HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02437_Well Construction - GW1_20240422 1VE;LL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For ituenm!Use ONLY: I This form can be used far single or tnultiplc wells 1.Well Contractor Informatietc , ti.WATER ZONES Brian Ewing FROM TO D6_:HIPtir0N Well Contractor 1`anie ft, fL 4240-B It. ft. NC Weil Conlmclar Cal iftcation Walther :LS.MITER CASING ffor-mufti-civet wctlsi OR LINER ID off livable). Friom 1 To DIAMETER. THICKNESS MATERi'AL SAEDACCO IL Ill. iu. Con4ratry None 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING Igeotheranal clascd.1 i ,, FROM TO DIAMETER. _THICKNESS MATERLtL 2,Well Construction Permit#: 0 ft. 8 ft. 1" in- SCH-40 PVC LW aly,lirahlc urnpenrOs(Le.County.,£'a'.Varforrr,Iry'er0'Lat oar.) ft. ft, in, 3.Welt Use(check well use): a7.SCREEN Water Supply Well: - 1 Fuual (1 TO DtAstkT};R sun sin I Tin CKNti5 I MATERIAL. LJAgricultutal UhiunicipaliPublic 8 ft. ! 18 R. 1" in .010 SCH-90 PVC ©Geothennal(HcatingiCooling Supply) ©Residential Water Supply(single) f1. I!!I ft. in, I ©lndustriaUContuacteial °Residential Water Supply(shared) .1&GROf FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT\IE HOD&AMOUNT ❑M:Cation ft. IL Non-Water Supply Well: ft, rt. t1111MonitOring °Recovery Injection Well: rl. ft. 0Aquifcr Recharge OCroundwatcr Rcntediation 1s.SAND/GRAVEL PACK.Of applicable) ' Fltt►M TO 51L'rERLt1, tOIPI.ACEAIENTMt:Toon EAquifcr-Storage and Recovery °Salinity Barrier 16 ft. 18 ft. FILTER SAND # 2 • ❑Aquifer Test ❑StormwatcrDrainage 9 ft. ft. OtiNv;tintcntll TeeltrI010gY °5ubsir[cntc Control 1 2n.DRILLING LOG(attach additional if rtecessarvI aGeorhiennal(Closed Loop) °Tracer FROM TO . DESCRIPTION(tour0arJnca4.+eetIInKk11 pr.,"•raineve.ea) DG otltennal(Heatiul/Cooliue Return) []Other(explain under#21 Retuad;s) 0 ft. 5 ft, FILL SILT AND SAND 5 ft. 10 ft. SILTY SAND -I.Date Wells)Completed: 3-28-24 Well iDosTMW-g 10 fa, 18 iL SILT CLAY MOIST TO WET 50.Well Location: a "] rt. fL is id.-'t:. 'L.:L 4 •IL, Former Edgecombe Genco Plant 1tt, rt, P Fasilit}',Ditner isin Facilit}'1D:(ifappliablc) R ft. ARR 292-2M 6358 Battleboro Rd., Battleboro, NC 27809 , Edgecombe 1 rt, ft. kPr`a „-: r�,'^•;.^>e..,,l't)it? County, NC, 27809 Physical Address.City,and Zip r' 'L0 • BENTONITE SEAL 4 TO 6' Comity Parce]1ttntine;lli4n No,(PIN) Sh.Lntitirde and Dingilule in dcgrccslminutcstscconds or dccimail degrees: 22.Certification: (Iforll Hard,one Iai,Iorrg is grdnciced) N W B1i1a, Ewing. 4/3/2024 Signature ofCeniliied Well Contractor Dale 6.IS(are)the[veils): L]Pennarrcnt or xlTcmltorary -NV signing this form,i lrerebr erne,:Mai rnr roll(sl wax jt:rn)usssinwwred It asonlrmcr With 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 172 C.0200 Well Consrrv,ctiaar Skimiords and rhea a 7.bs this a repair toanccistingwell: ElYcs or l2No repvof ibis ward has ken provided ro;Pe nullmown l(ahls is q repair.fill aan ktroir+4 well corurnrcalara information and espiahl rho torture of dr.- repair under 021 irn urLs sr aide or al the hark odds form. 23.Site diaprani or additional well details: You may use the back of lids page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 Construction derails. You may also attach additional pages if uecessaty. Foran:.elrlplc Injection ararm-warer saeppjr calls ONLY with the sertaecoarstrucfion,your can =Mironc form SUBMITTAL iNSTI_TCTIONS ' 9.Total well depth below land surface: 18 (ft.) 21a. Fur All Wells: Submit this fano within 30 days of completion of well Formahlplcmeltslistalldrpinifdijei•rrnl(estarnpfr-3€200'and2@1170) eonstntetionto the Cottoning; 1U.Static water level below lop of carsina: (ft.) . Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, (lower level is above claims;OM"+" [617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter:2.25 (in) 24b.For iitJcStirri}Vella ONLY: in addition to sending the Conn to the address in 2-la above. also submit a copy of this fonts wititin 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: DRIVEN _ construction to the following: (Lerau er.ratan'.cable direct push.etc.) 'Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection-Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a Yield(g rn) 24c.For Water Supplhv.tic injection Welts: p method of test: Also submit one copy of[iris form within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection type: - _ Amount: wet'construction to the county health department of the.county.where • constructed. Form 0W-L Noah Carolina Depann;c a of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Rratrces Revised August_H)1:l I