HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdgecombe_Well Abandonment_20240423 WELL ABANDONMENT RECURD ��, ror IMsr>b l u�oNl v: a This foitn can be used fbi singly or nuilliplewdIs f I.Well Contractor inratmation: \ WELL ABANnONMENT DFTAILS i Brian Ewing 7a.Number6fwells being abandoned: l 'Nc]fCoGraeforNauie.(ort«ll�nc pcaaually abamtozzlaZ;acOonhi4tttrpia cry) Fa• Rtulopk .oyecticot .or meminfer [fVLY with Ilk sazze obtubrrcn��'a+"ebmt<l�anttnszt inncs�urs+htzUrr�zajFirm. 4240-B. NC}ydlConnadorCermi[;alioiiNmiz6cT 71r.Appnizimatc volume gf-ivata-ntnfaininginitell(s):, (gull SAEDACCO FOR WA'rRRSUPPI.VN%Tt 1.S ON1.] Gnmi�mq Name 7c.Type'or disinfectant used: 2.Well Construction Permit 9:, llsruAnJtj�l'ivbre.ueU}urarit�lie-Cuvnnt Stczi,Yurinzre:h�rcfinu„crcl Pf Gniwq. 7d xfJtiount of tlLilnfi`cfunt used: 3.r,d!aye(OF&weU use): Water.Supply Well: 7c.Seating materials.ascd'(cbccli all that apply):': 17rtgricnititiat phltinicip il/pttblic Cl Neat Cement Grout to l3crdotlitc Chip-or Pcllcts n0cothcrrngl(Hcatinv�Cooling Supply) dResidcttial Water Supply(single) ❑Samul CenteW Grout ❑Dry Clay ❑lndiislrialfConinicrriai 17Resideiu inl Water Suppl}•:(shatrdj t1 Ccjnctete Grout ❑Drill CtitOings dltti lion ❑Specialty Grout I, ,❑Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: p Bentonite SlurW ❑Other(explain under 7g) _ G9Monilodne ❑Recover Injection Wdl 7 F,.,For each tnan mi;(I sdceted aboyc;prosidc aotonnt af.nt;itcsiaLs n'scd: ❑Agmaiferltecharge, OGrbuiuivater.Remeduition Neat Cem.:471b. ,Wtr:3gal. Sand Cem.tlb ,Wtr:gal. [!Aquifer Storage and Relzvven, ❑Salinity Barrier' ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stonanvater Drainage OExperiutental T hno[oLy pSadasirlsi><ti Coaafmnl 7 Provide a brier description cif the abandimment proce. urc ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) [Tracer TREMIE GROUT FROM THE BOTTOM TO THE SURFACE ®Geothermal(IJ61iW]UC60li Return) 00ther(ex lain under 7 ) �4.DatCwet!(s)•abandiined: 3-28-24 !' • o � 5a WCB location: . Former Edgecombe Genco Plant jr:. i. 's'•r, ':::�+r'z ur.:a FacilityiChsrsrNumc Pacilih•IDs(f:ipmilicable) 8.CcrtlQcatiou: U > �Ov 6358 Battleboro Rd., Battleboro, NC 27809 B r'ca n _E ' 4/3/2024 PlniysicalAddtcss.C[h•,and Zip Si ahzn<ir itirxyfIva-0izuia:tor<_,r--.'.ItOivt* owe Edgecombe County 1iy si�ntr{s'8tis f6z9t> 1 lret>by certify';rliat the mrell(s)iras 6wre)an arjdoned in . C4mufty A cel lilariliticitlnu No.(Pill aoacvrr idwe irith ISA C,1C 02d.010 -0r 2e.0200 ffieU Cehnshucrion'Srimckkils azid rlrnt a capvof t7risrccard hakilem provider!to dire well owner. 5b.I�ttilitiic aril liinr fade in(tcgrceslntimtiteslsccoads or dacitxtal°deRtxesc � (Ifu•ell]`alit1 ozu;taiilnng is mitrmckli) 9.Site diagwem or add idouat n'cll dctaH You:uiae.tlie bac}:-of Wis.page[ti'pros rile additional i)�il'site dztails;or hell 1a W. ,abtodotmtentdetails..Youma}'Also:utacltnslditioualpatesifneccssani. CONSTRITCTION OF.TAIL.S OF WFIlt(S)BEING ABANDONED SUBM"TAi,iNSTRUCTTON& :lrlrttlt trel!canstrucltan rncvrd(3)Jl`mrcziJmriJe. Fiv muiaplr'illectirui aY rarn•uitilir urlds ONLY iritfi rlae svnzeracsrneertohJ�M1nrrrlaarih,ent.i�zu ror vrLmli cute ni: 10a.'For All•[Veils: Submit this form within 30 d#.5,of completion of hell 60.well ID£i•T -1 •abdo annment to cite foilomving: Dicimidn of WaterResqurees,Information-ProcesAng Unit, Ub.Total.t►'ell depth: 18 ([},)• 1617 Stail S&vicc Cotter;Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 . i 10b.For.T6lec0on Wills: In additioi)to sending the form to the address In-loa 6e.Borehole diameter. (in.} above;nlsa subunit one tog of this form withi i 30 da}•s of completion of%(-ell abauddunical to the fallwdilig: -Di%istott of'%Vd1er Resources;Utidcrgrouud Lijectlon CotitrotPrdgratui fzd.Water level,below,"nd surface. (ft.) 1636 illril Senicc-Ccil' NC 276'J9-1636 6e Outer casing!era h(if loon nj (fw) 10c.Fur\Voter Sunnly.�C iidcrtinri Wells: In addition'to sending the form to the.addres(es}a6gve.also submit,bue copy of this fom' i within 30 daj•s of eompletioi-or will abandonment to the county liealth depanme>id of time county 6f.inner casinoulling length(if lmuwn): (tY) sc]aerc ab intioncd'. p i 6g.Sereen length(tf lmotrn);lo (ft.) Fama GW-3n Nortli Catulli>,Depamm�m oCl3nslennment msi N:iEuzol Rcsoiuecs-I}Il'isiostoCPia�rRcsourcrs RiNiked Awl 2015