HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071184 Ver 1_Emails_20071126105 Symphony Court Subject: 105 Symphony Court From: Amy Chapman <amy.chapman@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 15:31:34 -0500 To: "Chris M. Pieper" <chris.pieper@attglobal.net> Mr. Pieper, I received your consultant's (Rodak Engineering) letter summarizing their investigative report for the feature on your property that Eric Kulz and I both rated as an intermittent stream. If you choose to contest Eric and my calls, then you'll need to appeal to the Office of Adminstrative Hearings as outlined in Eric's letter dated October 5, 2007. Take care. -Amy Amy Chapman NC Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-715-6823 Fax: 919-733-6893 E-mail: amy.chapman@cmail.net 1 of 1 11/26/2007 3:31 PM O~O~ W A ~F9QG ~_ ~ O '~ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Cazolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality October 5, 2007 DWQ Project # 07-1184 Wake County Page 1 of 2 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Attn.: Mr. Sean Clark 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Subject Property: 105 Symphony Court, Cary, NC APPEAL of On-Site Determination for Applicability to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233) Dear Mr. Clark: On October 5, 2007, Eric Kulz conducted an appeal of an on-site determination previously conducted to review a feature located on the subject property for applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233). The feature is labeled as "A" on the attached map initialed by Eric Kulz on October 5, 2007. During the initial site visit feature A was called subject to the Neuse Buffer Rules. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has determined that the surface water labeled as "A" on the attached map is subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule from the culverts beneath Symphony Court to the confluence with the larger feature at the rear of the property. A copy of the DWQ Stream Identification Form completed at the site is also included with this letter. This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Individuals that dispute a determination by the DWQ or Delegated Local may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. None Carolina ~tura!!y 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Cazolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone (919) 733-1786 /Fax (919) 733-6893 Internet: httn://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands An Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeAaion Employer- 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Page 2 of 2 Apri14, 2007 This letter only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within the buffers. Nor does this letter approve any activity within Waters of the United States or Waters of the State. If you have any additional questions or require additional information please call Amy Chapman at (919) 715-6823. Sincerely, ~~ / ` ~`~- Cyndi B. Karoly, 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit CBK/ewk Enclosures: S&EC Appeal Request, E-mail Appeal Request From Property Owner, DWQ Stream Form cc: Danny Smith, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office File Copy (Eric Kulz) Central Files Filename: 071184 105 Symphony Court(Wake)DET_APPEAL ~~~~ ?d/s/a~ Page 2 of 2 ~ ~e~s NJ Cary tdlev s~~t~ ® ~~~ ~ ~~~~ Security t ~~ cap B.at~~f~ry http://imaps.co.wake.nc.us/imaps/printmap.asp?pin=0761078893 &pinext=000&minX=2060715.03665615&minY=717645.143... 10/3/2007 Copyright 2447. City of Raleigh, Wake County. - 0 78 ft ~~>~~ North Carolina Division of Water Quality ~ Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 pate: ~ ~ ~ Project: >~P Cj T'`' Latitude: ' Evaluator: Site: / 5 /~1J ~ Longitude: Total Polnts: Coun ~ other Stream Is at least intermittent tY~ f, 1~ ~ e.g. Quad Name: if z f9 or erennla! If Z 30 w Geomol' holo Subtotal = ~ A Absent Weak Moderate Str g . 1 °. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 3 3. In-channel structure: riffle-pool sequence 0 1' 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 2 3 5. Active/relic floodpiain 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvlai deposits 0 1 3 9 ° Natural levees 1 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 ~ 2 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existin USGS or NRCS map or other documented No = 0 Yes = 3 evidence. "Man-n184e QI[Cnea eB n0[ false: azsn a~swaaw~w n~ ~~~a~~~a. ' ^^~~~ ~~~ 6. rl UI VIV Vuvtvw~ - r 14. Groundwater flow/discharge - 0 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water ih channel - d or rowan season 0 2 3 16. Leaftitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Se 'ment on plants or debris D 1 1.5 18.0 niC debris lines or piles (Vltrack lines) 5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? No = 0 es = 1.5 /+ Qinlr~nv /Qnh4n+~l v / 1 20 Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 1 0 22. Cra sh 0 0. 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 0 1 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous al ae; periphyton 0 1 2 3 28. Iron oxldizin bacteria/fun us. 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed ACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 ° Items 20 and 21 focus on the presence of upland plants, ISdIS,Z~'rot:~(ses on the presence of aquatic or we[rana pianis. Sketch: Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) ` .. ~'1- ~ i $ ~- v2 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com September 24, 2007 To: Coleen H. Sullins, Director c/o Cyndi Karoly, 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd; Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 From: Sean Clark, S&EC, P.A. RE: Buffer Determination Appeal for Stream Feature A, 105 Symphony Court; Cary, Wake County, North Carolina On behalf of the property owner, Mr. Chris M. Pieper, we request an appeal of the buffer determination performed by Amy Chapman for the 105 Symphony Court Site. Amy Chapman met the landowner/representative on site and determined feature "A" to be subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule (see attached Soil Survey map). However, we believe this feature lacks the necessary indicators of an intermittent/buffered stream channel. Therefore, please accept this letter as an official request of a re- evaluation of feature "A" to the subjectivity of the Neuse Riparian Area Protection Rule: Please contact me at your earliest convenience to coordinate a site meeting for re-evaluating the feature in question. I can be reached at our office at (919) 846-5900. Sincerely, Sean Clark Environmental Scientist Enclosures: 1) DWQ On-Site Buffer Determination Letter CC: Mr. Chris M. Pieper, 107 Symphony Court, Cary, NC 27518 ,~-- il~i ~ ~ ~ ~x~ ~" ~' C c `"-P .~ ~~ ZU07 ~,~ „r~~~~,,~~;t~>3~~crf Charlotte Office: Greensboro Office: 236 LePhillip Court, Suite C 3817-E Lawndale Drive Concord, NC 28025 Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (704) 720-9405 Phone: (336),540-8234 Fax: (704) 720-9406 Fax: (336) 540-8235 o'~-I~$~V1? ~~ IN?~T'~~1 hfiiehnel F. Easley', Gavernur ~~ ~~ Vr'illiam 0. R~~sDr.,.SaretuRy Nanh Carotln~ l7~ena~errt of Enulranmenc and ;la~ural F,ssaU~ec~ -i C"olem i C $glEins, Oin:clur ,,~ Diri9ioit 8t' Wasv`t ~uala`ly July 25, 2t]~7 >i~~ # 0'7-0~ ~5 W'ske aunty Mr. Chris Ivl. Riepet' 169 r S}+mphony Court Car}', NC 2? 518 5lobject 1'rvpcrty; ~ 0~ ~~rmPhcxnp Cunet,. nary, >~~ 17d~-51I~e IJ~eteE:-rntr~tiQn fvr Applieal~;lifi~ #~a elee t~i~ase Rilps~rinn ~wes~ 'i'rot~ctio~s gales [1~~41'~t:A.t ~T3 .#9233} ~Jn .!rely ~'~, ~~](k?, at }~r~~ur r~et~uest, ate nn-sit€ ~determinati~n was conductncb to rcvi~cw I strum feature t~rrcat~d c+n tfiue subject property fior ap+plioability t4 the 3V~tase Buffer' Rules (1 SA ~C ~~ .023}. The f+calwre €~ labeled es "'!1" an Slac atta>~.heci maix, initialed by ~11ny Chap~rsaan vn .luly ~5, ?tN?7, The prrisitm of ~JWater (}uality (~'I~IQ'} Iwhs determined that "A:' is sub,~ect tea the Apse. I3taffer ]tu]®. Phis on~3te deteermll~natiun abet!. eapl re Fi+rt {~~ §ears fraaE, the d~tc o~f the letter. Deed nc~lificativns or similar mechanisms shall !~ placed ari X11 retairleal protective bu#~ers in ender #~ pure samplance f+bx ~,ttttre~ b~t~r itt>;pucf, since the deed notifications E-av~e not mete filed kith the !County as o~f yet, These mechanisms shall be put im plane prier to the sale ~f trues pr~pe~trty. r'1,arnple dter3 notifieatidn cmn 6e tlo~vraloade~t frvmr the 4~1IVitetlacucls Unit web sitc a#; htx~i./ll'i2a.enr.seate.nG.us~'ncvr~etl~t'uls, 'I'hc Next rah" tlae s~nple: deed natif'i~tion ms}~ be mcrd'efi~] as r3~~rtaprate to s>.ii~ to tJtus pnaject, Landa~rxers vc affected pnrte~ thstt dispute a detertriiiation mi~de bar flee DWQt tL1,sY a surfer 4vater exists Vinci that it is sul~ja~t t®the buffer rub may re~gil~st ~ cl;elt~xnut4a~t~n 1r}' the C9irector. ~, request f'vr a doterrouraAeDrt En! tE4e ©irect~ar shall be erred tcs the E3irecttsr in writing c,+o incl.°a K.a~olys li7'l~''Q~ 9fi l ~O+r+ePSi~latllxpcess Yicw permitting unit,, 2I C:rabtrae ~iivcl.; ~:zyleigh, x~c ~7t-264. 4"+~u rn~ust aet +s~~itltitt i~a days Qftlie date t31at vvcl rG4aive ibis letter.. ,0.pp~lic~llts aril hasreby l~rrtifierl kldat th,c 60-clay ssatwtary appeal time dock not start uurtil !fie affected ~lzty ~in~lu~:iESg dcrf+~vrtstreeari and Adjacent Iandowcacrs} i5 natif lad o'f this decisavn. 'i`bis dekeravinat~ct is final argil binding Unless you ask four a )•tea~r3ng vrutlai9s ~Q days. 7~iis letter c+~rty ~ddtrr~es Flue s;licatkility to the bdf~r rttieS and doses tu4t eppresu~e any' aativ~ity ~•i~titin dui buffers. 3tilor dtaes thus letter aFrp~rvve and' a.Cto~ty t+tltltin Waters ¢f'the luTnuted ~tatcs or !Velars ofthe Mate. If y~oa have any c~uestevrts, plt:dse t;csritsct ,+1 my ~hap~mara at ~ i ~.? 15,~68~3. ~' keel` C~oleen ]eI_ Salllins, Diirector division of ~Vatcr C~nalty +CI-I~,l~~tfG Attactamanlfi: Soil Survey @rfalr cc: l,awcra C't+bb, ~?1b'Q, Ita9eugh Regional C}ffic~ File Capy Central Files Fik Ittamr~ U71 I.i4#__iUiSXxitpt~unl~:0ut7~Vlakep7G• T __ I3anjlura 9p1 Cmer3R~h[r'P.~ptCrs RGY~u~ Perrtaigiag Uarit t°Nl7~ll1~' 1~ ~r1ai1 5en~h~e Cenk-,'Rnlcigh, 3~bath l^aror3ua d369~•i6~D 3321 CraRrlnx Baukraatl, Suies 23i}, Tcal'e%>zhF ldorih Ca+v]ica 29EA4 Phnnc: 419*73 3-1786 1 F'A: G 41$-73;•~fi8!k31 taterncl: ~t+~#Y~,t~rtr .nc.u~s~Ys~•uv~landc r5n equal ~5~{%?rdunl~•lAt'FrnwEivC Aa'~i~x1(tmpAayer-~~& Weeyrlie~FllC~4: Pay canaumer Parer d r ., ,~ i~ . ~_~ _ w /~ ~///n/ ~~~ C ~ 5 ~~f ,', ~- ~ ) t~ris M. Pie er C p From: Sent: Cc: Attachments: Cyndi Chris M. Pieper [chris.pieper@attglobal.net] Sunday, September 23, 2007 11:18 PM Cynd i. ECaroly(8~ncmait. net coleen.sullins(c~ncmail.nst; amy.chapman~ncmaii.net; Sean Clark NCDWQ (7-25-07).doc Per directions in the attached letter from Coleen H. Sullins dated July 25, 2007 (I received the letter on Saturday July 28tH, 2007) I would like to formally request a determination by the Director. 1 have been working with Sean Clark (Soil & Environmental Consultants, PAj and I believe he may have already notified you of our request. Please contact me if there are any questions regarding this request at 919.656.2443. Sincerely, Chris M. Pieper 919.656.2443 107 Symphony Cy Cary, NC 27518 ~~~'+~~~~: o~ -~gy~~ossyM P~I~~v~~r~fC~/~I-~~Jo~"T Q6~ ~ C ~ ~~ ~~ $~ 1 ~^ orb ~~~~++~w...O~~~~+.w...ooo ~;~~ ~ ~: 207 sati:~~ - vdr~~-~~ au~aLarr UV~TLAAiI~`~?:??i N~~~uj;~3P~~hCN 1 °~ waTF9Q `Q G r ~ -~ p `< July 25, 2007 Mr. Chris M. Pieper 107 Symphony Court Cary; NC 27518 Subject Property 105 Symphony Court, Cary, NC Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality DWQ # 07-0105 Wake County On-Site Determination for Applicability to the Neuse Riparian Area Protection Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233) On July 23, 2007, at your request, an on-site determination was conducted to review 1 stream feature located on the subject properly for applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233). The feature is labeled as "A" on the attached map, initialed by Amy Chapman on July 25, 2007. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has determined that "A" is subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule. This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all retained protective buffers in order to assure compliance for future buffer impact, since the deed notifications have not been filed with the County as of yet. These mechanisms shall be put in .place prior to the sale of the properly. A sample deed notification can be downloaded from the 401/Wetlands Unit web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. The text of the sample deed notification may be modified as appropriate to suit to this project. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWQ that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c/o Cyndi Karoly, DWQ 401`Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. This letter only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within the buffers. Nor does this letter approve any activity within Waters of the United States or Waters of the State. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Chapman at 919.715.6823. S' c rely Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality CHS/~m/asc Attachments: Soil Survey Map cc: Lauren Cobb, DWQ, Raleigh Regional Office File Copy Central Files File Name: 071184_lOSSymphonyCourt(Wake)DET 401 Oversight /Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mai] Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 232 ] Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786 /FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet: httu•/lh2o enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr; Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources None Caro na ~~ura~~