HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240365 Smalley Disposal FormE SPOIL DISPOSAL FORM Project Nameladdress.5 r'C�•-7l�g,I',,��5�'�`�1 �' County: nC(�I {� Location Address: U' I kTd jY 1 V l Z� p31 Parcel #: O Parcel/lot size C Disposal area requited(sq ft an racreage)_�a� VeS Acknowledgement o NoliJ cation I, �G vtn l �Q CV__, am aware that the site must adhere to all tate regulations and roles regarding sediment and erosi control and water quality. And give permission for Name of Individual and Company to dispose of their dredge material a above stated location Owner: Date: 4, t Signature Along with fort, please provide: Aerial of parcel/lot (County CIS) Photo of proposed spoil site Identified proposed spoil site ( W § .. I i M Ipm § \ « § | .` }� l$ � >s lid; 3 1 a a 3 .jai m� r x� z �e n mt; �� nc: .m aE.xn•w � 501' 1J;_Qi.W'E t\ au s !T =T = r=T T �_Nm yT T i ... /A i wrn nmv-r. rz um a: wn RReunvu la R 5 .y JIR \\ s.. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: GIVES AUTHORIZATION TO SHANNON MILLER WITH LAKE NORMAN DREDGING & PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6790 DISPOSAL SITE. PARCEL IiPMBER- u 3694021277 RD, DENVER NC 28037 FOR BOOK 233740�c 73'0 009253 Filed Date: jugust 28. 2012 Pgs: 4 Time: 2,06 PM Recording Feee Page: 730 Danny R. Rester Registei of Deeds Lincoln CountV, NC uI�IIIil�liNlll Ill�fil(�il�lil�Jll�lllil'�Pi�IllUll Prepared by: Rich rd E. Jonas, Attorney at Law, Lincointon, NC ✓After recording me to: Grantee rA \ STATE OF NORT ' CAROLINA WARRANTY DEED Deed ur Gift Thi= dew:. _=s this o W day OT KATHLEEI GOODSON FISHER, FKA KATHLEEN GOO DSON SAMUELIIOMAS GOODSON _d,re«: / 7 9 ? /lcol 21 1 ) Oiul-Pw It C ii0 Z hereinafter referre I to as "Grantee." The desigr ition "Grantor and Grantee' as used herein slhiail include said parties, their heirs, personal represer:stives, successors and assigns and shall include the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by the context. which is hereby ac nowledged, has and by these presents does ;irant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Catawba Springs Township, Lincoln County, N. C. and more particularly described as follows: All of :2; tarcei 3-'ii70__ qg ail of the KeUn. _____.; Heir_ southwest rn side of Kidville Road, the same Wig property described in deed recorded I ook 379, Page 381, Book 512, Page 573 and Book 603, Page 70, to which deed refer nce is made for further description whit i is incorporated herein by this See alsointor Wit A for further deed description. T`-` NAVNC 4 H %L':-) the aloresaia or oT ian5 and all pri!%!ic�e5 ariu' appurtenancesunto belonging to the said Grantee in fee sin pie. And the covenants with the Grantee, that Grant �r is seized of the premises in fee simple, •^•�__ ._ :::..:: __-'_v -` _ ,^ e. _ _ - all encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend the,titl, ayjain�i the iaw`,.:i persons whomsoe ier except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subje t to the following exceptions: the record chain o reserYatior+S, restrictions, �diti , easements and riyiiia-of=ways iri title. of this deed did not examine or certify tide nd did not participate in the closing /HEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set t is hand and seal, the day and year B UK COUNTY OF LIN( OLN e: illy oefore me this day and acknowledged instrument. Witness m hand and Notarial Seal, this the My Commission E pires: i'i -4•f . Public ii fh.f Kofhlo n (.nnAsnn Fisher du= execution of the iaraa_.:� Of EGeK Zoo GAGE / 3 J GA[libl i H Parcel347( ) 6792 Kidvill : Road TRACT 1: E F_+GIf V411"G a: d = ake Oin -Vest side of a bran. ^ in Susan Keevees line, and runs North, 5 '/: deg. East 93 poles to a white oak; thence North 3 deg. East 47'% poles to a stone; fence North 25 deg. East 45-7/8 poles to a some on West side of Lincolnton I oad: thence North 9 dea. West 22 notes to a ;tone; thence North 62'/. deq. West 6-3/5 roles to a stone; thence South 16 deg. '' est c Yy poles to a stone; thence North 78'/z leg. West91-1/5 poles to a stone; thence South 86'/2 deg. West 29'/4 poles to a s ake in the Road; thence South 81-3/4 deg. W:st 29 poles to a stake in the Pnnd, thPn•. p Croith 44 dan West 37 enles to a donwood near a branch: thence South 72 deg. Oje :l 22 poles to a =edar thence Sout., 66 deg. Vest 46 poles to a stake in. the branch; the ce, down the branch as it meanders, to the beginning, being about 99 '/2 poles, cont ining 85 acres, more or less. need Ref_ :r:_=: Book 379, Page 381 TRACT 2: 1 EGINNING at an iron stake, a new comer on ;he old line of C.A. Keever and also cc ner of the property of Keith Goodson, and rur s thence with Keith ---..... "eg Keith Good on's old comer, thence North 1 deg. 34 min. 1 sec. East 69.25 feet to an iron stake a new comer in the old line at the edge of the r ht of way of State Road No. 1381, then( , three (3) new lines with the lands of C.A. Ke Bver, South 41 deg. 58 min. .. - -= t 32.65 leaf iv en iiun =fake, t err 00u1h " 069. --4 ;:nn. 10 sec. VVUU 29.52 feet i i an iron stake, thence South 86 deg. 42 min. 3 sec. West 436.61 feet to the point of 3EGINNING, containing 0.20 acres more or ss. —_'--.e.3..-_=. _—!' Ana o_V.. 7n TRACT 3: 1 EGINNING at a point in the center of N.C. Hi„Ihway #1381, new comer in the old A.B, Keever line, and runs thence with the center ,)f the highway South 32 deg. 10 min. Ea 183.5 feet to a ooint in the center of the hiqhway (which said corner is located No h 78 deg- 30 r Vvesst 27.4 feet from an _"-onfroi comer), and runs thence wit ther lands of Goodson North 78 deg. 30 min West 122.5 feet to an old comer; the with property of A.B. Keever North 2 deg. 45 min. West 109.8 feet to the Deed Refebnce: Book 512, Page 573.