HomeMy WebLinkAbout[External] Notice of Credit Release / Wildlands Catawba 01 UMB - Double Rock / SAW-2020-01532 / Alexander CountyCAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good afternoon Kristi, This correspondence is in reference to the monitoring report and credit release request submitted for the WEI Catawba 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Double Rock Mitigation Site, Action ID SAW-2020-01532. The purpose of this letter is to transmit comments provided by the NC Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) during the review of the monitoring report and to confirm the annual credit release. The review of the annual monitoring report followed procedures outlined in Section 332.8(o)(9) of the Mitigation Rule. The comments listed below were provided by the NCIRT during this process. While it is not necessary to provide a response to specific comments at this time, please be sure to address the issues raised in future monitoring report submittals. Andrew Friedman-Herring, NCDWR 1. Overall, DWR agrees that this site appears to be in good condition and on trajectory. 2. The successfully repaired stream banks on Randall Tributary and Elk Shoals Creek are noted. However, no photos of the repaired sites are included in the report. Please make sure to include photos of any area of adaptive management when it is repaired. 3. The vegetation data in Appendix B appears to be missing vegetation plot height and vigor data, despite being referenced in Section 2.1. Please make sure to include this data in all monitoring reports. 4. Photo points 8, 9, and 13 appear to be capturing the areas above and below the internal easement crossings but do not include the actual crossings or structures themselves. Please make sure that all internal easement crossings with structures such as fords or culverts are captured in photos from both upstream and downstream. 5. If possible, please include dates of Asian Spiderwort treatments. Based on the report, spiderwort was treated in MY1, but in various photographs from 10/25/23 there is still significant coverage (ex- PP12). It would be helpful to understand the timeline of events and whether herbicide applications occurred before or after the stream photographs. Steve Kichefski, USACE 1. Overall site seems on track. 2. The referencing of previous comments from the MY0 and site visit review are appreciated. Please continue to include/track previous comments and problem areas in monitoring reports. Provide an update on the bank repair areas in MY2. 3. Gage recording and physical documentation of bankfull events noted although wracking was difficult to see in some of the photos. 4. Low species counts in vegetation plots 3 & 4 were noted and hopefully does not represent lower species diversity over a broader area. If any future supplemental planting is needed it is good to note which species are dominating so that variation can be included. Based on our review of the monitoring report and the results of the NCIRT review, we confirm that you have satisfied requirements included in the approved banking instrument and mitigation plan for this site. Accordingly, with this correspondence we confirm the release of credits as shown on the table below and on the attached credit release schedule. The District leger on the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System has also been updated to reflect this transaction. Release Activity MY1 Date of Release 4/15/2024 Credit Classification Stream Credits Wetland Credits Warm Water Cool Water Cold Water Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non-Riparian Coastal Current Credit Release Request 444.460 - - - - - - Approved Credit Release 444.460 - - - - - - Credits Not Released (if any) - - - - - - - Total Credits Released to Date 1889.340 - - - - - - Thank you for your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. Please note that this electronic copy is an official Department of Army notification regarding this transaction. If you have questions regarding this email, please contact me by email at Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil or telephone (828) 933-8032. Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Mitigation Branch (828)-271-7980 Ext. 4234 (828)-933-8032 cell Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribution List From: Davis, Erin B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 6:53 AM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>; Kichefski, Steven L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil>; Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.T.Isenhour@usace.army.mil>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd@epa.gov>; Hamstead, Byron <byron_hamstead@fws.gov>; Polizzi, Maria <maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>; Merritt, Katie <katie.merritt@deq.nc.gov>; Friedman-Herring, Andrew <andrew.friedmanherring@deq.nc.gov>; Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Dave McHenry <david.mchenry@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Kristi Suggs <ksuggs@wildlandseng.com>; Andrea Eckardt <aeckardt@wildlandseng.com>; Kirsten Gimbert <kgimbert@wildlandseng.com> Subject: Notice of Year 1 Monitoring Report Review and Credit Release Request / WEI Catawba 01 UMB - Double Rock / SAW-2020-01532 / Alexander County Hello IRT, The below referenced bank Sponsor has submitted an Annual Monitoring Report for NCIRT review and is requesting a release of credits. The Annual Monitoring Report has been posted to the RIBITS Cyber Repository. This review will follow the process outlined for Credit Release Approval in the 2008 Mitigation Rule (Section 332.8(o)(9)), which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from the date listed in this email notification, or 15 days after a site meeting, if required (see below). Please provide any comments by 5 PM on the comment deadline shown below in bold. Comments provided after the 15-day comment deadline may not be considered. Within 30 days of the conclusion of the IRT review period (comment deadline), a copy of all comments will be provided to the bank Sponsor and the IRT along with District Engineer's credit release determination. Review Timeline*: 15-Day IRT Comment Start Date: February 25, 2024 Site Meeting Date/Time: NA Site Meeting Location: NA 15-Day IRT Comment Deadline: March 11, 2024 45-Day Credit Release Approval Deadline: April 10, 2024 *Note: If it has already been determined that a site visit will be conducted, meeting info will be shown above. If a site visit is requested during the review period, the deadlines will be extended and comments will be due 15 days following the date of the site meeting. Project Information: Sponsor: Wildlands Holdings VI, LLC Bank Name: Catawba 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank Site Name: Double Rock Mitigation Site USACE ID: SAW-2020-01532 River Basin: Catawba HUC: 03050101 County: Alexander Sponsor POC: Wildlands Engineering, Kristi Suggs, ksuggs@wildlandseng.com <mailto:ksuggs@wildlandseng.com> USACE Project Manager: Steve Kichefski, Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil <mailto:Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil> USACE Mitigation Specialist: Erin Davis, Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil <mailto:Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil> Credit Release Activities: Year 1 Annual Monitoring Credit Release Requested: 10% of total stream credits = 444.460 Warm Water Stream Credits RIBITS Cyber Repository Link: https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:278:10088690309046:::RP,278:P278_BANK_ID:5788 <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fribits.op s.usace.army.mil%2Fords%2Ff%3Fp%3D107%3A278%3A10088690309046%3A%3A%3ARP%2C278%3AP278_BANK_ID%3A5788&data=05%7C02%7Cmaria.polizzi%40deq.nc.gov%7C960e82e1b7f84f10cd5408dc5d742bad%7C7a7681dcb9d0449a85c3 ecc26cd7ed19%7C0%7C0%7C638488001233223104%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=4OUZWf%2Fp5rQfy656Pg8dZWmQ5p%2FBceVH3%2B4T9fsWY L0%3D&reserved=0> Please note that you must be logged in to access documents in the cyber repository. When submitting comments please indicate if you are requesting a site visit. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you, Erin Erin B. Davis Mitigation Specialist, Regulatory Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (919) 930-1887 work cell ꎂ졏�ꗇʍ肅斆蔍ﰷ殧꼻榬␁뢭㨟孏筕괰勃摊椲剅궈儱⇵䐐탐嫲锓LJ썷�㫘⶘̤좇ᤄ뗆ﲆᝀ攃厞붵⶿堄匿畔瀥Ḛ吃줜竀觳灟먺ᡠᒖ譝績ꎛ㛨뚒똀鿆兎т덽榓ㄜ痐�暻ᮏ귒敶℁�疞䀰ù憑縛걝챔෻滩ⶮ驸牼﫿匹頌奊絤ﷱ뚥틝볪雯ꦲ碽伥磞営踡鍊쳜炄쮶᫣堔韡냾롮㧻➄䢒䆄ﺿ攭뫖耏ⷧ턙옳莩ㆋ䈳樳踁޹賧࿂�繼诤㑆땴舏ꏇ಍鮢죮ꂕ㩙ꢅਞ쑱⦭�髚벂ཧ䓯璭쫄툰었鼻ꀷ瘝遘暶蛽�뺟製ꇗ⭛귷㺚탚烐ᓴ轇⼟钧㫲ƺ၊䝑鷾亃琦Ç⭎ 攮讵檦뗤润꽍၄⦤妢ཁࢁꦔͳ㈒䤿ꀀ㡇戛糲≗杆歊ᜲ锒䉾瓖ඬ톸Ꝩ錟ᰂ炁촔戋㡋拭꽩鈧㮒ޑ븮八ᾌ늂濬貽謇ヘᆻꆩꃹራ嶂䍈䤹뒛懭鶴夰앗䣥똢跞퀠㯙੮⌱옐涤༅Ṏ滯䞩⯇䥧쥿楏戝늕￀㝰䐶垯튚璦喂꾮䤍溎薫歇朕ᔄ�䎠ㄝ횬嚛浭냆ҋ㊈렳聉偆ᾘ滧垁窃�ҫ湯脵逸覮뙳煦䫀曦か䏵г똨볹᷄㑞⻕鐹㒷휃觝鉷豿Ꮩ�飖榀䒤䞖ᩈݰ䫜쭎꧈ᄄ귐輷烲଎몏毼畉傃俚夷핋�쥓嚳˕⎞ퟅ撿啓㘻⻋뜲邯흵ὧ댉𢡄倌먡쓁 �໒罰慣辬昉꒙뽯﫻촀愑뉉閛썲䄙骠中ၮ冃屇畷즏偈뵄湉괿ꏥᖂ䖁洷鰿ݗݪ뜂⹱煭൥ำ솇鰠桋͢ꑨ῝農ᾬㆩᇄ熊➧瓧�脖墣畾馡姿讞⻊璘緒ꦆ茑ત凭េڲݕꢩ龊ⓓ뭳宨担譅擠猬졠捳知᪨䚌戽䉞톤䏐㪇ꆑ姫碻亸ᤵﮩ㉧奻❣孚꼥⿏▰ꆫ趥䇘췠俯㐮㣇桧鰗蕑뚲퍎뜅ﲱ蓉㾙㎭ꦠ⻩択ᛨሐ눒珀讞놃എ㦛贼ᯭྟ⛲珦ᯫ됿襵蠥檲쯯믤드煓煱㾦읽该﮺ꪻ뎸⬦땩ㆻ伅ੱ涪冃瞟✳隨ⴿ벹斾﯁쓬欠縖�擰賺ߠ孑�ፅꮰᙚ칛ᒈࡅ嚑ấ㊵襔踾 髀㑹庯♇ﵸ덾첬餧宛덎�菺뉷㭪ꡥዷ嵡槺齏কﴹ똂ﶫ맅嘭樆碆ὄ補൤꽺㓑㔡翵鍠ᴗO�ꟳ᜷ㇾ獎Έ䌤珟桹ဘ屘筰ẜ䐖ല帺ⳓᗫ〵茬污藊亯马楮ꋌ渍䙠圡䓲截ޯ떑쮽ࢊ之䒝쨑쟚ᴫ뜼灜አ令宖☇蚲⸱퉸⬨ꬍ뇧쑩瞡掫줐źᶧઅ㛼녡唽䊍樲꫚㋔碦鸥�LᲵⶬ㵬駰秩겡๋䑼硒蝩躩ₚ଴맇壚䱙쬘⪤㽵씜發穴耇䒏ᐠ▊罈ꓶ넢⩘ਇ洬禪쏡⟴쭯嬪ךּ蹉틀蒳긣䱖踼笺ᵍ秠칓ؓ颱ᵩ룶乎䄰돵㒦䂧卸ꯟᄜﯺ骎䮋냌貋毱떏셶虽툠�ॾ윟⥒ ဧ檎ⶵ᢭ᆀ풑἗ࢊቛ㎸忦喅૭便ᷕ퓗蚹ໍつ㬢⤌⃔ā훁墺䔕됐諒ᅊ⸷类含劼ឥ喭㾴庫墭긕햃₊쑎Ⴡ蠜笢顃Ȇ鱤蓞᎜㦂䇹珏뽽秧䤬Ⱶၫ⊀돫箏嚴个拇뮺鞧싧ỹ㭌䦝鱦搜냇㕻䔢˵ᐾ캧辣Ʊ煍붌׎鮠꣪竸⣦蔇堶㺰◧⡛࢖鲸�뷈糋慣᫂殞错ꙙ菤꜁㢢훫份둸䟸쿞䍗机Ὸ在␖奻前ꇐ褭칌丯ྋ烗俤ਆ睋椩粆䍫葎䤧鴋㢛캯薮罳ꥢ澪퇇湽⦔해擱劗䓧䎇﨏踕�硑鯕ꂁㆎ⎀쥒䠺傻絨뼋ᖓ៪霧ꜹ늻伃䓹錨〽酺큄遛䏱埈뱤㢌�ᷭ蔜׎ᎏ 헝錯岽䢪钛鱓옐섰ࠡ蝝궂⒨ピ唧ᇉ㹨鹛ࢵᡤ訒�ꍓ졽鈈ﰲ︪݆湼낱ꊥ㜨ﲝꫂ度㍥씂띥뻣ꍵ⦐녁ﶍឰ蔅앍꼿쮥툃搊콣盯᷇⧼置櫔썿㲱⟵最⥺煏ॺ⚯տ豣ก둅飚˘꯫㶿�㕔⡗ݝ쏯讗⯪廊窼핓囈┚�巩卶㼑땪훷턻隈片뀉樻᭫⏹䋕睚�睍�빶旑뮻巫꣱燉ᠼ뺜箍駌Ꚓ䞶뜧뙌꟎桠眶䏟딑�䟦⌙ꫣ猰ꭙ㧔焫붩캊ꛑ鋳Kቹ᷼�憗⍍넯쌸Ϳ햹䊏᫧ﱨ᨝텋ꀷꫨ⌵ش䎏蓞刢즼簖푬籥篯헢럴ቭ鷸虄坑Ĭ魺纊땳ꇄ핥罏呱ᜯ璄쉾嵃㣧읃튟쎄ϟഅ褙㰫熌 훪欝䬑⏱⮠鵽嘋॥砚쇾�홗嚴㺿䑊놨쿤⟗Ҁ锭�窱髚�훆ﺎ⇁Ȩ�᰸쬼輌秃ⶬ᥮ٔퟕ列⋋嬧皚퀶㫐쟴ꤋ槩힩웎鱮왴應粏ꊎ䫎혁࣫쉗ᬘ웰A슁໯劲ჭ鰨猅米繚�ﳜ雒롁ྈ幕쿚鹄걝澣詗痕㼮袓Ꮟ銨画ዦ縦㵬䪣愺襞謚ⷷ顀㸈㈉瀖Ꜷ잕煿Ꝯ擙ᵧㅍ磎㤅嘽㴀ᠭ緺赎ꨁ鼺鿥ᅉ嬄뛳肞꼦혺ௐ鮍늬◈᫦ൻ梆慢扥喈輗恆ٰA纗琬꼩忸土풋jᄌ왵閞匌凹㣑c緝ᇼ宝ᆱ撋圴㢑蟱첢缨≛壟଱槉灖�놓䷞䌵崘移긇쯜쯋⿋凼 㟼ࣶ悎섊怴ﷇꅺԊ簅輮␿‭﯈獐덢鴫嬨宗囅᪾铢�槬ⴴ㊚翤׭ࡏ䈀퍞叭殺�渺ꟷ⇐荇욬⸘␰ᖩ๰Ꜥ뮶䝓ᔑか뺝〰祸ᅠ䖢⭾ﴶ듶阎쩩آ윙떞뤨ᨢ蠒퇾退㮔娴㤘쬮咪Ⴞ齳忬䱠苑᪣▀編笾釫훴ॾ맀䢷滖䁂䵓讓誄㭨ྊㆮ꬝ꪲ⦱ᪧ養㍽藜䊠ꍴ⼯༕峫筚땫ࣥᶽ珽䈔�淧ᢄ踐침ម瞹䫏詏솑튯凁巖⡫詊ꗰ맙ﻆ֯ᑀ⠺ꠙ㘽髐┄㼅怵弯ᚱ鸄鲞꺭女頭ޮ둪�鏏챶匰ꨗ틱૔ꑹꦽ�㍔슄틨ᙜ帬ᐖﰜ軝题㍅袨࣓裆➱ຳ㩀⻩禾쟐䊞 펐撍襆㘐ꃴ�顖喁䡉䝜᷸抑렑燳”䢖΄ퟥ揿ᩌ莵񻯖頻管᜺㳮卆ፄ발뿏銨붢ꍨↈ罳盆杌،뗢쫥襓쉂䅒�萤ᮯ만활⨅ा噶ᢟஹ銀鳖乃➐�뷌౔۟ᴨ뢪춰黃넼躖䶘嵳料㻳璁ﶰ盢ȯ떂ႛ竐埦蔊玊⮳湏羌䲯맧澰郿䁌㮝㖜⍖갯쿜뛤ᬎ奺릳湻팃℘ᡇ糖탢䤽柉޶땑맓鳥賄㺺䢾鄬╊ᅢ흶캽Ἲ㉈ຶ羉쏖�旭肋渡귥鯓롗⃒腷ᧂﰄ蘰凎㦅ﯯ鼔ณ㸶뜼鹢ẕ瑱ᠴ껿�뚓䗎龵킣鉸柅䰎朧姧Ǟ鳋㫩撈十菌峘ډ䨒ⷹ缥娜惩ᡄ㈖擞꿵㵩ꥰ 䄃罡묣괜㫩㱨櫍瑎᭒㡧뺪폼⦻ᴚӗ톀訉岄쀊�菫旤联魂✻儼蒴曥⶚혊◐닦ᘐ獣뿩購搐ᵣꃰΑ惓奥ἓ颹ꊂ霷�ᓓ똆撿墨钏鑝乣䂘䝇⍤�ꎰ�介叐ᬑ㽠蝱ᇰې垖ꄊ佁鏐挒薫鏃ﳩ͞瀔䩏Ꭸ啞忧ⱜ☜�ᮘꊦ詳軉⼳抸䔅鸛ꩧ⺗섔诶ៃ㟮ᒷ�侠⫔⨜䍽쏂⻺პሠȁꜞ궻综瑊Ⳙᴣ㖙徲ꅹ䞪䔲㹂�뛾椨衿▣㸉ਉृ釼吧ᳪ럁ᛋ㺑縻ế쿶캒⏲ᛛ탘䕆⊃ꈰ囯琫琎螥欻ꝰ�ꚩ㩺䨚騸띨泱읍㈐┉址ꗱ彰敳璚⍜ꯢ䉘ꪕᙷ뗽๬ᱽၖ뙍リﱍ⪝鳈�닣� 蔂릚櫼⽹Ȕ璘僱葝枡ఔ≬ܳ꣠ꕞ鵬핆ᒸ㑍鍞㧐豈껰Ꭺ㌑ᾈ܋麅夓ෞຏ䧛Ԛ鲣ꐠॲ㞯츣铟㮭㓖岠愨ꞕ尜䅬跁砱Ѩ䂆抲ὺ锸볺⁞翫慒幵鮨꓁ᴧ殥㹰㈟⋒�낵횳꧟뻭沰嘚餥�﷏༪窄ᙷ왣虬놩뙋╞┕ꔢ䥜鉺篂훩◍ꔪ䋗廝床➒㝋Ƛ䋛ꕈ譋ᒲ⫥䫩좋▾ⱦ晣曌�얛昲�履㧎珟㧳ꌥ佣瓐婟䎷勼棚㬀㟵蜕탯軆火䨸㗏몸聵⥉骍ꋞ䜂燎䤌翏��緱ꏅ��ᢖ蓣Ŵ⽈끣㲹�焏琙䝺䵳폅ꢬ蹃䤋╈챐莺ᘴ玀煦꓌᜸⅊좏绬ꢦ桕붢鐓ᗅ䂇 嘵潟`짍䣬㋵ᖕᐶ霆⟙᠐�嫯ୁ㶍튑밅컾ூ욾ဳ�㏡㵬쮳넾ⴤ儏辚⳻岚䠯ዿꌄ뵧棳鯺ᇮ⬹翠签퍲澂Ⳏᦀ責�柃ꝕ⛬갗㚥剑맵즨ᓼ蒢뭝絛⃳絰筿ꡦ夸脈崣㖎䅓ㅅ꫌皺쳪枕ޟ㸦輱峞ᖓꑁ⸪쨇楚珢ﭪ뒳歠᧣㥨撊荲㇂蚚椁뷍埂㇧䪻ᵒꞍ뙁ᨊ脄鼾Շ錶혡裝ᠹ緅찵�ࣽ�غ櫧鈴㸂絛뮖풶搁�힩쀝᳤圤蚧콛荖ꭋ⡝�潮漀Ꞩ쑆ᛴࠕ轼ர⨽젬췏赎댿퍫㴊倢ꐃ厁꿸翹盖ݒ뵨῝ꩫ㲟䧊㹋掱ꦃ㒦 쉰迟䀲컝鄪哯틽௖Ȯ湼鯛嗀듳恐 ꇅ幹㬏婁둡�㱬岭࿄沢剸嵱贇ᗅ䂡别㤎ꔒ螂﹢⊶ꬦ䲒店ꖀᄚ撦ዬ㝕᠋鲪덥ퟦ�㿀鲭뼋ェ峁蹛ሃᅯ졒猁붢뢺杌璪淴啯솒ဗ撴㟯ὑ๻櫃弆벓惐䧩ݷ櫢탚声〓㏫鴣헍Ⓟ脀괙⪌鎨蓺깋㞳ﭒ䘂⢇䵣纜륌�ۃᦂ磬讯詅釘໔ᑀ�ꌏ烌䞊溫㺺䪣㝄Ꮽ䩐ώ쾇㹥랎靑Ԧ�榍鿅ꎘ췙ᇥ쯞ꕕↆ愔ᳮꡚ卵ff杩ᐣୖ롗獰떲샔ᖋఁ榣�攅潕볞먨紐䷖뙎욳筏刨ﭿ䅿⹅띓䜋욻鷪딥焜赙ጯ껷⛗娀脗礣籇䤐樼뉽杩᠃�絢￰セ �闃踐Ꚑ笇꟟穇狆㊮㧖韰⤜쾡렚�ⴆ늯퉘낖횢恞�๒႙➧ᒧ㠷巜〦賈ᔃ깙‹缵㐃ブꖧ폐楂ꤊ㞁춎ᖀ隤꼧匵晔웙鐾┼泥ힿ駩䜻呧녶犀萊鑓曇倎돪ᴂ핵ሐ䌐﫰酮㦷봒柄ᗷ螥�࢑頨삁傔㔘엃ᅴ嚓흕਽ų聯^ꞌ帝빙៻쇘ⷋ㲃玠鍊㓬ਐ戻浵筿☉緛읹楲趍렠짮ꬬ潭睸ꝶᣞ脦ᦫ윅�Ԡ穼楗둪閣ᄡ኏NJᰨ暥ᐔ婗숿벒鯮盾俓ꨇ➄楪૫孍ꒋ過녂㚦�镢�낐낰ϐ丞蚶�ꈤ膎趡䞶�㙀⇎봨萷᪂ᡬ輁繎ᦕ�彚啝镕扠鋥㾔׀᫴鱹쬥ࡠ躂ﮌ 㐽錆颰牔啫藉꒦話਑斟鏣�郁⊴㞣쿞湔ჷ茍恸�眞䕗充롤❕လ糲즖ỹ쌊嶸ꓨ唁叡Ӟ›邧쩺잚帳掂顤魓涳ᘅ崡뱤ꛙ㋔刉켙㦏㖢ۦⰁ룰娜꟯늺떨쨆䗸탁见僛㵾ῤ팈齐┐脔恤狭웪਋울߲譻㖳鹑蚞푕導ᑪ䒵嗅㴧矅ᔃ얒㿅峀뾻䭇ࢍ樘安홤쪓蟒鲻읔∶ま醷.ﴙ앓缣ᬏᵣሂᰮӚ契ϭꡩ웫뙏ⳟ녋뗡ᶬ濖�炴श⤾쀧⛑쿛峢醨럕坅ᡒ戒绠켮㒰ퟔ㟗变⍐ሺ㴴넋劣凥᷌丂鐥溾ꏮ뻔뫶བྷ荒ⱜ조Ἁඣ䋬굿㮊云ﲎ躧橜瘶⹈ Ꮼ蜍ꪮS⡯鈗諄ퟣ㡅㕧⍟엟ᅭ፹㘸퐹Ῐ危营㹲䊜聦傹銛찎䨧Ꮍ擄쉳눇秸惘罙䌇湚뢈苳먺ࢶ勅뤿챦斡頓긏凹㷢ƒ鷩寽႖혦陂ᄩ곴𧻓뮞�ំ挭႒፯尼�ᨚዘ㝬⨣꣬が瘺푃廡ㇸ扙陉뻮緻ᬷ䶨ᛨ얒ꋡ酖ᔂᦰ�셉嘾㢺嘨曓맋ٚ㑰糘柉㟩濈䆜倠ᐨ茆)摂ㇴꤔ⎳葖晳豱鰬狒籍⧛팑˃┺쫧⃙巿笁㊒䒰引㍲籖亄ᐖ뢂⇐䓨ូ櫯⩪틋︯믬䳉㴃቙�뽊贇煔鑔�颕搩룽䄵핅ۀꐧ모鏂覯蹗靡庇 ᰥⶥܕ鞿拯⺼ኧᮔ嘼処챝蠔顀虹땖薃ꐖ壸⏪䨑 輣脅炡憞㿷쓑㏏笠�ꅢ툎�홌ꞃ敥㱿뿉麙眚퀲䇝㌗庞ᢡꬣ範ᐵ꒺䏬굽㜵伓㥸㘯쇒呡⡐濡❁⻭庡䙗裡쭚䒅㾦핹ᵌ㑩鼁㠻酐㕪⤓产江ँꥯ츠ṛ쯿䭊䝡೔玳⋹垜ﶜ肁㺒恅똬㑚ᕗ섵광竧廾ഗ຤ꜞ쏩�㾫濻㯴弖餂㶷넿폫梛널蘀⼛蓼鏠◨㉺싯뱊仛ማ칡柫㎷溳뽥�᳀匂↓뜘苏嗴⻋ꘄ憢풰䍡쇀㇓罱弑Ꙑ�螜㆙菎䣁⡲齛얓⨞❋䉊ᴎꕽ锭剴빭繖囊뚻祖툜洒ⶪ井㤬鲅䣖�챠馘�䟗懞㌔䵃罝�篏ퟟ彵㕍ᎈ፾㎅ࡴ祏꛴ދЈ缀ꮖ벹 Ꚍ建瞤糿뮦䡦㷂瞿䙳ᔷ痯Გ壟⸪�퀴飃樹㙢ꐑ苊㤵볥ꪑ삀伿嚣⥚뢇䂇啢乴嚦ϵⲣ槭ᬲ숊됒隬￸≸퇴뻽廞᷋僦꣈️ț홃絜୵䘸ꇴ�㵖﷿ꛔ㘥騺⩪擊슒膇䃃꫉ፔⶋ힑㽯ࠍ搳빷ᒽ懮膨ᖕ䔶ㄕ淡뎣쓨嘆ݒ株앚쀕谯倊窑⥞쭕諘ȃ䶽馹凉㟱ᛯұꝰ�뗰體篆ḾԨ샃⅘﯏䟯乚珎ȹ䅈䜋퀠�מ稯샯ᆬ賂຦섌ﳈ杛杗ᬇ敭ᢴ쫦靓跮婹๜쿳欨갃鸄�=厫瓨츁௽㖫䄿鎾悂簑ঞᳳ⹨뀻詌뾝狖ೠ鎋䱝姄ꑏ䲉⪡Ȍ稬ꝺ娅砪誢䮱煀漣� ꬂ䍳�᪉褂዆꥕噖竦磪฼䆋㉍醔曊잮멓芹㇁ʀ莠龞炑ャ₮伿㭧㈭⠋ش̋쎇㗣�Ѹ訞쮎斫棠떓䨼뒈吴碚ﲏ瀴鷝雱鈽潪෯຤팤컬싥암啮骕⣧딇ㇼద᜙Ꜯ얋ǣ⼣돧鍚�䥨䩼㗠྾聋K�渹㎮姹訄빢ꌻ瞬呀䇛瑰竩大矾㺑緾㟿‭渚茆뢞䜃憏趔뙭즞⨪綯鞙⊩뛉ᇋ䒖希껏鼚�꽉��뜅肝⫱䗌衲펦ⳅ쌸ꛢȀ�륱졝衦﷗曢ݺ팛횹瘫檝᫬㵫꜁�䫟ᡕ슈痵ዉ奄흞獺畔ᬧⴒ⃻�㋰﫯룕페랇瑯㜰ꖞꦯ꒤궪ꍇ瓑瑵෴貌ᙍ袉뵉냽掦⍌䄠쯣菸㓾鰵 ⴄ⣾ߘ㜥㫂叞ᔶ⮞烍閅ሹ�㳕胦俨萚䊸ԫ藵ﴧ閍쨿仩湚툧㲄뫯Ⱌ䢂轳秉⏛鰘簌돎悤ളಌ蝹⁃᫱阳鴆䩌鶿编뵤䄣ୢ嚑혥蓱悏얷纅ⲭﳋ阈換慚苒헭껡䎒詰㎆쭬넏↟㓮둴푮䎜昂뢌ݓ䬌竈ៈᚩ⶷쳣͢䢼ؠ䚃⡉娖�⿞ᗳ쑃ප䐿῀睠압銏⋣ﭷ꽻龰㩭㯿㝗㜷❧眧式샿�蔛巕汽䢞 㜯�焸懣㊼뺮좒�䥰⯊捡요陬럞⇋퓈﮵굿Ὡ衏煑Ԅ럹믎郛礥᥍ꂁ緧臡᤭獡억䚝䓹븖䇡鎃햀犖䇘媶Ľ⠐誌궱궞⹾㕳俅懿㲐ﺮ氣꠾纇变ꙗ試ジ拤 g켨䤏珁渔쫎ٸ鯼镙鷇쑍驛쬙ᾢൕۀȑ뵸谝骆險Ꝩ၁麇ꨇ�ు䉃࠮临왩䎒ꪗ秛䂀뫄䍁뀍챙䘶ꯃ볂ফ꽧摥敧ᆬ疑芋�軆㘾_ⶎၺ珌麁䄊赲ਾ囊ℚА쳒噭쳢磐馨►ࢗ幹㲯օ贔妧㸬ꕵ릠྇予ࡂ砄䙬뷑嗀咶��⃤ߪ봤㖼靭䔩燬縤룞궧삽宐期⃤䡨㯠윞뒯읕홾㹩ЌꌂꙀ땑॔ࡒꊦ뗧Θ꨻屃此䢦箶㫢�똎ὕ⹚й튉㛾ᆺ煎ﺠ諌ꆙṤ╴즗鴕₸춟朞䄢붠싨力喼뚞敁ὧ鰇ġ랻꺭ꊠ뜴痤浭﫫뛦昮༯ク�镟ꅢ笢➷嶝ﶸ賝뽻챹鍑逺뙢딺 졔틳䶨Ჹ腂롢샱ꊵ♺⎋櫲꼁뎯ス곭埝뢚뉏仏␇ⶃ愰촅뛗ꤙࡋ樠냼넷�쀻섇浱瀅垕髶뻓㎐ʙ휔ꍝ⻃戔⽹젢￴沓⽃ொꭚ狭ੲ㭦תּ徭뒛້㘣⑅罉뇃今磾赚ǁ菦坘椚핚扁춵쾂Ⳟ斬㎏⋯ൗ眍쾀ϣワ쌴鿟쌃렀槥⣛憟䭨륿폓峞⓱胣馷ꕤ署坥�紣쒦⇳襟ブੵ鼿屛ᠫ俽謐顑╽췄肊濳ꐌ솙ꖩ䅰鹳ᔴĉ鐈㳆죧仴圶궤Ḡ췑㗨쓆淏Ꟛ턁칹鵢ክ陚釗蔖禆『ส䢺萓ष鯸㈹ꄽ퓶츝쟢Ȱ撫⚳ꊽ䉻踒栔麀⩿䳀㜙➭倠訤垽�苤纶蓁�판灁�찠腏랼薕鄹 䌿ꁿ䔅�뭈널녵䔥敏ݘ퓤ু궄伦ꅭ⁃쬦䐶狼꒥뺢ꎭ讵�煐ⴷ㿦븛궞䆍䅽⡦૎ꏹ⡒떷�즵ȒࠐꚂ狑⎟꾗租룰늬ꖦ鮣�卐箞ㄫ샲୚댗툦텃椳럌W啯龎其㞞螗앉鱳쾑仳◘ꑷꄮუ㎂ᡏ硢寞썼㯷榵哯뱨떎榣鶵觼멇$◽嵿뇟�⚔㓤⊁⻩諵瘸�薪甴ᓜꗸ፫꽴丁衆椫늪슈ᤩ祛㽬醐ꓳ봵⚩盿笠訳ย◱ꀇ톢겞ɡ맺ᓥ쒢ᐐ悎缰灹쿸⻧쳞귉羨䗦癮弾秷�隷⤚婁傓᷃ṙﺡ잺盞㈊✕읅ꤣ�痈꛼ﶒ꓋숉⳪곍鞁瘋ꗕ哽䥅쐑笅㜮✱똚쀐봪翷쯶ⰽ듆᳟ꚛ ꙩꙦ钩湴꨺⢤剴㨬矬▕㤡㥭ᬮ줊邖疔ⵊ쮛웊Ⴂᢑ蜶䒽鴥鍋樎꠺�﬜禆愧窿ꁵ뽆晿맾�立桟ﶆ⧴ᐐ旉黡폟ꮊ瑩ꟶﬥ랗蔈쿭Ἧ澟艍륽ᗖ軲೏髒簒ᗧ⒦洏胸௶슁䲵�ᘽ嬭㷮ᵙᴁ䨁ൠ潃͔熉씟櫺茩ᐌ䎿鲸薎싳門ȫ첝䙬僯䷴㱈箪알콄힃힥꼊漶矛ꉠ樐⦎䀅擩ﱗ殱罼획靍皔剼䕮仂�꒕⻕溃ၛ䯩捃濒ᓦ㑖�㸼便藅Ḃ䆛棯Ɪ㬾뤗䇎㬗踒彼䵨䭝֩彶큿浕궀ж푊伤馴꭪ﲯ�ỵ䚰饡軲혬耡薏䧂찓㦦춻㕴싕袎䁬廬럾ᘢ鉏내⊵叄㡹盻굹 ꝥ̟렝守뮓㙥⢘세긽롤哠衟囖⿪㄂멮퇏䪌�粄繪黺瘵頺喁�ᅀ鈸ꮱ扟廏篍싕녠ꣻ䋩鼁棃羮饕⽷擣�鈤냢䞎腃쎶ﮆ샵ꧮ뙡ǘ⺖䐈贎쉕邫ႈ䜃燞�鏋ಃⅣ鐐丂讜⪪贎ᄘ胙繄ᨌ젝䦚ᴻꇡゥꭼ�待阫㢖煖ꁖ頃⠨㵚茲�⺐�礈T㓈煊孃霗蘧櫃奻ヸ䋫囬짏㡆ꇹ誸〡騸憨晬ᰙ㑽㿢ꗹ宯ㄮ喻๟馫署銀ⅹ뢑魝穖ᔒ⌑ᚿ쳨礈ࣘ僘榹ﲢᾀ脄慂㠰ผℛఝ벎דּ瀵Ԉ铔損쿕蚉�㋦뉲褁햜铦㟚홀ᵝ銷㬷꬙咒턔ꇰ͏㌂箟䜬㋚⻏潽⨉ꤎ瘔⦑㩩⵸ 䞙﫴ᳵ䜂둡﷭ᳶꂨ몪䱆祕百䉚塌鞀⚙졡茬⧊觠먪⹦ꭾ䉃鱷霼⣱뒯既ᢵ锪盺ꪟ�ᦻ蝉蛷겅ᵟ㏨짇ག㜫⼌졷痑宜솾辞��괠嗧홧乾Ἵ삵織⦈ɫ为肑镖ᒓ뀕濘ㆊㄞ컨揶預㯹᭳刹寏າ肙䪻퀡觕沭믡렋㬳ὁ䃔䔅✓墨๯規讍辏뀻杯뾰躩上㸁៤ᐱ劎ᇄ呔�準謊翞㘠ꃶ㢘닱燱ݱ䟷ڇ딯휳⅒⬨メᑨ㘜쯄ጏ人ớ䤷֎璧릝礌둮国瀭礈迏턭럮졬倀霅뫋ꈤ䒋㚬쥛읉ⰷ枛ꩣ帷茝먜傥댤❭㪫툄뒫糶모렢졐掊阴珄鷺̈́鹐၃㕨欝眧伏漯⽯秏袓ᐸ㸂㧀꾳쒕㰝โ꼥澡㣣似 /庺Ṟ嵳氝唴⠰ሤ肁䛃뽍﨔䖤㴖頧兇텹ὡ��៑舀벜ﴰꌩ㹇פֿ늫鐇⎬鯑냌傱䉗촌∤欞蘈忓꒳ν惷㤥䞁颛켒眙ഓꂉꁢհ熥蚺⛆抦豌☍졨蘡㇓芈蚲㺎뉙篞즌ᏺ〴冨앒ꏟᳫ듶목쩤鉳臵䚜秩踯僳夃䙬⨹℆쪧ﲙ⥮™讯哝쳯쟳뙣츄暝ี੃큕ܠ龅꠪ૣ澥컶ꃙ஽䨼੣鸤繓᣹슃淀慷�᥺��⼟샨谾≰뾠軶ࢾꪊ�垯㣑ẂבṼꎣ鏅毬軧汅ㅜ�쉨ᔸᲴ恴​ӑ㵍眛᎟뻕䠑㧋皛�ฎ珎樘駣氷飡忧쌒兙౅훜괯֜疜홎⧖뉊媓 限䩳맚뷝ऑ蚶誚 㜧䳿墊�袔堝ௗꣁ㤘⾸㧻뜪膤䮹强騝ྯࡄ楒ᗗෝꀡ福旾缠꾷⦄麋һ흥ꑰ⛕鵭⊥鑱儃鿔鸕⥀扫㻳崰ᐤ砈훌韺餅鵿ຈ㾙虯⓭䭫⌋熝䑨콟Ↄ碰骒麦릉閥閕鶍ラ蝏李창뎣얥�瞵좼㩚ଉ獆ᐈ媖Ꮘ脂Ꮇࠌ鑃᣹䁽᎞왓鲖嘄嫱⯜輬鰆癴ꉓӟꃤ튧ɑ撒Ꭷ猷嫫粘ߡ뵕쑛睧㖶ﻞ哫�闺쮁⼖烲㞳⋐褒㱸奞蜉⍁ᐼ輦Љ㘖軶玮᝼⿸ᩙ粰꒾뾌幋燖쬟ꁮ馜聥댂⠻�쵾⩝䝰魰욮豥퀁珋텦㌚ꂼ府ǰꏎྣ䨘ꉻ뛗�喹껴翮졁㞧ᓕ¥쥃뫎㕱䃱聘뎏ꎓﶃ 뭔囉ᵤ椥菛큔눲顲�毝쟃⽓쥝熸컫ꋽ阛푐臻뛼쒼媭偘䎛㠪ꔇ닗碀煖໲灍掁訌鹞帳쬄嬞至⹺⥪旻Ꚁ凑Љ肪珗懽釷柔듥☎鏷⺪珢谹益볚餇즩녱ᇞ珺ˠ觧ቺꜬ껸ᓘ瞵꿿힉輩਋⯲㖩춍౭鬖릭䞐飼ꍳᘷ樉⡳ꋜ⾽ꔺ䂽攇狯稂彸ᣇⅯ�쉟㰄య锲켝걧徺闇Ṻﻡ礍긮䣨胔筍픖瘴㤰腼⑐僺滶傑塱ꮯ龋밾熑틭풅줳等囂㥸㬻熉�炗䷊楊絵獫❓즃糢杲㖈拯�렻䇀�⑜벯ヲ⎕䏝헫빭류ꏾᣆ㴬讞ꯧ䁌壍ʣ{᪬�横മﭷ㲦茗楀ﰖ礘狺繎͹莭ᇅ汼 篺泥⻜杦㍻놭�殣⤩朩ꛏ뮜祎兞惇煷䰧⬒꽨㰭�᭝꼭዗ဖ䗝塍೭彔넓ꗧ줬滗뱾䣘㱶頷諒秗鍐ṧ燀萠။航㥔ၔᑁ悂광墶ꭀ蜭樰蹑浚睇川헚蕪橖녛涎熕䕭઎㵋Ֆએၛꀒ鄠烄୅灎벓盁�㋈垁ﳞ缾쳁쳋緯㻻촏翆멈矪뉄갬葳យ⺽�䝃쬋홯藰ྜྷ旺ᮿ溻흫钨養睡巇鼾ᯱꈄ봇⨃䧝翠ﳟ늡�旧竄䞱橶㒟쪉祼㻖ﺕꆄ룭ⶱ௒낱솕섄☷䖻纁֙⽥㜾峍�붼꙰븥摍莺ퟲﻓ㡱ꢿ骼틟䣹ﶥ嶣顽禮媍큿쩿虵ꕫ춾⭹쿒摺皇䣽௖뽗뭿ꙝ࿻ꭀ ⩩㕞燋Ἤ䀀逑燙ʹ憕퓍柵䰖挦鄽ᓄ眍뽾䭺䖘깶恛䈂�ⶅ箉蘆뾝鳧Ⴍ繈鏩්㨈ᴶ媹௶ﲯ뫔駨߈衂鸎筡毳䖛抝ꧡ㍝槭督想鄘巂�⺉ꪛ�뾈쿋禼霉અ玴僌ݜ墡穻ЇⲆ鍛폣¥뇾喡﷜恰깐ᶮᩃ벵鮯뻔롷亾ꑖ侑䁃ຘퟓﵮ擬允駁毭ᦜ�鹙摡諺誷오濎솴襁戕逸뙒�삼㭲䈷艜嚣湥翟啚낝䁨咡仩ꏨ峨ᢣ࢔뾪逾趦吢眻⯮䥉궯뉆旴Ἑ무뷔穗컐閕ﹱ⾏㏳⠮ꪹ�ꂹ虼뿅ࡐ䲉�窺谭䱍�ᄎ㟰ᗥ뱵뮆儂䒷⿒꩓꘵ᾋ櫒ᨵ媍霩格릫涣ɋ妝졖Ḩ 褬䴸癱厤縬왕팇읥︱�骹㙷ේꜿH旕㤂蛺핶ᦽ鴊⢣蓦稬㨡ﴹ龯ⲟ퟽圏渪꧞뮯惿Ꙁ꩐湍᫡劍邡�ᩚᑯ뵿⽲ਧ�္贒Ṋ㟍谂쬂囉娙廙睊혊餓�䔫옭錻런宅맼৽舂䐠趢䁫쩼궖潯맟כּ檲坡⏯ꦩ峝霡瓶㖶ᕖῧ鷛஼࢝瓏悂ᠯ�뭪弪ꋳ㵢�䙸놳⻳忞�仰⌎凨㦬ꝓﭻ﫸䛧夬纳쇏轏⢜点꺭硅�퇞퇑◙ᝪ䖋훂�윅軳繾뻐睷衬᱙닁섦鴣�໓ꁐ盧�冷뜹_맢둦쟳芽⭽﹒Ⱦ惂묻⹹䶍䩌鏟䗽헉ᆰ�꾩㐷퓯哖껟墼鶃匛鉒ና赞﹝遂錳 㫳ˀ쫊₼ቇᏖ춙ᗌ쟶闬큶叹ᵑ蓦⟅侮铛麞醞噦楍汯띜�菟攉恏ﷺ豜깶鞑쁾蚧ॹ蒗鷨഍玈‑就̽蟦륲诡∢⌢숢�킰禐긁㣶㍺ာ粽憁ᯗ땽躕剼퉐皍�뽹僨琌瓾萄ꕌ퍙౑쌽홏ᨴ࢙澏挢漸每㐘󗆥훻槢茵橓⨥浇帇훨ໆ㟡鴐뼧㵠〘냅Ꙝ裖ୄ챏쪹ᝯ嶵﬿ꑡ룗㘍ᘎ⡭镭㬛㋾硛ŕ⅞㉄䪅﹄˸�照뇦諂霫ᱱ즿廆婤삙秘悯琏䒋煥栜፤ၗ亘�ꛩ鰮ꉰ⬲⯮컐婻玡掀蘔羛鬘✕泓禧ා須餶쉁੕⤡�梕࿧繿⥯๴議鳊눖䎔ᙴ 훇準꾅⟌꿹ⲹ巧뾼愭îᗸ檉䵤竁䰌嵌뽖猡絭物즠ᶏጀ䈙ㆢᒘ혢恣淂䟁͕䖵紫났ޞ놀䁂摈戲㮙铙�貟ン�ར혲ó찀쩯볂茻컺늵蜋�໇鰀賳섺휻쭈Ʝꁳs桰㙿㨚粗滨8ㆀ䷀븭㜫�耟ǎꗀᭅ豊䮝䏏ç叠䩘譡�嚹ﹶ琠촮㮉⣝탧9㓸�簷琩릮ᩇ휻⸪컦⎰㵠ﳀ隼榝鰲뗛讪뺹ࢎ 2. The referencing of previous comments from the MY0 and site visit review are appreciated. Please continue to include/track previous comments and problem areas in monitoring reports. Provide an update on the bank repair areas in MY2. 3. Gage recording and physical documentation of bankfull events noted although wracking was difficult to see in some of the photos. 4. Low species counts in vegetation plots 3 & 4 were noted and hopefully does not represent lower species diversity over a broader area. If any future supplemental planting is needed it is good to note which species are dominating so that variation can be included. Based on our review of the monitoring report and the results of the NCIRT review, we confirm that you have satisfied requirements included in the approved banking instrument and mitigation plan for this site. Accordingly, with this correspondence we confirm the release of credits as shown on the table below and on the attached credit release schedule. The District leger on the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System has also been updated to reflect this transaction. Release Activity MY1 Date of Release 4/15/2024 Stream Credits Wetland Credits Riparian Credit Classification Warm Cool Cold Riparian Non- Non-Coastal Water Water Water Riverine Riparian Riverine - - - - Current Credit Release Request 444.460 - - - - - - - Approved Credit Release 444.460 - - - - - - Credits Not Released (if any) - - - - - - - Total Credits Released to Date 1889.340 - Thank you for your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. Please note that this electronic copy is an official Department of Army notification regarding this transaction. If you have questions regarding this email, please contact me by email at Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil or telephone (828) 933-8032. Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Mitigation Branch (828)-271-7980 Ext. 4234 (828)-933-8032 cell Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribution List From: Davis, Erin B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 6:53 AM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>; Kichefski, Steven L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil>; Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.T.Isenhour@usace.army.mil>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd@epa.gov>; Hamstead, Byron <byron_hamstead@fws.gov>; Polizzi, Maria <maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>; Merritt, Katie <katie.merritt@deq.nc.gov>; Friedman-Herring, Andrew <andrew.friedmanherring@deq.nc.gov>; Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Dave McHenry <david.mchenry@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Kristi Suggs <ksuggs@wildlandseng.com>; Andrea Eckardt <aeckardt@wildlandseng.com>; Kirsten Gimbert 2 <kgimbert@wildlandseng.com> Subject: Notice of Year 1 Monitoring Report Review and Credit Release Request / WEI Catawba 01 UMB - Double Rock / SAW-2020-01532 / Alexander County Hello IRT, The below referenced bank Sponsor has submitted an Annual Monitoring Report for NCIRT review and is requesting a release of credits. The Annual Monitoring Report has been posted to the RIBITS Cyber Repository. This review will follow the process outlined for Credit Release Approval in the 2008 Mitigation Rule (Section 332.8(o)(9)), which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from the date listed in this email notification, or 15 days after a site meeting, if required (see below). Please provide any comments by 5 PM on the comment deadline shown below in bold. Comments provided after the 15-day comment deadline may not be considered. Within 30 days of the conclusion of the IRT review period (comment deadline), a copy of all comments will be provided to the bank Sponsor and the IRT along with District Engineer's credit release determination. Review Timeline*: 15-Day IRT Comment Start Date: February 25, 2024 Site Meeting Date/Time: NA Site Meeting Location: NA 15-Day IRT Comment Deadline: March 11, 2024 45-Day Credit Release Approval Deadline: April 10, 2024 *Note: If it has already been determined that a site visit will be conducted, meeting info will be shown above. If a site visit is requested during the review period, the deadlines will be extended and comments will be due 15 days following the date of the site meeting. Project Information: Sponsor: Wildlands Holdings VI, LLC Bank Name: Catawba 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank Site Name: Double Rock Mitigation Site USACE ID: SAW-2020-01532 River Basin: Catawba HUC: 03050101 County: Alexander Sponsor POC: Wildlands Engineering, Kristi Suggs, ksuggs@wildlandseng.com USACE Project Manager: Steve Kichefski, Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil USACE Mitigation Specialist: Erin Davis, Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil Credit Release Activities: Year 1 Annual Monitoring Credit Release Requested: 10% of total stream credits = 444.460 Warm Water Stream Credits RIBITS Cyber Repository Link: https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:278:10088690309046:::RP,278:P278_BANK_ID:5788 Please note that you must be logged in to access documents in the cyber repository. When submitting comments please indicate if you are requesting a site visit. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you, Erin 3 Erin B. Davis Mitigation Specialist, Regulatory Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (919) 930-1887 work cell 4