HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0031857_Monitoring - 07-2021_20240416worm i rvnwi UN TtLLVYy —tN UNLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING LIEU= DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY -DIV OF WATER RESOURCES COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM INFORMATION PROCESSING UNR FACILITY INFORMATION PINY Pnnr CNarly orTypa 1.11 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH. NC 27699.1a1T PERMIT Number Expiration Date 91.2021 Facility Name OAK IS.AND SATELLITE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY Non-Drscnarge ViOc031B5' UIC Permit Name (d different) NPDES Other Facility Address. 5209 EAST YACHT OR TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED OAK ISLAND INC 28465 County BRUNSWICK X Lagoon ❑ Remediation Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remedtation Contact Person MARK MOORE Telephone# (910)201.8023 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name GOLF COURSE Noof wells to be sampled 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other «m SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-1 Date sample collected 7/26/2021 FIELD ANALYSES. WAS Well Depth _R. Well Diameter 2 in. pH oo400 5.3 units Temp. 000io 24.8 •C DRY at Depth to Water Level e2546. 2.7 R below measuring point Screened Interval R. to R. Spec Cond000w pMhos time of MeasuringPoint is 2 R. above land surface Relative M P. Elevation fL Odor 000e5 NONE sampling checx. Volume of water pumpe,&baded before sa^ phng 5 gallons Appearance CLEAR ,Samples for metals Were collected unfiltered E YES ❑ NO and field acidified EYES ❑ NO ite sample analyzed 746.2021 Laboratory Name ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC IRAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD oo33e mg& Ndrde (NO2) as N D0615 04 mg/L Coldorm MF Fecal 31616 1 /100mt. Nitrate (NO,) as N 00620 ,05 mg/L Cohfonn MF Total 3i5o4 /100mL Phosphorus Total as P DDees 0.11 mg/L i NoW Um WN-br"Ny p✓atl uirylM/ Orthophosphate 70507 m91L solved Solids Total 7o3oo 130 mg/L At - Aluminum of io5 ng/L pH (Lab) oo4o3 5.3 units Be - Barium 01007 ug/L TOC DDoeo mg/L Ca - Calcium 0o9is mg/L Chloride oo9Ao 44 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L ChromiumTota10103e ug/L Grease and 011s 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg1L Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron plows ug/L Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L ecdic Conductance 0009s pMhos K - Potassium 00937 mg; L Total Amnronia ooeio ,2 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L (M & -MpM NKr er N Ammorw N*Ww Tour; Mn- Manganese olDsS ug/L TKN as N W625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L Certification No. 37729 Pb - Lead D1051 ug/L Zn - Zinc 01D92 mg,L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Unitsi ORGANICS: (by GC. GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method N. ATTACH LAB REPORT.I Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7e73 , method * method 0 method 0 method 2 n on aystams vnry tAttacn Lao neportsi innueni Iotai Vvus mg/L tmuent total V(JGs mg!L VOC Removal% S+;+C S j O i,..n C l eJ' Pamai.e is ALlh—.d A9ae1) N— arA Tab - PINY pied or to. SVM— or Pennat- tar AU iiid Agenil - < GW-59 Rev 0647.2018 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIV. OF WATER RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: INFORMAT..PROCESSINGUNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM t677 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH. NC 27696-1617 FACILITY INFORMATION Please c. -HYaTyq PERMIT Number: Expiration Date 8312021 Facility Name OAK ISLAND SATELLITE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY Non -Discharge WQf,031P57 UIC Permit Name (if different) NPDES Other Facility Address 5209 EAST YACHT DR TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED OAK ISLAND NC 28465 County BRUNSWICK ® Lagoon ❑ Remediation Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation Contact Person. MARK MOORE Telephone% (910)201.6023 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name, GOLF COURSE Noof wells to be sampled 3 e.m ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-2 Date sample collected 71262021 FIELD ANALYSES. WAS tVell Depth _R. Well Diameter. 2 in. pH oo4o0 6.0 units Temp. 000io 252 aC DRY at time of De p g point Depth to Water Level e25x6 2.0 R. below measuring Screened Interval _R. to _R. Spec. Cond. t100ax p Mhos aamphnq Measuring Point is 2 ftabove land surface Relative M.P. Elevation. ft. Odor 00065 NONE check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling 5 gallons Appearance CLEAR here O Sam ks for metals were collected unfiltered EYES ❑ NO and field acidified AYES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Cate sample analyzed 7f26R021 Laboratory Name ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC Certification No. 37729 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD Goods mg/L Ndnte (NO,) as N W815 .0/ mg/L Pb - Lead 0105, U91L Coldorm MF Fecal 31616 3400 /100ml- Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 .04 mg/L Zn - Zinc 01092 mg/L Cokfor m. MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus Total as P oosss 0.12 mg/L (Nor UM AVN maMdler nighty veil nmprq Orthophosphate 70507 n1g/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) issolved Solids Total 7o3oo 21 mg/L At - Aluminum o11o5 mg/L pH (Lab) 00403 6.0 units Be - Barium 01007 ug/L _ TOC oowo mg/L Ca - Calcium ooate mg/L Chloride ttoi 5 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium Total oto36 ug/L :>ease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Capper 01042 mg.'L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS. HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron o1o45 ug/L (Specify test and method 0. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate ops4s mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) pecd(c Conductance 00095 pMhos K - Potassium W937 mg/L VOC 7673 method N Total Ammoma 00610 .2 mg/L Mg - Magnesium oog27 mg/L method ly (—oms Ndogn NH,u N. Arordva NWyan TOWI Mn - Manganese 01055 ug/L method a TKN as N 60625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs mg+L Effluent Total VOICs mg L VOC Removal% PennVes (or Autnpnxed Agerx) Nana and Tnle - Please pnnt or type Sign lune of Pefmxtee (of Authorized gene 1 GW-59 Rev 06-07-2016 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY -DIV OF WATER RESOURCES NFGRMA710N PROCESSING ..IT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1.11 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 276aa-1617 FACILITY INFORMATION Finer Pmr Cl." or Too PERMIT Number: Expiration Date N31=1 Facility Name OAK ISLAND SATELLITE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY N3ri-D,scharge W00031857 UIC Permit Name (d different) NPOES Other Facility Address. 5209 EAST YACHT DR TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED OAK ISLAND NC 26465 County BRUNSWICK i Lagoon ❑ Remediation Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation Contact Person. MARK MOORE Telephone# (910)201.8023 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Wait LocatwNSile Name GOLF COURSE No. of wells to be sampled. 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW-3 Date sample collected. 7/262021 FIELD ANALYSES. WAS Well Depth: Well Diameter 2 in pH ao400. 6.2 units Temp. oo010 25.7 °C DRY at _fl Depth t0 Water Level 825" 1.6 ft. below measuring paint Screened Interval ft. to ft. Spec. Cond. 000si pMhos time sampling, Measuring Point is 2 ft. above land surface Relative M P. Elevation ft. Odor 000a5 NONE check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling 5 gallons Appearance CLEAR here Samples for metals were collected unfiltered ®YES ❑ NO and field acid tied ® YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed P222021 Laboratory Name. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC Certification No. 37729 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO=) as N 00615 04 rng4 Pb - Lead 01051 ugfL Colifonn MF Fecal 31e16 1 ri 00mL Nitrate (NO,) as N 00620 1.68 mg/L Zn - Zinc oi092 mg/L Colifonn MF Total 31504 1100mL Phosphorus. Total as P ooees 0.09 mg/L (NOW Um wN in•iftod is r ohil nxoa..agi.c' Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) issolved Solids. Total To3oo 249 mglL At - Aluminum of 105 mg/L pH (Lab) 00403 6.2 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L TOC po6so mg/L Ca - Calcium o9a16 mg/L Chloride oow 67 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium. Total oio34 ug/L Grease and OIIS 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 91o45 ug/L (Specify test and method a. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance 00095 nMhos K - Potassium 00937 -nq _ VOC Ten , method a Total Ammonia W610 .2 mg1L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg L , method s "N^ 11 P°boa°" n","N `'"Y10^• N" 2O TOWi Mn - Manganese class ug/L , method a TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L met^od a For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs mg/L Effluent Total VOCs .erg. L VUC Hemoval-/. JL I cii K C i' Permnee far Autnonted Agent) Nairia aM T-11-Please Pr:ni o' iype Sgnat a of Peminee (or A.It—ed A9er4) IDelw GW-59 Rev 06-07-201e Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* WQ0031857 Name of Facility:* OAK ISLAND SATELLITE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY Month: * July Year: * 2021 Report Information Type* Upload Document* GW-59 GW-721.pdf PDF Only Confirmation Email Address: Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review 1.41MB Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). spoarch@oakislandnc.gov Bobby Poarch Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 4/16/2024 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0031857 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 4/17/2024