HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS370560-08-Historical_20050808Mr. Rick J. Hester, County Manager Johnston County Courthouse Box 1049 Smithfield, North Carolina 27577 Dear Mr. Hester: A Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality August 8, 2005D EhNR RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFIGEt .. SUBJECT: Johnston County Permit No. WQ0020634 Transmittal of Approved Plans and Specifications Project No. CS370560-08 Enclosed is a copy of the plans and specifications, which were approved on August 2, 2005. The subject documents have been stamped "approved" for your records. The Permittee should retain these documents for the life of the facility. Should you have questions regarding this matter, call me at (919) 715-6203. Sincerely, ,1 Cecil G. Madden, Jr., P.E. Supervisor Design Management Unit ID: cgm Enclosures cc: Bryan Blake, P.E., McKim & Creed, Cary DWQ Raleigh Regional office Daniel Blaisdell, P.E. Cecil G. Madden, Jr., P.E. Ishwar Devkota, P.E. SRF Construction Grants and Loans Section 1633 Mail Service Center Raleigh NG 27699-1633 Phone: 919-733-69001 FAX: 919.715.62291 Internet: www.nccgl.net An Equal OpportunitylAlfirmative Action Employer - 50% RecycledllVo Post Consumer Paper ose NhCarohna ;Vaturall# 0 i I 14 C Mr. Rick J. Hester, County Manager Johnston County Courthouse Box 1049 Smithfield, North Carolina 27577 Dear Mr. Hester: Michael F Fasley, Govcrnor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek, P.L. Director Division of Water Quality August 2, 2005-�---� 2005 R RAZEIGN REGIONAL � OFFICE.. SUBJECT: Johnston County Cleveland Diversion Forcemain Approval of the Plans and Specifications Project No. CS370560-08 The review for completeness and adequacy of the project construction plans and specifications has been concluded by the Construction Grants & Loans Section of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Therefore, said plan documents are hereby approved. Eligibility for Revolving Loan funding is determined as follows: Eligible Approximately 5,350 linear feet of 8-inch, 4,925 linear feet of 12-inch, and 9,375 linear feet of 16-inch forcemain to serve the Cleveland area pump stations. Issuance of this approval letter does not imply availability of funding. In the event that received bids exceed the amount established through the funding offer, and local funds are not adequate to award contracts), it will be necessary to consider all alternatives including redesign, re -advertising, and rebidding. Neither the State nor Federal Government, nor any of its departments, agencies or employees is or will be a party to the invitation to bids, addenda, any resulting contracts or contract negotiations/changes. If the Recipient does not maintain the court sanctioned schedules which extended the compliance date for complying with the final effluent limits established in the NPDES Permit, then project costs incurred will not be eligible for Revolving Loan or State Grant payments. Your project is subject to the one-year performance certification requirements. By this, you are required on the date one year after the completion of construction and initial operation of the subject treatment facilities, to certify, based on your consultant engineer's advisement, whether or not such treatment works meet the design performance, specifications and the permit conditions and effluent limitations. Construction Grants and Loans Section One 1633 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1633 NorthCarolina Phone 919-733-69001 FAX: 919-715-62291 Internet: www.nccgl.net An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer -- 50% Recycledr10'a Post Consumer Paper Naturally Mr. Rick J. Hester, County Manager August 2, 2005 Page 2 In accordance with the Federal Regulations, the Recipient is required to assure compliance with the OSHA safety regulations on the subject project. In complying with this regulatory responsibility, the Recipient should, by letter, invite the Training Officer, Education Training and Technical Assistance Unit, NC OSHA Division, 4 W. Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 at (919) 807-2890, to participate in the Preconstruction Conference to assure that proper emphasis is given on understanding and adhering to the OSHA regulations. It is the responsibility of the Recipient and the Consulting Engineer to insure that the project plan documents are in compliance with Amended N. C. G. S. 133-3 (ratified July 13, 1993). The administrative review and approval of these plans and specifications, and any subsequent addenda or change order, do not imply approval of a restrictive specification for bidding purposes; nor is it an authorization for noncompetitive procurement actions. Any addenda to be issued for subject project plans and specifications must be submitted by the Recipient such that adequate time is allowed for review.'approval action by the State, and for subsequent bidder action prior to receipt of bids. It is mandatory for project facilities to be constructed in accordance with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act, and, when applicable, the North Carolina Dam Safety Act. In addition, the specifications must clearly state what the contractors' responsibilities shall be in complying with these Acts. Prior to entering into any contract(s) for construction, the recipient must have obtained all applicable project Permits from the State, including an Authorization to Construct and:`or Non - Discharge Permit. While rejection of all bids is possible, such action may be taken only with prior State concurrence, and only for good cause. A goal of 8% of the contract price is established for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation in this project, and a goal of 5°'0 of the contract price is established for Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) participation in this project. The Recipient and Bidders shall make a good faith effort to assure that MBE's and WBE's are utilized, when possible, as sources of goods and services. The good faith effort must include the following affirmative steps: (a) including small, minority, and women's businesses on solicitation lists; (b) assuring that small, minority, and women's businesses are solicited whenever they are potential sources; (c) dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into small tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small, minority, and women's businesses; (d) establishing delivery schedules, and (e) using the services of the Small Business Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Please note that the solicitation efforts should include documentable follow-up phone calls. The Recipient shall comply with the provisions of 40 CFR, Part 7, Subpart C - Discrimination Prohibited on the Basis of Handicap. Mr. Rick J. Hester, County Manager August 2, 2005 Page 3 Attached is one (1) copy of the Project Review and Cost Summary (Authority to Award) which is to be completed within 21 days after bids have been received, and submitted to the State for review. Upon review and approval of this information, the State will authorize the Recipient to make the proposed award. Do not proceed with construction until the Authorization -to -Award package and the EEO and MBE documentation/certification have been reviewed, and you are in receipt of our approval, if Federal loan is desired for project construction. Two (2) copies of any change order must be promptly submitted by the Recipient to the State. If additional information is requested by the State, a response is required within two (2) weeks, or the change order will be returned without further or final action. One (1) set of the final approved plans and specifications will be forwarded to you. One (1) set of plans and specifications identical to the approved set must be available at the project site at all times. Upon completion of the project construction, the Recipient shall submit a letter confirming that the project has been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the State. "As -built" plans will need to be submitted with any changes clearly documented on the plans if the above confirmation cannot be made. If there are any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Cecil G. Madden, Jr., P. E. at (919) 715-6203. Sincerely, � ; !461 R. Blowe, P.E., Chief Construction Grants & Loans Section Attachment " ID:cgm cc: Bryan Blake, P.E., McKim & Creed, Cary DWQ Raleigh Regional Office Amy Simes, P.E. Daniel Blaisdell, P.E. Valerie Lancaster Cecil G. Madden, Jr., P.E. Ishwar Devkota, P.E. OSHA Training Officer, Les Kafel CIG SRF 0 0 Michael H_ Easley. Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klitnek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality December 6, 2004 Mr. Rick J. Hester, County Manager Johnston County Post Office Box 1048 Smithfield, North Carolina 27577 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Hester: County of Johnston Engineering Amendment No. 4 201 Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 Project No. CS370560-08 r L:,,.5 5� The Construction Grants and Loans Section has completed its final technical review of the subject project. A copy of the comments resulting from this review is attached for your reference. Also please find attached comments from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, the Natural Heritage Program, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that should be considered in development of the proposed project. A revised Engineering Amendment that incorporates responses to these comments should be submitted for our review and approval as soon as possible. Providing thorough and complete responses to these review comments in a timely manner is necessary to avoid delays of the project approval. If you or your staff have any questions concerning these comments, please contact me at (919) 715-6225, or Mr. Daniel Blaisdell at (919) 715-6211, K. LawrerAe Horton, III, P.E., Supervisor Facilitie valuation Unit DMB/sd Attachment (all cc's) cc: DWQ Raleigh Regional Office Daniel Blaisdell, P.E. Hannah Stallings DMU/FEU/SRF Construction Grants and Loans Section 1633 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1633 One Phone: 919-733.69oo I FAX: 919-715-6229/lntemet: www.nccgi.net NAawrallyorthCarolina An Equal opportuni! I+Affirmative Action Employer -- 5Q°/, Recycledll o°-e Post Consumer Paper 0 0 ii Johnston County 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 Engineering Amendment No. 4 Cleveland Area Diversion Facilities Alternative Design Project No. CS370560--08 k�v� Final Technical Comments December 3, 2004 1. In response to our previous technical comments 2 and 3 a revised design memorandum was submitted. Please confirm whether the existing 8-inch effluent force main will remain in service initially. Please also provide the total lengths of each size effluent force main in the proposed system. 2. In order to confirm the system total dynamic head please provide the static discharge head of the proposed system. 3, Based on the most recent environmental comments on the Engineering Amendment, please confirm whether the 10-inch influent force main will be installed by open cut or directional bore method in the area of the unnamed tributary to Swift creek. 4. The revised Engineering Amendment does not appear to include the referenced updated cost estimates. Please include these costs in a revised report. 0 0 11/19/2004 17:27 11/1812094 11:10 9197153060 NCDENR PAGE 64/05 PACE 02 9195269u.� IM"61 North Carolina dd fe Resources Commission KE _ Charles R FuliwoDd, Fxecudve Director MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee Office of Legislative and Ixntergovermnwual Affairs Hannah Stallmgs Construction Chants & .Loans Section FROM: David Cox, Supervisor Habitat Conservation Pro �•�` DATE' October 25, 2004 SUBJECT- Response to our July 23, 2003 comments on the 201 Facilities Platt Amendment No. 3 for 5mi&field-Selma— Enginaeriag Amendment No. 4 (Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Alternative Design.), Johnston County, North Carolina. Origi:=I Project Number: 1062. Current Project Number 1288. Our review of the project dates back about 4 years now_ Unfortunately, the subject response bes not alleviated the following concerts: 1. Potential open. Cut or winching of pipeline across the Nanse River was not addressed in the response. We continue to recommend that pipeline crossing the Neuse River be installed by directional drilling underneath the riverbed to avoid adverse impacts to aquatic resources. Directional drilling could be done at apy time of the year. If directional drilling is not possible for some justifiable reason,. open cut construction trust avoid the Mauch 1 to October 1 period of anadromous striped bass (Mom ne saxatilis) and American shad (Aiosa sapidrssima) spawning and out migration in order to miztimize impacts to aquatic resources. 2. An unmarried tributary of Swift Creak, a nationally sioftcant aquatic habitat is to be crosavd with pipeline. Dircctionol drilling was to be used for this crossing udder the 2003 proposal, A mussel survey was performed at the location of this crossing in September 2004 and no federal and state Mailing Address:. Division of Inland Fisheries • t 721 Mail Sm vice Cutter • Ralelgh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919' 733-3633 em 291 0 fax: (919) 715.7643 0 0 11119/2004 17:27 9197153060 NCDENR PACE 05/05 11/18/2004 11:10 91952896.. PAGE 03 Smithfiel&Seirna 201 Response 2 October 25, 2004 erldmgered dwarfwgtlgetnussels (Adasmidonta heterodon) were found. It is our understauding the County now proposes to use open cut construction at this stream crossing, Swift Creek is just dovmstream of the project, however, and this stream does have records of dwarf wedgemussel as well as numerous other listed species. Elevated turbidity generated by an open cut on the tributary could very well impact endangered and threatened mussels downstream in Swift Creek. Consequently, we recommend that the County reveCt to its original deoision to use directional drilling at this stream crossing. We £iirthe r recommend that all fuhn stream crossings in the very sensitive Swift Deek watershed be done using directional drilling. Our cumulative and secondary impacts guidance recommends 200 ft. stream buffers or the entire 100 year floodpIaiu where listed species occur, but we acknowledge this guidance came out after the subject project was iriidated. Our interpretation oi'the response is that the project is within Tohnston County's Environmentally Sensitive Overlay District (ESOD) that requires 100 it. buffers. We would appreciate confirmation that this interpretation is correct, including a map clearly showing bath the ESOD and the proposed project. Provided these remaining issues arc adequately addressed, we will concur with tho eaviroamental document, Thank you for the opportunity to further c=vnent. if you have questions, please call Bennett Wynne at (252) 522-9736. cc: Sarah McRae, NC Natural Rentage Program David Rabon, US Piste, and Wildlife Service pale Suiter, US Fish and Wildlife Service �m 11/19/2004 17:27 9197153060 NCDENR PAGE 02/05 A* NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor 20 October 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee, Environmental Coordinator Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FROM: Sarah McRae, Freshwater EcologistAtl-4— NC Natural Heritage Program SUBJECT: Response to Comments on Technical Review for Johnston County: Smithfield -Selma 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 - Engineering Amendment No. 4; Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Alternative Design; Project 41288 (formerly #1.062) The NC Natural Heritage Program (NHP) appreciates Johnston County's thorough response to agency comments, however some issues remain to be resolved prior to concurrence on a finding of no significant impact for this project. NHP is still concerned about impacts to sensitive and rare species. Rare aquatic species likely to be impacted by this project include the federal and state endangered dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon); the federal, species of special concern and state endangered Yellow lance (Elliptio laneeolata), Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), and Green floater (Lasmigona subviridis); the federal species of special concern and state significantly rare Pinewoods shiner (Lythrurus matulinus); the state threatened Triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulara), Roanoke slabshell (Elliptio roanokensis), Creeper (Strophitus undulates), Eastern lampmussel (Lamp,sihs radiata), and Least brook lamprey (Lampetra aepyptera); the state species of special concern Notched rainbow (lrllosa constricta), Cape Fear spike (Elliptio marsupiobesa), Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisz), Carolina madtom (Noturus furiosus), and the North Carolina spiny crayfish (Orconectes carolinensis). At this time, NHP would like to raise some issues with the Threatened and Endangered Species Technical Report prepared by S&ME in February 2004. The information presented in the report on the federally endangered Tar spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana) is incorrect. Our previous comments refer to Swift Creek of the Neuse River basin in Johnston County. The information reported by S&ME refers to the Tar River basin population. The FWS Recovery Plan for the Tar spinymussel was published in 1992, prior to the discovery of the Tar spinymussel in the Neuse River basin. In 1998, biologists with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) confirmed the existence of the Tar spinymussel in the Little River in Johnston County. Although the Tar spinymussel has not been found in Swift Creek of the Neuse River basin, several of the species 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 teCarolinPhone: 919-733-49841 FAX: 919-715-30601 Intemet: www.enr.state nc.us/ENRI allr� An Equal Oppartun41 A4rmabe Action Employer - 50 % Recycled 110 % Post Consumer Paper 0 0 11/19/2004 17:27 9197153060 NCDENR PAGE 03/05 associates have been found in this portion of Swift Creek, and we believe it is possible for the Tar spinymussel to exist in this portion of the Neuse River basin. We therefore agree with the biological conclusion that Suitable Habitat is Present for both the federally endangered Dwarf wedgemussel and the Tar spinymussel, and we encourage intensive surveys at all crossing locations. In response to earlier correspondence, the County states that "if no species are present, the County proposes to cross the stream by open cut method in lieu of the directional drilling method" (p. 5). NHP strongly discourages the open cut .method because of the direct impacts to sensitive species. Although the Josephine Road Force Main mussel survey did not locate mussels at the site, this crossing is very close to the confluence of the unnamed tributary to Swift Creek, a nationally signficant aquatic habitat where records exist for several of the rare and endangered species mentioned above, including the federally endangered Dwarf wedgemussel. The direct impacts associated with open trenching (especially turbidity) will likely impact the rare species in Swift Creek. In. accordance with the biological conclusion, Suitable Habitat is Present, and NHP strongly encourages directional boring for all streams crossed in the project area. Since directional drilling greatly minimizes impacts, surveys for aquatic species may not be needed at crossings where drilling is used. Furthermore, NHP recommends that all future crossings in the Swift Creek watershed of the Neuse River basin be done using directional boring. If the Neuse River crossing cannot be directionally bored, NHP strongly encourages the avoidance of construction during 1Vlarch I" through October t" to allow for spawning and migration of anadromous fish species. NHP would also like to emphasize the importance of wide buffers because of the likelihood of this project affecting the federally endangered Dwarf wedgemussel. We do not think the buffers from the Stormwater Management Ordinance are sufficient to protect endangered aquatic species. NHP requests consideration of a minimum 200-font buffer for perennial streams and a 100-foot buffer for intermittent streams to maintain the integrity of the buffer or the full extent of the 100-year floodplain, in accordance with WRC's guidelines. Given these concerns, NHP cannot concur with the finding of no significant impact for this project. Please let me know if I can provide more information. The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program looks forward to a collaborative effort to help protect the State's natural diversity. If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at 919-715-1751. CC via email: Bennett Wynne, WRC Dale Suiter, USFWS David Ration, USFWS 0 0 al, 4J} U4 llh 15. UL l•Al 1 919 856 4556 t7SFWS-RAL.EIGH,NC 002 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Raleigh Feld Ogee Pas[ Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3726 November 23, 2004 Ms. Hannah Stallings Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1633 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1633 Re: Johnston County — Smithfield -Selma 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment No 3. -- Engineering Amendment No. 4, Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Alternative Design (Project No. CS370382-18), Johnston County, NC Dear Ms. Stallings: Thank you for your letter, dated September 23, 2004, requesting comments from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the subject wastewater facilities plan in Johnston County, North Carolina. Our comments are submitted pursuant to, and in accordance with, provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (Act). Based on the infonmation provided in your September 23, 2004 letter (and specifically the accompanying letter from S&NM dated September 7, 2004) and other information available, it appears that the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Act. We believe that the requirements of section 7(a)(2) of the Act have been satisfied. Please remember that obligations under section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if- ()) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new Species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action - Thank you for your cooperation with our agency in protecting federally -listed species. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr. David Rabon at (919) 856-4520, extension 16, or via email at david ration@fws.gov. Sincerely, C- 4, �—" Pete Benjamin Ecological Services Supervisor O CJ Johnston County Smithfield — Selma 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 Engineering Amendment No. 3 pea 40 4Y a Eary 2003 .�� �FESS/0 • �ti'� i2 y ' SEAL � 6114 AIK Prepared By: Johnston County Department of Utilities 309 East Market Street Smithfield, N.C. 27577 a o � ,. C k. Johnston County Smithfield — Selma 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 Engineering Amendment No. 3 0 February 2003 �o o� d � � d Z Index 1. Cleveland Area Diversion Facilities Alternative Design. 2. Additional Storage for the Selma Equalization & Pumping Facilities 3. Buffalo Creek Parallel Force Main 4. Reclaimed Water Main Alternative Alignment C Johnston County Smithfield - Selma 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 - Engineering Amendment No. 3 Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Alternative Design Februaury 2003 A. Summary, Conclusion & Recommendations: The Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Improvements (CAWWDFI) were planned and presented in detail in Chapters 4 and 5 of the Johnston County/Smithfield-Selma 201 Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3. The original plan provided for construction of a wastewater flow equalization and pumping facility on the Old Cleveland School campus on SR 1010, in addition to wastewater force main improvements to direct flow into the equalization site and a 12" force main from the site to a new transfer wastewater pump station in the Johnston County Landfill. The landfill station will deliver wastewater through a 12" force main to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant. Please refer to Figure 5.1 in Amendment No. 3. Since the 201 Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 was approved and the FONSI published, certain changes have occurred. Due to a problem in communication, another County Department authorized the construction of other facilities on the site of the proposed equalization and pump station. Sufficient area is not available on the County -owned Old Cleveland School site to construct the proposed facilities with the necessary road access and perimeter buffers. An alternative, essentially comparable plan has been conceived which involves effective use of existing gravity sewers, a force main segment, and a local pump station which have been constructed and commissioned since the original CAWWDFI program was drafted. The principal physical differences, in addition to alternative pump station and equalization basin sites, is deferring construction of the flow equalization basin and appurtenances until the second 10 year phase of the 201 planning period. Please refer to Figure 5.1(Revised) which is attached. The total present worth cost of the original program and revised program are virtually equal. No adjustments are required in the user fees projected in 201 Amendment No. 3. All new facilities, with the exception of the future equalization tank site, are located within the original environmental corridor. All facilities within the first phase of construction lie within existing utility easements and public road rights -of -way. Construction of the alternative CAWWDFI program, as presented herein, is recommended. B. Project Description: k Page 1 of 4 x Fou The Johnston County Utilities Department engineering staff has conceived an alternative plan for the CAWWDFI. Construction of pumping and equalization facilities and tributary force mains will be accomplished in two phases. The first phase will serve the area for ten years. The second phase will consist of project facility additions to accommodate projected flows over the second ten year phase of the 201 Amendment No. 3 planning period. Please refer to Figure 5.1A for a schematic of the existing wastewater collection and pumping facilities in the area for background information. The first phase of improvements will consist of: Upgrading the County's existing Broadmoor wastewater pump station to serve as the principal forward flow pumping facility. Improvements include two 700 gpm pumps, a fine screen, a magnetic flow meter, and a magnesium hydroxide feed system 2. Siting (but not construction) of an equalization tank and associated piping. The site will be situated in the vicinity of the Broadmoor wastewater pumping station. 3. Installation of approximately 1,700 of 8" force main connecting segment from the existing 6" force main on Cornwallis Road to an existing 8" gravity sewer line on Cambridge Elm Drive in the Weston Woods Development. (The 8" gravity sewer line is tributary to the Broadmoor pump station.) 4. Modification of existing 6" and 4" force main piping in the vicinity of the existing Cleveland K-5 School wastewater pump station. The modifications will facilitate the Cleveland K-5 station pumping through an existing 4" force main to the existing Old Cleveland School wastewater pump station, and pumping through an existing 6" force main and the proposed 8" force main segment to the 8" gravity sewer line in the Weston Woods Development, consistent with Item #3 above. 5. Modifications to existing 4" and 8" force main piping in the vicinity of the Old Cleveland School wastewater pump station, and installation of a diversion connection between the existing 8" force main on Broadmoor Way and the existing 8" gravity sewer line on Broadmoor Way which is tributary to the Broadmoor pump station. These modifications will allow wastewater pumped from the Cleveland K-5 wastewater pump station through the existing 4" force main to be conveyed to the Broadmoor pump station using a portion of an existing 8" force main; and additionally, diversion of wastewater from the 8" force main on NC 42 to the Broadmoor wastewater pump station in the second phase of the program. 6. Installation of approximately 2,2001.f. of 12" force main from the existing 8" force main near the manhole/force main connection on Broadmoor Way to SR 1010. Please refer to Figure 51B which is a schematic of the proposed first phase improvements and to Figure 5.1(Revised) which is a vicinity map illustrating the improvements. The second phase of construction will consist of: Page 2 of 4 O O 1. Construction of a 150,000 gallon aerated equalization tank and related connecting piping, valves, and controls. 2. Construction of a new 8" force main from the existing 8" force main on NC 42 to the Broadmoor wastewater pump station, approximately 27,000 l.f in length. Please refer to Figure 5.1C which is a schematic of the proposed first and second phase improvements and to Figure 5.1 (Revised) for a vicinity map of all improvements. C. Justification: A parking lot and soccer field have been constructed on the Old Cleveland Middle School site in the location of the planned Cleveland area wastewater equalization and pumping facilities. Sufficient area is not available on site for construction of the originally proposed facilities with suitable road access and perimeter buffers. Requiring the local community athletic association to remove the recreation facilities and construct on another private site would cause significant financial hardship and possibly public outrage. The alternative program is functionally equivalent to the original program and can be constructed and operated for virtually the same cost. D. Cost Effectiveness: The estimated total project cost for the first phase of improvements is $782,000 and for the second phase of improvements, $1,105,000. Detailed breakdowns of the costs are presented in Table 4.9 (Revised). The capital costs may be compared to the capital cost of the corresponding elements under the original 20-year program presented in the 201 Facilities Plan Amendment No. 3 in the amount of $1,235,000. By postponing construction of the flow equalization tank and the 27,000 l.f., 8" force main segment, annual OM&R costs over the twenty year planning period are slightly reduced in comparison to the original program. The present worth cost of the proposed elements is $1,988,000. The present worth cost of the corresponding elements of the original project is $1,981,000. Present worth cost calculations are included as an attachment to this engineering amendment. User Fee Anal: The changes in scope for the CAWWDFI will result in essentially the same total annual cost as for the original program. Thus, the impact on user charges is insignificant. No further user charge adjustments will be necessary for the revised CAWWDFI program. Page 3 of 4 X x AMEM=w r- Environmental Corridor: All improvements in the first phase of the CAWWDFI are located clearly within the original environmental corridor. Further, all construction lies within the existing County -owned land parcel, existing utility easements, and public road rights -of -way. All construction elements are located within previously, and recently disturbed areas. With the exception of the flow equalization tank, all improvements in the second phase of the CAWWDFI are also located within the original environmental corridor. With the exception of the future flow equalization tank site, all construction sites were environmentally assessed and included under the original FONSL The 15 acre flow equalization tank and access drive site will be located outside flood plains, wetlands, and riparian buffers in a recent growth, hardwood forest. An access road between the existing Broadmoor pump station and the equalization tank site will cross a small intermittent stream and a riparian buffer encroachment permit will be required. A total of approximately 0.75 acres of clearing will be required. Improvements will not directly affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species, prime or unique agricultural lands, or areas of archaeological or historic value. No additional wastewater pumping or transmission capacity will be provided by the alternative CAWWDFI program beyond the capacity of the original program. Thus, nohanges in secondary and cumulative impacts will result. No changes in impacts on air quality, noise levels, or forest resources will result from the revised CAWWDFI program Page 4 of 4 Lel x C w m x x I b G G C O c O w o C w 9 W i N N 4 42 06 �7 IL c e e bc po po d d d d E 1 m O e m � O E a � m w � m O m N O¢1 N N{ e 9 d m N my Y Y � v L 4 ph H am V 41 W6 C C Q O am r • •— �p ID X OY � al 3 ` d � •tf d � R � v O r so E 6 'L O H M i V d e a a i 0 0 0 } 0 I- N W .. C O C ;r �� .a . .0 d a E N6 d a h a $ 8& N a y LL. H � O � E O C N m O d CL e eo 16 e N r ■ . e § ` ;I 2 � $ ■ © $ # & M ■ t f 2 rj IL § e IL . e C CD 2 � O I 2 2 IL a a s § O ■■ � � � � . lo ƒ I o �p ■ ■ p ■ ■ ® ® � e ■ � � � � i76 ■ � § � 0 ■ 2 ■ ECL k ® 4c # $ & � vi . M CL CIL 2 e . 0.IL � . �| k 7 �■. k w ■ �C6 L §| ■ ■ & � IL ] o ■ �� & � & ° §& % ■| o a § o 96 cm, V �§ ƒ ■ � & / e L - | e jE k �fct � C c 0 _ ��k > & . © §8 C © §' N JC �E� 2§ w�$ o© � Feb-03 TABLE 4.9 (REVISED) rov ments ►version Facilities lmp Area Wastewater Phase A Revised Program Cleveland Fstimato of Cost d K 5 Sehp ol and DCleveland Middle ClevelanMiddle School to piping at Existing C{eve{an Unit Unit Price Total A. Modifications Station Quantity Wastewater Pum Description item 5 Schoot Station: „al 1 LS $7 ,006.00 $7 , 000.00 Cleveland 4C" connections, three 6 p1P, rnisc. i . i e cutAn 50 if of s Two P P ate v alv e, valves, S and site restoration DI fittin s, chooi Station: $g,00O.O0 $8,000.00 Middle S one g" gate valve, LS 2 Old Cleveland-nnections, 40 if of 6" Two Pipe cut -in one 4" gate valve, $15,OOOA0 • alevalvas, a restorationUWNO it c. 6 s r 9 d n y� s, - is Jv,Af.,:>:>>«<::tir_«; <: :r...�.... 8„ Gravity Sewer on to Existing Road subtotal item .... ' :.v,.;:.t Cornwaiv tat M T:..::.. Su ponce Main on born Ex{sting 6" Unit Unit Price Total 1" n 'Force Main ds Quantity B. a Elm Drive in Weston WO° t{on •i,2oo LF $16.0° $19,200.00 Cambrid pescrip 500 LF $25.00 $12.500.00 item 1 8" PVC Pie pavement 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,p00.00 $" D•1. pie 6" force main i Chiding P i LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 2 Connection to 150 SY $40.00 $6,000.00 3• re lacement " SS 4. a lace t+on to s as halt avement 1 LS $3,300.00 $3,300.00 Remove and re lace t baciefI Prolection 5• edding and se{ec 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Stone b $49,000.00 concrete, etc. 1nuol s+on :,W:?: jrf:: :.:[f : •a:gJzf,- :{nv{:j: Sedimentation an :::............ 7 nh<<,v.<: �:. ,, or Way to Existing 12" Force Main Subtotal item B :; ; : h.« .... oe Main on BroadmO°r :C.:.:_ 211 Force Main from Existing Quantity Unit Unit Price Total $e rnent or SR lion 1,700 LF $18.00 $30,g00.00 i010 Descrip 540 LF $30.00 $15,000.00 Item 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00 PVC P+ e 1 LS $5,010 to $5,000,00 D.1. Pi e °force main $30.00 $12,000.00 2• Colin Onto 8 400 SY • 3. 12" force halt avemenlilint 4. Connection to lace as lion i LS $4,000.00 $4,000.0� 5 Remov a and re rotec select baciefill, P 1 LS $3,000.00 $3.400.0 Stone bedding, i LS $2,400.00 $2,400.0 ncrete, etc.III IIIIIIII 6 co :11e restor li er s+ Go tot $.TE000.0 7 Lae sce talion an on of - 8. S +m Subtotal item C Page i of 2 x K Page 2 of 2 Es r- Feb-03 Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Improvements Revised Program - Phase 2 Estimate of Cost Page 3 of 6 W Ee A Electrical work i LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Subtotal - E ualization Tank L $306, 000.00 Subtotal Item B $365,000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $881,000.00 Contingency $88,000.00 Technical Services $85,000.00 Land - 1.5 Acres at $20,000 per acre $30,000.00 SRF Loan osin Cost $21,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST - PHASE 2 $1,105,00JI 0.00 Page 4 of 6 0 U Q, r Feb-03 Excerpt from TABLE 4-9 Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Improvements Cleveland Area Facilities - Original Program Estimate of Cost 0" Force Main from NC 42 to SR 1010 on Cornwallis Road and 12" Force Main on SR 1010 from :ornwallis Road to Old Cleveland Middle School Pump Station Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total 1. PVC pipe a 10" 12,000 LF $16.00 $192,000. 8 400 LF $18.00 $151,200. b. 12" 2. DI pipe i 0° 2,000 LF $22.00 $44,000.1 a. b. 1" 1,000 LF $27.00 $27,000.1 3. 16" stl. caring piee bored and jacked 100 LF $150.00 $15,000.1 a. DI fittings 6,000 LF $3.00 $i8,000.i 5. Restrained joint pipe 1 LS $3,800.00 $3,800.1 6. Swift Creek Crossin 1 LS $60,000.00 $60,000.+ 7. Valves 1 LS $6,000.00 $6,000-' 8. Air release valves 3 EA $3,000.00 $9,000. 9. Pavement replacement 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000. a. Asphalt 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000. b. Concrete i LS $3,000.00 $3,000. 10. Seedin 11. Misc. surface restoration 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000. 12. Rock excava., stone bedding, seiect borrow, etc 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000. 13. Sedimentation and erosion control 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000. Replace existing Old Cleveland Middle School 14. with bar screen, 240,000 gal. flow equalization 1 LS $450,000.00 $450,000 basin and pump station rated 700 gpm ubtotal Construction $1,,000 $101ol,00a ontingency $100,000 echnical Services $24,000 RF Loan Closing OTAL PROJECT COST $1,235,0M Page 5 of 6 N A r February 6, 2003 Cleveland Area Wastewater Diversion Facilities Modified Program Present Worth Cost Comparison: Original Program Elements vs. Modified Program Elements Note: Modified program elements involve wastewater force mains tributary to the pumping and equalization facilities. The 12" force main from the pumping and equalization facilities to the landfill is essentially unchanged. Original Program: Capital Cost $1,235,000 Avg. Annual OM&R Cost = $65,000 Present Worth Value (20 years, i = 6%) P.W. Value = $1,235,000 + 65,000 x USPWF $1,235,000 + 65,000 x 11.47 $1,235,000 + 746,000 $1,981,000 Amended Program: Capital Costs: Phase 1 $782,000 Phase 2 $1,105,000 Avg. Annual OM&R Cost: 0-10 years $45,000 11-20 years $65,000 P. W. Value = $782,000 + ($1,105,000 x SPPWF) + ($65,000 x USPWF) + ($65,000 x USPWF) x SPPWF) — (land cost x SPPWF) = $782,000 + ($1,105,000 x 0.5584) + ($45,000 x 7.36) + ($65,000 x 7.36 x 0.5584) — ($30,000 x 0.3118) = $782,000 + $617,000 + $331,000 + $267,000 - $9,000 . = $1,988,000 rel Eo x ]b r-, Johnston County 0 Department of Public Utilities c (919) 9 9-5075 ID qMP (919) 934--7174 FAx -DAT9. I ZAI D2. A n4 A"k. Liu tq �-ilj .31:[" E. FA L5 z 3 r j 3 1 3 E 3 1 3 IL 57 F2k I 2 1 I I I I .... ... . ... .......... ....... L I4- ....... J - - - - - - 2 3. F z E z r r . L ri 3 1 3 2 2 L 3 F .... ........ 2 Ikk P #jl U t ++ 3 F COPY. 0. +* 4- x i Cleveleand Area Diversion Facilities System Curve REVISED - BROADMOOR STATION UPGRADE Static Head Length 48000 ft 2250 ft High Point 297 ft Diameter 12 in 8 in Pump Off E 181 C Coeff 120 120 Static Heac 116 Flow Fric. Loss Fric Loss TDH gpm ft. ft. ft 0 0.00 0.00 116.00 100 2.01 0.68 118.68 200 7.23 2.44 125.67 300 15.30 5.17 136.47 400 26.06 8.80 150.86 500 39.38 13.30 168.67 600 55.17 18.63 189.81 700 73.38 24.78 214.16 800 93.94 31.72 241.67 900 116.82 39.45 272.26 1000 141.96 47.94 305.89 1100 169.33 57.18 342.51 Hughes Supply, Inc. Hughes Supply, Inc. PUMP DATA SHEET Curve: 3404048 Fairbanks Morse Pump, 60 Hz Deslpn Polnt; Flaw: 700 US gpm Head: 214 It Pump: 5430-NONCLOO -1800 Sloe: 4" 5434M&W Speed, 1780 rpm Dle: 14.5625 in Llmlts: Temperature: 104'F Sphere size:3 In Pressure:100 psi Power: -- bhp Specific Speed: Ns:1311 Nas: 5504 Dimenslons: Suction: 6 in Discharge: 4 In Motor. 125 hp Speed; 18W Frsme: 300 SUBMRGD StandardXPLPROF Enciosure sized for Max Power on Design Curve -••- Data Point -- Flow: 700 US gpm Hoed; 216 it Eff. 00% Power: 63.3 bhp NPSHr; 24 If Design Curve — Shutoff Heed: 251 It Shutoff dP:109 psi Min Flow: 260 US gpm BEP: 72% off 40 1627 US gpm NOL Pwr:116 bhp @ 2143 US gpm -- Max Curve Max Pwr. 156 bhp Q 2395 US gpm tie H2Optimize ver: 6.041 01/26/03 Selection file: (untitled) Catalog: FMSU860.MPC v 2.0 Fluid: Water Temperature: 60'F SG:1 Viscosity: 1.122 cP Vapor pressure: 0.2568 psia Alm pressure: 14.7 psia Piping: System: -- Suction: — in Discharge: --- in ft 1 0 Oslo 410 60 i i s p S— -- -- _ . ._......_._ __......_..........._., H US gpm a00 Flow Speed Head Pump US gpm rpm 0 %eff 840 1780 210 64 700 1780 216 60 5e0 1750 220 55 420 1780 226 48 280 1780 232 36 8Q0 1000 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3800 --- PERFORMANCE EVALUATION — Power NPSHr Motor Motor Hrslyr Cost bhp ft %off kW lkWh 70 24 63.3 24 56.2 24 40.8 24 45.6 24 b P d Z699'ON 99D-W-M HHA £OOZ 'Wue£ x C f JOHNSTON COUNTY SMITHFIELD-SELMA 201 WASTEWATER FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENT NO.3 - ENGINEERING AMENDMENT No. 3 Additional Storage for the Selma Equalization and Pumping Facilities FEBRUARY 2003 A. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations More storage capacity is needed at the Selma Equalization & Pumping Facility to handle peak wet weather flow events and to prevent bypasses and overflows of untreated wastewater. Constructing a 1.5 MG pre -stressed concrete tank and adding a second magnetic meter to measure flow diverted to the basins will meet that need. Adding storage volume with a cylindrical concrete tank is the most cost effective alternative available to prevent sanitary sewer overflows. The estimated project cost is $695,000. All work is located within a previously disturbed site owned by the County, a former wastewater treatment plant converted to a pumping and equalization facility. An environmental assessment was previously completed under a State Clean Water Bond Grant project in 1999-2000. Construction of the improvements detailed herein is recommended. B. Project Description The proposed project is intended to increase the flow equalization storage capacity of the Selma Equalization & Pumping Facility. It includes the construction of a 1.5 MG pre- EO w stressed, open top concrete storage tank, water cannons for tank wash down, interconnecting piping and a magnetic flow meter. The proposed work is shown as Figure 5-2A of the attached exhibits. All proposed work would be executed on the existing site. The project is estimated to cost approximately $695,000. A detailed cost opinion is included as new Exhibit 4-15. C. Justification All wastewater spills in the Johnston County collection system during the past 2'/2 years have occurred in the Buffalo Creek interceptor area of the Central Johnston County Regional Wastewater Facilities (Exhibit 4-14). Under current conditions, significant to extreme rainfall events force the staff of Johnston County Department of Utilities to choose whether to overflow the Selma Equalization and Pumping Facility or the downstream Buffalo Creek Pumping station. The Buffalo Creek wastewater transmission/interceptor system cannot hydraulically accommodate the peak wet weather flows from the Selma service area. While Selma has taken measures to repair its infiltration/inflow problems (appendix D of Amendment No. 3), the anticipated positive effects have not materialized, at least as far as wet weather flows into the Selma Pumping and Equalization Facility are concerned. In fact, an increase in hydraulic capacity in the Selma collection system has apparently resulted from upgrading several existing wastewater pump stations. Consequently, peak wet weather flows into the County receiving facility have increased in magnitude. K m x During and after any significant rain event (>l= 1.5" of rainfall in 24 hours), the incoming 18-inch gravity sewer line is surcharged. Flow calculations show that under maximum surcharged conditions, this sewer line carves approximately 3,000 gpm into this facility. This surcharge condition can last for 24 hours after a major rain event. With 3,000 gpm entering the facility for 24 hours and approximately 1,700 gpm of pumping capacity, at least 1.9 mg of storage capacity is required on site. The current total storage capacity is 0.6 million gallons. The proposed additional storage will increase the available storage to 2.1 million gallons, which should be sufficient to handle peak flows. An additional magnetic flow meter is required on site to measure the amount of flow diverted to the storage facilities. Currently, only flow leaving the facility is measured. The addition of three manually operated water cannons will facilitate wash down and thorough cleaning of the two existing basins as well as the proposed new tank. Potable water will be used for basin/tank cleaning. Adding more storage at the Selma Equalization and Pumping Facility will give the County the ability to manage peak flows from the Town of Selma collection system safely and effectively and without overflows. 101 m M 101 1 D. Cost Effectiveness The proposed improvements are estimated to cost approximately $695,000. Alternatives to the cylindrical prestressed concrete storage tank include: a cast in place square or cylindrical concrete tank, a cylindrical steel tank, a lined earth basin, or providing higher forward flow pumping capacity. Cast in place concrete structures are more expensive than the cylindrical prestressed concrete structure, A steel tank has less first cost, but much higher life cycle cost due to painting on 5 to 8 year intervals. A lined earth basin is comparable in cost to a prestressed concrete tank, but would require purchase of additional land. Increasing effluent pumping capacity to 3,000 gpm would require new, larger pumps, a 4,0001..f. parallel 16" force main, and a 2,000 l.f. parallel 24" segment of downstream interceptor, thus rendering this option prohibitively costly. Therefore, the most cost effective alternative is construction and operation of a 1.5 million gallon prestressed concrete tank D. User Fee Analysis The cost of this project is minimal compared to the original amount of the SRF Loan. This increase spread over the duration of the loan will not cause a significant increase in user fees (less than $0.02/1000 gallon). E. Environmental Corridor The proposed work will be contained entirely within the existing Selma Pumping & Equalization Station site. The site is already cleared and maintained by the County. A m m X x 50-foot buffer on an existing stream will be maintained. An environmental assessment of the site was prepared for a Clean Water Bond Grant in 1999-2000. This project will not increase the overall capacity of the facility, and therefore will not facilitate, or encourage growth in the tributary service area. There are no secondary or cumulative impacts due to growth associated with this project. 9 Lel m Me _J m r Feb-03 TABLE 4-15 Selma Equalization and Pumping Facilities improvements Estimate of Cost n 0 x EXHIBIT 4-14 JOHNSTON COUNTY COLLECTION SYSTEM SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOWS — JULY 01, 1999 TO DECEMBER 31, 2002 Date Location Spill Volume 08/23/99 Buffalo Creek P.S. 15,000 gallons 09/16/99 Selma P.S. 50,000 gallons 09/28/99 Selma P.S. 5,000 gallons 10/18/99 Selma P.S. 7,500 gallons 04/18/00 Buffalo Creek P.S. 750 gallons 07/26/00 Buffalo Creek Interceptor <1,000 gallons 08/01/00 Buffalo Creek Interceptor <1,000 gallons 12/18/00 Selma P.S. 5,000 gallons 05/05/01 Buffalo Creek F.M. < 50 gallons 06/02/01 Selma P.S. 125,000 gallons 10/02/02 Selma P.S. 10,000 gallons 12/24/02 Selma P.S. < 1,000 gallons JOHNSTON COUNTY SMITHFIELD-SELMA 201 WASTEWATER FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENT NO.3 - ENGINEERING AMENDMENT NO.3 BUFFALO CREEK PARALLEL FORCE MAIN FEBRUARY 2003 A. Summary, Conclusions Recommendations An additional force main is needed to convey flows from the Buffalo Creek Pump Station to the Neuse River Interceptor. The addition of the force main at this time will increase the capacity of the Buffalo Creek Pump Station, which receives flow from the Selma Pump Station and Equalization Facility. Augmented capacity is required to prevent sanitary sewer overflows (SSO's) during significant wet weather events. B. Project Description The proposed project changes involve the Phase 2 Force Mains as described in Section 4.11 of the 201 Facilities Plan Amendment. The proposed change will involve the construction of a 12-inch line that would parallel the existing 6-inch and 10-inch force mains from the Buffalo Creek Pump Station to the Neuse River Interceptor as part of the SRF loan funding of first phase construction under this 201 Plan Amendment, as opposed to constructing this line in a future phase. The proposed change is shown on a revised Figure 5-2 and Figure G-1 from the 201 Amendment. Revised costs for the proposed project changes are included in revised Tables 4-10 and 4- 13 that are attached. The revised costs include the effects of the proposed project changes, as well as the updated costs based on a detailed cost estimate prepared during engineering design. The cost for the Neuse River Parallel Force Mains, including the 12-inch line, will increase 33 percent from the January 2002 estimate, not including engineering costs and the two percent closing fee for SRF funding. The cost for the original project increased 16 percent. The increased cost for the original force main is Al Eo Engineering Amendment February 2003 Page 2 + primarily due to design modifications because of issues that arose during easement acquisition and adjustment to the cost of the river crossing. C. Justification The additional parallel force main is needed at this time because of the need for additional capacity in the Buffalo Creek Pump Station to prevent surcharging of the tributary gravity interceptor and SSO's during significant wet weather events. The gravity line occasionally surcharges during peak flows and frequently charges during wet weather. SSO's have occurred on several occasions. This segment is the missing piece in the rehabilitation of the Buffalo Creek Interceptor to the new proposed 16-inch parallel force main and 24-inch Neuse River Parallel Force Main. Calculations for the Buffalo Creek pump station are attached as Exhibit 1. D. Cost Effectiveness The alternatives evaluated in the 201 Amendment for the Neuse River Interceptor Paralleling are not affected by the addition of the costs for the 12-inch parallel force main. This force main was identified as a future need in the 201 Plan Amendment No. 3. E. User Fee Analysis The proposed user fees will not change as a result of the proposed changes to the Amendment. The modest capital cost of this project element, together with the low interest SRF loan will not require an appreciable increase in user fees. F. Environmental Corridor The proposed work is within an existing sanitary sewer easement. The total pipeline length for the Neuse River Parallel Force Mains would increase by 1,620 feet. The proposed route is already cleared and maintained as a condition of the county's sewer collection permit. A revised description of the physical environmental for the proposed parallel Neuse River Force Mains is included in the attached revised Table 7-4. w m A R� a ausm�s J _o o9 LL R C I 2 a F= lien T • 7 � ffo IWWW-1 1 r r_ 0 N ✓�i D a a a c c D o CL a u v u a c LL Li "i LL N N E > pNp o CV a' 0 i° a a a u� d � LLI • 1 ' ILL w J rh� 1#1 XF x r x � m m n LL W I ma I N E v I I h i I c H N I 1 C Itl � 7 L 1 I u U. v I 1 (ALL- o o LL r to — 1 C C yp a N C L to a w I 1 X W .x W LL cm jy �. L I i w I I k C I I � k k O r U L L- --- - - - - -- I I auEi I LL E m� I T LLm I I 1 N _ a> '- H k oL�' I dw I I a I O� I li T I I---- T v } � a � ` C O Z T c I a a F 7 _ CL N ai L � LL C N �_toY 3 2" o n � O ` O O M A I LL N LL rN �c C O OLL w Z C k: 0 lK 2 LLss]] E m eCD � 13 a U C3 c °' x X N C Table 4-10 Johnston County, North Carolina Parallel Neuse River Force Mains Cost Summary 2-Jan-0 ;ltefrik:.... ¢w Nf kes r3Pf on i,,Qp€entity. Uttllt Uni:�: prfce Total. 1 Mobilization max. 2% of bid 1 LS $8,500.00 $8,500.00 2 16" Force Main CL 50 DIP 1,400 LF $28.00 $39,200.00 3 24" Force Main CL 50 DIP 4,245 LF $38.00 $161,310.00 412411 Force Main DIP restrained joint 205 LF $600.00 $123,000.00 5 Testing, Cleanup, and Seeding for 16" Pipe min. 20%of line item #2 1,400 LF $5.00 $7,000.00 6 Testing, Cleanup, and Seeding for 24" Pipe min. 20% of line item #3 4,450 LF $6.00 $26,700.00 7 16" Gate Valve with Box 2 EA $4,000.00 $8,000,00 8 12" Gate Valve with Box 3 EA $1,400.00 $4,200.00 9 10" Gate Valve with Box 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000.00 10 8" Gate Valve with Box 2 EA $600.00 $1,200.00 11 6" Gate Valve with Box 1 EA $500.00 $500.00 12 D.I. M.J. Fittings 20.000 LB $2.00 $40,000.00 13 Air/Vacuum Valve with Manhole (complete) 3 EA $3,000.00 $9,000.00 14 Protection Concrete 20 CY $150.00 $3,000.00 15 Asphalt Cut and Replacement (6" ABC, 2" 12) 1,100 SY $20.00 $22,000.00 16 Trench Stabilization Stone min. 6" depth) 1,000 LF $3.00 $3,000.00 17 Undercut Excavation and Replacement with Select Borrow 500 CY $12.00 $6,000.00 18 DropInlet Protection 4 EA $100.00 $400.00 19 Silt Fence 1,000 LF $4.00 $4,000.00 20 Straw with Net Liner 100 LF $5.00 $500.00 21 Class 1 Rip Rap min 18" thick 300 SY $45.00 $13,500.00 22 Anti -Seep Collars 4 EA $400.00 $1,600.00 23 Rock Excavation 100 CY $5.00 $500.00 24 Concrete Drive Removal and Replacement 100 SY $40.00 $4,000.00 ncies @ 10% $48,000.00 $536,000.00 rSEnungineeringand Design $38,000.00 Residential Inspection and Engineering Services $38,000.00 Subtotal $612,000.00 2% SRF Closing Cost $12,000.00 n x 2Wan-03 Table 4-13 Johnston County, North Carolina Parallel Form Uain from B u ffa I o Creek Pump Station to Neuse River lntercept*r Cost Summary E 1 Mobilization (max. 2% of bid) I LS $8,500.00 $8,500.00 2 12" Force Main (CL 50 DIP) 1,620 LF $25.00 $40,500.00 Testing, Cleanup, and Seeding for 12" Pipe 3 (min. 20% of line item #2) 1,620 LF $5.00 $8,100.00 — 4,12" Gate Valve with Box Z EA $1,400.00 $2,800.00 5 10" Gate Valve with Box 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000.00 6 6" Gate Valve with Box 1: EA $500.00 $600.00 7 D.I. M.J. Fittings 7501:, LB $2.00 $1,500.00 8 AirNacuum Valve with Manhole (complete) 1 EA $3,000-00 $3,000.00 9.Protection Concrete 10 CY $150.00 $1,500.00 10 Trench Stabilization Stone (min. 6" depth) 500 LF $3.00 $1,500.00 11 Undercut Excavation and Replacement With 100 CY $12.00 $1,200.00 Select Borrow 12 Silt Fence 800 LF $4.00 $3,200.00 13 Straw with Net Liner 100 LF $5.00 $500.00 14 Class i Rip Hap (min 18" thick) 20 SY $900.00 15 Rock Excavation 100 CY —$45.00, $5.001 $500.00 m ................ . . ........ I I ... .... Contingencies @ 10% $7,520.00 Subtotal $83,000.00 Engineering and Design $6,000.00 Residential Inspection and Engineering Services $6,000.00 ISubtotal $95,000.00 % SRF Closing Cost $2,000.00 x x n K r BUFFALO CREEK PARALLEL FORCE MAIN 11: c CALCULATIONS FOR THE BUFFALO CREEK PUMP STATION w U 101 0LONr MLOMr0LOn U)0)0 70 r j- r-�CrjNn LO M Or LOr Op0O00 ;t0 NMLD � LQ"t'r LDOUIr 0C') •� 3 CDLSLD��00�rC� Cr)MMC9m Cl) mvv VwMC3Nwlp Itv tOtOLato(DLD0(Dn 0 m Dm0w0r� nMMr r 0 y 0r N 1C1Q)C*!0�[7N00000p0)OMCD0�0lf?N 0�t r- O Ncltf:tiOtG Ugf,� CnO(Dn c o o o 000 0 00 0 0 0 o o o O`�- U LL � 0 a O I- d T CO LO M 0 I—v Co LO N CD to Co CO to N M W N V) Ncm0 orNNM"tLgUq (q ;nLOM Mar N NC?� It W?r` r 0 v 00000000000000 rt= rrww r r CN O m c� 0000L�a0a0a8o000oa0a00o0o0 a00000000000ao p O 000 r N Md'LOLDncoMOrNMtt 00000 U) LQ n 0000r Lao C) r r r r r r r r r r N N N N M U a Li Co dUJ O o000It0CDNMLOrn NnOM '4t MrnN con Nn O O M CD r CD Cr? 0 0 0: LA r M n r N 0) n to lO 1O 0 La tO C OOOGr.-CV C7L'i4ui1-:60; rCV �L[j�Oa*-0LoN Lo O r r r+r r.rNNNMLq C �+ 'L co00 ON o corLOMCJ')Nr�}OpNfDOd N�LOrOO 'wfrnMOCD n r LO0MtD0'�t COIO •O Orr NCr mVL[7W(CIht+Mwm Cr10 LC)N oo r M'crrn� r r ci r (Ni r C 466 0r r r r r m o0o00a o oaaa00000 o 0000000 00000�0o0oo0a00000000000 O_ (� r- m t E *-NM'�tLamnOOMOrNC')�t[7LDnL»0)OrNLf10 r r r r r r r r r r- N N N N C") m �} C U. cx cc aUc OC70rCpLaI�NrCrJMOON O)Q)MCACOM� v- N LL y C70rN MMt`oC?CO C7)M CI- N0 r n N00v W Lnn r m O O O GGGOoL�OT'rr-rC4C46 644 66w n000 N (D r LL. 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Q�2 V)V !n LL CL aU� U 101 *1 x Hughes Supply, Inc, H2Optlmlze ver: 6.041 Hughes Supply, Inc. 01/28/03 PUMP DATA SHEET Selection file: (untitled) .:urve: 330604C Fairbanks Morse Pump, 60 Hz Catalog: FMSVBBO.MPC v 2,0 Design Point: Flow, ISW US opm Fluld: Water Temperature: 60'F Hand:100 ft $G:1 Pump: 543"ONCLOG • 1800 Etta: 6"5433M&W Viscosity! 1.122 cP Vapor pressure: 0.2668 pale Speed: 1770 rpm DI9:11.5 in Atm pressure: 14.7 pale omits: Temperature:104 OF Sphere size: 3 in NPSHs: -- ft Pressure: 86 psio Power, --- bhp Specifrc Speed: Ns: 2604 Nas: 7480 Piping., System: — Suction: — in Din"ions: Suction: 8 in Discharge: 6 In Discharge: -- in Motor. 75 hp Speed:1800 Frame: 320 SUBMRGD StanderdXPLPROF Enclosure } sized for Max Power on Design Curve �� �� D/4 cer-( ---- Data Polnt --- Flow: 1500 US opm Head: 101 ft Eff: 78% Power. 40.6 bhp NPSHr. 21.3 !t -- Design Curve -- Slwtoff Head: 140 ft Shutoff 0; $0.7 psi Min Fkyw: 500 US gpm BEP: 81% off ®1004 US gpm NOL Pwr. 60.7 bhp ® 3003 US gpm -- Max Curve -- Max Pwr. 71.9 bhp ® 3200 US gpm 2 !a� q-f' c 7C�.SQ .$ WW1 6065 o ,A Afa ri>Q,l>r 120 so 170 40 . H -0 US gpm 400 Soo 1200 1600 2000 2400 2100 3200 3600 Flow Speed Head Pump VS gpm rpm R %off 1800 1770 e3 81 1500 1770 101 78 1200 1770 108 74 900 1770 119 6s 600 1770 •124 51 ? d 16SN — PERFORMANCE EVALUATION — Power NPSHr Motor Motor Hrs/yr Cost bhp it %off kW /kWh $2.3 22,9 48.6 21.3 44.5 20 40.3 20 38.8 20 SW-M-M wM:q £40l AZ•uer b P 91 �I y b V � � L i� C? � O � .> � a w H O i .r o [� W ,.ci � Cti Ci XF �' 4r >, �a t 41)o zE zG I.,- C CL N p, 'G 'C7 O •E O •>— O 00 tr; i i O 1� O O at O y O �P4 C N "z '0 W 2 O N C O � w a N O O M dF O Io � o � °•off ° o o ow° C> oa: �, cc rx�w rxV O rxU� O � °C6 >+ w�a�a� 4. V U 05�w W zUz zrowV. ° zg,z x JOHNSTON COUNTY SMITHFIELD-SELMA 201 WASTEWATER FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENT NO.3 - ENGINEERING AMENDMENT NO.3 ALTERNATE RECLAIMED WATER MAIN FEBRUARY 2003 A. Summary, Conclusions Recommendations The original 8-inch reclaimed water main along Black Creek Road was designed to supply reclaimed water to a 35-acre farm. In order to allow the reclaimed water main to serve the farm and the newly acquired County property adjacent to the existing County landfill, an alternate alignment has been proposed. The proposed alignment is entirely on County property. The main will increase in size from 8-inch to 12-inch, and the length will increase from approximately 2,930 LF to approximately 6,500 LF. The total project cost will increase by approximately $50,000. The revised alignment will facilitate irrigation on approximately 160 acres of County property, irrigation of turf and ornamental vegetation on a proposed county -state -federal agricultural service complex, which is under design, as well as irrigation of the farm. No adverse environmental impacts will result from the alternate alignment. Construction of the 12-inch main in the alternate alignment is recommended. B. Project Description The proposed changes are to Phase 1 of the wastewater reuse program as described in Section 5.5 of the 201 wastewater Facilities PIan Amendment No. 3. The changes consist of relocation of the reclaimed water main to serve a 35-acre farm from a route along Black Creek Road to a route within County -owned property. The main will be upsized U Al Engineering Amenw, lent February 2003 Page 2 from 8-inch to 12-inch. The proposed changed route is shown on revised Figure 5-5 from the 201 Amendment. The costs for the proposed force maim alignment are included in Table 5-5a, which is attached. The total cost for the upsizing and relocation of the Black Creek main will increase the cost of the project by 60 percent. C. Justification The proposed pipeline realignment is needed to move the pipeline onto County -owned property instead of public right-of-way. By relocating and upsizing the line, the projected wetted acres for Phase I of the Reuse program could potentially increase by 160 acres. Approximately 140 acres will be coastal Bermuda, cropland, and mixed forest, and approximately 20 acres will consist of turf and ornamental vegetation on a planned local -state -federal agricultural services complex. A soils evaluation has been performed for the County -owned property by GreenVest, Inc. The report recommends an annual application of 75 inches on 140 acres, which totals 285 MG. This will reduce the amount of nitrogen discharged to the Neuse River. The line will also serve the farm property as originally designed. A letter of intent from the property owner is attached as Exhibit A. D. Cost Effectiveness The alternatives evaluated in the 201 Amendment for the water reuse program are not affected by the addition of the costs for the new alignment of the reclaimed water main. E. User Fee Analysis The proposed user fees will not change as a result of the proposed changes to the Amendment. The additional costs will be offset by under runs in the reclaimed water project contracts. Op 00 C x Engineering Amenwaent February 2003 Page 3 F. Environmental Corridor The proposed work is within the original environmental corridor between Black Creek Road and County Home Road. The proposed changed route is shown on revised Figure 7-3 from the 201 Amendment. The total pipeline length would change form 2,930 LF to 6,500 LF. The area to be cleared along the proposed route would be approximately 2.06 acres. There are approximately 130 LF of jurisdictional wetlands within the alignment that will be crossed with a directional bore to minimize disturbance. A revised description of the physical environment along the proposed 12" reclaimed water main is included on the attached revised Table 7-2. The alternate route is entirely on County owned property and is outside riparian buffers and wetlands. No threatened or endangered plant or animal species will be affected. No archeological or historical resources will be affected. 2-4 00 00 O m m kl/ N u5� -J JS 1� 0U5"�esy oar y C O0 C o cs 'a `o 0 o� 1 � 5 40.A • s OR +� I r'FAM; '•`�: , fiqw �- c w �a Y 'r � c o o z a R ;0- a � U �' U 0 a �9� oCJ� dS vy � U U in 00 00 x w r Table 5-5a C Johnston County, North Carolina Water Reuse Land Application 12-inch Declaimed Water Main on County Property Description Unit Quantily Unit Cost Total 12-in PVC LF 4500 $ 14 $ 63,000 10-in PVC LF 1200 $ 12 $ 14,400 8-in PVC LF 800 $ 9 $ 7,200 Clearing AC 2 $ 4,000 $ 8,000 Fittings LBS 2000 $ 3 $ 5,000 10" Gate Valve with Box EA 2 $ 1,200 $ 2,400 8" Gate Valve with Box EA 2 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 6" Gate Valve with Box EA 5 $ 700 $ 3,500 20" x 12" tapping sleeve and valve EA 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Erosion Control LS 1 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Hydrants EA 1 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Subtotal $ 115,000 Contingencies @ 10% $ 12,000 Subtotal $ 127,000 Engineering and Design $ 6,000 Resident Inspection and Engineering Services $ 6,000 Subtotal $ 139,000 2% SRF Closing Cost $ 2,780 Total $ 142,000 00 00 m w ALTERNATE RECLAIMED WATER MAIN LETTER OF INTENT FROM PROPERTY OWNER 00 00 Al r- �- (- r, February 3, 2003 Tim Broome Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Johnston County Dept. of Public Utilities P.O. Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27577 Dear Mr. Broome: I am very interested in obtaining recycled water for irrigation on Tract 8376 ( NC Pin No. 1673 59 6343), my home tract. I have more than 35 acres of cleared land on this tract. I am interested in irrigating as much of this tract as possible immediately. I also farm more than 400 acres on other tracts along Galilee Road, Black Creek Road, Long Branch Road, and NC 210 in the vicinity of existing lines where I would like to use this water. I farm even more tracts in other parts of the county if this water becomes available in the future. Based on the soil types and my experience irrigating this land, I can use at least four inches of water per acre during the growing season in wet years. In dry years like this past year I could probably use three times that amount. I am familiar with the restrictions for recycled water use. I have worked closely with Kenneth York, Johnston County's Reclaimed Water Specialist, in the past, and I will work closely with him in the future to assure that all requirements are met. I would love to have this water available by the summer of 2003 if possible. I would appreciate any assistance you could give. Sincer , �— L" mes W. McKenzie k- 00 00 pum�-. ,-N or 41, fl ' 1. � � `* r � 1,S '��{�i �'• S• �'J � N s r Elevated ;}k Storage Tank 4 ��- i f . y —/ Elevated Storage Tank ' x ,, roposed Aiignmen Ground Storage Tank and Reuse Pump Station Phase 11 Typical r I Central John to h e x i4 44 r County Regional WWTF "w , �. `X. 1 A Ung Alignment n� i Phase 2 = {} Typical. r ''I v1 WOO �. _ Figure 7-3 Central Johnston County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Proposed Reclaimed Water System Phase 1 and 2 From Portions of Powhatan, Four Oaks, Four Oaks NE, and Selma USGS Quads Not to Scale 00 00 w m E U v � c a a 2 C LL 0 � � 3 H. E E o � m c � W v m fA A t r a a 6 L o c 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 I E�.. � i mU O N e cC m z 3 NN� Y! CO YJ cp I 1 1 C4 I I O O o I I I I I I I I I I a 3 c 3 L2L o� o� = C� LOL 1L fi $ c m c c � coaa U C) LLL, l�l. LPL LLL LUL LLLL LLLL LLLL LPL l�l. LL L N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CV CV .�- Y r r r r r r ~ r co a c OD co to 00 O O ti C 0pp N LLO e! r d Q0 LLO N N r O r N r r � CD r fC �cr. Cl)LL Cry C w @ U .- LL C Sac ¢N c�m� r N m 2 V N Y W ♦� V/ rnb O p Q cc 00 00 x b r c E I I I I I I I V C w r m r a W U y O � G s m I I I I I N H 0 m o� m �a m m 7 m O E o c V a Q o 0 0 m s r m 3 C So:;v 'C c i a p �„ m as ci a► rn � -G � ' m.. mS. r L_ L Qi rAct 3: L ** C G N N N N eS O m N nt N N N r CO T u0 T CD r co m C m y 18 s v rn a c m ti r• L N r h N c+� (G r '� C = y .CO 4 J E $ E +" �[ m 2 (� .a a �. .— ro ao U m L a: QCM E 0 0 mo d 0T aaC r 0rc V� act A� CpQQ C� U- 0 C) z vn zn 0-CO co.- N ID YN U pm C CM-0 cco M-0 c0 df-0 c0 CAN 0 r E C j mt? mZ o 4 00 Qcc 00 <a: 00 Q[C o0U <a:z • i d 00 as m w DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY August 3, 2000 To; Milt Rhodes Local Government Assistance Unit From: Susan A. Wilson, Environmental Engineer NPDES Unit Subject: Johnston County Smithfield - Selma EA (Central Johnston County WWTF 201 Plan) Rehab/ Expansion Issues NPDES No. NCO030716 Johnston County - 1 1,R R �C,L.EI�I p I have reviewed portions of the 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan submitted by Hazen and Sawyer on behalf of Central Johnston County. The proposed project includes expansion of the Central Johnston County Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) to meet future growth needs and provide biological nutrient removal, expansion and rehabilitation of the collection system, and reuse of a portion of the wastewater for irrigation. Due to the Division's time delay with the revised nitrogen allocation for dischargers in the Neuse River Basin and EPA's approval of the total maximum daily load (TMDL), there may have been some confusion with regard to permitted flows at the county. The Division originally drafted and noticed the renewal for Central Johnston County on June 2, 1998. The draft permit included phased limits for 4.5 MGD and 4.99 MGD, with the provision that an Authorization to Construct (ATC) permit be issued prior to expansion to the 4.99 MGD flow. No final permit was issued following this draft due to the previously stated reasons. Central Johnston County received an Authorization to Construct permit March 20, 1997 for plant modifications for the addition of an oxic and anoxic zone to assist with nutrient removal. This ATC never approved an expansion in flow to 4.99 MGD. The 201 Wastewater Facility Plan indicates that Central Johnston County WWTF is in the process of increasing the capacity of the plant to 4.99 MGD. This is also reflected in Table 2-2 of the plan [p. 2 41. The plan should reflect that the permitted flow is currently at 4.5 MGD. The Division has not yet finalized a permit for 4.99 MGD and the county is not authorized to discharge flow in exceedance of 4.5 MGD monthly average flow. The 201 plan correctly states that the Division has received a request for speculative permit limits at a flow of 6.5 MGD. The Division has completed a preliminary review of limits for a flow of 6.5 MGD and offers those with this document (an official letter to the County will be offered in follow-up to this documentation). Because the projected flow for the county is 7.0 MGD, the county should clarify at what flow speculative limits are requested. 0 0 The NPDES Unit supports the proposed wastewater reuse project, as a long-term effect may be the reduction in effluent discharge as the County's population continues to grow. The County should be aware that tertiary quality effluent is required for reuse water [ref. 15A NCAC 2H .0219(k)l. In addition to treated wastewater reuse, other alternatives to discharge must be documented prior to the issuance of a permit (for example, spray irrigation of remaining wastewater - not specifically for reuse). The county should refer to the NPDES Unit's Engineering Alternatives Analysis Guidance document that is available on the Division's website: [http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/documents.htmll. Based on the Division's revised allocation of total nitrogen load, Central Johnston County was allocated a total load of 56,200 lbs/year at the flow of 4.99 MGD. The Neuse Nutrient Management Strategy rule establishes additional requirements for facilities planning to expand beyond their 1995 permitted flows. An expanding facility must acquire any nitrogen allocation it needs for the added discharge before it can apply for the necessary NPDES permit modification. The facility can (1) provide additional treatment in order to meet its original allocation, (2) acquire additional allocation from existing point sources, or (3) acquire additional allocation from nonpoint sources through the Wetlands Restoration Fund. In the last case, the facility must obtain 30 years' allocation prior to permit application. In any event, the facility's total allocation cannot be greater than the annual mass limit equivalent to 3.5 mg/L TN at the expanded flow. Facilities joining a group compliance association are not subject to individual limits but will be responsible as a group for meeting their collective allocation. Central Johnston County has expressed its intent to join such an association, so much of this explanation does not apply directly to its discharge requirements. However, the discussion is still relevant to the County's nitrogen allocation and the Iimit the association must meet. Note that the Division expects to complete a more comprehensive modeling effort in early 2001 and will use those results to better define the nitrogen reduction target for the Neuse River estuary. It is not clear from preliminary results whether the target will need to be changed. Be aware that if the target level is lowered, it could lead to further reductions in the point source allocations. To reiterate. design considerations must include the ability to achieve an annual TN load based on a concentration of 3.5 mg/1 at 6.5 (or 7) MGD, regardless of the County's chosen route of compliance. /Please refer to I5A NCAC 2B .0234J cc: Central Files NPDES Files RRO/ Water Quality Section x SPECULATIVE LIBUTS CENTRAL JOHNSTON COUNTY WWTF Parameter Summer Winter Flow (MGD) 6.5 6.5 BOD5 ( /1) 5 10 NH3-N (mg/1) 1 2 DO ( /l) daily avg. 6 minimum 6 minimum Fecal cola orm (#/ 100ml) 200 200 TSS 30 130 TN 56,200 lbs/year (annual compliance load effective January 2003) TP 1 mg/1 (monthly average) - or - 2 mg/1 (per defined quarter if an association member) Monthly averages are presented above unless stated otherwise.