HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1240401_Supplement-EZ Form_20240424 SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE FORMS LOADED PROJECT INFORMATION''r;..•'.°? 1 Project Name "'Blacitwell Half,B &uiidin Addition Renovations 2 Project Area ac) 1 88 3 Coastal Wetland Area(ac) o; 4 Surface Water Area(ac) 0:. 5 Is this project High or Low Density? High 6 Does this project use an off-site SCM? No COMPLIANCE:WITH,p2H 7 Width of vegetated setbacks provided(feet) NIA 8 Will the vegetated setback remain vegetated? NIA 9 If BUA is proposed in the setback,does it meet NCAC 02H.1003(4)(c-d)? NIA 10 Is streambank stabilization proposed on this project? Na; NUM.BER AND TYPE'.OF SCItIIs•,: 11 Infiltration System 1 12 Bioretention Cell 13 Wet Pond 14 Stormwater Wetland 15 Permeable Pavement 16 Sand Filter 17 Rainwater Harvesting(RWH) 18 Green.Roof 19 Level Spreader-Filter Strip(LS-FS) 20 Disconnected Impervious Surface(DIS) 21 Treatment Swale 22 Dry Pond 23 StormFilter 24 Silva Cell 25 Bayfilter 26 Filterra FORMS LOADED DESIGNER CERTIFICATION: : ''` 27 Name and Title: ;nary D Davis,PE's 28 Organization: Davis CwilSolutions„PA 29 Street address: 135A Charlotte Highway 30 City,State,Zip: Asheville,NC 28803: 31 Phone number(s): ti28. 89.9449 .'` 32 Email: gary�cylsol coin Certification.Statement: I certify under penalty of law that this Supplement EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision,that the information provided m the form is to the best of my knowledge and belief ttue accurate,and completes and.,that the engineering plans, speaFications,operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information;are consistent with the information provided here planer ®1®�gst168ry®I®1 SEA Signature of Desi-ner 12296 • '" �• :1. �m •. QgtaE les881;tilo- /;3/74 2 Seal Date i DRAINAGE AREAS f.. 1 Is this a high density project? i'..,•::,..:f.•••••••.-::.:i:.....YoS::.7:::'•.:::'....7;:;'•:.: 2 if so,number of drainage areaslSCMs 3 Does this project have low density areas? :::•-•:-.:"-:!.:•:'':',..::•:•'-;NO:•,•'•::...-.:-.::'.,---.. :-.:...'-'.... .., 4 If so,number of low density drainage areas . .....:',•::-,:f.:-....::•:::,.:.....;:•-:.--::)).:::..-:':,;':-.:.:;.--;:-::-E.:.-..;-:"..-.-:::-.:. Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule :::--;-...::::.:-•'•:--:!:E.:..:.::-:.::,Ei.:1-..:.:-... ..,'•:.H:,.::':-.,.!--:-;., •I 5 versions? .....,..,.,.:.:•-•:.;:...:-....•-:-.-:'-.NO:-.-..:,..-: ::'...:,.....:-:-:•-, • FORMS LOADED I I D RA1 NAGE•AREA'1 N FORMATION :.?..:'-'Pf.'.:..!:..::...".....7.:.:.-:: S.:t00017001::,:-.1.:'::::::..., 4 Type of SCM .T:::•'..:E•:::•,':::':::.:MC..:3500.-'•:,i',..--.S:1J.::•'.• :.:.:}:.:::.:.:t:i..:'..;-;.!•:::,.:; f:,.-'.:.'.3:::;:i:ii:i.::-:-:-:E:'.:::::..:::::!:?•::::' 5 Total drainage area(sq ft) •:;:,r. ,.:;'...,,•;.';82 003 481,...i.:::::'E-:i... 6 Onsite drainage area(sq ft) ...,:..;;:it:'-•:.:.'.:.,:82.-';00.8:188:.-./.;..=:::.-. .:,, ....:•:::::',',..::.::,!.:.•,i•-:-.;:::'..i,',-.:-.5:::;•1..1%:;•:E;;:•..:i..j.: , 7 Offsite drainage area(sq ft) 0 8 Total BUA in project(sq ft) g].!......!:-. 7:241:.':§fi::'::: :-.-.: ::,-,..:-.-..E::'S..::'.i4-?:;'..:'..-7.,•2::i2,g142.V.:::'4:::Z 1. .....,-—..--.,..-----.,,,,,,--...,.......,..........,,,..........,...,....:,.....,.......„.:,..,,.. New BUA on subdivided lots(subject to permitting) .::,jj..,:•'.,..:-..:.:::-...i'....]:-...i.::.:E:"...:•:. ...•-:',...--,:',2....-.:-.-!';;)::•2.: ;i.:.:.3,-?,:.:,..-•.:.::.::...!•.',::•.•••:,,4,-.::•-••:?..,.:!:':•:!.:: .r,;•c.:-::••, 9 (sq ft) '.:':$:.:,:..:•-•.::-,;-•::'-:''..-:';','E•-•-:..Sf...•.;-•-:;-::...:Z.:-•.,•;.....-:-;:;:...,'.:,. .•:.:..F.:',.N-1•:1:.:.•:'••::: .a,•'•:•::;::,.',:::':.:','4.',',:s.E:::::,::::•'.::f:: New BUA not on subdivided lots(subject to 10 permitting)(sf) 11. Offsite BUA(sq ft) Sf 12 Breakdown of new BUA not on subdivided lots: __22.;•-•].•;Z.:•.-.1.i.:,'.:-...--•:.•::,:::.-•,:-:•.1-.:••:•'..,..-H-.',.••••••::--'..r.,,i.1:-..:2,....;,,:.:.;;.:.:,.,•:::::!.K:•:••.-.,:-.,:,:k0:3?„::.e,;.;::..,.,;.. -Parking(sq It) Sf -Sidewalk(sq ft) 7241 i'sf.:.:-.....:E:::-••••-•.: T.-:...:.jkai:':,..•Yr:: ..,::::,.,:,?•.:..:!:'.',..,,:'..::::!•:,.. • -Roof(sq ft) Sf -Roadway(sq ft) •.:':.1•;.•:!•:.•••••:-:•.:•••.i..i.Sf.....-••••.:••H:::..H..::::;::'.',,E:::•:': 11:.::..:;.'..•';:i',•;:.::::.-..'i.:,.:'..:-.1,:r:).:'.";:::::,.::::.t::.:1 -Future(sq ft) .:.: .'•..:..•:-'-•;•1•••••.':,..•:.::sf.:..:i•••••:.•:...]:::,,•::.1=•:!.-...:•••:::::'. ::.:Tf:',.:Fa.;::::.:•;:•:.: 1•,,....;.!.::::...!::::::::,;:';',,•;q:. ..... . .......... ............_„. ..._........_.........„..,.....„....„,.,::: -Other,please specify in the comment box ••••';,..:::::„...!.•••:•:,!••••••••::.L.:•••'• :::::.,:.:.•:!.:.:., :;:;:.. ::?•:::•:.:;::;.••:•!..•::,:::•••:.:.•:."....:,::::;,:.:•-...:;:::::....ii,::!•::.: below(sq ft) St • New infiltrating permeable pavement on 13 .subdivided lots(sq ft) sf New infiltrating permeable pavement not on ..::::".:,...i..•1-.-i.::,;•.......,.:•: ::;,•J...g.,.::::.:f's.:E',•: V••:!:•':-.:-.:-••••:,:•:::f1;!•:•:;•:':f::::•,:•:.?:';',::::::•:: ::',. :••!. 14 subdivided lots(sq ft) SI Existing BUA that will remain(not subject to ::',:.;.,-.;';...:.',:;-;... :,:.Z-::,i-..:„.?...:::;::::: ::.:-.:••••E'..•.:...:::-..:!.;Is•••••:: ;•;:,•.'.:.2::::.:••••.t:;.:•••.'..!•:1:::; .;::',:.'..::'-. !::•....r:..i.:•::,.':..:::; 15 permitting)(sq ft) ............„,......,..„:„.. . 16 Existing BUA that is already permitted(sq ft) :::'-:.;•-..-:-:•,.:!-,',-::•.1-:•••::••.:..•-!-if.1::-::,::::-.,.•.:: ?.::::::::',., :;...::::'',..1:::.:.::•••••:;..-.•„:•:.: ,....z;::.:::•.•.,iL,....•.:•1 17 Existing BUA that will be removed(sq ft) sf 18 Percent BUA ,.... :...._.. : 19 Design storm(inches) 20 • Design volume of SCM(Cu ft) ..:.•.,.:',.:-:::S;:-....J3390.•ef:•]•;.. ;:•....::::.;::.,•-:•.;:::::::::,•:',..:•••:::!;I.:::,:: :...:::.:•••... :::g(•••'.:: ::.. • 21 Calculation method for design volume SCS Appro9N)WNFpgmATIoN.:-;::,-:j.0,,,z:::.;::::::.,. .,?:: :•:-...E.-.::::.::::::?:::::&-.::::::::-....:::,.,.2':',:--2•:::.::-:.J..:a:4,..i:-,;; ;: ::::::,:::c; Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 22 drainage area(s): . • Thk-.0.000q.:i0.15P000.i*ot$',.10901volhoYettival and.i*P10denie rit of Oiatirig", ..,...„,.......,,,,,,,.......,.... .,..:.-....:......-,.,......,..-..,i..::,:-.....,.:,.,...-.:...::.:......-...,..::.:..::::::..,.........:-:„...::...:.:,:.......:.:...,-: ..::.:.,,..:.,...,-:: :.::.,::,.....-.-:-....,-,..,,.7...c.,.... coriCrete:;sidewalk*.andWalkWaysi••driveways.andSirnilar•existingtOperyi90 surfaces The 00roVehients a te.:riot contiguous,!.a8.sUch.,,'i8.detention system iitifOlc,00eiti':..10. itte0 Withillthegra000.ar00:acijO.Centtp.pl.a0001..171011-:t0.,;::::::::::::..:: ,.ir: .-iiiiiiiittht-i4iti.4.14.1AL.444it00,AL4b.a.,.:ailloa,Aab44,611:i0::r4„.. INFILTRATION SYSTEM NDrainage area number 1 Minimum resuired treatment volume cu ft 390 cf GENERAL MDCFR01171D2H.1050 : , • the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build-out? Is the SCM located away from contaminated soils? . What are the side slopes of the SCM(H:V or enter"Vertical"for trenches)? Does the SCM have retaining walls,gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? • Are the inlets,outlets,and receiving stream protected from erosion (10-year storm)? Is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the design volume? What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? ® o IIs If applicable,will the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Does the maintenance access comp'y with-General MDC(8)? Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC(9)? If the SCM is on a single family lot,does(will?)the plat comply with General-MDC(10)? Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC(11)? Is there an O&M Plan that complies with General MDC(12)? Does the SCM follow the device specific.MDC? Was the SCM desi•ned b an NC licensed •rofessional? INFILTRATION SYSTEM MDCFR01V102H.1051 .. 18 Proposed slope of the subgrade surface(%) 0% 19 Are terraces or baffles provided'? No 20 Type of pretreatment :Other Soils Pata 21 Was the soil investigated in the footprint and at the elevation of the infiltration system'? ::No. 22 SHWT elevation(fmsl) 23 Depth to SHWT per soils report(in) 24 Ground elevation at boring in soils report(fmsl) 25 is a detailed hydrogeologic study attached ii the separation is between 1 and 2 feet? 26 Soil infiltration rate(inlhr) :i 27 Factor of safety(FS) (2 is recommended): Elevations '°..,. .. ..v: . • 29 Bottom elevation(fmsl) 2314 ft 30 Storage elevation(fmsl) ":':2317 25;ft`->:r 31 Bypass elevation(fmsl) 2318 ft For:Basins.'Orly 32 Bottom surface area(ft2) : 33 ,Storage elevation surface area(ft2) For;Trenches Only :.: .. 34 Length(ft) 34 ft 35 Width(ft) 30 ft 36 Perforated pipe diameter,if applicable(inches) Arched Pipe:;.. _.. 37 Number of laterals 38 Total length of perforated piping 1:30 f# 39 Stone type,if applicable S7 40 Stone porosity(%) ;a.40%. `i:;r`:'.; i 41 Is stone free of fines? Yes . 42 Is the stone wrapped in geotextile fabric? ,Yes::;.:•. ;:{ 43 Has at least one inspection port been provided? Yet Volumes/Arawdown. . 44 Design volume of SCM(cu ft) 3390:Cr { 45 Time to draw down(hours) ..63:hrs ADDITIONAL INFORMATION . 46 Please use this space to provide any additional information about the infiltration system(s): The proposed:system consists of 1B chambers..of:40-35DpStorinTechwith end caps, ncased in washed stone,interconnected by 24'}header�iipes,with flow being ' o¢ntrolled by the upstream diversion structure and downstream control structure wIth. lam.and.orlflces which control runoff from the 1-year;10-year,and 25-year storm events.Water quality is provided by controlling runoff generated from the 1-inch storm.. event utlilizins the same orifices in the wier walls _. ,..r.,..._«. 1 9:18AM 3/15/2024