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GW1--02413_Well Construction - GW1_20240422
• WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) Fur internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: 1 + I . •�(01� �?} ,1:V .Nti.arERzo:�ss 1 I I I� �� � �jr)1!l � ! FROM ) to I UksC'ItlhllON -, Well Contractor Name ! t� 792 ft. 22 fr. (� � ' ft. J� ft- I I NC Well Coning or Certification Number I 15.OUTER CASING(for multi-cased)dells)OR LINER(if applicable) I , MILLER WELL DRILLING FROM '1'O DIAIIETER• 1 -r111C'KNE:ss MATERIAL j , fr, ft. ✓ Company Name v �� -� 'in. S.D��2! �1� �f r 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed-loop) #: fill 222'3Q, '/I /, FROM TO ( DIAMETER' THICKNESS )14TER1.\I. 2.Well Construction Permit /� I List all applicable �1f construction permits(i.e.WC.Colony.Slate.i in ianre.rue.1 It. ft. in. I( t, 3.Well Use(check well use): fr. ft. J' in. Water Supply Well: I i.SCREEN 1 • FROM •I'O DIAMETER,' I SLOT SIZE THICKNESS I }IATERIAL ❑Agricultural DNlunicipal!Public i ft. ft. in! I ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Cential Water Supply(singlet ft. i I fr. in. I I ❑lndustriat'Commercial - \=Residential Water Supply(shared) j IS.GROUT - DT ri ration C:Wells>100.000 GPD I l FROM TO I MATERIAL. / r..MPPI..4CEMENTT METHOD&AMcn.NT Non-Water'Supply Well: i! it. v ft. TC-.'�-a:.. . Yri(-r r;_:r1 I Q�1oI)itoring _Recover I ' it. fr. t G Lnfl/ _ �vf , -J Injection Well: I C S it. ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑GroundwaterRemediation I I , I 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) ❑Agwiler Storage and Recovery CSalinity Barrier FROM TO I M&TERIAt.. E:N1Pi.ACFMFITMFTIIUD ❑Aquifer Test QStonnwater Drainage It. H. - ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ft. ft. ) ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer 120.DRILLING LOG(attach addition!sheets ifnecessars) ❑Geothcmtal(I lcaling/Cooling Return) QOther(explain under'+'_I Remarks) FROMTo DF.SCREP.'r1O\(color.hardnes soil/rock ape min+ize,crc.1 4,Date Well(s)C:ompleted:`1 -1 C�- 4 „6'eil IDo ft• , .~;j; ft• I `, ),_ "'l 4t` - ' . ft. ft. .J I' _ 5a.Well Location: ,„_. ..-, ,.-.-.,a, )r :-. ft. ft. �'t, .t...'C.f �3 '1...,t..0 Facillity:Ow)nerName ll Facil1i:ylBs(if applicable) I It. ft. I Ape 2 G Zf174 1�avj 2��1J l��lt i (1 l :4 1ltJ(+UF1✓0, NC I ft. ft. ( APR Physical Address,City,and Zipft. fr. < U ^^:�di`"e? tirtF 1l' 21.REMARKS `[j::t✓�.� 1chGt(�SCDirl . County Parcel identification No.IPIN) , 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: . (if well field,one lag/long is sufficient; 22.Certificatio n.:�5"' o :(oLI N -X3© 1491,06' W /r( 41,) �t L" t' _- 6.Is(are)the well(s): 2 anent or ❑Temporary Sianar)re of Certified Well C'uiitractus Date / kr.signing title fi»•m,/he•rci,r Ccl/ill'thatthe tivlit.siISJSilscsciconstructed in:7C'r'e1:,JC:WC.:Uili 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or o 15,1 A MCC(1.C'sow,.a•15,1.VCAC n2r 0200 Well i]ens:ruction Standards and that a r,y,r II fhb;is a repair.fill out/nown we!!ewurrtrtion inlbrnuniou and explain the nrmnr gfihe: of riot my ord has lees;prrn,:ded to me aril owner. repair tinder fr2!Marks sertia,n or an the hack nj':hi sinnn. . 23.Site diagram or additional well:details: . 8.For Geoprohe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the sonic You may use the hack of this page'io provide additional\cell construction info • construction,only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAI.NUMBER of well, (add'See Over in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: I • ��(� 2a.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 2_, f lee/ (ft.) Pnr,mdtiple wens list ull depths f different ferung:/r-3�a;'f(1'and'ra,l00.1 ) Submit this GW-1 within 30 clays til well completion per the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: aft) 24a, For All Wells: Original fuel tip Division of Water Rest.mrces I'D1�it). .r.......•..r,.,.•r:.,,.+.....�<.<.r.,:,,.,.. .. mfarmation Processing 1.-- 1617 Nis; .Ralei_ah.NC 2 76oO_16I' I • t i.Borehole diameter: �� On.) 2=1b.For Injection Wells:Copy to DWR.Underground Injection Control(IUC) r Program. 1636 MSC.Raleigh,NC 21699-1636 12.Well construction method: fi l �;-ILK raj 24c.For Water Supply and Open-LGeothermal odp Return Wells:Copy to lilt:(i.e.au cr.rotary,cable.direct push.ire.) - / county env:rotimental health dcpartmbnt attic county where installed FOF.-WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells producing tiler!100.000 GPD:Copy to DWR.CC'PCUA 13a.Yield(gpm) ,6 Method of test: hi/K. Permit Program, 1611 MSC,Ralcigh)NC 27699-t6!1 13h.Disinfection type: 4-4 Amount: //1/ r:vp - ` Fenn.OW-1 North Carolina Department or Environmental Quality-Division or Water Resource, Revised 6-6_(IIS