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United States Department of Agriculture 360-CPS-1
Natural Resources Conservation Service
CODE 360
The decommissioning of a facility where agricultural waste has been treated or stored, and is no longer
used for the intended purpose.
The practice is implemented to—
Protect the quality of surface water and groundwater resources.
• Mitigate air emissions.
• Eliminate a safety hazard for humans and livestock.
• Safeguard the public health.
This practice applies to an agricultural waste facility or livestock production site that is no longer needed
as a part of a waste management system and is to be permanently closed or converted for another use.
These facilities include liquid/dry waste storage or treatment facilities, confined animal housing, feedlots,
livestock yards, and animal mortality or composting facilities.
This practice applies where impoundments that are to be converted to fresh water storage meet the
current NRCS conservation practice standard to which the impoundment is proposed to be converted.
This practice applies to rehabilitation of soil contaminated by agricultural wastes that have been stored or
treated onsite.
This Practice does not apply to an agricultural waste facility that will be expanded or rehabilitated. Use
NRCS Conservation Practice Standards (CPSs)Waste Storage Facility (Code 313) or Waste Treatment
Lagoon (Code 359), respectively, for rehabilitated or expansion of an existing waste storage facility or
treatment lagoon.
This practice does not apply to the demolition of components such as confined animal housing,
feedbunks, or fencing. Use NRCS CPS Obstruction Removal (Code 500)for structures not directly
transferring or controlling manure to waste facility.
This Practice does not apply to sites contaminated by materials that require the issuance of a hazardous
waste permit, such as fuel or pesticides.
NRCS reviews and periodically updates conservation practice standards. To obtain the current NRCS, NC
version of this standard, contact your Natural Resources Conservation Service State office or October 2023
visit the Field Office Technical Guide online by going to the NRCS website at
https://www.nres.usda.gov/and type FOTG in the search field.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer,and lender.
General Criteria Applicable to All Purposes
All Federal, State, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) requirements, shall be adhered to during the closure of a waste facility.
Waste transfer components that convey waste materials to a treatment or storage facility and facility
components that provide drainage from the waste facility shall be removed. Replace transfer components
with compacted earth material or otherwise render transfer components unable to convey waste.
To the maximum extent practicable, remove all agricultural waste and associated materialsthat could
negatively affect water or air quality, or pose a safety hazard. Utilize all liquid, slurry, sludge and solid
waste, and soil removed from the facility in accordance with NRCS CPS Nutrient Management(Code
Use precautions (fencing and warning signs)where necessary to ensure that the facility is not used for
purposes incompatible with the facility modification.
Erosion and pollution control
For facilities that receive surface runoff flows including flows generated within the facility footprint, soils
and hydrology analysis shall be completed to quantify expected runoff and plan/design appropriate water,
erosion, and grade stabilization controls.
Revegetate or treat all disturbed areas with other suitable measures used to control erosion and restore
the aesthetic value of the site. Treat areas not suitable for revegetation through normal cropping practices
in accordance with applicable NRCS erosion, grade, and water control CPSs including but not limited to
Grade Stabilization Structure (Code 410), Grassed Waterway(Code 412), Diversions (Code 362),
Mulching (Code 484), and Critical Area Planting (Code 342).
Liquid and slurry waste removal
Agitate and pump all liquid and slurry wastes to the maximum extent practicable. Add water as necessary
to facilitate the agitation and pumping. Utilize the wastewater in accordance with NRCS CPS Nutrient
Management (Code 590).
If the bottom of the lagoon or structure at the actual time of closure will support earth-moving equipment, it
must be scraped. Soil stability for earth-moving equipment shall be determined and documented at the
actual time of closure by an NRCS qualified Engineer, or an NRCS qualified Technician, or a state
qualified technical specialist. For lagoons or structures that are not to be scraped due to documentation
that the bottoms will not support earth-moving equipment as determined at the actual time of closure, the
depth of"agitated"waste material remaining in the lagoon or structure at the actual time of closure may
not exceed a maximum depth of one (1)foot.An NRCS qualified Engineer, or an NRCS qualified
Technician, or a state qualified technical specialist shall verify and certify the sludge has been
satisfactorily removed."
Sludge removal
During sludge removal operations, the integrity of the liner shall be maintained, if one is present. Remove
sludge to the maximum extent practicable and utilize in accordance with NRCS CPS Nutrient
Management (Code 590).
Impoundment closure
Three options are associated with the decommissioning of liquid waste impoundments. Use one of the
following options.
Breach embankment impoundments
Embankment impoundments (those with a depth of water at the design water level of 3 feet or more above
natural ground) may be breached so that they no longer impound water. Liquid sludge waste shall be
removed from the impoundment before breaching the embankment. Grade the embankment material into
October 2023
the impoundment area, and vegetate the area for another use or retain the embankment if the
impoundment area surface has been sufficiently cleaned so that runoff leaving the site would not be
considered contaminated by the wastes. Remove concrete, pipe appurtenances, and flexible membrane
liners or render the membrane liner unable to impound water. Properly dispose of removed concrete,
pipe, and membrane liner materials. Design stable side slopes and bottom of the breach for the soil
material involved. Three horizontal to one vertical (3:1) is the steepest side slope allowed for a finished
breach slope.
Backfill excavated impoundments
Excavated impoundments may be backfilled so that the area is unable to impound water and may be
reclaimed for other uses. Liquid and sludge waste shall be removed from the impoundment prior to
backfilling. Remove and properly dispose of concrete, pipes,flexible membrane liners, and any other
structures or materials associated with the impoundment. Backfill the excavated area to a design height a
minimum of five percent above the finished grade to allow for settlement. Construct the top 1 foot of the
backfill using the most impervious soil material readily available and mound the fill to shed precipitation
runoff without causing erosion. Incorporate available topsoil where feasible to aid the establishment of
Conversion to fresh water storage
Converted impoundments shall meet the requirements as set forth in the appropriate NRCS CPS (e.g.
Pond (Code 378))for the intended water storage purpose. Use the National Engineering Manual (NEM),
Section 501.23 for the investigation of structural integrity if the original impoundment was not constructed
according to NRCS standards. Liquid and sludge waste shall be removed from the impoundment prior to
conversion. When it is not practical to remove the sludge from a waste impoundment that is being
converted to fresh water storage, the impoundment must not be used for fish production, swimming, or
livestock watering until the water quality is adequate for these purposes.
Alternate Method of Closure
There are existing lagoons/structures that may be closed by the following alternate method.
This alternative closure process consists of vacuum dredging the sludge and leaving the liquid.
Lagoons/Structures which have a liquid waste analysis of more than 40 parts per million of total N before
sludge removal cannot be closed by this alternate method.
Locations on the lagoon/structure bottom where sludge is 0.2 foot or greater must be dredged. Where the
sludge is less than 0.2 foot in depth, dredging is not required.
Sludge must be removed to the maximum extent practicable on the slopes, but in no case shall there be
more than 0.2 ft. of sludge in the bottom when finished.
The lagoon/structure must be converted to fresh water storage. Spillways, if required under this standard,
must meet the requirements of the Pond Conservation Practice Standard (Code 378) and have adequate
soils and hydrology analysis to properly design structure appurtenances including but not limited to
principal and auxiliary spillways.
Required documentation for the above criteria includes:
A liquid waste analysis performed by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
(NCDA&CS)or other accredited lab. The sample shall be taken by Division of Soil and Water
Conservation (DSWC) staff, Division of Water Resources (DWR)staff, or NRCS staff with a WUP/NM
designation as a technical specialist.
A survey of the lagoon/structure showing the bottom elevation and depth of sludge before and after
dredging using a "sludge judge" or other measuring device made for this purpose, on a 25 foot grid, or
October 2023
closer, if needed to show true size and volume of sludge. The survey and volume computations shall be
signed by a technical specialist with the SD or SI designation.
A representative from Division of Water Resources(DWR), Division of Soil and Water Conservation
(DSWC), or an NRCS qualified Engineer, or an NRCS qualified Technician must verify that the sludge has
been satisfactorily removed.
Fabricated liquid waste facilities
Fabricated liquid waste facilities must be demolished, disassembled, or otherwise altered so they no
longer impound water. Temporarily store disassembled materials such as pieces of metal, concrete, etc.,
in such a manner that they do not pose a hazard to animals or humans.
Bury demolished materials onsite or move material offsite to locations designated by State or local
officials. If buried onsite, cover the materials with soil to a settled depth of at least 2 feet. Backfill finished
grade must exceed the finished design height by a minimum of five percent to allow for settlement.
Mound the backfill sufficiently to divert runoff from the site after the backfill settles.
Dry waste storage or treatment facilities
Remove walls and other structural members or otherwise render the site unsuitable for stacking or treating
Determine the depth of soil remediation by evaluating the soil at dry waste facilities such as confined
animal housing, feedlots, livestock yards, or composting facilities with earthen floors.
Include laboratory analyses of the soil profile in the evaluation for any nutrients needed to determine the
required depth of rehabilitation. Take soil samples at multiple locations and depths within the facility. Take
one sample per depth interval per acre, of the area being decommissioned with a minimum of three
samples per depth interval. Samples taken for each specified sampling depth interval may be
consolidated into a single set (e.g., three samples taken at the 0-to 6-inch-depth interval may be
consolidated into a single sample for testing). Collect, prepare, and test soil samples in accordance with
NRCS CPS Nutrient Management(Code 590).
Use the results of the soil analysis to prepare a plan to recover the site for its intended use. Utilize the
following site appropriate options, if needed:
• Adjust pH to restore desired crop growing conditions.
• Plant salt-tolerant plants to restore the site to desired crop conditions. Monitor the harvested
vegetation for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium removal.
• Select plants and erosion control practices to minimize phosphorus transport from the site and
facilitate remediation of excessively high phosphorus levels.
Although in-situ processes are the preferred method for adjusting the soil conditions, removal of a portion
of the soil may be necessary. Land apply the removed soils in accordance with NRCS CPS Nutrient
Management (Code 590). Grade or backfill the excavated areas to shed rainfall and prevent ponding of
runoff. Where feasible, use available topsoil to aid in the establishment of permanent vegetation.
Where practical, conduct preclosure soil and water(surface and subsurface)testing to establish baseline
data surrounding the site at the time of closure. Establishing baseline data can be used in the future to
address soil and water issues.
Where a dense mat of floating vegetation covers the surface, reduce pumping effort to empty waste
impoundments by first applying herbicide to the vegetation and then burning the residue. Obtain
appropriate permits before burning. When conducting burning, take necessary actions to ensure that
smoke is managed to minimize impacts to downwind populations.
October 2023
Alternative methods of sludge removal may be required where the impoundments contain large amounts
of bedding, oyster shells, soil, or other debris.
Minimize the impact of odors associated with land-applying dry wastes or with agitation, emptying, and
land-applying wastewater and sludge from a waste impoundment by conducting these operations at a
time when the humidity is low, when winds are calm, and when wind direction is away from populated
areas. Adding chemical and biological additives to the waste prior to agitation and emptying can reduce
odors. Odor impacts from land application can also be mitigated by using an incorporation application
Minimize agitation of the wastes to only the amount needed for pumping to reduce the potential for
release of air emissions.
Soil used to fill excavated areas should not come from important farmlands such as prime, statewide,
local, or unique farmlands.
If testing of soil around the facility indicates a need for remediation, use an appropriate NRCS CPS for
planning and implementation.
A breached embankment may detract from the overall aesthetics of the operation. Remove the
embankment and return the site to its original grade.
Disassembled fabricated structures may be suitable for assembly at another site. Take care during
closure to minimize damage to the pieces of the facility, particularly coatings that prevent corrosion of
metal pieces.
Take measures during closure activities to minimize site erosion and pollution of downstream water
resources. This may include such items as silt fences, haybale barriers, temporary vegetation, and
To minimize potential impacts to livestock, such as nitrate poisoning, initiate a testing and monitoring
program of nutrient levels in crop products, particularly livestock feeds, harvested from sites of closed
animal confinement facilities.
Consider revegetating using species or diverse mixes that are native or adapted to the site and have
multiple benefits. Native species may be used when appropriate for the site. To benefit pollinators and
other wildlife, flowering shrubs and wildflowers with resilient root systems and good soil-holding capacity
also should be considered for incorporation as a small percentage of a larger grass-dominated planting.
Where appropriate consider a diverse mixture of forbs to support pollinator habitat.
Prepare plans and specifications that describe the requirements for applying the practice to achieve its
intended use. As a minimum, include—
• A plan map showing the location and extent of the practice.
• NRCS Job Classification for each planned conservation practice and an overall project job
• A plan view of the layout of the waste facility's existing grade and final design grade including
topographic elevations and locations of survey benchmarks.
• Typical profiles and cross sections of the site as needed. These shall include original and planned
• Structural drawings including pipes and grade stabilization structures, details, and notes adequate
to describe the construction requirements.
• Requirements for erosion, grade, and water control measures and structures as needed. This may
include details for(but not limited to) Grade Stabilization Structures (Code 410), Grassed
October 2023
Waterways (Code 412), Diversions (Code 362) Mulching (Code 484), Critical Area Planting (Code
342). For vegetative establishment, list species, planting dates, densities, planning procedures,
amendments, etc.
• Pertinent elevations of the closed facility and excavation limits.
• Number, capacity, and quality of facility and estimate of soil and waste volume to be moved.
• Estimate of demolition quantities (concrete, etc.)to be removed or buried.
• Location of known utilities.
• Requirements for salvage and disposal of structural materials.
• For facilities that receive any surface runoff flows including flows generated within the facility
footprint, hydrologic analysis shall be completed to quantify expected runoff and plan/design
appropriate erosion, grade, and water control designs.
• Hydraulic design documention for any water control structures associated with closure.
• Vegetative requirements.
• Waste utilization plan for animal wastes and soil.
• Copy of the liquid and sludge waste analysis performed by the North Carolina Department of
Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS)or other accredited lab.
• Copy of the sludge survey analysis conducted indicating liquid and sludge volumes to be removed.
• Copy of soils sample reports for each application location.
• Copy of PLAT results for each application location.
• Odor management or mitigation requirement.
• Safety plan requirements. Note: Per Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
confined space entry protocol, there will be NO entry of personnel into the confined space of an
enclosed waste facility without breathing apparatus or taking other appropriate measures.
Develop an operation and maintenance plan that is consistent with the purposes of the practice, its
intended life, safety requirements, and the criteria for its design.
The proper decommissioning of a waste facility and rehabilitation of any contaminated soil a waste facility
requires little or no operation and maintenance.
For the conversion of a waste facility to any other use, such as a fresh water facility, the operation and
maintenance will be in accordance with the appropriate NRCS CPS for the intended facility conversion
Rice, J.M., D.F. Caldwell, and F.J. Humenik. Ed. 2006. Closure of Earthen Manure Structures in Animal
Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White
Papers, pp. 263-282. ASABE. Pub. Number 913C0306.
October 2023
SHWT Elevation
SHWT Elevation = 33.88 ft.
SHWT Elevation = 33.29
Bottom of Lagoon - r,
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SHWT Elevation = 35.35 ft. / K=
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SHWT Elevation = 35.29 ft.
SHWT Elevation = 34.10 ft.
SHWT Elevation = 35.84 ft.
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Amick Lagoon Closure Date: November 1, 2023
Location: Near 760 Sides Rd., Albemarle,
Legend SOIL INVESTIGATION - ELEVATION OF SHWT NC (GPS Coordinates: 35.281, -80.2468)
0 Soil Borings STANLY COUNTY, NC Map Created by: Patrick Mitchell, LSS
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Steve Troxler North Carolina Department of Agriculture David Williams
Commissioner and Consumer Services Director
Division of Soil and Water Conservation
Environmental Services Section, Soil Interpretive Services
Soils & Water Table Elevation Investigation Report
Report Date: November 3, 2023
Date of Investigation: November 1, 2023
Project: AFO Lagoon Closure -Amick Farm
Obiective of Soils Investigation: To characterize soils and establish the depth to water table in
the area of the existing lagoon as part of a lagoon closure project.
Soil Scientist: Patrick Mitchell, LSS—NCDSWC
Others Present: Michael Shepherd—NCDSWC; and Grayson Sarif—USDA-NRCS.
Location: The site is located near address#760 Sides Rd., Albemarle,NC.
GPS Coordinates: 35.281, -80.2468. See the attached soils map for the areas investigated.
Geology/Parent Material: The site is located within the Carolina Slate Belt Soil System of the
NC Piedmont. The parent materials consist of alluvium from slates, siltstones, and sandstones.
Topography/Soils: The lagoon is situated adjacent to the floodplain on Long Creek. The NRCS
Soil Survey shows the area primarily mapped as Oakboro silt loam, 0 to 2% slopes (OaA), and
Chenneby silt loam, 0 to 2% (CfA); with minor inclusions of other soils in each area.
The onsite soils investigation indicates that the Oakboro soil series and Shellbluff soil series
predominate the areas immediately adjacent to the toe of the lagoon embankment.
Field Work: A total of eight hand auger borings were advanced to characterize soils and to
determine the depth to water table. No soil borings were placed in the floor of the lagoon due to
the liquid levels present in the lagoon bottom. The north end of the lagoon was not investigated
due to the large depth of existing fill material in place. Auger borings were placed immediately
adjacent to the toe of the lagoon embankment, in natural ground. The locations of soil borings can
be found on the attached map.
Results and Recommendations: The investigation found that most of the soils surrounding the
lagoon have the presence of a seasonal high water table (SHWT). The depths to SHWT were
determined based upon soil morphological characteristics described for each soil profile. The
presence of redoximorphic features (i.e., reduction and oxidation) was used to make
determinations. This was accomplished by identifying soil mottling (depletions and
concentrations) utilizing a Munsell soil color book. The presence of depletions with a color of
Chroma 2 or less, and 2%or greater in occurrence indicate extended saturated conditions required
to be determined as a water table. All soil borings were found to be dry at the time of investigation
(i.e., no apparent water table—no saturated soils, no free water).
An elevation survey was completed at the site. Elevation measurements were made at the grounds
surface at each auger boring location and at the top of the dam. These elevations were used with
the respective depths to SHWT for each auger boring to determine the elevation of the SHWT.
Table 1. below shows the elevations of the water table for each auger boring in relation to the
elevation of the lagoon bottom. The lagoon bottom elevation was provided in the as-built drawing
for the lagoon from the facility files.
Water Lagoon
Auger Table Bottom
Boring ID Elevation Elevation
1 34.88
2 33.88
3 33.29
4 33.88 38.00
5 35.35
6 35.29
7 34.10
8 35.84
Table 1. Water Table Elevations vs Lagoon Bottom Elevation.
The elevations shown in the table above suggests that the bottom of the lagoon is above the SHWT.
For questions or comments, contact Patrick Mitchell at 919-280-4332 or at email:
patrick.mitchell(c ncagr`gov.
G �5 G��. M/ �2
Patrick L. Mitchell LSS <G N ,,STA 'y
Regional Soil ScientistL�
NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation �-
Attachments: � 1312 �Qv
Soils—SHWT Elevations Map O P.
Daniels, R.B., Buol, S. W., Kleiss, H.J., Ditzler, C.A. 1999. Soil Systems in North Carolina, Technical
Bulletin 314. North Carolina State University, Soil Science Department. Raleigh,North Carolina 27695-
Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center. 2012. Field Book for Describing
and Sampling Soils. United States Department of Agriculture. Lincoln,Nebraska.
North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. 1992. Redoximorphic Features for Identifying Aquic
Conditions. North Carolina State University Technical Bulletin 301. 33 pages.
Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of
Agriculture Handbook 18. (Last modified March 28, 2011).
https:llwebsoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.govIAppIWebSoilSurvey.aspx, retrieved 11/02/2023.
Soil Survey Staff. 2014. Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Twelfth Edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
From: Holcomb,Lee-FPAC-NRCS, NC
To: Geno Kennedy; Brent Rhodes;Josh Amick
Cc: Shepherd,Michael D;Sarif,Grayson-FPAC-NRCS.NC; Patterson,Sierra N;Kirby,Amanda-FPAC-NRCS.NC
Subject: [External]Josh Amick Lagoon-Discussion and Feedback before next week"s visit
Date: Wednesday,November 22,2023 2:01:51 PM
Attachments: imaae001.wmz
20231114 101015 Movie.mD4
Amick Closure Sludge Removal Subsections._ipo_
Soils SHWT Elevation Mai)20231101.pdf
Soils SHWT Elevation Report 20231103.pdf
360 NC CPS Waste Facility Closure 2023.Ddf
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Geno &Josh,
Thank you for setting up the visit for next Wednesday afternoon at the Amick Lagoon Closure Site in
Stanly County. I wanted to touch base with a few items before we all meet and use our time on site
wisely. I haven't provided any type of feedback to Mr. Amick since last Tuesday's visit. I've
conversed mostly with Grayson Sarif as he is the local NRCS field staff, so if you have done some of
the things below then I apologize for duplicative emailing. Hopefully with the small video clip it
won't go to junk/spam folders for most. See my comments below:
1. At least two new samples were taken before land applying began. Grayson Sarif was provided
the sample data for sludge and liquid from Dennis. Grayson is updating the closure plan with
those new samples and edited fields in order to have the most recent revision of the close-out
plan for you to provide Sierra Patterson with NC DEQ. I will sign as the Designated Technical
Specialist with the final revision and Grayson will provide that to you for your records. It is my
understanding you or one of your staff will have all the closeout application records thus far
for Sierra to review next Wednesday. An additional waste sample of the sludge material
needs to be taken for land application records of this material as will be of a different nutrient
value, if not already done.
2. Next week, with this meeting, are you proposing that the lagoon is fully closed to NRCS 360
Practice Standard for Waste Facility Closure? If so, what criteria are you proposing has been
fulfilled in order to consider the lagoon closed? Are you proposing it be closed by having less
than a foot of agitated material left in the lagoon? Are you proposing to have the bottom and
side slopes scraped clean? Myself or another Designated State Technical Specialist will be the
one to do the final sign off on the closure method.
3. Last Tuesday, November 14th, we (Grayson, myself,Josh, Amanda Kirby, and grading and
manure haulers) were on-site to witness the beginning of scraping the bottom of the lagoon
and removing the remaining solids. The grading contractor tested the most NW portion of
the lagoon. Initially the bulldozer rode on top of existing sludge. It was difficult to ascertain
how much sludge remained and what was the solid bottom of the lagoon. The grading
contractor was able to move back and forth and pushed some slurry material and some soil
material from the bottom of the lagoon. I've attached a short video to show a portion of the
moving back and forth of the equipment in the NW corner. It appears that the bottom of the
lagoon in this NW section will support earth moving equipment and the bottom and sides
must be scraped according to NC NRCS 360 standard.
4. Due to the size of the lagoon it could take extensive time to remove the solid/slurry as it is my
understanding the side slinger being made available for land application will hold 5 tons or
less of material. I told Mr. Amick last Tuesday that there is a lot of work left to do to remove
the remaining solids/slurry material. Water was added after last Tuesday's visit to help with
further agitating the remaining solids in an effort to reduce the amount of solids needed to be
removed via grading equipment. Application through honey wagons is much more cost
effective than moving 5 tons of solid material at a time through a side slinger.
5. Stanly SWCD and NRCS staff then used a basic laser level survey to estimate the amount of
sludge still remaining in the NW portion where the equipment had been operating. We
estimated on-site that there was greater than a foot of sludge remaining in the testing section
of the lagoon. The estimate was around 14-18". There was no safe way to estimate the
amount of sludge remaining in the middle and other portions of the pond.
6. Due to the 9 acre site, it presents a challenge in how to remove the remaining solid/slurry
sludge on the bottom. It will require extensive grading with an experienced operator to find a
way to move the remaining solid/slurry material via dump trucks, excavators, side slinger to
fully scrape the bottom and sides clean for final inspection. The attached soils report shows
Patrick Mitchell's, Licensed Soil Scientist, soils analysis from November 1st, 2023. As you can
see there was no free standing water in any of the soil boring holes and the closest "Seasonal
High Water Table" (SHWT) showing redoximorphic features was within 2.16 ft of the bottom
of the lagoon. This would lend itself to support that the bottom of the pond should support
earth moving equipment and it should be scraped clean. The best approach to accomplish
this may be to section off the lagoon into smaller subsections to better isolate the sludge and
remove it versus trying to push all of the sludge to one area to be loaded out. The attached
map is just an idea, and shows roughly 1.25 acre sections. I can't emphasize enough that
someone with extensive experience to handle a job this large will be critical.
7. On site during November 14th visit it was evident that there was a buildup of sludge around
the NW portion of the lagoon side slopes that was at least calf high with a pair of muck boots
on. It is my understanding that the agitators were used last week to help with cleaning some
of the sludge buildup? We still need to ensure that there is no sludge left on the side slopes.
8. The plan to convert to a freshwater pond or breach the dam has been unclear since the
beginning of the lagoon closure. Please indicate which method of closure will be done at time
of completion so we can plan accordingly. I understand Mr. Amick will need to make that final
decision. If conversion to a freshwater pond is the method decided, then a Licensed
Professional Engineer must design the conversion and then an NRCS engineer must review
and approve the design before the closure is considered complete and the wet poultry
CAWMP permit rescinded by NC DEQ.
I understand this is a lot of information to review and offer feedback. I wanted to begin the
conversation and get appropriate feedback so we're more aware of how next week's discussion
should be directed. Amanda Kirby, Stanly SWCD, had been omitted from earlier emails and I just
now remembered to add her to the discussion. I believe everyone listed on this particular email
chain will be the ones present next week. If you want to include anyone else back into the
discussion feel free to add them with a reply. A lot of work has been done to this point, and I look
forward to the discussion in how to finish this job.
I will be out of the office the rest of the week, but will return to the Salisbury Area Office Monday
after lunch. I will be checking emails while on Leave. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
Lee J. Holcomb
Assistant State Conservationist—Field Operations, Area 2
Level III Certified Planner/CNMPS
North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service
Farm Production and Conservation(FPAC)
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office: (704) 680.3684
Cell: (252) 370.0318
Email: Lee.Holcomb(&,,usda.gov
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