HomeMy WebLinkAboutCleveland Bluffs Stream Restoration Plan V3_6-13-24 (reduced)Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan Requested By: KG Plaza, LLC Mr. Jack Carlisle & Mr. Fields Carlisle 8620 River Road Wilmington, NC 28412 Prepared By: 150utkern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 910.452.2711 Date: June 13, 2023 — V3 Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi 1. Introduction KG Plaza LLC seeks to restore 456 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Middle Creek in the Neuse River Watershed, in Johnston County, North Carolina. The unnamed tributary (UT 1) was piped as part of ongoing development activities. This Restoration Plan has been composed to address the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDVvR) concerns outlined in their Notice of Violation dated June 24, 2019. This document will summarize the history of UT 1, pre- and post -disturbance site conditions, and the proposed Restoration Plan. II. Location The site is located within the Cleveland Bluffs subdivision, located south of the intersection of Cornwallis Road and Cleveland Road, near Garner, NC (see Attachment I — Vicinity Map). UT 1 is located along the west side of the clubhouse and north of an existing pond. It is in the Neuse River Basin, and the Upper Neuse subbasin. The 8-digit HUC is 03020201. This site is not located within a Neuse River Basin Targeted Local Watershed. The USGS Edmondson quad was utilized for this document (see Attachment 2 — USGS Topo Map). 111. Watershed Data The general watershed area of Middle Creek is comprised of single-family subdivisions and agricultural land. According to the USGS tool StrearnStats, UT I has a drainage area of 20 acres (0.0313 sq. mi.) (see Attachment 3 — Drainage Area Map). The watershed consists of a portion of the Cleveland Elementary School, Cornwallis Road, some wooded areas, rural pasture, and meadow. IV. Existing Site Conditions A. Pre -development Conditions Historically, the entire area of the subdivision was agricultural land. UT I was likely channelized to maintain good farm drainage pre-1950. Cleveland Elementary, constructed in approximately 2004, lies to the northeast of UT 1. It appears that most of the stormwater generated from impervious surfaces on this property is collected via stormwater inlets and piped directly into the channelized feature upstream of UT 1. Most recently, UT 1 was part of a residential parcel, that contained a single mobile home. There was a cultivated field along the west side of UT 1 up until 2015, and a smaller cultivated field on the east side of UT 1, north of the mobile home until 2015. A soil road provided access from Cornwallis Road, which had a culverted crossing over the unnamed tributary. There was also a culverted crossing downstream, at the point that UT 1 enters the existing pond. UT I was a relatively straight channel, with, at best, intermittent flow, based on in -person observations. The feature did not have any benching or steep banks and was regularly mowed by the landowner. The lower third of this channel had been possibly excavated and impounded sometime after 2006, based on Google Earth imagery (see Attachment 4 — 2014 Google Earth Aerial). On April 24, 2015, Johnston County made a sitewide Neuse River Buffer Determination. UT I (Feature B on Buffer Call) was determined to be "not subject" to the Johnson County Neuse River Buffer Ordinance. (see Attachment 5 — Neuse River Buffer Call). No N.C. Stream Assessment Method (NCSAM) forms were completed before UT I was piped. However, based on available historical aerial imagery, extensive experience, and observations of similar drain -ways, it is likely that UT 1 would score as a low -quality stream in both ratings classes (USACE and NCDWR). Based on these ratings, UT 1 seemed to only serve as a low functioning conduit for upstream stormwater to quickly move through the channel and enter the existing pond. Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5r-Gi This rapid movement through the system would have provided little uplift or value to downstream water quality. B. Current Conditions The upstream off -site reach of UT 1 could be classified as a channelized headwater stream. The culvert at the upstream end of UT 1 was moved as part of installation of an asphalt pedestrian walking trail to serve the subdivisions residents. UT 1 was then piped down to an existing pond. The site was then graded and stabilized with grasses and is mowed and maintained as green space. C. Soils According to the Soil Survey of Johnston County, UT 1 is mapped as Cowarts loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes. This well drained soil was formed on ridges on marine terraces and is comprised of loamy and sandy marine deposits. D. Existing Plant Communities The site is currently regularly mowed and maintained as green space for the subdivision. E. Threatened and Endangered Species According to N.C. Natural Heritage Program, there are no element occurrences within UT 1. V. Restoration Plan To restore UT I to stream configuration, the existing pipe will be removed, and the channel restored in its original footprint ( see Attachment 6 —Post-Development Impacts to Stream and Wetlands and Proposed Mitigation, Restoration of Channel). The lower third of UT 1 was a pond pre -impact but will be restored to a continuous channel down to the culvert under the amenities access road which flows to the exiting pond resulting in approximately 456' of stream channel. The culvert at the upper and lower ends of the restoration area will be buried 20%. The basic stream design includes a 2' channel bottom, slightly larger than the average width of the original bottom which will reduce the velocity and allow longer water retention within the stream bed. The channel bottom will be on a 1.4 1 % grade or slope, similar to the original channel. The base channel banks are designed to be on a 2:1 slope. A 3' wide bank -full -bench is designed on either side of the base channel. This has a 3:1 slope extending to the top -of -bank. The stream banks will be lined with coir matting anchored in place and overseeded. Based on velocity calculations, seeding the coir matted banks with Class C or D vegetation will meet 2-year and 10-year events. The site will be stabilized with the appropriate wetland seed mix and a variety of non -wetland seed and live stakes higher on the banks and adjacent to the channel. Additionally, the headwater of this tributary is comprised of mature tree and shrub species, which will also provide a seed source for volunteer site appropriate species over time. Irrigation of the restoration planting will be done as necessary. Please see Attachment 6 for stream design drawings and Channel Analysis Worksheet. The construction sequence would include removal of the pipe and stabilizing the channel in one event. During this time, sediment and erosion control measures will be utilized to prevent sediment discharge into downstream waters. While we would hope this can be accomplished in 2 weeks, it will be weather dependent and may take longer in adverse conditions. All soil removed during this process will be placed in the spoil area shown on Sheet 6. 1. Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi To start the restoration, process the restoration plan does require the approval of NC DWR and the USACE. This restoration plan is included in the current Nationwide Permit request. Once we have received approval to begin the restoration process, work will begin as soon as possibly but with some consideration of the growing season and germination requirements of the approved seed mix. We would propose an approximate start date of May 15' and approximate completion by June 30'. We do realize that we have 120 days from the approval date to complete the restoration process and will adjust our timeline accordingly to meet the agreed upon deadline. V1. Monitoring Plan The monitoring plan for the site will follow the guidance outlined in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — Wilmington District Public Notice: Notification of Issuance of Guidance for Compensatory Stream and Wetland Mitigation Conducted for Wilmington District (October 24, 2016). Monitoring data collected on the site will include photos, plant survival analyses, and channel stability analyses. Monitoring will take place quarterly for the first year and then annually for a total of 5 years, unless the NCDWR and USACE agrees the site has met the success criteria and monitoring can be stopped. Early completion of monitoring will only be provided through written approval from the NCDWR and USACE. Annual monitoring reports will be submitted to these agencies no later than November 30 of each monitoring year. A. Stream Monitoring Stream monitoring and reports will include monitoring of the vegetative, hydrologic, and geomorphic ftinctions of the restored channel. This will include two cross sections (1 riffle, 1 pool). Channel stability will be assessed yearly, to track performance of the restoration work. Visual inspection to assess hydrologic regime will be conducted at each monitoring event, to include assessment of channel establishment and migration, overbank events, and ordinary high-water indicators. Vegetation will be monitored for health and vigor, to include documentation of the need for additional plantings as necessary to maintain channel stability. Visual monitoring will be conducted by traversing the entire mitigation site to identify and document areas of poor plant vigor, areas dominated by undesirable volunteer species, prolonged inundation, native and exotic invasive species, or other areas of concern. Additionally, two quadrats will be utilized to track species, coverage, stem density and vigor. B. Success Criteria Succuss criteria for UT I will be accomplished after the following parameters are met. 1. Bank stabilization — 90% of the stream bank is observed to be stable, with no signs of ongoing erosion (bank rilling or head cutting). 2. Vegetation — 90% of the planted stems survive with 90% vegetative cover of the restored area. 3. All required repairs for site stabilization and success are made expeditiously. V11. Pond Berm Removal The berm will be lowered to at or about the water level and a culvert located along the eastern side of the pond will be removed. This will involve the removal of the existing trees, the existing culvert, and a portion of the berm material. All items will be removed, placed in uplands and stabilized. Suitable plant species, such as Willow trees maybe planted. See Figure 7. 4 Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi Attachment I Location Map C� "0401 CL M D, dge Or Southloft Di O�job Rd 0 'Z�ack 67 0 CA, 4 Cl/ co sou4c" ornwa Rd 0302020109 and oe 7; 'I-0 0 V-d +q "'JU014 Ir" Ln Stream Restoration Project Area HUC - Middle Creek 0 0.1250.25 0.5 0.75 1 Miles Vicinity Map N 1 inch = 1 miles Cleveland Bluffs Stream Restoration Clayton, Johnston Co., N.C. 9 Map Source: ESRI Street Maps 12/18/2020 019-115.01 S Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi Attachment 2 USGS Topo Map -170 BALMO �Mo Stream Restoration Project Area 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 USGS Topo Map Feet Cleveland Bluffs Stream Restoration 1 inch = 800 feet Clayton, Johnston Co., N.C. Map Source: USGS TopoVlew Service, P4- 2016 Edmondson panel, 7.5'quad, 1:24k scale 12/18/2020 019-115.01 S Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 15E-6i Attachment 3 Drainage Area Map A 0 ; 0 41P % /44, r- � NO* elk aw Pq . � 1'. op "AL A* Stream Restoration Project Area StreamStats Watershed Area HUC - Middle Creek 0 0.0150.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 ramage Area Map N Miles 1 inch = 0 miles Cleveland Bluffs Stream Restoration w -tff�" E Map Source: 2019 NCOneMaps Orthoirnagery, Garner, Johnston Co., N.C. 14 ( '511ci USGS StrearnStats Service 12/18/2020 019-115.01 S i-- - ) 16 0014 4r4J IWI io pill" a &A' 4 Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi Attachment 4 2014 Google Earth Aerial IL AW-1 :46 rph . L . Ae Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi Attachment 5 Neuse River Buffer CaU 6"""" W"11/4 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES POST OFFICE BOX 2263 SMITHFIELD, N.C. 27577 (919) 989-5075 May 19, 2015 Donnie Adams, PE DC Adarns Engineering, Inc. 335 Athletic Club Blvd. Clayton, NC 27527 Subject: Neuse River Buffer Call NBR# NB 15-005 Project Name: Cleveland Bluffs PUD (NC PIN# 163600-54-5620) Location / Directions: Cornwallis Road, Garner, NC, approximately 0.30 miles south of the intersection of Cornwallis Rd and Cleveland Rd. Parcel is located on east side of Cornwallis Rd. Subject Stream: UT to Middle Creek (C,NSW) Determination Date: April, 24, 2015 Staff: Carlos Bagley, PE Feature Stream Type (E/l/P)- Not Subject Subject Starili.6, 'Stop'@, $Oil Survey USGS Topq Utitudd (Dec. D, egrees) Longitude (Dec. -Degrees) A Pond z o Pond not sul�ject z z Al 1 0 Z Below Pond B E z 1:1 C P E] D P z z z E Pond z 1:1 R z F Pond F] N z z G P 1:1 z z z H Pond M R R 71 'E111P = Epheineral / Intei-mittentl Perennial Printed on recycled paper Co Explanation: The feature(s) listed above that are checked "Subject" to the Johnston County Neuse Riparian Buffer Ordinance (Section 14-393 Johnston County Code of Ordinances) has or have been approximately shown on either the Soil Survey of Johnston County, North Carolina (1994) or the most recent version of the 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) quadrangle topographic maps prepared by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS), and have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined not to be a strearn or is not present on the property. There may be other streams located on your property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but still may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by Johnston County may request a determination by the Director of the Division of Water Resources c/o the 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit, or its successor. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of the date of this letter or from the date the affected party (including downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director must be submitted in writing with a copy of this letter to: North Carolina Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, a request for an appeal has been made in writing within sixty (60) days. The owner/future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including any Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office at (919) 554-4884 and the Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit at (919) 791-4200. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Carlos Bagley at (919) 209-8333 or via email at carlos.bagleyLujohnstornic,com. Sincerely, Carlos Bagley, PE Envirom-nental Manager R-i-parian Buffer/ Stream Determination Property Info, Sandra S, Allen Soil Survey of Johnston County 9638 Cleveland Road North Carolina Clayton, Nr, 27520 PIN# 163600-54-5620 USDA Soil Conservation Service Johnston County Public Utilities 1994 Thomas Franklin Allen, Jr. 309 E. Market Street 2426 Cornwallis Road P.O. Box 2263 Garner, NC 27629 Smithfield, NC 27577 PIN# 16300-63-2285 Riparian Buffer / Stream Determination FEATURE A - Not Subject 00 FEATURE E (UPPER POND) - Not Subject Z] FEATURED - Tu 7bi e c t7] FEATURE G - Su bject CHANE DRI FEATURE F (LOWER POND) - Subject z FEATURE H - Not Subject ALLE R 1.P 6 F Johnston County Public Utilities 309 E Market Street P-0, Box 2263 Smithfield, INC 27577 Property Info: USGS Topographical Map Sandra S. Allen 9638 Cleveland Road Edmondson Quad Clayton, NC 27520 7.5-Minute Series PIN# 163600-54-5620 2013 Thomas Franklin Allen, Jr. 2426 Cornwallis Road Garner, NC 27529 PIN# 16300-63-2285 Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi Attachment 6 Post -Development Impacts to Stream and Wetlands and Proposed Mitigation Restoration of Channel 10 JURISDITIONAL STREAM EX. CROSSING (NOT SUBJECT TO BUFFER RULES) S/ TE J 24" PIPE' 0 APPROX. LOCA TION OF UNDERGROUND JUNCTION BOX S1 TE 2A 44, PIPE OUTFALL JJ (NO IMPACTS) YELLOW PINE LANE -I- _T T F- — 15 HDPE P( E 0 Z , %xx- rL PRE-DEV. I I ULLVC�L/ANU OLUrr,---) r ri /A L7 — — — — — — 1-7 — — — — — — LT- — — — — —L-, — - —L-7 — — — — — — — — — I 15 RCP SWALE ��PIPE OUTFALL 3.2 IROQUIS COURT PIPE OUTFALL 3.3 Q/ TE_ A S/ TE 5--l"I J_ L------- PROPERTY BOUNDARY SPRING CREEK ESTATES 0)) SITE 1B AREA = 1.94 AC / ®r EX. SITE 1A GROVE 01 '11400, 40 OVERALL PROPERTY BOUNDARY �\� POST- DEVELOPM ENT I M PACTS STREAM IMPACTS WETLAND IMPACTS SITE DESCRIPTION (FEET) (AC) (SF) 113 DRIVEWAY CROSSING/PARKING 38 2A, 213 SIDEWALK/TRAIL 3 STORMWATER PIPING 490 4 ROADWAY CROSSING 54 0.025 1,098 1 5 ISANITARYSEWER CROSSING - 0.000 9 U TI Ll TY ESM T. I APPROX. PRE —DEVELOPMENT WETLAND AREA S TREA M IMPA C TS WE TL A ND IMPA C TS FFS - FUTUREPHASE �.�OVERALL PROPERTY BOUNDARY (s) CSD ENGINEERING tICENSE,f C-2710 ENGINEERING �AND P�ANNING COUIVERCW / RESIDENTIA� P.O. SOX 1250 WENDM, NC 27591 (910) 791-4441 8 f�2 C-5 C/) cQ1 cs Zzi cn 9 Rg Z�t t2 >: 2 �LOJ p L&.j CL 0) C) ,'I- 00 (N (J Qu cj:: or CL u-) N c) Zo 5LGi 41 R 15 DA TE. 1212112020 HORZ. SCALE. 1" = 50' DRA WN B Y- LJO CHECKED B Y- DS PROJECT NO.: 18-0454 Sheet PD-J.0 Sheet No. OF 9 P11001 pwil 260 R Rl C. PIPE i Fl (r/N) 7 z MUL Tl— USE PATH COIR MATTING WITH RIPARIAN SEED MIX moo -180 x 2+00 001�1 ----- ------------------------------------------------- cc COIR MA T, G WITH ' �11G RIPA RIA N SEED MIX x AND MU�CH �x Z---- x ---- EX. LOT LINESZ - %O-p REMO VE JB 3. 0' SE CHA NNEL CLUB HOUSE ACCESS ROAD 274 4-� REMOVE DI -:-7 �-- —�- - -? 12 214 /? WARY SEASON GRA SS (SOD) J. 0, J.0, C/) Ir COIR MATTING WTH NATURAL SUBSTRATE RIPARIAN SEED MIX CHANNEL TYPICAL SEC71ON 270 —�qqq MULTI— USE PATH 6. 0' GRADED SHOULDER (47o) TEMP. SAND BA GS r EX. i 37ROUND @ "DAYLIGHT CENTERLINE OF CHANNEL 3:1 SLOPE TO PIPE CLUB HOUSE ACCESS ROAD GRADED SHOULDER (47o) APPROX. BANKFULL BENCH (1. 75) A B 0 VE THA L WEG) 4.0' 3-1 SLOPE TO PIPE "DAYLIGHT EX. 24 R. C. PIPE (INV BURIED 0.41) CHANNEL THALWEG (INVERT) EX. 24 R. C. PIPE (INV. BURIED 0. 4)) APPROX. POND ELEV 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 PIN P**Ioj 6) C,O*SD ENGINEERING tICENSE j C-2710 ENGINEERING �AND PtANNING COMIVERCIAt / RESIDENTIA� P.O. SOX 1250 WENDEtt, NC 27591 (910) 791-4441 zs CA 0 knb-1 Cc) -'s L WZ CZD L.Lj ZJ 00 N cj� Or N z( Cl- Ln (D (N-j 'S -s'- J"! A-, e C A y 0 E A 032 21 E 00 /1/ 00-- / N /v ....... ,ok 0 G� 104ill PLAN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION ca co d cr- DA TE.- 1211412021 HORZ. SCALE 1" 20' VERT SCALE 1" 2' DRA WN B Y- JO CHECKED B Y- DS PROJECT NO.: 18— 0454 260 Sheet PD-6.0 Sheet No. 1 OF 2 .10 TEMP. SA AGSI 7N 24 R1. C. PIPE --64w— (R IN) STEE[--P--lPE ACROSS PATH W1 TH BUMPERS "CONS TRUCRO"HEAU" WARNING SIGN ON PA TH CONSTRUCTION SEQUEN 1. FLAG WORK LIMITS, SILT FENCE, AND AND STOCKPILE AREA. 2 HOLD S17E MEETING K17H COUNTY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY LAND DISTURBING WORK. J. INSTALL CONS7RUCRON ENTRANCE. 4. INSTALL SILT FENCE, SAFETY FENCE (AS NEEDED IN PEDESTRIAN AREAS) AND OTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRAC77CES SHOWN PRIOR TO DEMOLITION, CLEARING, STRIPPING OF TOPSOIL AND ROUGH GRADING. 5. INSTALL PUMP, HOSES (STEEL PIPE AT CROSSINGS) AND S71LLING BASIN, PLUG CHANNEL AND PIPE KITH SAND BAGS AND BEGEN PUMP AROUND OPERA TION. 6. GRADE SHOULDER AND SLOPE TO PIPE DAYLIGHT AND BEGIN REMOVAL OF EXIS71NG PIPE, GRADE CHANNEL SLOPES AND BED AS PIPE IS REMOVED. 7 PREPARE AND STABILIZE CHANNEL SLOPES K17H COIR MAT71NG AND SEED, DO NOT GRADE SLOPES MORE THAN WHAT CAN BE STABILIZED BY THE END OF EACH DAY OF WORK. 8. ESTABLISH AND STABILIZE HAUL ROADS, STAGE EQUIPMENT AND MA7ERIALS AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL IN THE AREA SHOWN WHILE MAINTAINING A 25' CLEAR AREA AROUND STOCK PILES. 9. EXCESS SOIL AND DEMOL17ION MATERIAL CAN BE HAULED TO PERMIT7ED STOCKPILE AREAS LOCA7ED W7111N FUTURE PHASE. la INSTALL SEEDING, MULCHING AND MAT77NG ON DISTURBED AREAS. 11. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CON7ROL PRAC710ES ARE TO BE INSPECTED WEEKLY AND AFTER ANY RAINFALL; REPAIR AS NECESSARY. .00 "SOIL STABUZA770N NOTES 1. SOIL STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES.- STAGING & STOCKPILE AREA S17E AREA DESCRIP77ON STABILIZA71ON 71MEFRAME EXCEP71ONS PERIME7ER DIKESSWALES 7 DAYS NONE DITCHES AND SLOPES HIGH QUALITY ZONES (HQW) 7 DAYS NONE SLOPES SIEEPER THAN 3.1 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10 FT OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE ARE NOT S7EEPER THAN 2. 1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWD SLOPES 3.1 OR FLAPER 14 DA YS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATR THAN 50 FTIN LENG7H ALL 07HER AREAS W7H SLOPES 14 DA YS NONE, EXCEPT FOR PERIMETR AND FLA TIER THAN 4. 1 HQW ZONES 2 DENUDED AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED W7111N FIFTEEN (15) WORKING DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY PHASE OF AC71WTY ALL SLOPES MUST BE STABILIZED 141THIN TWENTY-ONE (21) CALENDAR DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY PHASE OF AC71WTY. THIS INCLUDES SLOPES, SWALES, CHANNELS AND STOCKPILES. J. THIS PLAN IS TO BE U77LIZED AND REWEWED ONLY IN CONJUNC71ON KITH THE WRIUEN NARRARVE, WHICH IS AN IN7EGRAL PART OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. 4. ALL FINISHED SLOPES SHALL BE J. 1 OR FLATTER. 5. NO WETLANDS EXIST 141THIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. 6. SEE STABILIZA71ON GUIDELINES ON SHEET EC-. REMOVE EX. PIPE X------- x -fta —%O,-ruo REMO VE J, NO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ALLOWED IN PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 7 2. 0' BA �E CHANNEL W1 TH 1APPROX. BANKFULL BENCHES 6 WITH 'ED MIX --74 274 270 REMO VE DI IN V EL. 268.4 280 T -T- — EX. LOT LINES S TEEL PIPE ACROSS ROAD COMPACIED FILL OR CRA VEL, EXIENSION OF FABRIC AND WRE INTO THE IRENCH BACKnLL MINIMUM 8' 7HICK LAYER OF GRAWL 81MINIMUM V- TRENCH FX7ER FABRIC ME - 0-2-al, 33M mr-m.- m- NOIE. SEE NARRA 71 VE FOR MORE DETAIL. ISOMENIC WEW EX7ENSION OF FABRIC AND WRE INTO THE IRENCH COMPAC7ED FILL 81MINIMUM RUER FABRIC 141MINIMUM 41MINIMUM SECII SEC77 SEDWEN I ENCE SILT NTS COIR MA TTI RIPA RIA N W1 TH BUMPER�' CLUB HOUSE ACCESS ROAD ---+- STILLING BASIN "CONSTRUCTION AHEAD --- WARN�NG SIGN ON STREET S7EEL POST 36* ABOVf BELOW 24 EXISTING TERRAIN FILTER BAG FOR DEWA7ERING 20.0' to 25.0' DRAINAGE J GE07EXTILE N07ES 1 - PROWDE STABILIZED OUTLET. 2. WOOD PALLETS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF STONE 3. AND GE07EXTILE AS DIRECTED. A SUFFICIENT NUMBER 4. OF PALLETS MUST BE PROWDED TO ELEVATE THE ENTIRE 5. FILTER BAG FOR DEWA7ERING ABOVE NATURAL GROUND. SILT FENCE 8" OF NO. 5 OR 57 STONE SPECIAL STILLING BASIN NTS CSD ENGINEERING tICENSE j C-2710 ENGINEERING �AND PtANNING COMMERCIAt / RESIDENTIA� P.O. SOX 1250 WENDEtt, NC 27591 (910) 791-4441 2s m Cos Ln �; q-0 ad - dz" �� czIl �z :;it (-j L.Lj UZ 00 C) 00 Q) -j N z( j Q- Lo (D 04 C) C) C Ay 0 E 0 A & 0327 1 IS. 100 ..41 0 G 'V,+-% PLAN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION LL, GO DA TE.- 1211412021----' HORZ. SCALE: 1" = 20' VERT SCALE.- NIA DRA WN B Y- JO CHECKED B Y- DS PROJEC T NO.: 18- 0454 ISheet PD-6.0 Sheet No. —2 oF 2 HEC-RAS Plan: Channel River: Channel Reach: 1 Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Vel Chnl Shear Chan Val Left Shear LOB Vel Right Shear ROB (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft1s) (lb/sq ft) (ft1s) (lb/sq ft) (ft1s) (lb/sq ft) 1 522.82 2-YR 29.33 27500 27673 3.09 0.84 1 522.82 10-YR 56.37 275.00 277.19 3.90 1.18 1.11 0.31 1.11 0.31 1 522.82 25-YR 73.98 275.00 277.41 4.28 1.36 1.41 0.45 1.41 0.45 1 522.82 100-YR 103.72 275.00 277.73 4.80 1.62 1.75 0.62 1.75 0.62 1 500 2-YR 29.33 274.68 276.43 3.05 0.81 1 500 10-YR 56.37 274.68 276.89 3.83 1.14 1.11 0.31 1.11 0.31 1 500 25-YR 73.98 274.68 277.11 4.22 1.32 1.40 0.44 1.40 0.44 1 500 100-YR 103.72 27468 277.42 4.76 1.59 1.74 0.61 1.74 0.61 1 400 2-YR 29.33 27327 27494 3.29 0.95 1 1400 10-YR 1 56.37 273.27 275.391 4.14 1.36 1.101 0.32 1.101 0.32 1 400 25-YR 73.98 273.27 275.61 4.50 1.53 1.43 0.47 1.43 0.47 1 400 100-YR 103.72 273.27 275.94 4.99 1.77 1.79 0.66 1.79 0.66 1 300 2-YR 29.33 271.86 273.69 2.82 0.68 0.34 0.05 0.34 0.05 1 300 10-YR 56.37 271.86 274.17 3.53 0.94 1.10 0.28 1.10 0.28 1 300 25-YR 73.98 271.86 274.40 3.89 1.10 1.34 0.39 1.34 0.39 1 300 100-YR 103.72 27186 274.73 4.38 1.32 1.64 0.53 1.64 0.53 1 200 2-YR 29.33 27067 27231 3.38 1.01 1 200 10-YR 56.37 270.67 272.76 4.22 1.42 1.09 0.32 1.09 0.32 1 200 25-YR 73.98 270.67 272.98 4.62 1.62 1.43 0.48 1.43 0.49 1 200 100-YR 103.72 270.67 273.29 5.16 1.91 1.81 0.69 1.82 0.69 1 100 2-YR 29.33 269.05 270.77 3.12 0.85 1 100 1 O-YR 56.37 26905 271 23 3.93 1.21 1.11 0.31 1.11 0.32 1 100 25-YR 73.98 269.05 271.45 4.32 1.39 1.41 0.45 1.41 0.45 1 100 100-YR 103.72 26905 271.77 4.83 1.65 1.75 0.62 1.76 0.63 1 82.37 2-YR 29.33 268.80 270.52 3.12 0.85 1 82.37 10-YR 56.37 268.80 270.98 3.93 1.21 1.11 0.31 1.11 0.31 1 82.37 25-YR 73.98 268.80 27120 4.31 1.39 1.41 0.45 1.41 0.45 1 82.37 100-YR 103.72 268.80 271.52 4.83 1.64 1.76 0.63 1.76 0.63 Page 1 of 2 CHANNEL ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Date: 12/22/2020 Computed: JFO Checked: HSR CSD Engineering 3 N. Main Street Suite D Project: Cleveland Bluffs Subdivsion (JC# 19-096-P) Wendell, NC 27591 919.624-0997 Q ................ Discharge (cfs) A ............ Flow Area (sf) Zreq ............ (Q x n)/(1.49 x Slope^0.5) P ............ Wetted Perimeter (ft) B ................ Base Width (ft) R ............ Hydraulic Radius (ft) Y ................ Normal Depth (ft) V ............ Velocity (fps) M1 .............. Left Side Slope Zav ......... A*R12/3 M2 .............. Right Side Slope T ............ Shear Stress (psf) 62.4 x Y x Slope n ................ Manning's Roughness Coefficient (Reference 1; Table 3, Charts 5 thru 9) Tp ............... Permissable Shear Stress (Reference 1; Table 2) Reference 1: FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 15, Publication No. FHWA-IP-87-7, 1988 Station: 0' TO 440' Description: Channel Mitigation Q = 29.3 cfs 2-Year Channel Slope = 0.0143 ft/ft n = 0.069 Class C Vegetation with coir matting Zreq = 11.4 ft B y M1 M2 A P R V Zav T Tp Remarks 3.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 11.3 12.5 0.90 2.4 10.5 1.34 4.00 Stable Q = 29.3 cfs Slope = 0.0143 ft/ft n = 0.053 Class D Vegetation with coir matting Zreq = 8.7 ft B y M1 M2 A P R V Zav T Tp Remarks 3.0 1.50 3.0 3.0 11.3 12.5 0.90 3.1 10.5 1.34 4.00 Stable Station: 0' TO 440' Description: Channel Mitigation Q = 56.4 cfs 10-Year Channel Slope = 0.0143 ft/ft n = 0.060 Class C Vegetation with coir matting Zreq = 18.9 ft B y M1 M2 A P R V Zav T Tp Remarks 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 18.0 15.6 1.15 3.3 19.8 1.78 4.00 Stable Q = 56.40 cfs Slope = 0.0143 ft/ft n = 0.066 Class D Vegetation with coir matting Zreq = 20.9 ft B y M1 M2 A P R V Zav T Tp Remarks 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 5.6 9.0 0.62 2.0 4.0 0.85 4.00 Stable Page 2 of 2 CHANNEL ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Date: 12/22/2020 Computed: JFO Checked: HSR CSD Engineering 3 N. Main Street Suite D Project: Cleveland Bluffs Subdivsion (JC# 19-096-P) Wendell, NC 27591 919.624-0997 Q ................ Discharge (cfs) A ............ Flow Area (sf) Zreq ............ (Q x n)/(1.49 x Slope^0.5) P ............ Wetted Perimeter (ft) B ................ Base Width (ft) R ............ Hydraulic Radius (ft) Y ................ Normal Depth (ft) V ............ Velocity (fps) M1 .............. Left Side Slope Zav ......... A*R12/3 M2 .............. Right Side Slope T ............ Shear Stress (psf) 62.4 x Y x Slope n ................ Manning's Roughness Coefficient (Reference 1; Table 3, Charts 5 thru 9) Tp ............... Permissable Shear Stress (Reference 1; Table 2) Reference 1: FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 15, Publication No. FHWA-IP-87-7, 1988 Station: 0' TO 440' Description: Channel Mitigation Q = 103.7 cfs 100-Year Channel Slope = 0.0143 ft/ft n = 0.055 Class C Vegetation with temporary matting Zreq = 31.8 ft B y M1 M2 A P R V Zav T Tp Remarks 3.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 25.4 18.5 1.37 4.0 31.3 2.19 4.00 Stable Q = 103.70 cfs Slope = 0.0143 ft/ft n = 0.045 Class D Vegetation with temporary matting Zreq = 26.5 ft B y M1 M2 A P R V Zav T Tp Remarks 3.0 2.3 3.0 3.0 22.4 17.4 1.29 4.6 26.6 2.03 4.00 Stable Cleveland Bluff s Stream Restoration Plan 5EGi Attachment 7 Pond Berm Removal 12 MUM- 2021 Aerial with Bermnl'-,-' 40i A P Google Earth Clevela d Bluffs W looft