HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0031857_Monitoring - 03-2022_20240417IBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIV OF WATER RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 276991617 FACILITY INFORMATION Red" Pgdf Ciii Type PERMIT Number. Fxpiraho^ Dare c acility Name OAK ISLAND SATELLITE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY Non -Discharge WOOClt65' UIC r'ennd Name (if different) NPOES Other Address 5209 FAST YACHT DR TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ® Lagoon ❑ Remediation Infiltration Gallery iK ISLAND NC 28465 County BRUNSWICK ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation Contact Person MARK MOORE Telephoned (910)201.9023 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application or Sludge Jell LocatwrvSte Name GOLF COURSE No of wells to be sampled 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): WW-1 Date sample collected 17,2022 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS .Veil Depth It Well Diameter 2 in pH oo400 5 4 units Temp. 000lo 17.6 aC DRY at Depth to Water Level e2s4e 1.0 R below measuring point Screened Interval It to R. Spec. Cond. 00094 jios mh time sampling, Measuring Point is 2 R above land surface Relative M P. Elevation It Odor Dopes NONE check Volume of water pumperYba4ed before sampl,ng 5 gallons Appearance CLOUDY here ❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered I YES ❑ NO and field and fled 1E YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Dale sample analyzed 3,74022 Laboratory Name ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC Certification No 37729 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Ndnte (NOA as N oo615 .02 mg,L Pb - Lead oip51 ugfL Coldorm MF Fecal 316i6 1 /100mL Nitrate (NO.) as N 00620 03 mg,'L Zn - Zinc 01092 mg)L Coliform MF Total 31504 I1DOmL Phosphorus Total as P 00665 0.16 mg/L (Nab U1e WN, 1 nor ngNy d� d )amyl))) Orthophosphate 70507 mg7L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) issolved Solids Total 703M 296 mg/L AI - Aluminum atiDS mg1 pH (Lab) 00403 5.4 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L TOC oo6ao mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 mg1 Chloride Krmo 59 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic III= ug/L Chromium Total o1a34 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mglL Cu - Copper 01042 rng/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS. HPLC) Phenol 32730 uglL Fe -Iron oio45 ug/L (Specify test and method a- ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mglL Hg - Mercury 7igo0 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific. Conductance 00095 I,Mhos K - Potassium 00937 mg1L VOC 7e73 method 0 _ Total Ammonia oo5ia 0.7 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L method a i - N,r n NH,la N!mnM•4 Nuopan TOW, Mn- Manganese oio55 ug/L method N TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L method a For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs mg/L Effluent Total VOCs Ig VOC Removal% L S? 51 ics C 1,C - K, n Mae la AUNdmed Agent) Name and TNe - Pba1e pmt or type SgnMure (P.mM , _, -, 7 _':e,i ; ;r GW-59 Rev 06-07-201e GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM rACILITYINFORMATION -- I ea'yar'we Name OAK ISLAND SATELLITE WATER RECLAVAT ION FACILITY -A Name (d different) Fa, .Ny Address 5209 FAST YACHT DR act Person MARK MOORE Location/Site Name GOLF COURSE L ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-2 Depth _k n to Water Level 12s4a 3 Z It below measuring point luring Point is 2 fir above and surface ne of water pumped/bai ed before sampling 5 County BRUNSWICK Telephone) (910t201-W23 No of wells to be sampled 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL GUALIrV- DIV OF WATER RESOURCES INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1611 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH. NC 27699-1617 PERMIT Number Expiration Date e71202' Non-Discha•ge �,�A-31557 UIC _ NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon ❑ Riemediabon Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remadialton ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land AppliraBon Cf Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other WE-L Dale sample collected 174022 Well Diameter 2 in Screened Interval _fi. to _1t. Reiatrve M P Elevation gallons FIELD ANALYSES: PH oo4o0 5 9 units Spec Cond 00064 Odor 000s5 NONE Appearance CLOUDY ite sample analyzed T2. LaboratoryName ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC 1RAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Tamp 000to 16.9 •C DRY at "Mhos ume of Cen&cation No 37729 COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NOS} as N 00615 02 mg/L Pb - Lead 01051 ug/L Coldonn MF Fecal 31sis 1 /I DDmL Nitrate (NO3) as N W620 .Oa mg/L Zn - Zinc 01092 ^� Coldorm MF Total 315W M00mL Phosphorus Total as P Do"5 0.08 mg7L ?line J. WN r—,iI b r,0y GrDA.a W, Orthophosphate 7DS07 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and CorlcentrW r, r, U,1•!s: ,solved Solids Total 10300 211 ng/L At - Aluminum o11os mg1L PH (Lab) oo6a3 5.9 up" Be - Barnum oioo7 ug/L _ TOC ooeso mg/L Ce - Calcium oosts mg/L Chloride oDw 56 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L _ Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromlum Total 0103A ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mgn. Cu - Copper 01042 -og,L ORGANICS (by GC. GOMS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L ! S pecdy test and method 0. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00965 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) ec!fic Conductance 00095 "Mhos K - Potassium 00937 mglL VOC 7e73 , method a Total Ammonia 00610 0.e mgA- Mg - Magresium 00927 mg1L method • '"^ . Nm6p.n Nit,. N A"^`"" N-0-T Mn - Marganese ofa55 ug/L . method a TKN as N 00625 'It Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L , method IF For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports) ITfiJent Total VOCS mg!L Eflluert Total VOCs Mg: L VUU KemDVal-1. / retinae" tar Aumdlired Agoffl) Name and Tdle - P—e PM1 or rrGe SiQrrAlixa Of P-111" Ia A WP lid A9n%l GW-59 Rev 05-07.201e u GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Fec�N.I., ..ATInN E'46A•' + acility Name UAK ISLAND SATELLITE WATER RECLA. ' FACK ITY Permit Name (d ddfereni) Facility Address. 5209 EAST YACHT DR OAK ISLAND NC 26465 Contact Person MARK MOORE Jell Location/Site Name GOLF COURSE County BRLNSWICK Telephone# (910)201.6023 No of wells to be sampled 3 WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-3 Date sample collected 37 2022 Afl Depth _fL Well Diameter 2 in Depth to Water Level a2546 3 4 It below measuring paint Screened Interval It to _R Measuring Point �s 2 8. above land surface Relative M P Elevation It. `.'Hume of water pumped/bailed before sampl,ng 5 gallons Samples for metals were collected unfiltered , YES ❑ NO and field acidified E YES ❑ NO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, DN OF WATER RESOURCE INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RALEIGH. NC 276>f6.1H7 RMIT Number: Expiration Dale 8 3V2021 n-Discharge W00031857 UIC -DES Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ■ Lagoon ❑ Remediation Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remedistion ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other FIELD ANALYSES: pH 00400 6 3 units Spec Cond oiw94 Odor ODoes SULFER Appearance CLOUDY Temp 00010 17.2 +C DRY at Mhos I time of ne sample anatyzed 3,72022 Laboratory Name ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC Certification No 37729 1RAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations' COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N cools .D2 mg/L Coliform MF Fecal 31616 1 /100mL Nitrate (NO,) as N 009" .02 mg7L Cokform MF Total 31W /t DOmL Phosphorus Total as P 00sas 0.42 rip/L r % Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L solved Solids Total 70300 269 ni AI - Aluminum o1105 mg/L pH (Lab) oo4o3 6.3 units So - Barium oioo7 ug1L TOC 006so mg/L Cs - Calcium ooa16 mg/L Chloride 00940 65 mg4 Cd - Cadmium 01027 U91L Arsenic 010e2 ug/L Chromium Total o1034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 ITg/L Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L Sulfate 00945 mgtL Hg - Mercury 719W ug/L ecific Conductance ooD9s pMhos K - Potassium 00937 InglL Total Ammonia 00610 1.5 rri Mg - Magnesium o0927 rrg/L ­ Wlrnin NISr N ­ a N,9em ToW: Mn - Manganese 01055 uglL TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L Pb - Lead 01051 ug/L Zn - Zinc 01092 myL Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method X. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7873 method 0 method # method a method Is For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports)' Influent Total VOCs rug L Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal%. —Tot-, ClcrK r� om- tii I:,0 r/-/ `I Parm4Ne (w A, ,h.,eJ A2en1i Name a'd Title - Please purl or rym S"onyi of Perm Mee (w AullmorIIs6 A9en11 IDaiai GW-59 Rev 06-07-2018 n Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* WQ0031857 Name of Facility:* OAK ISLAND SATELLITE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY Month: * March Year: * 2022 Report Information Type* Upload Document* GW-59 GW-322.pdf PDF Only Confirmation Email Address: Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review 1.25M B Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). spoparch@oakislandnc.gov Bobby Poarch Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 4/17/2024 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0031857 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 4/17/2024