5.83 0.345 82.3 52.4 5.81 12.3 2.44 14.91 2.60 5.74 0.20 8.75 6.16 0.398 88.7 52.1 6.71 13.1 2.16 16.01 2.88 5.56 0.17 9.44 6.56 0.445 93.3 51.8 7.50 13.7 1.88 16.85 3.16 5.34 0.14 10.00 6.85 0.499 98.8 51.6 8.41 14.4 1.60 17.80 3.44 5.18 0.12 10.62 7.18 0.546 103.6 51.3 9.21 14.9 1.36 18.61 3.68 5.06 0.09 11.14 7.47 0.594 107.8 51.1 10.01 15.4 1.12 19.32 3.92 4.93 0.08 11.62 7.70 0.648 112.9 50.8 10.92 16.0 0.84 20.16 4.20 4.80 0.05 12.18 7.98 0.695 117.6 50.6 11.71 16.5 0.60 20.92 4.44 4.71 0.04 12.68 8.24 0.749 121.6 50.3 12.63 16.9 0.36 21.55 4.68 4.60 0.02 13.11 8.43 0.796 126.4 50.1 13.42 17.4 0.12 22.29 4.92 4.53 0.01 13.60 8.68 0.844 130.1 49.9 14.23 17.7 -0.08 22.83 5.12 4.46 0.00 13.98 8.86 0.898 135.4 49.6 15.13 18.2 -0.36 23.65 5.40 4.38 -0.02 14.52 9.12 0.999 143.6 49.2 16.84 19.0 -0.80 24.80 5.84 4.25 -0.04 15.32 9.48 ECS Southeast, LLP C Gregh, Dairy d. 16 ASTM D4767-11 5260 Raleigh,NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone:(919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax:(919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Date: 4/8/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-03A Sample No.: D3S-31 Depth: 2-4' Description: (CH)FAT CLAY WITH SAND,Yellowish Grey Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC Shear Data: Specimen B Displacement(in.) Load(lb.) Pore Pressure(psi) %Strain Aa(psi) AU (psi) ai a3 ai/a3 A P Q 0 0 50.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 15.3 50.0 0.00 2.4 0.00 12.43 10.00 1.24 0.00 11.22 1.21 0.005 58.1 52.4 0.08 9.2 2.36 16.86 7.64 2.21 0.26 12.25 4.61 0.005 58.1 52.4 0.08 9.2 2.36 16.86 7.64 2.21 0.26 12.25 4.61 0.018 79.2 53.9 0.30 12.5 3.90 18.65 6.11 3.05 0.32 12.38 6.27 0.024 84.1 54.2 0.40 13.3 4.19 19.12 5.81 3.29 0.32 12.47 6.66 0.024 84.1 54.2 0.40 13.3 4.19 19.12 5.81 3.29 0.32 12.47 6.66 0.030 88.1 54.5 0.50 13.9 4.47 19.46 5.53 3.52 0.33 12.49 6.96 0.048 99.0 54.8 0.80 15.6 4.85 20.75 5.15 4.03 0.32 12.95 7.80 0.073 112.9 55.0 1.20 17.7 4.99 22.73 5.01 4.54 0.29 13.87 8.86 0.097 125.0 54.8 1.60 19.5 4.79 24.75 5.22 4.75 0.25 14.98 9.77 0.121 135.2 54.4 2.00 21.0 4.44 26.61 5.56 4.79 0.22 16.08 10.52 0.145 142.9 53.9 2.40 22.2 3.95 28.21 6.05 4.66 0.18 17.13 11.08 0.194 158.0 53.0 3.22 24.3 2.97 31.33 7.04 4.45 0.13 19.18 12.15 0.250 170.7 51.9 4.14 26.0 1.89 34.12 8.12 4.20 0.07 21.12 13.00 0.299 179.2 51.0 4.95 27.1 1.02 36.05 8.98 4.01 0.04 22.52 13.53 0.347 185.6 50.2 5.75 27.8 0.21 37.58 9.79 3.84 0.01 23.69 13.89 0.396 194.3 49.5 6.57 28.8 -0.51 39.35 10.51 3.74 -0.02 24.93 14.42 0.445 202.1 48.8 7.37 29.7 -1.23 40.97 11.23 3.65 -0.04 26.10 14.87 0.499 210.5 48.0 8.27 30.7 -1.99 42.66 11.99 3.56 -0.07 27.32 15.33 0.548 215.9 47.4 9.08 31.2 -2.63 43.82 12.63 3.47 -0.09 28.23 15.60 0.597 222.3 46.7 9.88 31.8 -3.27 45.10 13.27 3.40 -0.11 29.19 15.92 0.645 228.8 46.1 10.69 32.5 -3.86 46.32 13.86 3.34 -0.12 30.09 16.23 0.700 236.0 45.5 11.59 33.1 -4.54 47.69 14.55 3.28 -0.14 31.12 16.57 0.748 241.4 44.9 12.40 33.6 -5.10 48.70 15.11 3.22 -0.16 31.90 16.79 0.796 243.7 44.5 13.19 33.6 -5.47 49.09 15.47 3.17 -0.17 32.28 16.81 0.844 243.4 44.1 13.99 33.3 -5.87 49.13 15.87 3.10 -0.18 32.50 16.63 0.898 243.3 43.6 14.87 32.9 -6.37 49.28 16.37 3.01 -0.20 32.83 16.45 0.999 241.5 43.0 16.55 32.0 -6.97 48.99 16.97 2.89 -0.22 32.98 16.01 ECS Southeast, LLP C C ASTM D4767-11 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. Raleigh,NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone:(919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax:(919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Date: 4/8/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-03A Sample No.: D3S-31 Depth: 2-4' Description: (CH)FAT CLAY WITH SAND,Yellowish Grey Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC Shear Data: Specimen C Displacement(in.) Load(lb.) Pore Pressure(psi) %Strain Aa(psi) DU(psi) ai a3 ai/a3 A P Q 0 0 50.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 33.6 50.0 0.00 5.3 0.00 25.36 20.01 1.27 0.00 22.69 2.67 0.000 33.6 50.0 0.00 5.3 0.00 25.36 20.01 1.27 0.00 22.69 2.67 0.006 84.8 52.7 0.10 13.5 2.70 30.81 17.32 1.78 0.21 24.06 6.75 0.012 99.0 54.2 0.21 15.7 4.20 31.55 15.81 2.00 0.28 23.68 7.87 0.018 110.7 55.2 0.31 17.6 5.18 32.41 14.83 2.18 0.30 23.62 8.79 0.025 121.7 55.9 0.42 19.3 5.89 33.42 14.12 2.37 0.31 23.77 9.65 0.030 130.8 56.4 0.52 20.7 6.45 34.28 13.56 2.53 0.32 23.92 10.36 0.049 156.2 57.7 0.83 24.7 7.72 36.96 12.30 3.01 0.32 24.63 12.33 0.073 185.2 58.6 1.25 29.1 8.57 40.56 11.44 3.55 0.30 26.00 14.56 0.098 209.3 58.8 1.67 32.8 8.77 44.00 11.24 3.91 0.28 27.62 16.38 0.122 228.8 58.7 2.09 35.7 8.70 46.98 11.31 4.15 0.25 29.15 17.83 0.147 243.9 58.4 2.50 37.9 8.42 49.46 11.59 4.27 0.23 30.53 18.93 0.159 250.3 58.1 2.71 38.8 8.15 50.62 11.86 4.27 0.22 31.24 19.38 0.250 285.0 56.1 4.26 43.4 6.16 57.30 13.85 4.14 0.15 35.58 21.72 0.299 297.4 55.2 5.10 44.9 5.17 59.76 14.84 4.03 0.12 37.30 22.46 0.348 305.2 54.2 5.94 45.7 4.25 61.46 15.76 3.90 0.10 38.61 22.85 0.397 312.0 53.3 6.76 46.3 3.32 63.01 16.69 3.77 0.07 39.85 23.16 0.445 318.9 52.5 7.58 46.9 2.52 64.41 17.49 3.68 0.06 40.95 23.46 0.494 323.8 51.7 8.42 47.2 1.72 65.50 18.30 3.58 0.04 41.90 23.60 0.549 325.6 50.9 9.36 47.0 0.90 66.10 19.11 3.46 0.02 42.60 23.49 0.596 325.6 50.2 10.16 46.6 0.21 66.37 19.80 3.35 0.00 43.09 23.28 0.644 333.5 49.5 10.99 47.3 -0.44 67.71 20.45 3.31 -0.01 44.08 23.63 0.695 333.9 49.0 11.84 46.9 -1.03 67.91 21.04 3.23 -0.02 44.47 23.43 0.749 333.9 48.3 12.77 46.4 -1.65 68.04 21.67 3.14 -0.04 44.85 23.18 0.796 334.2 47.7 13.57 46.0 -2.24 68.24 22.25 3.07 -0.05 45.24 22.99 0.875 334.0 46.9 14.92 45.2 -3.10 68.35 23.11 2.96 -0.07 45.73 22.62 0.894 332.8 46.7 15.25 44.9 -3.25 68.17 23.26 2.93 -0.07 45.72 22.45 0.995 319.5 45.9 16.96 42.2 -4.10 66.34 24.11 2.75 -0.10 45.23 21.12 ECS Southeast, LLP 1MMI 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. ASTM D4767-11 Raleigh, NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone: (919)861-9910 -'1 .. Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax: (919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons -Wet Ponds- Slope Stability Date: 4/12/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-04A Sample No.: D3S-32 Depth: 2-4' Description: (SM)SILTY SAND, Brownish Yellow Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC 80 70 60 F, 50 a uJ w I- N 40 0 I- > 0 30 20 10 ■-■ - --a--f- --■---■--f--■---■- f--■-- ■ ■- f ■ 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 STRAIN% 5 PSI ■ 10 PSI —A—20 PSI --•-- AU1(psi) --■-- AU2(psi) --A-- AU3(psi) 40 I 35 a = 0.00 a= 27.8° I 0.00 psi C1T= 31.8 30 25 °20 15 SINcD=TANa a 10 C= — COS 5 r" 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. ASTM D4767-11 ECS Southeast, LLP Raleigh, NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone: (919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax: (919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons -Wet Ponds- Slope Stability Date: 4/12/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-04A Sample No.: D3S-32 Depth: 2 -4' Description: (SM) SILTY SAND, Brownish Yellow Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC 30 25 = Mohr Total _-,.„,,10001c.i7ca C = 0.61 psi 20 = (I) = 26.6 ° - a 15 r - 10 - 5 0 10 20 30 40 0(psi) 50 60 70 80 90 100 +5 PSI --10 PSI f20 PSI Mohr Total 30 ietirco - 25 Mohr Effec. C' = 0.00 psi 20 0' = 31.8° .‘"---A---AA\a\AI\ ais 10 - — 5 0 1 t I 0 10 20 30 40 0(psi) 50 60 70 80 90 100 —6—5 PSI f 10 PSI ---20 PSI —Mohr Effective 5 PSI 10 PSI 20 PSI . : -:J � ECS Southeast, LLP 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. ASTM D4767-11 Raleigh, NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone: (919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax: (919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons -Wet Ponds - Slope Stability Date: 4/12/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-04A Sample No.: D3S-32 Depth: 2 -4' Description: (SM) SILTY SAND, Brownish Yellow _ Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC LL: 23 PI: 3 % -#200: 26.9 USCS: SM Sample Information: Specimen A Specimen B Specimen C Sample Condition: Undisturbed Undisturbed Undisturbed Average Height (in): 6.007 5.840 5.972 Average Diameter (in): 2.792 2.818 2.783 Initial Wet Weight Soil + Ring(g): 1179.80 1256.53 1244.53 Weight of Ring (g): 0.00 Final 0.00 Final 0.00 Final Wet Weight of Soil (g): 1179.80 1213.65 1256.53 1258.55 1244.53 1238.55 Specific Gravity: 2.70 Assumed 2.70 Assumed 2.70 Assumed Moisture Content: Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Wet Weight Soil +Tare (g): 408.52 425.00 375.66 416.84 381.41 441.76 Dry Weight Soil +Tare (g): 355.00 366.01 330.60 364.49 333.20 383.13 Tare Weight (g): 80.22 112.07 80.26 80.99 80.11 79.58 Moisture Content (%): 19.5 23.2 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.3 Area (in2): 6.122 6.122 6.237 6.237 6.083 6.083 Volume (ft3): 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 Wet Density(pcf): 122.2 126.2 131.4 132.2 130.5 130.6 Dry Density(pcf): 102.3 102.4 111.4 111.6 109.6 109.5 Weight of Solids (g): 984.9 1062.4 1038.1 Volume of Solids (cc): 364.8 393.5 384.5 Volume of Voids (cc): 237.9 235.7 203.4 200.9 210.8 207.4 Saturation (%): 80.6 97.1 94.0 97.7 93.8 96.6 Void Ratio: 0.65 0.65 0.52 0.51 0.55 0.54 Consolidation Data: Pore Pressure Response (%): 97 97 97 Vertical Dial Readings Initial Dial Reading (mil): 166 273 355 After Saturation (mil): 177 284 366 After Consolidation (mil): 188 298 389 Burrette Readings Initial (mil): 10.00 10.00 10.00 Final (mil): 3.12 2.64 1.99 Testing Parameters: Cell Pressure (psi) 55 60 70 Back Pressure (psi) 50 50 50 Eff. Confining Pressure (psi) 5 10 20 Height After Consolidation (in) 5.985 5.815 5.938 ECS Southeast, LLP C Gregh, Dairy d. 16 ASTM D4767-11 5260 Raleigh,NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone:(919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax:(919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Date: 4/12/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-04A Sample No.: D3S-32 Depth: 2-4' Description: (SM)SILTY SAND,Brownish Yellow Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC Shear Data: Specimen A _ Displacement(in.) Load(lb.) Pore Pressure(psi) %Strain Aa(psi) AU (psi) a7 a3 ai/a3 A P Q 0 0 50.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 20.6 50.0 0.00 3.4 0.00 8.40 5.04 1.67 0.00 6.72 1.68 0.000 20.6 50.0 0.00 3.4 0.00 8.40 5.04 1.67 0.00 6.72 1.68 0.005 49.7 50.2 0.08 8.1 0.21 12.94 4.83 2.68 0.03 8.88 4.06 0.017 56.6 51.5 0.28 9.2 1.52 12.74 3.52 3.62 0.17 8.13 4.61 0.023 58.6 51.9 0.38 9.5 1.96 12.62 3.08 4.10 0.21 7.85 4.77 0.028 59.9 52.2 0.48 9.7 2.28 12.50 2.76 4.52 0.24 7.63 4.87 0.034 60.9 52.4 0.58 9.9 2.48 12.45 2.56 4.85 0.26 7.51 4.94 0.046 62.1 52.6 0.77 10.1 2.67 12.43 2.37 5.25 0.27 7.40 5.03 0.070 64.5 52.4 1.17 10.4 2.48 12.98 2.56 5.06 0.25 7.77 5.21 0.094 66.3 51.8 1.57 10.7 1.80 13.90 3.24 4.29 0.17 8.57 5.33 0.124 69.2 50.7 2.08 11.1 0.69 15.42 4.35 3.54 0.06 9.88 5.53 0.148 72.1 49.7 2.47 11.5 -0.22 16.75 5.26 3.18 -0.02 11.00 5.74 0.195 78.2 48.0 3.26 12.4 -2.01 19.41 7.05 2.75 -0.17 13.23 6.18 0.249 84.0 46.2 4.17 13.2 -3.79 21.98 8.83 2.49 -0.30 15.41 6.58 0.297 90.5 44.8 4.96 14.0 -5.14 24.22 10.18 2.38 -0.38 17.20 7.02 0.345 96.3 43.8 5.76 14.8 -6.13 26.00 11.17 2.33 -0.43 18.59 7.41 0.398 103.7 42.9 6.65 15.8 -7.08 27.94 12.12 2.30 -0.46 20.03 7.91 0.445 109.1 41.8 7.44 16.5 -8.19 29.73 13.23 2.25 -0.51 21.48 8.25 0.499 115.5 41.2 8.34 17.3 -8.75 31.09 13.79 2.25 -0.52 22.44 8.65 0.546 121.2 40.9 9.13 18.0 -9.03 32.06 14.07 2.28 -0.52 23.06 9.00 0.594 126.1 40.8 9.93 18.6 -9.19 32.78 14.23 2.30 -0.51 23.50 9.28 0.648 130.0 40.9 10.83 18.9 -9.07 33.04 14.11 2.34 -0.49 23.58 9.47 0.695 126.6 41.1 11.62 18.3 -8.91 32.22 13.95 2.31 -0.50 23.09 9.14 0.749 126.3 41.3 12.52 18.0 -8.67 31.76 13.71 2.32 -0.50 22.74 9.02 0.796 124.5 41.4 13.30 17.6 -8.51 31.18 13.55 2.30 -0.50 22.37 8.82 0.844 123.7 41.6 14.11 17.4 -8.31 30.71 13.35 2.30 -0.49 22.03 8.68 0.898 123.2 41.9 15.00 17.1 -8.04 30.18 13.08 2.31 -0.48 21.63 8.55 0.999 120.7 42.1 16.69 16.4 -7.88 29.34 12.92 2.27 -0.49 21.13 8.21 ECS Southeast, LLP C Gregh, Dairy d. 16 ASTM D4767-11 5260 Raleigh,NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone:(919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax:(919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Date: 4/12/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-04A Sample No.: D3S-32 Depth: 2-4' Description: (SM)SILTY SAND,Brownish Yellow Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC Shear Data: Specimen B Displacement(in.) Load(lb.) Pore Pressure(psi) %Strain Aa(psi) AU (psi) ai a3 ai/a3 A P Q 0 0 50.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 36.9 50.0 0.00 5.9 0.00 15.89 9.98 1.59 0.00 12.93 2.95 0.005 76.1 50.6 0.09 12.2 0.62 21.55 9.36 2.30 0.05 15.46 6.10 0.005 76.1 50.6 0.09 12.2 0.62 21.55 9.36 2.30 0.05 15.46 6.10 0.017 84.2 51.4 0.29 13.5 1.35 22.09 8.63 2.56 0.10 15.36 6.73 0.023 86.9 51.7 0.40 13.9 1.65 22.19 8.32 2.67 0.12 15.26 6.94 0.029 89.1 51.9 0.50 14.2 1.91 22.28 8.06 2.76 0.14 15.17 7.11 0.035 90.7 52.2 0.60 14.5 2.14 22.29 7.83 2.84 0.15 15.06 7.23 0.048 93.5 52.6 0.82 14.9 2.55 22.29 7.43 3.00 0.18 14.86 7.43 0.072 98.8 53.2 1.25 15.7 3.13 22.50 6.85 3.29 0.21 14.67 7.83 0.097 102.7 53.5 1.67 16.2 3.50 22.67 6.47 3.50 0.22 14.57 8.10 0.121 105.9 53.9 2.08 16.6 3.87 22.74 6.11 3.72 0.24 14.42 8.31 0.145 109.5 54.0 2.50 17.1 4.02 23.08 5.96 3.88 0.24 14.52 8.56 0.200 117.4 54.2 3.44 18.2 4.14 24.00 5.83 4.11 0.24 14.92 9.08 0.250 123.4 54.1 4.29 18.9 4.12 24.79 5.85 4.24 0.22 15.32 9.47 0.299 127.9 54.1 5.14 19.5 4.04 25.40 5.94 4.28 0.21 15.67 9.73 0.346 132.9 54.1 5.95 20.0 4.03 25.99 5.95 4.37 0.21 15.97 10.02 0.395 138.4 53.9 6.79 20.7 3.87 26.80 6.11 4.39 0.19 16.45 10.35 0.445 144.3 53.7 7.65 21.4 3.69 27.66 6.29 4.40 0.18 16.97 10.68 0.499 150.9 53.5 8.58 22.1 3.49 28.60 6.49 4.41 0.16 17.55 11.06 0.546 158.9 53.5 9.39 23.1 3.43 29.63 6.55 4.53 0.15 18.09 11.54 0.594 164.9 53.3 10.22 23.7 3.24 30.48 6.73 4.53 0.14 18.60 11.87 0.649 173.7 53.1 11.17 24.7 3.03 31.69 6.95 4.56 0.13 19.32 12.37 0.698 171.6 52.9 12.00 24.2 2.85 31.34 7.13 4.40 0.12 19.24 12.11 0.745 180.0 52.8 12.81 25.2 2.79 32.35 7.18 4.50 0.11 19.77 12.58 0.799 181.8 52.6 13.73 25.1 2.59 32.53 7.38 4.41 0.11 19.96 12.57 0.849 182.5 52.5 14.60 25.0 2.43 32.53 7.55 4.31 0.10 20.04 12.49 0.897 175.2 52.3 15.42 23.8 2.27 31.46 7.70 4.08 0.10 19.58 11.88 1.000 172.8 52.1 17.19 22.9 2.08 30.85 7.90 3.90 0.09 19.37 11.47 ECS Southeast, LLP C C ASTM D4767-11 5260 Greens Dairy Rd. Raleigh,NC 27616 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Phone:(919)861-9910 Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils Fax:(919)861-9911 www.ecslimited.com Project Name: Forest Bridge Commons-Wet Ponds-Slope Stability Date: 4/12/2024 Project Number: 33:6813 Date Sample Received: 4/2/2024 Boring No.: ECS-04A Sample No.: D3S-32 Depth: 2-4' Description: (SM)SILTY SAND,Brownish Yellow Tested By: AC Calculated By: AC Reviewed By: AC Shear Data: Specimen C Displacement(in.) Load(lb.) Pore Pressure(psi) %Strain Aa(psi) DU(psi) ai a3 ai/a3 A P Q 0 0 50.0 0.00 0.00 0.000 22.2 50.0 0.00 3.6 0.00 23.68 20.04 1.18 0.00 21.86 1.82 0.000 22.2 50.0 0.00 3.6 0.00 23.68 20.04 1.18 0.00 21.86 1.82 0.006 73.0 50.7 0.09 12.0 0.72 31.31 19.32 1.62 0.06 25.32 6.00 0.011 104.9 51.4 0.18 17.2 1.48 35.77 18.56 1.93 0.09 27.17 8.61 0.016 128.0 52.0 0.27 21.0 2.04 38.99 18.00 2.17 0.10 28.49 10.50 0.027 162.9 52.8 0.45 26.7 2.80 43.90 17.24 2.55 0.11 30.57 13.33 0.032 176.9 53.0 0.54 28.9 3.00 45.96 17.04 2.70 0.11 31.50 14.46 0.050 210.7 53.1 0.84 34.4 3.17 51.23 16.88 3.04 0.09 34.05 17.18 0.073 244.9 52.8 1.23 39.8 2.84 56.96 17.20 3.31 0.07 37.08 19.88 0.096 272.3 52.0 1.62 44.0 2.08 62.00 17.96 3.45 0.05 39.98 22.02 0.124 301.3 51.0 2.10 48.5 1.00 67.53 19.04 3.55 0.02 43.29 24.25 0.147 321.7 50.0 2.48 51.6 0.04 71.57 20.00 3.58 0.00 45.78 25.78 0.159 331.2 49.6 2.68 53.0 -0.40 73.43 20.44 3.59 -0.01 46.94 26.50 0.245 384.8 46.4 4.13 60.7 -3.53 84.22 23.57 3.57 -0.06 53.89 30.33 0.297 409.9 45.0 5.00 64.0 -4.97 89.02 25.01 3.56 -0.08 57.01 32.01 0.350 428.0 44.0 5.89 66.2 -6.01 92.27 26.05 3.54 -0.09 59.16 33.11 0.396 441.8 43.1 6.67 67.8 -6.89 94.71 26.93 3.52 -0.10 60.82 33.89 0.448 444.5 41.9 7.55 67.6 -8.05 95.65 28.09 3.40 -0.12 61.87 33.78 0.495 448.4 41.5 8.34 67.6 -8.49 96.10 28.53 3.37 -0.13 62.32 33.78 0.549 445.7 41.2 9.25 66.5 -8.73 95.27 28.77 3.31 -0.14 62.02 33.25 0.597 436.0 41.2 10.06 64.5 -8.73 93.24 28.77 3.24 -0.14 61.01 32.23 0.646 433.3 41.4 10.87 63.5 -8.57 92.11 28.61 3.22 -0.14 60.36 31.75 0.694 428.8 41.5 11.69 62.3 -8.41 90.70 28.45 3.19 -0.14 59.58 31.13 0.748 425.6 41.7 12.59 61.2 -8.21 89.41 28.25 3.16 -0.14 58.83 30.58 0.795 428.7 41.9 13.39 61.0 -8.01 89.09 28.05 3.18 -0.14 58.57 30.52 0.878 428.2 42.3 14.79 60.0 -7.61 87.64 27.65 3.17 -0.13 57.65 29.99 0.896 429.9 42.4 15.09 60.0 -7.53 87.58 27.57 3.18 -0.13 57.57 30.00 0.997 432.2 42.5 16.79 59.1 -7.45 86.61 27.49 3.15 -0.13 57.05 29.56 APPENDIX D — Supplemental Report Documents and Calculations The evaluation letter titled, "Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation for Potential Stormwater Retention Areas", dated May 31, 2023 Slope Stability Analysis Results for Wet Ponds#1 and #2 Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com May 31, 2023 Mr. Ken Smith, Jr. Smith Site Consultants, PLLC 121 Bulittle Drive Linden,NC 28356 Re: Seasonal High-Water table (SHWT) evaluation for potential stormwater retention areas, Forest Ridge Commercial (Southern parcel), NC Hwy. 87, Harnett County,North Carolina Dear Mr. Smith, An evaluation of soil properties on a portion of the aforementioned property has been conducted at your request. The purpose of the investigation was to determine soil water table depths for use in stormwater retention design. Soils at the proposed basin sites are most similar to the Gilead soil series (see attached boring logs). 4 soil borings were advanced to a depth of at least 5.0 feet below the soil surface. Seasonal High-Water table (SHWT) as determined by evidence of colors of chroma 2 or less was encountered at depths ranging from 0 to 44 inches below the ground surface. The attached map shows the approximate location of the sample points (as requested by the design engineer). I trust this is the information you require at this time. Sincerely, :d. tf. Mike Eaker Q1` a %,.‘.s,'.i.,.,t;;/1,S:: :,e,,',,i.f.'.:-/-.. fib' "....:), President lrr� ','' ., .i.:i--t.-..41/4-i 4t-is S(1iiL.i iiai,.A;,„Dv_.10.. .0-.. Nk ,,f i r `r \<4'ivorr- 140' _________.i SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS•LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING •SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS. EVALUATION& DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910) 822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com SHWT and Observed Water Depths, Forest Ridge Commercial, NC Hwy. 87, Harnett County, NC BORING SHWT DEPT SHWT DEPT GROUND ELEVATION OBSERVED WATER Inches (msl-feet) (msl-feet) (msl-feet) 1 44 273.63 277.30 275.22 2 44 273.31 276.98 270.73 3 15 255.33 256.58 None 4 0 255.16 255.16 None SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS•LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING•SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS. EVALUATION& DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com Soil Boring Log (Bore 1), Forest Ridge Commercial, NC Hwy. 87, Harnett County, NC This map unit consists of moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained soils on uplands. These soils formed in clayey sediment. Slope ranged from 0 to 3 percent. A - 0 to 15 inches; black (10YR 2/1) loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots; clear wavy boundary. Btl - 15 to 32 inches; brownish yellow(10YR 6/8) sandy loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable; many fine and medium roots; clear wavy boundary. Bt2 - 32 to 40 inches; light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) sandy clay loam; many medium prominent yellowish red (5YR 5/8)mottles; weak medium subangular blocky structure; firm; gradual wavy boundary. BC - 40 to 44 inches; strong brown(7.5YR 5/6) sandy clay loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; firm; slightly brittle; gradual wavy boundary. Cl -44 to 50 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) sandy clay loam; many medium prominent light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2)mottles; firm; massive structure; gradual wavy boundary. C2 - 50 to 60 inches; light yellowish brown(2.5Y 6/4) sandy clay loam; many medium prominent gray (10YR 6/1) mottles; firm; massive structure. SHWT @ 44 inches (2.5Y 6/2) SOIL/SITE EVALUATION •SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS •LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING •SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION& DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com Soil Boring Log (Bore 2), Forest Ridge Commercial, NC Hwy. 87, Harnett County, NC This map unit consists of moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained soils on uplands. These soils formed in clayey sediment. Slope ranged from 0 to 3 percent. 0 to 24 inches; sand and clay fill material A—24 to 32 inches; black(10YR 2/1) loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots; clear wavy boundary. Bt- 32 to 44 inches; brownish yellow(10YR 6/8) sandy loam to sandy clay loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable to firm; many fine and medium roots; clear wavy boundary. BC - 44 to 48 inches; strong brown(7.5YR 5/8) sandy clay loam; many medium prominent gray (10YR 6/1)mottles; weak fine subangular blocky structure; firm; slightly brittle; gradual wavy boundary. Cl -48 to 71 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8) sandy clay; many medium prominent brownish yellow(10YR 6/8) and gray (10YR 6/1) mottles; massive structure; firm. SHWT @ 44 inches (10YR 6/1) SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS•LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING • SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS. EVALUATION& DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com Soil Boring Log (Bore 3), Forest Ridge Commercial, NC Hwy. 87, Harnett County, NC This map unit consists of moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained soils on uplands. These soils formed in clayey sediment. Slope ranged from 0 to 3 percent. A- 0 to 7 inches; black(10YR 2/1) loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots; clear wavy boundary. Btl - 7 to 15 inches; light olive brown(2.5Y 5/3) clay; many medium prominent yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; weak fine subangular blocky structure; firm; few fine and medium roots; gradual diffuse boundary. Bt2 - 15 to 40 inches; grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) silty clay; many medium prominent olive yellow(2.5Y 6/8) and yellowish red (5YR 5/8)mottles;massive parting to angular blocky structure; very firm; gradual wavy boundary. BC - 40 to 60 inches; grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) sandy clay loam; many medium prominent olive yellow(2.5Y 6/8) and yellowish red (5YR 5/8)mottles; massive structure; firm. SHWT @ 15 inches (2.5Y 5/2) SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS • LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING • SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS. EVALUATION& DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com Soil Boring Log (Bore 4), Forest Ridge Commercial, NC Hwy. 87, Harnett County, NC This map unit consists of moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained soils on uplands. These soils formed in clayey sediment. Slope ranged from 0 to 3 percent. Btl - 0 to 30 inches; white (10YR 8/1) silty clay; many medium prominent yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; massive structure; firm to very firm; gradual diffuse boundary. Bt2 - 30 to 51 inches; grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) silty clay loam; massive parting to angular blocky structure; very firm; gradual wavy boundary. BC - 51 to 60 inches; red (2.5Y 4/6) silty clay; many medium prominent olive yellow (2.5Y 6/8) and yellowish red(5YR 5/8) mottles; massive structure; very firm. SHWT @ 0 inches (10YR 8/1) SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS •LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING - SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS. EVALUATION& DESIGN N 1, ,, Ea.�V. \ ..„_., Iii k \ "Irel'It°1:41517:2"''4"7..." Ah' 1 -= 1 1 �F-- { W ®`'."V\\ ,tk, \ / '"E O 1/1 fillaP RIIm i1d = Y f , Y r E�1 ,R..a°.., 1, %ao- ., og s c . . .P \ O 1 5g / iSD1,1 \.......... \1P \ ���!++p�, �• ,,te r ( / ,', p ly .� „ 1 • w 1 • .1 P 1- aBBe �" '/ •.u- nwve 13 \ pI { 1 ® i BGRE 1 1 ? _ `N . LI �•nenl . J V 1 Ii ��5'-�/'� IY /fi TOTAL WETlANOS . .�.� _, _,+�,..—� 1 P/ � . � �.'-:1 \ - WITHIN THE SOUTHERN 4 ., ® 1 L1 \ _ - \ PORTION OF THE TRACT �•: - 1 PERMANENT WETLANDS 2.1E ACRES 84,09E S.F.) \y 1 r• ® 1 IP S 11 \ \ aAaH ( D,/ �• ; IMPACT FOR ROAD a s \ LESEMBLY.AWE °:�ni�a," • /� 4 a.Rq ,d SERVICES PROPOSED g O \ Po».s..z. . / � ./• WO Emma { 0.42 ACRES I1B 18i S.F.1 \• \D �B'BBY lore �� - / .� V ✓ 1 SDu/hB P° .'B ' ,. u�——.�— ---_ 1, .nag,.... V',1. \.... ' . \ kssslc 4M°jB ,( _ I Tartar as* \ FOREST MOM SUBOVISION,INC 5- ,frACT NM °V J P>nN.P. �® l" J I ,1� v L I -\o. ® /.. _ -,, ... NSB 'TF N.PF?°°.,..r 4.3 N m 2 -..-,-Y ram'-. a ds - en.J • zm .z$WRg LEGEND5e=" FOREST ROGE SUBDIVISION.INC. Z W M ERE NOTES t.a _-- M ' won ,-I OU COELI ROAD SPRINGWE NC 20390 V f"= Iw_ouOMP , ]N N OS34I6 B0 num0r•I P 967.PIBS POP O1d ; — — —.PgN.oOVAxoOn.I .TOTAL..F'ns.'B.II ACRES(PER THE CALCULATED OEE03 OF RECORDS PARTIAL SURVEY OF THE BOUNONI0. �, C { TOTAL 11.,LANOS WITHIN THE PARCEL•219 ACRES IF,Ob S.F.1 ...IJ [I 4.CURRENTLY ZONED,COMMERCIAL S RA.SM = S RI JCL /�� WIP.N�� BA HARNETT co LAND use cawAcrBtaeD USE AM) tC G i U, nAnno AI 5,SRPOSE HOT FUTURE LIE WRHpgWAT1.0.f.RTg4ATER5HED �1! 7.SITE DOES NOT LIVE WITMN A FLODO ZONE PER HARNETT CO GIS AND FEM.. C J B.TOWNSHIP.AMPERE.CREEK TOWNSHP N 7 Inm B.PUBLIC WATERS SANITARY SEWER TO BE BUST TO HARNETT REGIONAL WATER STANDARDS I. IONB SPEWFICAT 1.1 DEE4 4APRBI!ERENCEd: �G--,_7 10,SITKOA WATER TREATMENTW V PROPOSED WET OCTPNIION PONDS.POST CONSTRUGION STORNWAIER PER'NT C2 w DEEDI. ROON 3120 PAGE MB DEED SON 0087 PACE OM DEED BOOK 301"PAGE 9735 II PENDING 1Y1111 xcixo Z DEED BOOK OBBB PAGE III(DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS(. Ir H E.I Mlmwmunw,P", PREVIOUS MAP REFERENCES-PUT BOOK PC..PAGE BI-D.PLAT BOOK PCVMR.PACE 5, HIGHWAY MAP BOOK In,PAGER 17B131.PUT BOOK PCY0010,PAGE SOB.PUT ROC,, r PC.07.PAGE 31.PLAT BOON PCBAID.PAGE toff,PLAT BOOK PORI.,PAGE BN,PCP]0CE L._-,.J PRELIMINARY PLAN- ' A,AnO PAGE OBT.PLAT BOOK PCW0011.PAGE Om.PUT BOOK PCE001E,PAGE ISE.PUT BOOK _ PCYOmi,PAGE id3.PLOT BOOK PDY00'B,PAGE IIB.PUT ROOK POW PAGCOWC, - I:.—T -._.0 I. '"' POND M BORES Material Name Color Unit Weight(Ibs/ Strength Type Cohesion Phi Water Hu Hu Wet Pond 1 -End of Construction ft3) (psf) (°) Surface Type I Undrained-1-New L I Mohr- Fill u 120 Coulomb 600 0 Water Table Custom 1 2-Clayey Sand 125 Mohr- I� 0 32 Water Table Custom 1 o Coulomb o— M 2.12 co co— W W • . 0 co . (V , • o N -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Project Forest Bridge Commons Group Scenario I- 1 ro c s c i e n c e Drawn By Group 1 Company Master Scenario VM2 ECS Southeast, LLC Date 4/23/2024, 11:02:52 AM File Name Wet Pond 1.slmd SLIDEINTERPRET 9.031 Unit Weight(lbs/ Cohesion Phi Water Hu Steady State Seepage-Wet Pond 1 Material Name Color ft3) Strength Type Hu (psf) (°) Surface Type Drained 1 New 120 Mohr 150 30 Water Table Custom 1 Fill Coulomb 2-Clayey Sand u 125 Mohr- 0 32 Water Table Custom 1 Coulomb O O— m 1.55 • O -]• N— -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Project Forest Bridge Commons Group Scenario T 1 ro c s c i e n c e Drawn By Group 2 Master Scenario VM2 Company ECS Southeast, LLC Date 4/23/2024, 11:02:52 AM File Name Wet Pond 1.slmd SLIDEINTERPRET 9.031 O O— M Unit Weight(lbs/ Strength Cohesion Phi Water Hu Wet Pond 2-End of Construction Material Name Color Hu ft3) Type (psf) (°) I Surface Type Undrained 1- 120 Mohr- 600 0 'Water Table Custom 1 New Fill Coulomb 2-Clayey Sand 125 Mohr 0 32 Water Table Custom 1 Coulomb O co— N 2.03 O co— :>- c W W . • MIMI d O N O CV— CV 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Project Slide2 -An Interactive Slope Stability Program Group Scenario T 1 ro c s c i e n c e Drawn By Undrained Company Master Scenario Date 4/22/2024, 2:15:28 PM File Name Wet Pond 2.simd SLIDEINTERPRET 9.031 Material Unit Weight Strength Cohesion Phi Water Hu Name Color (lbs/ft3) Type (psf) (1 Surface Type Hu Wet Pond 2-Steady State Seepage Drained 1 120 Mohr 150 30 Water Custom 1 New Fill Coulomb Table �_ 2-Clayey ❑ Mohr- Water Custom 1 _ Sand 125 0 32 Coulomb Table (NI 1.58 a co W N ° 0 W _ . O N O N— N -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 12( Project Slide2 -An Interactive Slope Stability Program Group Scenario T 1 ro c s c i e n c e Drawn By Drained Company Master Scenario Date 4/22/2024, 2:15:28 PM File Name Wet Pond 2.slmd SLIDEINTERPRET 9.031