HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02408_Well Construction - GW1_20240422 \VF,LL CONS'f t4Ul•I tun KP,t.tntI1 t..t,r•I! a r t„ .Iota.. y......a..o. I.Well Contractor Information' i. - La(ldon Phillips tt a.1i1 N if1NFX— fi^ -------- --- --'- unlal ns _ IM11 fRNt O'cll' Dxiias Na,,,, j 0 r, S n ir . Z`�e� /Y, • 3441 A ft, , FL 1 ��Well •naarhn s sir,Oon Numitrl IS 11117 EU t ASC11( tbr multi cased will LrJR LINER et NW Poole Well iitltl Pump C011lpitl1�' _ EMIR!+� 4m .2nmiTi '.na. 6:, _ t. I J^0 `•"•s;„..Nato'. r'/, / I6 INNER CASING OR TUR_ING(geothermal elnsed-Inup ' • 1 :.\\ell Construction Permit If: .1 i CI C2 Q t FN(Inl- in iLNIRI Eft T1uCJ(ae Y.4 MA1Ir�4R __I ,.,.. atAfr ovit„n,anu•ae,iv-rantsl e 1.111y m<bnna+.Vine,ra er,cu.1 V — ,—-_ ~ft. ft. ie. .1.Well 3 sc Owl,.well use): --` ---- 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: fItOM TO MAal(:I'FA -:11411 SIZE_. ,_rRICJPIVIS AtaTf Rral \pi iculGnal llhlunicipahl'llhlic R. G. in. L_VeotIlel:na1 Ii I ,tstg:'C'utrling Supply) Atesidentiat Water Supply(single) fr. b. in. --� ,7lotlust:ialiCommcre,al tJResietcntial Water Supply(shared) itt CN011'! t`1.-rigutjon ❑\Yells>100,000(I'1) nonce TO MATERIAL £uirl.1C!_NLNT METIIOJ 1 AitOs.,.;: i !Non-U'atrr Supply Well: O ft. .� R. ht/e p v _ _ C\tcnuoring °Recovery ft. ft. 1 Injection Well: ft. tt. ..1.(wfs r Recharge OGrnundwatei Remcdiation --- --- , 19.SAND/GRA VN1.PACK(if applicable) _ -__- 1.)si cc Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier Foam TO MATERIAI. EMN.ACPMV.T Al ElIron �.14u:ferTest OStutmwuterDrainage a. ft. ,1'spc,anental Technology ❑Subsidence Control rt. Is. , 6e0i1':tonal(Closed L.dup) °Tracer 2U.DIALLING LOG(attach additional sheet.if necessary) PROM 'ro DFSCn1rTION(tutu.-,hnranest,se,sUroex evpe,ersln sire-a,.. ,s inter:;al(Beaus!!Cn,P.mg Return) Daher(captain under 021 Remarks) ft. 7 n t "r/�/�D;C 4.Mite Well(s)Completed: /6-1I/-23 \wit IDU a ft. 7' ft• • C�/vA V p. J 5 ft. S4 ;• y. . ia.Well Location: q � ,�.. f'Yle.f IIG (anon kS a- rt. V n� .'L.,. t..w . //tt r' FacilitylOwner Name Facility IN((if !.1 applicable) ft. f1. P R n!. : i 024 517 eat own P.el Z.e buIo1 rut a?sy? ft. ft. Physical Addtus.Cityaid 7.i s rt, ft. t r..- .1 7_r 37)hn57/tJn 21.ItEMARKS it'IrI:':K.j. . (sawn ParcelWanriticntion No(PIN) Used hardened steel drive shoe. Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees:(if well acid,ant lat4mig is sufficient) 22.Certificad 3 5 '1ol\ g N - 1iS•2-15?,d .z ‹� 6.Is(are)the waifs): crnwuent or O'1•emporary, Signature of Ccnificd Wdl Cammdor �`' Dai< Ityi�/,, fly signing,hu(.rter.I hereby certify thin she s.eil(4 sins(ten)cnnnn,aed n,elcto.;ba..... 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: OYcs or Y"a 15A NGtC 02('0100 ar 15,1 NC.IC U2C 0200 it'd\Cunrrn.rn.,Swift/firth raid that --... if:his a u repu.r,f//out k„n.n owed construction afonnrnton and explain,lie nature/the .files rccnnf h 'hucn pnn•Id0/,n a.0 weal mruca-- re otr tower 1c 2I'mark strain nr on the lack of,6a f.ra. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.Fur Geuprobc/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same you may use the back of this page to provide additional wed roes:ruutor e,:. cons:ruction,only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Ova'in Remarks Box)You may also attach additional pages if axes. drilled.I 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: -CC.S (MI Fur n.�.::ydc a,rih.'usa uldenshs fduf rent(sample-J(n�J00'md?n i0lP) Submit this G\V-1 within 30 days of well completion per the iof{owiug: I(I.Static water level below tap of casing: Zo 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water R.:,.wc:s .0 • (f1) Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27ati8-InI' ;I a•nuutItad st sours•cu:ay,Its, - 241).For Injection Wells;Copy to DWR,Llnderrround InLlEaitasaC(utti, I.Borehole diameter. 6 (in.) Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Rotary 12.Well cunstructiva method: 24c.For Water Supply and Open-Loop Geothermal Retort;Werth::Copy au au._ i:.,.rotary.,chic.ditto p1.11,crc.) county environmental health department orthe eawety whet,:;rat d:,d 1 4k tt A I LB SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 241 For Water Wells produeiue user Iaught CPD:Can). .J`A.ft,,,tcoa.:- 13a.•r icid'glint) ,lethud of test. BLOW Permit Progrdlrr,1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC'li9i)-td: i al,laisiutectiun type: HTH Antolini: 1 lb. ..,-a. Ninth Camilla Depwmtcut at Eavltuomcmal(fanny-Division ill Miler IteJoeasc.