HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240547 Ver 1_Site Plan_20240415State of forth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Resources p 15A NCAC 02H .0500 — Water quality Certification, Shoreline stabilization ENVIRONMENTAL ©UALITY FORM: SSGP 02-2017 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: if sending via US Postal Service if sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Paul Wojoski Paul Wojoski DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch 1617 Mail Service Center 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Raleigh, NC 27604 A. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .050 ] 1. Owner Information Name: „ ehad and Deborah Acfoura Mailing Address: 3455 BirchL Fairlawn OH 44333 Telephone Number: (330)933-8415 fax Number: NIA E-mail Address: iV;,-,fnHra1 ynhon corn - 2. Agent/ Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. (A form can be downloaded here: http:ZZwww.saw.usace.armY mil/Portals/59/dots/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTHORI2 ATION FORM.pdf) Name: Charlie Washburn Company Affiliation: Marine Construction LLC Mailing Address: PO Box 6400 Hickory, NC 28603 Telephone Number: 828-495-3040 Fax Number: N/A E-mail Address: office 2 marineconstructionilc.corn B. Project Information [1SA NCAC 02H .0502(a) & b 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. FORM: SSGP 02-2017 Page 1 of 3 I Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work Is to be conducted) County: _ uLkg..-__ Nearest Town: OonnellY-SO�� Lake/ river] ocean adjacent to property: ._--- property size 'acres): 1.01 Acres Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number), 225 _8 Ljiand View n Nily __5U_ri_nM, NO 2 V Lot 8 at Island.F'ointe at Lake. Vista Suwjvislon Directions to site - please include read names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: Ir chided i :1 packet Latitude {in decimal degrees) Longitude (clecirrral degrees) _$; _� ...,,.,,, .. S. Describe the existing lard use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): Residential, Develooed 6. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): 7. Will work be conducted from land? From water? x 8. Total amount of Impacts bellow the normal pool lake level / Normal Water Level Permanent impact�sy (including all excavation, €]ackfill, rip rani, retaining walls, etc.) in square feet. Temporary impacts in square feet: ----- o sgft 9. Total amount of impacts above the normal pool lake level / Normal Water i ev,, i and �o feet land -ward Permanent impacts (including back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc, i in square feet: LAqosgft Temporary impacts (temporary clearing, construction corridor) in square feet: Construction corridor-- o sgffl 10. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water level and 5o feet landward to be impacted {number of trees, for instance): 11. Signature 141 Agent's Slgn uie [ .', ;CA .0 g0- _Ow Kati .Argent's srrgnature ,.s valyd omly ;} an authorization c.. i.l. FORK SSGD 02- 01. i ' : 12. Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan and provide dimensions far each item: a. All proposed vegetation clearing b. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Formal Water Level elevation c. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation d. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. e. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation Full Pond/ Normal Water Level Shoreline Plan View Full Po`ncl/�Norrawf�l W*ter L r 7hdrel ne ­r 2ft. x150ft. addrt DW dean g If fl 8 ary Lr��r Plan View La ke (At full Pond/ Normal Wafter Level) No "Ovi lmn " P t1 mmk6al W %ki vt �\Oa a Lake (ft FuA ParWNormal water LeA existing Clock / 3Q ft 0 rt FORM: ssGP 02-201.7 Page 3 of 4 ► 0 Goo54Wc- -i cx \ caincl d(" Pia 'iemeoyvN tmf0kkS Pl\ room al 017' be Rdu" No �T&s reKnoveA Lake (At Full Porn1dl Normal Water dtX11Q,Qfi\C)W �t]tl �c��►� I�WL � Side View 3 ft. below full pond water level 4 ft. above full pond water level 2 ft. additional clearing V necessary Existing bank 10 ft. bank Side Vi FORM. SSGP 02-2017 Page 4 of 4 Project Nsme%address. Asr i County, Owner: Jehed and Deborah Astoura e Print SignAture �antra�rJagiw ; ; Cliarli � ' .sh i W MariYl.­ Qnstruction Print Signature The approval is for the purpose in your application. Impacts not indicated in the application violation (f the Sigffer Rule. Sj'an. specific won< should be provided in the application. (1 A NCAC 02H .050G a "1w 1. 5,6, NCACO2$ .0243'8); Trr;.er are not aljoived 1::) lae r rYlCsve= ' 3ro n Zone I of the Buffer (within 30 ft of the full pond elevaticr:;, zri ;s approve Except:icn, those trees that are- severely undermined along the immediate shoreline can be ; rr, Minimal shaping and sloping along the immediate shoreline is allowed.115A NCAC 026 ,0243(6)j Benching and grading in the buffer is not allowed. Excessive disturbance of ground cover. [1 A NCAC 028 ,0243 (6)] Beaches, impervious patio, impervious walkways, etc, are not allowed in the buffer unless specifically approved by the Division. There are limitation on size for decks. JISA NCACO28.0243(4) and {f]j Work to be conducted from land must indicate an access and indicate anv trees that are to be removed. The work corridor should be described. The approved access corridor shal, be restored. Staging, spoil, construction material must be outside the buffer. (15A NCAC t]IH .0502 and 15A NCAC 026 ,0141 (4), (6), f 8jj 5tormwater cannot be piped or channeled' 1:= r dl", -A discharge to the lake. All constructed stoat water discharges must be at the natural elevaticr::: : _ :'is : ,argecl prior to entering the buffet- directed as diffuse or sheet flow at non -erosive velocities to the. lake:. Acnowfedgement of AbW%don Jetwd-and D111192Efih f , hereby state that 1 have he€�n Informed of the Catawba Riparian Buffer Rule, Any work conducted in the buffer, not specifically stated in the application and approved by the, Division of Water Resources (CDWR), is a violation and subject to enforcernent. Due diligence will be taken Bitch that the construction will be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approvedplan(s) and specifications), and other supporting materials. Signature (owner)_ �J � � �, � �� l�s�ii�� � U_� � �. r SIR I Nil 11� 1 . ' N i F NS AX m N\1 mqN 74 1 el tint. -i Q i q 6pp � tpp yy 2 N O i 4 Y I a 7 � � yr •6a � s p . �• e E q a � � g � � x�c .a i' g r9 Ii r J II 'x'Ir.im I'll`, � a Hxk a, -,A A I + 1 +� N I � r Y �+k d s / ,�t �� �I`lilAh s ��• ,N rd r. 'R �f+^ �+4 \.� ��•. (I, i �1 1�f7,11 ��1, I t;, �y b ',`f �S,•,ram`, Go gle Maps Hickory, North Carolina to 2258 Is VW Ln NE, Valdese, NC 28690 the Ca�Ge.l Farm: P B�rsn Y ae�aME v 3 avhrvn m cxeenQ re � errd�y� F Uwrr t MM btonENI u.ry LIN ilY9UhS 9 NM OdNy''•�11 c 1q �� c 4� rr e• Hickory North Carolina Take 1 st Ave SW to US-321 S MO 9�hniy /ryl��Fawn gm.«..�P�rawz oars. Drive 17.4 miles, 26 min f.�A1 arw� reu. 9 v QW, WO IM W'�/a � �:® Ne'F"BaFroa Yi1aszier�Y H•�Y.� bw LIM >~� pprilam Peryelet3Nc ISO I!R 4 yHMf MI _ r a G]e min A I�,y Fehr &voXbN tan I�". p t L MD , G� Map data @2024 1 mi ■ 5 min (1.6 mi) T 1. Head south on 4th St NW toward 1 st Ave NW 0.3 mi f* 2. Turn right onto 1st Ave SW 0 Pass by dairy Queen (Treat) (on the right in 0.7 mi) 0.9 mi E i 3. Turn left onto 13th St SW 0A mi 41 4. Use the 2nd from the left lane to turn left onto US- 321 S 0.3 mi Take 1-40 to Malcolm Blvd in Rutherford College. Take exit 113 from 1-40 10 min 01.4 mi) <-1 5. Use the middle lane to stay on US-321 S 0.7 mi e 6. Take exit 43 toward 1-40 0.2 mi A 7. Slight right onto the 1-40 W ramp to Asheville [0� A 8. Merge onto 1-40 9.5 mi t4 9. Take exit 113 toward Connelly Springs 0.2 mi Continue on Malcolm Blvd. Drive to Is Vw Ln NE in Valdese 10 min (4.4 mi) A 10. Merge onto Malcolm Blvd �`1 11. Turn left onto Lake Vista Dr NE +"1 12. Turn left to stay on Lake Vista Dr NE r4 13. Turn right onto Is Vw Ln NE 2258 Is Vw Ln NE Valdese, NC 28690 3.1 mi 230 ft 1.0 mi 0.3 mi � i w P'S co L M $%do CV! ■ ■ fn LO • � M CD � iSIAND'JIE4iF 4N NE i rp to [V i �r. a ♦�40. hl R rr �+s rya+r r°M a , � w a 9 Q Z N L Q O Val 8 o�F3 y CO o� c yL C7 Q] Z $ CV cb� m N •— Q rr-- N � �igOa a co OD � N � C? V co � d' d f*) 00 04 Cl U N CD { a 3 O m ea m KL gals O o C) a s� r m a co LU O Z co r LL U) Z N Q co -i U) co 3: (7 p W Z CC) _ z C) 0- LU J Z U) [} Z :s h it Q CD LL! [r m W O —' av Z , LL CY LO D Lo a Q C1d N L _ 4) Q CL �a AGENiF Ai?;-,r,�,,,GRITZA 4 A FORM Please note that Multiple forms may be nece . SsatY if there are more than two owner's of the pmperty. PROPERTY LEGAL DEScp,-jpTj0N: STRr:ET ADM SS OF EXIS7ING HOME or LATrnJDE/LONG1TUDE OF NEW CONSMUCnON- 2258 Island View Ln NE Connejjy Springs NC 28612 35-778/-81.533 Parcel ID.. 2744876686 PrOPertlf Owner Name(s) — Pie"* PMW property Owner. Jehad Asfoura Property Owner: Deborah Asfoura The underSigned, registered property Owners of the above rioted PmPerty,, do knleftauthorize Charlie Washburn af Marine Construction LLC (Contra OiMgent) r Marne of company) to ac''On my behalf and take all actio"Is t1le PY'Oc"'s,' if G, issuance and aomptance of this permit or Certification and any and all Sl',aildard and s.peciai ccoditions attached. Owners Mailing Address (if different than PropertV addraw abo") K-0 �'airlawnOH 44335 A, ..... . .......... , Pr oPerty Owner(s) Telephone: (330) 933-8415 � 33c) q36 -01,4,1, IA-f, il d We he certify that the above information -submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. fized Auftrized Signature Date