HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0075078_Permit Issuance_19990311State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director March 11, 1999 Mr. Bob Alexander Wilkes County Airport 110 North Street Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28697 Dear Mr. Alexander: /WAA ' • ���� NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Final NPDES Permit Permit No. NCO075078 Wilkes County Airport WWTP Wilkes County In accordance with the application for a discharge permit received on August 28, 1998, the Division is forwarding herewith the subject NPDES permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983, and as subsequently amended. Please note the following changes from the previous permit (as indicated in the draft) have been finalized: • Updated address of facility on Cover page. • Ammonia limits of 6.0/22.2 mg/I (Summer/Winter) have been added. These limits protect against ammonia toxicity in the stream. • Monitoring frequencies for ammonia and temperature changed to weekly and daily, respectively. (Consistent with T15A: NCAC 2B .0500s) • Quarterly monitoring for total nitrogen and phosphorus has been added. This change is consistent with an effort to gather data about nutrient loading in this portion of the watershed. If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447. Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083/FAX 919-733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Please take note that this permit is not transferable. Part II, E. 4. addresses the requirements to be followed in case of change in ownership or control of this discharge. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Land Resources or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions or comments concerning this permit, please contact Bethany A. Bolt at (919) 733-5083,extension 551. Sincerely, Original Signed By David A Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Enclosure cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office/Water Quality Section Central Files NPDES Unit Mr. Roosevelt Childress, EPA Point Source Compliance Enforcement Unit Permit No. NCO075078 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Wilkes Airport Authority is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Wilkes County Airport 640 Wood Wallace Drive North Wilkesboro Wilkes County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Rock Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective May 1, 1999. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on September 30, 2003. Signed this day March 11, 1999. Original Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Wilkes Airport Authority is hereby authorized to: Permit No. NC0075078 1. Continue to operate an existing 0.0075 MGD wastewater treatment plant consisting of flow equalization, aeration basin, clarifier, digester, tablet chlorination, and flow - measurement weir, located at Wilkes County Airport, 640 Wood Wallace Drive, North Wilkesboro, Wilkes County, and 2. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into an unnamed tributary to Rock Creek, which is classified as C waters in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. 3 \ Bcrrr.w /. 3� 4 •�J lam � '•�a o_ \ `� _ ` : � i i . �� a �•, �7�1�.%�` A Z U e ass �. �` ` aft , point .• _ a f ,,; , ischarg > 4 114L .��� �� '.••^ boor- ! / V , • �I �,� 4 tom^ . �` \_ ,1 G� J,, ••rip 'ti �♦`•\�� �� U ! J�J�,a1�cQi%i :•—r',�� ,�f i �• ` .v Ce�• _� / `•��� 4 ! r • • -� �� , ... + 'ii _ 1 `r f �F`••• •� ` ` V • ^+� J`O� Omnge- C.haW gig \ � � ��• �` i� J � � ` � 1 fir• \ ��l�' Gr— _ Vy- 220 � I :� V �/ "-•- � �� �. J �a•"'. sacra V. Ch -�—J �/ V /i �l c► / yG o � �l cc) ♦i` ` H \ 1 4 � a=:� �, a f O • LO 01, i Latitude: 36°13'31" Longitude: 81°06' 18" USGS Quad #: C 14NE "Roaring River" River Basin #: 03-07-01 Receiving Stream: UT to Rock Cr Stream Class: C �'`fr �a I•{� g 94 i or Wilkes County Airport Na0075078 Wilkes County A (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS i. Permit No. NC0075078 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge domestic wastewater from outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location* Flow 0.0075 MGD Weekly Instantaneous I or E BOD, 5 day, 20°C 30.0 mg/1 45.0 m I Weekly Grab E Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/1 45.0 mg/1 Weekly Grab E NH3 as N (April 1 - October 31) 6.0 mg/1 Weekly Grab E NH3 as N (November 1 - March 31) 22.2 mg/1 Weekly Grab E H1 Weekly Grab E Fecal Coliform(geometric mean 200 100 ml 400 100 ml Weekly Grab E Total Nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 + TKN) Quarterly Grab E Total Phosphorus Quarterly Grab E Total Residual Chlorine 2/Week Grab E Temperature *C Daily Grab E Notes: * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent i The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. J NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY. AFMAVff OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared D.H. Stanfield, who being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Controller of Piedmont Publishing Company, Inc., engaged in the publishing of a newspaper known as Winston-Salem Journal, published, issued and entered as second class mail in the City of Winston-Salem, in said county and State: that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement: that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in Winston-Salem Journal, on the following dates. December 16, 1998 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document, or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statues of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the general statues of North Carolina. This 17 day of December 1998 � �,QQ (signature ofperso m ing afdavio Sworn to and sub ribed before me, this 17 day of December 1998 Notary Public My Commission expires: September 28, 2000 OFFICIAL SEAL s Notary Public, North Carolina COUNTY OF FORSYTH KIMALEY JOH SON My Commission Expires 0 99 Legal Notices 99 Legal Notices PUBLIC , 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION POST OFFIC= BOX 29535. RALEIGH. NC 27626.0535 -NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A STATE NPDES PERMIT Oa- the basis of thorough staff review and application of Article 21 of Chapter 143. General Statutes of Nash Carolina. Public Law 92-SM and Ater lawful standares and regulations. the North Carolina Environmen- ;al Management Commission proposes to issue a permit to discharge to the cersons listed below effective 2/1199 and subject to special conoi- •:ors. 'ersons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed determina- sons are invited to submit same in writing to the above address no later than 1/18/99. All comments received prior to that date will be considered I in the formulation of final determination regarding the proposed permit. A public meeting may be held where the Director of the Division of Envi- rcnmental Management finds a significant degree of public interest in a proposed permit. A copy of the draft permit is available by writing or calling the Division of Environmental Management P.O. Sax 29W& Raleigh, North Carolina 27626.0535. (919j733-7015. The application and other information may be inspected at these loca- tions during normal office hours: Copies of the information on file are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. All such comments or reduests regarding a proposed permit should make reference to the NPOES permit number listed below. Date: 12J9/98 Bv: David A. Goodrich for A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management „ PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE A STATE NPDES PERMIT TO THE FOLLOWING: '- 1. NPDES No. NC0077607. North Wilkesboro Dragway Partners. PO Sox 1410. Lenoir. NC 28645 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located at 774 Dragway Road. west of North Wilkesboro, Wilkes County. The facility discharges 0.015 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one ouftl into an unnamed tributary to Naked Creek, a Class WS-IV stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin which has a 7010 flow of 0.14 c;L Ammonia is water quality !imaed. For some parameters, the availa- G!e� load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future allocations in this portion of the watershed. 2 NPDES No. NC0006696. Carolina Mirror Company, PO Box 548. , Noah Wilkesboro. NC 28659 has applied for a permit renewal for a facili- i !y iocated off NC Higrway 18. North Witkest:cro in Wilkes County. The i y facility discharges 0.50 MGD of treatee incustraf wastewater from one ouftl into an unnameo tnbutary to Mtaberry Creek. A Class C stream in i tnr Yackin•Pee Dee Riser Basin. No parameters are water quality limneo. MS c:scnarge may affect future allocations. � 1 NPOES No. NC0078140. Textile Inc. PO Box 127. Ronda. NC 286701I `,3s acd:ied for a Permit renewal for a facility located on NC Highwav i =cnaa ',Y'kes Ccur ry. Tie loco ty cisc arges C.OI MG0 of treareo ' ,;;;es* :c wastewater from one outfall into the Yadkin River. a Crass , .VS•iV stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin which has a 7010 flow 350 cis. No carameters are water q=hty limited. For some parame- ,e s. tre avaitabte loae cacac:y of the immediate receiving water will be cc:hsumeo. This may affect future allocations in this portion of the wa- " ;2srzo. a. NPDES No. NCO071773. Yadkin County Board of Education, 121 :vashsngton Street. Yackinvitle. NC 2�55 has applied for a permit re- rewal fcr a facility located at Forbush High School on 1525 Falcon Road. =3st Bend. Yadkin County. The facility discharges uo to 0.015 MGD of i t-eated domestic wastewater from one outfall into Forbush Creek. a ' Cass WS•IV stream in tl;e Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin which has a 7O, C ;'c•.v Of 2.10 cs. Some=arameters are water ouatity limited. which rr.a affect ft:ute wastewater allocations. i 5. NP02S No. NCOO46418. Wilkes Ccurry Board of Education, 201 West i Hain Stream. Wilkesecrc. NC 25697 has acDged fcr a cermit renewal ter 3 1 lacilay locateo at Mountain View Elementary Scroct. 5464 Mountain . View stead. Hays Cemmuhity, Wilkes County. The facility discharges: 701 SAGO of treated domestic wastewater from one cutfall into an un- - ameo Mbutary to Mu;berry Creek. a Crass C stream in the Yadkin -Pee I Dee River Basin. For some parameters. the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future wa- ver quality based effluer: limitations for additional discrargers within this ocrnon of the watershed. 6. NPOES No. NC0047UZ Wilkes County Board of Education, 201 West Main Street. Wilkesboro. NC 28697 has acpGed for a cermit renewal fcr a I facility located at 'Nest Wilkes High Sc..-col. 6598 Scone Trail. Miller s r ze<.:7ilkes Ccury. -te mac«ay cisc:arges 0.011 MGD of treated do- mestic :wastewater from cre etntfall imo Meadow Branch, a Class WS-,V - stream ,n the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. Ammonia is water quality lim- :ted. Fcr some carame:ers. the availab!e toad caoac.:y of the immediate ,eceiviro water mviil be consumed. This may affect future water quality !• cased eitluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion c. : the watershed. 7. VP:'ES No. NCCO79260. Town of Yackinville. Post Cfffce Drawer 8t6. Ya3kiQe. NC 27055•C316 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located at the Town of Yadkinville Water Treatment Plant, on US High- i way 601. south of Yadkinville. Yadkin Country. The fapity is permitteo to I Jisuharce niter eackwasn water from one outfait irro Scuth Deep Creek. a C',ass WS-IV stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. No parameters i are water quality 11maeo. but this discharge may affect future atloca- ltns. I 8. NPOES No. NC0046388. Wilkes County, 201 West Main Street. Wil- i Kesoo-o. NC 28697 has aoplied for a cermit renewal fcr a facility located at East Wilkes Sign SGrioot. 13315 Eakin Highway 268. Rhonda, Wilkes I' Ccunty. The facility oiscrarges 0.00925 MGD of treated domestic waste- I water from one otrtfa I into Hughes Branch and water treatment filter backwash from one outfall into an unnamed tributary to Hughes Branch. I both Class WS-IV streams in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. For soma : parameters. the available load capacity cf the immediate receiving water .rnr be consumed. This may affect future water quality cased effluent lima- ; tatvns for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. ' 9. NPOES No. NC00 94M. Ralph Higden. P.O. Box 6a-3249. Verc Beach. Florida 32964 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility focal- rC at Ccurtry Square MHP, NC Higtvaayy 16/18 west of Oakwoods Com- munny, Wilkesboro. Wilkes County. The facility discharges 0.0239 01 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one outfall into an t-:inamed I trbutaryto Cub Creek, a Class C stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Ba- sin. Dissolved oxygen is water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be con- sumed. This may affect Uwe water quality based effluent for additional I dischargers within this portion of the watershed. 10. NPOES No. NC0066877. Town of North Wilkesboro. Post Office Box , 21 S. Ncrm Wilkesboro. NC 28659. has acpfied !or a cermit renewal fcr ; the North Wilkesboro Wastewater Treatment Plant on Higr:way 268 East. , Ncrth Wilkesboro in Wilkes Csurty. The f3c; tV c:scrarges 0.030 MGD Of !? veated acmestic wastewater from one cunfail into .tuiberry Creek. 3 1 Class C stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin writcrh has a 7010 f!c•.v ' zf 18.00 c'!s. No parameters are water quality i:maed. but this discharge r Pay 30ea fture adecat:crs. 14PTES %c. •:C: sit., W-rsm.-Saecm• _ s,.:- ,__rrr Sc:^cc's a la4ty l"ail at Old Richmond Elementary Smool, as Ma a to 201 • .,a veo mPamry or me mmeavae reamrg weer coca on wm sumed. Tits may affect future watergraliry, based ei uent Gmitatlons for additional disch ggers within this portion Of the watershed. 15. NPDES No. N00051047. Wilkes County Board of Education, 201 W. Main Street, Wlkesbor0, NC20697has applied for apemutrene"fore faddy lorded at Wright Elementary School, 200 C.C. Wright School Road, North Wilkesboro, Wilkes County. The fadM discrages 0.008 MGD Of treated domestic wastewater from one oudall into an unnamed tributary to tittle Cub Creek, a Class C stream in the YadklnPes Dee Rrv- erSol wiYdthas; a7010 flow of 0.08 ors. Ammonia is wale, quality hm- i fled. For some parameters, Me available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality t based elduem limtaaon , for additional dischargers within this portion of to watershed. 16. NPDES No. NCD075299. Donald Janes, P.O. Box 2043, North WiI- kesbom, NO 28659 has applied for a pent renewal for a facility located 0 Dodge House Propemes at 4775 West U.S. 421, Wilkesboro, Wilkes County. The facility disohmgtreated domestic up to 0.025 MGD of treadomestic wastewater from one oulfall into an untamed tributary to fish Dam Creek, a Cie. WS-N stream In the YaoWn,Pes D. River Basin which has a70108owof 0.06ds arid a3002fbwaf 0.1 cis. Saneparnmeters are water-qualiry, limited, which may elect h ture wastewater alloca- tion. 17. NPDES No. NC0055590. Town of Wilkesboro, 1107 Welborn Ave.. . Wilkesboro. NC 28697 has applied for a pent renewal M its water treatment faWiN (mated at 1107 WelbornAvenue, WNesbora, WilkesCount, Thisfattydischargesktenbae w hwaterfrom Oreoutallinto an unnamed tributary to M oravian Creek, a Class Cattail in ale Yadki n- Pre Dee River Basin. No parameters are water qualr y limited, but this discharge may. affect hrlure allocations. 18. NPOES No. N00075078. Wilkes Airport Authority, 110 North Street, Wilkesboro. NO 28697 has applied tar a pent reneval for a tackty, lc- ; 7U19 now 00.076 de. Ammonia a weer quarry, li mol.ran some pa- I rameters. the available load capacity at the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may aflecl Mu a allocation in Nis portion of the watershed. .. . 19. NPDES No. NC0083291. Readies River Water Warta, Inc., 1673 SpartaRoad.NorthWilkesboro. NC 28659 hes applied far a penh re- . newel for a proposed facility located at one Water Treaanent Facility, NCSR 1540. norm of Readies River, Wilkes County. The famTty had not r been conswded to date. They Propose, Wdechargevoter treatment hl• 1 ter backwash water from tone outlet Into an unnamed fdGtaN to Rea- dies River. a Class WS-II stream �Pae in the YadkinDee River Basin. No parameters are water quality limed, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 20. NPDES No. N=S()66. Wlkes Count' Board at Education, 201 W. Main Street Wilkesboro, NO 2B697 has applied for a perch renewal for a r facility lacatad W the North Wilkes HIS School, 2986 Traphik Road, 1i Hays, Wilkes County. The lack tloMerges 0.0105 MGD of treated do- s mesacwaste Wfromoneo%llinto Wok Bmnch,aClass Ba mmIn the YadkmPeflDeis River Basin whichhas a 7010 flow of 0.46 cfs. For somep; a eem,NeavailablelcadcapacdyofMeimmediateraceMng I water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based e0u- Y eta IMtations for additional dischargers within this portion of hie wa- tershed. G WSJ: December 16. 1998 — MANAr:cMENT IFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A STATE NPDES PERMIT i the basis of thorough staff review application of Article 21 of Chapter General Statutes of North Carolina, c Law 92-500 and other lawful Stan. s and regulations, the North Carolina bses to issue a permit to discharge to ;arsons listed below effective 211/99 subject to special conditions. srsons wishing to comment upon or .t to the proposed determinations are sit to submit same in writing to the re address no later than 1/18/99. All ments received prior to that date will onsidered in the formulation of final rminations regarding the proposed nit. A puDblic meeting may be held re the Director of the ivision of Envi- bental Management finds a significant -as of public interest in a proposed nit copy of the draft permit is available by Ing or calling the Division of Environ- itall P.O. Box 29535. nigh NorthgementCarol na 27626 535, (919) -7015. he application and other information r be Inspected at these locations during mal office hours. Copies of the infor- ion on file are available upon request payment of the costs of reproduction. such comments or requests regarding roposed permit should make reference ie NPDES permit number listed below. Date 12/9r98 David A. Goodrich :or A. Preston Howard Jr., P.E. Director Division of Environmental Management ?ubifc notice of intent to issue a State DES permit to the following: 1. NPDES No. NC0077607. North Ikesboro Dracway Partners, P.O. Box 10, Lenoir, N.C. 28645 has applied for a -nit renewal for a facility located at 774 agway Road, west of North Wilkesboro, '.'res County. The facility discharges 15 MGD of treated domestic stewater from one outfall into an un- .med tributary to Naked Creek, a Class S-IV stream to the Yadkin -Pee Dee ver Basin which has a 7010 flow of 0.14 s. Ammonia is,vater quality limited. For :me parameters, the available load ca- icily of the immediate receiving water ill be consumed. This may affect future !options in this portion of the watershed. 2. NPDES Nc. NC0006696. Carolina 'irror Company, P.O. Box 548, North rlkesboro, N.C.28659 has applied for a ertnit renewal for a facility located off C Hi hwa 18 North Wilkesboro in Tikes County. The fact .500 MGD of treated indt ar from one oudall into an rrly to Mulberry Creek, a Z- v..wu_ om n.. oi.,, d tribu- stream No no. watershed. 4.'NPDES No. NCO046418. Wilkes County Board of Education, 201 West Main Street, Wilkesboro, N.C. 28697 has ap- plied for a permit renewal for a facility lo- cated at Mountain View Elementary School 5464 Mountain View Road, Hays com- munity, Wilkes County. The facility dis- charges 0.01 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one outfall into an un- named tributary to Mulberry Creek, a Class C stream In the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based efflu- ent limitations for addifionaf dischargers . within this portion of the watershed. 5. NPDES No. NCO047872. Wilkes County Board of Education, 201 West Main Street, Wilkesboro, N.C. 28697 has ap- plied for a permit renewal for a facility lo- cated at West Wilkes High School, 6598 Boone Trail, Millers Creek, Wilkes County. The facility discharges 0.011 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one outfall into Meadow Branch. a Class WS•IV stream in the Yadkin -fee Dee River Basin. Ammonia is water quality limited. For some parameters, the avail- able load capacity of the immediate receiv- ing water will be consumed. This may af- fect future water quality based effluent limi. tations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. 6. NPDES No. NCO046388. Wilkes County, 201 West Main Street, Wilkes. bor. , N.C. 28697 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located at East Wilkes High School, 13315 Elkin Highway 268 Ronda, Wilkes County. The facility discharges 0.00925 MGD of treated do- mestic wastewater from one outfall into Hughes Branch and water treatment filter backwash from one outtall into an un- named tributary to Hughes Branch, both Class WS-IV streams in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. For some parameters, the available load capacity cf the immedi- ate receiving water will be ccrsumed. This may affect future water qua:it. Lased efflu- ent limitations for additional dischargers within this por cn of the watershed. 7. NPDES No. NC0039965. Ralph Hig- den, P.O. Box 64.3249. Vero Beach, Florida, 32964 has applied fcr a permit re- newal for a facility located at Country Square MHP, N.C. Highway 16/18 west of Oakwoods Community, Wilkesboro, Wilkes County. The facilitydischarges 0.02390 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one ouffa:l into an un- named tributary to Cub Crew::<, a Class C stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. Dissolved oxygen is water quality limited. For some parameters, the avail- able load capacity of the immediate receiv- ing water will be consumed. This may af- fedfuture water quality based effluent limi- tations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. 8. NPDES No. NCO0668T7. Town of North Wilkesboro. Post Office Box 218, uneters are water quality limited, but this ischarga may aieci future allocations. 3. NPDES No. NC0078140. Textile, 1c., P.O. Box 127. Ronda, N.C. 28670 has oplled for a permit renewal for a facility ,cated on N.C. Highway 268, Ronda, 'tlkes County. The facility discharges .Ot MGD of treated domestic wastewater -om one out!a.7 into the Yadkin River, a 'lass WS-IV stream in the Yadkin -Pee Me River Basin which has a 7010 flow of :50 cis. No parameters are water quality mited. For some parameters, the avarl- .ble load capacity of the Immediate receiv- -,g water will be consumed. This may of- �ct future allocations In this portion of the for a perm¢ renewer tu, me ,...,., Wilkesboro Wastewater Treatment Plant on Highway 268 East, North Wilkesboro in Wilkes County. The facility discharges 0.030 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one ouffall into Mulberry Creek, a Class C stream in the Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basin which has a 7010 flow of 18.00 ds. No parameters are water cig.fi y limited, but this discharge may affect hAure allocations. 9. NPDES No. NC0035793. Wilkes County Board of Education, 201 West Man Street, Wilkesboro, N.C. 25697 has ap- plied for a permit renewal fora facility lo- cated at Wilkes Career Center, 374 Lin. Wilkes Journal -Patriot, North Wilkesboro, N.C., coin Hells Road, Wilkesboro, Wilkes .allocations. County. The facility discharges 0.009 15. NPDES No. NCO076066. Wilke MGD of treated domestic wastewater from County Board of Education, 201 W. Ma' one outfall into an unnamed tributary to Lit- Street, Wilkesboro, N.C. 28697 has ai tie Cub Creek, a Class C stream in the plied for a permit renewal for a facility IL Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin which has a cated at the North Wilkes High Schoc 7010 flow of 0.3 cis. Ammonia is water 2986 Traphili Road, Hays, Wilkes Count quality limited. For some parameters, the The facility discharges 0.0105 MGD available load capacity of the immediate treated domestic wastewater from or receiving water will be consumed. This outtall Into Wolf Branch, a Class B. sires mom,i oee^t fi m me water nualit. based efflu- for 1.0 NPDES No. NCO051047. Wilkes County Board of Education, 201 W. Main Street, Wilkesboro, N.C. 28697 has ap- plied for a permit renewal for a facility lo- cated at C.C. Wright Elementary School, 20o C.C. Wright School Road, North Wilkesboro, Wilkes County. The facility discharges 0.008 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one outfall into an un- named tributary to Little Cub Creek, a Class C stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin which has a 7010 flow of 0.08 cis. Ammonia is water quality limited. For some parameters the available load ca- pacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. it. NPDES No. NCO075299. Donald Jarvis, P.O. Box 2043, North Wilkesboro, N.C. 28659 has applied for a permit re- newal for a facility located at Dodge House Properties at 4775 West U.S. 421, Wilkes- boro, Wilkes County. The facility dis- charges up to 0.025 MGD of treated do- mestic wastewater from one outfall into an unnamed tributary to Fish Dam Creek, a Class WS-IV stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin which has a 7010 flow of 0.06 cis and a 3002 flow of 0.1 cis. Some parameters are water -quality limited, which may affect future wastewater allo- cations. 12. NPDES No. NC0055590. Town of Wilkesboro, 1107 Welborn Ave., Wilkes- boro, N.C. 28697 has applied for a permit renewal for its water treatment facility lo- cated at 1107 Welborn Avenue, Wilkes- boro, Wilkes County. The facility dis- charges filter backwash water from one 0Nall into an unnamed tdbutary to More- vian Creek, a Class C stream in the Yad- kin -Pee Dee River Basin. No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 13.01RDES No. NCO075078. Wilkes Airpo Authority, -110 North Street, Wilkesboro, ::. ::. 28697 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located at Wilkes County Airport, 640 Wood Wallace Dove, North Wilkesboro, Wilkes County. The facility discharges 0.0075 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one outfall into an unnamed tributary to Rock Creek, a Class C stream in the Yadkin - Pee Dee River Basin which has a 7010 flow of 0.075 cis. Ammonia is water quaiiN limited. For some parameters, the avar((- able load capacity of the immediate receiv- ing water will be consumed. This may af- fect future allocation In this portion of the 9 C. RUBBARD, , JOURNAL-PA- ed and published watershed. 14. NPDES No. NCO083291. Reddies River Water Works Inc.; 1613 Sparta Road, North Wilkesboro, N.C. 28659 has applied for a permit renewal for a proposed facility located at the Water Treatment Facility NCSR 1540, north of Peddles River. Wilkes County. The facility had not been constructed to date. They propose to discharge water treatment filter backwash water from one ouffall Into an unnamed tributary to Reddies River, a Class WS•11 stream in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future dilly sworn, Ui a true COPY, wag essiveln the first om9s3-Patriot Not== Pcblie Publisher's Affidavit ' State of North Carolina, Wilkes County. Personally appeared before me the Undersigned JULIUS C. HUBBARD, JR. and/or JOHN W. HUBBARD Co -Publishers of THE JOURNAL -PA - MOT, a public newspaper of general circulation, printed and published is North Wilkesboro, in the county aforesaid who, being duly sworn, upon his oath, sayeth that the notice of which the attached is a true copy, was duly published is said paper for.._L .._. insertions successively, the first . of which publication was on the day of Lu'-2�J'41 19 .... and the last on the day of Publication Fee $ v �, �• �i �� -� 4 1` »... Co -Publisher of The Journal -Patriot l Subscribed and sworn to before me....... .. .......,...!._.. ]9 Notary P-,.blie My Commission (JPxp fQr,.,'ii1SS{4i1-LE'.. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Bob Alexander Wilkes County Airport 110 North Street Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28697 Dear Mr. Alexander: 1� M NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RE O RCES December 16, 1998 NO C Subject: Draft NPDES Permit Permit No. NCO075078 Wilkes County Airport WWTP Wilkes County Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the draft permit for the above referenced facility. I encourage you to review these documents very carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the information, conditions, and requirements contained therein. You should be aware that the following changes have been incorporated into your permit: • Updated address of facility on Cover page (please verify). • Ammonia limits of 6.0/22.2 mg/l (Summer/Winter) have been added. These limits protect against ammonia toxicity in the stream. • Monitoring frequencies for ammonia and temperature changed to weekly and daily, respectively. (Consistent with T15A: NCAC 2B .0500s) • Quarterly monitoring for total nitrogen and phosphorus has been added. This change is consistent with an effort to gather data about nutrient loading in this portion of the watershed. Please review the draft permit carefully and submit any comments to David Goodrich no later than thirty (30) days following receipt at the following address: NCDENR DWQ/Water Quality Section NPDES Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 If you have any questions or comments concerning this draft permit, please contact Bethany A. Bolt at (919) 733-5083, extension 551. Enclosure cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office/Water Quality Section Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone 919-733-5083/FAX 919-733-0719 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Staff Review and Evaluation NPDES Wastewater Permit (NC0075078) Fact Sheet Facility Information Facility Name: Wilkes County Airport NPDES No.: NC0075078 Pennitted Flow (MGD): 0.0075 County: Wilkes Facility Class: 11 Regional Office: Winston-Salem Facility/Permit Status: (i.e. New, Modification, Existing or Renewal) Renewal USGS Topo Quad: C14NE, "Roaring River" Stream Characteristics Receiving Stream: UT to Rock Creek Stream Classification: C Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 0.15 Subbasin: 03-07-01 30Q2 (cfs): 0.15 Drainage Area (In i ): 0.18 Average Flow (cfs): 0.2 Summer 7Q10 (efs) 0.075 1WC (%): 13 Proposed chan(,es: Location Proposed Changes Basis for changes Cover Page/Supplement to Updated address of facility Renewal application received Cover 8/28/98. Effluent Limitations and Added ammonia limits of Calculations indicated that these Monitoring Requirements 6.0/22.2 mg/1 (S/W) limits protect against ammonia toxicity. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring frequency for Reflects monitoring requirements Monitoring Requirements ammonia and temperature per 2B .0500s for Class II facilities changed to weekly and daily, with water quality limited respectively. I parameters. (� arte✓uj T-MITP mrV_,ivy-rv__) iz{-7/918 MRrw . Compliance Schedule: N/A. Special Condition(s): N/A. Compliance History • 1996 and '97 Compliance Inspection Reports indicated plant was operating well; only one daily max fecal coliform violation noted the end of `95. • Flows typically 500-600 gpd. • Effluent TSS and BODS values usually less than 5 mg/l. '96. • Ammonia normally <0.1 mg/l. • TRC normally 1000-2000 µg/l. • Effluent fecal coliform normally <2/100 ml. • Effluent temperatures okay. BODS levels averaged slightly higher in Additional Comments • Only ATC on file is from 12/4/89 for a 7,000 gpd package treatment plant. Is this actual treatment capacity? 0.0075 MGD (permitted limit) appears to have originated from the WLA for proposed facility; is 0.0075 MGD the actual capacity? • Ammonia calculations indicate that limits of 6.0/22.2 mg/I (S/W) protect against toxicity. This facility's levels are well below the allowable concentrations (see calculations), and new limits should 6 10/27/98 Staff Review and Evaluation NPDES Wastewater Permit (NC0075078) Fact Sheet not pose a compliance problem. Facility does, however, have a choice between ammonia limits or whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing (quarterly chronic at IWC, 13%). Region, please confirm which facility prefers, if it has not had the opportunity to choose. Permit has been drafted with ammonia limits. The allowable concentration of chlorine is 127 µg/l (see calculations); facility is discharging levels high above that value. Facility should be encouraged to employ good plant practices when disinfecting with chlorine so that minimal levels are discharged. Proposed Schedule: Draft Permit to Public Notice: 1/27/99 Permit Scheduled to Issue: 3/15/99 State Contact If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Bethany Bolt at (919) 733-5038, extension 551. Copies of the following are attached to provide further information on the permit development: • TRC and Ammonia Calculations • Diagram of treatment system submitted with application • Existing Permit NPDES Recommendation Regional Office Comments i2 /8 /98 V&r,'e-✓4 t OYL 4D-VAI r15 CQu�r �y) c n�e a� P'--� ,z/z Signature: ICS ���//-��� -/ �' 1 /- 2'1- 9P Recommendation by: `�' -C Reviewed By: Signature: Date: Regional Supervisor: 6,V, /Z-Z_ /n Signature: Date NPDES Unit: u 7 10/27/98 Permit No. NCO075078 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT — PERMIT V,J tv- It'i y TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Wilkes Airport Authority is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Wilkes County Airport IN Oo� Johnson Road (NCSR 1966L (,I() north of Wilkesboro— Rpy fk (A%t," OV"0 Wilkes County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Rock Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, H, and III hereof. This permit shall become effective June 1, 1994 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on ARa30,4999— Signed this day April 30, 1994 Original Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. NC0075078 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Wilkes Airport Authority is hereby authorized to: 1 l G 1. Continue to operate an existing 0.007�1, GD ktewater treatment plant consisting of flow equalization, aeration basin, clarifier, igesterpchlorination, and flow -measurement weir located at Wilkes County Airport, 3ehrtsen Read ilkesboro, Wilkes County (See Part III of this Permit), and �1 p 2. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into an unnamed tributary to Rock Creek which is classified Qws C waters in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. CIS A. (). EFFLUENT LDAITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NCO075078 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfail(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: 1_4Il .171 Sit<dTTF-MM- E3t[31 Flow BOD, 5 day, 200C Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample 'Sample Monthly Ava. Weekly Avg, Daily Max Frequency Type Location 0.0075 MGD Weekly Instantaneous I or E 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I Weekly Grab E 30.0 mg/I 4.0 �S%/1� 45.0 mg/I Weekly r r - Grab E .Z�Vf� 2/Month Grab E 200.VQIO0 ml 400�00 ml Weekly Grab E 2/Week Grab E Weeklya(� Grab E * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent pH 4hall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored weekly at the effluent by grab There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. NCO075078 Facility: Wilkes Co. Airport Discharge to: UT to Rock Creek Stream class and index #: C, 12-(43) (Rock Cr): (4/6/55) Residual Chlorine Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7Q10 (CFS) 0.075 7Q10 (CFS) 0.075 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.0075 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.0075 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.011625 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.01163 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 0.22 ]WC (%) 13.42 WC (%) 13.42 Allowable Conc. (ug/1) 126.7 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 6.0 minimum = 2 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) 0.15 Fecal Limit 200/100ml DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.0075 Ratio of 6.5 :1 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.01163 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 7.19 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 22.2 minimum = 4 CYI-I11DRICAL L'X-11:11DE D ACRAT1011 E-L011 UTAGR/111 Influent .Sao C4llonl 7, �Ow 24 hrs.AErA 4-; O'U A C rAfc�d CA FAc.,+ R r Ra��D SOOO GA1164 5� mod.. C-- SLk rya TAly uat,nl ry-lf skr- E T "R-N K to QTV 01 *54X } t s"" C PU4 Return Sludge N1 Ech A f: c -Al l 71u',N "PIAc,.� C.jcnNCP Clarif ier TAP- Tp b lc t FEEdf sVs rcF M- Cr,lor:N 1'll iAblr"rS �+r�` S.L.R. :250 G-P- f t SA lu tx o f 1 s -T,4b 19tS lusted Sludge L� K • NOT To AMER IC N-E VIRO-PORT, INC. • N Jacksonville, Florida NCO075078 NOTES FOR WILKES CO. AIRPORT PERMIT RENEWAL (NCO075078) Wastewater discharge from Wilkes Co. Airport (Wilkesboro, Wilkes County) to UT to Rock Creek in the Yadkin Pee -Dee Basin. 15A NCAC 2B .0300 Index # 12-(43): Rock Cr classified as C in 4/6/55. ATC Information: • 12 / 4/ 89 ATC issued for 0.007 MGD plant. (Permitted at 0.0075, based on proposed facility, according to 1988 WLA files) Basinwide Plan Information: • Water quality in the upper Yadkin River at Patterson and Wilkesboro has improved over the last decade, but sedimentation continues to be an issue. (This discharge is in the center portion of the Yadkin watershed.) • Nearest ambient station (021121000) is downstream of the W. Kerr Scott Reservoir; upstream of the discharge. • If petitioned, at least portions of Mulberry Creek may qualify for reclassification as ORW or HQW; Mulberry is upstream of Rock Creek on the Yadkin. • Yadkin River near Ronda and Elkin is support threatened due to fecal coliform levels. Correspondence: • 1996 Compliance Inspection Report noted daily max fecal violation recorded on 12 / 6 / 9 5, but otherwise plant operated well. • 1997 Compliance Inspection Report indicated plant operated well. DMR Review: • Flows typically 0.0005-0.0006 MGD. • TSS usually < 5 mg/ 1. • 197 BOD5 levels usually < 5 mg/l; higher on average in `96. • Fecal coliform <2 / 100 ml. • TRC normally 1000-2000 µg/l. • Temperatures normal. • Ammonia usually <0.1 mg/l. General Comments: Is actual design capacity 0.0075 or 0.007 MGD? Files not clear; last ATC in 1989 said 7000 gpd. Diagram submitted with application does not match this ATC—only a 5000-gallon aeration basin, instead of a 7000-gallon. Will draft as 0.0075 and ask region. Calculations indicated ammonia limits of 6.0/ 22.2 mg/ 1 (S / W) are necessary to protect against toxicity. Ammonia limits can be instated immediately; plenty of retention time to reduce levels (as shown by data) . Expiration date to be assigned to this permit is September 30, 2003. s NCO075078 Facility: Wilkes Co. Airport Discharge to: UT to Rock Creek Stream class and index #: C, 12-(43) (Rock Cr): (4/6/55) Residual Chlorine Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7Q10 (CFS) 0.075 7Q10 (CFS) 0.075 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.0075 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.0075 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.011625 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.01163 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 13.42 IWC (%) 13.42 Allowable Conc. (ug/1) 126.7 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) 6.0 minimum = 2 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) 0.15 Fecal Limit 2001100ml DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.0075 Ratio of 6.5 :1 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.01163 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 7.19 Allowable Concentration (mgll) 22.2 minimum = 4