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20072007 Ver 1_Application_20071130
e.. SU1E ^~ -~ ~.~~, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR November 27, 2007 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Rd., Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 ATTENTION: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator, Division 5 Dear Sir: i ~i '/ ~J 1. ~A~r~ry~s~~~ ~q;tKr,>~~ ~ ~~~~ rvR'~~,a'~k~~,.,~, u, r.~, LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY 07200' SUBJECT: Application for Section 404 Nationwide Permits 23, 33, & 12, Section 401 Water Quality Certifications, and Neuse River Riparian Buffer Authorization. Replacement of Bridge No. 429 on SR 1839 (Leesville Rd.) over Sycamore Creek in Wake and Durham Counties, North Carolina. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1839(1), State Project No. 8.2406801, WBS Element 33136.1.1, TIP No. B-3528. $570.00 Debit from WBS Element 33136.1.1. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 429 on SR 1839 (Leesville Rd.) over Sycamore Creek, on the Wake and Durham County Line. The project proposes to demolish the existing bridge and replace with a reinforced concrete box- culvert because the drainage area is less than five square miles. Please see the enclosed copies of the permit drawings, buffer drawings, utility drawings, design plans, and Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) for the above-referenced project. The CE was completed for this project in October 2001 and the Construction Consultation was completed in October 2007, each were distributed shortly thereafter. Additional copies of these documents are available upon request. IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES General Description: The project is located in sub basin 03-04-02 of the Neuse River Basin in Wake and Durham Counties. This area is part of Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 03020201. The project area is located within the Central Piedmont ecoregion of North Carolina. Sycamore Creek and an intermittent stream are located within the project study area and each has been assigned Stream Index Number 27-33-9 by the North Carolina Department of Water Quality MAILING ADDRESS: LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TELEPHONE: 919-715-1334 Of 2728 CAPITAL BLVD. SUITE 240 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 919-715-1335 RALEIGH NC 27604 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT UNIT 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER FAX: 919-715-5501 RALEIGH NC 27899-1598 WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG (DWQ). Sycamore Creek enters the study area as awell-defined second order perennial stream. The creek is described as having a substrate consisting primarily of sand, gravel, cobble, and boulders, flowing southward towards Crabtree Creek and ultimately into the Neuse River. Within the project study area, Sycamore Creek is approximately 3-6 feet wide and averaging approximately 1 foot deep. An intermittent, unnamed tributary is also located within the project study area. This channel is approximately 3 feet wide and deeply incised, the channel has been dry during numerous site visits. The surface waters in the project study area have been assigned a Best Usage Classification of B NSW. No portion of Sycamore Creek, its tributaries, or other surface waters within 1.0 mile of the project are listed on the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (NCDWQ) 2006 Final 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. No waters classified as High Quality Water (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I or WS-II), nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile of the project study area. There is one jurisdictional wetland associated with this project. The wetland is located approximately 40 feet east of Leesville Road and 30 feet south of Sycamore Creek. The jurisdictional area is found between the natural stream levee and the base of an upland slope in the adjacent field. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Regulatory Specialist Eric Alsmeyer visited the study area on July 2, 2004 and verified the delineation of the wetland and classification of the intermittent stream. A Notification of Jurisdictional Determination (Action ID. 200021137) was issued on December 9, 2005. During this investigation it was determined that the intermittent tributary to Sycamore Creek would not require mitigation. Permanent Impacts: There will be 321 linear feet of permanent impacts to surface waters associated with this project. 226 feet (0.06 acre) of Sycamore Creek (Site 1) will be impacted due to the installation of the culvert, channel improvements, as well as rip rapping along the stream banks for bank stabilization. The remaining 95 feet (0.01 acre) of impacts occur to the intermittent stream (Site 2) located in the project study area. This stream will be piped through a 48-inch concrete pipe directly into the box culvert. It was determined during the JD visit, that the impacts to the intermittent stream will not require mitigation. Permanent impacts to the jurisdictional wetland (Site 3) located in the study area will be minimal. Mechanized clearing for a construction easement will disturb less than 0.01 acre. Temporary Impacts: There will be 127 linear feet (0.04 acres) of temporary jurisdictional impacts associated with the construction of this project. At Site 1, 111 linear feet (0.03 acres) will be disturbed as a result of the diversion channel constructed to de-water the channel during culvert construction. Once construction has been completed, the water will be rerouted to flow through the culvert, tying into the natural stream channel. The remaining 161inear feet (<0.01 acres) of impacts directly result from the installation of the 48-inch concrete pipe (Site 2) in the intermittent stream. These impacts occur at the inlet end of the pipe. Bridge Demolition: The existing two-lane structure has a timber deck supported by steel I-beams on concrete abutments, spanning Sycamore Creek. The substructure consists of reinforced B-3528 Permit Application 2 concrete full height abutments. The existing bridge will be removed without dropping components into Sycamore Creek. All guidelines for Bridge Demolition and Removal will be followed in addition to Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters. Utility Impacts: There will be unavoidable utility impacts associated with this project. Final plan designs have the culvert lying on a 10-inch PVC sewer line. This line will have to be replaced, resulting in an open cut of the creek bed. A temporary diversion channel will be utilized to allow stream flow around in-channel construction. This will account for 0.01 acre of temporary surface water impacts. An additional 3 feet (trench width) of stream will be temporarily impacted during the installation of the new 10-inch restrained joint ductile iron sanitary sewer line. Two additional manholes will be constructed during this project, and one existing manhole will be modified. All utility construction will be maintained within the construction limits of the culvert, therefore no permanent linear stream footage or additional buffers will be impacted. IMPACTS TO THE NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER This project is located within the Neuse River Basin and is therefore subject to Neuse River riparian buffer rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233). 'The construction of the culvert and new road alignment will impact buffers along Sycamore Creek. These buffer impacts are classified as impacts resulting from a road crossing and are allowable with mitigation because over 1501inear feet of stream are being impacted. Impacts to the buffers of the intermittent stream are categorized as road impacts other than crossings of streams. During the installation of the 48- inch RCP, buffers adjacent to the unnamed tributary will be impacted. These impacts are allowable with mitigation. Zone 1 impacts account for 20,154 square feet, while 10,079 square feet of Zone 2 will be impacted. There will be 30,233 square feet of mitigable buffer impacts. Practical Alternatives Analysis This bridge has been determined to be structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. Replacement of this inadequate structure will result in safer and more efficient traffic operations. Because this bridge needs to be replaced, impacts to the riparian buffers of Sycamore Creek and the unnamed tributary to Sycamore Creek are unavoidable. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Proposed Endangered (PE), and Proposed Threatened (PT) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists three Federally Protected species for Durham County and four Federally Protected species for Wake County, as of May 10, 2007. Table 1 lists the species and their federal status. B-3528 Permit Application 3 Table 1. Federally Protected Species in Wake and Durham Countiec_ N(' Common Name Scientific Name Federal County Biological Habitat Status Conclusion Present Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucoce halus Delisted Wake/Durham Not Required No Michaux's Sumac Rhus michauxii T Wake/Durham No Effect Yes Smooth Echinacea Coneflower laevi ata E Durham No Effect No Red-cockaded Wood ecker picoides borealis E Wake No Effect No Dwarf Alasmidonta Wed emussel heterodon E Wake No Effect No The bald eagle was officially delisted on August 8, 2007 (CFR 50 Part 17). The bald eagle is still afforded protection under the Golden and Bald Eagle Protection Act. A description of the bald eagle and its habitat is included in the CE. Suitable habitat for bald eagle nesting/foraging does not exist within the project study area. Additionally, a review of the Natural Heritage Program database (last updated in September 2007) revealed no occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area. Therefore, the proposed project will not affect the bald eagle. Suitable habitat for red-cockaded woodpecker and smooth coneflower is not present in the project study area. A survey for dwarf wedgemussel (DWM) was conducted on September 21, 2000 by NCDOT biologists and yielded no individual DWM. It was determined that suitable habitat for the dwarf wedgemussel does not exist in this reach of Sycamore Creek. The sedimentation from upstream development is too severe to support DWM. Therefore, the biological conclusion of "No Effect" is applicable to the DWM. Suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac, in the form of sandy and/or rocky open woods and roadsides is present in the project area. Surveys for this species were conducted in September of 2000, on June 1, 2004, and most recently by NCDOT biologists, on May 30, 2006. No individuals of Michaux's sumac were observed during any of these surveys. Furthermore, a review of the Natural Heritage Program database (last updated September 2007) revealed no occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project study area. Based on survey results and the lack of documented occurrences, a biological conclusion of "No Effect" is warranted for Michaux's sumac. AVOIDANCE, MINIMIZATION and MITIGATION The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and NEPA compliance stages; minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. B-3528 Permit Application 4 According to the Clean Water Act (CWA) §404(b)(1) guidelines, NCDOT must avoid, minimize, and mitigate, in sequential order, impacts to waters of the US. The following is a list of the project's avoidance/minimization activities proposed or completed by NCDOT: Avoidance/Minimization: Avoidance examines all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to "Waters of the US". The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts and to minimize impacts as part of the project design. • Temporary construction impacts due to erosion and sedimentation will be minimized through implementation of stringent erosion control methods and use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) highlighted in NCDOT's "Best Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities". • Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters and Bridge Demolition and Removal will be implemented during the entirety of this project. • During construction, traffic will utilize an off-site detour, approximately 2.9 miles long. • The culvert will be buried one-foot below the streambed in order to maintain aquatic habitat and flow regime. • As an avoidance and minimization effort, Verizon will install a directional bore for telephone conduit under Sycamore Creek, avoiding impacts to the stream as well as leaving the existing buffer intact. • All utility construction will be maintained within the construction limits of the culvert, therefore no permanent stream footage or additional buffers will be impacted. Compensatory Miti ation: The Jeffreys Warehouse Mitigation Site was originally constructed as on-site mitigation for R-1030, US 117 from south of NC 581 in Goldsboro to the US 264 Bypass in Wilson. There are two parcels associated with this mitigation site. The west parcel (approximately 50.2 acres) is bounded on the northwest by the Little River and on the southeast by the US 117right-of--way. The east parcel (approximately 37.5 acres) is bounded on the northwest by the US 117right-of- way, on the northeast by a Wayne County Board of Education school bus maintenance shop, and on the east and southeast by private property. The site was constructed in 2006 and has undergone one year of hydrologic and vegetative monitoring. The site was originally debited for R-1030AA. To offset the unavoidable 2261inear feet of stream and 30,233 sq. ft. (0.694 acres) of buffer impacts associated with T.I.P B-3528, the Jeffreys Warehouse Mitigation Site will be debited 4521inear feet of stream restoration and 75,581 sq. ft. (1.735 acres) of Neuse Buffer Restoration. These debits are reflected in the debit ledger below (Table 2). B-3528 Permit Application Table 2. Miti ation Debit Led er Site name Site TIP HUC River Division County Basin Jefferey's Warehouse R-1030AA 3020201 Neuse 4 Wayne JALO Mitigation Type As Built Quantit Available Debit Debit R-1030AA B-3528 Stream Restoration 3,731 2,279 1,000 452 226 2:1 Riverine Wetland 3.66 3.66 Restoration Non-Riverine Wetland 23.02 23.02 Restoration Riverine Wetland 12.36 12.36 Preservation Neuse Buffer Restoration 7.266 5.531 1.735 SCHEDULE The project calls for a let date of March 18, 2008 and a review date of January 29, 2008. This project has a date of availability of April 29, 2008. It is expected that the contractor will begin construction shortly after that date. REGULATORY APPROVALS Section 404 Permit: It is anticipated that the impacts from the construction of the box culvert will be authorized under a Section 404 Nationwide Permit 23, and impacts sustained during the sewer line installation will require a Nationwide Permit 12. A Nationwide Permit 33 will also be required during the construction phase of this project due to the need of dewatering the channel. We are therefore requesting the issuance of Nationwide Permits 12, 23, and 33 for the impacts sustained during the construction of this project. Section 401 Permit: We anticipate Section 401 General Water Quality Certifications (WQC) 3699, 3701, and 3688 will be applicable to this project. This project will impact greater than 150 linear feet of stream and impact Neuse Riparian Buffers, written concurrence will be required. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500(a) and 15A NCAC 2B.0200 we are providing five copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, for their review. In compliance with Section 143- 215.3D(e) of the NCAC we will provide $570.00 to act as payment for processing the Section 40l permit application. Buffer Certification: This project has been designed to comply with the Neuse Riparian Buffer Regulations (15A NCAC 2B.0242). NCDOT requests a Neuse Riparian Buffer Authorization from the Division of Water Quality. B-3528 Permit Application 6 A copy of this permit application will be posted on the NCDOT website at: http:l/www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/pe/neu/permit.html. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ashley Cox at 919-715-5534 or acox@dot.state.nc.us. Sincer y, ~. , Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA Cc: w/attachment Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (5 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Michael Street, NCDMF w/o attachment (see permits website for attachments) Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Victor Barbour, P.E., Project Services Unit Mr. J. Wally Bowman, PE., Division Engineer Mr. Chris Murray, DEO Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, P. E., Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, P.E., Highway Design Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Ms. Theresa Ellerby, PDEA Project Planning Engineer Ms. LeiLani Paugh, NEU Mr. Randy Griffin, NEU B-3528 Permit Application 7 Office Use Only: Form Version March OS USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. 2 ~ Q 7 2 ~ 0 7 ~~~ nny parttcutar ttem is not appttcaote to tats project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ® Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NW 12, 23, & 33 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ^ II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: North Carolina Department of Transportation Mailing Address: Gres;ory J. Thorpe Ph.D Manager Project Develoyment and Environmental Analysis Branch 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1598 Telephone Number: 919-733-3141 Fax Number: 919-733-9794 E-mail Address:. gthome(a,dot.state.nc.us 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 1 of 9 III. Project Information 5. Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 429 over Sycamore Creek on SR 1839 with a culvert 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): B-3528 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): N/A 4. Location County: Wake/Durham Nearest Town: Raleigh Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): Site is located on SR 1839 (Leesville Roadl on the Durham and Wake County line. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): °N attach a sheet that oW 6. Property size (acres): Please refer to attached drawings. 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Sycamore Creek 8. River Basin: Neuse (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The local area surrounding the proposed project consists of gently rolling hills and land use is best described as residential development and natural forest vegetation. Page 2 of 9 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: NCDOT proposes replace Bride No. 429 over Sycamore Creek with a box culvert and realigZn SR 1839. Existing utilities will need to be rerouted to account for the realignment and culvert construction. Heavy construction equipment such as cranes excavators and dump trucks will be utilized during construction. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The existing bride was constructed in 1950 and received a sufficienc ratin of 23.2 out of a ossible 100 for a new structure durin the last bride inspection. Based on this rating the bridge is considered functionally obsolete and structurally deficient. The project proposes to demolish the existing_bridge and replace with a reinforced concrete box-culvert resulting in safer transportation. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. Notification of JD was issued on December 9 2005 Site was initially inspected on July 2, 2004. Action ID• 20002 1 1 3 7 V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 3 of 9 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: There will be a roximatel 226 linear feet of warm perennial stream will be impacted resulting from a box culvert Another 95 linear feet. UT to Sycamore Creek will be permanently impacted by a pipe culvert Less than 0.01 acres of wetland will be impacted by mechanized clearing 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and fl~~dina_ Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) --o Located within 100-year Floodplain ( es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) Site 3 Mechanized clearing Scrub/Shrub Yes 30 < 0.01 Total Wetland Impact (acres) < 0.01 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 0.24 acres 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multi ly len h X width then divide b 43 560 Stream Impact Number (indicate on ma) Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Intermittent? Average Stream Width Before Im act Impact Length (linear feet Area of Impact (acres Site 1 Sycamore Creek Box Culvert Perennial 2.5 - 6 feet 226 0.06 Site 2 UT' Sycamore Creek Concrete Pipe Intermittent 3 feet 95 0.01 Site 1 (TEMP) Sycamore Creek Box Culvert Perennial 2.5 - 6 feet 111 0.03 Site 2 (TEMP) LTT Sycamore Creek Concrete Pipe Intermittent 3 feet 16 < 0.01 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 448 0.11 Page 4 of 9 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads etc. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) T e of Im act ~ P Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) Area of Impact (acres) N/A Total Open Water Impact (acres) p 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the nrc,iect~ Stream Impact (acres): 0.11 Wetland Impact (acres): < 0.01 Open Water Im act (acres): NA Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.12 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 448 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. N/A 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts Page 5 of 9 were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. See cover letter. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation .may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 lineaz feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similaz functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o. enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmQide.html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/lineaz feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a sepazate sheet if more space is needed. Comyensatorv mitigation will be derived from an inventory of assets already in existence within the same 8-digit cataloQUing unit (Jeffereys Warehouse) 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they aze will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For Page 6 of 9 (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc us/wrp/index htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ^ 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ® No ^ 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ® No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ® No ^ Page 7 of 9 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Im act s uare feet ~ ) Multiplier Required Miti ation 1 20,154 3 60,462 2 10,079 1.5 15,118 Total 30,233 75,580 * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoratibn Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. Mitigation will be provided by NCDOT utilizing surplus credits from the Jeffereys Wazehouse mitigation project located in HUC 03020201 XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No Is this anafter-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact neazby downstream water quality? Yes , ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division. of Water Quality policy posted on our website at Page 8 of 9 i a http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Applica~t/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 9 of 9 0 i E 0 v 0 0 3 a c a o H m ~ S r ~~' NCB®~C ~~~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAgE /DURHAM COUNTY PROJECT:3313611 (B-8528) BRIDGE NO. X129 OVER SYCAMORE CREEg ON SR 1839 SHEET 1 OF l0 7 / 16/ 07 N~Ig7C~I ~A]f~~]LdNA ~~~~ ~~~ I ~ 1906 / ~ ~i ~ ~, ',\ V 1900 ~ ~~ \ ~- J/ _ / -~~- /- / ^d7 198I l ~ -~KEip`V~ n -~~~ / ~ a 9 ~ ,~~ l Re R L~ ;NAM pU -:~~~ ~~ _ e -- -- ~ ~ i839 1~ ~ 18291 U " ~ /~~ 54 ~~ _',~ ~ yr-- -- t ~ - - ~~ /~ j _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ / _ z ~~ _-~ _ 0~~ ~ _ "~ y ~o ~ ~'~ ~ lei ~ ~~ ~~ .~ E -f ti -~ Win.. ~~~y l2I' ~ r~~ ~'9 ~O ~~~ 0 1647 ~~ ~ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ~~~~ NCI®~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAKE/ DURHAM COUNTY PROJECT:33136.1.1 (B-3528) BRIDGE NO. X29 OVER G ~ I SYCAMORE CREEK ON SR 1839 SHEET 2 OF -O 7/16/07 ~~~~~N~ ~~~~N~ ~4JL(}~ WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND L ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES PERMANENT SURFACE WATER IMPACT ® DENOTES PERMANENT SURFACE WATER IMPACT (POND) ® DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ® DENOTES TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER IMPACT • DENOTES MECHANIZED • . • CLEARING -~ ~ FLOW DIRECTION TB '-1- TOP OF BANK WE EDGE OF WATER - - ~ -PROP. LIMIT OF CUT - - ~ - PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~ PROP. RIGHT OF WAY - - NG - -NATURAL GROUND - P~ - PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED BRIDGE PROPOSED BOX CULVERT PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12'-48' (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE W SINGLE TREE WOODS LINE ~~~ DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD RIP RAP O ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE LEVEL SPREADER (L S) -TOE- TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT - PDE - PERMANENT DRAINAGE ~ GRASS SWALE EASEMENT -EAB- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY -EPB- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY ---~------ WATER SURFACE X XXX X X LIVE STAKES BOULDER COIR FIBER ROLLS ~~ ~Q ~n NCB®~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAKE/DURHAM COUNTY PROJECT: 33136.1.1 (B-35Y8) BRIDGE NO. X29 OVER SYCAMORE CREE[ ON SR 1839 SHEET 3 OF 10 7/16/ SUMMARY OF AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS E 0 0 C O a a ~ao ~a; TRACT N0. PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS SITE N0. O2 LEESVILLE HOLLOW. LLC 7474 CREEDMOOR RD. RALEIGH. NC 27613 SITE I O3 ZINA CHRISTIAN CENTER INC. P.O. BOX 25613 RALEIGH. NC 27611 SITE I AND 2 O4 ZINA CHRIASTIAN CENTER INC. P.O. BOX 25613 RALEIGH. NC 27611 SITE 2 O5 ALMA C. SORRELL 7603 LEESVILLE RD. DURHAM. NC 27703 SITE I GLI WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPA TS URFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size /Type Permanent Fillln Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fillln Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1 -L- 17+66 2 @ 11' x 9' RCBC --- -- --- --- -- 0.06 0.03 226 111 --- "2 -L- 17+42 TO 18+24 as" RCP -- --- --- --- --- 0.01 < 0.01 95 16 --- 3 -L- 17+g1 RT < 0.01 TOTALS: < 0.01 0.07 0.03 321 127 *' Intermittent Stream - No Mitigation Required Perennial & Intermittent Total -Mitigation Req'd: 226 ft Intermittent Total -Not Requiring Mitigation: 95 k Revised 31J 1/OS - REC'E~~E~ JUL 26 2007 OIV1ElON OF HI~~IiVAYS PDEA-OffICE OF i~i;TliRl~L ENVIRONMENT s ~m ~'~.._ ~ ~, ! `i~ 3 ' -' ' 1905 ~~_ ;-____,_ \s ' ~'~ 1901 ~ 184 ~~~ ~ END .f~4 JECT `~'~~` ~ ~ `' -. ~-~ - 0 \ `` 1906 ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ '~ 1900 ~ i ~~ ` ~ ~; ~~ 90'3 ~, ~ ~ ; ~-``- -~ o ~. i--- ,.-- 'd 1981 _'''_ ~ _; ' . ~'~ ~ ~ tea' ~ ~_ r e - ~----- - ,. ~. k.: -~ ~~ ,' a i~ \_^ , ~J a1 i OU~ ~/~ ~ ~~~~ 198 ee~` -f . ~ `~. _ __ 1839 / ~ _~ i ~-,~ ~v'~ i ~ ~I ~~ /' U ~`Z / '~~ '. ~- \ _, -- ~ i r ,,\ t`g 1 J ~ ~ ,~ t' _ ~~- .~~~ 1845 •`° ~1 ~ ~ ~ _ ~~ LIMIT, o ~ i n~ r ~, \~ i {~~~ ~ ~ `~ ~~ ~ ~~ S ~~ 647 ~~~~ ~~ THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY OF RALEIGH NOT TO SCALE NEUSE RIVER BUFFER ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ N. C. DEPT. ®F TRANSP®RTATI®N DIVISI®N ®F HIGHWAYS WAgE.~ DURHAM C®UNTY PR®JECT: 33136.1.1 (B-3528) BRIDGE N®. X29 ®VER SYCAM®RE CREEB ®N SR 1839 SHEET 1 ®F (0 7 % 16 % 09 ARID NAB 83 c~i-r r NOT TO SCALE NEUSE RIVER BUFFER l°~~~~ N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSP®RTATI®N DIVISI®N OF HIGHWAYS WAgE ~ DURHAM C®UNTY PROJECT: 33136.1.1 (B-3528) a s ~< SHEET 2 OF 6 7 ~ 16 ~ 07 BRIDGE N®. X29 ®VER SYCAM®RE CREEg ®N SR 1839 ~~~~°~~ ~,~~~~~ I -1~JL8-~- WETLAND BOUNDARY PROPOSED BRIDGE WETLAND L PROPOSED BOX CULVERT ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE I PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12'-48' ~ (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES \ ~ ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE ~ MITIGABLE IMPACTS ZONE I SINGLE TREE \\ MITIGABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 WOODS LINE DRAINAGE INLET - BZ - RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE - BZI - RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 30 ft (9.2m) ~ ROOTWAD - BZ2 - RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 20 f t (6.1m) RIP RAP -~ -~ FLOW DIRECTION ~~ TOP OF BANK ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER WE 5 OR PARCEL NUMBER EDGE OF WATER IF AVAILABLE - ~ - PROP. LIMIT OF CUT PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE (PSH) - F - PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~ PROP. RIGHT OF WAY LEVEL SPREADER (LS) - - N~- -NATURAL GROUND - rl-- - f'PJf'EPTY LINE - TDE - TEMP. DRAINAGE ~ GRASS SWALE EASEMENT -PDE- PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT -EAB- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY -EPB- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY ----~-~---- - WATER SURFACE N. C. DE1~T. ®F TRANSF®RT.~'I'I®N x IVE STAKES DIVISI®N ®F ~IIGI~W~YS X X X X L W~I~E% DURI~I.~lbt C®UNTY BOULDER P JE 3 R® CT:331 6.1.1 (B-3528) ~~ COIR FIBER ROLLS BRIDGE N®. X29 ®VER SYCAI~I®RE CREED ®N SR 1839 SKEET 3 ®F 6 7 % 16 % 09 s 00 SUMMARY OF AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS TRACT N0. PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS SITE NO. O2 LEESVILLE HOLLOW. LLC 7474 CREEDMOOR RD. RALEIGH. NC 276!3 SITE I O3 ZINA CHRISTIAN CENTER INC. P.O. BOX 25613 RALEIGH. NC 27611 SITE I & 2 O4 ZINA CHRIASTIAN CENTER INC. P.O. BOX 25613 RALEIGH. NC 27611 SITE 1 & 2 5O ALMA C. SORRELL 7603 LEESVILLE RD. DURHAM. NC 27703 SITE I & 2 GLI ~a 0 BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY IMPACT BUFFER TYPE ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE REPLACEMENT SITE NO. STRUCTURE SIZE / TYPE STATION (FROM/TO) ROAD CROSSING BRIDGE PARALLEL IMPACT ZONE 1 (ftZ) ZONE 2 (ft2) TOTAL (ftZ) ZONE 1 (ft2) ZONE 2 (ftZ) TOTAL (ftZ) ZONE 1 (ft2) ZONE 2 (ftZ) 1 2 11' x 9' RCBC -L- 14+66 - 19+47 X 20154 10079 30233 TOTAL: 0 0 0 20154 10079 30233 ~' RO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. a Consulting Engineers mu soave vR, sur1E rn wsce.n.c:fros LATERAL SWALEDITCH W/ROCK CHECK 5 LOCATIONS iEET ALIGN STATION - STATIOIN SIDE REMARKS 4 -L- 18+26 - 20+00 LT II' SPACING 2:1 Max Fill Slopes Variable See X-Sections & Note I'/FT -_.. 3,~ I.0 ft Min 5' 1~1i ~ \~ ~ j/ ~-- ~--J PSRM~/ (Permanent Soll Reinforcement Mat) TYPICAL CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE Rock Check Spacln -les From II fit - 5C See Plans & Note Top of Swale Bank Class I R (Embec Top of Ditch Bank REFERENCE N0. SHEE7 Nn. -3528 2-B NWUlTU16 PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USt POP CON9TPULTION Boulders 'LAN VIEW JOT TO SCALE ' // / I.0 f ' ~~~ ~~ 0 5 ft --~ l 1 J _- 1~ _. . NOTE: --- --~}/ ~ _ 1.5 ft BOULDERS SHOULD BE ANGULAR AND OBLONG WITH I ~ J\----~ APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS OF 0.6m x O.45m x 0.45m . - _ - J, 12' x I.5' x I.5`). ROCK SHOULD FIT TIGHTLY TOGETHER '/\ ~~ WITH MINIMAL VOIDS. STAGGER BOULDER JOINTS. m f _-~`- ~'~ 5 ft Boulders ROCK CHECK SPACING IS DEPENDENT ON DITCH m GRADES AT I'OROP INTERVALS OR SLOPE CONTROL. ~ GLI r Filter Fabric DITCH WIDTHS VARY. WIDEN TO EXTENT PRACTICAL ° WITHIN R/W LIMITS. SEE X-SECTIONS. Class I Rip Rap Bottom of Ditch fEmbeddedl N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION m w/ PSRM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROFILE m WA%E/DURHAM COUNTY ° NOT TO SCALE PR07ECT:33136.11 (B-3528) . BRIDGE N0.,Y9 f OVER SYCAMORE CREEK d ON SR 1839 _~ ~ SHEET 6 OF 10 7/16/07 f' ,, zl i; r Q GRASSED SNAL~EN~~fALSE CUf :not ro sow, A I I ~~ ~ rwvd •.,,.,a Wn. D = Ift. r = 2' Wn. FROM STA. 20+50 TO STA. 2N50 LT. FROM STA. 22+50 TO STA 21+00 LT. BEGIN PROJECT B~528 -L- POC STA 10+00 \\\ 3\ ~. `~ ~:~ ` \\`\ ~` ~\ " eke ~~ ~.`~ V IgSVL1E FOREST ga ~~~ •~~ f • a Gass 1' RP RAP r/FF IS' THICK _ (iYP.I LO' KEY rtrn~ B V BAS Y 0-T' -I ' EST DDE 160 CY COW FlBER MATTNG EST 105 TONS CLASS 'Y AN' AAP EST 60 SY EST ITO sY FF OUTLET CHANNH. (LOOKWG DONNSTREAMI NOTE:PoP RAP SHALL NOT BE PLACED W STREAM BED. BENCH HEIGHT IS I FT NRH BENCH SRX: SLOPE OF 3:1. WATER P aASS B'RP RAP \ PROTECTKIN az, ~ ~'` '~ SITE 1 ~ ..~ ~ 1~,:.n '~ 3 .. ~ `. \ v. ~ `. LN G MALL ~_~ /U ~E ~ Y`~- - - F ~ °?~ ~ 1. - ~ ~~ , / . ~„\ n, _~ ~. _ _ c.--_ -_- ~_ i ~ ., __ ---- _ o- =' BETTY A. BIMI e ., Ifs s~~/ ~ - , ~ / r r ~: 1 °~ i 6 I I i, ~' III ~~ IKi III I 'IF I I R s ~~ ~; ;~ ~_ o~ y20 SY OF PSRM _ ~ `a / __ ~~ _ _~ TIE ROAONAY DITCH TO E%ISTNG SHALE lFE5N1E IIOLLOLI, U,C SPECIALDL~'IFryXC-BASE DITCH I x"t ro sowl ~ D d ~. B Wn. G=IFt. B: 2 Ft. F<oM srA. 20+0o ro srA. m+so u O /'~ \ ~ k k -~ ~ 3 ~~ ~ k~ PERMANENT SURFACE -~ WATER IMPACT LEESVElE NMJ.Ow, LLC ,,., ~~ L 100 0 D 50 100 D SCALE:I"= 100' HORIZ. ~ i~ 1~ _~ -~-=;; SITE 3 MECHANIZED CLEARING < 0.01 AC LEGEND DENOTES TEMPORARY ® SURFACE WATER IMPACT DENOTES PERMANENT ® SURFACE WATER IMPACT .... DENOTES MECHANIZED •«' •~• CLEARING IY~' GR~O SPECIAL~Ep SwuE ~ ~ Ft• Fmr1o <Not to soAM T of lk:r+ Oae. B' Po 8 1 ,~ RIOM srA. n+IS To srA. le+ss Lr. 3 D O ZMA CNRISIIAN Lt1TIBt 60 lF ounET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS SEE DETML r' 1f % I3~ ~2 ~. ~ * ~ ~ ` * ~ ~~_ ~~~g~~A ~Y7y 6 ~y~L~vV~~y a7 ~1LeC~11V ~S' ~lli YY Wa~1Ft. FIGM srA. m+SO ro STA. u+so u. oFROM srA. 2~+0o ro SFA. ss+00 u. W r uTERAI BASE DrtGX N/ROCK aIEQ(S O ~ EST 21 TONS HEADER/FOOTER ROCK 4 ~ EST Q TONS CLASS IRP RAP EST 318 SY PSRM ZIIA CIPoSTIAA CFNIER EST 150 CY ODE a A4 SEE OETAE SHEET 2-B ~ ~ M1 ~ y°j et n ~? ~* ki ~ n ~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1F~ N m - i ~. ,.rt . ~~,.. ~- - 5~r~ BUILT 81YERT Y _ ~ ~' % ' -~~ ~~~ rro ~~-____ I E r ~' ,F 1 ~, 60' ~ A~`/ ~\\ ~ ~ `~ -~ ~ /~~ . ~~~~~ ~, _~ a RO & ASSOCIATES, P,C. Cousuldng Engineers m ~u• n.un" aa.uaa,,,cnW, EHGINEBt ENGINES T~E'PROTfLTKm i xot fo sca,: xahra\~)I_~1~y~~sao. ~•~"~ d TEMPORARY Sl ~((-TER IMPAS•Y EXIST. BPoDGE TEMPORAR~;,SURFACE WATER IMPACT O('Ry \ 4,y '\ c~G Cp, '~Ty ~\e \\ \ \\~\ ~, EST OOE 160 CY I PRELIMINf~RY PLANS 0o xor us" "~ ca+sraurnav END PROJECT B-3528 -L- POT STA 25+00 SSED ~ t ALMA ~~ GRASSED SMA SEE OETAE E ~ GRASSED SHALE V/ A~ ~ '~ GRASSED SHALE FALSE CUT SEE DETAB. E SEE OETAL A ~~ a ~ omr nn _ < ,: _--__r ro-___ J_~-~___-__- _- ' %. ", ~p£~. ,.- f - ---rro--_- KEMOYE .~ _ , - -, ISM _ - - - _~ _ ' . ~~ ~~ V TEi ROAOYAY GRASSED SHALE TO EgSTMC DRC11 O v.-.. ~ O ALMA G SOAREII ~ ~, _ ALMA C. SORRELL ~,, LIc bl ,~_ r ~'..v ~ ~n ~a BENCH VARIES BAS VAPoES COW FlBER MATTING COIR FRIER MATTNG TO TOP OF BANK INLET CHANNEL aTTOS SY eANK EST 120 ST O.OOKWG DONNSTREAIU NOTE: PoP RAP SHALL NOT BE PLACED W STREAM BED. BENCH HEIGHT IS I FT NITH BENCH SRE SLOPE Of 3:L CHANNEL M SEE OETAL . N~~®~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAgE/DURHAM COUNTY PROTECT: 33136.L1 (8-3528) BRIDGE N0.~29 OVER SYCAMORE CREEg ON SR 1839 ", r GRASSED swu~E Iwi`i AFUSE cuT L.~txot~m sow: I I ~~ ~ Mahrd p,~ Wn.O = IFt. w•YMIn FROM STA 20+50 TO STA 8+50 LT. FROM STA 22+50 TO STA 24M0 LT. BEGIN PROJECT B~528 -L- POC STA. 10+00 sPEau~ASE DrrcH fN°t to Sort Fq} 6fwa D °~ 9°p~ B Nln Da I Ft. ~2Ft. FAOM STA 20+00 TO SfA 20+50 LT a RO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers ru rau na,am ar ~raancr>r„ Ir C G~O SPECIAL~Ep SHALE iAOt to s°dr Nq0 ~ ~ T~ION c x°r t° scaei n~va~~~~~=~,~~Fl~~ °'"'° e ~ LS Ft. F~1o n~oxcT n701~FFA PR~EN~MI~N~I~Y~P~ANS 8 3 ° END PROJECT 8528 ~ Nr4 m I Ft. ~-- ~` \\ ~ ~ ~++~ m su ss+aSO° `i: -L- POT STA. 25+00 ~ : oo m~ f i-r ~ ~ ~ O W 2'LATERAL BASE DITCH ~,.' <~~, • , wrnoa aIEaLS j• `'~ ~ 're ~ gitlSTWI CENTER p ~ EST 21 TONS HEADEA/FOOTER ROCK O - ~~ \r2~ ` \. / ~ . \ . EST a TONS CLASS I AIP RAP _ _ "~,~ ~-p0~ . ~ '~ ~ ~ Esr 34B sY PSRFI s au cl~u4.senat-- ~ ~ ~ ~, \' Eo ~ ourLEr cxaNNEL ~ Esr Iso ~ DDE :.~ ~~ ~ : ~ ~/ ~ ~ ~ ^ r. `.. A ~A~EIAENTS h ~E~ET~ SHEEI'~2-8 i- :"~ _ ~ ,r ~ ~ ~~ ~ , PO RY cuss rlaP RAP. ^m -.z~-- x i , \\i ~. \ 'I z.. \ SUR ~ ON BALKS UNNC ~„t2 ~ ~3 - ti ,.-- '\ ,.,, ~ ~'" ~~ ~ _"~b` y ~-- `' ~ WATE IMt~ anss 'e' de RwP ,°, ,c- yoF- ze, ~ _ - --<z°- ~ ,, ~. _ . `~' ~ ~ ~ee ~ ~~ :. ~ ~ `;: PRO1ECTwN ~ ~ ~ ~ T~ ~PROrECraH , ,~ ~ ~~ _.,~ ~~ ~~~,°~~y~ ~ ~ _.., ~ ~ al ~ ~.~ s ~'~ RAP- - ~ ~ ,~~ - / >< I~ : ~, .:~" r ~ ., ~ `~ ' ~ SITE :~ ""+~9: _~;2 ~'~}_4,5----~r--~.~u,. ~m ,ry-~ ~--. ~,~,;" ~ _ / _ , 1 ;:. J ~ ~ ~.~ `_` _'"~,`;;~. ~ ~ e` e~+r 7n ~.` 418 ~~ ~ ~" ~ /. ~- ~ t. ~ ;, ,, ~ ,,, ~ , , _ : -see-.._ ~, I . ., ~. .. _.. `_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Y~ X44 J' \ ~ . ~ '/ 111 r Y / ~~b` k*/ \~ ~?' ~ ha{'... \ ~ °\ .. . ~. ~_ ~' \ _ m r ~ ~ / . / .`.~€ ~ .LLD. `"'~Y.. ~ ~etb^ f ~ `~~y JtQ ~\ 41r,, ~ r . r - ~~ 4 \ ~' a , _ a ~, ~,. t: ;~t'~ ~ :, _ ~ A y ~ -, y~ _ -~ _, J , ., ~ ~ :~. - ~ -+-_-- 4 , µ n i ~ ,~ !/ -_ , _. ~utECF~ANIZED CLEI~RING r ~ ~ ~ ; ~.~ ~y. ~ C~©bIAC ~ , ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~.,.-,,~ ~~ \ m >`( ~y ~ TDE ~ 'v r ~ :'STA-r~Me ..SX fF TE RY'$UR CE ~ t4 "~:. ~ ~ . ' . ~r ~.. SELL ,, x,.511 . ~ ~ '' , - 6.94 LT TER IMPA ._ _~ .' ~ ° ,~ r. ~ ~ ., / ~ B~ 5111~LE w/ A ~ ~ ,.. , A , Ap. , .} ~ ~ Sw LE ALE ~~ A = M . ... , / n _ .. f ~ e ~ ~ p/1I ~ ... ~ ~ r ' 4 - ~~~ .- . - . ~f f0 .. ~~ ..E.- ~ -. ~~ f -- -~ ~ ~ ~ .w ra> ~ .,; ~ -.~ ,- . ~. ._. ,..~. _ `'~ ~~ g / ~ ~ ~ ,=~ r Ian ~o - _ - rv --~. -~ _ _~~Y c' - 4 ~'' _ Y'` "' _ _ _ ~ - _ -1 r$,r = - (: , 6 ~r "~, /, +,~ /r r r~ ~ / s .Z Fdl ~" y~ ~_~~ _ ,r~ .~-._ _ _ ~ _a--~ ~ REMOVE ~ l' .~-_ L."~ S! _ ~. _ d .r- t FLT r , .: L ,,~ ' ~~'. ~ 5" /,~`~ . • .. j _ `~- _ \` ~ ~ L -~ _ _ ___ ~=p-N11ERr Y~r f /.C _ 'T._.~..r--- -~ .. ~_. . ... _ _ i '' S 1 ~iS ., ~ ,/ ~ ,1~~. _ a ~~. . ~~r_ ~~ 'K` _-._. ~ .:i' a ; ; .. . ~ Y. 1 •.`. ~ ,:r i' .:: /~ ! ',.rhW r, :. -'_ g . \ ~... ~ SLL ^="~ :~~..;~t0".~_ y~'r''~lr°~ i .. ' ~ ~~, ~ ~ / ; / (~ G ~ .) 2~ ~ TO E>OSrNO~SiYAL~I$SV1\iE Nxl .ttC~ Fusf ._ ~ - - -- ` ~ / ,, ,. ,~ _ _ I i J.h~ i~ ~ // ;. , ., • .. ~ '' ..t. , m ..~ ~ ' ~ r \ ~~ ROADMAI~ ~ SSED'SwAtEr ~~ti4 '~~ ~' .I~ ~,, ~'%: ~srb ~~~ ~ TDE 4~g,. s. ,~ ,a~ D~ . ,,, ,. ~. ~ , ,, ' ~ '" i.',, . ~o!~; ' ,~+ ') p I ~ . 1 3 ~`--` _ i * '•ElO~.BRIIIGE ~ ` \ .l _, E . \ _ 4ATp BENTS' \ r .' / 1 1 ° ~ ~ ~ fi~ J ~i a. . ~ `' ~ - " 4L5-~' .f / ~ ~ h< kl ~ ~ , Q~ \ ~ - 5 i y J ,. . w 11 ry {:.,~f ~ ~ ~ WA ER IMPS ALMA~sr~u .I~, wu asawet ! / ~~ , ;/~` ; : ;~~,' , ~~~ ~ ~'. ~ ~ PERFJANENT SURFACE ~ I < < ~ ~ ,~ ~ t~ ~.. ~- -yi~~ ~~ ' ~'~ -~;~;~ ~ WATER IhiP C7 ~ ~~"` "` ;. ~ I ~~ x ~, :~~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ .~, ~, ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ N ` ~ ~ f ,,,° / ~ ~ l1x , ~ - - - ~. ~~ ,, c, ~. ~ ~~ ~ Lf ~ A "¢ MAL~ _. - .. ,. ~b. _. . OAES' T~ . ' ': ~ ~ ~ ~% a ~ ~' ~ L- ~ ,. _ / . ,~: r N~ ;. ~ ~ _• / ,.~ 4 ~- ~ f . F Z .rte' +T _. 0 I ~' ~~"/'; (~,~ ; ~~~IE~ ~9 ~ ANA ~ ~, , ~~, 4 r ~ /// M / / v / ,' ~, ; ,~~ i~ J.'. 0 _ .. , -, m , v . i 50 100 °~ SCALE: I"= 100' HORIZ. Qx CLASS 1'RP RAP v/FF LS'rIHCK _ (TYP.1 I.0' KEY ITYPJ V I S VA .i , EST DDE Ni0 CY CONt FIBER NATTNG Esr las TONS aASS r RIP RAP Esr Go n EST 170 SY FF O<ITLET CHANNH. d00KMG DOMNSTREAMI NOTE AIP RAP SHALL NOT EIE PLACED N STREAM BED. BFNCH HEIGHT Is I FT NRH BENCH SIDE SLOPE OF 3:1. ]~]L~N V~]E~V ~ EST oDE 160 CY ~ --- ~ ~~ BENCH VA)1E5 9A5 VAPoES COE2 FBER MATTNG COR FN3ER MATTING TO TOP aF BAN( INLET CHANNEL ETSOrTOP SY BANK EST 120 SY (LOOKING DOwNSTAEAW NOTE RIP AAP SMALL NOT BE PLACED IN STREAM BED. BENCH I~GHT IS I FT MRN BENCH SDE SLOPE OF 7d. N~~®7C DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAgE/DURHAM COUNTY PR07ECT:33136.1d (B-3548) BRIDGE N0.~29 OVER SYCAMORE CREE% ON SR 1839 /a Ito & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Cenaulting Engineers Lw aauie uL. uma vw Au+~cA. v.c nca Nm eweae GLI ENGINEER ~ ENGINHR PRELIMINARY PLANS OD \OT l'SE FO [b\'SiAL'Cf10\ 420 420 EXISTING LEFT PROPOSED ~---fE STA. 17+66 -L- EXIST. 100 YR. PROP. 50 YR. TOP OF BANK ROADWAY PROPOSED 2 ~ II' x 9' RCBC ELEV. = 408.1 ELEV. = 407.6 EXISTING RIGHT SECTION I GP ELEV. = 412.76 EXIST. 50 YR. PROP,100 YR. TOP OF BANK MAX 2:1 I SKEW = 30 MAX 2:1 ELEV. = 407.8 ELEV. - 408.0 410 !NORMAL) I (NORMAL) 410 I NWS = 400.2 400 ~`+~~_r~/-- ~. r_~ _______ ~____ _`-__-:+_ ___= __ -~~~~..._---~-~'-_~ - 1.12% 400 ~~ \~~/ ~ ELEV. = 397.62 STA. - -33 PROPOSED INLET EXISTING PROPOSED OUTLET 48' RCP ELEV. = 398.63 STREAM 390 ELEV. = 397.01 INV EL =398.0 (BURIED I FT.I BED 390 (BURIED I FT.) !~~ 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 SCALE: 1"= 50' HORIZONTAL 1 "= 10' VERTICAL PR®FILE ,~L®NG STRUCTURE SITE 1 NCB®T DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WA%E/DURHAM COUNTY PROJECT:33136.1.1 (B-3528) BRIDGE N0.429 OVER SYCAMORE CREE% ON SR 1839 JO M 1 B,N.'1 EL -40498' RR SPIK£ SET IN 14'PINE 92'LT OF -BL- STA 4+84 lore' Lr of -L- sTA ro+Op CULVERT HYDRAULIC DATA 450 DESIGN DVSCNARGE _ LIDO CFS DESIGN FREaIEHGY - 50 YRS DES~111 FM' ELEVATION =4076 fT BASE L~SCHAAGE = rBOD cr:s 440 BASE fREDUL:WC,' = roo rRs BASE IM+ ELEVATION = 4Q9D Ff Pl = 12H5 00 OVERTOPPING LYSfx1ARGE = P8O0+ C1'S . ~ ~ _ ~' 430 ~ $ OVERTOPPING FREOOENGY = 5OOf YRS OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = MI6 FT ~ ~~ K=3P x i~ ~ ~'~~ Y 420 ~ ~W ~ ~ ~ flp,~188X 1-~73pp~ +»~x 410 ~ Pi= n~-oO110 K =~ t)S - 5O eld- ^~~ - - ~ •~ ~ f Jy,~ +x{,51 ~ •~ 400 ~~...._.,~...,~. ~ .. _ 2 0 R• x 7 RCBC x/ 390 ~ ~~E ~ ~" ~ ' - 0 . o . 0 NWS = 400.2 = •' M ~ 380 10 11 12 _ 13 _ 14 15 16 17 18 B~l.'3 EL = 43413' RR SPIKE SET IN TWIN POPLAR 17'& 8' 132'LT OF -BL- STA 21+04 146'LT OF -L- STA 26+03 PJ+50 O0 ~ ~~ ~~ 450 , ~ ~ ,..... . ~~ ° ~~ . W ~W K=6J PROPOSED GRADE ~ _ ~ ~ ,~.~'~' ..440... / ~ ~ ~'' ~+ 3X ~ . '~~ -~ f+ ..~--~ = .430. -- .- s _ i ~t -- z ,. 9 - ~ i U c ~ b ^ E 420 EXISTING GROUND ` a t W _ m n .410 s E .400. a.~ J' .340.. 21 _LE~EN~ DENOTES PERMANENT ® SURFACE WATER IMPACT 22 430 420 410 400 390 380 450 440 430. 420 410. ~~~®~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAKE/DURHAM COUNTY PROJECT: 33136.1.1 1B-35281 BRIDGE NO.A29 OVER SYCAMORE CREEK ON SR 1839 22 23 24 25 26 &u. •2 EL ~ 404.58' RR SPIRE SET 1N !3'CHERRY rr7•Lr of -ec- sra r2+n 84'LT Of -L- STA I7+p ~~ /a KO & ASSOCIATES, I.C. PAGIECI REFERBJCE N0. SHEET 8-3528 Consulting Engineers ROADWAY DESIGN HrDAAUUCs nu wwn oc.sule nw xuncx.ncnea ENGINEER ENGINEER IHW 65L60f6 PRELIMINA Y PLANS ~a smr ise ron coss7urcias PERMANENT SURFACE WATER IMPACT r--PROPOSED GRADE `~~, EXISTING GROUND 19 20 r ~ GRASSED SWA~AALSE CUT Ixar ro sm.l r n ~g slot'. ~r Nln ° = IFt. r.rwm. fROM STA 20+50 TO STA 71+50 LT. FROM STA 22+50 TO STA 24+00 LT. CLASS 1'RP AAP v/FF LS'THM2( _ RYP.I I.a AEY fTYP.I YA A V o- ' r- ' EST DDE Ni0 CY COR F~ER MATTBA; EST 105 TONS CLASS 1' PoP AAP EST 60 SY EST 170 SY FF OUTLET CHANNEL aooKl+c oOWNSTHEAMI NOTE: AP AAP SHALL NOT BE PLACED W STREAM BED. BENCH HEIGMIi IS I FT MRH BENCH SIDE SLOPE OF 3:1. / ,~ \\~ ~ CLASS TRIP RAP ~ ~~ \ ~ M BANKS ONLY ~ ~ ~ ~ CLASS 'B' AP RAP ' ~ ~~ ''\ PAOTECTKWI `\` \\\~ ~\ '~( K1 .~ w~ •' ~~ ~~ ~ • ~~~ .~ 7 ~DD7 ~ .8~6 ~ T O ~~. tK: WAL i ~. ~1eD15 ~, F - LEFSMLLE FOR6T /~ ~ - ~ M~ 4TL _ ~ __ _ ~'1~.. ~ 1C ~ =_ $ ~' IEEA'~ o ~F14 i ~ t4f1 sr vet _~rFO___~_ ~ ~. / / / ~ r' I Atli TOW s B'P(g5 _ ~ - / ' v~Hl -rte _~ ~/// / ~ ~ _`_ / _ it 5 TE ROADWAY DITCH ~ /Qr ` ~ ~ i la I Sro~cal~ pau°Fw To E~51NG SHALE LffSYLLE HDLLOWFLLC /~ D / ~ ~ S1gNE . ~' II ICI ~ I ~I s ~ .I ~~ 1 ~ .~ 1ff54L1E Igl1AWFLLC I ~1 ~_ P _ __ G A.BDMI / A ~~~ tEaxrp Sfpq DT ~~ 7 ~ END NDT 'PVC / ~ 70•C8C ~` ~ ~_ o LOGTED ~~- $ 9 I ~ ~ E ~•9 p'P~ ~ a ENO Nor LocATFn ~ I IfI ~~ s + /~ GRASS SWALE m J ~ ak, ~ : •• • 1 ~ BEGIN PROJECT 8528 n u ,~,°". oO BA ah ~ ~ I, Ir. 5 SLOPES ~•OB ff / tt i ~/9 r ' a a 100 0 ~~~~~~ ~I~C1E ~ ®' MILAN VI~~ ° JO 100 °~ SCALE: I'= 100' HORIZ. SPEqu GTEHACBASE ORCH cxe9 to soael aome D 9eA. B MhO=IFt. 2 Ft. ROM STA 20+00 TO STA 20+SD LT. Mr tt/tt O ! 21111 4F6TIAN C]li1R 60 LF OUTLET CNANN•1 RPHOVEMEMS SEE DETAL TOE PROTEC710N t rCLASS B'HP HAP SEE DETAL D „ a~ f CTHEA END ~ B'S .. .• ~~~ DNINOrN TFEL. -e- - _.__~_ ~~~ _ BLItY NVERT P / ~ C '4 ~~ ~--_~ i ~:. ,~ ly A M\`_ n 1 ~-*~_ " -~ ~--~ A ~. VI / L) -~ a EY6T B/M _ . - _ ~~ -t F0~ ~ - - _ ~ - u tfD---- ------ ~--- ABAMII p1p ~ --" ---~- -- TO U57 - SR 1979 - lfEA'Alf A01D 27II'85T _- -_ _~-_ Fo-_--- -~' 1 ~ ~ 1 _ r F =~ _ ~ ip{=N/el a ~ ~ o \ d~ I I ~ ,. TO RDAOrAr~CGRA~SSFD SHALE ~ ~~ MI\ P ~ ~ 5 4 1 `1S/fi f ~ Gs~ DT ~ €~ ,k 1 s4a ~ 60' CHANIEL ~~~~pp~~- sEE DETu M e 'F P GOES 9AICHT THAU MANiOLE YNEAiS F A/ o \ + `~H4 Yi ~;y, ~~ ~ c~HT` 9 llf ~ `~~ ss;r ~ 9E~jD \ ~_` ~~ /~ \ ~ f ~~~ \ -82,x- ~~ - z01E I -~ z- RFARWI BIFFFA ~ ZOiE 2 MITiGABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ® MITIGABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 P IAT S C ~ A N . , . a KO & ASSOC E 8--3528 4 Caueulting Eugiueere re crave m.eunr an u:notLNCSnoe ~, sxrtr ~ Oml i/eN ROADWAY OBSNeNI NYDAAWCS ENGWB3 ENIGIN~ T~ION l 51ow ~\\?I PRBEL~M eN Rc« s uc¢mNNS =i~~~~ a a Ls Ft. Fo>» SPECIAL SHALE Ixot to snow T of user= acre a' 1 ROM STA 17+15 TO SIA 11+35 LT. ° END PROJECT B-3528 Mn o: I Ft. FROM SEA :1+sD ro aA n+sD Lr. -~- POT $TA. 25+00 ROM STA 31+00 TO AA 75+00 U. 2' LATERAL BASE DITCH M/ROQC gfCKS EST 21 TONS HEADEA/FOOTER ROCK 1I EST 12 TONS CLASS I RP RAP EST 318 SY PSAM 2NA dItlSTIA11 CENRA ~ ~` EST I50 CY DDE \ SEE DETAL SHEET 2~ 12 7 ~•~ / ~ \Q= `B `F ~a / iB iB \~' /~ 1B~J TB .( LA7~ 5 .... . . ALMA m sBRaEU. cHASS~m sr ~ ~ / ~ sEE oETU E W /tiQ CUT LATERAL BASE SEE SPECJAL CUT GRASSm riALE W/ ALB GRASSED SHALE FALSE CUi SEE DETAL E SEE DETAL A _ F. 6 B C .. F f _~ C •. QZ ~ Mr ~~ {a{ppee LiW01N 2DD.0 tt ACTIMI IFRCIR 1050 t 5 A~ 5 p79 11 / tt EST DDE 160 CY l vzsFD 6 o ~ ii 0 o'~ ~0•, ~` \ c 9 ~OO ~~ ~~ ~~ ~a 3) BENCH YARIES BAS YARIES 6 COIA FIBFA MATTING oR ~ eArr~ INLET CHANNEL TO TOP aF BAN( EST 120 SY a00KY1G DOWNSTREAAO EST 15 SY NOTE:RB' AAP SHALL NOT BE PLACED 1J STREAM BED. BEtA:H HEIGHT IS I FT WITH BE11CH SU`_ SLOPE OF 3:L N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAgE/DURHAM COUNTY PROJECT:3313G1.1 (B-3528) BRIDGE N0.129 OVER SYCAMORE CREEg ON SR 1839 SHEET b OF ~ • 10/4/07 i ~1 M .~ V W 0 ti ~0 M ., C•~ O THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY OF RALEIGH ;~~ ~rl~lse' 4~ ~ ~1P ~~ ~~ bur~A..~`n , cRAP~uc scArtss 50 25 50 100 PLANS 5 2 0 10 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 1P 4 4 1P ~ PROFILE VERTICAL) I~I~VI~I®N ®~ ]~I~IHiVAA~Y~ 8-3528 UCPN1 permit Drawir>~ I Sheet ~ of '~ PERMIT DRAWI11tGS WAKE A1VD DURHAM COU11lTlES "~ ~R, B3 LOCATION: BRIDGE 429 OVER SYCAMORE CREEK OH S.R.1839 AND APPROACHES TYPE OF WORIL UTILITY COIYSTRUCTIOX INDEX OF SHEETS Sl7JS8T N0. DESCRIPTION UCP-I TITLE SIIEE7' UCP-2 PLAN SHEET UCP-3 PROFILE SHEET UTILITY OWNERS ON PROJECT {I) CTfY OF RALEIGR -SANITARY SEWER (2) r?fRIZON -TELEPHONE rweA~ ar r~ oPrms a~ DIYI510N DP XIGfIR'AYS PROJECT SERVICES uTrmr sECTrox tmMAU tavtcat csvrne iurama xc nett ~» u~ Ran wen~inxa,P.& u:uiTDZS Sscimx s'GnmsR Sboi M P.8 U77LR7&S SQUAD LEADER PROJBCt' F1YG7,~8R Doiwid Prow UIIL17IB3 PRQ/RCf D&SIf1Y8]t CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMIT5 ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. ,. NOTES TO CONTRACTOR; ALL PROPOSED MANHOLES SHALL BE FLAT TOP AND SHALL HAVE WATER-TIGHT RINGS AND BOLTED COVERS BEGIN PROJECT 8-3528 -L- POC STA, 1o+aa PROP. M.H. STA. 0+00.00 TOP ELEV. = 404. 0 INVERT IN (2) = 39~:2~ INVERT OUT = 395.27 ~~ ~'r9,py ~ ~ NB7'/7'I7'w \ ~ \ 3\. 11.57\ \I~ ~ \ W _ ~ / 13+49.85 69,85' LT.. A. 13+42.q~8.39' LT.. ~ONNECTE~vvS~(~ST I NG TELEPHO~'~G CABLES -L- rs ro+7327 1 -L- SC 11+7327 .A Yb~ / - L~ / / i i / SfM /~ ~ ~~ -c- Por b+00.(XI BETiY A. BUNK DO 6167 PG 845 n C 0 ~ ~ ~ I N O m trk '\ a jN , ~~`/ E ' e~~IGPi ~~ a ~' ~I o; 49 r '~ f ~ `~ 4 N O(+ fCOdO _ r~os e~E i- r ~~. _ ^Nr~ ' ' td~ ~ I I - 1 il Y" I i rdlC u e I f 1 a, 4B 111 I 7QAO I ~ m scu + uR9ux) II I 0 E.Y1FN! I ~ 1 n I it `' d zoos k o1R{ 1I 4t 69 I II 3.t6~E I H bl CHOAO=N 16'19'S9'E zI /D ~ ce CMORO LE"`/ ,11 5 L' Yf ~ I ~ 5R.4t ~ I LEESVILLE H0 Ow, LLC OB 10668 PG 1040 I I BN 2005 PG PG 7049 D'g6Y. n6,3y, fEO rDr LOdrtB ~a~. Da Nor LocArEp PROP. 187.00' 10" RESTRAINED JOINT DUCTILE IRON SEWER MAIN @ 0r28~ GRADE -c- sra l7+42b~ 3 21NA RISTIAN C TEA (2~ pAQp TED 2566 PG 8 H r LF WTLET h 1I ROVENENT$ E DETAI S 'B' R~ RAP PRDTECiNMI eL 1 i d - OT A AI -s -~ N Malt _ ' y ~ V d _ tIYTA~ `~c~sEw~ 4I / r00~ EY E005 Y4 q19 - ~?A~S7 OF TE ROADNAY OITCN FORM' r,q Srp~r P31T~°sIw TO ExISTR4G SHALE LEESVILLE HOLLOW, LLC E ~ A<720.00 R°72000 D6 10668 PG 1040 G. L=96.26 L=97,52 ON 2005 PG PG 1049 9~5' 7 CnOAD=N 2Y19' 29 CHDflO:rJ 16.12' 22' x 1 r ]a nir a ~G1~AM CNOftO LENGT"= .19 CN0.gp LENG_ 7_~Q 9.a1~ 11 (1 ~ wR~arli ]P 23'E ~OP. 172 ~r- `""'~" mISEWEG;MAIN~~ REP 0 PV INEWIN S~ ~~-__Sf'CQYO Si4q CJ _~ ~~ JO'(!C ~~ ~-~D~AG ~t-~,`6`~!j yy --~~ rsr~aw~1..~_-_ ~ rt rt x~ R P. M.H, STA. 1+87.00 TOP ELEV, = 404.70 "a INVEB,T I ~° INV RT 0 RAT~ERIE, O 4 INa HRISTIAN CEN7ER ""EL PR IZO T~~.~Q~ 260NDUI 2ASD PL 991 fox LvER I STAB D B DIRECTIONAL BORE f h 'A ! 8870 p ~ ~ M1 " n ~oE recrx»T ~ m +98.28 '1 L IL S 'B' RIP RAP ,y d STA. 19+98. ~0' ,~ l a DETAt. D Y 1~ Q -L- PT n ? N~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ RAP 20 BANGS ON. 1 ' TONS 2~y . d 0 $T 'j0 SY FF r`I Za ~... I~ ry,~II CIR4fCREDrBr: JSM °'~//(~~w-r~`r~i'i APPROVED Br: ~ M f ZEAL ~~ REVISED: tt lust NORTX CAROLINA sti ~'+,lAiy~~tj' ~d DEPARTLfNT a .,`,4~"''e' ~~` TRANSPORTAT fON , E[T SERVICES UNI ," PHONEa91 9 12 5 0-11 2 8 UTILITr CONSTRUCTION FAx:19191250-1119 PLANS ONLY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION Permit Drawing END PROJECT 8-3528 2 f -L- POT STA. 25+aa ,~ N az a t7 } \\ / A ~~~' / ~ ~/~ ~..~J / ~ v ry _. /~ _ 7. J ^ ' nIY N C.6eRRELiA ro I LT D r"' A c ~ ~~ ! ~ /~A FR455ECUT ', ~ LEP~Nf2 C ' ^° +« 781! SPE LATERAL BASE SEE SPECIA CUT WUSSED SHALE w/ 50. x, SEE TAl B GtAS SHALE FALSE CUT ~ Sd APR SEE TAt, E SEE DETAE A LT - rt F 6 C~- F F C .r. f ~ < _ E16T Rir H ~~ - - - F ~ A'J350 ~~ --------- -rw--~-- - -- Sfl IB79 - I£ESVIUf HORO $ ~ 3 REL40vE _- - - - _r-== ~~ - .a BURY MvERT r r2ul ~>•~ - - - - _ ~' Er.R ~ ~ i EcRM TE ROAOwAr GRASSED SHALE n ~, _ ~~ ~ rS179 TO ExI5Tt9C DITCN / /1 I 60!10 P k - rr y rg,T, 716.78 ~~ f+.R/N' 1 v25Fp I I Hn .V1 ~''yr. ; ~ Ea, Er.R/w y~i - \L' 27 92~ M 1 ?f 4j NSA7 aS,Otl,.'~ ~ O I'~I I O LMA C. SORAELL a ` ALMA C. SORRELL 0 r D~RF~UILD OB 145 PC 12 ~ I OB 369 PC 593 A. ~ q 'q~ DR N~ H r ~0.1 wff ~ a ~ A t! 5 f^ 7m '~~4 /~,~ f OP~ L~p~~t C 1=67.37 q~ ~`vro CRDRO=N 16' S2' S0' MC~~ M, °E'. C B 5 CHORD LENGTH=87.14 G'FO~HT G1, r ~~ \ 1 G if 3 ~-_.~„~ }' ~~f \ 6 GRASS SHALE 2 ~~~ \\"`"°L~~r,n~~ \\ // \ w 2AO Ac ~i is ro: ao ss e h \~/ `wi ~~ q si E~\ \ \ ''~O s ~ I p AEOIIN~ LENGTH 200A 1t actuu LENGTH 0039 ft I ft ~ GRASS SHALE e s a s ~ ~ \ y a e~. v nrn , SDE 04 L99 .e 02 6A Ne v2 LR fpa ~, ,~ ~f~ P1 fa //+39.95 au i ao s e G PI Sta 14 «35 PI Sla 18+56.32 YID u9 ro• B AEDLw~EA LExGTx n9.2 ft =4'4'6' 287 ' 0 •4207' 325' (Rrl ~ • 10' 43' 2dS 271 D • g3257S ' AcrwL LENGrN s9o ft LS = lOOAO 49'8,0' D , 3 SLDPE o.aa f t , ~ slx SLOPES 4 _ ~ ~, L = 28077 ' R - 6ooQa' r = 140n R ' 4500A(7 SE • O.LGO SE = OA50 OS • 43 mpn DS = 50 np+n ,,, ..,.,....., ~vn~nTU1,1 OC/YIIOCn .. . '. SITE 1 ~lAFACE WATER IYPACTB ITEIIIPDRARY): ®YITIOABLE IMPACT IYPERVIOU9 DIKE • 0,019 AC. ZONE 2 (00.00 ~~ CHANNEL IYPACT9 • a,ao PT, MITI ZONE 1YPACT 60.00` (00,00 `rT 60,00 IN9TALLEO BY DIRECTIONAL GRILL 'PF (NO IMPACTS) ~/9l/ 00.00 PROP 18T 10" SANITARY BENER LINE O. ~O 9c~ ~ 00 (SURFACE WATER IYPACTB ONLY) 5 L F c ~~F R INING° A ,, 6''~~F 80. ~ ~q 0 a o o PROP. 10" aANITARr 9ENFp mlt;w cROeatla oETAn O+Op 0+50 1+00 1+50 DRAM) BY: .''`AtN~Qllp~'y "' ' ~ CNECKED Br: JSY }~~ ~,~ aa ~ APPROVED Br: JSM Y aeAL REVISED: f Mat NDRTN CAROLINA 1+, /,yp ~ ii DEPARTNENT OF ~M1~ ~ ~ fit' TRANSPORTATION a, y;,,u~"~ RCUECT SERVICES UNI PNONE:19191250-4128 UTILITY CONSTRUCTIOA FAxa9141250-4119 PLANS ONLY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION T'erm~ Drawirq Sheet 3 d„~ a s +, NL u~r rn. ~~ ~~~ o' p L" r~ o'' o° N3 a ZO ~o ?L N~ See Sleet I•A For Index of Sheets ~°~~'~°~, ®~` ~®~°~°~ (~~~®~,~~~ lrm em 1wMZ lnlma ro ear mru. :m.r1 See Sheet 1•B For Conventfal Symbols J .C. DwJZB 1 ~~~(~),)~II(~(q/9 ~I'( ~qI ~I~(''~' '1~}~ y{/~~1~ ~1Ty JLI' LL 1 ~ ~ LL ®1 9 ®~ 1L L ~ ~Y ~ 9 V ~ JL ~ R 1~ Ip.IR RUW.IR I~ReN ~ ~ ' 33136.1.1 BRZ-1839 P.E, ` { ~ . ~ ~ 1 ~ 33136,2.2 BRL-1839 RiW 6 UTIL / ~- ND P ACT - ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ :~ ~- ~ AKE W A11 ~D DURHAM CQ U11 STIES 'w M , ,~ , ~ ,, Y' ~ h I `°~' •~ ~ m LOCA170N: Bridge 429 over Sycamore Creek on SR 1839 and Approacke: D i~ ~ u ~ e~ a ,~ . BEGIN PROJECT r ~ ~ Drainage, Paving and R. C. Box Culvert TYPE OP WORK: Grading, U ~ _; W ~ - 4 N c ORS END TIP PROJECT B-3528 ~y '~I vrcn~rr nsaP THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN THE \ ~ ~~~~ ~ 83 -L- STA. 25+00 MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY OF RALEIGH ~~, EAID BOX CULVERT , ~~ ~ ~ sra I7+8d~o ~~~~ ' `,~ r~\ ~ r"~~ ~ BEGI11i T7P PROJECT B-3528 ~-~~ ~ ; ~ ~~ ~ ~ STA.10+00 , ____ To us ro ~I ,u. ~ _ _ _______ =- -- ------_ _' _~ \ - ~ ~ ------ ; r---- ~ ~ --- , i Vq,Lg _~ - - ' 1 -% , ~ y Rq,ID ----- y~q~~~i M N t ~ i C~~%; i i^.__~~ ~~ ~ i i ~~ 1 4 ~~~~~~ '~ >- I 1 ~ t~ 1'• i ~ ; j I~ ~~ ~° ~- 4 `~ ~_ ~~^~ a__ ~ ' % ~~--- ~ `=~ ~ ~ ,< r ~~ r ~ i i `~ ~ ~ ; ; i ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~`~ ~~ ~ `A i~ ;i V i ~ i~ ** DESIGN EXCEPTION RE6UIRED FOR HORIZONTAL URVE M AND HORIZONTAL SSD. M~ CLEARING 4N THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED NCDOT CONTACT; CATHY ROUSER P.E. TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. PRELIMINARY PLANS ROADWAY DESI~N -ENGINEERING COORDINATION °° ~' °~ ~ ~TM~ON ~• + GRAPffiC SCALES DESIGN DATA PRO CT LTsNGTH Preporeo In r~ ornce d: ({O ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C1 HYDRAULICS RNGAfSBR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STA28 OF NOR22T CAROLQIA V 50 25 0 50 1 ADT 2007 - 11,600 LENGTH OF ROADWAY 77P PROJECT B,3S28 0.215 mi. a , Coulultiu{ BnBineen Ill 1017 0.QIl 9q YIi04RafMM r»rrw ° ADT 2030 = 28,500 _ LENGTH OF STRUCTURE 1IP PRO,/ECT &3528 0.009 ai ~ num~n ~,~ ' '1 PIANS DHY = 12 % TOTAL LBNGTIt OF T8 PROJECT &3528 ~ 0.284 nri, rs ~ ' 50 5 50 t 0 D = 70 % RIGHT OP WAY DA18: Brian A. Vrilsa, P.E. " ~0°'~ _ ROAD W A ~ O T = 3 % l Ocrober 20, 2006 ~ ffi Y GIlI~BR + 1 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) ** V = 50 MPH , l* n ~ 10 10 0 LETTING ~~ h 18 2008 M ° ~ ' • TTST 1% DUAL 2 % arc . ra rs - PROFILE (VERTICAL) j~f n7ABl SrAra 8IG91VA7 naSluv mkt i ~ ~ Y Note: Not m Scale sua = svgs uantr ~ ~++~s ~°1Ct~1°E ~F N~Ib°lI°~% C.~R~ILIN.~ YDIVIS~~N ~F 1HI~]EdWA~S CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS BDUNDARIBS AND PROPERTY. -...'-.."_ State Une County Une -- Towruhip Une - - --- City Uns Reservafion Une - - ~ - Property Une 6cisting Iron Pin Property ComK Property Monumerrt Parcel/Sequence Number Existing Fenn Une -x-X-"- Proposed Woven Win Fence e- Proposed Chain Unk Fence & Proposed Barbed Wirs Fence -~ - 6dsting Wetland Boundary ----"'---- Proposed Welland Baindary -"' Existing Endangered Animal Boundary ~'- Exiating Endangered Plairt Boundary -°°- BtlILDINGS AND OTfIER CULTURE• Ga Pump Vent or tYti Tonk Cap o Sign well ° Small Mine ~' Foundation 0 Area Outline 0 Cemetery 0 Building School Church Dam XYDROLOGY.~ Stream or Body of Water Hydro, Pool or Reservoir ~____~ JurisdictionalStream -e-- - Buffer Zone t ~+- Buffer Zone 2 -~:- Flow Arrow --- Disappearing Stream -- spring o~"'~--" Swamp Marsh ~ Propaed Lateral, Tail, Head Dikh False Sump m RRILROADS.• Standard Gauge - RR Signal Milepost Switch RR Abandoned - RR Dismantled - RlGf1T op waY,• ~~ 0 A sma Baseline Control Point iodating Right of way Marker ~ Existing Right of Woy Une - Propoad Right of Way Une -~- Propaed Right of Woy Une with Iron Pin and Cop Marker Proposed Right of Way Une with Concrete or Granite Marker Existing Control of Access - ---- Proposed Control of Auea - -~-- Existing Easement Une - --E-- Propaed Temporary Coahuctian Easement- e Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement- -me- Proposed Permanent Drainage Eaement- -roe- Propoaed Permanenrt Utility Easemenrt -rue-- ROADS AND RBLi1?ED FEATURES. Existing Edge of Pavement -~ Existing Curb -' Proposed Slope Stakes Cut - -- ~ - - - Proposed Slope Stakes Fill - - - g - - - Proposed Wheel Chair Ramp Curb Cut for Futuro Wheel Chair Ramp - cr Existing Metal Guardrail Proposed Guardrail T T Existing Cable Guideroil " " Proposed Cable Guideroil " Equality Symbol Pavement Removal lBGETATION.~ Single Tree - Single Shrub - Hedge Woods line - Orchard Wneyard 4 4 4 (f t? YMeYQd EXISTING STRIICTURB,S• MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert ~~ Bridge Wing Well, Head Woll and End Wall - ~ ~~ MINOR: Head and End Wall ~ ~. Pipe Cuhrort Footbridge }------~ Drainage Bax: Cakh Bain, DI or JB ^~ Paved Ditch Gunter ----- Storm Sewer Manhole Storm Sewer U77LIT78S• POWER: Existing Power Pole ~ Proposed Power Pols b Existing Joint Use Pols -f~ Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhok+ Power Une Tower Power Transformer 8 l4G Power Coble Hand Hole H-Froms Pole Recorded USG Power Line Designated lfG Power Une (S.U.E.• TELEPHONE: Existing Telephone Pole -+- Proposed Telephone Pole -0~ Telephone Manhole 8 Telephone Booth ~ Telephone Pedestal ~ Telephone Cell Tower ~ USG Telephone Coble Hand Hole Recorded USG Telephone Cable Designated lYG Telephone Cable (S.U.E.•j- ----~---- Reeorded ltG Telephone Conduit n Designated L4G Telephone Conduit(S.U.E.•j- ----n---- Recorded li~G Fiber Optic Cable ~ ~°- Designated U~G Fiber Optic Coble (S.U.E.•j- - - - -~ ro- _ _ . WATER: Water Manhole Water Meter a Wafer Valve wafer Hydrom ~ Recorded U~G Water Une Designated U~G Water Una (S.U.E.')---- - - - -•- - - - Abow Ground Water Une •~ .ate. N: N Satellite Dish ~ N Pedestal p N Tower Uti N Cable Hand Hole Recorded U'G N Cable Designated ldG N Cable (S.U.E.'J ----^---- Recorded USG fiber Optic Cable -~ ro- Designated U-G Fiber Optic Cable (S.U.E.•}- - - - -~ ~- - - GAS: Ga Vobe 0 Gas McNr Recorded LVG Ga Uns Designated U~G Gas Une (S.U.E.•j - - - -"- - - - Above Ground Ga Une "` `°° SANRARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Cleanout p LYG Sanitary Sewer Uns u Above Ground Sanitary Sewer ~~~ ~~~~ ~.~ Rewrded SS Forced Main Une ~- Designated SS Forced Main Line (S.U.E.y - - - - -~- - - - MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole ~ Utility Pole with Bea p Utility Located Obled o Utility Traffic Signal Box m Utility Unknown ~ Une wn- lt>; Tank; Water, Ga, Oil 0 AEG Tank; Wafer, Ga, Oil 0 lt0 Test Hole (S.U.E.•) ~ Abandoned Acwrrfing io Utility Records - AATUR End of Information E.0.1. a a REVISIONS R/W Ralston x/4/2007 Added PUE M Parcels P,3 & 9. Ravlstid TCE and TDE on sane Parotids. oedway\Pro,j\83528_Rdy_psh_04.dgn I r ~ -BL~I 5+00.00 POT ^ ~'L~ `•• t ~ n. -L ROT 10+05.3 t „~. =.~ 1~`,• ~~ ~~ ~ 3 SBB 5j2~ at )O ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ ,,_~ ,. N 0 ~M ~~~ ;\ ~~ .. pia r\ $ G •a- \4 .~ yp,• 4 \ ~ ~:~' a ~ ~~ :i 1Zf B ~ s ~ VS M)I '~f~ r ~ o ~' ~~ i $~ p p,~ See 3 ~~ ~rti ~ r ~ z \ ~mNB slus~xa ~ -_"_ J .h9':i .Pt ~....~.~ ._ _ ._.. ,1.:?:%215 9N~IHNJ~ ~' ~_' "~ . , ~._ ~r rN~ ~C N v~o __~ R ~ I ~~~~; i rrrr~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ W 3i ~~ !!it I1 I 1 i rrrrr !t a r r ~~~~~ it ~ .. 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Fillln Wetlands ac Excavation in Wetlands (ac Mechanized Clearing in Weflands ac) an Clearing in Wetlands ac Permanent SW impacts ac Temp. SW impacts ac Existing Channel Impacts Permanent ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design ft 1 See Drawin s Im .Dike w/ SB 0.013 1 Station 1+40.00 10" San Sewer 3 TOTALS: 0.013 3 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WAKE COUNTY WBS -33136.1.1 (B-3528) SHEET Of 10 24 07 ATN Revised 3/31/05 Wake County Bridge No. 429 on SR 1839 ~ ,; ~t ~ c.~ ~~~ °~~ over Sycamore Creek ~ ,~_. < ~,,~~- ~ , Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1839(1) 2406801 N 8 i~OV ~ ~`~~~' `~ ~ " ~` State Project o. . 3528 N B ~ ,~~~ >~~~~, ~ _ ~T~AN - T.I.P. o. ~SpN~`vrnRM`t.H~~: ~-aT,~- ,h~ ~t,,~r1r~ CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 0720u! APPROVED: DATE '~ William D. Gi1m~P.E., Manager / Project Development and Envu~onmental Analysis Branch, NCDOT DATE is olas L. Graf, P.E. /Division Administrator, FH A Wake County Bridge No. 429 on SR 1839 over Sycamore Creek Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1839(1) State Project No. 8.2406801 T.LP. No. B-3528 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION October 2001 .Documentation Prepared by: Barbara H. Mulkey Engineering, Inc. ~ o a~ o~ Tommy 's I Date Project anager S D o8 0 / W. S. ood, P Date Principle-In-Charge For the North Carolina Department of Transportation ~'~~Z~~~ Stacy B. H ' , PE Project Manager Consultant Engineering Unit ~~~ 14509 /y7 ~' ®~ } ~ PROJECT COMMITMENTS Wake County SR 1839 (Leesville Road) Bridge No. 429 Over Sycamore Creek Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1839(1) State Project No. 8.2406801 T.I.P. No. B-3528 In addition to the standard Nationwide Permit #23 Conditions, the General Nationwide Permit Conditions, Section 404 Only Conditions, Regional Conditions, State Consistency Conditions, NCDOT's Guidelines for Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal, General Certification Conditions, and Section 401 Conditions of Certification, the following special commitments have been agreed to by NCDOT: Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch, Roadway Design, Hydraulics Unit, Roadside Environmental, and Division Engineer The following measures will be carried out for the replacement of Bridge No. 429. In addition to NCDOT's Best Management practices for the Protection of Surface Waters (BMPs) there will be strict adherence to the NCDENR Riparian Buffer Rules for the Neuse River (15A NCAC 2B .0233). Categorical Exclusion Green Sheet October, 2001 Page I of I Wake County SR 1839 (Leesville Road) Bridge No. 429 Over Sycamore Creek Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1839(1) State Project No. 8.2406801 T.I.P. No. B-3528 INTRODUCTION: Bridge No. 429 is included in the 2002-2008 North. Cazolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P.) and in the Federal-Aid Bridge Replacement Program. The location is shown in Figure 1. No substantial environmental impacts are anticipated. The project is classified as a Federal "Categorical Exclusion". I. PURPOSE AND NEED The NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Unit records indicate the bridge has a sufficiency rating of 23.2 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridge is considered functionally obsolete and structurally deficient. The replacement of this inadequate structure will result in safer and more efficient traffic operations. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS Bridge No. 429 is located on SR 1839 (Leesville Road) on the Wake and Durham County Line. Leesville Road is classified as an Urban Local Route. Land use in the project area is rural with low-density residential development. Leesville Road is a two-lane facility that currently serves commuting and local traffic. The existing bridge is a single-span structure with an overall length of 36 feet (10.8 meters) and a clear roadway width of 23.3 feet (7.0 meters). It was constructed in 1950. The bridge has timber rails and consists of timber flooring on I-beams with anasphalt-wearing surface, and is supported by reinforced concrete abutments. The bridge has a posted weight limit of 20 tons (20.3 metric tons) for single vehicle (SV) and 25 tons (25.4 metric tons) for truck- tractor semi trailer (TTST). The approach roadway has two nine-foot (2.7 meter) travel lanes for a pavement width of 18 feet (5.4 meters), with five-foot (1.5 meter) grass shoulders. The approach roadway from the northwest is a curve with a radius of approximately 470 feet (143 meters) and the southeast approach, approximately 300 feet (90 meters) from the bridge, is on a curve with a radius of approximately 450 feet (137 meters). The posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour (mph) { 70 kilometers per hour (kmh)}. Land use to the east (upstream) of the bridge is agricultural, while the majority of the western stream reach is forested. There aze two wooden tobacco barns in the northwest quadrant of the project. A power line right-of--way traverses the north side of SR 1839, and a sewer line corridor traverses the eastern banks of Sycamore Creek, crossing beneath SR 1839. There aze MCI fiber optics along both sides of SR 1839. It is anticipated that the utility impacts will be low. The 2001 estimated average daily traffic (ADT) volume is 8,200 vehicles per day (vpd). The projected ADT is 15,000 vpd by the design year 2025. The percentages of truck traffic is 2% DUALS and 1 % TTST. Three accidents were reported in the vicinity of Bridge No. 429 during the period from January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1997. Three school buses cross Bridge No. 429 twice per day. III. ALTERNATIVES A. Proiect Description Based on the preliminary hydraulics report the proposed replacement structure for Bridge No. 429 will be a reinforced concrete box culvert with three (3) barrels at eight feet (2.4 meters) by six feet (1.8 meters) and approximately 60 feet (18 meters) in length. The length and opening size of the proposed structure may increase or decrease as necessary to accommodate peak flows, as determined by a more detailed hydraulic analysis to be performed during the final design phase of the project. The proposed approach roadway will consist of two 12-foot (3.6-meter) travel lanes and eight-foot (2.4-meter) shoulders, including four-foot (1.2-meter) paved shoulders. The • proposed grade will be approximately the same as the existing roadway. B. Reasonable and Feasible Altematives One (1) reasonable and feasible alternative studied for replacing the existing bridge is described below. Alternative C (Preferred) replaces the bridge with a culvert on new alignment approximately 60 feet (18 meters) downstream (west) of the existing bridge. There will be approximately 470 feet (143 meters) of approach work to the north and approximately 360 feet (109 meters) of approach work to the south of the new structure. Traffic will be maintained on the existing structure during construction. The 470 foot (143 meter) curve on the northwest approach is replaced with 955 foot (291 meter) radius curve. C. Alternatives Eliminated From Further Studv Alternative A replaces the bridge with a culvert at the existing location with a minimum of approach work. During construction, traffic will be maintained by an off-site detour. The detour is approximately 2.9 miles (4.7 kilometers) in length. During the construction year 2002 the projected ADT for Leesville Road is 8,500 vpd. Alternative A was dropped as a reasonable and feasible alternative due to the poor horizontal alignment and high traffic volume. The off-site detour has a road user cost of approximately 2 $ 1,462,000. The road user cost is based on $0.325 per mile and asix-month construction period. Alternative B replaces the bridge with a culvert on new alignment approximately 50 feet (15 meters) downstream of the existing bridge. Traffic will be maintained on the existing structure during construction. The 470-foot (143 meter) radius curve on the northwest approach is replaced with an 849-foot (259 meter) radius curve. Alternative B was not selected as the preferred alternative due to concerns that the distance between the existing and proposed alignment may not provide enough clearance to maintain traffic on the existing bridge during construction. The lack of adequate clearance between structures may require road closure and a temporazy off-site detour in order to complete construction of the proposed structure. The "do-nothing' alternative will eventually necessitate removal of the existing structure and closure of SR 1839 (Leesville Road). This is not desirable due to the service provided by SR 1839 (Leesville Road). Investigation of the existing structure by the Bridge Maintenance Unit indicates that rehabilitation of the existing structure is not feasible due to its age and deteriorated condition. Utilizing an on-site detour was also eliminated from further study because of the need to improve the existing horizontal alignment. An on-site detour would not be cost effective. D. Preferred Alternative Alternative C was selected as the preferred alternative. Alternative C improves the existing horizontal alignment and sight distance. Alternative C will also provide more clearance from the existing structure during construction than Alternative B. This will make it easier to maintain traffic on-site during construction The Division Engineer concurs with Alternative C as the preferred Alternative. 3 IV. Estimated cost The estimated costs, based on current prices are as follows: Alternative C (Preferred) Structure Removal (Existin) $ 6,540 Structure Pro osed 78,700 Roadwa A roaches 234,960 Miscellaneous and Mobilization 149,800 En 'neerin Contin encies gp,000 ROW/Const. Easements/Utilities 42,750 TOTAL $592,750.00 The estimated cost of the project as shown in the 2002-2008 Transportation Improvement Program is $450,000, including $30,000 for right-of-way and $360,000 for construction. V. Natural Resources A. Methodology Materials and reseazch data in support of this .investigation have been derived from a number of sources including applicable U.S. Geological Survey (LJSGS) topographic mapping (Bayleaf and Southeast Durham, NC 7.5 minute quadrangles), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWn mapping (Bayleaf and Southeast Durham, NC 7.5 minute quadrangles), Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS; formerly the Soils Conservation Service) soils mapping (USDA 1970, 1971), and recent aerial photography (scale 1:1200). Bridge No. 429 was visited on July 21, 2000. The study corridor was walked and visually surveyed for significant features. For purposes of field surveys, the study corridor was assumed to be approximately 850 feet (259.1 meters) in length and 300 feet (91.4 meters) in width to ensure all proposed Alternatives received full and equal coverage. Impact calculations are based on right-of--way width, which is 60 feet (18.3 meters). Actual impacts will be limited to construction limits and aze expected to be less than those shown for right- of-way. Special concerns evaluated in the field include: 1) protected species habitat, and 2) wetlands and water quality in and adjacent to Sycamore Creek. Plant community descriptions are based on a classification system utilized by the North Cazolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) (Schafale and Weakley 1990). When appropriate, community classifications were modified to better reflect field observations. Vasculaz plant names follow nomenclature found in Radford et al. (1968). Jurisdictional areas were evaluated using the three-pazameter approach following U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) delineation guidelines (DOA 1987). Jurisdictional areas were characterized according to a classification scheme established by Cowazdin et al. (1979). Aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat requirements and distributions were determined by supportive literature 4 (Martof et al. 1980; Webster et al. 1985; Menhinick 1991; Hamel 1992; Palmer et al. 1995; Rohde et al. 1994). Water quality information for area streams and tributaries was derived from available sources, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ 1997, 1998). Quantitative sampling was not undertaken to support existing data. The most current USFWS listing of federal-protected species with ranges, which extend into Wake and Durham Counties was obtained prior to initiation of the field investigation and updated via the Internet, March 22, 2001. In addition, NHP records documenting presence of federal- or state-listed species were consulted before conunencing the field investigation. B. Physiogra~y and Soils The study corridor is underlain by the Triassic Basins geologic formation within the Piedmont Physiographic province of North Cazolina. Topography of the area is characterized as rolling with some steep azeas along major streams. The study corridor is located in, and adjacent to, the floodplain of Sycamore Creek. Terrain in the study corridor is relatively level with elevations that average approximately 400 feet (121.9 meters) National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) (USGS Southeast Durham and Bayleaf quadrangles). Soil mapping units within the study corridor are the Chewacla series (Fluvaquentic Dystrocrepts), Creedmoor series (Aquic Hapludults) (USDA 1970), Chewacla and Wehadkee (Fluvaquentic Dystrocrepts) series, and Mayodan sandy loam series (Typic Hapludults) (USDA 1971). The Chewacla series consists of neazly level, somewhat poorly drained soils with moderate to moderately-rapid permeability. These soils typically occur in floodplains of streams and are mapped adjacent to Sycamore Creek on the Wake County side. The Creedmoor series consists of gently sloping to moderately steep, moderately well-drained soils with slow permeability. These soils typically occur on rounded divides where the difference in elevation is about 50 feet (15.2 meters) between the highest and the lowest points, and are mapped on the southern side of the Sycamore Creek floodplain in Wake County. The Chewacla and Wehadkee series is dominated by Chewacla soils and has inclusions of Wehadkee soils. Wehadkee soils consists of nearly level, poorly drained soils with moderate permeability. The Chewacla and Wehadkee series is considered to be hydric in Durham County (USDA 1996), and is mapped adjacent to Sycamore Creek on the Durham County side. The Mayodan series consists of nearly level to moderately steep, well-drained soils with moderate permeability. These soils typically occur in uplands and aze mapped on the northern side of the Sycamore Creek floodplain in Durham County. C. WATER RESOURCES 1. Waters Impacted The study corridor is located within sub-basin 03-04-02 of the Neuse River Basin (DWQ 1998). This area is part of USGS Hydrologic .Unit 03020201 of the Mid-Atlantic/Gulf Region. The bridge tazgeted for replacement spans Sycamore Creek with no direct 5 involvement of additional streams or tributaries. This section of Sycamore Creek has been assigned Stream Index Number 27-33-9, by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ 1997). 2. Stream Characteristics Sycamore Creek is awell-defined Piedmont stream with moderate flow and riffle-pool morphology. The area of the drainage basin for the creek at the site is 1.02 square miles (2.64 square kilometers). During recent field investigations, water clarity was good and water depth (beneath the bridge) •was six inches (15 centimeters). Sycamore Creek differs in morphology upstream than downstream of the bridge. Upstream of the bridge, Sycamore Creek is six feet (1.8 meters) wide, straight, and has high three feet (0.9 meters), steep banks; substrate is sand/gravel with some cobbles. The associated floodplain extends throughout most of the study corridor and supports wetland conditions such as hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and signs of occasional flooding and pooling. Downstream of the bridge, Sycamore Creek widens 15 feet (4.6 meters) and is more sinuous. The banks vary from steep to gradually sloping and the substrate is sand/gravel with some cobbles. The downstream floodplain is forested and without wetland conditions. 3. Best Usage Classifications and Water Quality Classifications are assigned to waters of the State of North Carolina based on the existing or contemplated best usage of various streams or segments of streams in the basin. A best usage classifications of B and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) have been assigned to Sycamore Creek (DWQ 1998). The designation B denotes that appropriate uses include aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, primary recreation, and agriculture. Primary recreation refers to human body contact with waters on an organized or frequent basis. The. supplemental classification NSW refers to waters needing additional nutrient management because they are subject to excessive growth of microscopic and macroscopic vegetation (DWQ 1998). No designated High Quality Waters (HQW), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), Water Supply I (WS-I), or Water Supply II (WS-II) waters occur within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has initiated a whole basin approach to water quality management for the 17 river basins within the state. Water quality for the proposed study corridor is summarized in the Neuse River basinwide water quality plan (DWQ 1998). Sycamore Creek has a biological rating of Good-Fair. The biological rating is based on macro-invertebrate sampling in Sycamore Creek below Turkey Creek in 1991.. Sycamore Creek is rated as Supporting-threatened of designated uses because of sediment and nutrient loading from point and non-point sources. This Neuse River sub-basin supports six major point-source dischargers and 58 minor dischargers. Total permitted flow for the six major dischargers is 74.70 million gallons per day (MGD) (282.8 million liters per day [MLD]) while total permitted flow for the minor dischargers is 3.95 MGD (15.0 MLD). One permitted site discharging less than 1.0 MGD (3.8 Ml.D) is located adjacent to Sycamore Creek approximately 1.4 miles (2.3 kilometers) from the bridge site. Five other minor dischargers 6 i aze located within 5 miles (8.0 kilometers) of the bridge site along Sycamore Creek (DWQ 1998). 4. Anticipated Impacts to Water Resources a. General Impacts The current bridge will be replaced with a culvert. The culvert will be buried one-foot (0.3- meter) below the streambed in order to maintain aquatic habitat and flow regime. Temporary construction impacts due to erosion and sedimentation will be minimized through implementation of a stringent erosion control schedule and the use of best management practices.. The contractor will follow contract specifications pertaining to erosion control measures as outlined in 23 CFR 650 Subpart B and Article 107-13 entitled "Control of Erosion, Siltation, and Pollution" (NC DOT, Specifications for Roads and Structures). These measures include: the use of dikes, berms, silt basins, and other containment measures to control runoff; elimination of construction staging azeas in floodplains and adjacent to waterways; re-seeding of herbaceous cover on disturbed sites; management of chemicals (herbicides, pesticides, de-icing compounds) with potential negative impacts on water quality; and avoidance of direct discharges into streams by catch basins and roadside vegetation. The proposed bridge replacement will allow for continuation of pre-project stream flow in Sycamore Creek, thereby protecting the integrity of this waterway. Long-term impacts to adjacent reaches resulting from construction aze expected to be negligible. In order to minimize impacts to water resources, NCDOT's Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Protection of Surface Waters will be strictly enforced during the entire life of the project. b. Impacts related to Bridge Demolition and Removal In order to protect the water quality and aquatic life in the area affected by this project, the NCDOT and all potential contractors will follow appropriate guidelines for bridge demolition and removal. These guidelines aze presented in three NCDOT documents entitled "Pre- Construction Guidelines for Bridge Demolition and Removal", "Policy: Bridge Demolition and Removal in Waters of the United States", and "Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal" (all documents dated 9/20/99). Guidelines followed for bridge demolition and removal aze in addition to those implemented for Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters. Dropping any portion of the structure into waters of the United States will be avoided unless there is no other practical method of removal. In the event that no other practical method is feasible, aworst-case scenario is assumed for calculations of fill entering waters of the United States. The superstructure of Bridge No. 429 consists of a timber deck on steel I- beams. The substructure consists of two reinforced concrete abutments. Since the superstructure is composed completely of timber and steel, it will be removed without dropping any component into waters of the United States. 7 Under the guidelines presented in the documents noted in the first paragraph of this section, work done in the water for this project would fall under Case 3, where there are no special restrictions other than those outlined in Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters. NCDOT has coordinated with the various resource agencies during project planning to ensure that all concerns regarding bridge demolition were resolved. D. BIOTIC RESOURCES 1. Plant Communities Two distinct plant communities were identified within the study corridor: 1) Piedmont bottomland forest, and 2) roadside/disturbed land. These plant communities are described below. Piedmont Bottomland Forest: Piedmont bottomland forest occurs on floodplains, side slopes, and along stream margins of Sycamore Creek downstream of the subject bridge. Canopy species include sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), river birch (Betula nigra), and red maple (Acer rubrum). Understory trees and shrubs include sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), American dogwood, (Cornus florida), ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), American holly (Ilex opaca), hickory (Carya sp.), arrowwood (Viburnum sp.) and red maple. Yellow root (Xanthorhiza simplicissima), wild grape (Vitis sp.), poison ivy (Rhus radicans), blackberry (Rubus sp.), microstegium (Microstegium vimineum), cane (Arundinaria gigantea), lady fern (Athyrium asplenioides), and Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) are common herbs. Roadside/Disturbed Land: Roadside/disturbed land occurs along present roadside mazgins, utility right-of--ways, and agricultural azeas north of the bridge. Chazacteristic species include microstegium, goatsbeazd (Aruncus dioicus), dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), English plantain (Plantago lanceolata), broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), lespedeza (Lespedeza sp.), panic grass (Panicum sp.), fescue (Festuca sp.), paspalum (Paspalum sp.), and horse nettle (Solanum carolinense). Areas along the stream banks north of the bridge are vegetated by hydrophytic shrubs such as tag alder (Alnus serrulata) and black willow (Salix nigra). Wet areas occurring in the floodplain north of the bridge include rushes (Juncus spp.), sedges (Carex spp.), flatsedge (Cyperus sp.), spike. rush (Elocharis sp.), meadow beauty (Rhexia sp.), ironweed (Vernonia sp.), smartweed (Poloygonum sp.), cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), and bishop-weed (Ptilimnium capillaceum). 2. Plant Communities within the Study Corridor Plant community impact areas are estimated based on the amount of each plant community present within the projected 60-foot (18.2 meter) right-of--way (actual impacts within construction limits will be less). A summary of potential plant community impacts is presented below: 8 PLANT COMMUNITY ESTIMATED AREA OF IMPACT ACRES (HECTARES) Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C Piedmont Bottomland Forest 0.06 (0.02) 0.43 (0.17) 0.47 (0.19) Roadside/Disturbed Land 0.32 (0.13) 0.50 (0.20) 0.38 (0.15) TOTAL: 0.38 (0.15) 0.93 (0.38) 0.85 (0.34) Permanent impacts to plant communities resulting from bridge replacements are generally restricted to narrow strips adjacent to the existing bridges and roadway approach segments. Very little area of natural plant community is anticipated to be impacted by the proposed project. The total right-of-way area for Alternative A is approximately one-half that of Alternatives B and C, and much of the proposed right-of-way is currently bounded by maintained roadside, utility lines, a sewer line, and hay fields. Therefore, Alternative A, will mostly impact roadside/disturbed land (88 percent), and only narrow strips of adjacent natural communities. Alternatives B and C, positioned west (downstream) of the facility, will result in a greater loss of natural community area than will Alternative A, potentially impacting roughly equal amounts of roadside/disturbed land and Piedmont bottomland forest. From an ecological perspective, impacts of upgrading existing road facilities are minimal. No new fragmentation of plant communities will be created, as the project will result only in alteration of community boundaries. Roadside-forest edges typically serve as vectors for invasive species encroachment into adjacent natural communities. An example of an undesirable invasive species utilizing roadsides is kudzu (Pueraria lobata). The establishment of a hardy groundcover on road shoulders as soon as practicable will limit the availability of construction areas to invasive and undesirable plants. Implementation of Alternatives B and C, resulting in a new alignment, will allow for removal of fill and bridge structures associated with the existing facility. These areas will be restored through planting with native vegetation. 3. Wildlife a. Terrestrial Signs of only one mammal, racoon (Procyon lotor), were observed within the study corridor. Other mammal species expected to occur within the study corridor are white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), .muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), meadow vole (Microtus .pennsylvanicus), white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), short-tailed shrew (Blaring brevicauda), and little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus). Birds observed within or adjacent to the corridor were green heron (Butorides striatus), mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus), red-tailed hawk 9 (Buteo jamaicensis), American robin (Turdus migratorius), common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), American goldfinch (Carduelis tristis), American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), northern cazdinal (Cardinalis cardinalis), and bluejay (Cyanocitta cristata). Additional avian species expected to occur within roadside/disturbed habitat of the study corridor are eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna), eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis), brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater), and indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea). Avian species expected to occur within bottomland forest habitat of the study corridor are red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceous), yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), northern parula (Parula americans); Baltimore oriole (Icterus galbula), downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), and bared owl (Strix varia). There were two observations of terrestrial reptiles, rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus) and black racer (Coluber constrictor), but no terrestrial amphibians within the study corridor. Other herptile species expected to occur in ten estrial areas of the study corridor are eastern box turtle (Terrapene Carolina), eastern fence lizazd (Sceloporus undulatus), five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus), worm snake (Carphophis amoenus), rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta), brown snake (Storeria dekayi), eastern garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis), copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix), and American toad (Bufo americanus). b. Aquatic Limited surveys resulted in documentation of two amphibian species: the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor). No aquatic reptile species were observed within the study corridor. Sycamore Creek does, however, provide suitable habitat for the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina), northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon), queen snake (Regina septemvittata), eastern newt (Notophthalmus viridescens), northern dusky salamander (Desmognathus fuscus), two-lined salamander (Eurycea cirrigera), green frog (Rana clamitans), southern leopard frog (Rana sphenocephala), and pickerel frog (Rana palustris). No sampling was undertaken in Sycamore Creek to determine fishery potential. Visual surveys of Sycamore Creek revealed presence of fish, crayfish, and aquatic snails. Fish species which may be present in Sycamore Creek are rosefin shiner (Notropis ardens), rosyside dace (Clinostomus funduloides), bluehead chub (Nocomis leptocephalus), tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi~, northern hog sucker (Hypentelium nigricans), and mazgined madtom (Noturus insignis). c. Anticipated Impacts to Wildlife Due to the limited extent of infringement on natural communities, the proposed bridge replacements will not result in significant loss or displacement of known terrestrial animal populations. No significant habitat fragmentation is expected since most improvements will be restricted to existing roadside margins. Construction noise and associated disturbances will have short-term impacts on avifauna and migratory wildlife movement patterns, although long-term impacts aze expected to be negligible. Potential down-stream impacts to aquatic habitat will be avoided by bridging the systems to maintain regular flow and stream 10 t integrity. Short-term impacts associated with turbidity and suspended sediments will affect benthic populations.- Temporary impacts to downstream habitat from increased sediment during construction will be minimized by the implementation of stringent erosion control measures. E. SPECIAL TOPICS 1. Waters of the United States Surface waters within the embankments of Sycamore Creek are subject to jurisdictional consideration under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as "waters of the United States" (33 CFR section 328.3). Field investigations indicate that Sycamore Creek is primarily abank- to-bank perennial stream (riverine) system with scattered adjacent wetlands. Wetlands adjacent to Sycamore Creek are subject to jurisdictional consideration under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as "waters of the United States" (33 CFR section 328.3). These azeas are defined by the presence of three primazy criteria: hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and evidence of hydrology at or neaz the surface for a portion (12.5 percent) of the growing season (DOA 1987). NWI mapping indicates that azeas adjacent to Sycamore Creek exhibit chazacteristics of a palustrine, broad-leaved, deciduous forest system that is temporarily flooded (PFOIA) (Cowazdin et al. 1979). Field investigations indicate wetlands occur in the Sycamore Creek floodplain east (upstream) of the bridge and within the 300-foot (91-meter) study corridor. No jurisdictional wetlands occur west (downstream) of the bridge. The potentially affected areas (acres) and lengths (feet) of jurisdictional stream and riparian buffer, and areas (acres) of jurisdictional wetlands located within the alternative 60-foot (18.2-meter) right-of--ways are shown as follows: JURISDICTIONAL AND BUFFER AREAS Jurisdictional Type Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C Stream Area acres (hectares) 0.01 (0.004) 0.02 (0.008) 0.03 (0.012) Stream Linear Distance feet (meters) 50 (15.2) 55 (16.8) 60 (18.3) Wetland Area acres (hectazes) 0.01(0.004) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) Riparian Buffer Area acres (hectares) 0.22 (0.09) 0.23 (0.09) 0.24 (0.10) Riparian Buffer Lineaz Distance feet (meters) 65 (19.8) 88 (26.8) 100 (30.5) All alternatives call for replacement of the existing bridge over Sycamore Creek with concrete box culverts. Therefore, the proposed activity will result in permanent impacts to the stream area and length stated in the previous table. The following jurisdictional wetlands occur at the base of outer floodplain slopes on both sides of Sycamore Creek, immediately east (upstream) of the existing bridge: 1) a narrow 11 wetland seep draining a larger floodplain wetland located outside of the study corridor, and 2) a narrow spring-fed seep on the outer floodplain slope. These wetlands satisfy the three- parameter approach outlined by the COE (DOA 1987; see attached Routine Wetland Determination data forms). Wetland vegetation is dominated by bishop-weed, smartweed, meadow beauty, spike rush, rushes, and sedges. These plants are growing on Chewacla soils which exhibit values, chromas, and mottles characteristic of hydric soils. Evidence of wetland hydrology includes surface drainage patterns, oxidized root channels, and water- stained leaves. Both wetlands aze in the Alternative A study corridor, on roadside/disturbed land, and have a combined area coverage of approximately 0.01 acre (0.004 hectazes) within the Alternative Aright-of-way. No wetlands occur within the Alternative Band Cright-of- ways. 2. Permits This project is being processed as a Categorical Exclusion (CE) under Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines. Nationwide Permit (NWP) #23 (61 FR 65874, 65916; December 13, 1996) has been issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) for CEs due to expected minimal impact. DWQ has issued a Genera1401 Water Quality Certification for NWP #23. However, use of this permit will require written notice to DWQ. In the event that NWP #23 will not suffice, minor impacts attributed to bridging and associated approach improvements are expected to qualify under General Bridge Permit 031 issued by the Wilmington COE District. Notification to the Wilmington COE office is required if this general permit is utilized. 3. Riparian Buffer Protection Rules for the Neuse River Basin The Neuse River Basin Rule applies to 50-foot (15.2-meter) wide riparian buffers directly adjacent to surface waters in the Neuse River Basin. This rule does not apply to portions of the riparian buffer where a use is existing and ongoing. Any change in land use within the riparian buffer is characterized as an impact. The Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy for the Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers (15 A NCAC 2B .0233) provides a designation for uses that cause impacts to riparian buffers within the Neuse Basin. Expected activities involved with project development include a roadway crossing for Alternatives B and C, and bridge replacement for all three Alternatives. Both of these uses are designated Allowable within the riparian buffer, assuming project impacts are below 150 lineaz feet (45.7 lineaz meters) of buffer (measured parallel to the stream) and/or 0.33 acre (0.13 hectare). The Allowable designation means that the intended uses may proceed within the riparian buffer provided that there are no practical Alternatives, and that written authorization from the Division of Water Quality is obtained prior to project development. The size of riparian buffer located within the proposed right-of--ways is within Allowable thresholds. For Alternative A, approximately 80 percent of the buffer azea occurs in roadside/disturbed land areas, and 20 percent in bottomland forest areas. For Alternatives B and C, approximately 25 percent of the buffer area occurs in roadside/disturbed land azeas, and 75 percent in bottomland forest areas. 12 4. Mitigation Compensatory mitigation is not proposed for this project due to the limited nature of project impacts. However, utilization of •BMPs is recommended in an effort to minimize impacts. Temporary impacts to floodplains associated with the construction activities could be mitigated by replanting disturbed areas. with native wetland species and removing of temporary fill material upon project completion. Fill or alteration of azea streams may require compensatory mitigation in accordance with 15 NCAC 2H .0506(h). A final determination regarding mitigation rests with the COE. F. Protected Species 1. Federal Protected Species Species with the federal classification of Endangered, Threatened, Threatened due to Similarity of Appeazance, or officially Proposed for such listing, are protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The term "Endangered species" is defined as "any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range", and the term "Threatened species" is defined as "any species which is likely to become an Endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range" (16 U.S.C. 1532). The term "Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance" is defined as a species, which is not "Endangered", or "Threatened", but "closely resembles an Endangered or Threatened species" (16 U.S.C. 1532). Species that are Threatened or Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance aze not subject to Section 7 consultation and a biological conclusion is not required. The following federal-protected species aze recorded for Durham and Wake Counties (February 26, 2001, updated via the Internet, Mazch 22, 2001, USFWS list): Common Name Scientific Name County of Record Status Red-cockaded wood cker Picoides borealis Wake Endangered Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Durham, Wake Threatened Dwarf wedgemussel Alasmidonta heterodon Wake Endangered Smooth coneflower Echinacea laevigata Durham Endangered Michaux's sumac Rhus michauxii Durham, Wake Endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker -This small woodpecker seven to 8.5 inches (17.7 to 21.6 centimeters) long has a black head, prominent white cheek patch, and black-and-white barred back. Males often have red markings (cockades) behind the eye, but the cockades may be absent or difficult to see (Potter et al. 1980). Primary habitat consists of mature to over- mature southern pine forests dominated by loblolly (Pinus taeda), long-leaf (P. palustris), slash (P. elliotii), and pond (P. serotina) pines (Thompson and Baker 1971). Nest cavities 13 are constructed in the heartwood of living pines, generally older than 70 years, which have been infected with red-heart disease. Nest cavity trees tend to occur in clusters, which are referred to as colonies (USFWS 1985). The woodpecker drills holes into the bark around the cavity entrance, resulting in a shiny, resinous buildup azound the entrance that allows for easy detection of active nest trees. Pine flatwoods or pine-dominated savannas, which have been maintained by frequent natural fires, serve as ideal nesting and foraging sites for this woodpecker. Development of a thick understory may result in abandonment of cavity trees. Site plant conununities are 1) roadside/disturbed, and 2) Piedmont bottomland forest dominated by 50-60 year old hazdwoods. Neither of these plant communities support red- cockaded woodpecker nesting or foraging behavior. Furthermore, forested areas contain a dense understory. Suitable nesting habitat does not occur within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor, and NHP records do not document the occurrence of red-cockaded woodpeckers in the vicinity of the study corridor. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: The study corridor contains no suitable habitat for red-cockaded woodpecker foraging and nesting. There is no nesting habitat within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor, and NHP records have no documentation of red-cockaded woodpeckers in the vicinity of the study corridor. Based on a NHP record search and surveys conducted during field investigations, this project will not affect red- cockaded woodpecker. NO EFFECT Bald Eagle -The bald eagle is a lazge raptor with a wingspan greater than six feet (1.8 meters). Adult bald eagles are dark brown with a white head and tail. Immature eagles are brown with whitish mottling on the tail, belly, and wing linings. Bald eagles typically feed on fish but may also take birds and small mammals. In the Carolinas, nesting season extends from December through May (Potter et al. 1980). Bald eagles typically nest in tall, living trees in a conspicuous location near open water. Eagles forage over lazge bodies of water and utilize adjacent trees for perching (Hamel 1992). Disturbance activities within a primary zone extending 750 to 1500 feet (228.6 to 457.2 meters) from a nest tree are considered to result in unacceptable conditions for eagles (USFWS 1987). The USFWS recommends avoiding disturbance activities, including construction and tree-cutting within this primary zone. Within a secondary zone, extending from the primary zone boundary out to a distance of 1.0 mile (1.6 kilometers) from a nest tree, construction and land-clearing activities should be restricted to the non-nesting period. The USFWS also recommends avoiding alteration of natural shorelines where bald eagles forage, and avoiding significant land-clearing activities within 1500 feet (457.2 meters) of known roosting sites. Site plant communities are 1) roadside/disturbed, and 2) riparian hardwood forest dominated by 50-60 year old hardwoods; no lazge, open water bodies exist within the study corridor. Suitable nesting habitat does not occur in the vicinity of the study corridor, and NHP records do not document the occurrence of bald eagles within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: The study corridor contains no suitable habitat for bald eagle foraging and nesting. There is no nesting habitat within one mile (1.6 14 s kilometers) of the study corridor, and NHP records have no documentation of bald eagle within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor. Based on a NHP record search and surveys conducted during field investigations, this project will not affect bald eagle. NO EFFECT Dwarf Wedge Mussel -The dwarf wedge mussel is relatively small, averaging one to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 centimeters) long. The shells are olive-green to dazk brown in color and aze sub-rhomboidally shaped. The shells of females aze swollen posteriorly, while males aze generally flattened (TSCFTM 1990). The preferred habitats are streams with moderate flow velocities and bottoms vazying in texture from gravel and coarse sand to mud, especially just downstream of debris and on banks of accreting sediment. This species was previously known only from a few, disjunct populations in the Neuse River basin (Johnston Co.) and Taz River basin (Granville Co.). Statewide surveys conducted since 1992 have expanded this species' range in North Carolina. This species is now known from the Neuse River Basin in Orange, Wake, Johnston, and Nash Counties, and from Tar River Basin in Granville, Vance, Warren, Franklin, Halifax, and Nash Counties. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: Stream habitat within -the study corridor is characterized by moderate flow over a sand/graveUmud substrate. Sycamore Creek south of the subject bridge has well-established riffle-pool structure with occasional sand-mud bars. Sycamore Creek also has a biological rating of Good-Fair; however, NHP files have no documentation of this species within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor, and signs indicating the presence of freshwater mussels (i.e. shell fragments) were not observed. However, mussel surveys were conducted on September 21, 2000 at the bridge site for a distance of 300 feet (91 meters) upstream and downstream. The dwarf wedge mussel was not found. (See Memo from NCDOT Environmental Specialist dated August 24, 2001.) NO EFFECT Smooth coneflower -This species is a stiffly erect, rarely branched perennial that grows up to five feet (1.5 meters) tall. Basal and stem leaves are large, glabrous, lanceolate to narrowly ovate blades reaching three inches (7.6 centimeters) in length. This coneflower blooms from late May to July, producing solitary, heads of small purplish disk flowers with long drooping pink to purplish ray flowers (Kral 1983). This species occurs on calcareous, basic, or circumneutral soils on roadsides, clear-cut, or power line right-of--ways where there is abundant light and little herbaceous competition (Gaddy 1991). Fire-maintained woodlands also appeaz to provide potential habitat for the coneflower. The study corridor supports azeas of eazly successional roadsideJdisturbed land suitable for smooth coneflower. Therefore, the site was revisited on September 6, 2000 to conduct surveys for this species during the fruiting period. All roadsides, fields, meadows, and woodland edges within the study corridor were surveyed for distances 500 feet (152.4 meters) north and 650 feet (198.1 meters) south of the bridge. In addition, a sewerline corridor (traversing Sycamore Creek) was surveyed for a distance of 800 feet (243.8 meters) to the southwest of the bridge. The search resulted in no observations of smooth coneflower within the study corridor. 15 BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: Smooth coneflower occurs in cleared areas with abundant light and little competition from herbaceous vegetation. Portions of this project occur in azeas, which contain roadside/disturbed and eazly-successional vegetation along road shoulders, a sewer line corridor, and hay fields. However, NHP files have no documentation of this species within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor, and the species was not identified during a plant survey conducted on September 6, 2000. NO EFFECT Michaux's sumac - Michaux's sumac is a densely pubescent, deciduous, rhizomatous shrub, usually less than two feet (0.6 meters) high. The alternate, compound leaves consist of nine to 13 hairy, round-based, toothed leaflets borne on a hairy rachis that may be slightly winged (Radford et al. 1968). Small male and female flowers are produced during June on separate plants; female flowers are produced on terminal, erect clusters followed by small, hairy, red fruits (drupes) in August and September. Michaux's sumac tends to grow in disturbed areas where competition is reduced by periodic fire or other disturbances, and may grow along roadside margins or utility right-of-ways. In the Piedmont, Michaux's sumac appears to prefer clay soil derived from mafic rocks or sandy soil derived from granite; in the Sandhills, it prefers loamy swales (Weakley 1993). Michaux's sumac ranges from south Virginia through Georgia in the inner Coastal Plain and lower Piedmont. The study corridor supports azeas of early successional roadside/disturbed land suitable for Michaux's sumac. Therefore, the site was revisited on September 6, 2000 to conduct surveys for this species during the fruiting period. All roadsides, fields, meadows, and woodland edges within the study corridor were surveyed for distances 500 feet (152.4 meters) north and 650 feet (198.1 meters) south of the bridge. In addition, a sewerline corridor (traversing Sycamore Creek) was surveyed for a distance of 800 feet (243.8 meters) to the southwest of the bridge. The search resulted in no observations of Michaux's sumac within the study corridor. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: Portions of this study occur in areas, which support roadside/disturbed and early-successional vegetation along road shoulders, hay fields, and a sewer line corridor. However, NHP files have no documentation of this species within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor, and the species was not identified during a plant survey conducted on September 6, 2000. NO EFFECT 16 K s Federal Species of Concern -The Februazy 26, 2001 USFWS list (updated via the Internet, March 22, 2001) also includes a category of species designated as "Federal species of concern" (FSC) for Durham and Wake Counties: COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME COUNTY OF POTENTIAL STATE STATUS RECORD HABITAT Southeastern myotis Myotis austroriparius Wake* yes SC Bachman's sparrow Aimophila aestivalis Wake* no SC Southern hognose Heterodon simus Wake no SR (PSC) Carolina darter Etheostoma Collis le idinionisis Durham, Wake yes SC Pinewoods shiner Lythrurus matutinus Durham, Wake yes SR Diana fritillary Speyeria diana Wake* yes SR Septima's clubtail dragonfly Gomphus seprima Durham* no SR Atlantic pigtoe Fusconaia masoni Durham, Wake no T (PE) Yellow lampmussel Lampsilis cariosa Durham no T (PE) Green floater Lasmigona subviridus Durham, Wake no E Yellow lance Elliptio lanceolata Wake no T (PE) Panhandle pebblesnail Somatogyrus virginicus W~~' no SR Tall lazkspur Delphinium exaltatum Durham no E-SC Carolina least trillium Trillium pusillum var. Wake* no E usillum Sweet pinesap Monotropsis odorata ~~' no C Butternut Juglans cinerea Durham* no WS A liverwort Plagiochila Columbiana Durham* no W2 *Counties with historic populations not seen in the past 20 years **Based on listings by Amoroso (1999) and LeGrand and Hall (1999): E =Endangered; T = threatened; SC =Special concern; SR =Significantly rare; C =Candidate; P =Species has been formally proposed for listing as Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern; WS = NC Plant Watch List rare because of severe decline; W2 =Rare, but taxonomically questionable . 17 The FSC designation provides no federal protection under the ESA for the species listed. NHP files have no documentation of listed FSC species within the study corridor or within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the study corridor. 2. State Protected Species Plant and animal species which are on the North Cazolina state list as Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Special Concern (SC), Candidate (C), Significantly Raze (SR), or Proposed (P) (Amoroso 1999, I,eGrand and Hall 1999) receive limited protection under the North Carolina Endangered Species Act (G.S. 113-331 et seq.) and the North Carolina Plant Protection Act of 1979 (G.S. 106-202 et seq.). NHP records indicate that no terrestrial or aquatic State-listed species have been documented within one mile of the study corridor. VI. Cultural Resources A. Compliance Guidelines This project is subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Section 106 requires that for federally funded, licensed, or permitted projects having an effect on properties listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation be given the opportunity to comment. B. Historic Architecture A field survey of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) was conducted on Mazch 1, 2000. All structures within the APE were photographed, and later reviewed by the North Cazolina State Historic Preservation Office (HPO). In a concurrence form dated May 18, 2000 the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) concurred that there aze no historic architectural resources either listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within the APE. A copy of the concurrence form is included in the Appendix. C. Archaeology The North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), in a memorandum dated June 28, 2000 stated, "We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as currently proposed." A copy of the SHPO memorandum is included in the Appendix. VII. Environmental Effects The project is expected to have an overall positive impact. Replacement of an inadequate bridge will result in safer traffic operations. t 18 The project is a Federal "Categorical Exclusion" due to its limited scope and lack of significant environmental consequences. The bridge replacement will not have an adverse effect on the quality of the human or natural environment with the use of current NCDOT standards and specifications. The project is not in conflict with any plan, existing land use, or zoning regulation. No significant change in land use is expected to result from construction of the project. No adverse impact on families or communities is anticipated. Right of way acquisition will be limited. No relocatees are expected with implementation of the proposed alternative. In compliance with Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low Income Populations) a review was conducted to determine whether minority or low-income populations were receiving disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental impacts as a result of this project. The investigation determined the project would not disproportionately impact any minority or low-income populations. No adverse effect on public facilities or services is anticipated. The project is not expected to adversely affect social, economic, or religious opportunities in the area. There aze no publicly owned recreational facilities, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges of national, state, or local significance in the vicinity of the project. The Farmland Protection Policy Act requires all federal agencies or their representatives to consider the potential impacts to prime and important farmland soils by all land acquisition and construction projects. Prime and important fazmland soils are defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Since there are no prime or important farmlands in the immediate vicinity of the proposed bridge the Fazmland Protection Policy does not apply. The project is located in Wake County, which is within the Raleigh-Durham nonattainment area for ozone (03) and carbon monoxide (CO) as defined by the EPA. The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) designated these azeas as "moderate" nonattainment azea for 03 and CO. However, due to improved monitoring data, these areas were redesignated as "maintenance" for 03 on June 17, 1994, and "maintenance" for CO on September 18, 1995, Section 176(c) of the intent of the state air quality implementation plan (SIP). The current SIP does not contain any transportation control measures for Wake County. The Capital Area 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the 2000-2006 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) has been determined to conform to the intent of the SIP. The USDOT air conformity approval of the LRTP was August 20, 1999 and the USDOT air quality conformity approval for the MTIP was October 1, 1999. The current conformity determination is consistent with the final conformity rule found in 40 CFR Parts S 1 and 93. There have been no significant changes in the project's design concept or scope, as used in the conformity analyses. 19 } The traffic volumes will not increase or decrease because of this project. There are no receptors located in the immediate project azea. The project's impact on noise and air quality will not be significant. Noise levels could increase during construction but will be temporary. If vegetation is disposed of by burning, all burning shall be done in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations of the North Carolina S1P for air quality in compliance with 15 NCAC 2D.0520. This evaluation completes the assessment requirements for highway traffic noise (23 CFR Part 772) and for air quality (1990 CAAA and NEPA) and no additional reports are required. An examination of records at the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section and the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Solid Waste Management Section revealed no hazazdous waste sites in the project azea Wake County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Regular Program. The project site on Sycamore Creek is not included in a detailed Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) flood study; however the approximate limits of the 100-year flood plain in the vicinity of the project is shown on the F.E.M.A. Flood Insurance Rate Map, Figure 3. The project site is located in a Zone A, Approximate F.E.M.A. flood study. On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that no significant adverse environmental effects will result from implementation of the project. VIII. Public Involvement Efforts were undertaken early in the planning process to contact local officials to involve them in the project development with scoping letters. A newsletter was also mailed to local residents explaining the planning process and the selected Alternative. 20 » r IX. AGENCY COMMENTS The following comments were received during the scoping process: City of Raleigh: Comment: "...request that the bridge be designed to allow for future widening and pedestrian accommodation ". Response: In order to accommodate the Capital Area Thoroughfare Plan and the Raleigh Comprehensive Plan the proposed culvert will be constructed in a manner that will allow for future widening. City of Durham: Comment: "Include bike lanes in the proposed cross section. " Response: This section of SR 1839 (Leesville Road) is not part of a designated bicycle route nor is it listed in the TIP as needing incidental bicycle accommodations. 21 ~R Y i ~ 900 906 0~ , ~ e r@ 903 ~. ~ ~ e S ~ / Lijl A Car enter d n ; ndrews ~ ~~ Ch l 1901 ' ° ~ cpe , ~ ~ d 1981 ~ I a ' ~ ~, 1907 o~ ,' 1905 ,° ~ , ~ tea, ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~r ~, Andrews ~ - 3 5 2 g 906 `~~_ '; Cem. crews I `~'' P~ ' ,. -~. ; / 2069 Y ~`~.L, D,rh ~ 2070 ~ 3265 ,I W~~ -~ `I ale `~ ~ o G 1981 o t-~. Leesville R 424 ~ ) -~ ~ d. 1839 ~ ,e . __ ----• ~ 3067 ~~ ~ C I ~ r ~ ~m 3027 ~ ,- ' o 31 0 Y ,~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OD U~ 't v ~i a i o ~ f ; v ~, Cates Rd. ~ qLa c ~ F I' 082 4213 1784 ~ 3102 ~¢i 3083 r ~ ~ ---- t ~ `~--~ ' es*9ate ,-- ~--~ ~ " 3099 02 1837 ~ i , Rd ~ ~ ° ~ ~, ~ ~, - 1837 ~ tis ,~a, _ _ ,,~ ~ --- ~, ~t; =~ r ~ _ P' Q`~ ; iii;, I, ~ _,' 645 i% ~' AF rKl,' t ~ , "Y~ "'""'` ' ~'°~~ ~~ " ~ ;:. ~. LEGEND 'IW'a '' •A ' ~ E w...r. , F ~ f ~;.,,, ~-~-=~-STUDIED DETOUR ROUTE ..m - ' ~ .. ~a1ei _ ., ~ rr~ .. I ~~ . ~,,,,. ~.: North Carolina Department Of Tranaportat>,on Project Ooveloprnent & Environmental Anolya>s WAKE COUNTY BRIDGE N0. 429 ON SR 1839 OVER SYCAMORE CREEK 6-3528 0 k3lom~t~~a 0.8 ktlomrr4rs l.6 0 milraa 0S milts 1.0 FIGURE 1 FEMA Flood Map, March 3, 1992 Wake County Panel 120 of 810 And FEMA Flood Map, February 2, 1996 Durham County Panel 195 of 280 Figure 3 • 11 ft. With Guardrail 10 ft 3.0 m .8 m 4:~ 18 ft. 8ft. 12 ft. 5.4 m 2.4 m 3.6 m 4 ft. 1.2 m FDPS 0.08 " O.OZ 6:1 - - GRADE POINT -~ 1 3.6 m 0~ 8ft* 30 ft. 2.4 m 9 m 4 ft. 1.2 m FDPS 0.08 ~a~ VAR. 2:1 TO 6:l TYPICAL APPROACH SECTION (PROPOSED) •• WHEN THESE DISTANCES INDICATE SLOPES OUTSIDE THE LIMITS 6:1 TO 2:1 THE DISTANCE BECOMES VARIABLE AND THE MAX. OR MIN. SLOPE MAINTAINED DESIGN DATA (EXISTING) 2000 ADT = 7,960 LOS D DESIGN SPEED 50 MPH (80 KMH) (CONST. YR.) 2002 ADT = 8,500 LOS D POSTED SPEED LIMIT 45 MPH (70 KMH) (DESIGN YR.) 2025 ADT = 15,000 LOSE MAX. DEGREE OF CURVE 6 Degrees (Min Radius 250 m) DUAL 2% MAX. GRADE 6% TTST 1% MIN. DES. K FAC.: Ksag=90-110 Kcrest=110-160 METRIC: Ksag=252 Kcrest=32-49 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION :URBAN LOCAL ON SITE DETOUR DESIGN DATA: DESIGN SPEED 40 MPH MAX. DEGREE 11° i APPENDIX United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, Nor[h Carolina 27636-726 h _~ O June 30, 2000 Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E., Manager NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Gilmore: . ~Ut •`~ 20?0 ~•- ` t': `.fit i Thank you for your June 2, 2000 request for information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) on the potential environmental impacts of proposed bridge replacements in Wake and Durham Counties, North Carolina. This report provides scoping information and is provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) (16 U.S.C. 661- 667d) and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531- 1543). This report also serves as initial scoping comments to federal and state resource agencies for use in their permitting and/or certification processes for this project. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace the following bridge structures: 1. B-3375 Bridge No. 301 over Swift Creek and Bridge No 471 over Lake Wheeler Spillway on SR 1375 (Lake Wheeler Road), Wake County; 2. B-3450 Bridge No. 217 over New Hope Creek and Bridge No. 122 over Sandy Creek on SR 1116 (Garrett Road), Durham County; 3. B-3451 Bridge No. 119 over Prong of Mud Creek on SR 1306 (Lemur Lane), Durham County; 4. B-3522 Bridge No. 215 over Buffalo Creek on SR 1007 (Poole Road), Wake County; and, 5. B-3528 Bridge No. 429 over Sycamore Creek on SR 1839 (Leesville Road), Wake and Durham Counties. The following recommendations are provided~to assist you in your planning process and to facilitate a thorough and timely review of the project: ._ Generally, the Service recommends that wetland impacts be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practical as outlined in Section 404 (b)(1) of the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1977. In regard to avoidance and minimization of impacts, we recommend that proposed highway projects be aligned along or adjacent to existing roadways, utility corridors, or previously developed areas in order to minimize habitat fragmentation and encroachment. Areas exhibiting high biodiversity or ecological value important to the watershed and region should be avoided. Crossings of streams and associated wetland systems should use existing crossings and/or occur on a structure wherever feasible. Where bridging is not feasible, culvert structures that maintain natural water flows and hydraulic regimes without scouring, or impeding fish and wildlife passage, should be employed. Highway shoulder and median widths should be reduced through wetland areas. Roadway embankments and fill areas should be stabilized by using appropriate erosion control devices and techniques. Wherever appropriate, construction in sensitive areas should occur outside fish spawning and migratory bird nesting seasons. The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps of the Lake Wheeler, Knightdale, Southeast Durham, and Southwest Durham 7.5 Minute Quadrangles show wetland resources in the specific work areas. However, while the NWI maps are useful for providing an overview of a given area, they should not be relied upon in lieu of a detailed wetland delineation by trained personnel using an acceptable wetland classification methodology. Therefore, in addition to the above guidance, we recommend that the environmental documentation for this project include the following in sufficient detail to facilitate a thorough review of the action. 1. The extent and acreage of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, that are to be impacted by filling, dredging, clearing, ditching, or draining. Acres of wetland impact should be differentiated by habitat type based on the wetland classification scheme of the National Wetlands Inventory. Wetland boundaries should be determined by using the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2. If unavoidable wetland impacts are proposed, we recommend that every effort be made to identify compensatory mitigation sites in advance. Project planning should include a detailed compensatory mitigation plan for offsetting unavoidable wetland impacts. Opportunities to protect mitigation areas in perpetuity, preferably via conservation easement, should be explored at the outset. ~ ~ . The enclosed lists identify the federally-listed endangered and threatened species, and Federal Species of Concern (FSC) that are known to occur in Durham and Wake Counties. The Service recommends that habitat requirements for the listed species be compared with the available habitats at the respective project sites. If suitable habitat is present within the action area of the project, biological surveys for the listed species should be performed. Environmental documentation that includes survey methodologies, results, and NCDOT's recommendations based on those results, should be provided to this office for review and comment. FSC's are those plant and animal species for which the Service remains concerned, but further biological research and field study are needed to resolve the conservation status of these taxa. Although FSC's receive no statutory protection under the ESA, we encourage the NCDOT to be. alert to their potential presence, and to make every reasonable effort to conserve them if found. The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program should be contacted for information on species under state protection. The Service appreciates the opportunity to comment on these projects. Please continue to advise us during the progression of the planning process, including your official determination of the impacts of these projects. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact Tom McCartney at 919-856-4520, ext. 32. Sin rely, ~- / I ~ ~d~ r. Garland ardue Ecological Services Supervisor Enclosures cc: COE, Raleigh, NC (Eric Alsmeyer) NCDWQ, Raleigh, NC (John Hennessey) NCDNR, Northside, NC (David Cox) FHWA, Raleigh, NC (Nicholas Graf) EPA, Atlanta, GA (Ted Bisterfield) FWS/R4:TMcCartney:TM:06/28/00:919/856-4520 extension 32:\bdgswake.dur ~ ~' ~ ~ - ~ COivI`ION NAIbIE SCIENTIFIC NA1tiIE STATUS DAME COUNTY Vascular Plants Heller's trefoil Lotus helleri FSC* Michaur's sumac Rhus lnichauxii Endangered DUPLIN COUNTY Vertebrates American alligator Alligator mississippiensis T(S/A)* Southern hognose snake Heterodon simus ~ FSC* Red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis Endangered Invertebrates Croatan crayfish Procambarus plumimans~s FSC Vascular Plants Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula FSC Savanna cowbane Oxypolis ternata FSC DURHAIYI COUNTY Vertebrates Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephah~s Threatened Invertebrates Atlantic pigtoe Fi~sconaia masoni FSC Septima's clubtail dragonfly Gomphus septima FSC Yellow lampmussei Lampsilis cariosa FSC Green floater Lasmigona subviridus FSC Panhandle pebblesnail Somotogyrus virginicus FSC Vascular Plants Tall larkspur Delphinium exaltatum FSC Smooth coneflower Echinacea laevigata Endangered Butternut Juglans cinerea FSC Sweet pinesap Monotropsis odorata FSC Michaux's sumac Rhus michauxii Endangered Nonvascular Plants A liverwort Plagiochila Columbiana FSC /nnvnnr ! S 1000 D....e l7 ,.lAO r COi1•ItiION NAlY1E SCIENTIFIC NAiVIE STATUS WAKE COUNTY Vertebrates Bachman's sparrow Aimophila aestivalis FSC Bald eagle ~ Haliaeetus leucocephalus Threatened Southern hognose snake Heterodon simus FSC* Southeastern myotis tLfyotis austroriparius FSC Red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis Endangered Invertebrates Dwarf wedge mussel Alasmidonta heterodon Endangered Yellow lance Elliptio lanceolata FSC Atlantic pigtoe Fusconaia masoni FSC Green floater Lasmigona subviridus FSC Diana fritillary butterfly Speyeria Jana FSC* Vascular Plants Sweet pinesap Monotropsis odorata FSC Michaux's sumac Rhus michauxii Endangered Carolina least trillium Trillium pusillum var. pusilkrm FSC WARREN COUNTY Vertebrates Bachman's sparrow Aimophila aestivalis FSC Invertebrates Dwarf wedge mussel Alasmidonta heterodon Endangered Yellow lance Elliptio lanceolata FSC Tar spinymussel Elliptio steinstansana Endangered Atlantic pigtoe Fusconaia masoni FSC Vascular Plants Heller's trefoil Lotus helleri FSC WASHINGTON COUNTY Vertebrates Red wolf Canis rujus EXP Rafinesque's big-eared bat Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) rafinesgrtii FSC Waccamaw killifish Fundulus waccamawensis FSC Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Threatened January !S. 1999 Page 4S oj49 ,_ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF SOIL&WATER ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES COHSE ~ DIVISION OF' SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION ~o~~~~ ~~~~~~ JAMES E3. riUNT JR. ~~ GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM: July'6, 2000: .- TO: Melba McGee - r ~~~L $ILL HOLMAN FROM: David Harrison ~'~ ~'l- t;'r" ~ ~ . SECRETARY // SUBJECT: NCDOT Bridge Replacement Projects B-3375, B-3450, B-3451, B-3522 and B-3528. owvlo s. vocEL ;: .`o1REaTCR - The detour routes included in the bridge replacement plans should - eliminate any farmland impacts. - ~ ~ - If additional land is needed beyond the existing right-of--way the _ environmental assessment should include information on adverse impacts to . Prime or Statewide Important Farmland. The definition of Prime or Statewide ' Important Farmland is based on the soil series and not on its current land use. - _ Areas that are developed or are within municipal boundaries are exempt from - consideration as Prinie or Important Farmland. For additional information, contact the soils specialists with the Natural ~. _ Resources Conservation Service, USDA, Raleigh, NC at (919) 873-2141. - ~ Cc: Stacy Hams .r ` ;" 1614 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGM~ NORTH CAROLINA 27689-1 6 1 8 PHONE 919-733-2302 FAX 919-7 / 5-3559. •.\ ~, •. .. surF„ .~,, :... Z~''s < ~`.. ~ ~,. ~- . sr ' North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office David L. S. Brook, Administrator James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Division of Archives and History Betty Ray McCain, Secretary Jeffrey J. Crow, Director June 28, 2000 William D. Gilmore, PE, Manager NCDOT 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Re: Replacement ofBridge No. 429 over Sycamore Creek on SR 1839 (Leesville Road), B-3528, Wake and Durham Counties, ER 00-10114 Dear Mr. Gilmore: Thank you for your letter of June 2, 2000, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as currently proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, ~.~' ~:= fem. - 5 ~~David Brook Deputy State I~istoric Preservation Officer .<OAi1NISTRATIUN ARCHAEULUGY Rt: crna ertn~ Location 307 N. Blount St.. Raleigh NC 421 N. Blount St.. Ralaigh NC S I i N Rlnunt Cr Ral.•~o6 Nf ~lriling Address 3617 Mai! Sen•ice Center 3619 Mail Service Canter. 1hl ; Nail Scrvicr C•.•nrrr Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Raleigh NC 27699-3619 Ralri¢h Nt 27h99-3h1~ Telephone/Fa>c (919) 733-4763 733-3653 (919) 733-7332 71~-2671 r9191 Z~~.A;37 715-3801 r ~ ~!~ .~ C O NCL'R.RE:YCE FO R.tii FOR PROPERTIES YOT ELIGIBLE FOR T3E ~aTIO~raI. REGISTER OF ffiSTORIC PLaCFwS lrief projec: Jes~i aq 6N ~l~ (g3°I__OVE+2 ~Ycf+ hz 1 ~ M AK aDOC~ , represearatives of the / ~ North Carolina Depanment of Transporrddon (NCDOT) Federal I~hway Administration (FHwA) North Carolina State Historic Pttsavadoa Office (SHPO) Other :viewed the subject project a• A ~P~ means Historic architet~ral resources photograph review sessioni cortsuitation Other -ll parties present agite~ there are no properties over fifry years old within the project's area of potential effe`:. :. there are tm properties Less than fifty years oId which are considered to meet Critcrior. Consideration G cvlthin the project's area of potential ene ::. / there are properties over fifty years old (list attached) within the pmject's area of potential effc:;, but based on the historical information available and the photosraphs of each property, properties identified as ~ 1.. CA-~ - So RRE LL F~hRN~ are considered not eligible rot cne ~'ational lZe;aster ana no runner evaluation of them is necessar. . / there are no vacotlal Resister-tasted properties within the project's area of potential effect. i;:~ed: g moo :epr..sent~dve, YCDOT Dace ~iw:~, rot the Division ~daiaistl-ator, or offier ederal a;eZC i Date ~' ~; ~ % /'~ ,~-lam/- ` ~~' Zvdi' rep eacacive, SKPO / " Dace V ~ ~~ L./f J;~OYt3i August 11, 2000 Stacy Harris, PE NCDOT Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch 1548 Mail Service Ce_*~ter Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 ~~ al~ib~~t `~2; Oli;Zw Subject: Request for comments for B-3375 and B-3528 Dear Ms. Harris_ Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on TII' Bridge Replacement Projects B-3375 and B-3528. B-3375, which will replace Bridge No. 301 and Bridge No. 471 on Lake Wheeler Road, is outside of the City of Raleigh's current planning jurisdiction. However, these projects aze extremely relevant to the City as Lake Wheeler is one of the City's water supply reservoir. These two bridges lie at the base of the Lake Wheeler .dam and spillway, and the need to ensure the structural integrity of this dam during the demolition and construction process is pazamount You may wish to refer to the Phase II Evaluation of the Lake Wheeler Dam available from our Public Utilities Department You may also wish to obtain a copy of the Lake Wheeler Park Master Plan from our Pazks and Recreation Department Additionally, Lake Wheeler Road is classified as a major. thoroughfaze in the Capital Area MPO Thoroughfaze Plan and in the Raleigh Comprehensive Plan. City standards indicate Lake Wheeler Road should provide a 65-foot back-to-back curb and gutter section on 90 feet of right-of-way with 5-foot sidewalks along both sides. While this project may not provide the ultimate future cross-section of Leesville Road, we request that the bridge be designed to allow for future widening and pedestrian accommodation B-3528, which will replace Bridge 429 carrying Leesville Road over Sycamore Creek, is in a rapidly growing azea of the City. This portion of Leesville Road is classified as a aunor Toroughfaze in the Capital Area Thoroughfare Plan and in the Raleigh Comprehensive Plan. The City's development standards require Leesville Road to provide a 53-foot back-to-back curb and gutter section on 80 feet of right-of-way with 5-foot sidewalks on both sides. While the immediate bridge replacement may not provide the ultimate future cross-section of Leesville Road, we request that the bridge be designed to allow for future widening and pedestrian accommodation. OFFIC,GS •222 VVCST HAR~.3ET7 STREEI' • ~C3T OFD=tG'E 8uX 590 • RP.i_c'i~~::~ ryaRTH :;tR~~i i~d:, ~~c0 I Ms. Stacey Harris, PE - B-3375 and B-3528 Comments Page 2 Thank you again for the opportunity to provide input on these projects. If we can provide you with any assistance or if you need any additional information, please contact Ed Johnson or Eric Lamb at 890-3430. Sincerely, .G.-.- Dempsey E. Benton City Manager DEB/ejl Cc Jimmie Beckom, PE -Transportation Director Stewart Sykes, PE -City Engineer George Chapman, AICP -Planning Director Dale Crisp, PE -Public Utilities Director ,. i~URHAM 1 8 6 9 CITY OF MEDICINE July 11, 2000 Ms. Stacy Harris, P.E. Project Development do Irnvironmental Analysis Branch N. C. Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1548 SUBJECT: Comments for Bridge Replacement Projects B-3450, B-3451, and B-3528 in Durham, North Carolina Dear Ms. Harris: ,. "I'ransport21t1011 D~vis~~;~~a Dr}~artmcnt of Public 1\'r•il.. , 101 City E~afl E'E.;:•.: Ut:rh:un, Iv`orth Carolina r,+.~ Phone: (919) X60-fin:, Fax: {919) i6ti_,~:; ! ~~•wu~.ci.ilurhatr :. r..:..:. In response to Mr. William Gilmore's letters of June 2, 2000 to Mayor Tennyson and P. Lamont Ewell, .: City Manager, the City of Durham offers the following comments concerning the subject bridge . - replacement projects. Please note that the Erwin Road (B-3451) and-the Leesville Road (B-3528) projects are located outside the City limits. However, the proposed Erwin Road bridge detour route partially occurs within the City limits. Project Comments . B-3459 L~ 3 Ysf7 1. The project design, scope, and schedule must be coordinated with projects e No. 217 - U~009 (US IS-501 Service Road relocation) and U-401? (US 15-501 • -over New Hope widening project). Avoid coinciding the respective project detour routes Creek and Bridge and schedules. - No. 122 over Sandy Creek on 2. The proposed bridge should provide afive-lane-curb and gutter cross Garrett Road) section, with wide outside lanes for bicycles, consistent with U-4009. •• _1 3. Provide sidewalks for the extent of the curb and gutter section of the project limits, and/or extend to match proposed sidewalk construction requested as by the City as part of U-4009. 4. Due to existing traffic volumes on Garrett Road and severe congestion on the proposed detour route, a detour bridge or staged construction of a multi- lane swcture should be incorporated into the project scope. The proposed detour route will adversely affect emergency vehicle response times, City bus service, and area traffic congestion. A detour route is not acceptable to the City. If NCDOT does not concur with this recommendation, please advise the City Manager and plan to hold a public workshop and/or hearing to advise the City Council and the public of the department's decision. i-:,;,:+n~~ ;;ng - Storrs i~'lter -'t'ransixarr:~tic+n - W'atcr/S~uer'~dasntennnce - :i.rcct Alaimc:nance -Roadway ?;p}x:arance ~ i r •. ~ _ Ms. Stacy Harris ' July 1 1, 20(10 Page 2 of 2 Proiect 'B-3459 3 ~v B-3451 (Bridge No. 119 over Prong of Mud Creek on NC 751) B-328 Bridge No. 429 over Sycamore ~~ Creek on Leesville Road Comments j. Consider alternative bridge design concepts for aesthetic enhancement. 1. Provide bike lanes in the proposed cross section. 2. The proposed detour schedule must not coincide with the detours of other area NCDOT projects, including U-4009, U-4012, and B-3459. 3. The proposed detour route will increase congestion at Cornwallis Road and US 15-501 ramp irtersectiors. P.ppropriate traffic control measures should be studied and constructed as part of the project (such as traffic signals and turn lanes at Cornwallis Road and US 15-501 ramps). 4. Consider alternative bridge design concepts for aesthetic enhancement. I. Include bike lanes in the proposed cross section. The City of Durham requests that these comments be included in the project record and addressed in the respective project environmental documents and project designs. Please keep the City advised of each projects' progress. If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 560-4366. The N. C. Department of Transportation's coordination with the City. of Durham is greatly appreciated. Sincer ly, H. Wes ey Pazh .E. Senior Transp rtation Engineer cc: Mayor Nicholas J. Tennyson P. Lamont Ewell, City Manager Mark D. Ahrendsen, Transportation Manager Stuart Carson, P.E., Civil Engineer III „ ., DURHAM Department of Public Works 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, North Carolina 27701 1 8 6 9 CITY OF MEDICINE June 23, ?000 NC Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 Maii Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Attention: Stacy Hams, P.E. Phone: (919) 560-4326 Fax: (919) 560-4316 Re: Request for comments on NCDOT Bridge Replacement Projects B-3450, B-3451 and B-3528 Dear Ms. Harris: This response is from the City of Durham Public Works Deparanent, Engineering Division. Our primary interests in these projects are potential conflicts with Ciry of Durham potable water and sanitary sewer infrastructure. We have reviewed the locations of the projects and have not identified any Ciry potable water or sanitary sewer facilities in the vicinity of Projects B-3451 and B X528. Project B-3450 (replacement of Bridge No. 217 over New Hope Creek and Bridge No. 122 over Sandy Creek on SR 1116 (Garrett Road) is in the vicinity of an existing 16" diameter ductile iron potable water main (see attachments). According to Ciry plans, the main is located outside of the pavement oa the east side of Garrett Road and deflects away from both bridges and crosses beneath the channel beds upstream of _ . the bridges. You will need to field locate the water main to confirm its actual location. Additionally, there •- is a 6" diameter sanitary sewer force main to the north of the project and a 42" diameter sanitary sewer gravity outfall to the south of the project (see attachments). Both the force main and outfall appear to be outside of the limits of impact by the project, but you will also need to field confirm their locations. Please contact Don Greeley or me at (919) 560-4326 if you have any questions. Verv~uly ours. TT`~. \ Carson, P.E. Civil Ensineer ili Attachmenu Cc: file .: R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T ~~ ~~ ^X E.I.S. ~ CORRIDOR ~ DESIGN North Carolina Departmer;t of Transportation AREA RELOCATION OFFICE PROJECT: 8.2406801 couNTY Wake Alternate A of Alternate LD. NO.: B-3528 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Replace Bridge No. 429 on SR 1839 over Sycamore Creek at existing -~~ `~~~- ~ =mix ~~~~ ~~; .,~ :. .: ~~ ; location with a Reinforced Concrete Box Culbert (3 C 8' x 6'). During construction, traffic will be maintained b an off-site detour. ESTIMATED DtSPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities 0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-SOM 50 UP Residential 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUSIneSS2S 0 0 0 0 •VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For S ale For-R ent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-~a WA S also WA a2oM N/A s also WA ANSWE R ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M WA 1~-~ WA 20~t)a WA 15-250 WA Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 4a70M WA 250.400 WA 4a70M WA 250-400 WA 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 7a1ooM WA 4oa~soo WA ~aloow WA 4oasoo WA 2 . Will schools or churches be affect by 100 ua WA 600 ua WA 100 uP WA 600 uP WA displacement? TOTAL WA WA WA °'• WA 3 . Will business services still be available after REMARK S ReS nd b N umber project? 4 . Will any business be displaced? If so, indicate size, type, estimated number of employees, minorities, eta THIS IS A NEGATIVE REPORT. 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6. Source for available housing (list). 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. - families? 10 . Will public housing be needed for project? 11 . Is public housing available? 12 . Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing -housing available during relocation period? 13 . Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? 14. Are suitable business sites available (list ` source). 15. Number months estimated to complete q -off . ~ 2 Division RNV A ent, L. G. Scarborou h Date A roved b Date Form 15.4 F{evi5ed 0?J95 d Original 8~ 1 Copy: State Relocation Agent 2 Copy Area Relocation Office • ~' ' FIB ,k-~i Wetland Rating Woricsfieet Project name ~ ~d ~ Nearest road ~! $-3q County ~A ~ ~ ~//tii~• Name of Evacuator ~~1 C%wS/~~k D~ $ -ao- 00 Wetland location _ on pond or Iake on perennial stream ~on intermittent sutatn _ within interstream divide _ other Soil Series _ predominantly organic-humus, much or peat predominantly mineral- non-wady _ predominantly sandy Hydraulic- Factors _ steep topography _ ditched or cbanaeiized /wetlaad width >/= 50 feet Adjacent iatnd use (within UZ mile upstream) forestedlnaniraI vegetation ~ agricttitu>:t, urbanlsuburban 5° °% impervious stuface t 0 Dominant Vegetation (~ ~x~~u~ ~s~ LUAh: ~. C3) hi~',y~io~m6nr s~+.1/Aci iZ~icGt• Flooding and Wetness _ semipermaneatly to permanently flooded or inundated _/seasonally flooded or inundated _ iniQmitteatiy $ooded or temporary surface water _ no evidence of flooding ~or surface water Wetland Type {s ed one) oaaatiaad hardwood forest _ pine savuma ..Headwater forest _ Fieshwata malt _ Swamp forest _ g~~ _ Pocosin , ~Jttter •The raaag system caaaot 6e applied to salt or btaclcish taatsha water storage t * 4 _ ~. Baak/Shorecine stabilisation ~_ * ~ 4 = `~ Total score Pollutant removal * 5 = ~ s ~~- Wildlife habitat * 2 = ~ Aquatic life value ~- * 4 = 8 RecreadonlEducation 2 * 1 = Add 1 point if is seasiuve watershed aad > 10'/. nonpoiat disate tvithia IR mile upsasa:a ,~~~ . ~. i F ~ . p~p . • f Fly s9-~ Wetland Rating Wori{sheet Project name ~" 3~ ag Neatzsiroad S(~ ~~39 County wa-k~r" ay~~kaw~ Name of Evaluator ~`'~+) CuS~~ Daze S'.~a-oo~ Wetland location _ on pond or lake /on perennial stream _ on intermittent stream _ within interstream divide other Soil Series _ predominantly organic-humus, muck. or peat _/predominantly mineral- non-sandv _ predominantly sandy Hydraulic Factors _ steep topography 'l~flitched or channelized _ wetland width >/= 50 feet Adjacent land nse {within I/Z mfle upstream] fotrstedJnaturai.vegetation 5`a agricultur,c, urban/suburban ~~ impervious Surfar~ /0 Dominant Vegetation (I~ ~ ~ ~ ni~j r9~. Flooding and Wetness _ semipetmaaentiy to permanently flooded or intmdated '!seasatlally flooded or intmdated _ intetmittetuly flooded ar temporary surface water _ no evidence of flooding or surface water Wetland Type (select one) y8oaomiattd hardwood forest _ Pine savanna _ Headwater forest _ Ftzshwater marsh _ Swamp forest _ Bog/fat _ Wa fiat . Ephemeral wetland _ Pocosia. -Other •'I~ rating system cannot be applied to salt or btadcish marshes Water storage I_, * 4 Bank/Shotzline stabilization = * 4 ~ = 1 a Pollutant trsaoval ~_ * S ~ ~' Wildlife habitat ~ * Z = 2~ Aquatic life value a * 4 8' RecreationlEducation ~_ * 1 = ~~ Total score S'-- Add. l point if in sensitive watetshed and > l tl`/. ttonpoint disauhattee within IR mile upsnssm s + SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phasel: /1~ an Ac ~ ~ < C h c u)a % I c. S e,) S Drainage Class: J ~ m ~ ~.J ~o '~' ~oof j•, Taxonomy (Subgroupl: ~~ a ya ~ u ~ v++; :~ Field Observations ~ L i~. ~ ~ {'%~c_v+ ~ ~_7` Cortfum Mapped Type: Yes No Profile Deseriotion• Depth Mattix Cdor Mottle Colors Mottle Texture. Concretions. nches o ' on fMunsell Moist) 1Munsdl Moistl Abundance/Contrast Strut•ture. etc. Hydrie Soo Indeators: ' _ Histoscl ~ _ Concretions Histio Epipedon _ FGgh Organic Contertt. in Surface layer in Sandy SoOs _ Sulfidie Odor _ Orgardc Sneaking in Sandy SoAs _ Aerie Moisture Regime Listed on Loess Hydrie Sods List educing Conditions _ Listed on National Hydrie Sons List _~`alayed or Low-Chrome Colors ~sr (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: po 5~ ? b ~c r~I C ~;~~ s i .~"Y} ~ W l ~n a:"•i l: c.C S o i; WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytie Vegetation Present? Yes No (Circle) (C;rele) Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No ' Hydrie Sogs Presertt7 Yes No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetiand7 Ye No Remarks: Approved by HQUSACE 2/92 HJL S/93 •• '^ . v ~ ~ DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) ~• ~~ t~ ~~ Project/Site: ~ -3 S Z g Du,rin a v,n 1 ~ kc Go Date: ~-~z/ ~o:~ ~ , Applicant/Owner: ~' - r b a ~~ Ma~~ ::.: County: -~~, ~;, : ,.~ .Investigator: Y.<, L ~ State: .yC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ~~lo Community ID: a < u c is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes Transect ID: ~~_ Is the area a potential Problem Area? Ye o Plot ID: 3 c~-t- (if needed, explain on reverse VEGETATION Oaminarrt Plant Soeeies Stratum ndi or Dominant Plant Soeeies Stratum. Indeator 1. ~~a ~~, ~' 9. --t 3. ~ ~L~ S _~ 11. 4. ~ ar c/Y ~A. ~ 12 5. {'^~vc mil? uM <,~• F•~ O / t3. 6.'1/.~~1on~a novc~,rac?S15i5 1~ ~ac. t 14. 7. ~:h.._xi ~ Sp ~, 15. 8. 16. Pereem of Dominant Speeiea that are OBI. FACW or FAC di FAC ~J~~ (exclu •) ng Remarks: HYDROLOGY -Recorded Oata (Dssen'ba in Remarks!: Wetland Hydrology Inductors: -Stream. Lake or rde Gauge ~Y Indtcaton: -Aerial Photographs _ktaatdated Other ,~Saturatad in Upper 121nehss No Recorded Data Avadabla Watsr Marks G eist Linos Se~maret Deposits vlfrainage Pattams• in. Wetlands Fidd 06servatians: Saeon indicators (2 or more reguiredl: ' ~ h D f S f W / ' Oxidized Roat Channels in Upper 121nches ept o ur ace ater. v _( m.) ~yater.g~ned Leaves ,t Depth to Free Water in Pit: /f~ !~ ((n.) -Local Sod Surrey Oata _ FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Sod: r,~ pn,l _ -Other (Explain in Remarks! Remarks: SOILS Map Unit Name r 6 ~ ~ `~ ~ ~'~'~ S (Series and Phasel:l~/~A}?:Pa ~4i ~f4~'~n'o{~ Andy L..Ifa1M _ Dnbnage Class: (~'. n~n~:i'+~,,Iy WP {~ Taxono (Sub J~ f my groupl: ~'fG1 iA ~ C ~~ O I L - Faid Observations G ~ ~,t:l'f5 Confirm Mapped Type: Yes profile Deseriotion• Depth Matrix Color Mottle Cdors Matda Texture, Concretions, hes on on (Munsell Moistl IMunsdl Moistl Abundance/Contrast Stnreture. etc. ¢_Z 1~ 10 ~ ~ San d Z-12 ~ ~ ~ San.d 1 o¢cw~ Hydric Sort Indicators: _ Histosoi _ Cancestiorrs• _ Histie Epipedon _ High Orgartie Carrtent in Surfsea layer in Sandy Sals _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in,Sandy Sods Aquic Moisture Regime _ Usted an Local Hydrie Sails Lisa _ Reducing Conditions _ Listed on National Hydric Sails List _ Gleyed or Low-Chrome Colors _ Other (Ettplairr in Ratrrarksl Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytie Vegetation Present? •,Yes No (Cirdei (Cuclel Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Hydric Saris Present? Yes No !s this Sampling Paiert Within a Wetland? Yea Remarks: Approved by HQUSACE 2/92 HJL .8/93 ~ ~ ~• n v .~. DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (198.7 COE Wetlands Delineation Manua!) ~. .. `11 ProjectlSite: ~ ~2 R ~1a rho ~~~.. r ~ ~•~~= '~ -Date: r' lZ 1 ! 0 O - Applicant/Owner: ~,a fa~Q f~ '~•~ ,a 1 ~,,~ County: ~ ri, ~. Investigator ~ S ~ State: ~'_ Do Norma! Circumstances exist on the site? ~o Community ID: ~3 ~-~-u f e Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Ye Transect ID: Ct3 Is the area a potential Problem Area? Y N Plat ID: ~ L1 P (If needed, explain on reverse VEGETATION Dominant Plant Soeeies aSir to Ind~eator Dominant Plant Soeciea a ndcator 1.~=~r';~~ wl Caoii~~-~oli,er~~: ~ N RCV ' 9. 2. Ku~.As s,~, 1= f~G to. 3. ~a m ~X s p, ---~-L- FAC t t. a. ~S~ec~ezQ. 51r'o~'-~ I~ ~P~CU tz 5. ~a.~ rcera ~a oon ~rQ _~ -~---- FpiC- 13. 6. ~i;~aa~ulti~ Urvi1~2L ~I~ ~14G 14. 7. 1 b. 8- 16. Pereem of Dominantt Spsaes that-ars DBL. FACW or FAC T d di FAC ^ ~ ~ e: u ng -) V Remarks: HYDROLOGY -Recorded Data (Dasenbe in Remarks!: Wetland Hydrologyr Indicators: -Stream. Lake ar Tida Gauge Primary Inductors: Aerial Phattogrnphs _4rundated ther ~ Saturated in Upper iZ Inches ~ R Water Marks o ecorded Data Available Drift Linos _Sedimertt Deposits -Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field 06servations: Secondary Indicators 12 ar more required): Depth of Surface Water. ~ [in ) Oxidu:ed Root Channels in U er 12 Inches Pp _ , Water.Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: ~ pn,J -Local Sod Survey Data _ _FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Sod: VGA _rn,l -Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: a ,* ~' ~ e~ . ~+.. '>a..s' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTI~~NT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY 1501 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, N.C. 27699-ISOI LYNDD TIPPETI' GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 24, 2001 Memorandum To: Brian Yamamoto, P.E. Unit Head, Consultant Unit ~4J From:. Logan Williams, Environmental Specialist Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Subject: Protected species survey for dwarf wedge mussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) for replacement of bridge no. 429 on SR 1839 over Sycamore Creek, Wake County; B-3528. Attention: Staci Harris, Project Planning and Environmental Analysis Consultant Unit ' The following memo addresses the dwarf wedge mussel (Alasmidonta heterodon), a federally protected species listed by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service for~Wake County. A mussel survey was conducted for the proposed bridge replacement on September 21, 2000 by NCDOT biologists Logan Williams and Sue Brady. P~tussel surveys were conducted at the bridge site and for a distance of approximately 300 feet upstream and downstream using tactile methods and view buckets. Water depth at the bridge site averaged azound 2 feet and visibility was fair. There were no mussels found during approximately two man-hours of survey time. The dwarf wedge mussel was not found. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Given the survey results it is apparent that dwarf wedge mussel does not occur in the project footprint. Therefore, it can be concluded that project construction-will not impact this species. ~ ~ ~ ~ PHONE 919-733-2520 FAX 919-733-91 SO