HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 1_Hearing Officer Report_20130507 (35)North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission -0 Gordon Myers, Executive Director MRNNUI�0�0 TO: William Wescott Washington Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers And Ian McMillan NC Division of Water Quality FROM: David R. Cox, Technical Guidance Supervisor Habitat Conservation Program DATE: January 18, 2012 SUBJECT: Comments on Public Notice for Section 404 Permit Application for Martin Marietta Materials, Inc., Beaufort and Craven Counties, North Carolina. SAW 2001-02235 DWQ No 20111013 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) reviewed the public notice and permit application with regard to impacts on fish and wildlife resources. The project site is located approximately seven miles east of US Hwy 17 on the Beaufort -Craven County border between the communities of Wilmar, NC and Blounts Creek, NC, The site is located on the drainage basin divide between the Neuse River and Tar -Pamlico River Basins. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.), Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act (as amended), and Coastal Area Management Act (G.S. 113A-100 through 113A-128), as amended. The applicant, Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. proposes to develop a 649 acre open pit aggregate mine within a 1,664 acre project area. The site is currently owned and managed by the Weyerhaeuser Corporation for the silviculture of loblolly pine. Impacts associated with the direct mining of the land include permanent impacts to 6.69 acres of wetlands and 59,671 linear feet of jurisdictional ditches. To mitigate for the proposed wetland impacts, the applicant proposes to Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries - 1721 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 - Fax: (919) 707-0028 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Page 2 January 18, 2012 restore 6.75 acres of non -riparian wetlands via payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). In addition to Section 404 and Section 401 permits, a NPDES permit -will -be -pursued -to -discharge -water pumped from th-e-Castle Hayne aquifer into the headwater system of Blounts Creek in the Tar -Pamlico Basin. The proposed facility may be operational for 50 years. The waters of Blounts Creek are classified C, Sw, NSW by the Environmental Management Commission, are subject to the Tar -Pamlico Basin Buffer Rules, and are designated an anadromous fish spawning area (AFSA) by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. The NCWRC has reviewed the information provided in the Public Notice and permit application. We do not believthe mining of 6.69 acres of wetlands and impact to 58,671 linear feet of jurisdictional ditches will have significant adverse impacts to wildlife resources as proposed. Generally the NCWRC prefers on-site and in-kind mit ' igation for impacts rather than a purchase of credits toward mitigation. Therefore, we request the mitigation ratio be raised from an approximate 1:1 credit purchase to a 2:1 purchase for the unavoidable wetland impacts within the mining area. In addition to the impacts to the above mentioned wetlands and jurisdictional ditches, we believe the project will impact the riparian wetlands and waters of Blounts Creek with the discharge of significant aquifer waters from the mine operation, A Geomorphic and Hydraulic Analysis prepared by Kimley-Horn and dated July 14, 2010 states that a dewatering discharge of 12 MGD has been assumed for the build -out condition of the mine. An introduction of 12 MGD of water may significantly impact Blounts Creek by many aspects including substantial flow increases, introduction of higher metal concentrations, a decrease in salinity and conductivity, elevation of pH, an overall change to the geomorphology of the head water system, and potential conversion of riparian wetlands from brackish to more fresh. All of these factors lead to a change in habitat and ability of aquatic species to utilize habitats currently available. Blounts Creek is a system that supports numerous and varied fish species including striped bass, largemouth bass, yellow perch, black crappie, catfish, American eel, various shad species, and sometimes flounder and sea trout. These fish utilize Blounts Creek seasonally depending on water temperatures and water column parameters such as salinity. Due to the variety of gamefish and other popularly sought fish, Blounts Creek is heavily used by recreational fishermen. A change in the flow and water chemistry of the creek may discourage several species from using the creek and therefore impact a public resource. In addition to providing habitat to important gamefish, Blounts Creek is a designated anadromous fish spawning area. This designation means conditions are present and favorable to provide spawning opportunities for anadromous fish such as striped bass and blueback herring, a species of fish historically found in this system. The direct introduction of such flow would likely move the fresh -salt barrier downstream, inhibiting access of these species to the hard bottom wetlands and headwater habitats they require to spawn. This change could be especially detrimental to blueback herring, a species under such population stress that the NC Division of Marine Fisheries and the NCWRC currently do not allow harvest of this species in an effort to increase population numbers. Other measures considered to potentially help these populations include Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Page 3 January 18, 2012 habitat restoration. Habitat restoration would likely focus on areas of historical use, such as Blounts Creek to increase the chance of success. In order to better assess impacts that such a large project would have to the wetlands and surface waters of the Blounts Creek system, the NCWRC requests the following information be provided: — The applicant has submitted data from a single fish sampling event and determined that there would be no impacts to aquatic species with the project as proposed. We do not believe a one day backpack shocking and tyke net event can describe the ecology of this system. Important species such as striped bass and American eel, a federal species of concern, have recently been sampled in the system by others. Blueback herring may also be present, but due to low population numbers are difficult to find. Our concerns regarding the spawning of anadromous species cannot be addressed with the submitted sampling event due to the absence of egg, larvae, and juvenile sampling. In order to understand the impacts this proposed project may have on wildlife resources, we need multi -stage aquatic resource data from the site to better represent the extent of existing habitats and how they are utilized. — The headwater system of Blounts Creek may be dry during certain seasons. The discharge of water directly to the system could significantly increase the amount of water in the headwaters. This hydrologic transition is exacerbated with the discharge occurring year round with no infiltration or evapotranspiration of water through the watershed. In order to understand how this change in discharge will impact wildlife resources, the project proposal should include a pre and post hydrologic curve. — The mining project is located on the Neuse Basin and Tar -Pamlico Basin divide. Depending on withdrawals, an inner basin transfer (IBT) may be necessary. IBTs involve a variety of wildlife resources impacts that would need to be incorporated with this project proposal. If applicable, this information should be provided and calculated at maximum build out discharge. — With the additional water from this project, riparian areas may be flooded, potentially reducing the area of the Tar -Pamlico buffer or extending the creek's banks onto private properties. Additional natural factors that could contribute to these habitat changes include large storm events and debris jams or beaver dams. The impact of these changes on wildlife resources should be considered but require additional information related to the increased creek volume and its reach downstream. — Potential impacts to habitats and aquatic resources are not limited to increased water flows and decreased salinities. Fluctuations in other parameters such as pH and minerals may also occur. Changes in these parameters will likely introduce more algal blooms and fish kills. Available information on discharge chemical concentrations and ambient creek conditions should be provided to assist with these considerations. Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Page 4 January 18, 2012 Impacts to wetland and aquatic resources should be avoided if at all possible, then minimized, or mitigated for if other alternatives are not feasible. Avoidance and min-ifffization of impacts to the Blounts Creek system could be demonstrated if the discharge water did not have to be introduced to surface water, such as a conversion to a potable resource. Eliminating or reducing the discharge may address most of the concerns regarding wildlife resources. The NCWRC appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on this permit application. If You need further assistance or additional information, please contact me by phone at ((919) 528- 9886 or email at david.cox@ncwildlife.org. cc: Kevin Hart, NCDMF Bennett Wynne, NCWRC Justin Homan, NCWRC Adams, Amx From: B@omai{,nnm) Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 10: 18 PM To: Adams, Amy Cc: billiejean.e.mallison@gmai1.com Subject: Emailing: Poisoned Well.docx Attachments: Poisoned Well.docx Fn}rn: Billie W1a0sOD Sent:3/14/I3 To: Amy Adams, DVV{Z Subject: Vanceboro Limestone Mine Public Hearing, NPDES Enclosed is a newspaper article about Benzene contamination in drinking water near a limestone mine that occurred inDade County, Florida, that | mentioned 8ttoday's public hearing 8tB[CCinWashington, NC. It was never proved how the Benzene got into the water. One theory still out is from unexploded blasting units that, like firecrackers, don't always go off and so don't burn up their own contaminants, or that they were stored inanarea that contaminated the drinking water. I have not researched this as to if it is possible to occur with the Martin Marietta mine proposed near Vanceboro, or the materials they use in blasting, however, when I read today at the public hearing in Washington, NC, that NP[>ESneed tUissue apermit concerning water pollution and discharge, |remembered this article and I wondered if such toxic contaminants or others could result as an unintentional byproduct of the limestone blasting and mining process, and get into QnJund-vvater7 Also, see F|orida.6ierracluborg/miomi/cons—rockmiDing.@5p Titled 2009-OUr drinking water and the Lakeb2lt issue, we have a victory! After 10 -year court battle the Sierra Club vvoO with the US Army Corps of Engineers, concerning permitting Oflimestone mines in Florida, like the one in the "poisoned xveU" incident described in the Miami Herald article. Sierra Club in 2010 cite many good points to insist upon when determining mitigation requirements, such as short term use/long term productivity of lost wetlands should be discussed in terms of functional losses overtime, also there should be very close monitoring the entire depth of the quarry pits of effects on groundwater, permanent conservation easements must be placed on all quarry pits, discussion of the natural resources and land uses in adjacent area should have been included, decide the public should bear nncost when mine leaves, etc. Your message isready tobesent with the following file 0rlink attachments: PoiS0N8dVVe|idoCx Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending Urreceiving certain types Of The underwater blasting process itself will Inev—itab-I-y-gene benzene, accord—in- to court testimony by Remmy Hennet, an independent geochemist brought in by the plaintiffs. Combustion always produces benzene, he tells New Times, "even if it is olive oil.... That is well- established science." Meanwhile, in April, just before judge Hoeveler halted the mining, DERM and officials from WASD — now led by John Renfrow — restarted the five production wells Brant had ordered shut down. In an interview, Mayorga defended the move, saying that when the wells reopened, benzene was not present. "Rock mining was still going on at that time," he said. "Benzene was not detected at that time." DERM Director Carlos Espinosa said the same in a November 15, 2007 response to questions from county Commissioner Katy Sorenson: "It is worthwhile to note that since the reactivation [of production wells I and 2], benzene has not been detected in the raw water," What they did not mention was that although there was no detectable contamination in the raw water — which is drawn from the entire wellfield -®- benzene was in fact present in both wells when they reopened in April. The chemical was also found in June, and in July — when it reached 12 parts per billion, more than twice the amount that originally closed the wells down. The next samples were taken in November, four months after mining was ordered shut down. The benzene was gone. Mayorga dismisses those findings as "residual contamination." As to the original contamination, DERM officially concluded this past February that it was "unable to identify the source." Espinosa insists DERM did everything it could to find it. "The very fact that they failed to reach a conclusion shows the quality of the investigation and what the county wanted to come out of it," said Brad Sewell, a lawyer for the environmentalists. "How can you do an investigation into the finding of a carcinogen at above legally accepted levels in the water supply ... and then, a year and a half later, close the books and say, 'Oh, we didn't figure out what the problem was'?" Asked why DERM never required the rock miners to account for the benzene that was likely coming from their property, Espinosa said, "If we were going to sit there and argue with the rock miners and their lawyers ... [when] there really wasn't data that you could point to as a smoking gun, what do you do? If we determine that it is the rock miners, then we will go and recover the cost.'" What was contaminating our drinking water? Who knows - Dade officials stopped looking. A A A Comments (9) By Isaiah Thompson Thursday, Mar 20 2008 Miami New Times Jeffrey Delannoy The benzene contamination came to light only after activist Barbara Lange (pictured with it while leafing through a public records request. Jeffrey Delannoy On his radio show, Miami. Lakes councilman and attorney Mike Pizzi has made it his mission to go after WASD head John Renfrow (right). Bill Brant, then -director of Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department, got the news January 4, 2005: Benzene, a cancer-causing chemical, had been detected at a county water treatment facility. It was coming from the Northwest Wellfield, which supplies the majority of the county's drinking water. One of 15 wells there had registered benzene levels five times the limit established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Somewhere, somehow, a dangerous amount of the chemical had entered the water supply. Click here to read some of Brant's testimony concerning the levels of benzene in our water supply. Benzene, used in everything from shaving cream to industrial lubricant, became a fuel additive in the Sixties, which released it into the air and occasionally, when it spilled, into the water. In 1977, after exposure to the chemical was found to increase incidents of leukemia, it was listed by the EPA as a hazardous pollutant. The legal limit for benzene in drinking water is one part per billion. Brant's staff had found five parts per billion in the water. Brant ordered the contaminated well — and four neighboring wells — shut down until the source was detected. Within a few weeks, samples from a second well --- now now closed — also registered traces of benzene. By that time, Brant had already called for a full- scale investigation, regardless of cost, which grew to nearly $1 million in a few months. The – - — __ - -------- investigation might have cost the director his job. A public servant for more than 30 years, Brant was hardly known for heroics. He was a bureaucrat, a bean counter who rose through the ranks of the Water and Sewer Department (WASD) and, before that, the county's Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) slowly and unglamorously, one small, steady step at a time. Indeed many environmentalists saw Brant as cautious to a fault, reluctant to rock the boat when county politics and water science were at odds with each other. Not this time. The discovery of benzene in the Northwest Wellfield, Brant would later testify in a court hearing, deeply disturbed him, "Benzene didn't belong in our wellfield," he would say later. "We were very alarmed," Had Brant had any inkling of what was to come, he might have been even more alarmed. The investigation, which would consume the rest of his career in Miami, would never be completed. The contamination continued for years and wasn't brought to the public's attention by the county. Instead, facts brought to light in later testimony — as well as new findings by New Times — suggest the mystery of benzene was never meant to be solved. Questions about what caused the carcinogen to enter the water supply — and whether it could happen again — remain unanswered. South Florida depends on one source for all of its potable water: the vast underground sea of clean, fresh water known as the Biscayne Aquifer. The majority of Miami's water — about 150 million gallons per day — is drawn from the Northwest Wellfield, a roughly 2,000 -acre area situated in the muddy, desolate wetlands west of Florida's Turnpike. The remote, half -wild location was supposed to ensure that Miami-Dade's drinking water would be pumped from a source safe from contamination by development and industry. Until now, it had worked. But if it wasn't a spill, what was the cause? There is only one industrial presence in the area: rock mining. The wellfield is bordered by rock mines owned by White Rock Quarries and Florida Rock. As Brant's team followed the path of ever -higher concentrations of benzene, it led them south and east — right to the rock mines. F enter email Anyone considering moving to Mars might want to have a look at the White Rock quarry to get a feel for the view. Situated directly between the communities of western Miami -Dade County and the wellfield that supplies their water, the quarry is a vast, blinding expanse of white — the color of crushed limestone — set against a backdrop of scraggly, grayish -green vegetation. The quarry sits at the very end of NW 58th Street, past the seemingly endless strip malls, big -box stores, and cookie -cutter subdivisions — all built with Florida limestone --- where the road abruptly narrows and appears to end in the bushes. It doesn't end, though; behind the brush, it opens onto another world. Massive earth movers, caked in a gray crust of mud and dust, rumble along the road, hauling piles of crushed limestone. Near the quarry entrance stands a shack, a small cafeteria for the workers, its plastic tables outside turned gray with a coat of limestone powder. To the south is the mining pit — a vast, almost perfectly square lake, its water an unnatural, almost turquoise hue, stretching far into the distance. It just so happens limestone, the same material that contains and naturally filters all of South Florida's drinking water, makes great concrete. It has been mined in this area since the Fifties. In the late Nineties, the Florida Legislature set aside for mining companies the so-called Lake Belt region, of which the Northwest Wellfield is a part. The "lakes" are the result of blasting and are large enough to be seen from space. Florida produces and consumes more rock — crushed limestone in particular — than any other state except California. Without the cheap rock coming out of the Everglades, the building of South Florida as we know it today would not have been possible. Florida's development boom gave the rock miners unprecedented wealth to invest. They bought political influence, hiring high-profile lobbyists such as Ron Book, Ferri Barsh, former County Manager Sergio Pereira, and Miami megalawyer Miguel De Grandy. In 2004, De Grandy successfully lobbied the county commission to do away with requiring rock miners to hold public hearings in order to obtain permits. Among the sponsors of that ordinance was Commissioner Natacha Seiigs, one of the miners' most loyal allies. In her 2004 re-election campaign, she received at least $2,500 from 13 donors connected to the mining industry, including Barsh and De Grandy. In addition, in 2006, White Rock Quarries and Barsh's law firm contributed a combined $10,000 to a committee fighting Seijas's recall. Brant's team had begun to suspect the benzene was coming from the rock mines. For one thing, in an area otherwise devoid of development or industry, it was impossible not to notice the proximity of the mines, whose operations had expanded right up to the edge of the wellfield. Getting to the pumps required a drive through a rock mine. Early in her investigation, Caveda passed through property leased by Florida Rock to get to a monitoring well. She asked her escort, the environmental manager for the site, how the mining process worked. She learned that as many as 40 four -inch -wide holes were drilled into the ground, filled with explosives, and blown up. The holes, Caveda noted with special interest, were drilled 60 feet deep — the same depth at which the highest levels of benzene were being found. She began inquiring about the nature of the fuel the company used and learned that most of the mining firms were using ANFO — ammonium nitrate fuel oil — of which a small constituent is benzene. The miners denied the blasting could have anything to do with the contamination. The exvlosions were very Powerftil and very hot, they insisted, and consumed any potential waste products such as benzene. But there was reason to doubt that asssertion. One day, as Caveda was driving down 41 st Street on her way to property leased by Florida Rock, she saw something that made her stop the vehicle. "There was this big cloud of yellow smoke," she explained later in court. "A yellow plume of some sort that floated across the road.... We stopped the car in the middle of the road. said, 'I'm not driving through that because I don't know what it is."' When she got to the mine, Caveda phoned Florida Rock and asked the company's environmental manager about the cloud. He told her it had come from a failed explosion. "[He said], 'Oh it happens all the time,"' Caveda testified. "No big deal from their perspective.... So that's when we found out that, okay, well, we are putting diesel fuel in the ground and maybe sometimes we can't explode it, so what happens now?" The underwater blasting process itself will inevitably generate benzene, according to court testimony by Remmy Hennet, an independent geochemist brought in by the plaintiffs. Combustion always produces benzene, he tells New Times, "even if it is olive oil.... That is well- established science." Meanwhile, in April, just before judge Floeveler halted the mining, DERM and officials from WASD — now led by John Renfrow — restarted the five production wells Brant had ordered shut down. In an interview, Mayorga defended the move, saying that when the wells reopened, benzene was not present. "Rock mining was still going on at that time," he said. "Benzene was not detected at that time." DERM Director Carlos Espinosa said the same in a November 15, 2007 response to questions from county Commissioner Katy Sorenson: "It is worthwhile to note that since the reactivation [of production wells I and 2], benzene has not been detected in the raw water." What they did not mention was that although there was no detectable contamination in the raw water — which is drawn from the entire wellfield — benzene was in fact present in both wells when they reopened in April. The chemical was also found in June, and in July — when it reached 12 parts per billion, more than twice the amount that originally closed the wells down. The next samples were taken in November, four months after mining was ordered shut down. The benzene was gone. Mayorga dismisses those findings as "residual contamination." As to the original contamination, DERM officially concluded this past February that it was "unable to identify the source." Espinosa insists DERM did everything it could to find it. "The very fact that they failed to reach a conclusion shows the quality of the investigation and what the county wanted to come out of it," said Brad Sewell, a lawyer for the environmentalists. "How can you do an investigation into the finding of a carcinogen at above legally accepted levels in the water supply ... and then, a year and a half later, close the books and say, 'Oh, we didn't figure out what the problem was'?" Asked why DERM never required the rock miners to account for the benzene that was likely coming from their property, Espinosa said, "If we were going to sit there and argue with the rock miners and their lawyers ... [when] there really wasn't data that you could point to as a smoking gun, what do you do? If we determine that it is the rock miners, then we will go and recover the cost." With the investigation officially concluded, though, that doesn't seem likely. Espinosa is undoubtedly right about one thing: Crossing the rock miners, and their lawyers, is no simple task. The mining companies immediately appealed Hoeveler's decision, and the matter is still in litigation. Meanwhile, they've already applied for permits to resume blasting. What are some problems involved with quarrying limestone? Some problems are: 1. Dust pollution: the surrounding greenery is covered in a layer of dust 2. Noise pollution: loud explosions every day 3. Lorries carrying limestone to and fro cause noise and pollution 4. Quarries damage the landscape 5. Quarries destroy natural animal habitats etc etc. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What are some problems involved with quarrying limestone#ixzzlxdrg dDz k-1 Share on facebookShare on geoliogy.com twitterShare on emailShare on orintMore Sharing News and Information About Geology Services77 Geology.co Geology us World Classified News Careers —__ Rocks Articles — Dictionary Tools Maps Maps 5 Advertising Home » Rocks >) Limestone Categories -W 0 iLirnestone-, A Crucial and « Astronomy Versatile Industrial Mineral • Careers « Climate Commodity Change _.._......... • _D_iamond�_ • Earthquake By James D. Bliss, Timothy S. Hayes, and Creta J. Orris, USES -- s Republished from USGS fact sheet 2008-3089. « Energy « Fossils • Gemstones; used by the minerals industry, is any rock composed mostly of calcium carbo • Geology Tools )ugh limestone is common in many parts of the United States, it is critically a • Geotherma one is used to produce Portland cement, as aggregate in concrete and asphal 1 -ay of other products, making it a truly versatile commodity. Portland cement « Gold g industry, but despite our Nation's abundance of limestone, there have bee • Historical ecent years. These have been caused in part by a need to find new areas suit Ge— o�y srations. To help manage our Nation's resources of such essential mineral col « Hurricanes ca agical Survey (USGS) provides crucial data and scientific information to indus- • I r7e Rocks and the public. « impact Events • Landslides • Metamorp mestone? hic Rocks « Meteorites • Minerals • ®ceanogra leans any rock formed mostly of calcium carbonate (CaCb3), but to geologist phy •« Oil and Gas veral types of "carbonate rocks." These rocks are composed of more than SG Plate 'rally the minerals calcite (pure CaCO3) or dolomite (calcium -magnesium cart Tectonics it both. « Rare Earth Elements to rocks were deposited from seawater. These sedimentary carbonate rocks • Rocks nent and have formed through most of geologic history; they are still formin, • hock it reefs and at the bottoms of shallow seas. Marine limestone forms because Tumblers • Satellite 3tions of two key dissolved chemicals -calcium (Ca++) and bicarbonate (HCO3 Images 3yer of most oceans, corals, clams, and other sea -dwelling creatures use then • Sedimentarnake protective shells by combining them to form calcite or "aragonite," whic Ry ocks position as calcite but has a different crystal form. • Subsidence • Teacher les have been changed by the introduction of magnesium in ground water. N Resources may convert some or all of the calcite in the limestone to dolomite. Also, son •• Tsunami U.S.A. he shores of ancient seas in arid climates were mostly dolomite at the time tl Maps wVolcanoes U4691bfie comes in many different varieties. Chalk is a very fine grained, porous marine limestone cGWRad almost entirely of microscopic fossils. Travertine is a freshwater sedimentary limestone that Ma '' commonly Marble rjI that has been squeezeddeformed Uke plastic beneath the Earth's surface. This process is called "metamorphism." There are also rare "igneous" US GeN*r-&tRIh"ks that have crystallized from molten magma in the same way that lavas or granites have. These are called ''carbonatites," and this rock type is mined at a few places in the world as industrial °|| v Alaskai ~SA4#LI#farylimestone deposits can beextensive, covering hundreds nfsquare miles, and can be »"ka re trn iform in thickness and quality. Therefore, limestone quarries can belarge and long lived, " iTestone layers that can be hundreds of feet thick over areas of several square miles. Many ° mQ uce multiple products, and crushed rocks that are not pure enough for certain uses may stip be suitable as road aggregate. Marble quarries can also be very large, However, these rocks that • w(DelevvwEregularly bedded have been metamorphosed into irregularly shaped bodies that are more °di&@65WAndcostly tnmine. * Georgia warts of the United In Hawaii States there are extensive deposits of marine limestone of various ages from w �a fftTivi P usand to more than 350 million years old. Some deposits have chemical grades as high as 95% "C wever'sonneaveasareconop|ete|ywithoutanyauitab|e/imestonedepos|ts.K4ostnfthecost m oflWwtonetothe customer is determined by how far away itcomes from and how it is shipped. wShYgWMbybargeonwate/ischeaperthanbytrainvvhich,inturn,iocheaperthanshippingbytruck. � Louisiana °U Main K.0� �eStoV8e � �� 0 MkassachLus etts MichiRan = = Mississippi Lar eatEru9t|mn w !mfthe 20th « Century p Nevada rPa mnon6sDmn't m011111 rmFrom Coal 2,411,14i'llik el!lllkfti, * New What isaDebris - F|mxx? * North ® San Andreas Fault a ® dragon ° v; -- is ° Lirgstge has many industrial uses and can be used as mined or processed into a wide variety of pros. It is the raw material for a large variety of construction, agricultural, environmental, and ° injFfWI materials. Carolina ° Lirfi@ne is used in construction almost everywhere. In 2007, crushed limestone was 68% of all crushed roWpauced in the United States. Also, limestone is the key ingredient in making Portland cement. ®D Texans sse ation's abundance of limestone, there have been cement shortages in recent years. ° Utah ° SoMMbqte purest of natural limestones are marbles. For centuries, marble has been the decorative ° stqANpfighoice in government buildings and public statues. Travertine is also used as a dimension stone in-WO$Wnd bletops. Some white limestone is simply crushed and sieved for use in landscaping and roofing. ° West Virginia, P sJimestone is used to remove impurities from molten metals like steel. It can also remove toxic co� from the exhaust of coal -burning power plants. Limestone is used as a filler in a variety of products, including paper, plastic, and paint. The purest limestone is even used in foods and medicines such as breakfast cereals and calcium pills. Limestone is also the raw material for making lime (CaO) that is used to treat soils, purify water, and smelt copper. Lime has many additional uses in the chemical industries. Dolomites are commonly less suitable than other industrial limestones for most applications. Most dolomite that is mined is simply crushed and sieved for use as aggregate in concrete or asphalt. The Portland Cement Shortage Portland cement is one of the most important products made from limestone. It is essential in many construction applications. The United States is not self-sufficient in cement and must import it from other countries to make up for shortfalls. Imports of clinker (the product from the first step in making cement) and finished cement accounted for about 23% of total U.S. cement sales in 2006. In the years just prior to 2007, Portland cement was in seriously short supply in the Nation. Competition from other countries, an inadequate ocean transport system, and underestimated cargo space requirements were among the causes. When Portland cement was invery short supply, its price increased significantly. Consumers sought -substitutes. They osedpresxu � redesigned building footers to reduce the amount of cement needed. Cement shortages also caused construction delays that resulted in increased costs for roads, bridges, and buildings, Sources of Limestone in the Future Establishing new limestone quarries and cement plants in the United States is slow process, and supply shortfalls require time to correct. It takes about 2 years to build a new cement plant, and the permitting process can take much longer -8 to 10 years. Perhaps an even more challenging problem is that people may not welcome new quarries and plants to their area. In spite of these obstacles, many U.S. cement companies are in the process of expanding and modernizing their operations. When an area of suitable and mineable rock is swallowed up by urban growth or when mining becomes prohibited by legislation or zoning, the result is called "resource sterilization." Limestone is a material of national importance, and resource sterilization can result inalonger haul at ahigher cost from quarry 10 customer. Limestone Production Patterns Most of the limestone that is mined is crushed for aggregate, The majority of U.S. crushed stone production has come from limestone for at least the last 40 years. This is true even though carbonate rocks are only 2Sto3S%ofthe rocks atthe surface. U.S. crushed stone operations have been declining in number, about 20% loss per decade since 1971. However, from 2001 through 2006, total annual U.S. limestone production increased according to U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries, so the average size of a quarry is increasing. In other parts of the world, new production is coming mainly from a few very large quarries. Despite increased U.S. production, the Nation was importing more and more of its limestone products until the recent downturn in construction. These imports come primarily from Canada, Mexico, and China. With fewer quarries the average haul distance will increase, and limestone prices will likely increase once more. - L-Lim-estone is most often mitred from a quarry. However, underground limestone mines are found -at - places in the central and eastern United States, especially in and near cities. Underground mining of limestone has some advantages over surface quarrying and will probably increase in the future. Typical public concerns about limestone mining include dust, noise, blasting vibration, and truck and other traffic associated with quarry operations. Some limestones are also aquifers, that is, they are rock units that can yield water to wells. Where limestone is an aquifer, there can be concerns that contaminants from the quarrying operations could escape into the ground water. In many areas of the United States where limestone is found, it gradually dissolves in rainwater at the surface or in the near -surface ground water. In humid climates, great volumes of limestone dissolve and are carried away in the water. This creates caves, and sinkholes may develop where cave ceilings collapse. In cavernous limestone aquifers, contaminants in ground water move much faster than in other types of rocks, so quarries in such areas are special concerns. The Need to Understand an Essential Resource Limestone is among our Nation's most essential resources. Our understanding of that resource as an industrial mineral is poor given its importance to our economy. Because limestone has been regarded as a "common" rock, earlier geologic research was limited in scope. in the past, most USGS research on limestone has focused on mapping deposits, as well as understanding their roles as aquifers and petroleum reservoirs. However, different data are needed to characterize limestone suitable for construction and other industries. Carbonate rocks need to meet chemical purity requirements that vary by intended use. Some uses require that the limestone also has certain favorable engineering properties. Standards and requirements for limestone use are rising, and a greater understanding of limestone characteristics, variability, and engineering properties is needed. Some limestones in the United Sates that are otherwise suitable for mining and use, such as limestones in many parts of Alaska, are currently too distant from markets to be profitable. It is important, though, to catalog such rocks as possible future resources. Both geologic and economic limits will certainly affect future supplies of limestone. The United States presently consumes between 5 and 10% of the global production of industrial limestone. In 2007, domestic production of industrial limestone was about 1.3 billion metric tons, valued atmore than $25 billion. In the same year, the Nation imported about 430,000 metric tons of industrial limestone and limestone products, valued at about $2.2 billion. Most of these imports were Portland cement. Meeting the challenge of supplying America's needs for essential mineral commodities such as industrial limestone requires accurate and unbiased scientific data. The ongoing work of scientists with the USGS Mineral Resources Program provides the information crucial to the creation of sound policies that will help ensure future supplies of mineral resources. Adams, Amy From: Billiejean Mallison fbilliejean,@omail, oom] Sent: Thursday, March 14.2013 10:28PK4 To: Adams, Amy Cc: biUkejean.ennuhson Subject: EnxaNng:Poisoned VVe|C2doox From: Billie04aUison Sent March I4,ZO13 To: Amy Adams, DVV(} Subject: This is2nd document I am ennailing you. I just sent you an attachment but I don't know if the complete article went toyou. See above at±achrnent.To find the article, |goo@ledPoisoned Well, hxIsaiah Thompson, Miami New Times, March 2O,2OO8. Your message isready tobesent with the following file orlink attachments: PnisonedVVeU2.doCx Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of PoisonedWell* **Miami New Times, by Isaiah Thompson, March 20, 2008 _____Mt._underwate_r_bIasting process itself will inevitably generate benzene, according -to court testimony by Remmy Hennet, an independent geochemist brought in by the plaintiffs. Combustion always produces benzene, he tells New Times, "even if it is olive oil.... That is well- established science." Meanwhile, in April, just before judge Hoeveler halted the mining, DERM and officials from WASD — now led by John Renfrow — restarted the five production wells Brant had ordered shut down. In an interview, Mayorga defended the move, saying that when the wells reopened, benzene was not present. "Rock mining was still going on at that time," he said. "Benzene was not detected at that time." DERM Director Carlos Espinosa said the same in a November 15, 2007 response to questions from county Commissioner Katy Sorenson: "It is worthwhile to note that since the reactivation [of production wells I and 2], benzene has not been detected in the raw water." What they did not mention was that although there was no detectable contamination in the raw water -- which is drawn from the entire wellfield — benzene was in fact present in both wells when they reopened in April. The chemical was also found in June, and in July — when it reached 12 parts per billion, more than twice the amount that originally closed the wells down. The next samples were taken in November, four months after mining was ordered shut down. The benzene was gone. Mayorga dismisses those findings as "residual contamination." As to the original contamination, DERM officially concluded this past February that it was "unable to identify the source." Espinosa insists DERM did everything it could to find it. "The very fact that they failed to reach a conclusion shows the quality of the investigation and what the county wanted to come out of it," said Brad Sewell, a lawyer for the environmentalists. "How can you do an investigation into the finding of a carcinogen at above legally accepted levels in the water supply ... and then, a year and a half later, close the books and say, 'Oh, we didn't figure out what the problem was'?" Asked why DERM never required the rock miners to account for the benzene that was likely coming from their property, Espinosa said, "If we were going to sit there and argue with the rock miners and their lawyers ... [when] there really wasn't data that you could point to as a smoking gun, what do you do? If we determine that it is the rock miners, then we will go and recover the cost." What was contaminating our drinking water? Who knows - Dade officia. stopped looking. i A A A Comments (9) By Isaiah Thompson Thursday, Mar 20 2008 Miami New Times Jeffrey Delannoy The benzene contamination came to light only after activist Barbara Lange (pictured with it while leafing through a public records request. Jeffrey Delannoy On his radio show, Miami Lakes councilman and attorney Mike Pizzi has made it his mission to go after WASD head John Renfrow (right). Bill Brant, then -director of Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department, got the news January 4, 2005: Benzene, a cancer-causing chemical, had been detected at a county water treatment facility. It was coming from the Northwest Wellfield, which supplies the majority of the county's drinking water. One of 15 wells there had registered benzene levels five times the limit established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Somewhere, somehow, a dangerous amount of the chemical had entered the water supply. Click here to read some of Brant's testimony concerning the levels of benzene in our water supply. Benzene, used in everything from shaving cream to industrial lubricant, became a fuel additive in the Sixties, which released it into the air and occasionally, when it spilled, into the water. In 1977, after exposure to the chemical was found to increase incidents of leukemia, it was listed by the EPA as a hazardous pollutant. The legal limit for benzene in drinking water is one part per billion. Brant's staff had found five parts per billion in the water. Brant ordered the contaminated well — and four neighboring wells — shut down until the source was detected. Within a few weeks, samples from a second well — now closed — also registered traces of benzene. By that time, Brant had already called for a full- ---__ scale_investigation,.regardless ull- scale-in-v-e&4ation,-r..egardless of cost, which grew to nearly.$ 1, million in a few months. The investigation might have cost the director his job. A public servant for more than 30 years, Brant was hardly known for heroics. He was a bureaucrat, a bean counter who rose through the ranks of the Water and Sewer Department (WASD) — and, before that, the county's Department of Environmental Resource Mana Management (DERM) — slowly and unglamorously, one small, steady step at a time. Indeed many environmentalists saw Brant as cautious to a fault, reluctant to rock the boat when county politics and water science were at odds with each other. Not this time. The discovery of benzene in the Northwest Wellfield, Brant would later testify in a court hearing, deeply disturbed him. "Benzene didn't belong in our wellfield," he would say later. "We were very alarmed." Had Brant had any inkling of what was to come, he might have been even more alarmed. The investigation, which would consume the rest of his career in Miami, would never be completed. The contamination continued for years and wasn't brought to the public's attention by the county. Instead, facts brought to light in later testimony — as well as new findings by New Times — suggest the mystery of benzene was never meant to be solved. Questions about what caused the carcinogen to enter the water supply — and whether it could happen again — remain unanswered. South Florida depends on one source for all of its potable water: the vast underground sea of clean, fresh water known as the Biscayne Aquifer. The majority of Miami's water — about 150 million gallons per day — is drawn from the Northwest Wellfield, a roughly 2,000 -acre area situated in the muddy, desolate wetlands west of Florida's Turnpike. The remote, half -wild location was supposed to ensure that Miami-Dade's drinking water would be pumped from a source safe from contamination by development and industry. Until now, it had worked. But if it wasn't a spill, what was the cause? There is only one industrial presence in the area: rock mining. The wellfield is bordered by rock mines owned by White Rock Quarries and Florida Rock. As Brant's team followed the path of ever -higher concentrations of benzene, it led them south and east — right to the rock mines. enter email Anyone considering moving to Mars might want to have a look at the White Rock quarry to get a feel for the view. Situated directly between the communities of western Miami -Dade County and the wellfield that supplies their water, the quarry is a vast, blinding expanse of white — the color of crushed limestone — set against a backdrop of scraggly, grayish -green vegetation. The quarry sits at the very end of NW 58th Street, past the seemingly endless strip malls, big -box stores, and cookie -cutter subdivisions — all built with Florida limestone — where the road abruptly narrows and appears to end in the bushes. It doesn't end, though; behind the brush, it opens onto another world. Massive earth movers, caked in a gray crust of mud and dust, rumble along the road, hauling piles of crushed limestone. Near the quarry entrance stands a shack, a small cafeteria for the workers, its plastic tables outside turned gray with a coat of limestone powder. To the south is the mining pit — a vast, almost perfectly square lake, its water an unnatural, almost turquoise hue, stretching far into the distance. It just so happens limestone, the same material that contains and naturally filters all of South Florida's drinking water, makes great concrete. It has been mined in this area since the Fifties. In the late Nineties, the Florida Legislature set aside for mining companies the so-called Lake Belt region, of which the Northwest Wellfield is a part. The "lakes" are the result of blasting and are large enough to be seen from space. Florida produces and consumes more rock -® crushed limestone in particular — than any other state except California. Without the cheap rock coming out of the Everglades, the building of South Florida as we know it today would not have been possible. Florida's development boom gave the rock miners unprecedented wealth to invest. They bought political influence, hiring high-profile lobbyists such as Ron Book, Kerri Barsh, former County Manager Sergio Pereira, and Miami megalawyer Miguel De Grandy. In 2004, De Grandy successfully lobbied the county commission to do away with requiring rock miners to hold public hearings in order to obtain permits. Among the sponsors of that ordinance was Commissioner Natacha Sei - jas, one of the miners' most loyal allies. In her 2004 re-election campaign, she received at least $2,500 from 13 donors connected to the mining industry, including Barsh and De Grandy. In addition, in 2006, White Rock Quare-ies and Barsh's law firm contributed a combined $10,000 to a committee fighting Seijas's recall. Brant's team had begun to suspect the benzene was coming from the rock mines. For one thing, in an area other -wise devoid of development or industry, it was impossible not to notice the proximity of the mines, whose operations had expanded right up to the edge of the wellfield. Getting to the pumps required a drive through a rock mine. Early in her investigation, Caveda passed through property leased by Florida Rock to get to a monitoring well. She asked her escort, the environmental manager for the site, how the mining process worked. She learned that as many as 40 four -inch -wide holes were drilled into the ground, filled with explosives, and blown up. The holes, Caveda noted with special interest, were drilled 60 feet deep — the same depth at which the highest levels of benzene were being found. She began inquiring about the nature of the fuel the company used and learned that most of the mining firms were using ANFO — ammonium nitrate fuel oil -- of which a small constituent is benzene. The miners denied the blasting could have anything to do with the contamination. The --explosions -were-very powerftil and very hot, they insisted, and consumed any -potential waste products such as benzene. But there was reason to doubt that asssertion. One day, as Caveda was driving down 41 st Street on her way to property leased by Florida Rock, she saw something that made her stop the vehicle. "There was this big cloud of yellow smoke," she explained later in court. "A yellow plume of some sort that floated across the road.... We stopped the car in the middle of the road. I said, 'I'm not driving through that because I don't know what it is."' When she got to the mine, Caveda phoned Florida Rock and asked the company's environmental manager about the cloud. lie told her it had come from a failed explosion. "[He said], 'Oh it happens all the time,"' Caveda testified. "No big deal from their perspective.... So that's when we found out that, okay, well, we are putting diesel fuel in the ground and maybe sometimes we can't explode it, so what happens now?" The underwater blasting process itself will inevitably generate benzene, according to court testimony by Remmy Hermet, an independent geochemist brought in by the plaintiffs. Combustion always produces benzene, he tells New Times, "even if it is olive oil.... That is well- established science." Meanwhile, in April, just before judge Hoeveler halted the mining, DERM and officials from WASD — now led by John Renfrow — restarted the five production wells Brant had ordered shut down. In an interview, Mayorga defended the move, saying that when the wells reopened, benzene was not present. "Rock mining was still going on at that time," he said. "Benzene was not detected at that time." DERM Director Carlos Espinosa said the same in a November 15, 2007 response to questions from county Commissioner Katy Sorenson: "It is worthwhile to note that since the reactivation [of production wells I and 2], benzene has not been detected in the raw water," What they did not mention was that although there was no detectable contamination in the raw water — which is drawn from the entire wellfield — benzene was in fact present in both wells when they reopened in April. The chemical was also found in June, and in July — when it reached 12 parts per billion, more than twice the amount that originally closed the wells down. The next samples were taken in November, four months after mining was ordered shut down. The benzene was gone. Mayorga dismisses those findings as "residual contamination." As to the original contamination, DERM officially concluded this past February that it was "unable to identify the source." Espinosa insists DERM did everything it could to find it. "The very fact that they failed to reach a conclusion shows the quality of the investigation and what the county wanted to come out of it," said Brad Sewell, a lawyer for the environmentalists. "How can you do an investigation into the finding of a carcinogen at above legally accepted levels in the water supply ... and then, a year and a half later, close the books and say, 'Oh, we didn't figure out what the problem was'?" Asked why DERM never required the rock miners to account for the benzene that was likely coming from their property, Espinosa said, "If we were going to sit there and argue with the rock miners and their lawyers ... [when] there really wasn't data that you could point to as a smoking gun, what do you do? If we determine that it is the rock miners, then we will go and recover the cost." With the investigation officially concluded, though, that doesn't seem likely. Espinosa is undoubtedly right about one thing: Crossing the rock miners, and their lawyers, is no simple task. The mining companies immediately appealed Hoeveler's decision, and the matter is still in litigation. Meanwhile, they've already applied for permits to resume blasting. What are some problems involved with quarrying limestone? Some problems are: 1. Dust pollution: the surrounding greenery is covered in a layer of dust 2. Noise pollution: loud explosions every day 3. Lorries carrying limestone to and fro cause noise and pollution 4. Quarries damage the landscape S. Quarries destroy natural animal habitats etc etc. Read more: http:l„Ilimestone#ixzzlxdrgy wiki.answers.com/Q/What are some problems involved with quarrying dDz Share on facebookShare on geoiogy.com twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing News and Information About Geology Services77 Geology.co News Careers Geolog Classified Rocks Articles us World Dictionary m Tools Maps Maps S Advertising Home >> Rocks >> Limestone Categories -W 0 sto0 ” Cruc*al and Limene. A I • /s1rin2m� ��'�^��4�����*��� l���_0�����`�a��� M������������� n����`�m����v� ]�����=�^���i��� ��1����n����� � <��§�l� * Climate �-���0�r�#����~�*���7 Change �_~���u���������� � � ByJames D.Bliss, Timothy 5,Hayes, and Greta ]. Orris, USGS— S Republished from WSGSfact sheet 20U8-3008. ° fnerg� w Fossils � Gemstones � used by the minerals industry,is any rock composed mostly ofca|dumo carb( Geology Tools )ugh limestone |scommon inmany parts ofthe United States, itiocritically a w {���|��Z� one isused tuproduce Portland cemen�asaggregate inconcrete and aspha/ | ayofntherprnductu,nnakingitatru|yversati|ecommodity.Port|andcemen\ ° 6oLd g industry, but despite our Nation's abundance of limestone, there have beei p Historical -ecentyears. These have been caused in part by need to find new areas sui1 10�� �rations. To help manage our Nation's resources of such essential mineral col m Hurricanes zg|ca|Survey (QSG�} provides crudaidata and scientific information to indun- ' ' m ����� �[�k� andthepub|ic ' ' � Impact ----------�� - - ' ---- m Landslides * MetaIolpme$tone7 � Meteorites m Minerals m Oceanogra ieans any rock formed mostly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), but to geologist m `=^y {�ia[d{G� vera| types of "carbonate rocks." These rocks are composed of more than 50' ' w Plate ?rally the minerals calcite CaCO3)(calcium-magnesium (pure[aCO or /ca|cium'nnagnesium carL Tectonics /r both. • Rare Earth Element ie rocks were deposited from seawater. These sedimentary carbonate rocks. w Rocks nent and have formed through most of geologic history; they are still formin, • Rock II reefs and at the bottoms of shallow seas. Marine limestone forms because T�blers 3donooftwo key dissolved chenoica|s-ca|cium (Ca++)and bicarbonate /H[Og ` • Satellite` j[ages 3yer of most oceans, corals, clams, and other sea -dwelling creatures use thes w Sedimentarnake protective shells by combining them to form calcite or "aragonite," whi( lLFkJdks position ascalcite but has adifferent crystal form. • Subsidence m Leacher ieshave been changed bythe introduction ofmagnesium inground water. K Resources nnay convert some or all of the calcite in the limestone to dolomite. Also, son ° Tsunami heshores ofancient seas inarid climates were mostly dolomite atthe time d m l�S�A. &�!� * Volcanoes m LAkf&fie comes in many different varieties. Chalk is very fine grained, porous marine limestone caftb4d almost entirely of microscopic fossils. Travertine is a freshwater sedimentary limestone that ha's- �rl thin, crenulated layers and is commonly formed at springs. Marble is a carbonate rock, usually a /n nc,/naznaooeensqueezeoanooern/rneouxep|ao/coy8nearneacanopreosu/eoeep beneath the Earth's surface. This process is called "mnetamorphisnn."There are also rare "igneous" USG uWksthathavecrystaUizedhnmmo|tenmagmainihesamevvaythat|avasorgnanbeshaxe. These are called "carbonatites," and this rock type is mined at a few places in the world as industrial •|i»Abptimpa ^ Alaska • SekM"ry limestone deposits can be extensive, covering hundreds of square miles, and can be Afta �re |nthickness and qua|by.Therefore, limestone quarries can belarge and long lived, �Tojigra' 'o iWoestone layers that can be hundreds of feet thick over areas of several square mi es Many w * q uce multiple products, and crushed rocks that are not pure enough for certain uses may stiV be suitable as road aggregate. Marble quarries can also bevery large. However, these rocks that • wElIelawwEregularly bedded have been metamorphosed into irregularly shaped bodies that are more • di@Uffii"nd costly to mine. • Georgia °In eUnited8tatesthereareextensivedeposhsofmarine|imestoneofvadnusa0esfronn o Tarts of No a--7 usand to more than 350 million years old. Some deposits have chemical grades as high as 95% w[ vvever,snmeareasareconop|ete|ywithoutanysuitab|e|imeotonedeposits. Most of the cost �of �Wtone to the customer is determined by how far away it comes from and how it is shipped. wShfooiMbyba/geonvvater/srheape/thanbytrainwhich,ioturn,iocheaperthanxhipp/ngbytruck. � KeDtJc1� * Louisiana �X]���Yl�[�i i��esko0Ke * * YWassadhus etts �Michilgan w * Mississippi " *«/ / Largest Eruption ° \ ofthe 2Oth � Century * Nevada rpia mnmndsQon't w rmFrom Coal New What ha Debris ~ Flow? Carolina " North �San Andreas Fault � Oregon � la wU has many industrial uses and can be used as mined or processed into a wide variety of p . It is the raw material for a large variety of construction, agricultural, environmental, and = in0W&| materials. Carolina vLidi�eisusedinconstructiona/nnosteven/where.|nZQO7,crushed|imestonexvas68Y6ofa||crushed inthe United States. Also, limestone is the key ingredient inmaking Portland cement. Tertnesseq� D ation.sabundance of|inoestnne,there have been cernentsho�aOesinrecent yeao. ° 1�a s " Utah v SoMAt4le purest ofnatural limestones are marbles. For centuries, marble has been the decorative • stqAMOfighoicein8overnrnentbui|dinGsandpub|iostatues.Traxertineisabousedamadimensiunstona • in Vq64nA_VbIetops. Some white limestone is simply crushed and sieved for use in landscaping and ro8fing. • West to remove impurities from molten metals like steel. It can also remove toxic mIsco isconsin wcomnVeexhaustof�oa|-burning power plants. Limnestoneisused asafiller inavariety of -0 from thproducts, including paper, plastic, and paint. The purest limestone is even used in foods and medicines such as breakfast cereals and calcium pills. Limestone is also the raw material for making lime (CaO) that is used to treat soils, purify water, and smelt copper. Lime has many additional uses inthe chemical industries. Dolomites are commonly less suitable than other industrial limestones for mostapplications. Most dolomite that is mined issimply crushed and sieved for use as aggregate in concrete orasphalt. The Portland Cement Shortage Portland cement isone ofthe most important products made from limestone. Itisessential inmany construction applications. The United States is not self-sufficient in cement and must import it from other countries to make up for shortfalls. Imports of clinker (the product from the first step in making cement) and finished cement accounted for about 23% of total U.S. cement sales in 2006. In the years just prior to 2007, Portland cement was in seriously short supply in the Nation. Competition from other countries, an inadequate ocean transport system, and underestimated cargo space requirements were among the causes. When Portland cement was in very short supply, its price increased significantly. Consumers sought -substitutes. They used pressure-troated wood, insulated- steel, and polystyrene-iry-panels, and -even redesigned building footers to reduce the amount of cement needed. Cement shortages also caused construction delays that resulted in increased costs for roads, bridges, and buildings. Sources of Limestone in the Future Establishing new limestone quarries and cement plants in the United States is a slow process and supply shortfalls require time to correct. It takes about 2 years to build a new cement plant, and the permitting process can take much longer -8 to 10 years. Perhaps an even more challenging problem is that people may not welcome new quarries and plants to their area. In spite of these obstacles, many U.S. cement companies are inthe process ofexpanding and modernizing their operations. When an area of suitable and mineable rock is swallowed up by urban growth or when mining becomes prohibited by legislation or zoning, the result is called "resource sterilization." Limestone is a material of national importance, and resource sterilization can result in a longer haul ata higher cost from quarry to customer. Limestone Production Patterns Most of the limestone that is mined is crushed for aggregate. The majority of U.S. crushed stone production has come from limestone for at least the last 40 years. This is true even though carbonate rocks are only 25to35Y6ofthe rocks atthe surface. US.crushed stone operations have been declining innumber, about 2U% loss per decade since 1Q71. However, from IOO1through 2OO6 total annual U.S.limestone production increased according to U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries, so the average size of a quarry is increasing. In other parts of the world, new production is coming mainly from a few very large quarries. Despite increased U.S. production, the Nation was importing more and more of its limestone products until the recent downturn in construction. These imports come primarily from Canada, Mexico, and China. With fewer quarries the average haul distance will increase, and limestone prices will likely increase once more. Some Issues in Limestone Mining Limestone is most often mined from a quarry. However, underground limestone mines are foLmd_at places in the central and eastern United States, especially in and near cities. Underground mining of limestone has some advantages over surface quarrying and will probably increase in the future. Typical public concerns about limestone mining include dust, noise, blasting vibration, and truck and other traffic associated with quarry operations. Some limestones are also aquifers, that is, they are rock units that can yield water to wells. Where limestone is an aquifer, there can be concerns that contaminants from the quarrying operations could escape into the ground water. In many areas of the United States where limestone is found, it gradually dissolves in rainwater at the surface or in the near -surface ground water. In humid climates, great volumes of limestone dissolve and are carried away in the water. This creates caves, and sinkholes may develop where cave ceilings collapse. In cavernous limestone aquifers, contaminants in ground water move much faster than in other types of rocks, so quarries in such areas are special concerns. The Need to Understand an Essential Resource Limestone is among our Nation's most essential resources. Our understanding of that resource as an industrial mineral is poor given its importance to our economy. Because limestone has been regarded as a "common" rock, earlier geologic research was limited in scope. In the past, most USGS research on limestone has focused on mapping deposits, as well as understanding their roles as aquifers and petroleum reservoirs. However, different data are needed to characterize limestone suitable for construction and other industries. Carbonate rocks need to meet chemical purity requirements that vary by intended use. Some uses require that the limestone also has certain favorable engineering properties. Standards and requirements for limestone use are rising, and a greater understanding of limestone characteristics, variability, and engineering properties is needed. Some limestones in the United Sates that are otherwise suitable for mining and use, such as limestones in many parts of Alaska, are currently too distant from markets to be profitable. It is important, though, to catalog such rocks as possible future resources. U.S. Industrial Consumption of Limestonc Both geologic and economic |innbs will certainly affect future supplies oflimestone. The United States presently consumes between 5 and 10% of the global production of industrial limestone. In 2007, dom-estic production of -industrial limestone was about 1.3 billion metric tons, valued at more -than -$25 billion. |nthe same year, the Nation imported about 43O,0]Umetric tons ofindustrial limestone and limestone products, valued at about $2.2 billion. Most of these imports were Portland cement. Meeting the challenge of supplying America's needs for essential mineral commodities such as industrial limestone requires accurate and unbiased scientific data. The ongoing work of scientists with the USGS Mineral Resources Program provides the information crucial tothe creation ofsound policies that will help ensure future supplies of mineral resources.