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GW1--02453_Well Construction - GW1_20240423
• • WELL_CONSTRUCTION RECORD 1 . - . •ParI[�crnilusootlLYt. . . This form can be used Fot'sin&or multiple wells•" II:Wr l•ContractorIufortitatiou:. . .. ,;tJ S1,rA2'HR'ION/ES': _ t . Tyler Brown . ' :FROM." ' TO ' - - OBSCRtPTION • wen Conar,gorttanie R; R`: . ffI . . . • 4625-A fG N it - II . . NC EVell ConuactorCeniftestionNualrcr • • . 'ft5:<.OL1TEICCASiNG'(rnriaitilt( iSeit csctisi OR LINERtlf.-aU"tiek131 i; MONT TO - 'DTAdtETER THICKNESS '\IATERfAL ' SAEDACCO 0f 745 ft6..25" la: SCR-40 . PVC • . 4mrgl:uil•Nauw` 6:INNERCAS1NG'OR UB1NG.ti iiherioaretuudadapj;' -- . ' i • ROM TO - DIAML'rlitt' THICKNESS. MAT'ERL(t. 2 W ltConsauctiiinPeruiit#« 0 ' :R. 154 ft. 2" • , 'ht. •SCH-40 . PVC .r4.4trflrjry�lirblc arn r h„:4 llperikitsfi .Counertr,;lraria,rct,Iry't rgerr.) . . •ft, ft: I 4. . . 3...0,1113se(duskmelt use):•• .17 SCRL'EN'' - ". • ' -- . . -WatcrSuppty:{Vell: - '.- '' -FROM" -• TO' • 'UTAM*TEre• SLOTSils: •T1i1CKN.S MATERIAL. C1Agri:Ltltiicdl • CiMtuiicipatiRith)Rle:, - 154 R.: 164 •;R. 2" i 010 SCH-40 • PVC DGegtltenual(BeatingCoolittgSupply). DResidetltralWitet Supply(siogIe) . ft. ft'' It, 'DbidusuialtContmercial . ' ORcsiilsntial�IVater;Su (shared) . U'f; - " • pPI tR:GRO 651 10 )LCrERthL 7 EHCLAGtiMENThiEitl@D SAMQ[tNT 7 - L]lrrirattipn. 0' • ft. 148 ft: Portland Tremie ' ' Ntfti=Water Supply Well:- p: ft. - . - . -181Monitosing• •• . . Olittioi,vty . . . . Injection Welk - • . ..tt' . .ft.. DAguifcr Recharge. .OGreutidRntcr Rcmediiatiun • • , .isi sANIVGRM£L''PACEc ti;u iplic,intel - = -"• ' -- 'FitOSL - .TO ' MATtituAM. • ESIPtb>,IIMENT METHOH IlAttolferStotagc•andRccovcty- ClSalinityl3artier • 152 ft. '168 -ft.• Filter Sand #2 ' ElAquiferTest . . . ElSlommatcrllrtinOg . - • .' eG • DExPer mental Tcehngtogy_„ 13Sobsidcncc.Controh .. . °10 DRILLIINGLOG ettacli`addrtionut:shiclsifireci:nen,l.• - ..• - . DGeotltennal(Closed Coop) ' • DTrteer .FROM ' TO' nESCRtpTiONkolor.hanhics;.suibtickow. aintere,rtrt . . CGeatltentul(Rea lm:Caaliue.Return} •DOttrer(explain under 421.Retnadcs) • .ti: It! It.. It. 'i .S.,..a ..`) 1-25-24 MW-PO6-PD • � 1 `' #:Date�Vell(9) ampleted ' flr�'ll lflfl� "fy- - ft: . . 4 ••�....• ..; • • f' f Sa 3l4iElhiieatinui, ft*. �. ' APR:-2 �ti CUZ`t . . Chemours . . - ft. ft, FaciTl}+Ctictxr--Name Facility lD#(ifappleiNibloy,• R. R. • �` lC;ii • 4000 Chapra. Drive,:Wilmington,' NC, 28412 • ft.: p • P10aicnl_rlddcess City.and Zip 24 REM1fARt:S . , New Hanover P Bentonite chips 148'-152` ' Courtly 1>artC1.lrl fitifcc1li[1uN(.;(FIN) ,. . Sti.l:itttihidc and G.qng$eidc'in'rtrgrcc:`lminuGeslseeimtlsurdceitrtrtd ccsc 23: crtitieatina: . .I . • - (iteett field,turn 1 th1002.;is cidIeekr;tl •,i3. . • • h w / �" •� 1/25„.24 .. . . • . Signutu:=ofCcitifted V cllContraator i.. Date . - 6',Ls(ore),the'tvetl(s): $ie'Cttilurtent Or.. .T111204)00011- - jh•..i#•nrrl•e t'iY rrrr.I lrrrel•{'dcrP dug'Iht'mdl.S' 1tux(awn)-twrs'fnt _ 'frith fit,NCAC 0A'C,01fk7 or at NC.'rtC 02C,0200;Vitt Coustriw:(oir Standards and rlarr a . 7:•G this Is,repair to un,csistiog•p'elt: bifor or KIND- • . .ropy bftlrtt i scninf hits bra pnoriekd to reic well(when, 0il IsIs"a ri alr fi!d 41'.kaoeevl Welt anlO rretka;liiferrriarlan iiradcep(aln the euriare offdis i;' ' a,enriaader.2I rrmierkesrchars,nrtAn tlu!ba.L ofth#e lame:- " - . • 23:Site-disc;rant or•add'Ltiunat tsetl details. ' - ' You stay use the backs of this page.to'profide additional well.site.dt ails or well • • R:Nutnbcrof«'tells cotwtretctetl:1 'consuuctiuu details. You niaValso`attack additional pa s if necessary,ssary, Fornurld4k l,tkerktn or euui-ntiirersieppl�'attlhr.O!L)'.with rhes.srrtie co;rstttarlou,;east earn ' setnniu oie fr rri,, $OBMMTTAL INSTEICTiONS 1 9.Total wilt.depth below land surface: • 168 (B;) '24:r, Air,Alt Weil s:. Submit this fart within aft day*of comptetioti-yf ti•ell - For nrerlp1n iircils'lise till d,'prlrs ifd fferenr(erainjilc-31'200'tad 2@ 100'y`. eonstfl, tign to the foiloning: is 10.Static tiraterlevc➢below top of easing: - - •. . .•. . . '(ft:) Divisitiu of Water Roan tree.s.InfurmatianPrueeseting Unit,. Iftnum,kiil Laliar'.0 cn'sirsIuan,--- -. - - 11611 Mail Service t:; _catcr.Ralei;h,NC27699-1617 I1.Burchote diameter 1D."/6" .(io.), 24h,For fieiectlon Wells.ONLY'1-Is addition cascading the fort to the address in 24a"abose,also submit a-copv-of this feutt within'30•days"of completion of well . ➢2.Well.construction method:Roto-sonic • • - eonstiucdonto the followitte_. (i.e.pager.,rotary,table direct lusb.etc.) " _ ( - . • • - •Divlsiou_of Water Resaut'ces;Hfnderground Injection Conttvil-Pmgrant, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' . -- • ' ,1636!gait Service Ce ftcr,Raleigh.NC 2,3699-1636 ;e,llidd(gltm) idc:For.Watce Sutijly&tnjc Wol`Vdb 13 Method of test: • Also submit one copy of this forntItcithin 30 day'sof completion of ' • 131):Disinfection tilt - • ' • -Amaunn - ' well eonslntction to the-county lit all!department of the windy tthcro' . •constricted. . Fanu GtV-1• . Nenh Carolhlo Depuniment:of Environment awl Natural Resources—Dh lslon of Water Relaltbm Revised August2#13.. 1.