HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930786 Ver 2_More Info Received_20071203W LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP irrc. Environmental Consultants November 29, 2007 TO: Ms. Kim Garvey ~~~~~~ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ~ P.O. Box 1890 G~ ~ 3 ~ 2007 Wilmington, NC 28402 pENR -WATER pUALI'T'`t RE: The Reserve at St. James Plantation; Brunswick County, NC y,~~pgpyOSTORNN'!"TERBRA~ Action ID# 200200768; DWQ # 93-0786 Ver 2; DCM# 20070025 The Reserve Development Co. LLC Response to Corps' Comments Dear Kim: Thank you for your letter dated September 6~', 2007 in which you request additional information about the Reserve at St. James Plantation. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. Please provide a full size (minimum 48 " x 36 ") color map of the entire proposal. This map should include wetland lines, all proposed development, your preservation proposal and what is already in preservation through different permits. Please see the enclosed map. Please note that the wetlands that have already been placed in preservation (347.13 acres) were not preserved as mitigation for previous permits. Remaining wetlands to be preserved total 1275 acres. 2. Please provide this office with a spreadsheet of proposed impacts, listing the type of fill proposed for each impact, wetland type, location within the 100 year floodplain, whether it is an existing road, acreage for each impact artd the decidegrees of each location. This office recommends that connections between wetlands be restored where existing roads have severed those connections. Please see the enclosed table of proposed impacts. One additional impact (#29) has been added at the request of the Mayor of St. James to provide emergency access to residents located in the southern portion of the tract. Total proposed wetland impacts are now 1.51 acres. The applicant has designed several roads to overlap existing road crossings in order to minimize wetland impacts throughout the tract. However, two old road crossings will be removed as part of the project's mitigation plan (enclosed). As you know, the Mayor of St. James has requested that the southern part of the development tie directly into the western road that NC DOT is currently constructing. However, the applicant has no plans to do this and this alternative is not a part of the proposed site plan. 3. Please provide a plan view and cross-section of proposed bridges and a typical plan view and cross- section of proposed culverts. Please see the enclosed cross sections. www.lmgroup.net • info@Imgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 w 4. Your mitigation plan is not specific enough. a. What is the exact acreage that you are proposing for preservation for this permit? Please break it down between acreage of wetlands and linear feet of stream. Also indicate if you plan to incorporate passive recreation into your preservation documents. 347.13 acres of wetlands on the site have already been preserved. The applicant will preserve an additional 1275 acres of wetlands and 5700 linear feet of stream on the site. Passive recreation will not be incorporated into these preservation documents. Approximately 13 acres of wetlands are located on lots that have already been sold (see Figure 6). Therefore, these wetlands cannot be preserved by the applicant. However, these lots have sufficient uplands on which to build and lot owners are aware that wetlands exist on their property. The restrictive covenants for these lots explicitly notify lot owners of wetlands regulations (see attached maps and restrictive covenants for the `Reserve Ellington'). b. Are there any areas within the previous development of St. James that you are proposing to include for mitigation for this phase? Previous phases of St. James Plantation were evaluated for mitigation opportunities, but none were identified. Ditches that were dug in previous years have all been filled or plugged, in accordance with EPA requirements. Three restoration opportunities were originally identified within the Reserve tract. However, because of a recent request by the mayor of St. James to install an emergency access road, one of these mitigation areas has been eliminated. There are now two mitigation sites that will restore 0.65 acre of wetlands. The applicant will buy into the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program for the restoration of 0.86 acre ofnon-riparian wetlands. Additionally, 1275 acres of wetlands and 5700 LF of stream will be preserved on site. c. What preservation model are you proposing to use? Please provide this office with a draft of the conservation easement and draft of the map for recordation. The applicant will utilize restrictive covenants to preserve wetlands located within common areas and within individual lots that have not already been sold. Please see the enclosed documents. The applicant is currently preparing the preservation maps. d. The monitoring of your restoration areas will require an initial site analysis arul a minimum of frve years of monitoring or until full site success is achieved. Reports shall be consistent with Regulatory Guidance Letter 06-03 and document the presence of all three wetland criteria from the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual. The applicant agrees with these mitigation conditions, as outlined in the mitigation plan. Because the areas of restoration are relatively small, the applicant does not propose to install groundwater monitoring wells. However, the survivorship of planted vegetation will be an adequate indicator of successful hydrology. 2 I hope this response adequately addresses all agency concerns. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, (~ ~~.. ~ ~ Jam'-~ti--~- Kim Williams Encl C: Ms. Joanne Steenhuis, NC DWQ Mr. Ian McMillan, NC DWQ Mr. Stephen Rynas, DCM Mr. Mark Brambell, The Reserve Development Co. ENCLOSURES The Reserve at St. James Plantation Mitigation Plan Table of Wetland Impacts Revised Site Plan (48" x 36" and 11" x 17") Map of Impact #29 Restrictive Covenants for Remaining Wetlands to be Preserved Sample Restrictive Covenants for Lots Already Sold (Reserve Ellington) Bridge Detail Typical Road Cross Section The Reserve at St. James Plantation Mitigation Plan Brunswick County, North Carolina Prepared by: Land Management Group, Inc. Wilmington, NC Prepared for: The Reserve Development Company, LLC St. James, NC November 2007 Table of Contents List of Tables and Figures ....................................................................................................... ii 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................3 2.0 Site Description .......................................................................................................................3 2.1 Wetlands .............................................................................................................................3 2.2 Soils ....................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Vegetation ...........................................................................................................................4 3.0 Mitigation .................................................................................................................................4 3.1 Wetland Restoration ...........................................................................................................4 3.2 Wetland Preservation .........................................................................................................4 4.0 Monitoring ...............................................................................................................................5 5.0 Implementation Schedule .......................................................................................................5 6.0 Summary ..................................................................................................................................5 List of Tables and Figures Table 1. List of tree and shrub species to be planted within created wetlands .........................6 Figure 1. Vicinity map ..............................................................................................................7 Figure 2. Topographic map ......................................................................................................8 Figure 3. Soils map ...................................................................................................................9 Figure 4. Aerial photograph ....................................................................................................10 Figure 5. Site plan showing proposed wetland impacts and mitigation .................................11 Figure 6. Wetland restoration #1 ............................................................................................12 Figure 7. Wetland restoration #2 ............................................................................................13 Figure 8. Cross section of wetland restoration #1 ..................................................................14 Figure 9. Cross section of wetland restoration #2 ..................................................................15 ii 1.0 Introduction In order to mitigate for 1.51 acres of 404 wetland impact associated with the Reserve at St. James Plantation in St. James, North Carolina, the Reserve Development Company, LLC agrees to restore wetlands on site, buy into the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), and preserve remaining wetlands and streams on site. This tract is approximately 2372.24 acres in size and is located off of Highway 211 in Brunswick County, NC (Figure 1). The applicant proposes to restore 0.65 acres of 404 wetlands on site by removing old dirt roads in two locations. The elevation of these areas will be restored to wetland grade and a variety of shrubs and trees that are similar to vegetation growing in adjacent wetlands will be planted. This mitigation plan outlines the restoration activities planned for the site. 2.0 Site Description 2.1 Wetlands A site delineation of 404 wetlands was performed by Land Management Group, Inc. and was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on 06/12/02. The site contains a total of 1,290 acres of 404 wetlands, most of which are Carolina Bays. Most of the wetlands can be classified as non-riparian, however the upper limits of Polly Gully Creek, one unnamed tributary to Polly Gully Creek, and two unnamed tributaries of Beaverdam Creek exist within the property (Figure 2). The applicant has submitted a new wetland survey to the Corps for reauthorization. 2.2 Soils According to the Brunswick County Generalized Soil Survey, uplands within the site are classified as Leon fine sand, Kureb fine sand, and Mandarin fine sand (Figure 3). Wetlands within the site are shown as Murville fine sand. 3 2.3 Vegetation Pond pine (P. seYOtina), loblolly bay (GoYdonia lasianthus), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), red bay (Pef~sea borbonia), and titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) are the dominant plant species that exist in the wetlands on this property. Uplands support loblolly pine (Pinus tczeda), live oak (Quercus virginiana), longleaf pine (P. palustris), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), and turkey oak (Q. laevis). There are several dirt logging roads located throughout the tract, most are approximately 20' wide (Figure 4). A majority of the uplands within the site have been cleared in anticipation of planned residential development. 3.0 Mitigation 3.1 Wetland Restoration A total of 0.65 acre of uplands will be restored to wetlands by removing old fill material from two locations (Figures 5-7). Material will be removed until the natural soil profile is reached (Figures 8 & 9). Any existing culverts will be removed. If needed, a layer of organic material obtained from the wetland areas to be filled will be removed and added on top of the excavated area to provide a suitable substrate for vegetation establishment. Final grade of the wetland restoration areas will be that of the adjacent existing wetlands. Native shrub and tree species (Table 1) will be established in the restoration areas at an eight- foot spacing (a total of approximately 450 plants). In addition to the planted material, it is anticipated that vegetation from surrounding areas will volunteer into the area. In addition to the on-site restoration, the applicant will also buy into the Ecosystem Enhancement Program for the restoration of 0.86 acre of non-riparian wetlands located elsewhere within the Lower Cape Fear Watershed. 3.2 Wetland Preservation The applicant has already preserved a large amount of wetlands on site through conservation easements with the North American Land Trust (NALT). An additional 1275 acres of wetlands and 5700 linear feet of stream on site will be preserved using restrictive covenants. 4 4.0 Monitoring A general site analysis will occur immediately after mitigation activities have been completed and will consist of taking photographs of the restored wetlands to evaluate initial success. A small narrative will be written that summarizes mitigation activities and will be submitted to the Corps and DWQ office. From then on, monitoring will occur annually for five years, or until deemed successful by the Corps and DWQ. During each monitoring event, the vegetation within the restored areas will be counted and identified. Success criteria will be the survival of at least 70% of planted vegetation. A monitoring report that summarizes these results and includes photographs of the mitigation site will be submitted to the Corps and DWQ by January 1 sc of each year. Because of the small size of the wetland restoration areas, hydrological monitoring will not occur. However, the survivorship of wetland plants within the areas will provide a good indication of hydrology. 5.0 Implementation Schedule Wetland mitigation will commence as soon as all necessary permits have been obtained, with wetland vegetation planting occurring during the first winter season. 6.0 Summary In order to mitigate for 1.51 acres of freshwater wetland impacts associated with the Reserve at St. James Plantation in St. James, NC, the applicant agrees to restore 0.65 acre of wetlands on-site by removing old fill material (dirt roads). These areas will then be planted with native wetland vegetation. In addition, the applicant agrees to buy into the EEP for the restoration of 0.86 acre of non-riparian wetlands within the Lower Cape Fear River watershed. Finally, they will preserve 1275 acres of wetlands and 5700 linear feet of stream on site. These actions will compensate for jurisdictional wetland impacts within the tract and fulfill the requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Division of Water Quality. Table 1. Tree and shrub species to be planted within the wetland restoration area at the Reserve at St. James Plantation. Vegetation is typical of existing on-site wetlands. Species to be planted are based on nursery availability. Common Name Scientific Name Pond Pine Pini~s serotina Loblolly Bay Gordonia lasianthus Red Bay Persea borbonia Sweet Pepperbush Clethra alnifolia Gallberry Ilex glabra Wax myrtle Myrica cerifera ~r -` t - ... ~Y S ' i ~ . .p }~ •~l .l ~ ~ ~ S - ~ . l:. a L !5.>" h ,. ,r.,,. , [r,n _ "~, t % '~finl3{~9'6f'<~9 laLcc , •- _-'^... i filry5~~p[ , f -"r 4.. ~ .•' ~' _- ~ _ ;y ~ _ -~,, .. ,t ~ .__~ a ,. ..._ -. ~ j \k a.. ~ j +C . 'r'F ~, ,h.c Nh~ Fi1aM . S ! / r ? W._~ ..s- `.~ y , .r N - "~ ~ I } i'^_. htii ' i ~3 f ~ ~. i ... - r 1 . ,. , `,` 4 `, y . 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VICIrIIty Map 02-06-223 Environmental Consultants August 2007 T. ~ 61 _ . ~: _- -T- .-~._ __ _-. --~ - -. _ .Y- _ ~_ - _ ~ \_ raw Y .. __. _ -~- _-~ -.~ 1 _. .. I ':I ~ Hurl 7 ~,.. I _._.. ~ °j ~ _ I -m I 1: - ~ ~ I- 1`-- ~, I' ' i '`: , I ~ { t.. I L w -- _ _ - 5 j `~-~ ~ I ~ - ~ __ _ °"s~ ~ a _ d _ _ i ~~ , ' ~ - ~ ' I _ G ~ I - ., - I ~ k ~ ~- I _ _ ~-.~ - ~ ~ ~ - .... I - i - - , ~~ SITE ~ ~~~ ,. ~; f _ ,_ ~,, ~ f a., _ _ ±7~ ~, ~I ` ~ I i ~. i .- ' I _ ~~--_. _t w`~ 1 `~d! !~i ~ ~f \ ~ _ ~I 13)/x„+ L. a`t { f ~ , -~, ~ 1 / ~ i _ I _ ,. _ 1 .. , - ~ _ - F '-~; I, '1=~: ~ , J ~'i - "`ter ~./- ~:~ C- ~ - ~- ,"_, -!, - r.~~ _ -~-. -. ~~ ~ } ~ X51 ~+ _- I r , I I _ ) I .~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ I , ~ SST ~ ~ ~ a ~ r ~'~>~ ,+ - _- ! '~~ I i :fit>~ ~ - I - I i~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 ~ `" '' ~ ~' ^~'# ' - ~ ~ _ ., ;,, I -~ - ~Y ~ r t _ ! .~ ~~L ~ ~ 1 ~ ~,~ c I ' r1 - . Iv G~ ~ ~~: ~~'J I ' 1 I l , t ~~. 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November 2007 Map Source: 1998 NAPP aerial photography ____ -. -._ -. _. \ ....HIGHWAY il._.. _. _..- IMPAGT/t (1952]9F)... _. -.. ~^ ~~~ ~," - I ) -~,.- ~, GT N2 (6 G ) - MPA NPACi k3 (J CFJ pORMERLY IMPACT N ( 0 ED) -. ~ ~ ~~~ - I ~ 1 1 ~. \I - '~ // ~- ~ '. ~`'~ \ ~ ~ ~ r.Fmo zv xucs ccwovurxr f~ ~ ~X . ~( SS JJ» _ vACi k5 ('140.1 SF.) ~ Vdb ( 2131 S.F.) / ~ ~ ~ tMVgcr k1 ] 14 s F ~~ ) ~J ~~ [ luPam xt6 C]m.1 sF.)~ ~t~i_ ~ j ~ ~ ~~, _ . \7 MB ((000 50 5 E )} y~ f ~ I, I ~~ ,Fj'+r ~_. ( ~' _; ~ MPaCT p9 C69122 S-F-) - I I ~~~~ V~( Fr, s~ ~~ ~l~-_~f~ 1 ~~ ~k-.-:r Mpnc*,no (z33s6a se) u~6mA +r „~~aK~w~r / ~ ~~ ;~~. ~ .~ -~- ~-- MpacT kn 0904.46 sP) ,'v - "(' ~~ Z ~ ~ - ~ i ~L: f~ ~~V~~~ ~ ~ PACT yy12 WERA 0) yy' i ~! "mil y (((R 56 Si511 i0) ` \ ~ \ ~y ~.e/ut MPACT dt5 (] 38-BO S.r.) :.- AM ~ ~° pace pn (36oa to 6 .) ~~ IMPACi M18 (6.55216 B.F.) O>`~. , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IMPACT Nt9 (2.119.1 S. r.) ', HRIGGE (roxu.n~v tupa[r Xxx (~eST. • 5 r )) - -' - ~~ ; i ~ BRIDGE IFGRMERIY iI.xaAC (, l) S~ i. vq\ t BRIDGE (FOauE6EV MEac Xx (x o59.r Sf.)) ) ~F\ MPACi q20 (4013.02 B.F.) ~. i.,-,~~` ~ ~ --1Mpacr k21a (t 41t.9s sF.) '~ u-aCr X25 ( 2 S F) ~ r .- --IMpncT N2t (1,201.92 S.F.) ~ T iG MPACT p2fi ( 0.06 5. .) ~ '>< , BRIDGE CROSS NG (NO WETLAND MPACT9.) BRIOCE (ro wEa~T M>. i Xx a.4o ~s s. u - ~ ~~-:~ ~ ~ is:,,.4,t. ,.p~: oEM~~E., D ~~/l/~C/7lG j+`~ A rtnn~rnrlcTn I. ',, ~ I }~ f~ \ -_.__.___-_ IMPACi M2B (9610 SF.) " ~_,f, C\ `\\ J ST JAMES PLANTATION, LLC I "' I FIGURE 5. PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAN SBS LL~ TAX ID k- 21900061 2190000109, 2350000103 I ~ 1 I ~. ~ ~- ,1 Ub0 II -~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ -. 4 .r:. I~nda i--,- ~ - - ~ ,,,,, i '' '-'` { f } ~ ( j PRELIMINARY- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY IMPACT X2. ( -.ta sF) 71' - ~. I~~ ~'.i 1f~ - -~y_~' ~~,. E. r~~p sr ern or4~rE.r ~.~ I 1 FI ~~~ J Pr r Lin '1 x.13 a i ad r~.~ .. I I I ~/////~~ , ~_~ M~ ®hFI.'N4bCR® ~/ / ~ rl crJ~~ol I that ~a r ,(. ~~ PI ~ ,:A~ T1.. oc~ _. __ _.._ ~I_ __._ _ ~ _. _... -. -._.__-- _. _.. _. _-- _. _-.__- _ _.. i / %/ // ~ i PRELIMINARY- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY i / / i/ /~ ~i (/ /r 11 1 Figure 6. Proposed Wetland Restoration #1 rUGl; gt ~~ 1t ~.; ~IAL~ 1 = ~ L1~ a .4a~ ~~,y ~~«~ I ~~ PRELIMINARY- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY ~ ~, ~ ~'~(. ._. v ., L: CI r _ -Q -1 0711 U" L- -- '_- ~J _.., I L v!.J ,.,, LE I = %~, / '~: !~ fI / i // i %~ / j, %/ ~~ 1 /~ i ;' ,% i i i T#~: -- I_` 7. Proposed Wetland Restoration #2 ~t~uary 2'~..: ~~~,, «~. ~,~ ,_~~„< ~i IvFImvI6CRF.ED n, "I~R'3a~3 f : ~~, .. ..~ J ~~ ~. 4. h i4 A X d i 'c -. ~ ~ ~i¢ ~ ~~ ` (. ~tiv~v +. ii' i ~# 'p ,u O",; p ~' r H~ ~ t7i~ r; ~ _ ~,. n I p, ,, a ~ t ~~` " i V n SCALE 1" =100' Map Source: 1998 NAPP aerial photography Cross section R-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -2 LL -4 - -6 - -~ ~ - --0~------------------------ -'.'-,--~--: -7.47 -8 ---- ------- -- - ----- - Existing Elevation - - Proposed Elevation The Reserve at St. James LMG Figure 8. Cross Section of 02-06-223 LAND MANAGEMDNT GROUP ins Envuonmenral Consultants Restoration #1. November 2007 ~~ S„ ,.: z ` A~ ,A ~ k ~~4_ ~ ., ,_ c~ . fig,; ~. N Map Source: 1998 NAPP aerial photography SCALE 1" =100' Cross section R-2 0 -1 - -2 ~ -3 -4 - i _5 8 _ ---'---- -4.751 -6 -- - ~ -Existing Elevation - - Proposed Elevation The Reserve at St. James L1M1Nncc~~eNrrROU~~~~ Figure 9. Cross Section of 02-06-223 ~ Environmental Consultants Restoration #2. November 2007 The Reserve at St. James Plantation TahlP ~f Prnnnced impacts Located w/in Road # Type of Fill Wetland Type 100-Year Widening or SF of Impacts Decideerees Floodplain? New Road 1 Sandy fill pocosin No New 7952.3 33.9662 material/culvert 78.1117 ~ Sandy fill Carolina Bay No New 6711.86 33.9596 material/culvert 78.1246 3 Sandy fill Carolina Bay No Widening 313].26 33.9574 1257 78 material/culvert . 4 AVOIDED - - - - 5 Sandy till pocosin No Widening 740.7 33.9535 mate~7aUculvert 78.1133 6 Sandy fill pocosin No Widening 172].31 33.9535 material/culvert 78.1135 7 Sandy fill pocosin No Widening 338.74 33.9519 material/culvert 78.1145 8 Sandy fill pocosin No Widening 888.50 33.9515 material/culvert 78.1150 9 Sandy fill pocosin No Widening 691.22 33.9511 material/culvert 78.1151 10 Sandy till pocosin No New 2335.68 33.9505 material/culvert 78.1187 11 Sandy fill pocosin No New 1904.45 33.9505 materiaUculvert 78.1194 12 NOT WETLANDS - - - - 13 Sandy fill pocosin No New 2757.02 33.9487 material/culvert 78.1214 33.9489 14 Sandy fill material Pocosin No New 71.66 78.1220 15 Sandy fill pocosin No New 3138.80 33.9483 material/culvert 78.1219 16 Sandy fill pocosin No Widening 3537.70 33.9552 material/culvert 78.1384 17 Sandy fill pocosin No New 3604.18 33.9487 material/culvert 78.1258 18 Sandy fill pocosin No New 4552.76 33.9492 material/culvert 78.1269 19 Sandy fill Pocosin No New 2719.70 33.9507 material/culvert 78.1298 20 Sandy fill Carolina Bay No New 4073.82 33.9456 material/culvert 78.1312 21 Sandy fill pocosin No New 1281.92 33.9455 material/culvert 78.1375 21A Sandy fill pocosin No New 1471.98 33.9464 material/culvert 78.1379 33.9494 22 Bridge Pocosin No New 0 78.1398 33.9493 23 Bridge Pocosin No New 0 78.1404 33.9488 24 Bridge Pocosin No New 0 78.1420 25 Sandy fill Pocosin No New 6897.23 33.9481 material/culvert 78.1401 26 Sandy fill pocosin No New 3610.86 339479 material/culvert 78.1411 33.9476 27 Bridge Pocosin No New 0 78.1431 28 Sandy fill Pocosin No New 963.70 33.9395 material/culvert 78.1315 29 Sandy fill Pocosin No Widening 702.14 33.9370 material/culvert 78.1479 TOTAL X51 ' I PRELIMINARY- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY .k-,acs D _>~ _ I ( LJ J~.) 1110 Wetland Impact #29 '~loverr:~er Z~0~' M~der~~~„ a ~.~_ __~,e..~:e B IvFiCIM&CREED l Draft -September 2007 Wetland Restrictive Covenant for [Name of Project or Tract] NORTH CAROLINA -BRUNSWICK COUNTY THIS RESTRICTIVE COVENANT is made on _ a North Carolina WITNESSETH: _, 20 , by ("Declarant"). WHEREAS, Declarant owns certain real property located in Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, including that area more particularly described as follows: Being the wetland area consisting of acres, as shown on that plat of recorded in Map Cabinet at Page , Brunswick County Registry (such wetland area is hereinafter referred to as the "Conservation Area" and said recorded plat is referred to as the "Plat"). WHEREAS, Declarant has received authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Action ID for certain impacts in connection with ,and Declarant is executing this restrictive covenant for the purpose of complying with the mitigation condition of such authorization. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that the Conservation Area shall be held, sold, subdivided and conveyed subject to the following restrictive covenant: The Conservation Area shall be maintained. in perpetuity in its natural or mitigated condition. No person or entity shall perform any of the following activities on the Conservation Area: (a) fill, grade, excavate or perform any other land disturbing activities; (b) cut, mow, burn, remove, or harm any vegetation; 200282 1. DOC (c) construct or place any roads, trails, walkways, buildings, mobile home, signs, utility poles or towers, or any other permanent or temporary structures; (d) drain or otherwise disrupt or alter the hydrology or drainage ways; (e) dump or store soil, trash, or other waste; or (f) graze or water animals, or use for any agricultural or horticultural purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing restrictions, construction and maintenance of elevated boardwalks and nature observation structures, cutting of vegetation as necessary for construction and maintenance of such boardwalks and observation structures, and hand cutting of other vegetation, is allowed in the Conservation Area. The foregoing restrictive covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the mitigation condition of the Clean Water Act authorization issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, and therefore may be enforced by the United States of America. This restrictive covenant shall run with the land, and shall be binding on Declarant and all parties claiming under it. This instrument is subject to all existing easements, rights of way, and reservations of mineral rights of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused this instrument to be executed as of the day and year first above written. [Name of Owner] BRUNSWICK COUNTY -NORTH CAROLINA I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: Date: , 20 (Official Seal) By: Name: Title: Official Srgvrature of Nota~ y P~°ii~ted or typed vrame My commission expires: Notary Public 200282 I.DOC - 2 - BRIDGE ELEVATION VDsW Scale: N.T.S. GRADES DEPICTED ARE GENERIC, NO SITE INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. w ~pf~oo)~ UF~O ~~~3~~y~~a L°JO~IIRJI:.LS LJVIM`~ 7710 PIO~Of1011B~ ~0 r.0I11~Bily c~.'""i..a. _ ~ e w .sea :.w R'°'v w r'".u. ~ tiara es' i~, ww .a.n .one" r"..+,~ r~.~"~'.,~,ao, e«e,e. weaa Roodland Park ursaa cu, h seo.n ie.c moa owM c sam vortan we aem / CONCEPTUAL we s~ n/xo/oa (Denectioa L/soo) I Timber Bridge Pile 6upported Vehicular Hridga FIGURE 18. CROSS SECTION OF BRIDGE BRIDGE SECTION Scale: ~'i = 1'-0" Typical Cross Section with Culvert 0+ 10' 0+5' 0+0' 60'-wide ROW --~ Proposed Grade Proposed culvert ,, ~~ ~~.~ Existing Grade ~~ ~ i r-~/ 0+0' 0+10' 0+20' 0+30' 0+40' 0+50' 0+60' 0+70' '~ Proposed fill in 404 wetlands Horizontal: 1" = 10' Vertical: 1" = 5' NOTE: Final road specifications to be determined by project engineer. Elevations shown are estimates and are given to demonstrate relative positions. St. James Plantation; The Reserve Brunswick County, NC Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. February 2007 Figure 17. Typical Road Cross-Section with Culvert IMPACT ~2 (6711.86 B.F.) -.~ IMPACT ~3 (3,131.26 S.F.)~~ FORMERLY IMPACT ~4 (AVDIDED)---~ r/~///~. r '. ~„ ~-^ y ~ A~ r~. IMPACT #16 (3537.7 S.F.) BRIDGE (FORMERLY IMPACT ;122 (3857.14 SF.)) BRIDGE (FORMERLY IMPACT 823 (fi,819.45 Sf.)) BRIDGE (FORMEALr IMancr N24 (2,oe9.37 s.F.)) IMPACT #25 (6,897.23 S.F.) IMPACT X26 (3,610.86 SF.) BRIDGE (FORMERLY IMPACT p27 (3,901.39 S.F.)) IMPACT p291(70a.1 f Q ~ ~ '^~ J "; r, ~. lr I ~~I>. -. ,,, ,,, ,; r,r / \ ! _ -)~ ~ ~ ~! I Y,; rlgrb Yi°, ~~ 0?r, -----IMPACT ~j28 (963.70 S.F.) ~ r~ , ~/ 1~. , ~,_, ______ IMPACT ~ (7952J SF) /~ rr rr / rrr jr ~, \ , - r ri/, '~rlr~r , '%r rri ri% . r/rr r~ ~,,., ~ Jrl i/~rf. ' l r r~~ ~ /, / iG ; ~ rrrr 1 ri % i/„ ll~ I r r ~ i~~ rr/ . _ ~rr r,., r r r _ /n/i ~ ~/ ~~ , ~~ r ~i irr r~~lijj ~ r rr r ~ v~ ). ! r ~~ r r/ ~ r/rr riir/~ i(. / ,, '~ •/.I frl~~~rir,~ %'- %r i / i r v 1i'~ t i l _ ~//~~ irr mir~r~~i r r r rr;' i/riii r / rr ~ ~l rl , r,,,r e Vii/ .4 / ~{~ r r' / i i% l (~ 4rU r I ~ ~ ~-~, ; ~ rY., . . ~ ~ '~ ~ , i ''/ ~. I ~~`!` I'~ _ r~ ~ ,r c '~r~ a ~ ~ G V ~~ I ~ _ .. ~~._ v, I 7 I. o ~ !. q r 1, ~,~ r ~r 7 ~ ~ 1 r. rl~//// n ~.' _ ..+ 1 )~ i ~~ ~. a r ~i .~,~ Ill r y 7 ~~ ~MPAOT X17 (3,604.18 S.F.) ' ~~ ~~~~~ -IMPACT q18 (4,552.76 S.F.) ~.i /r~~/ ~ IMPACT X19 (2,719.7 S.F.) r~~ ~r r/' (~f '/r! 1 i ~ IMPACT p20 (4073.82 S.F.) ~.j ~~ "--IMPACT #21A (1,471.98 S.F.) ~_~- '---IMPACT p21 (1,281 92 S.F:) '~~''--~ BRIDGE CROSSING (NO WETLAND IMPACTS.) Easnnc n. JAMES DEYEIOPMENi f. i / 1` • ,~ ~ ~ •! ~- ~ ~ . ~, -IMPAGT (j5 (7aD 7 s F) ~ ~-1MPACTj ~6 (1721 31 5 F) _ _ -IMPACT ~J7 33874 SE -IMPACT 8 88850 SE - •%~ -IMPACT ~9 (691 22 5 F -` -'-' 'µ ~ IMPACT #10 (2335 68 S.F.) yg ---IMPACT X11 (190445 SF.) I ~~~ Ezlsnxc si. Jwes oEVELOw[ni ,:/. ~y -Ji / "-IMPACT 12 (NOT WETLANDS) '-~-IMPACT (~~j13 (2,75702 S.F.). ~ `"-IMPACT ,y14 (71.fi6 S.F. 'tom`- IMPACT T5 13.136.60 ~.F.) D xat>H ~~~~~ rr% ST. J/Vvl LS PIANTP;IION /l, ////r/ ~ ! ~~ ~/i/~/~ ~ rl~ I ll~/r /~ .~\ I rr r~ ~E.r • '' ~ EXISIMC 51. JAMES MEYttCPNENi (` ~A - 'y V /r r ~ 1 ~'°~ ~ 41'x' ~ - ~ ~ rif ~r/ r c9 ''"~ r / ~! ~ ~ ~~ ! rYjr 1 /r ~. r~rr ~ ~ ~~~ V ` r/ r a y~ 1 t~~T~ % ~ n ~ y/ pir f/1~~~~~~ ~l ~ /~//~~~~~~ ~~ir ~ (~ r ~` ~ i'. '. ~ .irr r/r it rir~rir ~/ ~i~~ Y -'~ r%/r1~~ 1 ~~ tilt ~r ~ r ~/lJr~~r//.,~rNrr~p il~ ~ ~:i ~~ r rr!rr' jl rr /~r ~ ji 0 h rrr~ rlii/i r i~ ~r„/~d,~,rr~ I ~,,; rr,r/~ rr;/~,'r'~! ~~;r ~ '~ ','r/~/'rru ~/ y rr ~ C' . rr {r~rrr r.4i rrri r r 1 rir. r I rir jlJ ~~ rr/r // rr •-~ ;, 1 '~ ~ :~ "" ~, ji/l 1 ,' II 1, V ~ `~~ %i ) III, ~ 17111 +_( ~ v •%~ /r/// rir. F~ ~..,; 111~i111)~~ ),11~'-~^"' ~~ !.d r / .'~ 1'r~~ I ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ '~i"f ~" Ip A.^, ~ ~ Exlsnnc sc Jnues oEKLavuExT FIGURE P R E U M I N A R Y 6 MASTER P L A N ST ~AMESSP~ANTAnoN, PLC . TAX ID (J- 21900D01, 219DD00109, 235D000103 NavEMBER zom II ® PRELIMINARY- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY ~(1~1r.~_. , ~rF11,y 1~1 t ~.~.,; at~ ! ~,i4~.'-3 ac) I nu r ~rr'u~ ~ ; t'ht (~anrl~± tlal ~ be r~r „rl2~ 1 ~1 p^'I gip, ~~ . M~. I