HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavidson_Well Abandonment_20240429 l WELL ABANDONMENT'RECORD G() FerbdernaiUseONLY; • • i • This form can be used for single or multiple wells - t i,Weil Ccintractar information: . WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS \ II Stefan Smith - . . . . . la.Number of wigs being abandoned: - . . 1YeltCotlruclorNante(orntirll onr:�pJsonally:thin,ioniti;nail on t+is7lteipioticnyl ' . For uxidnple tale.tat:• or,rxaaruuter ari ipiy 'wells- ONLY teal) ll e..slew - carutrecfirad,ibwrtnnmart,ivn can sntw it•eni fiirin, 3576A , . - • . '71r.Approximate rirInnte of vrater:+crining in rt'eil(u*2 (pal.) . NeWell CQnlractorCertifiudion Nniiber . SAEDACCO FOR WATERSUPPLYWELLSONLY• • Congran)Name 7c.Type of.disinfeetaufused: " . .' . . • 2.Welt Construction Pernttt#:t , 1.140diepplliubleruietllarrniir fit.Cairrr!,Surlo,J'uriurre.fi sri1etr„rtc:.1(f nMty ' ' 7d:Atliatt-t of dWnfectstnt useth • • 3.WO use(check well.,use): • . • Water Supply Well: ,7e Scaling matcrdals used(cheekall that apply): : • ' ElArgricniturat: "pMtinicipalIPubltc• ' ❑Nat CcnientGtwut ' .' 51•fentoriitc Chips or Pellets. ' OCteodicrmat(Heating/Cooling Supply)' i7R.csideutiat Water-Syrpply(single) ElSand Cement Groot i ❑_Dry Clay ❑huttistrial/Comnicrcial 17Rcsideuial-Water Supply:(shared). CI:Concrete Grout El Doll CpitingS . ❑kdgntion . . . . 17 Specialty Grout • _ '❑Grayel Non-Water Supply Well: . " Cl;Bentonite Sluay Cl Other(explain under 7g) NMatritoting.,. . :.❑lies:orery. . . • . " . Injection Welk7f,For caeh ttiatcrial selected ahoye,provide nutount.of.in materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Gtiiundnaler.Remediattou • . DAquiferSteny a an.i Recovery • 13Salinily llama: • . Bentonite.:111b ,Wte:gal, ', . AguiferTest ❑SlonnwutecDntitiage .❑ - ' ❑Egteriniental Technotogv - .DSubsideuce Coniml 7g.Proude a brief description Of the abandonment procedure IJGeoihennal(Closed Loop) - ' ClTracer j Pour - . rm❑Geotheal(Heating/Coaling Return) . ClOthcr(e plain under 7R) . -- . 4.Date,wcll(s).abandoncd: 4-5-2024 . I • . AFR 2 S Z•DZ4 . • 5a.Well location: . . • . , R_.. ...; , 7- cry L&S Manufacturing . ICnv.1nrii z e•i ; -c:Z4"' 3'`j.,, ;$:Certification: `-f' OG• Facility/Owner FaaililyIDS(ifapplicable) 13i" . 22650 NC Hwy 109; Denton, NC tQ 4/16/2024 Plo steal Address,City.and Zip• f Ante,.Cerlifuvl WenCorun:tot erWell Q•irn:r Dare Davidson . ' - By soguing this farm; 1 hereby certify that the ii elifs)erase(were)ahatidencrl irr Consiy - ' ' . " Parcel Idetuirraitlnit No.([r11). - ' accordance with l:;f VCAC 02C,0100.or2C.0200 Well Conslrucfion Starudorcls . . • imd that a copy ofllris record hasbeenpravidcd to rtheuelt tether.• • . 5h.1(atitude and longttudein degreesrntinutcs(seconds or decimal degrees: • ' • • (Ifnell veto,one lathoitgIssumeieri) •9.Sitediagramoradditionalwelldetails: 35.566502 80..097827 . 'You may use the back of this page to provide additional.uel site details-or well .- N W .abatidoiunetu details..You tnuy also:Mach additiolrsl pages if it .e5saty.. • CONSTRIIC ION DETAfIS OFWELL(31 BE INC ABANDONED . SUBMrrrAL INSTRUCTIONS. :Ifloth lipid cvrsua lien rncvrdtsl If ovaileNe. liar nrulhple d jectian'or riun•uutir sLppdy nrdlrONLYwith:assmanecwcunicUOname*iwacru.!artrnuautfririarejyno. • bqa;For All Welts:' Submit-tins fain:Within 30 days_of completion.off well • . 6a.Wclt t1) MW-3S • "abandonment to the following: I, . Divisitin of WaterRespurem,information Processing Unit, - 1617 Mail Service•Cen.*cr;Raleigh,NC 27659-1617 Gh.Tatahfelldepth: 25 (ft.) ,. lOb.ror.Tn!cram Wells:•In addition to.sending the form to the addn.ss In:[Oa above.also submit one copy of this folio within 30 day§of completion of well - - 6e,,Borettolc diameter:2- MOablimiet itient to the following: • It, Di isionof Water Resoure Utidergniund injection Control Fttigraul, 6d,Water levelbctow ground surface:,6 (ft.) 1636 Mail Service Cenier,ltalcigh,NC 27cP 9-1636 • , • Gc Outer casing Ica th(if lvpRn)t • (ft.) IOc.For Water Sunnh•Ar infection%S lls: in addition-to sending the form to the addresses) above. also submit.one.copy of this form ssitlliti 30 dabs of . . completion-of well abandonment to the county health depatintent of the county 6f.Inner lasing/tubing Length(if lntmvn): (ft.) • where a ndancd•, 6q'..Scn�n length(if known): . (ft.) - . . Fono GW-3n. Nonli Carolltn petnumen!of En Holum cru ant Niutuul Resources-Dividend'tiWaterResoi ices . . •Revised August.2013 . i • • • 1 • • . . • . . . . • • • • [ . • - . a‘., ' • • . . WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD . . ' For liitcnul Usd ONLY: . . ' ' • . . .. . . - Tills form can be used for single or multiple Wells. • • i • I,Wcil ContracturInformation:. • . •WELL ABANDONMENT DE.CADS . . . . . . • • . - . . Stefan Smith . . ' . 7i.iiumber Of veils heinialtando fled:-1 . - • wore:04,619i tank,or‘,.;11,;„„L,i„..,,,-„;tb,'7,b2iidonlii2,4„ifiut.hicAlerpiell,y) • . Far (nipple infirmr. or non,%iyeer simicily. waits. O\LY 'IsIth the •some cottgrairenanlaboadonmenoion am.sulmor-onafinn; 3576A • . • • - - .. 1 — • .. . r. '111.APpniiimate solarise of watOrenoitting in Well(s):1'2 • - " OOP - • • . NCI.VCII Costirittar ton i lioatioti Mutter ' • - - •r : • • • . • • • WATFA SUPPLY WELLS,ONEY: • • ..• . ' .SAEDACCO . . ' FOR . . Company Name ' • ' " IF.Type ofdisinfeetant Used: , ' . - . . . • . 2.Well Construction Permit#:, , - • " . . - . . pm' pisfiroMe trOperiref4'p.it.Cirattl>.,•46y. iiiriance.,hrjecnon„eia..t If known . . . - Id;Athoutit(kills. ittrettAiii.used: I. ' . • - I.Wt41 uSe(ehech well use): . ' • . . . • • - • . • • . • . .. .•.. . . . , . . . . • Water.Snpply Well:. . . • .70.Sealing matenalsmsed(checkallthat apply): . .. . . , bAgticultural • 13hltinieipal/Publie. - El Neat Cement Grout . • • D Bentonite•ChipsOr relicts • - • • . EIGeothennal(ticating/Cooling Supply): :•1:1Resicktuint Water Supply(single). '1=1. flgiicate.IIIGt011t . CI,Dry Clay , • Ellndtistrfal/Cotnntercial ' • • Oftcsidemial Water Supply:fshared). .13 C°DercleGroul- • • n Prillq111illEs ' • ,.. . .. . . . . . . - . . . . . Elittiptian. . . , CI St:Fr:jab!.•Grout • ' . U Gravel _. Nuo-Water Supply WeIS:• . " •. ',CI Dentonite Slimy . . ' CI Other(expiak under 7g) Zlihniitorine _ • . CIRecovely. : •. -• - . . •• • • Injection Weil: • . • •. . . 7E forCath Material selettetrabott,proside antotnitat materials used: ElAquifer Recharge, . - '• CIGniunduater Remediatiott .. • . • . •. . . . ClAnuifer Storage and Reccri'ety • 13Salinity Harrier - . . ' ' - I • • • ' • Bentonite.:511b ,Wtt':gal. .i • - • . . . CIAnnifeir Test' . ' •. . ' . EiskitimotterOntiiinee • • , . . .0P..lietintental Technciloev . . PO'idenc4 Control ' . 7g.Providea hriefidese' riptIon cif the aliaininnntent procedure: - •. . . . • 11Genthetmal(Closed Loop) . . LITracer.. ' • . . Poor :. . . . . . • L1Geothemtal(Heating/tooling Return) . ClOther(explain under 7u) „• • • . . . • • ,. • • -• . • r.-7.--eii"---. hi'•-•r-A . • V . . • . . . . . - e lk 4..,...N,t,...e i.....-•i V' 1... Ll. • . 4.Datewel(s).abandoncd: 4-5-2024 . . ' . . . . . . • 5a,-Well location: • . . • . • AR 2 N11 ZUZ4 • . . ... . . P - - - . .. . . . L&S Manufacturing . •. • InfsDr.;,•,;',$k,r1 Pcr.....-:.3C-z;Fit3 UP,X • " ' • Cert il katioil: , • • . . . FacilkiDwror Name . • Facility IDN(iFirpplicablc) „ft; • C/Vi OiTiOG • . , . . ' . . 22 650.NC Hwy_109, Denton, NC• .. „ , • - -4/1 6/2024 • - • ' " . _ hut..,-.Catilial Well Contractor Or Well°won. . . Date • • ..- • Physical:Address,City..atid Zip ' , . § . i . . . . Davidson . • • ' qy signing Os firni,:1 heteby certifrithat the weilts)ii.its Overe)abandoned ill . . r• . ' County : , • .: ' Parcel litanlifbaallint No.(PIN) pacottlance With 1.5.,1•xcid62e.oloo:or 2C:0200 Well.Con-sthectioti Stainkiri 4 rand!hal a nopy of this record has been provided t'o the n'ell owner; - - - - • i . . Sli.Latinidelnd longitude in t!egree(utirgneif.sceonds or dteitualitegrets:' •i or Wen field,one taliiMig w suffleiela)- 9..Site diagram or additional well details: . • _•- . •. . You tnaY use the. bai.k of this page tO,prOyide additional well Site' • details Well • • • . .• .35.566502 . ' N . _. • ' •80-097827 W .abautfointteta-details.:You may also attaelt ilditiotralpages if necesSat±i. I ."' : . . . . . • :. CONSTRIleflON DETAILS OF%VELL(S)BEING ABANDONED• ,NIIRMITTAT.INSTRUCTIONS .math tie!!.cannraeyaa receordW A)availalite:•Par mukipte injectimiar ridnoratO•sisMi.' ' !• • • • wita 041 itn1)t iv sam,....comern,ctioniab throroykieqt.Plo can submil Pte.16 nil, ' - . Wel Per All'AV011s:' Submit-this tntt within 30 days-of'completion of well ' - - • • - 6a.Well.f1040:11'.4-3D .• 'abandonnicnt to the folloWing: ,• • .• • - • • . . , . . . , . " . . - . - ' • • hiyisitin Of Water ResOuVet ,Information•Processingruit, ' 6hTotal well depth: 45 • •- • (ft) • .• .- 1617 Mail Seitice Center;Raleigh,NC 2769971017 . . . ' . •. • . • . i. : • • . . • '. 10h.Fa r•in leetion'Wells:I In addition to sending the foon to the address in Wa " • . - • • • above."also submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of completion of well 6c.floreltole diameter 2. (In.) ' , • . ' abandOnntem tit the following: I:I • • . . • • I- ,:. • • • - . . • Pirisiott of Water jtesou ries;UndFigtuund litijectioncoultUl PrOgratm, • . .641.Water level.bctow ground surface:*23 ((t.) ' 1634 Mail Service Center,Raleigh;NC 27699-1636• - • t I- . • ' 10c.For water Sunnis.&iitfeetinu•Wells:•In addition'to sending the form to • 6e...Outer easing lenoth(if Iniown): • - 00 the address(es) above, oho submit one copy of-this fault within 30 days of • • • • •. • . completion of well libanclaitment to the county health department of the county • where atrandoncd.. (If.Inner easing/tubing-length(if lotown): '. (ft.) . . • , . • • • • • I 6g.Screen length(If known): • (ft.) V . I • • • • I• . , • • Fen •n GW-30. NanliCaratim bccontnera al Environment real Natural Resources-Division of Water ficsoiucles - Revisal Augur:120B 'I - • - . ' 1 I . . . . • . ' WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Far Internal UscONLY; This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1 • I.Well Contractor Information:. WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Stefan Smith . . 7a.Number of wells being abandoucil:.1 WclreordraclorNatue(or rtilt Owns persanad}abundunito%tollon Esther property) FOP multiple. MJeniwr or m l-tinter I sirpili •wells ONLY with dk, .same construchotti7handoilahmt,jYos tali.subliftt Otwwfurwr, 3576A 71r.Approximate volume of water remaining in w elI(s)?2 • (Rol.) NC WO CantmctorCenifu�llion trainer SAEDACCO FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Company Name 7e.Type of disinfqtaut used: • 2.Well Construction Permit tr:, , tad rtoppIk.$Ie urea/lwrieitx(i.e.Cuatily,Ste i.l irlars:•a.Lrfariion,nut:.!ifknawn 7d.Aiataunr of disinfeefaul'used: 3,Welt use(check well use): • Water Supply Well: 7c.Scaling materials used(cheei;all that apply): • ❑.agrindturat , CIMttnicipah•Publie. Cl Neat Cement Grout tt Bcruonitc Chips or Pellets Of otherrttal(Itcating?Caoling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) --❑Saudfieutept Grout ❑Dry Clay ❑IndustriaUConmtcrcial ❑Rcsidential\VaterSupplv-(sltatcd) ❑ConcreteGrtw.t ❑Drill Cuttings Obligation ❑Specialty Grout ❑Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: ❑Bentonite Slurry ❑Other(explain under 7g) ®A9nuiladne • ❑Recovery injection Well: . • 7f.For each material selected above,provide amount of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge - ❑Grouiulwaler Rentedi:uion • DAquifer Storage and Rec wety °Salinity Barrier ❑AiptiferTest . ❑StomnvaterDrainage Bentonite.:331b ,Wtr:gal. . - ❑Experimental Techuafoev ❑Subsidence Collin''. 7g.Provide a brief description of the_abandonment procedure: ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer - • Pour OGeothermal(Heating+Coaling Return) bather(explain under 7g) . 4. • Datcwcll(s}.abandonctE: 4-5-2024 l ..'C_�.r. i.' 7,r�� $a Well location: I.�f'K� � ' 2024 L&S Manufacturing In o ;y^z.i,r,,il 2i ,r. .5r;,,'V- 'Jet Facilityi0n•ncrName - FacilityID!)(Puppliwble) R•CclCilTctiOioil: �+ ;3 �`� 22650.•NC Hwy 109, Denton, NC ,. Yl 4/16/2024 Physical Address,City,and Zip SSl_-nure Certified Well Con ny:totor Well Un•rtrr Dim Davidson !i),signing this faro!; I hereby ce,Yl v that the sre11(,)was.(were)abandoned in County Parcel Iit.ritificatign No.(PINj accotrlance with ISA KCAC 02C,OIOO.ar•2C.0200 Well Comfruction Standards and that a copy oflbis record has been provided to the reel!comer. •Sb.lathudc and longitude in degreestminu(esfseconds ordceimafdcgrees: Orwell ri:ld,oute htilong is ortriciett) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to-provide additional well site debits'or well . 35.56.6304 N • 80.097905 W .abandonment details. You may also attaclr additional pages ifnecessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAEI S OF WELLS)BEING ABANDONED rSLiBM1TTAL INSTRUCTIONS ' Attach h:eli mash-adieu ttiurd(s)41 available. Par tuulnpie itrncrioa'or rxtn•uwtir rttpfdy ' - orlit ONLY u•lti the sung tietsinettvtrabarrelo,roan.jar/Cum ntbmlt one Arm. 10a. For-All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well Ga.Welt m tMW-1 abandonment to the following: Division of Water Resource,information Processing Unit, 1 29 5 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Gb.Totaiw•eR depth: (ft.) 10b.For in lectiart Wells: do addition to sending the Coati to the address in lOa 6c.Borehole diameter:2 OHO above.also submit arc copy of this form within 30 days of completion of Well abittidoonteut la the following: Division of Water Resuurecs,TUtiderground Injection Couttol Pragrmu, 6d,Water level below ground surface: 2 (ft,) [636 Mail Service Ccntcr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Gc Outer casing Icn lr(if'mown): (ft:} 10c.For-Water Sunnis& !nicotine.Wells: In addition to sending the fort to . ,the address(es)above. also submit One copy of this'form within 30 days of completion-of well abandonment to the county health department of the county 6f.Inner casing/tubing length(if lmawn): (ft.) vvhcro abandoned, i1 6g.Satin length(If'mown): (ft.) Fe nit GW-lo North Carotins Dcportuvon of entironrncat aid Natural Resources—Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 I : . WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD- .. - • Forlmcrrctl Usc ONLY: • Deis form can be used forsingle or mtihipte wells - " - j, I • I.Well Contractor Information:- WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS ; Stefan Smith " . , .. . " - . .la.Nuniberoflvdls being abandoned: 1` ' worCou4mclorNatnc.(ortiiliawr!•rpetsdnallyn1alioahii;uaitanhiatbrpidpcny'), Foil drgluple- bfeettai. .6,. rn'.rm!virerf supply walls- ONLY_ wit sire .Awe eavurmerltti 7bandrillne.gf,pncloy alwurimobrnt, 3576A - . . : • I- E . ' -71i.Ap iruM me.nutte volu ofviat*retmtiftingin vi'ell(.)?2. ' . . (gap NGWdl Cbbiractor Ciliation riutitbcr 1 I - Sr>;DACCo • FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • Con>rait)Namc 7c Type of disinfectant used: ' • • 2.Wet Co»stniction Permit 4:, , • LLtrnil applicable well larmits(i"e.C.an -Stela,•Parlmte,htlerriov,rtc)J,Gmisa • 7d-,,,„.-ottntofdlslnfecta i.uitsed: 3:'«`dt use(eheckwell nse);. . • Water Supply Welld 7c.Sealing matettalsused(ehec► all tint apply); • • ElAgiicultivalt pMitnicipal/Pttbliia:• I]Neat Cement.Gtout • . " 60 Bentonite Chips orPeilets • • IJGeotlicnna1(H67ting:Cooling Supply) . iJticsidential Water Simply(single) EI Sanrf,Ccntent Gttigt . ' El.Dry Clay . - . , • ❑huinstrial/Comntcaeial• ' - Clltcsidentiul Winter Supply.(sliared) ❑COnge(e'Grout - : ' El brill CuItltigs -17ircieation•: - - - . . . . . O Specially Grout" . . '• •'0 Gravel • ik in Water Supply SVeIi:. . 0.Bentottite-Slitny 0 Other(explain under 7g). • - ®Moititodna - .. - . ORecovety • . • l• Injection Well: .. . . . . . . . . .. - 7f,For'eacb'niaterial selcetetabove,Provide amount af:ntatetiats used; ' , 1:AquiferRedtar};e. - . DGniuiidnaler=Rentediation 1 • . 17Aguifer Storage and Recovety pS dinity Barrier DAgniferTest . ' . ElSlomnvater.Dhiitiage . Bentonite.:571b ;Wtr:gal, . i lEytetiutetnal Technoloev .17Subsidence Control • 7g,Provide a brief description of tbe.abandnnment pnmedure.: ❑Geothemtal(Closed Loop) t1Tracer I " Pour ®Geothermal(Heafntv'CaolingReturn) ©Other(explain under 7g) . • 4.Datewef(s)•abaudoncdt 4-5-2024 • ' 5a.Welt tocatien: ' •• • OR 2 Z(�[4". L&S Manufacturing • . . "' lr u�rib•,t'ni: P`ft'c.r -g U8A.. . ..Certification: ' I D'c Facility/Owpa-Nutttc Facility IDN.Cfupplicabic)• • A. / �u'uLl�r • ! I • 22650.NC-Hwy 109, Denton, NC t, 0 T • .1• 4/16/2024 Phy'sical'Address,City;and Zip . S 1nne (cruised Well. +ntri,tarmVicll Otvtur. Date Davidson - By signing this f nin, f hereby certify that the tre110)wag(icere)abaridoaed 6t • •Couuiy• . • • . : • . • Parcel Idemif iainiNo.(PIN) . • ricrair&nrcc lvilk lid.\CAC.02C,0100.oir 2C.0200 R'ell`,Colislructron Standards • •• • - • and that a copy ofthis record lau•b€en pros ided to hre urn out'ncr. Sb.•Latitudc'and longitude-in dcgiveslntinuteslsccondsordicint;thdegrecsi • • • l: ' Of well ram,one tmitnng if s tlrcuu i) 9..Site diagram or additional nelldetails: ' You nuyuse the,bach'of this.page to,pros ide additional Hell site`details-Of well . . 35.566304 N - . 80.097905 - W. ' .a bandomitetttdetails..''ion may also atlaeh additioiul pages if ikCtssaty.. CONSTRItCf1(IN.nFTAILC O1r WELL'S)BEING:ABANDONED ' ,SUBlt1)TTAT.iNSTRUC rrONC , ' :Itruh tic!)cvrviraCtnl a rttivrdtsl if avai1ra!1e. .Air rruhiple iry&tian or bin•Ut14r supply " • mils ONLY Wei the svut.!cvri+rrrxnmr ab:vrrhr:iacnar._rau am s rLnefr cure funrt., 10a.Pnr All Willa Submit tins fomt'vvittun 30 clay$of t atrip(ctian•of well 6a.�VeB'mt7:MW-2 • abandonment to the following; Division of Water Resou rcis,InfonnationProcessing Unit, . 1617 Mail Service Center;Ralekli,I C 27699-1617 6b.Total well depth: 50 • - (tt4 .,. IlOh.);nr.Tnledinn Wells:'In addition to sending the form to the addntss in:IOU -. - above.also.submit one cope of this Conn st'itldu 30'days of completion of Well . 6c.Borehole diameter,2 (ln.) I, • . ,abisniionnicnt to the fallon•ing: Divislortof Water Resourres;Underground itijeMlon Control Pnigratn fed.Water Iescl.1 e1nw ground surface:.23 ' (ft•) • 1636 Mail Service Center,-Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 • Ge•G)utcr.caning Ic (if (ft.) tOc.'For Water Slimily. infection Welts: In addition to.sending the form to F nh( 'mown): - tire_address(es) above. also submit one'copy of this Rum Within 30-days of : , - completion-of well abandonment Co the nni cotnuy health depaent of the county " •6f.Inner casui/tnhuog•tength Of laiawn): (fr.) where abandoned. • I 6g.Screen length(if baotvn): - (ft.) . ' FennGlV-o ' NanliCatutltnDcpJnutcwafPatrlroonucnlntudN:tturaIftesounes—Dhlstonof'VaterResowris' ltdEicdAuFitsl2Dl3 • 1